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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A praise-based intervention does not increase the honest reports of children

Moline, Adam David 01 January 2020 (has links)
Although lying is a major concern for many caregivers (Alwin, 1989; Gervais et al., 2000), there is little behavior analytic research on effective, practical interventions. Studies have shown that a moral story, instruction, or rule implying praise for honesty produced statistically significant improvements in children admitting a transgression (Lee et al., 2014; Talwar et al., 2015; Talwar et al., 2016). Although praise has been shown to function as a reinforcer (Dozier et al., 2012; Hall et al., 1968; Polick et al., 2012), it is unknown if an intervention package including praise for telling the truth would compete with reinforcement contingencies for lying. We evaluated an intervention package comprised of this moral story, instruction, and rule in combination with praising honest reports when reinforcement favored lying. We identified and used each participant’s preferred topography of praise using a multiple-stimulus without replacement preference assessment (MSWO; Deleon & Iwata, 1996). No or minimal increase in honest reports was observed following the praise-based intervention. However, reinforcement of correspondence produced a complete increase in honest reports when staggered across participants using a multiple baseline design.

Physician Communication Behaviors That Elicit Patient Trust.

Bambino, Linda E. 06 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The general relationship between the physician and the patient is one where communication is used to establish and maintain what will likely become a long-term partnership. Health communication research indicates that physicians who have apt communication skills in the patient-physician relationship develop a platform of trust behaviors. The physician communication behaviors perceived to elicit trust reported by patients are; comfort/caring, agency, competence, compassion and honesty. The objective of the research project was to assess patient perceptions of previously determined physician communication behaviors that predict patient trust through individual surveys (N=162) between foreign-born international medical graduates and American-born non-IMG resident physicians. Patients reported finding a difference in the exhibited communication behaviors between non-IMG and IMG resident physicians, with the exception of comfort/caring. A modified Trust Model guided the research and supported certain prior findings, claiming that effective communication cannot exist in the absence of a solid, trusting physician-patient relationship.

"Ja, jag har behövt ljuga där också" : En kvalitativ studie om fem icke-vaccinerade personers framträdande i en vaccinerad omgivning

Honsic, Mirzet, Varga, Mirtill January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie vid namn ”Ja, jag har behövt ljuga där också”, är författad av Mirzet Honsic och Mirtill Varga. Då icke vaccinerade personer utgör en liten del av den svenska befolkningen gällande covid-19 vaccin, är syftet med studien att belysa hur denna minoritet kan tänka sig att agera då vaccinet kommer på tals. Syftet är även att få en större förståelse för hur deras agerande kan komma att påverka deras relationer som de har med sin omgivning. För att uppfylla syftet har kvalitativa metoder använts, där empirin samlats in med hjälp av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer som utgjordes av tre kvinnor och två men i olika åldrar. Studien tar avstamp i Ervin Goffmans två teorier om stigma samt det dramaturgiska perspektivet, som sedan kombinerats med varandra i syftet att analysera empirin.  Resultatet av studien belyser att de ovaccinerade framträtt på olika sätt i olika sociala sammanhang, detta utifrån att antingen vara ärliga om sin vaccinationsstatus eller oärliga.  Effekten av deras agerande blev att de accepterades av de vaccinerade de gångerna de valt att ljuga. De accepterades även av dem som var ovaccinerade när de var ärliga samt av de vaccinerade som valt att sympatiserade med dem. Deras relationer påverkades enbart negativt när de valde att tala sanning inför dem som vägrade att sympatisera med deras åsikter, som i detta fall utgjordes av de vaccinerade. Deras övriga relationer förblev oförändrad med dem som accepterade dem oavsett vilken vaccinationsstatus de själva hade. Det hela berodde på vilken relationen som fanns mellan deltagaren och omgivningen. / This study named "Yes, I had to lie there as well", is authored by Mirzet Honsic and Mirtill Varga. Since non-vaccinated people make up for a small part of the Swedish population regarding the covid-19 vaccine, the aim of the study is to highlight how this minority might act when the topic of the vaccine comes up. The aim is also to gain a greater understanding of how their actions may affect their relationships with their surroundings. To fulfill the purpose, the qualitative method was chosen, where the empirical evidence has been collected with the help of five semi-structured interviews which consisted of three women and two men of different ages. The study is based on Ervin Goffman's two theories on stigma and the dramaturgical perspective, which have then been combined with each other in order to analyze the empirical evidence. The results of the study highlights that the unvaccinated appeared in different ways in different social contexts, based on either being honest about their vaccination status or being dishonest. The effect of their actions was that they were accepted by the vaccinated people those times they chose to lie about it. They were also accepted by those who were unvaccinated when they were honest and by the vaccinated who chose to sympathize with them. Their relationships were only negatively affected when they chose to speak the truth to those who refused to sympathize with their views, which in this case consisted of the vaccinated people. Their other relationships remained unchanged with those who accepted them regardless of their own vaccination status. It all depended on the relationship between the participant and the environment.

D'une voix l'autre : plaisirs féminins dans la littérature française de la Renaissance / From one voice to another : feminine pleasures in French Renaissance literature

Gilles-Chikhaoui, Audrey 30 November 2013 (has links)
Étudier les plaisirs féminins dans la littérature française de la Renaissance, c’est d’abord faire le constat d’une pluralité de représentations qui se regroupent autour d’un même enjeu, celui de l’honnêteté. En raison d’une forte tradition misogyne, il est en effet difficile pour une femme de concilier cet impératif social avec le plaisir. Les textes que nous étudions (récit, poésie, littérature d’idées) sont toutefois portés par une dynamique entre voix féminines et voix masculines, qui contribue à faire émerger un discours nouveau sur le plaisir féminin que nous nous proposons d’étudier. La première partie étudie les plaisirs dans l’espace conjugal. Celui-ci fait de la volupté féminine, dans la relation entre époux et dans l’adultère, à la fois une nécessité et une déviance. La deuxième partie s’attache à l’espace social et interroge les plaisirs de cour : les échanges amoureux influencés par l’amour courtois, le néo-platonisme et le pétrarquisme, et les divertissements collectifs, de la danse à la conversation. La troisième partie, consacrée à l’espace de soi, se dégage de la morale sociale dont les deux premières parties sont tributaires pour proposer une réflexion sur le plaisir comme accomplissement de soi dans la maternité, le savoir, la spiritualité et l’écriture. / The study of feminine pleasures in the sixteenth-century French literature leads to a multiplicity of representations. All of them coincide with the idea of honesty. Because of a strong misogynist ideology, women could hardly reconcile these social and moral requirements with the notion of pleasure. Nevertheless, the texts studied in this thesis (narratives, poems, essays and treatises) show a dynamic between feminine and masculine voices that gives way to new discourses on pleasure. The first part focuses on pleasure within marriage. Be it within their relationship with their spouses or in adultery, feminine sensual pleasure was considered both an honest need and a déviance. The second part deals with social pleasures: public amusements (from dance to conversations) as well as encounters between lovers, which were influenced by amour courtois, neoplatonism, and, petrarquism. The third part, dedicated to the self, breaks away from the social morals attached to the first two parts in order to study pleasure as self-accomplishment through motherhood, knowledge, spirituality and writing.

The Social Framework of Individual Decisions

Gerlach, Philipp 19 January 2018 (has links)
Wann und warum verhalten sich Menschen ethisch (in-)korrekt? Die vorliegende Dissertation fasst allgemeine Theorien und experimentelle Befunde (nicht-)kooperativen, (un-)fairen und (un-)ehrlichen Verhaltens zusammen. Hierzu führt Kapitel 1 experimentelle Spiele als rigoroses Instrument zur Untersuchung (un-)ethischen Verhaltens ein. Kapitel 2 zeigt, dass sich kleine Veränderungen in der kontextuellen Rahmung von experimentellen Spielen langanhaltend auf die Kooperationsneigung der Teilnehmer auswirken können. Kontextuelle Rahmungen verändern zudem Verhaltenserwartungen sowie Aufteilungen in nicht-strategischen Situationen. Diese Effekte sind durch Theorien sozialer Normen erklärbar. Kapitel 3 ergründet, warum sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften teils egoistischer verhalten als ihre Kommilitonen. Theorien sozialer Normen werden hierbei um die Bereitschaft erweitert, Nonkonformität mittels Sanktionen zu erzwingen. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und anderer Fächer in ihren Aufteilungsentscheidungen ähnlich häufig mit Fairness beschäftigen und zu ähnlichen Einschätzungen kommen, welche Aufteilung als fair gilt. Sie teilen jedoch weniger großzügig und erwarten dies auch von anderen. Zudem sind sie weniger bereit, als unfair angesehene Aufteilungen zu sanktionieren. Es wird argumentiert, dass sich Studierende der Wirtschaftswissenschaften egoistischer verhalten, weil sie nicht daran glauben, dass sich andere an eine grundsätzlich geteilte Fairnessnorm halten. Kapitel 4 zeigt, dass intrinsische Sanktionen (wie Scham und Schuld) ausreichen, damit sich Menschen ethisch korrekt verhalten. Das Kapitel bietet zahlreiche Antworten zu aktuellen Debatten, wer sich unter welchen Umständen (un-)ehrlich verhält. Es wird gezeigt, dass Ehrlichkeit sowohl von situativen Einflüssen (z.B. Anreizen und Externalitäten) wie von persönlichen Aspekten (z.B. Geschlecht und Alter) und letztlich auch vom experimentellen Paradigma abhängt. / When and why do people engage in (un)ethical behavior? This dissertation summarizes general theories and synthesizes experimental findings on (non)cooperation, (un)fairness, and (dis)honesty. To this end, Chapter 1 introduces experimental games as a rigorous tool for studying (un)ethical behavior. Chapter 2 demonstrates that small changes in the framing of context (e.g., referring to a social dilemma as a competition vs. a team endeavor) can have long-lasting effects on the participants’ propensity to cooperate. Context framing also shapes beliefs about the cooperative behavior of interaction partners and donations in non-strategic allocation decisions. Taken together, the results suggest that social norm theories provide a plausible explanation for cooperation, including its sensitivity to context framing. Chapter 3 investigates why experimental games regularly find that economics students behave more selfishly than their peers. The concept of social norms is thereby extended to include the enforcement of compliance per sanctions. The results indicate that economics students and students of other majors are about equally concerned with fairness and they have similar notions of fairness in the situation. However, economics students make lower allocations, expect others to make lower allocations, and are less willing to sanction allocations seen as unfair. Skepticism mediated their lower allocations, suggesting that economics students behave more selfishly because they expect others not to comply with a shared fairness norm. Chapter 4 shows that intrinsic sanctions (e.g., shame and guilt) can be sufficient for ethical behavior to emerge. The chapter provides answers to many of the ongoing debates on who behaves dishonestly and under what circumstances. The findings suggest that dishonest behavior depends on situational factors (e.g., reward magnitude and externalities), personal factors (e.g., gender and age) as well as on the experimental paradigm itself.

Biais comportementaux et stratégies des acteurs du marché de l'assurance / Behavioral Biases and Strategies of Insurance Market Players

Mouminoux, Claire 23 October 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objectif d'analyser les interactions entre les agents économiques opérant sur le marché de l'assurance de détail. D'un côté, les assurés souhaitant se couvrir contre un risque de perte doivent explorer le marché afin de souscrire un contrat en ligne avec leur perception du risque. D'un autre côté, les assureurs se font concurrence sur un marché régulé, leur imposant un certain niveau de capital afin de garantir leur solvabilité dans un contexte d'incertitude sur les risques souscrits. D'autre part, des intermédiaires proposent leurs services afin de faciliter l'interaction entre les consommateurs, averses aux risques, et les firmes, preneuses de risques. C'est donc dans ce contexte que nous analysons les comportements des acteurs de l'assurance à travers différentes perspectives. Les Chapitre 1 et 2 de cette thèse résultent d'expérimentations en laboratoire, effectuées à l'aide d'une interface web conçue spécifiquement pour ces études. Les résultats du Chapitre 3, quant à eux, sont basés sur un modèle théorique et des simulations numériques. Le Chapitre 1 se concentre sur la relation entre l'honnêteté et les croyances en l'honnêteté des agents économiques. À l'aide des données collectées en laboratoire, nous montrons comment l'incertitude et le sentiment de se trouver dans des conditions plus ou moins avantageuses impactent à la fois le niveau d'honnêteté mais aussi la croyance en l'honnêteté envers les autres. En règle générale, les consommateurs surestiment l'honnêteté des intermédiaires. Ainsi, ce résultat justifie leur présence sur le marché de l'assurance. D'autre part, nous montrons aussi que les incitations financières proposées aux intermédiaires sont sources de distorsion des croyances en l'honnêteté. Plus le niveau d'incitation est faible, plus les consommateurs anticipent un comportement malhonnête. Dans le Chapitre 2, nous mettons en évidence le dilemme dont fait face le consommateur sur un marché comprenant une multitude de canaux de distribution. Doit-il explorer par lui-même et choisir parmi un large ensemble de contrats ou bien déléguer une partie de sa décision à un intermédiaire plus ou comportant des coûts de recherche, nous montrons que l'obfuscation liée à une importante quantité d'information et les croyances en l'honnêteté des intermédiaires sont les principaux déterminants des décisions de recherche et d'achat. Nous montrons également que l'obfuscation et l'attitude des intermédiaires sont sources d'inefficience dans les prises de décisions, en particulier vis-à-vis des caractéristiques des contrats d'assurance souscrits par les consommateurs. Dans ce sens, l'identification d'un effet de focalisation appuie l'importance du niveau des prix dans les prises de décision au détriment de l'environnement de risque et du niveau de couverture. L'introduction des coûts de recherche dans le processus d'exploration, ainsi que l'hétérogénéité des croyances en l'honnêteté justifient les stratégies de distribution multicanal adoptées par les assureurs. Une analyse d'un jeu non coopératif répété est exposée dans le Chapitre 3 de cette thèse où les pertes et le comportement des consommateurs sont stochastiques et les assureurs se font une concurrence en prix. Afin d'intégrer les contraintes des régulateurs, nous déterminons les équilibres de Nash sous contrainte de solvabilité. Nous analysons également la sensibilité des primes d'équilibre en fonction des paramètres du jeu, en particulier lorsque les firmes ne bénéficient pas des mêmes avantages comparatifs (i.e. réputation conduisant à différents niveaux de rétention des clients, ancienneté des assureurs conduisant à différents stocks en capital) / This thesis aims at explaining interactions among economic agents operating in the retail insurance market. On the one hand, the policyholder is willing to be covered against a risk. To do so, they have to explore the insurance market to purchase a contract in line with their risk perception. On the other hand, insurers compete in a regulated market which imposes capital constraints for shock loss absorption purposes. In between, intermediaries may provide services in order to facilitate interaction between risk-adverse consumers and risk-taker firms. In this context, we analyze economic behaviors of insurance actors through different perspectives. Chapter 1 and 2 both result from original laboratory experiments, conducted through a web-interface especially designed for these studies. Results in Chapter 3 rely on a theoretical model and numerical simulations. Chapter 1 emphasizes on the relationship between honesty and beliefs about honesty of economic agents. According to laboratory results, we show how the uncertainty and the perception of advantageous conditions impact the level of honesty and beliefs about honesty. In general, consumers estimate that intermediaries are more honest than they really are, hence supporting their physical presence in the insurance market. However, intermediary financial incentives are a source of distortion of honesty beliefs: the weaker the level of the incentive, the stronger the deviation anticipations. In Chapter 2, we shed light on the dilemma faced by insurance purchasers under a multichannel distribution. Should the consumer, themselves, choose from a large set of insurance policies, or rather delegate a part of their decision to a more or less honest intermediary? Using experimental approaches, including exogenous search costs, we show that obfuscation and beliefs about intermediary honesty are the main determinants of individual choices. We also find that obfuscation and intermediaries’ deviation are the main sources of inefficiency in decision-making, especially regarding the features of the insurance contracts chosen by consumers. Our identification of the focal point effect supports the importance of the price level on purchasing decisions rather than the risk environment or the coverage level. The introduction of search costs in the exploration process, as well as the heterogeneity of beliefs about honesty, justify multichannel distribution strategies adopted by insurers. An analysis of insurer price competition with a repeated one-period non-cooperative game is conducted in Chapter 3, where both insurer losses and consumer behaviors are stochastic. Because of regulatory obligations, we consider a solvency constraint when computing Nash-Equilibrium. We determine the sensitivity of the premium equilibrium with respect to the parameters, especially when firms do not benefit from same competitive advantages (i.e. reputation effect leading to differences in consumers inertia or market seniority leading to differences in capital stock). We also study insurers’ market share in response to the entry of new insurer undercutting prices but dealing with binding solvency constraints

Jag följer dig för att jag litar på dig : en studie om relationen mellan följare och influencer / I follow you because I trust in you

Johansson Hallberg, Jennife, Karlsson, Lina, Toft, Maja January 2019 (has links)
Influencermarknadsföring ses idag som det mest effektiva sättet att nå kunder i deras vardag. Idag består företagets marknadsföringsbudgetar främst av influencer marknadsföringsaktiviteter. Företag söker influencers som kan kommunicera och förmedla företagets budskap via sina sociala medieplattformar till sina anhängare - företagens potentiella kunder. Följande studie syftar till att undersöka förhållandet mellan influencers och deras följare samt hur detta påverkar följarens förtroende till influencern. Detta kommer att ske genom att utvärdera följarnas uppfattning om influencerns ärlighet och äkthet samt vidare analysera hur det påverkar influencerns trovärdighet i sina samarbeten med ett varumärken. För att förstå hur influencers trovärdighet påverkas av deras val samarbeten, kommer relationen mellan influencers personal brand och företagets identitet att undersökas ytterligare. Detta kommer att för att förstå hur brand fit påverkar följarnas relation beträffande förtroende till influencern. Studien består av kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer som syftar till att ge en djupare förståelse i ämnet. En kvantitativ digital undersökning har också gjorts för att ge läsaren en allmän förståelse för unga kvinnors relation med influencers på Instagram. Genom att analysera det empiriska materialet finner vi att ärlighet i influencers samarbeten kommer att generera följares tillit till influencern. Om influencern samarbetar med ett företag som inte överensstämmer med dennes personal brand, kommer följarnas förtroende till influencern att skadas och influencern uppfattas som oärlig och falsk. Detta kommer också att skada influencerns personal brand. Vidare finner vi att ett långt förhållandet mellan influencern och deras följare skapar ett stabilt förhållande gällande tillit, ärlighet och äkthet även i samarbeten. Det här är också fallet med ambassadörskap, där ett långt förhållande mellan en influencer och ett varumärke överensstämmer med varandra. Detta genererar i ökad trovärdighet från influencerns följare. / Influencer marketing is today seen to be the most effective way to reach customers in their everyday life. Today, companies marketing budgets consists mostly of influencer marketing activities. Companies are searching for influencers who can communicate and convey the companies message through their social media platforms to their followers - the companies potential customers. The following study aims to investigate the relationship between influencers and their followers and how this affects the followers trust towards the influencer. This will be done by evaluating followers perception of the influencers honesty and authenticity and further analyze how this affects the influencers trustworthiness in their collaborations with a brand. To understand how the influencers trustworthiness is affected by their choice of collaboration, the relationship between the influencers personal brand and the company's identity will be investigated further. This will be done to understand how brand fit affects the followers relationship in terms of trustworthiness. The study consists of qualitative semi structured interviews which aims to provide a depth to the survey. A quantitative digital survey has also been done to provide the reader with a general understanding of young women’s relationship with influencers on Instagram. By analyzing the empirical material we find that honesty in influencers collaborations will generate in followers trust towards the influencer. If the influencer collaborates with a company that is not in line with the influencers personal brand, the followers trust towards the influencer will be damaged and the influencer will be seen as dishonest and fake. This will also damage the influencers personal brand. Further, we find that long relationship between the influencer and their followers creates a more stable relationship in case of trust, honesty and authenticity even in the influencers collaborations. This is also the case of ambassadorship, where a long relationship between an influencer and a brand correspond with each other. This reflects in generated trustworthiness from the influencers followers.

L'extravagance : enjeux critiques des représentations d'une notion dans le théâtre et le roman du XVIIe siècle (1623-1666) / Extravagance : Critical Stakes of a Notion's Representations in Theater and Novel in French Seventeenth-Century (1623-1666).

Poulet, Françoise 24 November 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de nos recherches consiste à définir la notion d'extravagance en l'inscrivant dans le contexte qui en voit l'essor littéraire, de l'année 1623 (avec L'Histoire comique de Francion de Sorel) à 1666 (avec Le Misanthrope de Molière et Le Roman bourgeois de Furetière) ; il s'agit de montrer comment cette notion rend compte des enjeux socioculturels, littéraires et esthétiques du premier XVIIe siècle. Nos travaux s'inscrivent dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire : l'extravagance convoque à la fois le domaine de la médecine, l'histoire des traitements et de l'enfermement du fou, la question philosophique des rapports réversibles entre folie et sagesse, domaines que nous étudions en miroir des représentations littéraires de la déraison. Le trouble qui atteint l'extravagant perturbe son imagination en n'altérant que faiblement son entendement. Un savoir mal maîtrisé et des lectures nocives, qui sont souvent des romans, sont la cause de son délire : contrairement à l'idiot, son esprit n'est pas vide, mais interprète de manière erronée ce qu'il perçoit du monde. Ce trouble de l'esprit l'amène également à s'écarter du comportement prescrit dans l'espace social. Face au modèle de l'honnête homme, défini par les traités de civilité, l'extravagant est incapable de respecter les codes de la bienséance et de la politesse. Cette lecture nous permet de proposer une interprétation renouvelée des types comiques que l'on trouve dans les comédies et les histoires comiques des années 1620-1660, tels le capitan-matamore, le pédant, le provincial, etc... / The purpose of our research is to define extravagance by looking at this notion in context when it experienced its first literary successes, that is from 1623 (with L'Histoire comique de Francion by Sorel) to 1666 (Le Misanthrope by Molière and Le Roman bourgeois by Furetière). We therefore aim at showing how it illustrated sociocultural, literary and esthetical issues in the early seventeenth century. Our research is carried along pluridisciplinary lines: extravagance deals at the same time with medicine, the history of cures and the imprisonment of the insane and the philosophical question of reversible links between madness and wisdom, and this is why I am studying these fields while analysing literary representations of madness. The extravagant's disorder disturbs his imagination without really impairing his understanding. Uncontrolled knowledge and noxious readings, which are often novels, are responsible for his madness. Unlike the fool, his mind is not empty, but it blurs the way in which he perceives the world. Such mental confusion also makes him move away from accepted social behaviours. As opposed to the model of the honest man as defined by treatises of courtesy, the extravagant man cannot abide by proprieties and polite codes. This perspective leads me to formulate a new interpretation of the comic characters we can find in comedies and comic novels from the 1620-1660 era, such as the braggart, the pedant, the countryman, and so on...

Essays on experimental group dynamics and competition

William J Brown (10996413) 23 July 2021 (has links)
<div>This thesis consists of three chapters. In the first chapter, I investigate the effects of complexity in various voting systems on individual behavior in small group electoral competitions. Using a laboratory experiment, I observe individual behavior within one of three voting systems -- plurality, instant runoff voting (IRV), and score then automatic runoff (STAR). I then estimate subjects' behavior in three different models of bounded rationality. The estimated models are a model of Level-K thinking (Nagel, 1995), the Cognitive Hierarchy (CH) model (Camerer, et al. 2004), and a Quantal Response Equilibrium (QRE) (McKelvey and Palfrey 1995). I consistently find that more complex voting systems induce lower levels of strategic thinking. This implies that policy makers desiring more sincere voting behavior could potentially achieve this through voting systems with more complex strategy sets. Of the tested behavioral models, Level-K consistently fits observed data the best, implying subjects make decisions that combine of steps of thinking with random, utility maximizing, errors.</div><div><br></div><div>In the second chapter, I investigate the relationship between the mechanisms used to select leaders and both measures of group performance and leaders' ethical behavior. Using a laboratory experiment, we measure group performance in a group minimum effort task with a leader selected using one of three mechanisms: random, a competition task, and voting. After the group task, leaders must complete a task that asks them to behave honestly or dishonestly in questions related to the groups performance. We find that leaders have a large impact on group performance when compared to those groups without leaders. Evidence for which selection mechanism performs best in terms of group performance seems mixed. On measures of honesty, the strongest evidence seems to indicate that honesty is most positively impacted through a voting selection mechanism, which differences in ethical behavior between the random and competition selection treatments are negligible.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>In the third chapter, I provide an investigation into the factors and conditions that drive "free riding" behavior in dynamic innovation contests. Starting from a dynamic innovation contest model from Halac, et al. (2017), I construct a two period dynamic innovation contest game. From there, I provide a theoretical background and derivation of mixed strategies that can be interpreted as an agent's degree to which they engage in free riding behavior, namely through allowing their opponent to exert effort in order to uncover information about an uncertain state of the world. I show certain conditions must be fulfilled in order to induce free riding in equilibrium, and also analytically show the impact of changing contest prize structures on the degree of free riding. I end this paper with an experimental design to test these various theoretical conclusions in a laboratory setting while also considering the behavioral observations recorded in studies investigating similar contest models and provide a plan to analyze the data collected by this laboratory experiment.</div><div><br></div><div>All data collected for this study consists of individual human subject data collected from laboratory experiments. Project procedures have been conducted in accordance with Purdue's internal review board approval and known consent from all participants was obtained.</div>

A Quantitative Analysis of the Relationships between Teacher Trust, Self-Efficacy and School Academic Performance

Byard, Sally L. 01 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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