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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HIS – an international and digital summer school for STEM students / HIS - Internationale und digitale MINT-Summer School

Bergert, Aline, Helbig, Jana, Nenner, Christin 26 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The teaching project HIS (Holistic International STEMs – Learning with case studies and real life industry experiences) is presented as part of the poster session. Experience shows that German (outgoing) and international (incoming) students have difficulties to communicate properly at the workplace in Germany as well as abroad due to language differences, especially in STEM terms. In addition, young professionals often do not have experience in working in international or virtual teams. All those challenges are current job requirements, not just in global companies. But: How to teach this in higher education? The classical formats of lectures or seminars are not suitable. Therefore, there is a need to develop and prove new teaching formats, within the curriculum as well as extracurricular. With focus on STEM subjects the presented project combines three current impacts on higher education: Internationalization, digitalization, and labor market orientation. The concept of the project is that STEM students from different countries will attend an international, virtual summer school (April to June 2016). They solve real-life job case studies together in small interdisciplinary teams. The participants are mentored by national and international industry partners and STEM professors. With such, the participants will improve language and communication skills, and apply and exchange their expertise as well as gain intercultural work experience. The concept was awarded by the “Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft” (Donors association for the promotion of humanities and sciences in Germany). The poster introduces the project and exemplary the three-dimensional assignments of one case study (occupational, lingual, and intercultural). At present, the project should be handled as a “project in progress”. Keywords: technology, teaching projects, STEM, internationalization, digitalization, labor market orientation, employability, job orientation, competencies, development of new curricula

Die Auswirkungen der Studienstrukturreform auf die Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler/innen

Schütz, Katrin 28 April 2016 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden die Themen Studienstrukturreform, Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und die besondere Situation der Absolventinnen und Absolventen der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften untersucht. Im Theorieteil wird entlang der Modernisierungstheorie nach Ulrich Beck eine Analyse des gesellschaftlichen Wandels der Teilbereiche Arbeit und Bildung vorgenommen. Die Modernisierung, die als multidimensionaler Vorgang beschrieben wird, ist als Ursache und Motor für die Bologna-Reform zu verstehen, so die Grundthese der Arbeit. Beschäftigungsfähigkeit stellt ein zentrales Ziel der Bologna-Reform dar. Im Rahmen der Untersuchung wird entlang eines Diskurses um den Begriff und dessen Verwendung untersucht, welche Fähigkeiten, Kompetenzen und Kenntnisse Studierende der Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften vermittelt bekommen sollen, damit sie Beschäftigungsfähigkeit erwerben. Ein dritter Schwerpunkt des theoretischen Abschnitts kennzeichnet die Beschreibung der Bologna-Reform. Im Rahmen des empirischen Teils wurden die an der Bologna-Reform beteiligten Akteure unter Verwendung von quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung untersucht. So brachte die Dokumentenanalyse relevanter Bologna-Dokumente hervor, dass auf allen Ebenen der Hochschulpolitik Beschäftigungsfähigkeit thematisiert wird. Ein weiteres zentrales Ergebnis der empirischen Untersuchung ist, dass sowohl die befragten Absolvent/innen der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin als auch die Arbeitgeber/innen die Integration von praxisrelevanten Elementen ins Hochschulstudium begrüßen. An der praktischen Umsetzung wird jedoch Kritik geübt. Trotz Thematisierung der Beschäftigungsfähigkeit und Einführung praxisrelevanter Elemente in die Curricula bleibt die Akzeptanz des Bachelorabschlusses insbesondere in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften auf dem Arbeitsmarkt eher gering. / This graduate thesis is analysing the reform of structur regarding to studies, employability as well as particular circumstances of graduates in humanities and social sciences. Regarding to the theory of modernization according to Ulrich Beck the social change with its parts of labor and education is analysed it the theoretical part. You need to understand modernisation - which is described as multidimensional event - as cause and influential force of the (educational) so called Bologna reform, so the main thesis of this paper. Employability is a chief aim of Bologna reform. To analyse how students of humanities and social sciences are getting skills, expertise and knowledge so they’ll acquire employability there is a discourse about the term and its utilisation (of employability). The third focus within the theoretical part is the description of the Bologna reform. In the context of the empirical part involved parties of the Bologna reform has been analysed based on quantitative and qualitative methods of empirical social research. To impart employability is an aim that you can find within discussions at the European Higher Education Area via higher education policy in Germany to the point of practical study regulations at HU Berlin. On the one hand both the polled graduates of the faculty of philosophy at HU Berlin and the employer are acclaiming/welcoming the integration of practical oriented units into university studies; on the other hand they are finding fault with the implementation. Even though employability is picked out as a central theme as well as practical oriented units are integrated into curricula the acceptance of a bachelor degree on labour market is still on a low level in particular within humanities and social sciences.

Tacit Knowledge Capacity: A Comparison of University Lecturers in Germany and North Cyprus

Kaya, Tugberk, Erkut, Burak 26 April 2019 (has links)
The importance of universities as knowledge hubs is increasing due to knowledge production via research and teaching. An emerging aspect of knowledge management literature is the study of the knowledge requirements of universities. In particular, the transformation from knowledge creation to knowledge sharing has proved to be important in the university context and is subject to cultural differences. For example, previous research has indicated that a physician’s Tacit Knowledge Capacity (TKC) is affected by social software and social media. This creates opportunities to carry out new research on different occupations that have an intense TKC. As part of this research, a survey was conducted in order to assess the TKC of lecturers in both Germany and North Cyprus. These are two countries that have universities providing knowledge management programmes. The research determined the TKC in both countries and compared the two in order to determine if cultural factors affect the TKC of the profession. Through this research, the authors aimed to contribute to the ongoing research on the knowledge requirements of universities that will enable them to be knowledge intensive institutions. The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Near East University, which has 2200 students and 20 chairs, was compared with the Faculty of Business and Economics at the Technische Universität Dresden, which has 2800 students and 23 chairs. The study was carried out to provide an intercultural comparison, which is currently lacking in the Knowledge Management field. The research findings have highlighted the factors influencing the transfer and the accumulation of tacit knowledge.

MOOC@TU9 – Common MOOC Strategy of the Alliance of Nine Leading German Institutes of Technology

Pscheida, Daniela, Herbst, Sabrina, Köhler, Thomas, Dubrau, Marlen, Zickwolf, Katharina 09 May 2019 (has links)
Purpose – Since April 2014, the alliance of leading German Institutes of Technology (TU9) has been jointly producing and running massive open online courses (MOOCs) on the subject of engineering. On the one hand, the collaborative MOOC@TU9 project aims to combine the unique characteristics and strengths of the engineering courses offered by the TU9 universities, making inter-institute, cooperative, open learning both visible and accessible. This will enhance both local teaching and the national and international marketing of the universities. On the other hand, the project also aims to help build communal experience and develop quality and production standards for the use of different MOOC formats in digital higher education teaching. In this sense, the MOOC@TU9 project contributes to the vital development of sustainable digitalisation strategies at German universities in the form of a feasibility study, which can then be used in other contexts as a valuable example of best practice. Design/methodology/approach – The MOOC@TU9 project has a primarily practical approach. The focus of the collaboration between the TU9 universities is therefore the discussion, exchange and coordination of concrete actions in addition to the evaluation and assessment of the solutions reached and implemented. The collaboration within the TU9 network results in inter-organisation working and learning processes for the parties and institutions involved. These have a particular value, as this is how, through collaboration, we can build an effective, sustainable, multi-dimensional experience. Originality/value – MOOC@TU9 is a joint inter-university project with the aim of strategically testing the possibilities, parameters and benefits of using massive open online courses in higher education teaching, the like of which has never been seen before in Germany. There is, therefore, currently no systematic development of quality and production standards for MOOCs: a gap, which MOOC@TU9 is actively attempting to fill. Practical implications – Results and findings of the project are not only taken from specific practical work, they are also fed directly back into it. In this respect, it can and should provide valuable insights not only for course participants, but also for other universities and/or initiatives.

Digitalisation in Higher Education: A Flipped Classroom Arrangement to foster Internationalisation

Altmann, Mattis, Clauss, Alexander, Jantos, Anne, Lenk, Florian, Reeb, Samuel, Safavi, Ali Akbar, Schoop, Eric 17 December 2019 (has links)
This practical paper presents a successful international teaching & learning project in Higher Education (HE), which can be used as blue print for similar international HE teaching/learning cooperations. A virtual module, delivering 5 ECTS to participants from Germany and Iran, was organized as flipped classroom (FC), consisting of 2 phases: (1) online phase of 7 weeks, having started at April 12, 2019, with 15 students from Shiraz University, Iran, and 23 students from TU Dresden, Germany, collaborating in mixed teams of 5–6 participants each on a complex business case under tight guidance by qualified learning community managers, and (2) a follow-up on-site meeting at TU Dresden in the first week of July with 3 intensive workshops applying different techniques to consolidate the prior online collaboration results.

Empirische Befunde zur mediengestützten Weiterbildung an sächsischen Hochschulen

Fischer, Helge, Köhler, Thomas, Heinz, Matthias, Möbius, Kathrin, Müller, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Dass E-Learning eine zeitgemäße Erweiterung des Methoden- und Lehrangebotes von Hochschulen ist [1], wird durch dessen rasante Verbreitung im Studienalltag deutlich. Der technologische Wandel [2] sowie gestiegene Anforderungen an Studienangebote seitens der potenziellen Studierenden haben den E-Learning-Einsatz an Hochschulen begünstigt aber ebenso zu enormen Veränderungen innerhalb des Hochschulwesens geführt. Diese veränderte Perspektive auf die Funktion, aber auch die Aufgaben der Hochschule wird in der internationalen Literatur seit geraumer Zeit thematisiert [3, 4] und hat jetzt auch den sächsischen Hochschulraum1 erreicht. Hier wurden in den vergangenen Jahren an den sächsischen Hochschulen die infrastrukturellen Voraussetzungen für den E-Learning-Einsatz – in Form von technischen Systemen und Unterstützungs-angeboten – geschaffen [5, 6]. Eine weitere Tendenz der Hochschulentwicklung ist die zunehmende Bedeutung der wissenschaftlichen Weiterbildung im Kontext des lebenslangen Lernens, ausgelöst durch veränderte wirtschaftliche und demographische Rahmenbedingungen, die stetig sinkende Halbwertzeit des Wissens und steigende Anforderungen von Unternehmen an hochqualifizierte, akademische Fachkräfte [7]. (...)

International Students as Future Immigrants?! / An Analysis of How Higher Education Institutions Respond to Changing Societal Expectations

Morris-Lange, Simon 15 March 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, wie Hochschulen und ihr Personal politische und gesellschaftliche Erwartungen wahrnehmen, interpretieren und letztendlich in ihre Praxis einfließen lassen. Im Zentrum der Analyse steht der Verbleib hunderttausender internationaler Studierender, die zwischen 2010 und 2019 zum Studium nach Deutschland und Kanada zugewandert sind. Ihnen wird seitens der Politik ein hohes Fachkräfte- und Einwanderungspotenzial attestiert. Das Erkenntnisinteresse der Arbeit umschließt drei Teilbereiche: Erstens, das Ausmaß der deutschen und kanadischen ‚Bleibepolitik‘ sowie die einschlägigen Erwartungen an Hochschulen. Zweitens, die berichtete Hochschulpraxis und drittens, die institutionellen Zusammenhänge zwischen Erwartung und Praxis. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Mehrheit der untersuchten Hochschulen den Verbleib internationaler Studierender auch ohne eine von außen zugeschriebene Zuständigkeit aktiv fördert. Einerseits konnten die befragten Hochschulprofessionellen ihre Beratungs- und Betreuungsangebote größtenteils frei und eigenverantwortlich gestalten. Andererseits war der Raum dessen, was aus Sicht des Personals als möglich und wünschenswert erschien, stark vorgeprägt durch den jeweiligen Landeskontext und die dort institutionalisierten Erwartungen: In Kanada stand der Gedanke des Wettbewerbs um internationale Studierende als zahlende Kundschaft und potentielle Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer häufig im Vordergrund. In Deutschland waren Hochschulen vergleichsweise weniger markt- und wettbewerbsorientiert. Die Handlungs- und Interpretationsmuster des Personals zeugten häufig von dem gleichen migrationspolitischen Pragmatismus, der in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Bundes- und Landespolitik mitbestimmt hatte. Internationale Studierende wurde somit als potenzielle Fachkräfte konstruiert, nicht aber als mögliche Einwanderinnen und Einwanderer. / This research explores how higher education institutions respond to societal expectations, asking three interconnected questions: First, what are Canada and Germany’s public higher education institutions expected to do to support the post-study retention of international students? Second, what do they report to be doing? And third, how are their reported practices and rationales associated with the expectations held by government agencies, the private sector, and other audiences outside of their formal boundaries? The findings show that between 2010 and 2019, a majority of higher education institutions in Canada and Germany chose to actively facilitate international students’ transition to host country employment and, albeit to a lesser extent, immigration. Although the surveyed career development and international education professionals had considerable leeway to design student services, their actions were found to be focused by the oftentimes pro-(im)migration rules, norms, and beliefs that surrounded them. In Canada, many of the professionals were found to have internalized the same market and human capital orientation that had been promoted by the Canadian government and other stakeholders for decades. To them, international students were potential immigrants and paying customers in a competitive, globalized education market. In Germany, higher education practices were found to be less market-driven. Furthermore, most professionals in Germany were found to echo their country’s historically reluctant and pragmatic approach to migration. Many reported to actively prepare international students for employment in Germany, but not for long-term immigration.

HIS – an international and digital summer school for STEM students

Bergert, Aline, Helbig, Jana, Nenner, Christin January 2016 (has links)
The teaching project HIS (Holistic International STEMs – Learning with case studies and real life industry experiences) is presented as part of the poster session. Experience shows that German (outgoing) and international (incoming) students have difficulties to communicate properly at the workplace in Germany as well as abroad due to language differences, especially in STEM terms. In addition, young professionals often do not have experience in working in international or virtual teams. All those challenges are current job requirements, not just in global companies. But: How to teach this in higher education? The classical formats of lectures or seminars are not suitable. Therefore, there is a need to develop and prove new teaching formats, within the curriculum as well as extracurricular. With focus on STEM subjects the presented project combines three current impacts on higher education: Internationalization, digitalization, and labor market orientation. The concept of the project is that STEM students from different countries will attend an international, virtual summer school (April to June 2016). They solve real-life job case studies together in small interdisciplinary teams. The participants are mentored by national and international industry partners and STEM professors. With such, the participants will improve language and communication skills, and apply and exchange their expertise as well as gain intercultural work experience. The concept was awarded by the “Stifterverband für die deutsche Wissenschaft” (Donors association for the promotion of humanities and sciences in Germany). The poster introduces the project and exemplary the three-dimensional assignments of one case study (occupational, lingual, and intercultural). At present, the project should be handled as a “project in progress”. Keywords: technology, teaching projects, STEM, internationalization, digitalization, labor market orientation, employability, job orientation, competencies, development of new curricula

Chinas Hochschulen im Weltbildungssystem:

Goldberger, Josef 22 August 2017 (has links)
Bis es im 19. Jahrhundert in die globale Peripherie abgedrängt wurde, war China selbst Zentrum eines ostasiatischen Weltsystems. Seither versucht das „Reich der Mitte“ die frühere Zentrumsposition innerhalb des modernen Weltsystems wiederzuerlangen. Hochschulbildung, ein ausländischer Import des späten 19. Jahrhunderts, dient der Modernisierung des Landes und spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Nationswerdungsprozess des Landes. In der jüngsten Vergangenheit fanden Veränderungen enormen Ausmaßes im chinesischen Hochschulsystem statt. Offizielle Forschungs- und Innovationsdaten deuten auf einen raschen Aufschluss Chinas an die Leistungen westlicher Industrienationen hin. Gemäß der Zielvorgaben der Entscheidungsträger in der Bildungspolitik hat die VR China nicht nur einen Aufholkurs, sondern einen Überholkurs eingeschlagen. China ist nicht mehr nur das wichtigste Herkunftsland für international mobile Studierende, sondern es will auch zu einem der wichtigsten Gastländer werden. Neue Stipendienprogramme (incoming wie outgoing) und Programme zur Rückgewinnung chinesischer Talente aus dem Ausland wurden eingerichtet. Zahlreiche internationale Kooperationsprogramme bieten „ausländische Bildung” innerhalb chinesischer Grenzen als Bereicherung des nationalen Bildungsangebots an. Gleichzeitig strebt China zunehmend danach eigene nationale Bildungsangebote am Weltbildungsmarkt zu etablieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt einen Beitrag zur Positionsbestimmung Chinas im globalen Kontext dar. Zu diesem Zweck wurden statistische Daten durch Aussagen aus semi-strukturierten narrativen Interviews mit Akademikern und Entscheidungsträgern der chinesischen Hochschulbildung ergänzt. Die meisten befragten Experten arbeiten an einer von drei strukturell sehr unterschiedlichen chinesischen Hochschule, die dieser Arbeit als Fallbeispiele dienen. Bei den Fallbeispielen handelt es sich um die Tsinghua-Universität, die Qiqihar-Universität und die Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University. / China used to be a core country within an East-Asian world-system but was forced into periphery status during the 19th century. Ever since China strives to regain its former core position within the modern world-system. University education, a foreign import of the late 19th century, has become an important tool for China’s endeavor for modernization and nation building. In recent years the Chinese higher education landscape was subject to gigantic changes. Official research and innovation data seem to indicate a rapid affiliation with the achievements of western industrialized nations. Following the agenda of decision-makers in educational policy in the People’s Republic, the suggested course of action would be to overtake, not just to catch up: By 2020 technology imports should sink to under 30 per cent; in the same year China would like to receive a half million international students and thus become not only the most important sending country for international students, but also an important host country. New scholarship programs (incoming and outgoing) as well as programs to recover Chinese talent from abroad, were established. A multitude of international cooperation programs have been created to provide “foreign education“ within Chinese borders to further enrich the Chinese landscape of higher education. At the same time China also urges to establish its own brand of higher education abroad. This dissertation represents a contribution to determine the position of Chinese higher education within its global context. Statistical data is completed by semi-structured narrative interviews with academics and decision makers in Chinese higher education. Most interviewees are working at one of three structurally quite different institutions of higher education in China that serve as case studies in the thesis: Tsinghua University, Qiqihar University and Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University.

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