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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förbättring av internt logistikflöde på Aven Rabbalshede AB / Improving internal logistics flow at Aven Rabbalshede AB

Bjurbäck, Madelene, Nordberg, Simeon January 2013 (has links)
Detta examensarbete har genomförts på Aven Rabbalshede AB i syfte att kartlägga företagets dåvarande situation i dess interna logistikflöde, för att sedan lägga fram förbättringsförslag som kan implementeras för att förbättra detta flöde. Målet var att reducera trucktrafiken i fabriken med minst tio procent. Aven Rabbalshede AB är ett tillverkningsföretag av lastpallar, träemballage, transportstöd och lådor. Företaget är en del av Avenkoncernen som är en av Skandinaviens ledande tillverkare av lastpallar och träemballage. Aven Rabbalshede AB är den största enheten inom koncernen med cirka 55 anställda och en produktion på cirka 1,3 miljoner lastpallar per år. Företaget hade en bristande struktur och systematik över truckflödet och materialhanteringen vilket har inneburit stora och många mellanlager samt andra svårigheter. Examensarbetet innebar att först och främst kartlägga vad respektive truck gjorde under en arbetsdag för att kunna analysera hur dåvarande situation såg ut. Nästa steg var att undersöka hur stort behovet av trucktransporter egentligen var genom att mäta utflödet och inflödet av material från varje maskin inom fabriken. Materialflödena visade hur ofta en truck behövde transportera material till och från maskinerna. Dessa transportrutter klockades sedan för att se hur lång tid de tog vilket gav en överblick över hur belagda truckarna var i olika scenarion. Detta låg sedan till grund för förbättringsförslaget som var en zonindelning av fabriken där en truck fick ansvaret för en egen zon och ett antal arbetsuppgifter. För att en zonindelning ska kunna implementeras i framtiden krävs det att företaget uppfyller ett antal förutsättningar. Dessa förutsättningar innebär bland annat en förändring till ett standardiserat arbetssätt i den hela interna logistiken. Vid en framgångsrik implementation kommer den interna logistiken för företaget att effektiviseras genom färre trucktransporter, högre säkerhet och lägre kostnader vilket innebär besparingar för företaget. / This Bachelor`s Thesis has been made at Aven Rabbalshede AB in purpose of identify its former position in its internal logistics flow, then make suggestions for improvements that can be implemented to improve this flow. The main goal was to reduce truck traffic inte factory with at least ten percent. Aven Rabbalshede AB is a manufacturing company of wooden pallets, wooden packaging, transport support and boxes. The company is part of the Aven Group, which is one of Scandinavia's leading manufacturer of pallets and wooden packaging. Aven Rabbalshede AB is the largest unit within the Aven Group of about 55 employees and a production of about 1,3 million pallets per year. The company had a lack of structure and systematics in the truck flow and material handling which has brought major and many inventories and other difficulties. The project meant first of all to find out what each truck did during a working day in the current situation in order to analyze how the situation was. The next step was to examine how great the need for truck transport actually was by measuring the outflow and inflow of material from each machine in the factory. Material flows showed how often a truck needed to transport materials to and from the machines. These transport routes was clocked to see how long they took to give an overview of how busy the trucks were in different scenarios. This formed the foundation for the improving proposals which was a zoning of the factory where each truck was responsible for its own zone and a number of tasks. For a zoning to be implemented in the future it requires that the company fulfill a number of conditions. A successful implementation would make the internal logistics of the company more effective through fewer truck shipments, higher security and lower costs.

Future Forests - Vision 2030 : Bachelor Thesis Report - Jenny Holmsten

Holmsten, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Forests cover about 30% of the earth surface and is a vital resource as a habitat for plants, animals and humans. Today climate change and global warming is a fact and something must be done. We burn massive amounts of fossil fuels and during this combustion carbon dioxide is created. To help eliminate this global change we need to start caring about the forests. The forests have a major role in climate change and global warming. It currently contributes to about one-sixth of the global carbon emissions. But today deforestation is a real environmental threat. The world trees are being cut down too quickly for the earth to regenerate new forests. And while the society is moving into a more bio-based economy the pressure of a efficient forest industry and forest regrowth is increasing drastically. A new way of reforestation must happen, a sustainable and natural method must be im plemented. In Sweden and the Scandinavian area the method has had a stagnant development. Is done manually with a standardized procedure not taking natural properties into account. Money often goes over quality. My project will focus on developing a concept that can live up to the upcoming future demands and the environmental aspects that needs to be taken in account to ensure a healthy and sustainable forest. The final result performs an efficient and precise reforestation and enables for a detailed planning and analysis of the area in advanced.

Framtagning av ett fästelementssystem

Byary, Hamza January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on providing innovative solutions to assist workers lacking technical knowledge at Husmuttern AB to assemble its products. The Swedish company produces standardized building-sections that can be assembled to build model-houses, and other forms of buildings in mobile factories. The company’s vision is to provide opportunities for inexperienced labors and newcomers to Sweden, and so playing a positive role in integrating immigrants into the Swedish market and society. To actualize this ambition, this paper aims specifically at developing tools/products that assist unskilled workers to reduce the margin of errors in determining where and how the screws will be placed when combining the wooden beams and plywood boards, which form the building sections.   Semis-structured interviews with workers at Husmuttern AB were conducted to identify problems associated with the working process. Ullman’s product-developing method was employed to develop the facilitative tools. Several concepts were developed and compared in an attempt to find the best solution for the given problem(s), and eventually two proposed products were presented: the first is a template where holes are located to mark where the screws should be placed. The other product is basically an inclined plane with a drill-guide to direct the screw in the correct gradient and prevent the screw from moving through the process.

Vertikaltransportör : Till pappersrullar / Vertical transporter : for paper rolls

Ferreira Neto, Luiz Benicio January 2013 (has links)
This project includes a thesis performed at Karlstad University in spring 2013. The thesis is included in the mechanical engineering program and contains 22.5 university points, which is equivalent to 480 hours of work including self-study.   This work has implemented by the student Luiz Ferreira in cooperation with the firm Camatec Industriteknik AB in Karlstad.   The purpose of this project has been that the company Camatec wants to offer their customers a standard vertical transporter. This transporter must be able to transport paper rolls, which can weigh up to 5 tons, between two floors. The objective with this project has been to prepare a complete set of drawings for a vertical transporter and a price estimate of all its components. This transporter must fit into a given elevator shaft but also be able to adapt into different dimensions.   A vertical transporter has been developed with help of different methods including 3D-modeling, Finite Element Method and strength calculations.   The total development of the transporter has been divided into several areas of constructions: Receiver for paper rolls An existing receiver for paper rolls has been redesigned and adapted into the new construction. Frame A frame has been developed including I-beams, flat bars and hollow structural sections which have been connected with welding and bolts to hold the receiver. Mechanism A mechanism of shaft and bearings, which allow the receiver to rotate so the paper rolls can relief in a facility way, has been designed. Guiding A guiding section has been developed, in which t-grids have been used to guide the transporter along the given elevator shaft. Vibration damper Two ANB 100 vibration dampers with a hardness of 70 Shore have been used to suppress one side of the receiver so it can rotate. Hoist An appropriate rope hoist for this transporter has been discussed with the firm ABUS Kransystem AB in Karlstad. This hoist carries almost the entire transporter.   Standard components are used through the entire project and these have been estimated at an amount of about 306 000 Swedish crowns, where prices for the existing solution of receiver, processing and installation are not included.

Topi - How can we ease allergy vaccination for children in the age of 5-12?

Larsson, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
30% of children and youths in Sweden have some form of allergy disease and for many people medicines are not sufficient. If so, there is a possibility of an allergy vaccination, a three to five-year process where the patients receive 50-80 injections. So what is the main problem? In fact, it is important to understand that the vaccination is something that affects the child in greater extent than just the moment when the syringe is provided. At present, the patient must stay to ensure that he/she does not get an allergic reaction and is feeling well enough to go home. They are constantly questioned about how they feel. But how does a child determine this? How good is good enough? Topi is a system that increases the involvement and transfer responsibilities from the child by keeping track of their well-being and surroundings - while making treatments more fun and safe. The project is funded by Swedish Asthma and Allergy Association´s Research Foundation

The Effect of Harmonics on the Electrical Grid due to Electric Vehicle Chargers

Solander Araúz, Ingemar January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis the effect of harmonics on the electrical grid from electric car chargers, specifically the effect on distribution transformers, is analyzed. The study was performed on the electrical grid of two areas provided by the electrical company Dala Energi. Electric car chargers are added to each customer connected to the electrical grid in both areas to examine the effects of harmonics on the distribution transformers. A model of the electrical grid of each area was recreated and simulated with the open source program OpenDSS. The effects of the added harmonic load on the electrical grid was evaluated in a range from 10% to a 100% of the consumers connected to the grid.  The results of this study show an increase in losses due to harmonic distortion. However, the losses are less significant when the added electric car charger load is distributed between all three phases of the grid compared to one phase. All the added harmonics, except the 9th harmonic, maintain acceptable levels set by The Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate. The impact of the 9th harmonic can be reduced by installing filters. The main conclusion of this thesis is that to reduce the effects of harmonic on the grid the harmonic load should be distributed on all three phases. Also scheduling the charging time of the cars can be implemented to further even out the load variations on the electrical grid.

Fem projekt och deras processer / Five projects and their Development Processes

Stockman, Bo January 2013 (has links)
Fem projekt och deras processer Projekten är ett urval av vad jag ritat under 15 år som praktiserande arkitekt. Avsikten är att belysa en del frågeställningar: Vad har varit de styrande faktorerna? Vad och vilka styr? Vilka var projektens bärande idéer? Projekt: - Ungdomens hus i Rinkeby. Nybyggnad. - Södertälje tingshus. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Radhus i Kv Kippinge, Hjulsta. Nybyggnad. - Rival, Mariatorget, Stockholm. Hotell, biograf och konferens. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Fritidshus på Skäret, Höganäs. Nybyggnad. / Five projects and their development processes The projects are a sampling of what I have designed over 15 years as a practicing architect. The intention is to highlight some questions: What has been the controlling factors? What and whom control? What were the projects supporting ideas? Projects: - Youth House (Ungdomens hus) in Rinkeby. New Construction. - Sodertalje courthouse. Reconstruction and extension. - Rowhouses in Hjulsta, Kv Kippinge. New Construction. - Rival, Stockholm. Hotels, cinema and conference. Reconstruction and extension. - Summerhouse in Höganäs. New Construction.

Sustainability Aspects in ICT Engineering Thesis Works / Hållbarhetsaspekter inom ICT relaterade examensarbeten

Ahmad, Mirwary, Kaur, Birgeet January 2016 (has links)
An evaluation of thesis reports performed by students from the degree programme Computer Engineering, TIDAB, that was made by UKÄ, The Swedish Higher Education Authority, showed that there was a lack of consideration of environmental and sustainability aspects in the thesis reports, leading to many students not meeting the criteria in the degree objectives regarding this aspect. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to improve students’ ability in considering the important aspects of sustainability in their thesis works, by providing them with guidelines which they can follow and implement during their thesis work that will enable them to reach the level ‘Very High Quality’. A literature study was performed thoroughly in conjunction with reviewing previous thesis reports and conducting expert interviews as an approach to find a solution to the problem. The outcome of the analysis was three methods that was developed, which the students can use as guidelines in their thesis work. A set of guidelines, a table with skill sets and the SEMAT Essence Kernel card for sustainable development was the resulting methods that will help the students to at minimum accomplish the criteria for ‘High Quality’ on the objective "Demonstrate an understanding of technology capabilities and limitations, its role in society and people’s responsibility for its use, including social and economic aspects, environmental and safety aspects" when the methods are followed. / En utvärdering av examensarbeten utförda av studenter från utbildningsprogrammet Datateknik, TIDAB, gjort av UKÄ, Universitetskanslersämbetet, visade att det fanns en brist på hänsynstagande till miljö- och hållbarhetsaspekter i rapporterna, vilket ledde till att flera studenter inte uppfyllde kriterierna i examensmålen gällande denna aspekt. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att förbättra elevernas förmåga att ta hänsyn till de viktiga aspekterna av hållbarhet i sina examensarbeten genom att ge dem riktlinjer som de kan följa och genomföra under sina examensarbeten, som gör det möjligt för dem att uppnå nivån ’Mycket Hög Kvalité’. En litteraturstudie genomfördes noggrant i samband med genomgång av tidigare examensarbeten, och intervjuer med ledande experter gjordes, som en metod för att hitta en lösning på problemet. Utfallet av den utförda analysen var tre metoder som har utvecklats, vilket studenterna kan använda som riktlinjer i sina examensarbeten. En uppsättning av riktlinjer, en tabell med kompetenser och SEMAT Essence Kernel kort för hållbar utveckling var de resulterande metoder, som ska hjälpa studenterna att åtminstone uppnå kriterierna för ’Hög Kvalité’ på målet "Visa förståelse för tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar, dess roll i samhället och människors ansvar för dess användning, inklusive sociala och ekonomiska aspekter, miljö- och hållbarhetsaspekter" när metoderna följs.

Termos och kaffepanna för utomhusbruk

Thufvesson, Fabian January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport redogör processen och det slutgiltiga resultatet av ett kandidatexamensarbete vid Mittuniversitetet, Sundsvall. Arbetet har utförts i projektform i samarbete och på uppdrag av företaget Lemmel. Lemmels mission är att erbjuda kokkaffe av högsta kvalité och företaget med tillhörande sortiment (kaffe, kläder, posters etc.) har en stark koppling till naturen och friluftsliv. De önskar komplettera sitt sortiment med en kaffepanna och termos. Uppdraget och syftet med projektet var således att designa och formge en kaffepanna och en termos avsedda för friluftsliv.    Projektet utgår från de tre faserna som ingår i designprocessen, analysfas, kreativ fas och presentationsfas. I den analytiska fasen utforskades vad som var önskvärt för produkterna. Information om produkterna samlades in med hjälp av olika metoder som omvandlades till insikter och avsikter. Dessa insikter och avsikter omsattes i sin tur till konceptidéer i den kreativa fasen. Vidare i den kreativa fasen växte en övergripande bild fram om produkternas utformning genom idégenereringar, användartester med prototyper och analyser.    Avslutningsvis i presentationsfasen presenteras slutgiltiga koncept av en termos och kaffepanna avsedda för friluftsliv där Lemmels identitet och kärnvärden återspeglas. Dessa produkter presenteras både som fysiska modeller samt digitala 3D-renderingar.

Konceptuellt ramverk för lagerlokalisering : – En kvalitativ studie om lagerlokalisering / Conceptual Framework for choosing Warehouse Location : -An qualitative study about warehouse location

Malmerberg, Jacob January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Globalisering har gjort försörjningskedjan till ett komplicerat nätverk med många påverkande faktorer. I försörjningskedjan är valet av anläggningars position viktigt för att företag ska behålla sin konkurrenskraft. Valet av lagerlokalisering har stor påverkan på ett företags framgång.   Problem: Lagerlokalisering är en komplex process med många faktorer som påverkar, att praktiskt tillämpa existerande modeller är komplicerat. Det saknas ett konceptuellt ramverk för lagerlokalisering.  Syfte: Syfte med examensarbetet är att skapa en konceptuell modell för beslutsfattandet för lagerlokalisering för mindre företag, att finna relevanta faktorer samt att praktiskt göra en förstudie för ett företag med verksamhet i Norra Europa. Beräkningar i rapporten är på transportkostnad, lagerkostnad, personalkostnad. Transporttid och kultur är två inre faktorer som tas hänsyn till.  Metod: Metodiken i arbetet sker genom en omfattande litteraturstudie, kvalitativa intervjuer med företaget och externa företag för förståelse och beräkningar. Beräkningar grundas i tyngdpunktsmodellen. Avgränsningar: Casestudien är en förstudie med jämförelse mellan Sverige, Polen och Holland. Fokus ligger på lagerlokalisering, således är inte lagereffektivitet inkluderad. Resultat: Ett konceptuellt ramverk presenteras med 3 huvudfaktorer; Strategi, Ekonomi och Miljö som leder till att beslut kan tas kring lagerlokalisering och flera inre faktorer. Huvudfaktorerna visar generella faktorer som lagerlokalisering måste ta hänsyn till. De inre faktorerna är faktorer som ett företag måste prioritera vilka som ska analyseras.  Resultatet av casestudien visar att transportkostnad är den största kostnadsposten samt att personalkostnad och lagerkostnad är stora poster i Sverige men relativt sett små vid lagerlokalisering i Polen. Optimala platsen för Hydroscand att placera ett centrallager är i nuläget, enligt tyngdpunktsmetoden, i Örebro men med hänsyn till omsättningstillväxt i Östeuropa förflyttas tyngdpunkten mot Stockholm. Det är stor skillnad i kulturen mellan Polen och Sverige vilket visar på att det krävs annat ledarskap i Polen.  Slutsats: Ett konceptuellt ramverk har gjorts som är applicerbar även praktiskt. Ramverket står inte för sig själv utan kräver kompetens inom lagerlokalisering samt övriga modeller. Den ger en bra grund för lagerlokalisering. Casestudien resulterar i material som ger grund till beslut om fortsatta analyser med lagerlokalisering. Praktisk påföljd: Studien resulterar i ett ramverk som är praktiskt användbart för personer och företag som ska se över lagerlokalisering samt redovisar en jämförelse mellan tre olika länder. Ramverket och studien ger en bra grund för fortsatta analyser.   Fortsatta studier: Fortsatt forskning bör ske inom praktiskt tillämpbara metoder för valet av lagerlokalisering. Att reda i vilka modeller som lämpas i olika stadier för företag? Vilka modeller används praktiskt av företag?. / Background: Globalization has made the supply chain into a complex network with many different factors involved. The design of the supply chain and warehouse location is important for the competitiveness of a business. Choosing warehouse location has a major impact on a company’s success. Problem: The decision-making of the warehouse location is a complex process with many influential factors which implicates that effectively applying existing models is complicated. There is lack of a conceptual framework for the decision-making of choosing warehouse location. Objective: The aim for this study is to create a conceptual model for decision-making of choosing warehouse location, finding the key factors and to do a real-life feasibility study for a company with operations in Northern Europe. Calculations are made on the transportation cost, inventory cost, personnel cost. Transportation and culture are two internal factors also taken into account. Methodology: The methodology of the study is through a literature review, qualitative interviews with the case company, and other companies for understanding and calculations. Calculations are based on the gravity model. Boundaries: The case study is a feasibility study with comparisons between Sweden, Poland and Holland. The focus is on warehouse location, thus warehouse efficiency is not included. Results: A conceptual framework is presented with three main factors: Strategy, Economics and Environment. The main factors are general factors whereas the internal factors are more specific. The main factors are always taken into consideration while the internal factors must be prioritized, since there are too many.  The further a company is to making the decision; more internal factors must be taken into account.  The outcome of the feasibility study shows that the transportation costs are the largest cost unit for all of the countries. Personnel and inventory cost are major cost units in Sweden, but relatively small in Poland. The Optimal location for a central warehouse to the case company is currently Örebro, according to the gravity model. As sales grow in Eastern Europe, the optimal location is moved towards Stockholm. There are differences in culture between Poland and Sweden, which indicates the need for different leadership style in Poland. Conclusion: A conceptual framework has been made that can be applied to a real case.  The framework requires some understanding of the process of choosing location for a warehouse since it does not stand on its own. There are other models to be use by combining this framework with others. The framework gives a good basis in the decision-making process of choosing warehouse location. The case study results in material that provides the basis for decisions on further analysis of warehouse location. Practical implications: The study results in a framework that is practical for individuals and companies to review warehouse location, and presents a comparison of three different countries. The framework and the study provide a good basis for further analysis. Further research: Further research should be done within practically applicable methods for the selection of warehouse location. To find out which models apply at different stages of business? What models are used in practice by companies?

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