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Analýza součinnosti spojka - pivot na ME 2008 dorostenců v házené / Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's European Championship in BrnoVáclavek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Title: Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship in Brno. Objectives: Qualitative analysis of the attacking combinations between back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship 2008 in Brno, finding out the space distribution of these combinations and compare the trend analysis of Men's "18", Men's "20" and Men's European Championship. Methods: Qualitative Analysis of the matches on DVD with using non participating and non structured observing connected with quantitative analysis based on the statistical program Handball Stat. We used own form for recording the observed data. Results: The teams used combination based on passing mostly. The distribution of co-operation probably depended on physical, technical and tactical preparation of the back court players and through that the line player very often co-operated with left and middle back. Key words: handball, combination, co-operation, back court player, line player, qualitative analysis, 9th Men's "18"ECh 2008 Brno
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Vliv kinematických faktorů na rychlost a přesnost střelby v házené. / The influence of kinematic factors on shooting velocity and accuracy in team handballŠetelík, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: The influence of kinematic factors on shooting velocity and accuracy in team handball. Goals: The main goal of this thesis is to find the influence of kinematic factors of throwing arm on shooting velocity and accuracy in team handball. Methods: The relationship between velocity and accuracy is based on practical measurement of group of team handballers. The measurement itself consists of three chosen types of shooting. We focused on movement and reciprocal position of reference points (ball, wrist, elbow and shoulder joint) and their influence on velocity and accuracy of hitting a target in goal. For measuring velocity is used a radar device Stalker. Measured values were elaborated in TEMA motion program which is appropriate for detail 3D analysis of throwing motion. Results: The results of this thesis demostrate the proximal-to-distal sequence in both types of throwing. An absolute velocities in this sequence were higher at Vmax shots than in accurate shots. There was found a significal difference between elbow extension angle of shots on upper and lower targets but exception. Higher elbow extension angle was found at Vmax shots than at accurate shots. This shows the influence of angle size on shooting velocity. A movement of the arm relative to vertical axis of a goal reflected an...
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Proposta de sistematização pedagógica e avaliação no handebol em cadeira de rodasOliveira, Ana Carolina Santana de 23 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-23 / The adapted sport has spread within adapted physical education and among people with disabilities, given the range of possibilities it offers. The wheelchair handball (WH) is a sport still not very popular, even among people with physical disabilities and has been worked out recently by some professionals in Adapted Physical Education. Due to the fact that it is a new modality and it is still in a phase of construction of knowledge, there are few academic studies related to HW. This research had the aim of filling the blanks that exist in the pedagogical approach of the modality, thus supplying academic support for the future teachers who intend to teach it. Therefore, the aim of the present research was to systematize, apply and describe the program of pedagogical intervention of handball in wheelchairs for disabled people describing its main fundaments. The specifics objectives were: to evaluate the evolution of the abilities in the execution of the sport fundaments in the periods before and after intervention and evaluate in which fundaments the disabled athletes which participated in the study obtained better results. The research was carried out using the experimental methodology, by using the intra-subjects outlining (pre and post test) and AB outlining. The study included four people with physical disabilities, three men and one woman. The data were collected for 12 weeks with 2 sessions in a week (total of 24 sessions, 4 sessions of baseline and 20 intervention sessions) in a city in the state of São Paulo / SP, with all sessions filmed. The data collection was carried out through a protocol of record of task analysis, previously established by the researcher. The analysis was made by three researchers and presented in a qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative way, with statistical analysis (paired t test, considering p <0.05). The analyzed results have margin to select the main fundaments of the WH (handling and displacement with the wheelchair, conduction and control of the ball, throwing, passing and catching the ball, dodging and positioning in the court) and with intervention, we can infer that all the grounds, without exception, displayed an increase of the scores obtained by the athletes, and the fundaments that had the highest scores were exclusive of handball - passing and catching the ball and throwing and the fundament that was less evolution was dodging. This research gave rise to infer that the intervention was effective in promoting the learning of the HW by the participants, and the instrument constructed, it can be applied to other athletes to evaluate the learning of the modality fundaments. / O esporte adaptado vem se disseminando dentro da Educação Física e entre as pessoas com deficiências, visto a gama de possibilidades que ele oferece. O handebol em cadeira de rodas (HCR) é uma modalidade esportiva ainda pouco difundida, inclusive entre as próprias pessoas com deficiência física e que vem sendo trabalhada recentemente por alguns profissionais da área de Educação Física Adaptada. Por ser uma modalidade nova e em fase de construção de conhecimento, existem poucos estudos acadêmicos sobre o HCR, e, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade tentar preencher um pouco da lacuna existente na abordagem pedagógica da modalidade e fornecer respaldo acadêmico para os futuros professores que pretendem ensinar esta modalidade. Mediante o exposto, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar, sistematizar, aplicar e descrever um programa de intervenção pedagógica de handebol em cadeira de rodas para pessoas com deficiência descrevendo seus principais fundamentos. Os objetivos específicos da pesquisa foram: avaliar quais fundamentos os atletas com deficiência física participantes deste estudo obtiveram melhores resultados; avaliar a evolução das habilidades na execução dos fundamentos do handebol nos períodos pré e pós intervenção e avaliar a situação de jogo no período pós intervenção. A pesquisa foi realizada utilizando a abordagem experimental, sendo uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório com delineamento experimental, com utilização do delineamento intra-sujeitos (pré e pós teste) e o delineamento AB. Participaram do estudo quatro pessoas com deficiência física, sendo três homens e uma mulher. Os dados foram coletados durante 12 semanas com duas sessões semanais (totalizando 24 sessões, sendo 4 sessões de linha de base e 20 sessões de intervenção) em uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo/SP, com a realização de filmagens em todas as sessões. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de um protocolo de registro da análise de tarefas, previamente estabelecido pela pesquisadora. A análise dos resultados foi realizada por três pesquisadoras e apresentados de forma qualitativa (descritiva) e de forma quantitativa, com análise estatística dos resultados (teste t pareado, adotando p<0,05). Os resultados analisados deram margem para selecionar os principais fundamentos do HCR (manejo e deslocamento com a cadeira, controle e condução de bola, passe e recepção, arremesso, finta e posicionamento em quadra) e, com a realização da intervenção, pode-se inferir que todos os fundamentos, sem exceção, obtiveram aumento na somatória dos escores obtidos pelos atletas, sendo que os fundamentos que apresentaram os maiores escores foram os exclusivos do handebol - passe e recepção e arremesso e o fundamento que menos evoluiu foi a finta. A realização desta pesquisa deu margem para inferir que a intervenção foi eficaz ao promover a aprendizagem do HCR pelos participantes, e que o instrumento construído, pode ser aplicado a demais atletas para avaliação da aprendizagem dos fundamentos da modalidade.
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Att vara handbollsspelare under en pandemi : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och hinder att vara fysiskt aktiv och behålla motivation till lagidrottHurtig, Kenny January 2021 (has links)
Fysisk aktivitet kan genomföras genom exempelvis lagidrott vilket genererar psykiska, fysiska och sociala vinster i relation till hälsa. Som lagidrottsutövare under en pandemi har utmaningar uppstått som kräver att idrottsverksamheter behöver anpassa sig vilket också påverkar utövarna. Handboll är en sport som bedrivs inomhus med fysisk kontakt som till följd av Covid-19 pandemin både pausats och stängts ned. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur handbollsspelare upplever möjligheten att vara fysiskt aktiv under en pandemi och huruvida detta påverkar motivation i relation till lagidrotten. I studien har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats genom ett målstyrt urval där sex handbollsspelare i Västmanland intervjuades genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Insamlade data transkriberades och analyserades genom en manifest innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att det finns upplevda möjligheter till fysisk aktivitet under Covid-19 pandemin som krävt en individuell träningsomställning och detta har möjliggjort mer tid till annat. De upplevda hindren är begränsad tillgänglighet att utöva handboll och mindre kollektiv träning som har bidragit till bristande motivation till lagidrotten. Slutsatserna visar att den sociala vinsten lagidrott genererar upplevs meningsfull vilket pandemin begränsat. Möjligheter och hinder har gjort att handbollsspelare ifrågasätter varför de tränar så mycket när det inte finns något att träna för vilket också påverkar motivation till sporten. / Physical activity can be performed through for example team sports which generate mental, physical, and social benefits in relation to health. As a team sport athlete during a pandemic, challenges have arisen that require sports activities to adapt, which also affects the athletes. Handball is a sport that is played indoors with physical contact which as a result of the Covid- 19 pandemic has both been paused and shut down. The aim of the study is to investigate how handball players experience the opportunity to be physically active during a pandemic and whether this affects motivation in relation to team sports. In the study, a qualitative method was applied through purposeful sampling where six handball players in Västmanland were interviewed through semi-structured interviews. The collected data were transcribed and analyzed by manifest content analysis. The results show that there are perceived opportunities for physical activity during the Covid- 19 pandemic that required an individual training adjustment, and this has enabled more time for other things. The perceived barriers during a pandemic with limited accessibility to practice handball and less collective training have contributed to a lack of motivation to team sports. The conclusion shows that the social winning teams sport generates, and which is perceived as meaningful, has been limited during the pandemic. Opportunities and barriers have made handball players questioning why they train so much when there is nothing to train for, which also affect motivation for the sport.
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Acute sports injuries in Sweden and their possible prevention : an epidemiological study using insurance dataÅman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Physical activity is an essential component of a healthy life, e.g. to prevent obesity, cardiovascular disease and premature death, of which sports can be an important part. Unfortunately, sports activities increase the risk of both overuse and acute injuries. Severe acute injuries may also lead to a permanent medical impairment (PMI), which may influence the ability to be physically active throughout life. However, sports injuries may be prevented, but a profound understanding of the injuries and how to prevent them is needed. This doctoral thesis examine acute sports injuries reported by licensed athletes of all ages and level of sports nationwide in Sweden, by using national insurance data. Approximately 80% of all the Sports Federations (SF) had their mandatory accident insurance in the insurance company Folksam, and since there is no national sports injury surveillance system in Sweden, this is a unique database, able to be used in epidemiological studies on acute injuries occurring in organized sports in Sweden. The main aim of this thesis was to identify high-risk sports for acute injuries, the most common and the most severe injuries, especially in large sports with numerous licensed athletes, many injuries and injuries resulting in PMI. Based on the results, there will be recommendations regarding sports and body locations where injury prevention efforts should be focused to gain the greatest prevention effect at a national level in Sweden. Another aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of a neuromuscular knee control training program (KCP) that has been implemented nationwide to reduce knee and cruciate ligament injuries, among football players in Sweden. After evaluating the validity and reliability of the information within the database based on international guidelines, acute injury data were examined and the results presented in four papers. These results showed that there is a need of injury prevention especially in motorcycle sports, team ball sports, and ice hockey. Particularly, knee injuries need to be prevented since they were both the most common injuries and leading to PMI. The severe head- and upper limb injuries also need attention. Sixty-nine percent of the PMI injured athletes, were younger than 25 years. The injury prevention training program, KCP can be considered partially implemented nationwide, since 21 out of 24 district SFs provided KCP educations. The incidence of knee and cruciate ligament injuries has decreased among football players in Sweden. A concerning aspect is that there is no national official policy regarding sports injury and injury prevention in Sweden, nor an official authority that has the explicit responsibility for these issues.
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Dopady legislativních změn v oblasti loterií na financování sportu obcemi / Impact of legislative changes in the realm of lotteries on the funding of sports by municipalitiesKrupicová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
This Master´s thesis deals with the impact of legislative changes in the realm of lotteries on the funding of sports by municipalities. This issue is explored in the practical part and the town of Jindřichův Hradec was used as an example. The aim of the thesis is to characterize the system of the funding of sports. Also, the thesis compares and contrasts the legislative state of the Act No 202/1990 Coll. of lotteries and similar games before and after its amendment which came into force on 1st January 2012. Finally, the thesis describes and assesses the support of sport clubs and sport associations by the town of Jindřichův Hradec, including practical calculations of the effects the law amendment had on the local handball club and its financial resources. It was found out that, in comparison with similar-scale cities, the town of Jindřichův Hradec provided above-average financial resources into the field of sport. The comparison of subsidy rules revealed that the new subsidy program presents the improvement, especially with the following aspects. First, there is the introduction of the preferred sport clubs institution. Second, there is the cancellation of the initial division into categories. Third, there is the establishment of the independence of the grant committee members. After an initial hesitation, the town approached the division of the money gained from lotteries very transparently and it usually tied up the allocation of the revenues to a current subsidy system. As far as the local handball club is concerned, there was palpable a positive change between the periods before and after the amendment.
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Methodische Aspekte bei der Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen zur Messung der Funktionalitäten eines HandballschuhsKrumm, Dominik 17 March 2020 (has links)
Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die methodischen Aspekte bei der Entwicklung mechanischer Simulationen zur Messung der Funktionalitäten von Handballschuhen systematisch zu untersuchen und aus den Ergebnissen allgemeingültige Aussagen zum Abstraktionsgrad abzuleiten. Die Untersuchungen der vier methodischen Aspekte Messgerät, Auswertemodell, Einfluss- und Eingangsgröße haben ergeben, dass insgesamt drei Aspekte einen Einfluss auf den Messwert hatten. Mit Ausnahme der Ergebnisse zum Aspekt Eingangsgröße besaßen die untersuchten methodischen Aspekte jeweils einen Einfluss auf den Messwert. Anhand der Ergebnisse konnte abgeleitet werden, dass der Abstraktionsgrad einen Einfluss auf die Messwerte besitzt. / The aim of the current work was to investigate systematically the methodological aspects used in the development of mechanical simulations, which are capable of measuring the functionalities of handball shoes, and to derive general conclusions about the proper degree of abstraction from the results. The investigations of the four methodological aspects, namely measuring instrument, evaluation model, influence quantity and input quantity, have shown that three aspects had an influence on the measurand. Except for the results on the aspect of input quantity, each of the examined methodological aspects had an influence on the measurand. Based on the results, it could be deduced that the degree of abstraction has an influence on the measurand.
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Kommersialism, mer än bara ett fenomen : En studie av kommersialismen inom svenska herrelitföreningar och om den miljö de verkar i, i förhållande till yttre partners.Ahlbin, Oskar, Svensson, Marcus January 2020 (has links)
Abstrakt Syftet med studien är att undersöka herrelitföreningarnas beroende av yttre partners. Samtidigt lyfta fram elitföreningarnas användning av kommersiell verksamhet och hur det påverkar deras ekonomi. Studien kommer också att diskutera fördelar och nackdelar som de undersökta föreningarna ser med införandet av idrottsaktiebolag, eftersom idrottsföreningens går mot ett mer företagsliknande förhållningssätt. Studien är förankrad i den osäkra miljön som bildas när kommersialisering och det ideella idealet ställs mot varandra inom svensk idrott. Forskning instämmer i att idrotten måste skapa en balans mellan kommersialisering och ideell idealet. Å andra sidan råder en viss oenighet om kommersiella intäkter handlar om vinstmaximering eller nyttomaximering. Resource Dependence Theory används för att förklara hur partners minskar deras beroende och osäkerheter i miljön de arbetar i förhållande till yttre partners. Metoden som används är en blandning av kvantitativ och kvalitativ forskning, genom ett frågeformulär som innehåller frågor i en blandning av enkätfrågor och semistrukturerade intervjufrågor. Sexton respondenter deltog i studien. Studien visar att herrelitföreningar tycker att samarbete med externa partners är något att sträva efter, men att det också skapar ett beroende av dessa externa partners. Det verkar också som om beroendet är oförändrat oavsett sammansättningsform. / Abstract The purpose of the study is to investigate the dependence of associations on external organizations. At the same time highlight the sports associations' use of commercial activities and how it affects their finances. The study will also discuss the advantages and disadvantages that the surveyed associations see with the incorporation of sports associations, as the sports associations world is moving towards a more corporate-like approach. The study is rooted in the uncertain environment that is formed when commercialization and the non-profit ideal are set against each other within Swedish sports. Research agrees that sport needs to strike a balance between commercialization and the non-profit ideal. On the other hand, there is disagreement as to whether commercial revenue is about profit maximization or utility maximization. Resource Dependence Theory is used to explain how organizations reduce their dependence and uncertainties in the environment they operate in relation to external partners. The method applied is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative research, through a questionnaire containing questions in a mixture of survey and semi-structured interview questions. Sixteen respondents participated in the study. The study shows that elite sports associations find that collaboration with external organizations is something to strive for, but that it also creates a dependency on these external organizations. It also appears that the dependency is unchanged regardless of the form of association.
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Framgångsfaktorer i en svensk talangutvecklingsmiljö : En kvalitativ fallstudie av handbollens talangutvecklingsmiljö ur ett holistiskt ekologiskt perspektiv / Successfactors in a swedish talent development environment : A qualitative study, conducted in a Swedish handball club, about success factors in the talent development environmentJohannesson, Christian January 2015 (has links)
Genom att tillämpa en fallstudiedesign undersöker denna studie en talangutvecklingsmiljö inom lagidrotten handboll. Studiens syfte är att studera den interaktion och dynamiska process som sker mellan spelare, tränare och andra signifikanta personer i en svensk talangutvecklingsmiljö. Studiens teoretiska ramverk är Henrikens (2010) modeller för att studera framgångsrika talangutvecklingsmiljöer. Studien tillämpar en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi i form av intervjuer och dokumentanalys. Resultatet visar att det finns stora likheter mellan den undersökta handbollsmiljön och framgångsrika talangutvecklingsmiljöer från andra studier. / By using a case study design this a talent development environment in the team sport of handball. The aim of the study is to examine the interaction and dynamic process between players, coaches and significant others in a Swedish talent development environment. The theoretical framework is Henriksen (2010) working models for studying talent development environment. This study has a qualitative research strategy in the form of interviews and document analysis. The results show similarities with the environment in the handball club and successful talent development environment from other case studies.
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