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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A toponymic perspective on Zimbabwe’s post-2000 land reform programme (Third Chimurenga)

Jenjekwa, Vincent 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This qualitative study presents an onomastic perspective on the changing linguistic landscape of Zimbabwe which resulted from the post-2000 land reforms (also known as the Third Chimurenga). When veterans of Zimbabwe’s War of Liberation assumed occupancy of former white-owned farms, they immediately pronounced their take-over of the land through changes in place names. The resultant toponymic landscape is anchored in the discourses of the First and Second Chimurenga. Through recasting the Chimurenga (war of liberation) narrative, the proponents of the post-2000 land reforms endeavoured to create a historical continuum from the colonisation of Zimbabwe in 1890 to the post-2000 reforms, which were perceived as an attempt to redress the historical anomaly of land inequality. The aim of this study is to examine toponymic changes on the geo-linguistic landscape, and establish the extent of the changes and the post-colonial identity portrayed by these place names. Within the case study design, research methods included in-depth interviews, document study and observations as means of data generation. Through the application of critical and sociolinguistic theories in the form of post-colonial theory, complemented by geo-semiotics, political semiotics and language ecology, this study uncovers the richness of toponymy in exposing a cryptic social narrative reflective of, among others, contestations of power. The findings indicate that post-2000 toponymy is a complex mixture of pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial place names. These names recast the various narratives in respect of the history of Zimbabwe through the erasure of colonial toponyms and resuscitation older Chimurenga names. The resultant picture portrayed by post-2000 toponymy communicates a complex message of contested land ownership in Zimbabwe. There is a pronounced legacy of colonial toponymy that testifies to the British Imperial occupation of the land and the ideologies behind colonisation. This presence of colonial toponymy many years after independence is an ironic confirmation of the indelible legacy of British colonialism in Zimbabwe. The findings show a clear recasting of the discourses of violence and racial hostility, but also reveal an interesting trend of toponymic syncretism where colonial names are retained and used together with new names. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics)

Standards for exchanging digital geo-referenced information

Cooper, Antony Kyle 12 March 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to assess digital geo-referenced information and standards for exchanging such information, especially the South African National Exchange Standard (NES). The process of setting up a standard is exacting. On the one hand, the process demands a thorough scrutiny and analysis of the objects to be standardised and of all related concepts. This is a prerequisite for ensuring that there is unanimity about their meaning and inter-relationships. On the other hand, the process requires that the standard itself be enunciated as succinctly, comprehensibly and precisely as possible. This dissertation addresses both these facets of the standards process in the context of standards for exchanging digital geo-referenced information. The dissertation begins with an analysis of geo-referenced information in general, including digital geo-referenced information. In chapters 2 and 3, the various aspects of such information are scrutinised and evaluated in more detail. The examination of concepts is backed up by a comprehensive Glossary of terms in the domain under discussion. Chapter 4 examines the nature of standards. It also proposes a novel way to approach a standard for the exchange of digital geo-referenced information: namely, that it can be viewed as a language and can accordingly be specified by a grammar. To illustrate the proposal, NES is fully specified, using the Extended Backus-Naur Form notation, in an Appendix. Apart from the advantages of being a succinct and precise formal specification, the approach also lends itself to deploying standard tools such as Lex and yacc for conformance testing and for developing interfaces to NES, as illustrated in a second appendix. As a final theme of the dissertation, an evaluation of such standards is provided. Other standards that have been proposed elsewhere for purposes similar to that of NES are surveyed in chapter 5. In chapter 6, features of NES are highlighted, including the fact that it takes a relational approach. Chapter 7 concludes the dissertation, summarising the work to date, and looking ahead to future work. AFRIKAANS : Die doel van hierdie verhandling is om versyferde geo-verwysde inligting en standaarde vir die uitruil van sulke inligting te ondersoek, met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid- Afrikaanse Nasionale Uitruilstandaard (NES). Die proses om ’n standaard op te stel is veeleisend. Aan die een kant vereis die proses ’n volledige bestudering en ontleding van die objekte wat gestandaardiseer gaan word, asook van al die verwante konsepte. Hierdie is ’n voorvereiste om te verseker dat daar oor hul betekenisse en onderlinge verwantskappe eenstemmigheid bestaan. Aan die ander kant vereis die proses dat die standaard so kernagtig, volledig en presies moontlik gestel moet word. Hierdie verhandeling spreek beide hierdie fasette van die standaardiseringsproses aan, en wel in die konteks van standaarde vir die uitruil van versyferde geo-verwysde inligting. Dié verhandling begin met ’n oorhoofse analise van geo-verwysde inligting, insluitend versyferde geo-verwysde inligting. In hoofstukke 2 en 3 word verskeie aspekte van dié inligting in meer detail ondersoek en geëvalueer. Hierdie ondersoek van konsepte word deur ’n omvattende woordelys van terme in die veld onder bespreking gesteun. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek die aard van standaarde. Dit stel ook ’n nuwe manier voor om ’n standaard vir die uitruil van versyferde geo-verwysde inligting te benader, naamlik dat dit as ’n taal beskou kan word, en dat dit gevolglik deur middel van ’n grammatika gespesifiseer kan word. Om die voorstel te illustreer, word NES volledig in ’n aanhangsel deur middel van die Uitgebreide Backus-Naur Vorm notasie gespesifiseer. Afgesien van die voordeel van ’n kernagtige en presiese formele spesifikasie, ondersteun die benadering ook standaardgereedskap soos Lex en yacc wat vir konformeringstoetsing en vir NES koppelvlakke gebruik kan word, soos in ’n tweede aanhangsel illustreer word. As ’n finale tema van die verhandeling word ’n evaluasie van tersaaklike standaarde voorsien. Standaarde wat elders vir soortgelyke doeleindes aan dié van NES voorgestel is, word oorsigtelik in hoofstuk 5 beskou. In hoofstuk 6 word kenmerkende eienskappe van NES uitgelig, insluitend die feit dat dit op ’n relasionele benadering gebaseer is. Hoofstuk 7 sluit die verhandeling af met ’n opsomming van werk tot op datum en ’n blik op toekomstige werk. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 1993. / Computer Science / unrestricted

Karttillämpningar för rikstäckande accessnät / Map applications för nationwide access net

Camling, Johan, Lönnegren, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Denna rapport aterger arbetsprocessen kring att utvärdera geograskatjänster, och att utveckla karttillämpningar för nätverk av rikstäckande omfattning. Arbetet utfördes pa plats hos DGC, en datakommunikations-, tele- och nätoperatör som distribuerar kundförbindelser i hela Sverige där konsumenter ansluts till stamnätet. Uppgiften bestod av att utvärdera möjligheter till att slå upp koordinater för etablerade kundplatser, rita ut accessnätet i ett kartgränssnitt och ta fram ett eller flera stödverktyg för bland annat orderprocesser. Användningsfall utifrån önskemål, arkitekturmönster samt analys av yttre leverantörers tjänster för geocoding avgjorde hur det slutgiltiga systemet var utformat. Mjukvaran som utvecklades integrerades både i bentliga system och som ensamstående tillämpningar. En publicering/release genomfördes som avslutande moment i arbetet. I rapporten beskrivs hur kartläggning gjordes med hjälp av KML, hur geografisk data hanterades, utformningen av övervakningsverktyget som framtogs samt hur koordinater för adresser hämtades. / This thesis describes the process of analyzing and evaluating geographic services, and the development of map applications for nationwide networks. The project was performed at DGC, a datacommunications-, telephony- and networks operator which distributes customer access across Sweden where consumers are connected to the backbone network. In whole, the task consisted of an analysis regarding the possibilities of address-to-coordinate lookup for established customer sites, displaying the access network in a map interface and developing one or more tools, aimed at supporting order processes. Architecture patterns, use-cases construed from user requests and analysis of external provider services for geocoding determined the design of the solution. Software was partially integrated in existing systems, and partially distributed as stand-alone applications. The product was finalized with a release. Read further to get a description of the monitoring tool, network mapping with KML, dealing with geographic data, and also the process of fetching coordinates for addresses.

English profanities in Nordic-language tweets : A comparative quantitative study / Engelska fula ord i nordiskspråkiga tweets : En komparativ kvantitativ studie

Widegren, Johannes January 2022 (has links)
English profanities (i.e. potentially offensive words, including swear words) have been in use for decades in the Nordic languages – Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish and Finnish – and offer a multitude of opportunities for linguistic expression, along with the domestic, heritage profanities in each language. The Nordic countries present an interesting context for studying the impact of English on languages in remote-contact settings, where many, especially young people, are bilingual but English has no official status. While previous studies have mostly focused on the function of such words and investigated their appearance in each Nordic language in isolation, this study utilizes social media data from the Nordic Tweet Stream (Laitinen et al., 2018) to compare the forms and frequencies of the English profanities fuck, shit, ass, damn, bitch and hell across the Nordic languages, shedding light on the factors which are conducive to their use. Surprisingly, the English profanities were many times more frequent in the Icelandic material compared to the other languages, although Iceland has a strong tradition of linguistic purism and frequencies were expected to be lower than in the other languages. Contrastingly, the profanities were found to be morphologically and orthographically adapted to a higher degree in Icelandic, reflecting the purist tradition in other ways. Frequencies in the other four languages did not quite match the findings of previous studies on loanwords in the Nordic languages, while degrees of adaptation were more similar to previous results. Comparing the frequencies of the English profanities in this study with the frequencies of heritage profanities on Twitter found by Coats (2021) showed that, although especially fuck and shit are on par with and sometimes more frequent than the most frequent heritage profanities, they do not seem to be replacing domestic equivalents. Finally, through exploiting the geo-location tags that accompany each tweet in the Nordic Tweet Stream, the frequencies of English profanities were found to be higher among users tweeting primarily from large cities in Denmark, Sweden and Finland, while in the Norwegian data no significant difference was found. Nevertheless, this supports Vaattovaara & Peterson’s (2019) claim that English borrowings carry social indices of globalism and urbanicity that promote their use among people in certain social groups. / Engelska fula ord (dvs. potentiellt stötande ord, inklusive svärord) har varit i bruk i årtionden i de nordiska språken – isländska, norska, danska, svenska och finska – och tillhandahåller en stor mängd språkliga uttrycksmöjligheter tillsammans med de inhemska fula orden i varje språk. De nordiska länderna utgör en intressant kontext för studier av engelskans inflytande över andra språk i distans-kontaktsituationer, där många, speciellt unga, är tvåspråkiga emedan engelska saknar officiell status. Då flertalet tidigare studier har fokuserat på denna typ av ords funktion, och undersökt deras förekomst i de nordiska språken var för sig, använder denna studie data från sociala medier, nämligen Nordic Tweet Stream (Laitinen et al., 2018) i en jämförelse av form och frekvens för de engelska fula orden fuck, shit, ass, damn, bitch och hell mellan de nordiska språken, för att därigenom synliggöra faktorer som gynnar deras bruk. Överraskande nog var de engelska fula orden långt mer frekventa i det isländska materialet jämfört med de övriga språken, trots att Island har en stark språkpuristisk tradition och frekvenserna därför förväntades vara lägre än i de andra språken. Däremot uppträdde de fula orden i högre grad i morfologiskt och ortografiskt anpassad form i isländska, vilket påvisar den puristiska traditionen på annat vis. Frekvenserna i de andra fyra språken skiljde sig något från resultaten av tidigare studier av lånord i de nordiska språken, medan anpassningsgraden var mer jämförbar med tidigare studier. En jämförelse av de engelska fula ordens frekvenser i denna studie med inhemska fula ords frekvenser på Twitter i en studie av Coats (2021) visade att medan fuck och shit mäter sig i frekvens med de vanligaste inhemska fula orden, och överträffar dem ibland, verkar de inte ersätta lokala motsvarigheter. Till sist påvisades, genom att utnyttja den geografiska platsdata som åtföljer varje tweet i Nordic Tweet Stream, att de engelska fula ordens frekvenser var högre bland användare som twittrar främst från stora städer i Danmark, Sverige och Finland, medan ingen signifikant skillnad kunde ses i den norska datan. Icke desto mindre styrker detta Vattovaara & Petersons (2019) tes gällande att lån från engelska bär med sig globala och urbana sociala indikationer som främjar deras bruk bland vissa sociala grupper.

The occurence of cocaine in Egyptian mummies

Görlitz, Dominique 25 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
One of the unsolved problems of modern science is whether the pre-Columbian peoples of the New World developed completely independently of cultural influences from the Old World or if there was a trans-oceanic contact? A number of scientists agree that there are many – and often remarkable – similarities between the cultures of pre-Columbian America and those of the Mediterranean world. Nevertheless, there is no agreement, as yet, on how cultural diffusion can be differentiated from independent invention. Scientific analysis shows that scholarly positions are often strongly pre-formed from paradigms (scientific based assumptions), which tend to hinder consideration of solid scientific data offered by geo-biology and its trans-disciplinary examination of the subject under investigation here. An unambiguous answer to the question, what historical processes led to the emergence of the ancient American agriculture, hasn\'t been given. However, the archaeological discovery of crops with clear trans-oceanic origin, in addition to advances in molecular biology, increasingly support the hypothesis that humans from the distant past influenced each other across the oceans at a much earlier stage. The vegetation and zoo-geography indicate, by numerous examples that some species could only have spread through perhaps unintentional (passive) human transmission [1]. There are two very old crops found in the „New World‟, which contradict the paradigm of a completely independent origin for American agriculture. These are the African Bottle Gourd (Lagenaria siceraria L.) and the ancestral cotton species (Gossypium herbaceum L.) of the domesticated spin able sub-genus of tetraploid cotton. The historical spread of both types has been under discussion for decades, especially in respect of trans-oceanic human contact with the American continent. There has also been a debate in the \"Old World\" ever since the discovery of nicotine and cocaine in Egyptian mummies, centering around whether \"New World\" plants (or the ingredients) might have been transmitted in the reverse direction, back to the presumed start in centers of the Ancient World\'s oldest civilizations.

Modélisation de type multi-agents en archéologie : l'expansion des premiers agriculteurs Balkaniques : adaptation du modèle OBRESOC : manipulation et exploration des données simulées / Agent-based modelling in archaeology : the expansion of the first farmers in the Balkans : adaptation of the OBRESOC model : manipulation and exploration of the simulated data

Zanotti, Andrea 18 October 2016 (has links)
La thématique de l'expansion du système agricole depuis l'Anatolie vers les Balkans est depuis longtemps un important sujet de recherche. Les approches archéologiques classiques ont permis de mieux comprendre le parcours et le temps de cette expansion, mais ils n'expliquent rien de ce qui n'est pas observable dans les traces archéologiques : notamment, la structure socio-économique d'une société agricole préhistorique. Dans cette thèse, un modèle de type multi-agents a été utilisé pour explorer ces éléments qui sont invisibles en archéologie. Ce modèle, appelé BEAN (Bridging European and Anatolian Neolithic), consiste en une adaptation du modèle OBRESOC (Un OBservatoire REtrospectif d'une SOCiété archéologique). OBRESOC avait été crée pour simuler l'expansion des agriculteurs rubanées en Europe Centrale, et a été modifié pour s'adapter au contexte archéologique balkanique. L'expansion des premiers agriculteurs Balkaniques est simulée en combinant des données archéologiques avec des inférences ethnohistoriques et paléodémographiques. Un environnement réaliste a été modélisé, où les zones d'optimum agricole sont déterminées par des estimations de la météorologie et de la fertilité des sols. Chaque agent correspond à un foyer domestique ; les agents interagissent dans cet environnement en suivant des modèles partiaux intermédiaires socioéconomiques qui déterminent les règles de leur comportement. Par exemple : maisons avec des familles nucléaires ; système agricole intensif sur des petits champs avec chasse et cueillette complémentaires ; expansion déterminée par le scalar stress villageois ; réseaux de solidarité entre apparentés ; disettes et famines causées par des événements météorologiques. De cette façon, le modèle simule le fonctionnement et l'expansion géographique d'une société agricole Néolithique. De nombreuses simulations ont été effectuées, en faisant varier les paramètres les plus importants, identifiés grâce à une analyse de sensibilité. L'adhérence entre les données archéologiques et les données simulées a été mesurée principalement avec des critères géographiques : la simulation qui produit le patron d'expansion simulé qui coïncide le mieux avec l'expansion archéologique est considérée la meilleure. De procédures spécifiques ont été crées pour manipuler la grande quantité de données simulées produites par le modèle. L'observation de ces données a permis l'exploration de certains aspects qui sont invisibles en archéologie ; par exemple, le modèle a aidé à questionner des croyances archéologiques basées sur des hypothèses qui n'étaient pas vérifiables autrement. Le modèle a permis aussi l'exploration d'autres sujets, comme la comparaison entre le front pionner de colonisation et les zones d'ancienne occupation, ainsi que l'influence de la météorologie sur l'expansion du système agricole. Le modèle a produit des patrons d'expansion qui adhèrent, géographiquement et chronologiquement, à l'expansion suggérée par les traces archéologiques. L'exploration des sorties socio-économiques a permis la formulation de nouvelles hypothèses qui ne pourraient pas être faites simplement sur la base de ce qui est trouvé dans les vestiges archéologiques. Même quand il y a un large écart entre ce qui est observé en archéologie et ce qui est produit par le modèle, cette approche de modélisation multi-agents ouvre à des nouvelles questions, en ajoutant de nouvelles idées et perspectives à la recherche actuelle. / A topic of great importance in archaeological research throughout the last decades concerns the expansion of the first farmers from Anatolia through the Balkans. The standard archaeological approaches allowed the understanding of the path and timing of this expansion; however, they lack explanation of what is unobservable in the archaeological record: in particular, the socio-economic structure of a prehistoric farming society. Throughout this thesis, an agent-based model was built in order to explore those elements which are hidden in archaeology. This model, called BEAN (Bridging European and Anatolian Neolithic), is an adaptation of the OBRESOC model (Un OBservatoire REtrospectif d'une SOCiété archéologique). OBRESOC was created to simulate the expansion of the LBK farmers in central Europe, and was adapted to the Balkan archaeological context. The expansion of the first Neolithic farmers in the Balkans was simulated by combining the archaeological records to ethnohistoric and paleodemographic inferences. A realistic environment has been modelled where the areas of optimum farming are determined by meteorology and soil fertility estimates. An agent corresponds to a household; agents interact on this landscape, following socioeconomic partial intermediate models. For instance: households composed of a nuclear family; intensive farming system on small plot completed by hunting-gathering; expansion determined by scalar stress at the hamlet scale; family clan solidarity; shortages and famines caused by meteorological events). Thus, the model simulates the functioning of the Neolithic farming society and its geographic expansion. Several simulations have been executed, testing different combinations of the key parameters, identified through a sensitivity analysis. The goodness of fit of simulated data to the archaeological data is measured mostly on geographic criteria : the best simulation is the one that produces the expansion pattern that better fits to the archaeological data. Specific procedures have been developed in order to process the large amount of data produced by the model. The observation of this data permitted to explore some aspects that are invisible in archaeological record : for example, the model helped to investigate some archaeological beliefs, based on assumptions that could not be verified. The model also permitted the exploration of other topics, such as the comparison between the pioneer front of colonization and the zones of previous occupation, as well as the effect of meteorology on the expansion of the farming system. The model produced an expansion pattern that corresponds geographically and chronologically to the expansion suggested by the archaeological evidence. The exploration of socio-economic outputs permitted the formulation of new hypothesis that could not be made using purely archaeological record. Even when there's a large gap between what is found in archaeology and what is produced by the model, this agent-based modelling approach helps to raise new questions, adding new ideas and perspective to the actual state of research.

Fakultät Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften 2005

Heidemann, Lutz, Mauermeister, Sylvi 03 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dresdner Absolventenstudie beschreibt die Ergebnisse der Befragung von Absolvent/innen der Fakultät Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften der TU Dresden des im Untertitel angegebenen Abschlusszeitraums zu den Themen Berufseinmündung, Tätigkeitsverlauf, Studienverlauf, retrospektive Studienbewertung und Zukunftsorientierungen. Darüber hinaus werden Kohorten- und Panelvergleiche zu befragten Absolvent/innen früherer Jahrgänge realisiert. Gegenstand sind auch Aspekte im Studium, die mit dem beruflichen Erfolg in Zusammenhang stehen.

Proceedings of the International Workshop "Innovation Information Technologies: Theory and Practice"

Konrad, Uwe, Iskhakova, Liliya 21 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This International Workshop is a high quality seminar providing a forum for the exchange of scientific achievements between research communities of different universities and research institutes in the area of innovation information technologies. It is a continuation of the Russian-German Workshops that have been organized by the universities in Dresden, Karlsruhe and Ufa before. The workshop was arranged in 9 sessions covering the major topics: Modern Trends in Information Technology, Knowledge Based Systems and Semantic Modelling, Software Technology and High Performance Computing, Geo-Information Systems and Virtual Reality, System and Process Engineering, Process Control and Management and Corporate Information Systems.

Zukünftige regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Zuckerrübenanbaus und Entwicklungsperspektiven ausgewählter Rübenanbaubetriebe an Standorten Norddeutschlands und Osteuropas / Future competitiveness of sugar beets on regional level and development potential for sugar beet dominated farms in Northern Germany and Eastern Europe

Georg, Timm 07 November 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring der Verstädterung im Großraum Istanbul mit den Methoden der Fernerkundung und der Versuch einer räumlich-statistischen Modellierung / Monitoring of urbanization in the metropolitan area of Istanbul by means of remote sensing and the attempt at spatial-statistical modelling

Radberger, Roman 02 July 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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