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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les procédures de reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité : étude comparée des justices pénales française et anglaise / Guilty plea procedures : a comparative study of the French and English models of criminal justice

Taleb, Akila 18 September 2013 (has links)
L’analyse des procédures de reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité en droit français et en droit anglais peut, de prime abord, sembler poser un certain nombre de difficultés. En effet les modèles inquisitoire et accusatoire de justice pénale, de par leurs spécificités, ne paraissent se prêter que difficilement à une telle étude comparée. Cependant cette affirmation n’est plus à l’heure actuelle, en raison notamment de la construction européenne, entièrement exacte. Les modèles de justice pénale dans la plupart des Etats de droit ne répondent plus à la dichotomie initialement posée et tendent progressivement à converger vers un modèle commun au sein de procédures pénales mixtes fondées essentiellement sur les principes du contradictoire et du procès équitable. C’est dans ce contexte qu’il convient de se pencher sur la notion de reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité. Celle-ci tend à s’affirmer au gré des réformes législatives, devenant ainsi un véritable outil de politique criminelle visant à davantage d’efficacité de la procédure pénale, par une plus grande célérité dans le traitement des affaires pénales. Toutefois, en France comme en Angleterre, le recours croissant aux procédures de reconnaissance préalable de culpabilité nécessite une modification structurelle et organisationnelle de la justice pénale. En conséquence et s’agissant de l’évolution globale des systèmes de justice pénale, une tendance générale se profile érigeant l’autorité des poursuites au rang de pivot central du processus judiciaire. Des garanties doivent donc être offertes afin de conserver une procédure pénale d’équilibre, à la fois efficace et légitime. / The analysis of guilty plea procedures, in French and English laws, seems, on a prima facie ground, to raise some issues. The inquisitorial and the accusatorial model of criminal justice do not, due to their respective specificities, easily leave a breathing space for any comparative study. Yet, taking into account the European expansion, this assertion does not remain, nowadays, entirely true. Models of criminal justice, in most States governed by the rule of law, do not longer meet the initial dichotomy and gradually tend to be unified towards a standard model within “mixed” criminal justice systems essentially based on the adversarial and fair trial principles. In this perspective, the notion of pre guilty plea needs to be clarified. This notion asserts itself alongside with legislative reforms, thus becoming a genuine tool of criminal policy aiming at a better efficiency in the criminal process through a more prompt handling of criminal offences. Nevertheless, both in France and in England, the increasing resort to pre-guilty plea procedures requires a structural and organisational modification of criminal justice. As a consequence and regarding the global evolution of criminal justice systems, a general tendency has emerged introducing Public Prosecution authorities as the linchpin of the process. Safeguards should be provided in order to maintain a well-balanced criminal justice process, both efficient and legitimate.

Förtal mot juridisk person och bristen på effektiva rättsmedel i svensk rätt : Ett skadeståndsrättsligt perspektiv / Defamation of Legal Persons and the Absence of Effective Legal Remedies in Swedish Law : From a Tort Law Perspective

Huskanovic, Edina January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Yttrandefriheten utgör en av grundbultarna i en demokratisk rättsstat. I svensk rätt är den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten, reglerad i TF och YGL, starkt förankrad. De inskränkningar som får göras i denna bygger på noggranna överväganden. Att utpeka annan fysisk person såsom brottslig, klandervärd i sitt levnadssätt eller eljest lämna uppgift som är ägnad att utsätta denna för andras missaktning utgör förtal. Förtal är såväl ett yttrandefrihetsbrott enligt 7 kap. 4 § p. 14 TF, som ett brott mot person enligt 5 kap. 1–2 §§ BrB. Det som den svenska förtalsregleringen syftar till att skydda är den objektiva äran: anseendet, det goda namnet och ryktet hos det potentiella offret.   I svensk rätt har intagits en ståndpunkt om att juridiska personer inte är berättigade till ett rättsligt skydd vid förtal, eftersom förtalet inte anses angripa någons anseende. Införandet av ett straffrättsligt ansvar vid förtal mot juridisk person har föreslagits, men avfärdats med motiveringen att det skulle utgöra en omotiverad inskränkning i yttrandefriheten. I vissa utländska rättssystem, vilka upprätthåller en stark yttrandefrihet, åtnjuter juridiska personer dock ett rättsligt skydd mot förtal genom straffrättslig eller civilrättslig lagstiftning. Juridiska personer åtnjuter därtill flertalet grundläggande ekonomiska och personliga fri- och rättigheter inom unions- och konventionsrätten. Av nämnda fri- och rättigheter är rätten till effektiva rättsmedel av särskild betydelse. Därtill är medlemsstater i Europeiska unionen (EU) skyldiga att tillhandahålla effektiva rättsmedel till enskilda för att säkra ett effektivt domstolsskydd. Det har ännu inte prövats huruvida en särskild civilrättslig skadeståndsreglering vid förtal mot juridisk person bör införas i svensk rätt, i syfte att skapa ett effektivt rättsmedel som är mindre benäget att inskränka yttrandefriheten.   I förevarande framställning konstateras att juridiska personer åtnjuter ett kommersiellt anseende och ett rykte som kan bli föremål för kränkningar genom förtal. Skadeverkningarna av förtal är i huvudsak ekonomiska. Svensk rätt, avseende bristen på rättsmedel vid förtal mot juridisk person, är oförenlig med unions- och konventionsrätten, eftersom den riskerar att direkt kränka juridiska personers grundläggande fri- och rättigheter. I svensk rätt existerar en möjlighet att reglera förtal mot juridisk person i skadeståndslagen (1972:207). Direkta ingrepp i den grundlagsskyddade yttrandefriheten undviks därigenom. Det särskilda civilrättsliga skyddet som i förevarande framställning föreslås, bör omfatta ogrundade uppgifter som utgör anklagelser om brott vilka har begåtts inom den juridiska personens verksamhet eller i dennas namn, eller eljest ogrundade uppgifter om specifik omständighet. Det nämnda skyddet mot förtal bör kunna göras effektivt genom införandet av en särskild skadeståndsregel.

Ochrana před diskriminací podle Evropské úmluvy o ochraně lidských práv / Protection against Discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights

Konoplia, Oleksandra January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the examination of the scope of Article 14 of the European Convention of Human Rights, theoretical framework, and legal basis of the concept of discrimination. The paper presents an analysis of the caselaw of the European Court on Human Rights, how the latter operationalises the issue of inequality, and which inaccuracies of interpretation it leaves. The primary aim is to challenge the system of protection against discrimination under the Article 14 as well as the role of the national actors in its development. The thesis examines the level of compliance among signatories of the Convention with its anti- discriminatory provisions and focuses on the individual capacities of the states to satisfy judgements of the European Court on Human Rights. The usage of the comparative approach also helps to analyse the role of local non-governmental organisations in the process of compliance with human rights obligations under the Convention among signatories. The thesis aims to show why the level of protection against discrimination differs from the one country to another and which obstacles they face on the path towards the respect for human rights.

Våldet som inte är straffvärt : Psykisk misshandel i nära relation, rätten till privatliv och staters positiva förpliktelser

Gustafsson, Jennifer January 2022 (has links)
In recent decades, men’s violence against women has been perceived as an increasing problem in our societies. Men’s violence against women are nowadays also classified as a serious crime against human rights. The violence in an intimate relationship between a man and a woman restricts the woman’s sense of freedom and justice. The violence results in violation of the women’s rights to a private life.  It's usually the physical and sexual abuse of women that is the center in legal contexts within the scope of domestic violence against women. It’s therefore necessary to examine other specific forms of domestic violence within the legal scope in Sweden and the European Convention on Human Rights. This study has focused on the psychological abuse against women as a form of domestic violence. The psychological abuse against women is a serious matter in the Swedish society. This study has examined whether the psychological abuse against women is included in the Swedish criminal classifications. It has also examined whether the psychological abuse is, or should, apply within the state’s positive obligations especially in article 8 in the European Convention.  The results of this study have shown that Sweden do not have legal security for all forms included in psychological violence even though it’s such a serious issue in the Swedish society today. It has also shown that the right to privacy and a private life may be one of the reasons why Sweden hasn’t come up with a criminal provision against psychological abuse against women. Women’s right to a private life and freedom from all forms of abuse are therefore not fulfilled under the state’s positive obligations without this criminal provision, according to the positive obligations that article 8 in the European Convention should provide to all individuals.  Key words: Human rights, Women’s rights, State’s positive obligation, Domestic violence, Psychological abuse, Intimate relationship, Private life, European Court, European Convention on Human Rights, Swedish legal context.

Process and Meaning : A Coverian Analysis of Animal Defenders International v. UK and the Procedural Turn of the ECtHR

Skagerlid, Arvid January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, the legal theory of Robert Cover is employed to analyse the procedural turn of the ECtHR. The text studies how Animal Defenders International v. the United Kingdom (ADI) and subsequent case law relate to the margin of appreciation doctrine and how this can be understood from a Coverian point of view. The margin of appreciation is thus seen as a product of an interplay between paideic and imperial forces where the imperial, or world-maintaining, influences on the doctrine are the strongest. ADI and later cases are read as further accentuating the focus on the nomos of the state relative to competing nomoi already at work in the case law of the procedural turn. The thesis is closed with an amalgamation of Cover’s ideas with the democratic theory of Jacques Derrida which results in a discussion on what a Coverian re-evaluation of the approach outlined in ADI could look like.

Climate Change Litigation Based on Human Rights : challenges and possbilities in Sweden

Parling, Isabella January 2021 (has links)
Climate change litigation is expanding at fast speed throughout various jurisdictions around the world. Citizens are taking states’ lack of climate mitigation measures to courts, demanding that more has to be done on the climate crisis. More often now, litigants use human rights based argumentation which relies on international human rights law: human rights treaties, conventions, and precedent from human rights courts. According to litigants, states are therefore seen as both creating and prolonging this threat against the lives of their citizens, violating some of their most basic human rights, such as the right to life. Coupling these human rights obligations with climate treaties such as the Paris Agreement has proven effective when attempting to establish a causal connection between state emissions and climate change’s threat to citizen’s lives. This is sometimes characterized as a global ‘rights turn’ or a ‘greening’ of human rights. While a climate litigation case was denied to be brought up in Swedish courts in 2016, the Swedish government is now in 2021 finding itself tested again. Several children and youths in Sweden are currently suing the Swedish state, claiming that Sweden does not live up to its international human rights obligations. The claim is based on a human rights framing and is more similar to other ongoing or successful climate litigation cases at present time. While also facing a lawsuit as defendants in a case under the European Court of Human Rights, Sweden is now finding itself in the midst of this new phenomenon. Since, however, the issue of climate litigation in Swedish courts is quite new, the results of a new case in Sweden based on different grounds and on the precedent established in other successful cases in other similar jurisdictions, could be different.  The overall purpose of this thesis is to shed light on the intentional human rights obligations that the Swedish state is bound by internationally which can be used in a climate litigation case based on human rights argumentation. The issue at hand is therefore to ascertain what, how and why those obligations concerning the climate and human rights makes it possible or challenging to pursue a case against the Swedish government, and what these obligations entail. If the case is tried in Swedish courts, it will establish the current obligations concerning climate change and its threat to human lives under international human rights law, as well as Sweden’s mitigation duties.

Dialogue of the Courts in Europe: Interactions between the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Courts of the ECHR Member States

Valiullina, Farida 15 December 2017 (has links)
Aufgrund des wachsenden Bedarfs an kohärenter Interaktion zwischen dem Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte, dem Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union und den Gerichten der EMRK-Mitgliedstaaten, untersucht diese Arbeit die Problematik von Kompetenzkonflikten, die die Glaubwürdigkeit der europäischen und nationalen Gerichtshöfe untergraben und die Effektivität des gerichtlichen Rechtsschutzes in Europa schwächen, und schlägt die Lösungen vor, um Rechtsprechungskonflikte zwischen den Gerichtshöfen zu verringern. Es erfolgt eine Betrachtung der Fragen, wie Inkonsistenzen der gerichtlichen Rechtsprechung der europäischen und nationalen Gerichte vermieden werden können, wie der Beitritt der EU zur EMRK angegangen werden kann und wie das Piloturteilsverfahren des EGMR und nationalen gerichtlichen Überprüfungsverfahren wirksam funktionieren kann. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Schluss, dass es für die Koordination der Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Gerichten wichtig ist, ihre Interaktionen zu verstärken, indem bewährte Verfahren auf allen Ebenen ausgetauscht werden. Um eine tiefere Integration der Staaten in die europäische und internationale Gemeinschaft zu erreichen und das Risiko von sich widersprechenden gerichtlichen Entscheidungen zu reduzieren, wird von den Mitgliedstaaten erwartet, dass sie ihre Verpflichtungen aus dem EU-Recht und der EMRK verlässlich erfüllen, und die europäischen Gerichtshöfe werden ihrerseits die Möglichkeit eines Eingriffs in die Souveränität der Staaten ausschlieβen lassen. Nur wenn einvernehmlich beschlossene Lösungen angenommen werden, wird eine größere Kohärenz in Rechtsprechung der europäischen und nationalen Gerichtshöfe erreicht und ein einheitliches System zum Schutz der Menschenrechte gewährleistet. / In light of the growing need to establish a coherent relationship between the European Court of Human Rights, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the courts of the ECHR member states, this study explores the challenges of jurisdictional competition that undermine the credibility of the courts and weaken the effectiveness of judicial protection of fundamental rights in Europe, and suggests ways to reduce emerging judicial tensions between these courts. It examines how to avoid inconsistencies in judicial practices of the European and national courts, how to approach accession of the EU to the ECHR, and how to ensure effective functioning of the pilot judgment mechanism and national judicial review procedures. It concludes that in order to coordinate cooperation between the courts it is important to strengthen their interactions through adhering to best practices at all levels. To pursue deeper integration of states into the European and international community and minimise the chance of rendering contradicting judgments by the courts, member states are expected to comply faithfully with their obligations under EU law and the ECHR, and the European courts shall exclude the possibility of encroachment on state sovereignty. Only if mutually agreed solutions are adopted will a greater consistency in their case law be achieved and a uniform system of protection of human rights ensured.

La circulation internationale des situations juridiques / The transnational movement of legal situations

Bilyachenko, Alexey 12 January 2016 (has links)
La présente thèse part d’une tendance de la jurisprudence européenne, destinée à influencer la jurisprudence nationale de droit international privé, et se trouve dans le prolongement d’un grand débat doctrinal d’actualité. Il s’agit de la méthode de reconnaissance des situations juridiques, qui suppose l’abandon de la règle de conflit de lois. L’objectif est de conceptualiser cette nouvelle méthode et d’en définir le domaine et les conditions de mise en œuvre. Vu les particularités du sujet, la recherche passe nécessairement par plusieurs thèmes fondamentaux du droit international privé mais aussi du droit européen, du droit privé général et de la théorie du droit. / Inspired by a trend in the European case law, which is meant to affect the national ones, the dissertation takes part to a topical debate among European academics on the putting aside the choice-of-law rules. It is about application of so-called recognition method to the foreign legal situations that haven’t been enacted in court. The purpose is to conceptualise this new method and to determine its scope and its modalities. Given the particularity of the task, the study necessarily bears on several pivotal topics of private international law but also of European law, general private law and jurisprudence.

Les contrats et les droits fondamentaux : perspective franco-québécoise

Torres-Ceyte, Jérémie 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Le statut juridique de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme / The legal status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Gambaraza, Marc 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le statut juridique de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'Homme, qui a fait l'objet de controverses lors de son adoption, a évolué depuis. Sur le plan international, la Déclaration universelle fait désormais partie du corpus juridique du droit interne de l'ONU et a été reconnue comme un instrument obligatoire par la doctrine et les organes judiciaires et quasi-judiciaires. Sur le plan national, elle a été incorporée dans de nombreux ordres internes en suivant des dynamiques propres à quatre espaces transrégionaux (Common Law, Amérique Latine, Europe et Afrique). Cette double évolution a modifié le statut intrinsèque de la DUDH, qui fait désormais partie des sources non-conventionnelles du droit obligatoire, bien que certains ordres juridiques refusent d'admettre sa force contraignante. Son applicabilité repose ainsi sur la formulation des droits qu'elle énonce. / The legal status of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was subject to controversy at the time it was adopted, has evolved since then. At the international level, the Universal Declaration has become part of the United Nations legal corpus and has been recognized as a binding instrument by publicists and judicial and quasi-judicial bodies. At the national level, it has been incorporated into many domestic legal systems following dynamics related to four trans-regional areas (Common Law, Latin America, Europe and Africa). This double evolution has changed the intrinsic status of the UDHR, which is now part of the non-conventional sources of mandatory law, though some legal systems deny its binding force. Its applicability is therefore based on the formulation of the rights it contains.

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