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The Russian religious-governmental relation through media representation : A critical discourse analysisMartínez, Kerstin Cielito Nathalie January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is a contribution to the analysis of media representation through the use of critical discourse analysis of twelve English written articles by Russian and international media sources. The articles were chosen in relation to the unauthorised Pussy Riot protest in the Cathedral in Moscow back in February 2012, and the societal changes that have taken place thereafter. The analysed articles have been written and published between February 2012 and January 2014. The aim with the study is to see how media sources from different geographical backgrounds described the same events and news.
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Construction de l’acteur « ennemi » et institution concentrationnaire : étude comparative entre les camps de Rivesaltes (sous Vichy) et de Béléné (République populaire de Bulgarie) / Construction of the actor "enemy" and concentration institution : comparative study between the Rivesaltes camp (under Vichy) and Belene (Popular Republic of Bulgaria)Gruev, Radoslav 08 November 2013 (has links)
Notre étude s’interroge sur la construction de l’acteur « ennemi » dans l’institution sociale totale du camp de concentration à travers la comparaison de deux formes ; ceci dans des contextes sociaux, nationaux, idéologiques et étatiques différents – le camp de Rivesaltes et l’État Français et le camp de Béléné et la République Populaire de Bulgarie. Ces deux institutions sont traitées à partir de l’hypothèse de « différence de degré », qui se décline dans les notions de « singularité » et « pluralité », permettant de les saisir aussi bien au niveau politique qu’au niveau de l’institution concrète. Cette étude concerne la construction de la figure de l’acteur « ennemi » en partant du niveau social et politique pour arriver à la vie quotidienne au sein des deux formes concentrationnaires. Nous avons analysé la figure de l’ennemi, tout d’abord comme un produit d’une dynamique tournée vers la transformation sociale fondamentale. Nous avons également voulu comprendre les raisons d’apparition des formes concentrationnaires comme partie intégrante de ce « projet de société », et puis nous les avons analysées à travers la vie quotidienne qui s’établit en leur sein. L’institution concentrationnaire a assuré en soi une certaine stabilité qui lui a permis de bien remplir sa fonction dans la dynamique de transformation de la société. Cette stabilité est assurée par l’insertion de l’individu dans une série de cercles, sa soumission à une forme spécifique de pouvoir qui le transforme dans son essence de personne et d’être humain, mais aussi le posant comme un acteur dans un univers interactionnel particulier. Alors, quelle est la place de l’acteur « ennemi » dans la vie concentrationnaire et quelles interactions s’établissent-elles entre les différents acteurs au sein des camps ? / The present sociological study examines the construction of the "enemy" within the concentration camp, an absolute social institution, through the comparison of two forms, taken in their different social, national, ideological and state context – on one hand, the camp of Rivesaltes and the French government and, on the other hand, the camp of Belene and the People's Republic of Bulgaria. Both institutions are analyzed with the assumption of "difference of degree," developed by the concept of "singularity " and " plurality " which allows to identify them in their political dimension as well as on the concrete institutional level.This study deals with the construction of the specific figure the "enemy" as a social actor starting from the social and political level and getting to the everyday life in both concentration camp forms. We analyzed the enemy figure, at first as a product of a dynamic facing a fundamental social transformation. We also took into account the main reasons of concentration forms occurrence as an integral part of this " social project ", and then we have analyzed the aforementioned reasons through everyday life.The camp institution has assured itself a degree of stability that has allowed it to fulfill its function in the dynamic transformation of society. This stability is ensured by the involvement of the individual in a series of circles, his submission to a specific form of power which transforms soundly his personal character and adjoin to his human being condition, but also defines him as an actor in a particular interactional universe. Finally, what is the role of the actor "enemy" in concentration camp life and what interactions different actors in the camps establish between themselves?
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Suvoktos tėvų globos bei kontrolės ir valgymo sutrikimų turinčių merginų specifinių asmenybės ypatumų sąsajos / Relations between conceived parental care and control and specific personality features of women with eating disordersGražulytė, Rūta 26 June 2014 (has links)
Mokslinėje literatūroje sutinkama, kad tėvų-vaiko santykiai itin svarbūs vaiko asmenybės raidai, vėlesnei psichologinei jo sveikatai ir yra susiję su valgymo sutrikimų vystymusi. Tėvų globos bei kontrolės lygio sąsajos su įvairiais asmenybiniais ypatumais (tokiais kaip savigarba, polinkis į perfekcionizmą) tikrinamos atskirose studijose, tačiau nepavyko aptikti tyrimų minėtas sąsajas vertinusių toje pačioje imtyje. Taip pat klinikinėje praktikoje pastebima, kad valgymo sutrikimais sergantys pacientai pasižymi priešiškumu sau, arba yra linkę savęs nekęsti. Vis dėlto, mokslinių tyrimų, analizuojančių šias negatyvias į save nukreiptas emocijas, yra labai mažai, o mėginimų jas įvertinti kiekybiškai apskritai neteko rasti. Taigi šio tyrimo tikslas yra patikrinti suvoktos tėvų globos bei kontrolės lygio sąsajas su valgymo sutrikimais bei specifiniais asmenybės ypatumais: asmens savigarba, polinkiu į perfekcionizmą bei negatyvia emocine nuostata į save. Tyrime dalyvavo dvi respondentų grupės: valgymo sutrikimų turinčiųjų (N=39) ir kontrolinė (N=30). Tyrime naudotos šios metodikos: valgymo sutrikimų simptomatikos išreikštumui vertinti naudotas sutrumpintas Požiūrio į valgymą skalės (EAT) variantas – EAT-26 skalė, suvoktos tėvų globos bei kontrolės lygiui vertinti – Tėvų-vaiko ryšio klausimynas (PBI); savigarbai – M. Rosenberg savigarbos skalė (RSES), polinkiui į perfekcionizmą – Daugiamatė perfekcionizmo skalė (MPS-F), o negatyviai emocinei nuostatai į save – Negatyvios emocinės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In literature it is widely agreed that parental-child relations are especially important for development of child’s personality and for psychological health of a child. Parental-child bonding is also correlated with eating disorders. The correlations between parental care and control and various personality features of a child are checked in different researches. But we failed to find a study, where the aforementioned correlations had been tested in the same sample. Furthermore in clinical practice it is noticed that patients with eating disorders are tend to feel hostility to themselves as far as are prone to self-hatred. However there are few studies where such negative emotions to self is analyzed. And we failed to find a research where this issue had been analyzed quantitatively. So the aim of this study is to assess the correlations between conceived parental care and control, eating disorders and specific personality features: self-esteem, perfectionism and negative emotional attitude to self. There were two groups of respondents in this study. One of them consisted of women with eating disorders (N=39) and the other – of controls (N=30). The methods used in this study were: the strength of the symptoms of eating disorders was measured with shortened form of Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26), the level of conceived parental care and control was assessed with Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), self-esteem was tested with M. Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), the level of... [to full text]
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A trama paradoxal do ódio no psiquismoMaria Neuma Carvalho de Barros 14 August 2014 (has links)
O ódio ― um dos principais elementos de nossa relação com o outro ― é um afeto que suscita rejeição. Na perspectiva psicanalítica, ele protagoniza o processo de estruturação subjetiva do sujeito e por vezes funciona como elemento de preservação psíquica, como nos revela a prática clínica. Diante disto, é oportuno indagar: de que forma o ódio atua no psiquismo? A presente pesquisa se propõe a ser prolongamento da atividade clínica e a dar prosseguimento a estudos por nós anteriormente desenvolvidos. Para tanto, recorremos às postulações de três dos principais autores e psicanalistas conhecidos: S. Freud, M. Klein e D. W. Winnicott. Considerando as concepções de sujeito e de psiquismo humano de cada um desses autores, constatamos, em suas teorizações, a existência de dados fundamentais para o entendimento da presença do ódio na dinâmica psíquica. Partindo de tais teorias ― aqui parcialmente ampliadas por reflexões de estudiosos da atualidade sobre tal afeto ―, centramos nossa investigação na trama paradoxal do ódio, dada sua ambivalente atuação na dinâmica psíquica: funciona tanto como elemento de estruturação e afirmação do sujeito, quanto de resistência e destrutividade. Transitando entre os polos teórico e clínico ―e desse modo realçando a articulação ativa entre teoria e clínica, tal como postula a psicanálise ―, recorremos também a fragmentos clínicos para ilustrar nosso argumento central. Os exemplos clínicos reportados neste texto sugerem, em suma, que o ódio ― tal como evidenciado no processo de análise ― pode ser igualmente usado como defesa, assim modificando o desenvolvimento da trama psíquica. Acreditamos, finalmente, que esta tese possa vir a se constituir em subsídio e contribuição para aqueles que se dedicam à prática psicanalítica e ao estudo da psicanálise, particularmente no que diz respeito às complexas e reveladoras manifestações do ódio, características da condição humana. / Hatred ― one of the main constituent elements in ones relationship with other people― is a kind of affection that may engender rejection. From a psychoanalytical perspective, it protagonizes the selfs subjective structuring process and, at times, contributes to psychic preservation, as revealed in clinical practice. Thence, the need to start this work by posing the following question: how does hatred work in the psychic structure? This research is meant to be an extension of clinical practice and of our previously developed studies. To achieve this goal, we have resorted to some of the concepts of three major psychoanalists and authors: S. Freud, M. Klein and D. W. Winnicott. Considering their concepts on both the self and human psychism, we have detected in their theories pieces of information which are basic to the understanding of the presence of hatred in psychic dynamics; in addition to this, we have here examined some present day scholars contributions to our theme. All of these materials have helped us perceive the paradoxical plot created by the ambivalence of this affection in psychic dynamics, where it works not only to build up the selfs structure and affirmation, but also as an element of resistance and destructiveness. Moving from theory to clinical practice ― and thus reinforcing the active articulation between both these poles, as recommended by psychoanalysis ― we have also resorted to clinical fragments to illustrate our major argument. The clinical examples here reported suggest, in short, that hatred can be equally used as a defense ― as evidenced, for example, in the analytical process ―, thus modifying the development of the psychic plot. Finally, we do believe that this investigation can eventually contribute to the work of those who dedicate themselves to psychoanalytical practice and the study of psychoanalysis, particularly as regards the complex and revealing expressions of hatred, which are characteristic of the human condition.
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Perpetrator and Victim Constructions of Justice, Forgiveness and Trauma Healing: Results of a Thematic Narrative Study of Intra-group Conflict in Colonial Central Kenya, 1952-1962Karanja, Daniel Njoroge 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation investigated how the Gikuyu people of central Kenya understood justice, forgiveness and trauma healing or their absence during a decade of intra-group reciprocal violence. This qualitative research study employed the narrative research method utilizing the "Williams Model" (Riessman, 2008). Field interviews were guided by a primary research question: What do the narratives of perpetrators and victims in reciprocal violence reveal about their understanding of justice, forgiveness and trauma healing or their absence? Fourteen research participants aged 78 to 92 years shared their full narratives. Current conflict analysis literature overwhelmingly centers on the victims and less on perpetrators. The reseach sample allowed perpetrator voices to be heard.
The findings of this study suggest that the absence of justice as defined by the stakeholders is a primary perceived barrier towards forgiveness and trauma healing in post-conflict environments. While restorative justice literature offers hope in repairing harm, it's applicability in this study bears some complications when faced with the unreadiness of perpetrators to face their victims in a voluntary process. An extended discussion on restorative justice is offered under implications. Fair land re-distribution was identified as the most preferred response to the question of justice but is yet to be addressed. This stalemate suggests the need for a new negotiated framing and definition of justice if progress is to be expected. The study found out that forgiveness and trauma healing are desired but perceived as impossible goals. Researchers and policy makers could benefit from the findings especially in promoting native and localized restorative justice processes in order to terminate cycles of reciprocal violence.
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A trama paradoxal do ódio no psiquismoBarros, Maria Neuma Carvalho de 14 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-14 / Hatred ― one of the main constituent elements in one s relationship with other people― is a kind of affection that may engender rejection. From a psychoanalytical perspective, it protagonizes the self s subjective structuring process and, at times, contributes to psychic preservation, as revealed in clinical practice. Thence, the need to start this work by posing the following question: how does hatred work in the psychic structure? This research is meant to be an extension of clinical practice and of our previously developed studies. To achieve this goal, we have resorted to some of the concepts of three major psychoanalists and authors: S. Freud, M. Klein and D. W. Winnicott. Considering their concepts on both the self and human psychism, we have detected in their theories pieces of information which are basic to the understanding of the presence of hatred in psychic dynamics; in addition to this, we have here examined some present day scholars contributions to our theme. All of these materials have helped us perceive the paradoxical plot created by the ambivalence of this affection in psychic dynamics, where it works not only to build up the self s structure and affirmation, but also as an element of resistance and destructiveness. Moving from theory to clinical practice ― and thus reinforcing the active articulation between both these poles, as recommended by psychoanalysis ― we have also resorted to clinical fragments to illustrate our major argument. The clinical examples here reported suggest, in short, that hatred can be equally used as a defense ― as evidenced, for example, in the analytical process ―, thus modifying the development of the psychic plot. Finally, we do believe that this investigation can eventually contribute to the work of those who dedicate themselves to psychoanalytical practice and the study of psychoanalysis, particularly as regards the complex and revealing expressions of hatred, which are characteristic of the human condition. / O ódio ― um dos principais elementos de nossa relação com o outro ― é um afeto que suscita rejeição. Na perspectiva psicanalítica, ele protagoniza o processo de estruturação subjetiva do sujeito e por vezes funciona como elemento de preservação psíquica, como nos revela a prática clínica. Diante disto, é oportuno indagar: de que forma o ódio atua no psiquismo? A presente pesquisa se propõe a ser prolongamento da atividade clínica e a dar prosseguimento a estudos por nós anteriormente desenvolvidos. Para tanto, recorremos às postulações de três dos principais autores e psicanalistas conhecidos: S. Freud, M. Klein e D. W. Winnicott. Considerando as concepções de sujeito e de psiquismo humano de cada um desses autores, constatamos, em suas teorizações, a existência de dados fundamentais para o entendimento da presença do ódio na dinâmica psíquica. Partindo de tais teorias ― aqui parcialmente ampliadas por reflexões de estudiosos da atualidade sobre tal afeto ―, centramos nossa investigação na trama paradoxal do ódio, dada sua ambivalente atuação na dinâmica psíquica: funciona tanto como elemento de estruturação e afirmação do sujeito, quanto de resistência e destrutividade. Transitando entre os polos teórico e clínico ―e desse modo realçando a articulação ativa entre teoria e clínica, tal como postula a psicanálise ―, recorremos também a fragmentos clínicos para ilustrar nosso argumento central. Os exemplos clínicos reportados neste texto sugerem, em suma, que o ódio ― tal como evidenciado no processo de análise ― pode ser igualmente usado como defesa, assim modificando o desenvolvimento da trama psíquica. Acreditamos, finalmente, que esta tese possa vir a se constituir em subsídio e contribuição para aqueles que se dedicam à prática psicanalítica e ao estudo da psicanálise, particularmente no que diz respeito às complexas e reveladoras manifestações do ódio, características da condição humana.
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Tjocka kroppar, snäva världar : En intervjustudie om tjocka förkroppsliganden / Thick Bodies, Narrow Worlds : An Interview Study on Fat EmbodimentsAlberts, Alice January 2023 (has links)
Current medical discourse and endless media debates on obesity and health have rendered the fat body highly visible. However, the lived experiences of fat have to a large extent remained absent in these discourses. This thesis, therefore, expands and reconceptualizes notions of fatness and fat embodiments. Using semi-structured, in-depth interviewing with individuals of marginalized genders living in Sweden who identify as being fat, the thesis explores (1) the individuals’ perception of fat; how it is seen, felt, and known, (2) how their fat, gendered embodiments shape their identity and their ”being-in-the-world”, and (3) the coping strategies and/or opportunities for resistance available to deal with and/or challenge negative and stigmatizing experiences. Merging phenomenology, affect theory, and temporality theories, findings suggest that fat individuals experience struggles and hatred while navigating a thin world that excludes their fat flesh, resulting in feelings of hyperawareness, shame, and being out of place. Through everyday experiences in this intersubjective world, they are also constructed as being out of time, affecting their access to the present. Navigating conflicting demands of visibility/invisibility, embodying the innocent/guilty fatty, and embracing the body/disembodying from it, the author reflects on the implication of these findings for understandings of fat embodiments as multiple, ambiguous, shifting, and at times contradictory. The thesis offers thickened understandings of the significance of fat embodiments for challenging the ways in which power operates on bodies, for (re)conceptualizing normative notions of fatness, and for fat people themselves.
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Arthur Schnitzler's Outsider-Insiders in <i>Fin de Siècle Vienna</i>Hurst, Jordan Dwayne 29 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Varför begår ungdomar antisemitiska hatbrott? : En intervju studie som undersöker orsakerna till hatbrott bland några förövare / Why do young people commit anti-Semitic hate crimes? : An Interview Study Investigating the Causes of Hate Crime among some OffendersAbdulmohsen, Adel January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie utforskar orsakerna till hatbrott, särskilt bland unga i Malmö, med hjälp av ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Tre unga individer med personlig koppling till hatbrott deltar i diskussioner om motivation, syn på offer och strategier för att bekämpa hatbrott. Strainteorin används som en av teoretisk ram för att förklara hur missnöje kan leda till avvikandebeteende, inklusive hatbrott. Resultaten pekar på negativa beteendemönster, nationalistiska tendenser och intolerans mot religioner eller etniciteter med religiös koppling som bidragande faktorer till hatbrott. Betydelsen av denna studie framhävs genom den begränsade mängden forskning i svenskt sammanhang där förövare intervjuats. / This study explores the causes of hate crimes, especially among young people in Malmö,using a qualitative approach. Three young individuals with a personal connection to hatecrime participate in discussions about motivation, views of victims and strategies to combathate crime. Strain theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain how dissatisfaction can lead to deviant behavior, including hate crimes. The results point to negative behavior patterns, nationalist tendencies and intolerance towards religions or ethnicities with areligious connection as contributing factors to hate crimes. The importance of this study is highlighted by the limited amount of research in a Swedish context where perpetrators havebeen interviewed.
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Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgivingVon Krosigk, Beate Christine 31 May 2004 (has links)
Facilitating forgiveness: an NLP approach to forgiving is an attempt at uncovering features of the blocks that prevent people to forgive. These blocks to forgiveness can be detected in the real life situations of the six individuals who told me their stories. The inner thoughts, feelings and the subsequent behaviour that prevented them from forgiving others is clearly uncovered in their stories. The facilitation process highlights the features that created the blocks in the past thus preventing forgiveness to occur. The blocks with their accompanying features reveal what needs to be clarified or changed in order to eventually enable the hurt individuals to forgive those who have hurt them. The application of discourse analysis to the stories of hurt highlights the links between the real life stories of the individuals within their contexts with regard to unforgiveness to the research findings of the existing body of knowledge, thereby creating a complexly interwoven comprehensive understanding of the individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in conjunction with their developmental phases within their socio-cultural contexts.
Neuro-linguistic-programming (NLP) is the instrument with which forgiving is facilitated in the six individuals who expressed their conscious desire to forgive, because they were unable to do so on their own. Their emotions had the habit of keeping them in a place in which they were forced to relive the hurtful event as if it were happening in the present. Arresting the process of reliving negative emotions requires a new way of being in this world. The assumption that this can be learnt is based on the results from a previous study, in which forgiveness was uncovered by means of the grounded theory approach as a cognitive process (Von Krosigk, 2000). The results from the previous research in conjunction with the results and insights from this research study are presented in the form of a grounded theory model of forgiveness. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology)
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