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Feministiskt initiativ som kommunpolitik : En studie om kommunpolitikens möjlighetsvillkorBergquist, Fanny January 2016 (has links)
Based upon feminist organized women's experiences of resistance and political acting space, this study investigates what is possible to say and do (and not do), as well as which issues can be politicized (and which cannot) in the Swedish municipal policy. More specifically it analyzes in which spaces women face resistance, who are expressing it, and how it is manifested. Moreover, it discusses which political content that can be formulated, politicized, and implemented in the local political area. It is based on interviews with representatives from the political party Feminist initiative, and builds on previous research on resistance against women's extra-parliamentary political organizing. Previous research has suggested that the organization in itself evokes resistance. Nevertheless, this study shows that it is the political content, rather than the organizing, that arouses resistance. The combination of women who organize themselves as women and runs an anti-racist policy seems to be the most provocative. This thesis also shows that it is possible to politicize gender issues – unless they are not labeled as feminist issues. The concept of “gender equality” can be used, but not “feminism”. There are opportunities to talk about equality if it is formulated in terms of gender neutrality and equal treatment. It is possible to talk about gender when it comes to gender equality, but it is not allowed to permeate other policy areas. And concrete policy proposals can be formulated, unless the political discussion is not conducted at a more visionary and ideological level. While there are policies which can be implemented on condition that they are not formulated in feminist terms, there are also policies which could be expressed, but subsequently will not be implemented due to opposition from the administration.
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Vilken respekt inger jag i mjukisbyxor? : En kvalitativ undersökning om fritidshemmet, kläder & yrkesidentitetMejdi, Yasmine, Bergendahl, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka fritidspersonals attityd till sin yrkesidentitet genom att ta reda på deras tankar, erfarenheter och upplevelser av kläder i skolvärlden. Fritidspersonal är en yrkesgrupp som balanserar mellan skolans målstyrda kunskapsinriktade pedagogiska uppdrag och fritidshemmet som traditionellt sett varit en socialpedagogisk omsorgsbetonad verksamhet. Genom sju djupintervjuer med personal verksamma inom fritidshem i Stockholmsområdet har vi undersökt hur de i sitt arbete förhåller sig till fritidshemmets relativt nya uppdrag. Sedan har materialet analyserats utifrån Anthony Giddens teori om strukturering, identiteter och positionering. Studien pekar på hur fritidspersonalens identitet ständigt omförhandlas i ett dagligt socialt samspel där även kläder har betydelse för vad som kommuniceras och hur läraridentiteter konstrueras. / The purpose of this study is to examine after school teachers attitude to their professional identity by investigating their thoughts and experiences of clothes in the school context. After school teachers are working in both the school area and the leisure time area which makes the profession difficult to define. This qualitative study has been conducted through interviews with seven after school teachers in Stockholm, and analyzed using Anthony Giddens theories of structuration, identities and positioning. The study points out that teacher identities are not set in stone but are being negotiated in the daily social life where clothes are being used as means of communication and a way of constructing teacher identities.
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Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck, socialnämndens och förvaltningsrättens beskrivningar av problematiken. : En dokumentanalys av rättsfall gällande omhändertagande av flickor med stöd av 2 § LVUMarklund, Emelie, Eriksson, Julia, Lindberg, Julia January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how honor-related violence and oppression cited as ground for compulsory care according to 2 § Law of mandatory care of minors (lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga) in the social welfare board and the administrative courts problemdescription. Through a document analysis of 15 court cases where the outcome of all cases have been approval, we have studied the social welfare board and the administrative court descriptions of the girls’ situation. The decrees in our study, where honor have been mentioned, has had a decisive date from 2016-2017 and have been regarding underage girls. Our study examines how honor is expressed and what understandings of honor-related violence and oppression we can find in the social welfare board and administrative court problem descriptions in judgements according to 2 § Law of mandatory care of minors (lag (1990:52) med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga). The result shows that the social welfare board in their descriptions of the girls situation explains the violence from a cultural perspective. The administrative court attaches importance to describe the child’s vulnerability and their consequences, rather than leading motive for the violence. The result in our study shows that the social welfare board and the administrative court describes the violence forms and the vulnerability of the girl being similar to what previous research shows in terms of honor related violence. Our conclusion of this result is that there is a good knowledge in both the social welfare board and the administrative court in terms of the violence forms and the vulnerable situation for the girls.
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”…det är ingen som har klagat i alla fall att dem inte förstår” : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare inom LSS förhåller sig till sitt professionella handlingsutrymme i den skrivande praktikenNehlin, Ida, Johansson, Mikaela January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how social workers within LSS relate to her professional space in the writing practice. The method we used to collect data was through qualitative semi structured interviews. Our study found that when there are no clear guidelines for writing an investigation text, the responsibility falls on the individual social worker. The social worker has the ability to customize the language so that a user with low reading comprehension understands, but they choose not to because they are hindered by a strong idea from the organization that a representative of a authority should write correctly and professionally, which becomes a form of power.
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Privilegierad kvinna i Europa : En intersektionell analys av handlingsutrymme i Birgitta Stenbergs roman Kärlek i EuropaTurell, Anna January 2017 (has links)
In the novel, Kärlek i Europa, the main character Birgitta travels to Europe searching for a new approach to life: to her gender, her sexuality and her social class. The places she visits represent two different discourses: the Stockholmean discourse where life is strictly adjusted to gender and class and the European discourse where the frame of life is more open concerning gender, sexuality and social class. The purpose of this essay is to examine what kinds of scope for action the two discourses enables Birgitta in terms of gender, sexuality and social class. By employing a discourse theoretical method combined with intersectional theory focusing on the power axis of gender, sexuality and social class, I hope to reach my goal of investigating what the discourses enables Birgitta. My results show that, in some respects, the ideals for a woman within the European discourse are less strict than the ones within the Stockholmean discourses. My results also show that while Birgitta leaves the Stockholmean discourse regarding her gender and sexuality, she never fully leaves in terms of her social class. Her habitus is so fully developed that it enables her to float between the classes while travelling Europe.
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"Man får ju vara lite uppfinningsrik" : en kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares uppfattningar om handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn / ”You just have to be a little inventive” : a qualitative study on the perspectives of social workers about discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster careJohansson, Lena, Johansson, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Valet av uppsatsämne grundar sig i att det skett en förändring i synen på betydelsen av en relation mellan föräldrar och barn under senaste århundradet. Att föräldrarna har fått en större betydelse i barnens liv gör det därför intressant att studera hur föräldrar som har sina barn placerade i familjehem görs delaktiga i barnens liv utifrån socialsekreterares uppfattningar om delaktighetsfrämjande arbete och sitt handlingsutrymme i detta arbete. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv beskriva och analysera socialsekreterares uppfattningar om sitt handlingsutrymme och delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats där materialet har skapats genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer och empirin utgörs av fyra stycken transkriberade intervjuer. Urvalet har skett genom att socialsekreterare som har arbetsuppgifter som innefattar att arbeta med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn kontaktades. Empirin har sedan bearbetats och analyserats utifrån en tematisk analysmodell. Resultatet presenteras sedan i relation till studiens teoretiska ram samt tidigare forskning. Resultat: Denna studie visar på att tillgänglighet och kontinuitet är enligt socialsekreterarna av betydelse för skapandet av en relation mellan socialsekreterare och föräldrar, vilket i sin tur främjar föräldrarnas delaktighet samt att det kan vara av betydelse för barnets bästa. I detta arbete så upplever socialsekreterarna att deras handlingsutrymme är stort och att det har en frihet i hur de kan lägga upp ett delaktighetsfrämjande arbete med föräldrar till familjehemsplacerade barn. Men samtidigt beskriver de även aspekter som de upplever begränsa deras handlingsutrymme. / Background: The choice of subject in this study is based on the altered perception of the importance of a relation between parents and children the last century. The enlarged importance of parent's involvement in their children's lives makes it interesting to study how these parents are made participated by the social worker and their perspectives of a work that promotes participation among these parents and how the social worker perceive their discretion in this work. Purpose: This study aims to describe and analyse, from a symbolic interactionistic perspective, the perspective of social workers about their discretion and the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. Method: This study has a qualitative approach where the material was made by semi-structured interviews and the empirics consists of four transcribed interviews. We contacted social worker who is working with parents that have children placed in foster care to make our selection. The empirics have then been processed and analysed with a thematic analyse model. The result is then presented in relation to this study's theoretical frame and previous research. Result: The results of this study shows that availability and continuity are, according to the social worker, of importance in the making of a relation between the social worker and these parents, which in turn can promote the parent's participation and it can also be for the child's best. In this work the social worker experiencing that they have a wide discretion which enables them to scheduled their own time which they spend in the work of promoting participation among parents with children in foster care. At the same time, they also describe aspects that they feel is limiting their discretion.
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Hjälpa barn - vad kan jag, vad hindrar mig, hur gör jag? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av handlingsutrymme i barnavårdsutredningar där barn har bevittnat våld / Helping children - what can I do, what prevents me, how do I do? : A qualitative interview study on social service workers experiences of professionaldiscretion in childcare investigation where children have witnessed violence.Rahmonov, Adam January 2018 (has links)
This study aims to examine social service worker’s perception of factors that complicate and challenge their freedom of action in childcare investigation where children have witnessed violence between parents, and how they manage this in their assessments. Data was collected using qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight social workers from three social offices in Stockholm. The transcriptions from the interviews were analysed via thematic analysis. The results were analysed by using a social theoretical approach. Getting access to children’s perception of the experienced violence is shown in the study as achallenge for the social workers. The conclusions of the study show that high workload, co- operation within different units in the organisation and lack of authority for decision-making are the main factors that complicates the social workers freedom of action in their work. Consequences of these factors lead to less time for the social workers to meet the children and get their voice heard during the investigation work. The study also concludes that professional experience and support from colleagues enable the social workers to managetheir freedom of action during childcare investigations.
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Möjligheter och begränsningar inom arbetet med ekonomiskt bistånd : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares handlingsutrymme / Possibilities and limitations within the work of social assistance and income support : A qualitative study of social workers discretionOlsén, Oscar, Plouda, Stéphanie January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftade till att undersöka hur olika socialsekreterare resonerade i sina bedömningar inom ekonomiskt bistånd samt hur socialsekreterarna uppfattade och tillämpade sitt handlingsutrymme. Fem socialsekreterare intervjuades i en kvalitativ intervjustudie där även två vinjettfall ingick. Resultatet påvisade viss variation i resonemang och bedömningar samt att tid, ärendebelastning och samverkan med andra myndigheter enligt socialsekreterarna hade störst inverkan på deras handlingsutrymme. Resultatet motsade en del tidigare forskning, genom att organisatoriska kontrollmekanismer inom socialt arbete även kan upplevas som positivt för socialarbetarnas handlingsutrymme. Generellt sett kände sig majoriteten av socialsekreterare tämligen fria i sin yrkesutövning. Skillnader i socialsekreterarnas resonemang analyserades samt diskuterades. Vissa socialsekreterare tillämpade ett tämligen byråkratiskt förhållningssätt gentemot klienter och deras ansökningar, medan andra socialsekreterare fokuserade på alliansbyggande i sina bedömningar och resonemang. Utrymmet för socialsekreterarna att själva välja vilket förhållningssätt de önskade inta föreföll vara stort. / The aim of the study was to examine how social workers working with income support reasoned in their assessments and to examine how they perceived and applied their discretion. Five social workers were interviewed in a qualitative study, which also included two vignettes. Results showed that reasoning and assessments varied to some extent. The social workers described time, caseload and collaboration with other authorities as challenges, limiting their discretion. The results contradicted some previous research, as the social workers described positive aspects of organisational control mechanisms in relation to discretion. Generally they all felt rather free in the exercise of their profession. Differences in social workers reasoning were analysed and discussed. Some social workers applied a rather bureaucratic approach regarding clients, whilst others focused more on alliance building in their assessments. There seemed to be room to choose which approach to take depending on the social worker’s perception of the situation.
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Kärlekens sista rum : Enhetschefer i socialtjänsten om äldres lagliga rätt att sammanbo i särskilt boendeDahlgren, Charlotta, Nerström, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
This study aimed to examine the reasoning among first line managers concerning the law from 2012 which gives older couples the right to continue living together even when only one of them needs special housing for service and care. We used a qualitative method with data collected through individual semi-structured interviews with six care managers in different municipalities in Sweden. The theoretical approach and interpretative framework for the analysis consisted of Michael Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucracy, Roine Johansson’s swedish adaption of this theory and Max Weber’s theory about social actions. We found that there was little variation in how the interviewed care managers used the law and the guidelines to support the work in the organisation rather than seeking individually based solutions for the elderly. The main conclusion of our study was that the law concerning the cohabitation guarantee for elderly has made little difference.
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“VI HINNER INTE JOBBA LIKA MYCKET FÖREBYGGANDE SOM VI FÅR JOBBA MED BRANDSLÄCKNING” : En intervjustudie om elevhälsans förutsättningar att arbeta förebyggande och hälsofrämjandeWigzell Karlström, Anna, Gustafsson, Malin January 2019 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar en konstant ökning av psykisk ohälsa bland barn och unga sedan 1980-talet och i elevhälsans lagstadgade uppdrag ingår att arbeta förebyggande i syfte att främja elevernas hälsa. Genom sju semistrukturerade intervjuer med professionella inom elevhälsan syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur de upplever sina förutsättningar att arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande med avseende på psykisk ohälsa. Studien är genomförd i en medelstor stad i Mellansverige och informanterna är uteslutande kvinnor. I studiens resultat framkommer att det finns både hinder och möjligheter i arbetet mot psykisk ohälsa. De professionellas handlingsutrymme och organisationens stöd framhålls som godtagbara och visar sig vara en grund för att elevhälsan ska kunna fullfölja sitt uppdrag. Det finns dock vissa brister i samverkan, arbetsbeskrivningar och utvärderingar vilket försvårar ett framgångsrikt arbete. Av resultatet framgår således att det finns utvecklingspotential vad gäller elevhälsans arbete. Fortsatt forskning inom ämnet skulle kunna ge de professionella bättre förutsättningar att fullfölja sitt uppdrag och aktivt verka för att främja barn och ungas psykiska hälsa. / Previous research shows a constant increase of mental illness among children and young people since the 1980s and the statutory assignment of the student school health team includes to work preventive in order to promote the students' health. Through seven semi-structured interviews with professionals within the student school health team, this study aims to investigate how they perceive their ability to work health promotive and preventive regarding mental illness. The study has taken place in a medium sized city in the middle of Sweden and the participants are exclusively women. The result of the study shows that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the work against mental illness. The professionals' action space and the support of the organization is emphasized as acceptable and proves to be a base for the student health team to be able to fulfill its mission. There are however some shortcomings in collaboration, job descriptions and evaluations which complicates a successful work. The result thereby shows that there is a development potential in the work of the student school health team. Continued research within the subject could give the professionals better opportunities to complete their assignment and actively work to promote the mental health of children and young people.
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