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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


WALTER MOURA ANDRADE 21 February 2017 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho de dissertação verifica a mudança de paradigma de interpretação ensejado pelas decisões de caráter concretista provenientes da jurisdição constitucional brasileira através das quais se exterioriza o fenômeno jurídico político denominado por expansionismo jurisdicional, gênero constituído pelas espécies denominadas por ativismo judicial e judicialização da política, que têm na ineficiência do Estado em executar políticas públicas, bem como na omissão de documentos legislativos que restringem a fruição, por parte da sociedade, dos direitos fundamentais garantidos constitucionalmente, como elementos motivadores para a mudança do parâmetro. Para tanto, realiza pesquisa para identificar conceitos e elementos históricos da evolução do fenômeno jurídico para melhor compreender as possíveis causas para a alteração da performance na interpretação das decisões que realizam os magistrados. / [en] This dissertation verifies the paradigm shift of interpretation occasioned by decisions concretist character from the Brazilian constitutional jurisdiction through which externalizes the political and legal phenomenon called by jurisdictional expansionism genus comprises the species named by judicial activism and legalization of politics, that have the inefficiency of the state run public policies, as well as the omission of legislative documents that restrict the enjoyment, by society, the constitutionally guaranteed fundamental rights, as motivators for change of parameter elements.For both, conducts research to identify concepts and historical elements of the evolution of the legal phenomenon to better understand the possible causes for the change in performance in the interpretation of decisions that carry the magistrates.

Women’s rights and freedoms in Islamic jurisprudence pertaining to marriage and divorce: lessons for south Africa from Morocco and Tunisia?

Booley, Ashraf January 2014 (has links)
Doctor Legum - LLD / The objective of this doctoral thesis is essentially two-fold: first, it seeks to ascertain whether the rights and freedoms of Muslim women in the contexts of marriage and divorce are adequately protected in terms of Islamic jurisprudence, and secondly, whether any valuable lessons could be learnt in this regard by South Africa based on the specific legal experiences of two (other) African jurisdictions, notably Morocco and Tunisia.

Le domicile en droit pénal / The home in criminal law

Dumenil, Gabriel 06 February 2017 (has links)
Lieu particulier, unique à certains égards, le domicile entretient des liens étroits avec le droit pénal. Il est d’abord envisagé comme un espace de protection de la personne. Le domicile assure en effet la défense de certains droits et libertés – sécurité, sûreté, intimité de la vie privée, tranquillité et dignité humaine – dont il est le réceptacle privilégié. L’approche qui est faite du domicile par le droit pénal est à cet égard duale. Celle-ci est tantôt abstraite, tantôt matérielle. Abstraite, elle envisage le domicile comme une sphère privée coupée du monde extérieure et imperméable aux atteintes, une enclave individuelle, un espace reclus à l’abri des atteintes extérieures, protégé de toute incursion. Matérielle, l’approche du droit pénal définit un lieu participant de la dignité de son occupant et devant alors nécessairement respecter divers critères, divers standards minimums seuls à même d’en garantir le respect. Le domicile est également appréhendé comme un espace de localisation de la personne. Il participe alors de l’effectivité et l’efficacité de la procédure pénale. Outil de localisation probabiliste – le lieu où l’individu a le plus de chance de se trouver – le domicile assure la surveillance de la personne. Il garantit en outre le bon déroulement de la procédure pénale. En effet, il constitue l’instrument idoine de transmission des informations procédurales et l’un des critères déterminant de compétence de la loi pénale et des différentes juridictions. L’étude permettra de mettre en exergue certains enjeux primordiaux du droit pénal et notamment le balancement entre deux impératifs fondamentaux que sont le respect des droits des personnes et la répression des atteintes aux valeurs sociales protégées. En outre, il sera permis d’observer que le concept de domicile en droit pénal est résolument polysémique et que ses expressions sont polymorphes. De nombreux vocables sont employés afin de faire référence à l’espace au sein duquel vit la personne, que cela soit de manière permanente, habituelle ou éphémère, que ce lieu soit choisi librement ou imposé à l’individu par l’autorité judiciaire, qu’il respecte ou non la dignité humaine, qu’il assure la protection ou la localisation de la personne. Si certaines de ces différences sémantiques se justifient, d’autres pourront en revanche être critiquées. / A special place, unique in some respects, the home maintains close ties with criminal law. It is first seen as a protected personal space. Indeed the home provides the defense of certain rights and freedoms - security, safety, privacy of private life, tranquility and human dignity - of which it is the preferred receptacle. The approach made of home by criminal law in this respect is dual. It is abstract sometimes, material at other times. When abstract, it considers the home as a private sphere cut off from the outside world and impervious to attacks, a single enclave, a reclusive space protected from external influences, protected from any incursion. When material, the approach of criminal law defines a place participant of the dignity of its occupantand then necessarily must respect various criteria, various minimum standards only able to ensure compliance. The home is also seen as a space of human location. It then participates in the effectiveness and efficiency of the criminal procedure. The probability location tool - the place where the individual is most likely to be found – the home ensures the surveillance of the person. It also ensures the smooth progression of the criminal proceedings. Indeed, it is the appropriate instrument of transmission of the procedural information and one of the key criteria of the competence of criminal law and different jurisdictions. The study will highlight some critical issues of criminal law and in particular the sway between two fundamental imperatives, which are: the respect for human rights and the repression of damage to protected social values. In addition, the reader will be able to observe that the concept of home in criminal law is decidedly polysemic and that its expressions are polymorphic. Many terms are used to refer to the space in which the person lives, either permanently or temporarily, freely chosen or imposed on the individual by the judicial authority, whether it respects human dignity or not, or that it assures the protection or location of the person. While some of these semantic differences are justified, others on another hand may be criticized

Les rapports de systèmes constitutionnel et européens de protection des droits fondamentaux en France / Relationships between French constitutional and European fundamental rights protection systems

Charpy, Chloé 18 March 2016 (has links)
Les interférences nées de la coexistence des systèmes constitutionnel et européens de protection des droits fondamentaux peuvent, sous certaines conditions, être bénéfiques aux titulaires de ces derniers. Elles comportent cependant une part de risques devant d’autant plus être prise au sérieux que le recours au traditionnel principe hiérarchique est aporétique. Quelle est la gestion faite de ces risques ? Qu’elle soit neutralisée ou, de manière plus aboutie, concurrencée dans ses principales fonctions, la hiérarchie est en tous cas, sinon évitée, du moins relativisée au profit de méthodes de plus en plus perfectionnées s’inscrivant dans une perspective durable et construite d’émergence de principes de régulation des rapports entre les systèmes axés autour des idées maîtresses de coopération et de conciliation. L’hypothèse de la mise en place d’un système de rapports doit toutefois être aussitôt éclairée par le constat de son caractère inabouti, du fait notamment de phénomènes de résurgence de hiérarchie. C’est finalement toute la dialectique de la coopération des systèmes de protection qui se fait jour et révèle le tournant à l’aune duquel se trouvent les rapports étudiés : la limite de la satisfaction paraît avoir été atteinte et des défis d’un genre nouveau apparaissent. Il est primordial que le système d’ensemble parvienne à préserver l’équilibre progressivement construit. Au-delà, c’est également un mouvement de redynamisation qu’il convient d’encourager afin que, dépassant le stade actuel, le défi de l’achèvement et de l’amélioration soit relevé / The interferences between constitutional and European fundamental Rights protection systems can help the subject of fundamental Rights under certain conditions. But they also provide some risks that should be taken seriously, given that the traditional hierarchical principle does not appear to give an appropriate solution. How do the principal actors of the fundamental Rights protection in Europe deal with that? The hierarchy, simply neutralized or challenged in its main functions, is avoid or at least reduced in favor of more sophisticated methods. Those appear to be maintained over time and to give pace to regulation principles within systems, based on cooperation and conciliation ideas. However, the theory of a new system of relations emergence is still incomplete. The perfect normative harmony hasn’t been reached yet, due to several factors, including phenomena of resurgence of hierarchy. In the end, the whole dialectic of system of protection’s cooperation is revealed and highlights a turning point where the studied relations now find themselves: the limitation to the satisfaction appears to be reached as new challenges are emerging. It is crucial that the global system remains in capacity to keep a progressively built balance. Above all, a stimulating impulsion should be encouraged in order to complete and improve what has been started

Treitering in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole en die regs-en onderwysbestuursimplikasies daarvan vir leerderveiligheid (Afrikaans)

Wentzel, Jan Andries 22 October 2008 (has links)
Navorsingsresultate toon dat treitering ‘n ernstige probleem is wat wêreldwyd voorkom, ook in Suid-Afrika en dat die getal slagoffers wat daardeur geraak word skrikwekkend hoog is. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die regsimplikasies van treitering van leerders deur mede-leerders in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole vir die onderwysbestuur en onderwysreg te ondersoek en te beskryf. Met die term “onderwysbestuur” word verwys na onderwys op nasionale vlak, provinsiale vlak en skolevlak. Die regsimplikasies vir die onderwysreg is hoofsaaklik daarin geleë dat daar nuwe kennis tot die onderwysreg toegevoeg word. Dit is aksiomaties dat regsimplikasies onlosmaaklik verbonde is aan regsreëls. Daar kan slegs sprake wees van regsimplikasies van ‘n aangeleentheid as daar regsreëls is wat die aangeleentheid beheer en rig – in die geval van hierdie studie, die regsreëls wat die bestuur en hantering van treitering in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole rig en beheer. Die regsreëls wat die bestuur en hantering van treitering in Suid-Afrikaanse openbare skole rig en beheer, is deel van die Handves, internasionale kinderregte-ooreenkomste, wetgewing, die gemene-reg, deliktereg, die strafreg en regspraak. Om die navorser in staat te stel om die regsreëls in ge-noemde regsbronne te identifiseer, is ‘n deeglike kennis van die fenomeen “treitering” noodsaaklik. Om die regsimplikasies van hierdie regsreëls te bepaal, beteken dat hierdie regsreëls binne die konteks van “treitering” as fenomeen geïnterpreteer moet word. Daar moet dus beskryf word hoe hierdie regsreëls toepassing vind met betrekking tot treitering. Die interpretasie van hierdie regsreëls binne die konteks van treitering geskied deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met geïdentifiseerde respondente wat geïdentifiseer is op grond van hul kennis van spesifieke regsdissiplines en die praktyk soos byvoorbeeld menseregte en kinderregte, die gemenereg, die deliktereg, die strafreg, die onderwysreg asook die regspraktyk en onderwysregspraktyk. Die beskrywing van die regsimplikasies vir die onderwysbestuur en onderwysreg is hoofsaaklik gegrond op die response (bevindinge) van die respondente, maar die regsimplikasies word uitgebrei deur die response van die respondente te verbind aan veelvuldige bronne van informasie. Hierdie aanvullende informasie wat aangewend word vir ryker beskrywing (“thick description”) lei ook die navorser tot die identifisering of beskrywing van verdere implikasies wat nie noodwendig in die respondente se response na vore gekom het nie. Die regsimplikasies van die treitering van leerders deur mede-leerders is omvattend en het implikasies vir die onderwysbestuur op nasionale vlak, provinsiale vlak, distriksvlak en skolevlak en wel ten opsigte van die volgende afdelings van die Suid-Afrikaanse reg: fundamentele regte, wet-gewing, die deliktereg en strafreg. ENGLISH: Research results indicate that bullying is a serious problem worldwide, South Africa included, and that the number of victims affected is alarmingly high. The purpose of this study is to investigate and describe the legal implications that bullying of learners by fellow learners in South African public schools has for education management and education law. “Education management” refers to education at national, provincial and school levels. The legal implications for education law lie mainly in the fact that new information is being added to the body of education law. It is axiomatic that legal implications are inextricably bound to legal rules. One can only speak of legal implications if there are legal rules that control and direct them – in the case of this study it is the legal rules that control and direct the management and operation of bullying in South African public schools. The legal rules that control and direct the management and operation of bullying in South African public schools are part of the Bill of Rights, international children’s rights conventions, legislation, common law, law of delict, case law and criminal law. A thorough knowledge of the phenomenon “bullying” was necessary to enable the researcher to identify the legal rules contained in the legal sources mentioned. In order to determine the legal implications of these legal rules, it was necessary to interpret these legal rules within the context of the phenomenon “bullying”. It was therefore necessary to describe how these legal rules are applied with regard to bullying. The interpretation of these legal rules within the context of bullying was done by means of semi-structured interviews with identified respondents who were identified on grounds of their knowledge of specific law disciplines and practice such as human rights and children’s rights, common law, the law of delict, criminal law, education law and legal practices and education law practices. The description of the legal implications for education management and education law is based mainly on the responses (findings) of the respondents, but the legal implications are extended by linking the responses of the respondents with many other sources of information. This supplementary information, which is used to enrich the description (thick description), also led the researcher to identifying or describing additional implications that were not necessarily evident from the responses of the respondents. The legal implications of the bullying of learners by fellow learners, are comprehensive and have implications for education management at national level, provincial level, district level and school level, especially in terms of the following sections of South African law: fundamental rights, legis-lation, the law of delict and criminal law. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Intérêt général et droits fondamentaux / Public interest & fundamental rights

Nivert, Nirmal 01 December 2012 (has links)
Comment le Droit peut-il définir le concept de Liberté ? De quelles manières la théorie du droit et le droit public appréhendent-ils la définition de la Liberté ? Défiant en effet toute entreprise de définition, la Liberté se dérobe immédiatement à toute contrainte. Pourtant, on le pressent, et on le vérifie au quotidien, la liberté des uns entrera fatalement en conflit avec la liberté des autres. Nous suggérons que l'intérêt général est l'élément de médiation indispensable à la coexistence de nos droits fondamentaux. La problématique de cette étude s'articule alors autour de la relation entre l'intérêt général et les droits fondamentaux. Cette relation prend successivement deux formes. D'une part, il ressort que les droits fondamentaux reçoivent l'intérêt général en tant qu'il est une notion politique et juridique destinée à définir les droits et libertés. Il s'agira d'apprécier la relation essentielle qui se noue entre intérêt général et droits fondamentaux. D'autre part, il importe de concilier l'intérêt général et les droits fondamentaux en conceptualisant l'intérêt général. Nous aborderons, cette fois, la relation existentielle entre les droits fondamentaux et l'intérêt général. Toutefois, l'analyse révèle que l'intérêt général demeure un concept politique auquel une fonction juridique est donnée. Il contribue cependant à la définition du concept de Liberté. Il démontre fondamentalement qu'un droit qui anéantirait, par principe, la Liberté, s'anéantirait en tant que Droit. / How can Law define the concept of Liberty? In which ways does the theory of Law and Public Law define Liberty? Being virtually impossible to define, Liberty eludes any constraints. Nevertheless, one can sense it and on a daily basis can verify that the Liberty of some will inevitably clash with the Liberty of others. We suggest that public interest is an essential means of mediation enabling our fundamental rights to coexist. What is at stake in this study is the relationship between public interest and fundamental rights. This relationship can be of two kinds. On the one hand, insomuch as public interest is a political and legal notion intended to define rights and liberties, it is deeply rooted in fundamental rights. We will analyze the essential relationship which links public interest and fundamental rights. On the other hand, it is important to reconcile public interest and fundamental rights by conceptualizing public interest. We will therefore examine the existential relationship between fundamental rights and public interest.However, this analysis reveals that public interest remains a political concept, which has been given a legal function. It nonetheless contributes to defining the concept of Liberty. It demonstrates that a Law which would annihilate Liberty on principle would annihilate itself.


LUIZ FERNANDO VOSS CHAGAS LESSA 22 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] A Internalização dos Tratados Internacionais de Direitos Humanos e a Constituição de 1988. A partir da promulgação da Constituição da República de 1988 a doutrina brasileira vem tentado defender a tese de que os pactos internacionais de direitos humanos são incorporados de forma automática ao direito interno, bastando para tanto sua ratificação no plano internacional. Os mesmo autores defendem, ainda, o status de norma de direito fundamental destes pactos uma vez incorporados. Partindo dessas duas assertivas, a presente dissertação, rejeita o primeiro postulado para afirmar que o caráter de norma constitucional das normas internacionais internalizadas decorre antes de tudo de seu conteúdo e não da forma de sua internalização. Do mesmo modo, pugna o presente trabalho que a adoção do rito tradicional para a internalização de tratados internacionais que versem sobre os direitos humanos não significa outorgar ao Executivo uma carta branca para postergar a prática dos atos necessários para a sua incorporação. Ao final, defende a possibilidade da intervenção do Poder Judiciário para assegurar a proteção dos direitos individuais ameaçados ou lesados por tal omissão. / [en] The relationship between International Human Rights Law and municipal law in Brazil has taken a new turn with the adoption of a new Constitution in 1988. Human Rights lawyers and law teachers support the idea that the new Constitutional Charter allow for a monistic approach to the relationship between International Human Rights Law and municipal law. The present dissertation contends that even in the case of a Human Rights treaty the Brazilian Constitution demands an act destined to transform International Law in domestic law. Contrary to what these Human Rights advocates and theorists believe, the dualist theory allows, not only for the International Human Rights Law to be adopted in Brazil as material Constitutional Law, but for its prompt adoption after the entry in force of any human rights treaty ratified by Brazil. Also, this dissertation contends that in those cases that the delay in transforming International Law in municipal law harms individual rights, the Judiciary branch can offer a quick and effective response.

As representações da morte no meio ambiente cultural e sua influência na efetivação dos transplantes de órgãos: por uma justiça social em termos de cidadania

Lionço, Marcia Helena Caprara 12 May 2008 (has links)
A biotecnologia trouxe grandes transformações para a saúde, a doença e a morte e sua influência modificou conceitos e o meio ambiente cultural. Os ritos de morte do passado, que aconteciam na família e na comunidade mudaram para os hospitais e para as unidades de tratamento intensivo, de modo que a morte ficou invertida ou medicalizada. A tecnologia permitiu um afastamento da morte e um prolongamento da vida, especialmente, na moderna técnica de transplantes de órgãos. Assunto polêmico mundialmente, o momento do morrer tem significância ímpar para a sociedade, visto tratar-se de um processo incerto e complexo que tem necessidade de determinantes legislativas. Pontuar uma reflexão na esfera ética, jurídica e biológica sobre a morte, tem grande atualidade e significado para a comunidade em geral e para aquela que espera pela doação de órgãos a fim de ter recuperada a saúde e a vida. O tema deste estudo focaliza a compreensão do conceito de saúde e as representações sociais da morte e como elas exercem influências no momento da morte encefálica, indispensável para que se realize a remoção dos órgãos vitais para transplantes. O estudo, atento aos princípios da justiça, autonomia e beneficência, princípios bioéticos relacionados aos princípios constitucionais e refletidos sob a luz da Constituição Federal 1988, da Declaração Universal de Bioética e da legislação específica para transplantes aponta para uma possibilidade integradora com o direito à informação, na tentativa de refletir-se sobre um novo conceito de cidadania. O fulcro do estudo é a presença do princípio da dignidade humana, como formatador do novo conceito de cidadania em relação à saúde, doença e morte em tempos de pós-modernidade. Tem relevância para a sociedade que vivencia estes conflitos e incertezas, quanto às possibilidades do acesso aos órgãos necessários para a cura de doenças graves e fatais. Analisa-se a responsabilidade da assistência à saúde como dever do Estado e ônus da sociedade, concluindo com algumas soluções para o ambiente da saúde e de vida com qualidade tanto para os que estão no final da vida como para os receptores em espera por mais vida; todos sujeitos de direitos fundamentais protegidos pela Constituição Federal. / Biotechnology has brought about great transformations in health, disease, and death, and its influence has modified concepts and the cultural environment. The rites of death from the past, which took place in the family and the community, have shifted to hospitals and intensive care units, so that death has become inverted, or medicalized. Technology has allowed a step to be taken back from death, and the prolonging of life, especially in the modern organ transplant techniques. Controversial all over the world, the moment of death has unparalleled significance for society, as it is an uncertain and complex process that requires legislative determinants. Reflection in the ethical, legal, and biological sphere on death is of great current significance for the community in general and for those waiting for organ donation to recover their health and life. This study focuses on comprehension of the concept of health and social representations of death, and how they excise influence at the encephalitic moment of death, which is essential to the removal of vital organs for transplant. The study, respecting the principles of justice, autonomy, and beneficence, bioethical concepts regarding constitutional principles and reflected on in the light of the Brazilian Federal Constitution 1988, the Universal Declaration of Bioethics, and specific legislation for transplants, indicates the possibility of integration with the right to information, in an attempt to reflect on a new concept of citizenship. The fulcrum of the study is the principle of human dignity, as the formatter of a new concept of citizenship in regard to health, disease and death in post-modern times. It is of relevance to society living through conflict and uncertainty over the possibility of access to organs needed to cure serious and fatal diseases. Finally, it analyses the responsibility held by health assistance as a duty of the State and its onus on society, concluding with some solutions for the health environment and for a life of quality both for those who are at the end of their lives and those receptors in waiting; all people with fundamental rights protected by the Brazilian Federal Constitution.

A dimensão axiológica da pessoa e as pretensões animalistas: um ensaio sobre o conceito bioético de pessoa e os direitos dos animais não-humanos

Reis, Fellipe Guerra David 08 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-01-13T10:28:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fellipeguerradavidreis.pdf: 708318 bytes, checksum: 72486d4b047be07677c91fcc5315203e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-01-25T17:27:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fellipeguerradavidreis.pdf: 708318 bytes, checksum: 72486d4b047be07677c91fcc5315203e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-25T17:27:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fellipeguerradavidreis.pdf: 708318 bytes, checksum: 72486d4b047be07677c91fcc5315203e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-08 / Saber quem é a pessoa caracteriza-se como um problema filosófico que ocupa pensadores desde a antiguidade clássica. Contemporaneamente, o conceito emerge como ponto central na solução das questões bioéticas, surgidas com os avanços tecnológicos, sobre as possibilidades e limites da intervenção na vida humana. Contudo, o debate não ficou adstrito aos membros da espécie homo sapiens, mas, indo além, culminou no surgimento de um verdadeiro movimento, a partir da década de 70 do século XX, em prol do reconhecimento de animais não-humanos como titulares de direitos e dignidade inerentes ou mesmo na sua consideração como pessoas, tal qual os seres humanos. Assim, se se parte de um conceito intimamente conectado com soluções de questões humanas para se justificar determinado argumento pró-animais, logo estes argumentos terão relevante impacto exatamente para aquelas soluções, pelo menos tendo-se em vista a coerência e sistematicidade das ideias trabalhadas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo último analisar as pretensões animalistas quanto à possibilidade de se estender, direta ou indiretamente, o estatuto pessoal a seres não pertencentes à espécie humana, bem como as consequências desta extensão. Partindo-se de uma discussão quanto as bases histórico-filosóficas sobre o conceito de pessoa e sua relação com a ideia de dignidade e direitos fundamentais, se afirma a necessidade de ir além do aspecto ontológico, concebendo o conceito em sua dimensão axiológico-normativa como trabalhando por A. Castanheira Neves. Assim, a pessoa é entendida em seus aspecto existencial, ético e relacional, erigindo-se como ente que, sendo detentora de um valor inerente, titulariza direitos que promovem esse valor. Com base em tais ideias, investiga-se os argumentos dos principais autores animalistas diagnosticando-se o interesse em se conceber animais como pessoas para, posteriormente, se enfrentar o objetivo posto, isto é, averiguar se, de uma perspectiva axiológico-normativa da pessoa, notadamente quanto a exigência de reciprocidade no reconhecimento deste status, os animais não-humanos podem assim ser considerados existindo deveres diretos de justiça para com eles; ou, ao contrário, se pela inexistência de direitos destes seres, se existe apenas deveres indiretos perante eles. / Knowing who the the person is presents as a philosophical problem since the classical autors. Nowadays, the concept emerges as a central point in the solution of bioethical issues, brought about by technological advances, on the possibilities and limits of intervention in human life. However, the debate was not attached to members of the homo sapiens species, but, going beyond, culminated in the emergence of a real movement from the 70s of XX century, in favor of recognition of non-human animals as right holders and as beings with an inherent dignity or even their admission as people, like humans. Thus, if one parts of a concept closely connected with solutions to human affairs to justify certain argument proanimals, so these arguments have a significant impact exactly on those solutions, at least if one seeks the consistency and the systematic analysis of the ideas. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the animalistic claims as to the possibility of extending, directly or not, the personal status to non-human animals, and the consequences of this extension. Beginning with a discussion about the historical and philosophical foundations of the concept of person and its relationship to the idea of dignity and fundamental rights, the study states the need to go beyond the ontological aspect, conceiving the concept in its axiological-normative dimension as pointed out by professor A. Castanheira Neves. So the person is understood in its existential, ethical and relational aspect, elevating as one who, being the owner of an inherent value, holds rights that promote this value. Based on these ideas the arguments of the leading animalists authors are investigated identifying the interest in conceiving animals as persons. Posteriorly faces the primarily goal, i.e., ascertain whether from a axiologicalnormative sense especially regarding the requirement of reciprocity in recognition of the personal status, non-human animals can be considered as persons existing direct duties of justice towards them; or, on the contrary, by the nonexistence of animal rights, if there is only indirect duties before they.

Sentença penal absolutória e revisão criminal

Silva, José Edivaldo da 11 September 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T18:17:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2007-09-11 / Exactly not foreseen express in art. 5º (right and basic guarantees) of the Federal Constitution, the Criminal Revision, is inlaid in § 2º of the related device, because decurrent of the regimen and the principles for it adopted, as well as of those deriving ones of the American Convention of Human Rights of 1969 - Pact of San Jose of the Costa Rica - of which Brazil is signatory, thus the revision possesss nature of constitutional action and is only right subjective individual of the convict, destined to rescind definitive conviction, always in benefit of the male defendant. The Law did not establish the hypothesis of the criminal revision pro societate. Thus, considering the principle of relativity and historical of the basic rights, to the light of the proportionality materialized in the technique of the balance of values or valid normative statements when in to crash state, it is considered alteration of the criminal procedural legislation, to make possible the handling of the action of criminal revision pro societate, when the absolution to establish itself in proven documentation false, the example of the case of homicide with the false certificate of death; e when after the sentence, if to discover tests of that was rendered by prevarication, official corruption or corruption of the Judge, since that the criminal types is not to arrive at by the lapsing. Still it considers either granted legitimacy to the Public prosecution service to file a suit asked for revision against acquittal, in the alluded hypotheses and against conviction in the foreseen hypotheses already it has legislation. The method is dogmatic-analytical of the national doctrine and judged legislation and foreign legislation as well as of two of the STF. The dissertation considers, of lege ferenda, the adoption of the criminal revision pro societate, adopting as reference First draft the PL nº 4.506/2001. / Mesmo não prevista expressamente no art. 5º(direitos e garantias fundamentais) da Constituição Federal, a Revisão Criminal, está embutida no § 2º do referido dispositivo, porque decorrente do regime e dos princípios por ela adotados, como também daqueles oriundos da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos de 1969 Pacto de San José da Costa Rica - da qual o Brasil é signatário, assim a revisão possui natureza de ação constitucional ,e, é apenas direito subjetivo individual do condenado, destinado a rescindir sentença condenatória definitiva, sempre em benefício do réu. A Lei não estabeleceu a hipótese da revisão criminal pro societate. Assim, considerando o princípio da relatividade e historicidade dos direitos fundamentais, à luz da proporcionalidade materializada na técnica da ponderação de valores ou enunciados normativos válidos quando em colidência, propõe-se a alteração da legislação processual penal, para possibilitar o manejo da ação de revisão criminal pro societate, quando a absolvição fundarse em documentação comprovada falsa, a exemplo do caso de homicídio com a certidão de óbito falsa; e quando após a sentença, se descobrirem provas de que foi prolatada por prevaricação, concussão ou corrupção do Juiz, desde que os tipos penais não estejam fulminados pela prescrição. Ainda propõe-se seja outorgada legitimidade ao Ministério Público para ajuizar pedido revisional contra sentença absolutória, nas hipóteses aludidas e contra sentença condenatória nas hipóteses já previstas há legislação. O método é dogmáticoanalítico da doutrina e legislação nacionais e legislação estrangeira bem como de dois julgados do STF. A dissertação propõe, de lege ferenda, a adoção da revisão criminal pro societate, adotando como referência o PL nº 4.506/2001.

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