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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flipped Classroom och Digitala Materiel : En Karaktärisering av Tre Naturvetenskapliga Ämneslärares Användning av Digitala Hjälpmedel

Galeano, Victor January 2018 (has links)
IT- och IKT-kompetens utgör en stor del av såväl internationell som svensk utbildningsforskning och enda sedan 60-talet har regeringen gjort satsningar med ändamål att förbättra lärares och elevers kompetens inom dessa områden. Den internationella strävan är att läroplaner införlivar mål för förbättrad IT- och IKT-kompetens, för att förbereda elever inför en arbetsmarknad som alltmer kräver teknologiska kompetenser. I den svenska forskningen har det visat sig att användningen av IT i den svenska skolan har ökat märkbart de senaste åren. PISA-undersökningen har visat att Sverige har låga resultat i problemlösning och att dessa resultat samvarierar med hög användning av IT. Vidare kompetensutveckling behövs och lärare bör anpassa sin undervisning utefter de teknologiska verktygens närvaro i den svenska skolan. Flipped Classroom är en undervisningsmetodik som innebär en betydande omordning av aktiviteter i den klassiska undervisningen, med avseende på vad som sker i klassrummet och vad som sker utanför klassrummet. Vidare ämnar metodiken att tydligt integrera digitala materiel i undervisningen. Framtida forskning bör undersöka hur Flipped Classroom-lärare väljer att utforma deras videoföreläsningar och övriga datorbaserade instruktioner. Detta examensarbete söker finna svar på hur och i vilket syfte Flipped Clasroom-lärare i de naturvetenskapliga ämnena använder digitala materiel i sin flippade undervisning samt ge en överblick av dessa. Tre naturvetenskapliga ämneslärare som använder Flipped Classroom har intervjuats. Det är alltså intervjuerna som utgör den empiriska grunden för detta arbete. Vidare innefattar detta arbete en konstruktion av en lämplig modell för att karaktärisera Flipped Classroom-lärares användning av digitala materiel. Karaktäriseringen indikerar att övervägande del av de digitala materielen används för datorbaserad instruktion utanför klassrummet. Totalt sett utgör 57 % datorbaserad instruktion och 30 % elev-centrerade aktiviteter i klassrummet. Resterande 13 % består av digitala materiel som till övervägande del består i mjukvaror för automatisk rättning av prov. För de intervjuade lärarna gäller att övervägande del av samtliga materiel används för att förmedla det centrala innehållet i respektive kurser. Men individuella skillnader finns. Totalt sett så utgör ungefär 52 % av samtliga materiel, användingsområden som ämnar att elever antingen ska återge kunskap eller lagra den i långtidsminnet. Det visar sig också att större delen av dessa användningsområden samtidigt innebär omfattande förändringar av undervisningsmoment.

Att förbereda elever för det digitala samhället : En studie om flerformsundervisning, flippat klassrum och fjärrundervisning i engelskundervisning för årskurs 4-6 / To prepare our students for the digital society : A study about blended teaching, flipped classroom and synchronous learning in English teaching for year 4-6

Gaspar, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie är en intervjustudie som presenterar lärares användning av flerformsundervisning (blended teaching), flippat klassrum (flipped classroom) och fjärrundervisning i engelskundervisning. I studien har totalt fem engelsklärare som undervisar i årskurs 4, 5 eller 6 och som använder sig av fjärrundervisning, flippat klassrum och/flerformsundervisning intervjuats. Resultatet har visat att dessa lärare generellt upplever att deras pedagogiska-, ämnes- och tekniska kunskaper inte påverkas om de undervisar med något av det tidigare nämnda eller i en klassrumsundervisningssituation (face-to-face teaching), vilket kan liknas med att undervisning som sker i klassrummet utan tekniska hjälpmedel. I intervjuerna har det även tydliggjorts för vilka tekniska verktyg och pedagogiska metoder som kan användas i flippat klassrum, flerformsundervisning och fjärrundervisning i engelskämnet. Dessutom uttrycker flera av respondenterna att de under utbrottet av covid-19 fått utveckla sina kunskaper om fjärrundervisning och att de dessutom kommer fortsätta med denna undervisningsform när covid-19 är över.

The Effects of the Flipped Classroom Model on Students' Learning in a College English Class in Shanghai, China

Wei, Xiaoying 01 January 2019 (has links)
For many decades, college English teaching in China has been teacher-centered, mainly focusing on the enhancement of students’ four basic English language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, with little attention paid to the cultivation of students’ higher order thinking skills (Tang, 2016; Wang, Xu, & Zhou, 2016). The teacher-centered teaching approach has led to the problem that after having learned English for many years, students cannot speak English fluently (Dai, 2001). There has been a call for promoting the student-centered teaching model in China (NACFLT, 2000). One relatively new approach to support student-centered active learning is flipped instruction (Egbert et al., 2015). In a flipped classroom, the transmission of information in a traditional face-to-face class is moved out of class time, and the class time is devoted to engaging students in active learning to foster deeper understanding of course content and problem-solving skills. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the effects of the flipped classroom model on the learning of Chinese undergraduate students in a college English class. Using a purposeful sampling strategy, I selected a flipped English class in a private college in Shanghai, China, which can be regarded as a pioneer in promoting the flipped classroom model in China. I identified six second-year college students to be my respondents. During the six weeks of study in the fall semester of 2019, I collected data from multiple sources including one individual semi-structured open-ended interview with the instructor and each of the student participants, classroom observation, and documentation such as the teacher’s teaching plans, students’ journal entries, course projects, word maps and worksheets (both online or written ones). With a holistic analysis of the data collected, I explored students’ perceptions of the learning experiences in the flipped college English class, which lent an insight into the effects of the flipped classroom model on students’ learning. This study found that the teacher partly flipped her English class. Most of the learning of vocabulary and grammar was moved out of class. The learning of the articles in the textbook was partly flipped, with the initial understanding of the article done before class and the in-depth text analysis carried out in class. In class time, the teacher created an active learning environment with a variety of activities, encouraging students to think and speak English. The flipped learning tasks prepared students for the active learning in class, and the post-class learning tasks engaged students in further learning and thinking. All the six students regarded the teaching model as “original” and “helpful”. They perceived improved learning in the active learning environment in class. In addition, they perceived enhanced autonomy in learning, improvement in their English listening and speaking proficiency, and opportunities for cultivating higher order thinking skills. However, they were also faced with challenges in learning which they attributed to their low proficiency level of English listening and speaking. There was one outlier who preferred the traditional way of teaching and learning English, though he acknowledged the value of the teaching model adopted in this partly flipped English class.

Flipped Classroom Model Based Technology Acceptance and Adoption Among Faculty Members in Saudi Arabia Universities

Albadran, Norah Fahad, Mrs 14 December 2020 (has links)
No description available.

En potentiell lösning för att kunna mäta en undervisningsmodells påverkan i en datalogikurs / A potential solution to be able to measure the impact of a teaching model in a computer science course

Forsman, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
Inom den högre utbildningen är det fortfarande vanligt att använda traditionella undervisningsmetoder även om det finns andra metoder som går att tillämpa. En faktor som påverkar införandet av nya metoder är digitaliseringen. Många lärosäten använder sig idag av en digital plattform för undervisningen, ibland också flera stycken olika plattformar och där dessa då kräver en teknisk kompetens för att kunna användas på ett bra sätt i undervisningen. Speciellt är kurser inom datalogi som har goda förutsättningar för att kunna nyttja nyare metoder. Dock kräver detta kunskap i metoden, hur de tekniska hjälpmedlen går att tillämpa för kursens ändamål och att man vågar pröva nya metoder i kurser. Målet med denna studie är hitta nya sätt som kan mäta en undervisningsmodells effektivitet. Lösningen kommer att bestå i att undersöka existerande forskning inom området, specifikt implementation av metoden, vad gav metod för effekt och hur denna effekt har mätts. Av den existerande forskningen pekar på att detta är en svår fråga att analysera, det är många faktorer som vi behöver ta i anspråk för att kunna komma till konsensus i hur den potentiella lösningen bör skapas. Den gemensamma faktorn är att det finns en positiv inverkan på studenternas resultat baserat på att det har införts en ny undervisningsmodell. Det vi kom fram till är att skapa en mätmetod som använder studenternas lösningar för befintliga uppgifterna i kursen, genom att vi fick göra ett antal antaganden för de problem som ansågs kunna påverka mätmetoden. Av detta kunde vi sedan dra slutsatser av metodens effektivitet. / In higher education, it is still common to use traditional teaching methods, although there are other methods that can be applied. One factor influencing the introduction of new methods is digitalization. Many higher education institutions today use a digital platform for teaching, sometimes also several different platforms and where these then require a technical competence to be used in a good way in teaching. Especially are courses in computer science that have good conditions for being able to use newer methods. However, this requires knowledge of the method, how the technical aids can be applied for the purpose of the course and that you dare to try new methods in courses. The goal of this study is to find new ways that can measure the effectiveness of a teaching model. The solution will consist of investigating existing research in the area, specifically implementation of the method, what gave method for effect and how this effect has been measured. From the existing research indicates that this is a difficult issue to analyze, there are many factors that we need to take into account in order to be able to come to a consensus on how the potential solution should be created. The common factor is that there is a positive impact on student outcomes based on the introduction of a new teaching model. What we came up with is to create a measurement method that uses the students’ solutions for existing tasks in the course, by making several assumptions for the problems that were considered to affect the measurement method. From this we were then able to draw conclusions from the effectiveness of the method

Implantation de la classe inversée en biologie au collégial : de la motivation et de l’engagement étudiant au processus de développement professionnel enseignant

Gruslin, Edith 10 1900 (has links)
Au collégial, la réussite des étudiant·e·s aux profils et besoins divers pose un défi face auquel certain·e·s enseignant·e·s peuvent décider de répondre en modifiant leurs pratiques. Parmi les modifications de pratique qui peuvent être envisagées se trouve la classe inversée, qui permet aux étudiant·e·s de s’approprier hors-classe des notions à un rythme et moment qui leur conviennent, avant de miser davantage sur l’apprentissage actif en collaboration avec les collègues lors des périodes de classe. Ce changement offre une façon de diversifier les moyens proposés aux étudiant·e·s en vue de soutenir leur réussite, mais est néanmoins complexe à mettre en place par les enseignant·e·s. La présente thèse porte sur la manière dont l’implantation d’un dispositif de classe inversée est vécue par les étudiant·e·s et les enseignant·e·s dans le contexte d’un cours de biologie au collégial. Plus précisément, il y sera question des liens entre la motivation, l’engagement et la perception d’apprentissage chez les étudiant·e·s ainsi que du processus de développement professionnel chez les enseignant·e·s. La motivation sera examinée selon le cadre de la théorie de l’autodétermination (Ryan et Deci, 2017). Celui-ci permettra de considérer différents types de motivation contrôlée et autonomes et de les mettre en relation avec les dimensions affective, comportementale et cognitive de l’engagement (Fredericks et al, 2004) d’étudiant·e·s en classe inversée. Ce cadre motivationnel sera aussi mobilisé pour explorer la satisfaction des besoins fondamentaux des enseignant·e·s que sont les besoins d’autonomie, de compétence et d’appartenance sociale lors de leur processus de développement professionnel. Le processus vécu lors de la complexe implantation de la classe inversée et les relations entre cette nouvelle pratique et les autres domaines identifiés dans le cadre du modèle interconnecté de développement professionnel de Clarke et Hollingsworth (2002) (personnel, conséquences perçues et externe) sera finalement étudié. Par un devis de type design-based, le changement de pratique vers la classe inversée a été étudié lors de deux itérations. D’une part, la motivation, l’engagement (affectif, comportemental et cognitif), la satisfaction dans les études et la perception d’apprentissage des étudiant·e·s ont été mesurés par un questionnaire auquel un total de 254 étudiant·e·s ont participé. D’autre part, une étude multi-cas a été réalisée auprès de quatre enseignant·e·s via une série de huit entrevues menées sur une période de 18 mois débutant avant le changement de pratiques et se terminant à la suite de la deuxième itération. Des analyses statistiques ont été menées à partir des données issues des questionnaires étudiants, alors que les entrevues ont été analysées par une analyse thématique à deux niveaux. Les résultats montrent que les étudiant·e·s ayant participé à la recherche étaient surtout animé·e·s par une forme de motivation autonome, la motivation extrinsèque identifiée. Les analyses de régression linéaire ont révélé que la motivation intrinsèque est liée positivement à toutes les formes d’engagement ainsi qu’à la satisfaction dans les études et à la perception d’apprentissage. La satisfaction dans les études et la perception d’apprentissage plutôt basses mesurées à la première itération se sont avérées plus élevées à la deuxième. Les ajustements posés par les enseignant·e·s ont été nombreux, notamment lors de la première itération. Ce processus complexe de développement professionnel a été marqué par de multiples aller-retours entre le domaine personnel et les domaines des conséquences observées et de la pratique. L’autonomie dans la pratique professionnelle des enseignant·e·s a permis de mettre en action plusieurs idées et de poser des ajustements au dispositif en cours de route. L’apport du domaine externe a été variable et s’est concrétisé parfois par l’apport des données de cette recherche, par des lectures ou encore par les échanges avec les collègues. Intense pour les enseignant·e·s, ce processus a parfois temporairement déstabilisé leur besoin de compétence. Leur besoin d’appartenance sociale a quant à lui partiellement été comblé. Cette meilleure compréhension du processus vécu permet de tracer une ébauche de recommandations pour la pratique de la classe inversée ainsi que pour le soutien au développement professionnel des enseignant·e·s, tout en éclairant des voies de recherche complémentaires. / At the college level, the success of students with various profiles and needs poses a challenge, which some teachers may decide to address by changing their practices. Among the changes that can be considered is the flipped classroom, which allows students to learn concepts out-of-class at a pace and moment that suits them, before focusing more on active learning in collaboration with colleagues during the class periods. This change offers a way to provide multiple means to students in order to support their success but is nonetheless complex to implement by teachers. This thesis examines how the implementation of a flipped classroom is experienced by students and teachers in the context of a college biology course. Specifically, it will examine the relationship between motivation, engagement, and perceived learning by students as well as the process of professional development by teachers. Motivation will be examined within the theoretical framework of self-determination theory (Ryan and Deci, 2017), allowing for the consideration of different types of controlled and autonomous motivation and relating them to the affective, behavioral, and cognitive dimensions of engagement (Fredericks et al, 2004) of students in the flipped classroom. This motivational framework will also be used to explore the satisfaction of teachers’ fundamental needs for competence, autonomy and relatedness during the transformation of their practice. The process experienced by teachers during the complex implementation of the flipped classroom will be studied within the framework of the interconnected model of professional development (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002), allowing for an understanding of the relationships between the practice, personal, consequences and external domains in this context. Using a design-based approach, the change in practice towards the flipped classroom was studied during two iterations. On the one hand, students' motivation, engagement (affective, behavioral, and cognitive), study satisfaction and learning perception were measured by a questionnaire in which a total of 254 students participated. In addition, a multi-case study was conducted with four teachers via a series of eight interviews which took place over an 18-month period beginning before the change in practices and ending following the second iteration. Statistical analyses were performed on the data from the student questionnaires, while the interviews were analyzed using a two-level thematic analysis. Results showed that students who participated in the research were primarily driven by a form identified extrinsic motivation, a form of autonomous motivation. Linear regression analyses revealed that intrinsic motivation was positively related to all forms of engagement as well as to academic satisfaction and perceived learning. The rather low academic satisfaction and perception of learning measured in the first iteration were found to increase in the second. The adjustments made by the teachers were numerous, especially during the first iteration. This complex process of professional development was marked by multiple back and forth between the personal domain and the domains of observed consequences and practice. The autonomy of the teachers' professional practice allowed them to put several ideas into action and to make adjustments to the flipped classroom conditions along the way. The contribution of the external domain varied and was sometimes marked by the contribution of data from this research, by readings or by exchanges with colleagues. Experienced as intense by the teachers, this process sometimes temporarily destabilized their need for competence while their need for relatedness was only partially met. This better understanding of the process allows us to outline recommendations for the implementation of the flipped classroom and for the support of teachers' professional development, while shedding light on complementary research avenues.

Wozu so ein Aufwand?

Bergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris 05 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.

FC WInf: Flipped Classroom in der Wirtschaftsinformatik

Lorenz, Anja, Einert, Annett, Dinter, Barbara January 2012 (has links)
Szenarien mit Blended-Learning-Charakter sind Alltag an deutschen Hochschulen: Insbesondere durch die Verbreitung von Learning-Management- Systemen, in Sachsen namentlich „OPAL“, können Lehrveranstaltungen über die Präsenzveranstaltungen hinaus in nahezu allen Fachbereichen um computergestützte Lerneinheiten ergänzt werden. Nach der Etablierung von Web Based Trainings als typische digitale Ergänzungsmodule streben einige didaktische Konzepte die verstärkte Abstimmung von Präsenz- und Onlinephase an. In der jüngeren Zeit wurde vor allem die Idee des Flipped Classroom (auch Inverted Classroom genannt) diskutiert. Hierbei wird die traditionelle Aufteilung der Lehr-Lern-Aktivitäten, bei der die Wissensvermittlung in den Präsenzveranstaltungen und die Vertiefung des Gelernten in Übungen zu Hause stattfinden, vertauscht. Stattdessen erwerben die Studierenden das nötige Wissen online und im Vorfeld der Präsenzphase, in der dann mithilfe komplexer Beispiele und unter aktiver Einbeziehung der Studierenden das Verständnis gefestigt und durch den Lehrenden unterstützt angewendet werden kann. Auch die Großveranstaltung „Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsinformatik“ (GWI) an der TU Chemnitz soll im Übungsbetrieb durch ein Flipped-Classroom-Konzept verbessert werden. Hierfür werden bestehende Aufgaben mithilfe einer Fachlandkarte und der Bewertung der jeweiligen Lehrziele zu einem Online-Materialien-Pool aufgebaut. Die Präsenzphase soll zur stärkeren Einbeziehung der Studierenden in Form eines aktiven Plenums abgehalten werden.

Wozu so ein Aufwand?: Anpassung, Erprobung und Evaluation der Methode Flipped Classroom an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Bergert, Aline, Hoyer, Marika, Geburek, Doris January 2013 (has links)
Zum ersten Mal an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg wurde im Wintersemester 2012/13 eine klassische Präsenzvorlesung in ein umfassendes handlungsorientiertes Blended-Learning-Szenario (Methode: Flipped Classroom; Tools: OPAL-Kurs mit Wiki, Forum etc.) transformiert und evaluiert. Im folgenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse des Pilotversuchs vorgestellt und aus Sicht der beteiligten Akteure kritisch diskutiert.

Análise da utilização do mapa conceitual com proposições incorretas como instrumento avaliativo em uma sala de aula invertida / Analysis of the use of conceptual map with incorrect propositions as an evaluation tool in an flipped classroom

Corrêa, Ronise Ribeiro 15 February 2019 (has links)
Os mapas conceituais são organizadores gráficos utilizados no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Sua efetividade em sala de aula é pouco explorada como instrumento avaliativo por alguns motivos como o treinamento dos alunos, na sua elaboração e na devolutiva do professor aos alunos, que pode ser influenciada pela forma de abordagem e recepção. Essa pesquisa teve por objetivo investigar a utilização dos mapas conceituais com proposições incorretas como instrumento avaliativo em uma sala de aula invertida Flipped Classroom. Foi investigado também quais as estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem utilizadas pelo professor e pelos alunos para se planejarem e se organizarem dentro da disciplina. Três estudos foram realizados para analisar o efeito do mapa conceitual com proposições incorretas no desempenho dos alunos (Estudo 1), como os alunos se prepararam para as aulas e para as provas em uma disciplina cuja metodologia da sala de aula foi invertida (Estudo 2) e quais foram as estratégias de ensino e de aprendizagem utilizadas pelo professor e pelos alunos nessa organização pedagógica (Estudo 3). Participaram dessa pesquisa 86 alunos ingressos na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo, no primeiro semestre de 2016, na disciplina de Ciências da Natureza. O referencial teórico fundamentou-se na Teoria da Carga Cognitiva de Sweller (1988) e na Teoria Social Cognitiva de Bandura (1986). A abordagem utilizada para a pesquisa foi mista sendo no Estudo 1 e Estudo 2 quantitativa e no Estudo 3 a qualitativa e o procedimento escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que: o mapa conceitual com proposição incorreta pode ser mais uma ferramenta avaliativa agregada às que são usualmente utilizadas pelos professores em sala de aula; o mapa conceitual com a demanda da tarefa sem direcionamento instrucional foi considerado mais difícil pelos alunos do que o que possuía uma demanda com direcionamento instrucional; a metodologia da sala de aula invertida causou um efeito favorável para que os alunos participassem e se preparassem mais para as aulas e para as provas mesmo que no início tenha havido uma relutância por parte deles; quanto mais estratégias de ensino o professor disponibiliza em suas aulas mais satisfatória e mais eficiente é a interação entre ele e seus alunos, o que propicia devolutivas mais pontuais e assertivas para os alunos promovendo a ressonância pedagógica entre eles professor e aluno. As análises revelaram que os mapas conceituais com proposições incorretas são muito bons para serem utilizados como um instrumento avaliativo, que a diversidade metodológica da sala de aula influenciou positivamente no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem e que as escolhas de estratégias podem potencializar esse processo permitindo a regulação do ensino pelo professor e autorregulação da aprendizagem por parte dos alunos. / Concept maps are graphic organizers used in the teaching and learning process. However, their effectiveness in the classroom is little explored in the literature mainly in the evaluation for some reasons such as the training of students in their elaboration, the amount of differentiated maps for the teacher to correct and in the composition of a scoring system so that they do not become a tool for the superficial and memoristic understanding of the content addressed in the classroom. The objective of this work was to investigate the effect of using conceptual maps in an unusual way: elaborated by the teacher of the discipline with incorrect propositions as an evaluation tool within an inverted methodological proposal - Flipped Classroom. The study also verified the teaching and learning strategies used by the teacher and the students to plan and organize their formative process within the discipline. Three studies were conducted to analyze the impact of this conceptual map on student performance (Study 1), as students prepared for classes and for tests with a discipline that inverted classroom methodology (Study 2) and which were the teaching and learning strategies used by the teacher and the students in this pedagogical organization (Study 3). A total of 86 students participated in the study of the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, in the first semester of 2016, in the discipline of Natural Sciences and the professor of the discipline. The theoretical framework was based on Sweller\'s Theory of Cognitive Load (1988) and on Curative Social Theory of Bandura (1986). The case study approach was used and the methodology adopted was differentiated for the studies: in Study 1 and Study 2 it was the quantitative one and in Study 3 it was used the qualitative one. The results obtained showed that (1) this conceptual map style can be an additional evaluative tool that is usually used by teachers; (2) task instruction on the conceptual map influences the student\'s understanding of knowledge; (3) the methodology of the inverted classroom has a favorable impact on the quantity and quality of time invested by the students in the preparation for the classes and proof; (4) the inverted classroom is a methodology that generates a more active and dynamic participation of the students, which in the first moment causes a reluctance on their part; (5) the more teaching strategies the teacher offers in his classes, the more interaction and punctual feedbacks occur between students and him promoting pedagogic resonance and (6) the more students use learning strategies, the more they excel in the subject. The analyzes revealed that the conceptual maps with incorrect propositions are very good to be used as an evaluation tool, that the methodological diversity of the classroom influenced positively in the teaching and learning process and that the strategies choices can potentiate this process allowing the teacher regulation and self-regulation of student learning.

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