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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Empirické eseje z institucionální mikroekonomie / Empirical Essays in Institutional Microeconomics

Schwarz, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation consists of three empirical papers in institutional microeconomics. The first paper examines the role of institutional quality in international trade, the second paper focuses on unintended consequences of intellectual property rights for social welfare, and the last one addresses the impact of banking on corporate financing and investment. An introductory chapter puts these three papers into perspective. In the first paper I analyze the role of institutions in price dispersion among cities in the European region in the 1996-2009 period. Using a number of institutional quality measures I find that the better the institutions, the lower the predicted dispersion. The result is robust to different specifications of the regression model and is consistent with a hypothesis that arbitrage, as an entrepreneurial activity and the main power behind the law of one price, is influenced by institutional quality. In the second paper I use a large data set of U.S. patents applied for between 1980 and 2007 by 22 large technology companies to study development of strategic patenting over time and across industries. Using two complementary methods I reveal strong evidence against the hypothesis of more strategic patenting after 1995. Contrary to the expectations, aerospace patents appear to be on average...

The impact of Communities of Practice (CoP)on inter-firm alliance research teams

Erasmus, René 30 November 2005 (has links)
The need for faster, more flexible and less risky ways for organisations to expand their capabilities and competencies increasingly lead to the formation and proliferation of networking strategies and partners. Understanding the potential contribution that CoP membership can provide within these teams is a step towards developing and refining a strategy to support and enhance the speedy progression of the team towards a productive phase. The study shows that membership of researchers to the same or similar CoPs have some impact on the norming stage, and assist in reaching the performing / productive stage faster in team development. The survey in particular has indicated that similar standards, practices, terminology, ethics, standards, peer recognition, trust and a sense of belonging have more of an impact on the productive phase of team forming, than on the norming phase. The hard factors such as terminology, standards and similar practices have a strong correlation with the softer factors such as a sense of belonging and trust. This information should be utilised in both the socialisation processes in academic institutions as part of the education of professionals, as well as organisational approaches to Research and Development (R&D), information sharing and development of the researchers. The paper also highlights emerging organisational and strategic Best Practices currently prevalent in R&D teams and collaborative projects. It is clear that research collaborations cuts across the whole spectrum of business and management areas - from strategy, across intellectual property issues, finance, strategic human resource management, R&D management and innovation, knowledge management, organisational values and culture, and many more. To support innovation and R&D on a strategic level, both internally and on inter-firm collaborations, requires a review of the total organisational strategy, culture and norms in an organisation. Innovation and R&D support should be a holistic approach, with strategic and pro-active risk management supported by appropriate strategic human resources management and systems. Literature on CoPs, teams, social capital (SC), knowledge management (KM), intellectual capital (IC), intellectual property (IP), strategy and governance provide theoretical grounding. / Business Leadership / Ph. D.

E-crimes and e-authentication - a legal perspective

Njotini, Mzukisi Niven 27 October 2016 (has links)
E-crimes continue to generate grave challenges to the ICT regulatory agenda. Because e-crimes involve a wrongful appropriation of information online, it is enquired whether information is property which is capable of being stolen. This then requires an investigation to be made of the law of property. The basis for this scrutiny is to establish if information is property for purposes of the law. Following a study of the Roman-Dutch law approach to property, it is argued that the emergence of an information society makes real rights in information possible. This is the position because information is one of the indispensable assets of an information society. Given the fact that information can be the object of property, its position in the law of theft is investigated. This study is followed by an examination of the conventional risks that ICTs generate. For example, a risk exists that ICTs may be used as the object of e-crimes. Furthermore, there is a risk that ICTs may become a tool in order to appropriate information unlawfully. Accordingly, the scale and impact of e-crimes is more than those of the offline crimes, for example theft or fraud. The severe challenges that ICTs pose to an information society are likely to continue if clarity is not sought regarding: whether ICTs can be regulated or not, if ICTs can be regulated, how should an ICT regulatory framework be structured? A study of the law and regulation for regulatory purposes reveals that ICTs are spheres where regulations apply or should apply. However, better regulations are appropriate in dealing with the dynamics of these technologies. Smart-regulations, meta-regulations or reflexive regulations, self-regulations and co-regulations are concepts that support better regulations. Better regulations enjoin the regulatory industries, for example the state, businesses and computer users to be involved in establishing ICT regulations. These ICT regulations should specifically be in keeping with the existing e-authentication measures. Furthermore, the codes-based theory, the Danger or Artificial Immune Systems (the AIS) theory, the Systems theory and the Good Regulator Theorem ought to inform ICT regulations. The basis for all this should be to establish a holistic approach to e-authentication. This approach must conform to the Precautionary Approach to E-Authentication or PAEA. PAEA accepts the importance of legal rules in the ICT regulatory agenda. However, it argues that flexible regulations could provide a suitable framework within which ICTs and the ICT risks are controlled. In addition, PAEA submit that a state should not be the single role-player in ICT regulations. Social norms, the market and nature or architecture of the technology to be regulated are also fundamental to the ICT regulatory agenda. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Interface entre a proteção à propriedade intelectual e o direito de concorrência no Brasil / The Interface Between Intellectual Property and Competition Law in Brazil

Jorge Luiz de Brito Junior 02 March 2015 (has links)
Embora os direitos de Propriedade Intelectual (PI) sejam supostamente instituídos de forma a fomentar a inovação e o bem-estar em longo prazo, seu uso pode ensejar comportamentos oportunistas e abusivos como os Artigos 8.2 e 40 do TRIPS expressamente admitem. Sempre que tal tipo de comportamento afetar a concorrência em determinado mercado excluindo concorrentes, impondo barreiras à entrada, prejudicando consumidores por meio de aumento de preços ou redução da oferta o Direito de Concorrência será chamado a intervir. Considerando tais questões, o objetivo desse trabalho é identificar um quadro de trabalho brasileiro para tratar de questões envolvendo questões de Direito de Concorrência relacionadas à Propriedade Intelectual. O autor buscou delinear os conceitos de uso abusivo de direitos de Propriedade Intelectual, Dominação de Mercado por meio de uso da Propriedade Intelectual e de abuso de posição dominante, considerando o novo quadro regulatório introduzido pela Lei 12.259/2001. / While intellectual property (IP) rights are usually claimed to be designed to foster innovation and welfare in the long run, their use may give rise to opportunistic, abusive behavior - as Articles 8.2 and 40 of TRIPS openly admit. Whenever such sort of behavior affects competition in a given market - whether by dislodging competitors, imposing barriers to entry, harming costumers, raising prices or reducing output - competition law is called to intervene. Considering these issues, the purpose of this paper is to identify a Brazilian legal framework for dealing with IP related competition issues. The author sought to draw the legal concepts of abusive of IP rights, market domination and abuse of dominant position considering the new regulatory framework introduced by Law 12.259/2011.

La protection des savoirs traditionnels médicinaux par le droit de la propriété intellectuelle dans l’espace OAPI / The protection of traditional medical knowledge by intellectual property law in OAPI

Ekandzi, Nilce 07 June 2017 (has links)
Les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux c’est-à-dire l’aspect de la médecine traditionnelle portant sur des connaissances relatives au médicament traditionnel à base de plantes, qui part de la collecte des végétaux jusqu’au produit final, constituent un élément important dans la réalisation de la couverture des besoins de santé publique. En Afrique, les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux contribuent selon l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) à hauteur de 80% des besoins de santé des populations. Les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux représentent une source d’informations notamment dans la perspective d’une éradication des maladies endémiques du continent africain. L’OMS, et l’Union africaine (UA) voient dans les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux une piste de recherche en vue du développement de nouveaux médicaments à des prix abordables. Leur importance est aussi constatée au niveau de l’industrie du médicament où ils représentent 30% de la recherche dans l’industrie pharmaceutique et l’essentiel des informations dans le secteur des phytomédicaments. Cette appétence pour les savoirs traditionnels médicinaux ainsi que la médiatisation des actes de biopiraterie, ont contribué à renforcer leur valeur (sur les plans scientifique, économique, social et politique) et à justifier la nécessité de les protéger. Cependant, contrairement à la tendance actuelle des pays africains, l’Organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle (OAPI), à travers son Accord de Bangui révisé, ne dispose pas de mécanismes de propriété intellectuelle permettant une protection satisfaisante des droits des détenteurs de savoirs traditionnels médicinaux (tradipraticiens, familles, communautés autochtones et locales). Face à ce qui s’apparente à un vide juridique, il convient de s’interroger sur le régime juridique à mettre en place. Autrement dit, quel système sui generis de protection des savoirs traditionnels médicinaux faut-il envisager pour les pays membres de l’OAPI? C’est à cette interrogation que la présente étude se propose d’apporter des éléments de réponses. L’objectif visé sera de démontrer, dans le cadre d’une démarche prospective prenant appui notamment sur les droits de l’homme, le droit international de la propriété intellectuelle, le droit civil, le droit de la biodiversité, et les lois nationales, en particulier, celles de la République du Congo (Brazzaville), qu’il est possible d’établir au sein de l’OAPI un régime juridique cohérent et adapté à même de répondre aux besoins et attentes des différents acteurs intervenant dans l’exploitation de ces créations intellectuelles. / Traditional medical knowledge, which is the aspect of traditional medicine relating to the knowledge of plant-based therapy and which goes from collecting plants to issuing a finished product, is a key component for providing health care coverage for all. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), traditional medical knowledge contributes about 80% of primary health care in Africa. Traditional medical knowledge is perceived as a valuable source of information useful to eradicate African endemic diseases. The WHO and the African Union (AU) consider that traditional medical knowledge is a serious way for researchers to develop new and affordable drugs. Traditional medicinal knowledge is also important for the drug industry where it represents 30% of the researches made in the pharmaceutical sector and constitutes the main source of information in the herbal medicine sector. The drug industry’s increasing interest for traditional medical and the huge media coverage for biopiracy cases strengthened the (scientific, economic, social and politic) value of traditional medicinal knowledge and contribute to justify their protection. However contrary to the current trend in many African countries, it appears that the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) and the Bangui Agreement, does not provide any suitable legal protective mechanism for the intellectual property rights of the holders of traditional medical knowledge (traditional healers, families, indigenous and local communities).In view of the limits and weaknesses of the intellectual property mechanisms to provide an effective protection to traditional medicinal knowledge’s holders, it is quite legitimate to question the legal mechanism or system to implement. In other words, what type of sui generis protection OAPI members can enact to protect traditional medicinal knowledge? This is the question that the present study intends to answer. The aim is to demonstrate from a prospective approach with regards to human rights, international intellectual property law, civil law, biodiversity law, and national laws, in particular the ones of the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), that it is possible to build a coherent and adapted legal regime.

Association de la norme technique à l'innovation. Étude de droit de la propriété intellectuelle et de droit de la concurrence / Association of the technical standard and innovation covered by intellectual property rights

Soltmann, Wladimir 02 December 2015 (has links)
La norme technique exige parfois de lui associer des innovations faisant l’objet de droits privatifs, au bénéfice de la réalisation de sa mission. De prime abord, la propriété intellectuelle apparaît comme étant un élément perturbateur, impliquant désormais d’examiner l’ « économie » de la norme au moment de son élaboration et de son utilisation et non plus uniquement la technique. Pour éviter la corruption de la norme par des droits privatifs trop contraignants, les organismes de normalisation exigent que seuls les droits privatifs « essentiels » soient associés à la norme. Les critères de l’adhérence réciproque de la norme et de l’innovation structurant leur association, justifient au nom de son « utilité sociale », une adaptation réciproque des régimes juridiques attachés à ses deux composantes. Ainsi l’ « utilité sociale » incarnée par la norme technique impose une adaptation du régime des droits de propriété intellectuelle. Symétriquement, l’innovation « essentielle » à la norme suppose une adaptation du régime de la norme technique à la propriété intellectuelle. Cela donne naissance à deux régimes juridiques substantiellement interpénétrés et structurellement interdépendants. D’une part, les droits privatifs étant « essentiels » à la norme, peuvent être considérés comme des « infrastructures essentielles », justifiant une érosion systémique de leur portée dans le cadre de leur association à la norme. Dans le cadre de l’application de règles de concurrence, cette érosion résulte d’une approche ex post à laquelle se conjugue une approche ex ante, conceptualisée par les conditions FRAND. D’autre part, l’association s’évalue également à l’aune de la propriété privée. Il apparaît que la norme technique devrait être considérée comme étant une chose commune imposant d’aménager, au bénéfice de ses utilisateurs, un accès et une utilisation libre. Cela suppose d’envisager alors l’émergence d’un droit d’utilisation de l’innovation associée à la norme technique. / Technical standards may sometimes be associated to innovations covered by proprietary rights. In this case, intellectual property appears to embody a quite disturbing component within the partnership between standardization and innovation. We are thus led to analyse the association economy ; it must be construed as of the creation and the use of the standard rather than to insist on its sole technical aspects. In order to avoid the corruption of the standard by over-restrictive IP rights, standard-setting-organizations require that only "essential" proprietary rights can be associated to a technical standard. Economical and technical criterias of the mutual adherence of the technical standard and the owned innovation – structuring their association – justify in the name of its "social utility", a mutual adaptation of their legal regimes. Therefore, the technical standard’s "social utility" requires an adaptation of the IP rights legal regime. Symmetrically, the essential innovation, included in the standard, requires its fitting to the technical standards legal regime. This results in the rise of two regimes naturally interpenetrated, and structurally interdependent. On the one hand, IP rights "essential" to the standard, can be considered as "essential facilities", justifying a systematic erosion of their spectrum. As part of competition rules implementation, this erosion results from an ex post approach as well as an ex ante approach conceptualized by FRAND terms. On the other hand, the association is also evaluated through the private property perspective. It appears that the technical standard should be considered as a "common", assuming a free access and a free use. It contributes to create a right of use of the owned innovations integrated in technical standard.

Le contentieux du transfert de connaissances dans les relations entre l'Union européenne et la Chine / Knowledge transfer litigation and arbitration in European Union – China relationships

Quiniou, Matthieu 25 November 2015 (has links)
Face à la mutation des modalités des échanges internationaux et à l'accentuation du commerce de biens intellectuels entre entreprises de traditions différentes, des réajustements des modèles contractuels et un réordonnancement des modes de règlement des différends semblent inévitables. La nature juridique incertaine des connaissances secrètes, en Chine et dans l’Union européenne est un obstacle à la formalisation de leur transfert et par conséquent à la définit ion d’un cadre de résolution des différends adapté. Si les propositions de lois et de direct ive se multiplient pour définir cette notion et son régime, l’approche retenue est souvent limitée à la dimension délictuelle de la divulgation de la connaissance. La recherche menée, tout en tenant compte des atteintes portées au secret, se focalise principalement sur le transfert volontaire de connaissances. Pour répondre aux besoins des acteurs du commerce international, ces opérations ne peuvent plus être limitées aux seuls contrats de « communication de savoir - faire ». Si les notions de « bien intellectuel » et de « possession intellectuelle »permettent de justifier théoriquement d’autres formes contractuelles, les droits chinois et européen se réfèrent aux cessions et licences de connaissances. Ces opérations, souvent insérées dans un ensemble contractuel complexe et réalisées entre parties de cultures différentes,peuvent engendrer des différends variés. Lorsque ces différends apparaissent,le degré de confidentialité assuré devant les juridictions nationales étudiées ne permet pas de répondre aux attentes légitimes des parties. Les différences de cultures processuelles des parties et la culture chinoise du règlement amiable des différends invitent aussi à éviter le recours aux juridictions nationales. Les combinaisons entre médiat ion et arbitrage, par leur grande flexibilité procédurale, peuvent fournir un cadre de résolut ion adapté aux exigences tant économiques que culturelles des parties. Dans cet esprit, la thèse propose la mise en place d’un Règlement de M²arb avec un médiateur–expert, garant de la confidentialité du processus de résolut ion des différends. / Facing the evolution of international trade and the development of intellectual proper ty trade between companies from different backgrounds, contractual model readjustments and a reordering of dispute resolution systems seems unavoidable. The unsettled legal status of secret knowledge in China and in the EU can be an obstacle to the formalization of their transfer and therefore inhibits the definition of a suitable framework for resolving disputes. Legislators and scholars are currently debating proposals of laws and directives to elaborate this concept and its regime, but only address issues liketor t and disclosure of secret information. Legal scholarship to date has mainly been focused on the voluntary transfer of knowledge and has taken intoaccount the damage caused to secrets. To meet the needs of business operators, these operations should not be limited to "know-how communication contracts” (contrats de communication de savoir - faire). The concepts of “ intellectual good” and " intellectual ownership" theoretically justifyother types of contracts, while Chinese and European laws refer to assignment and license of trade secret . These operations, often provided for in a complexs et of contracts between parties from different cultural backgrounds, can lead to a wide variety of disputes. When disputes occur, national courts do not always provide a level of protect ion of confidential information that meets parties’ expectations. Differences in procedural cultures as well as the Chinese culture of amicable dispute settlement prevent the parties from relying on national courts. The combinations between mediation and arbitration, by their procedural flexibility, can provide a suitable dispute resolution framework taking into account economic and cultural considerations. Therefore, this thesis proposes M² arb Rules that introduce a mediator-expert with a mission of securing knowledge confidentiality during the dispute resolution process.

La genèse de la propriété industrielle en France / The genesis of the right of industrial property

Gobert, Perle 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le droit de la propriété industrielle peut apparaître comme un droit assez récent dans le pay-sage juridique français, mais ce présupposé n’est qu’un leurre. Sa présence est attestée dès le commencement des pratiques artistiques et artisanales pendant l’Antiquité. La prise de conscience de son existence et de son utilité au sein de la société a toutefois été exacerbée au XVIIIe siècle, notamment lors de la révolution française de 1789, moment de sa construc-tion et de sa reconnaissance juridiques.Le droit de la propriété industrielle, à partir des événements révolutionnaires devient en effet l’enjeu d’une élaboration aussi bien intellectuelle que juridique. De nombreux débats de la part des créateurs et inventeurs font rage auprès des institutions politiques afin que ce droit soit reconnu et normalisé. L’aboutissement de ces combats intellectuels, grâce aux multiples ré-flexions de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence transforme le droit de la propriété industriel en un droit normatif s’inscrivant dans l’ordonnancement juridique.Au-delà de cette organisation législative, le droit de la propriété industrielle est également le sujet de nombreuses interrogations quant aux circonstances politiques et économiques qui ont permis son éclosion. Le droit de la propriété industrielle se module selon l’ensemble des lois, des jurisprudences, de la doctrine, de la politique et de l’économie qui tente de lui donner des structures juridiques stables. Il s’affirme comme un droit protéiforme, dont la portée na-tionale relative aux inventeurs et aux créateurs dans la reconnaissance de leur droit, prend une dimension internationale, aspirant à organiser et harmoniser les relations économiques des Nations. / : The right of the industrial property seems like a recent right in the French legal landscape, but this assumption is wrong. Its presence was confirmed as of the beginning of the artistic and artisanal practices during the Antiquity. The awakening of its existence and its utility wi-thin the company however was intensified at the XVIIIth century, in particular at the time of the French revolution of 1789, during the moment of its legal construction and its recognition.The right of the industrial property, starting from the revolutionary events became the chal-lenge of an intellectual development as well as a legal development. Many debates on behalf of the creators and inventors show rage regarding the political institutions, so that this right is acknowledged and standardized. The result of these intellectual combats, thanks to the mul-tiple reflections of the doctrines and jurisprudence transforms the patent right into a normative right falling under legal scheduling.Next to this legislative organization, the right of the industrial property is also the subject of many interrogations as for the political and economic circumstances, which allowed it's blos-soming. The right of the industrial property modulated according to the whole set of laws; ju-risprudences; the doctrines; politics and economics, tries to give him stable legal structures. He affirms himself as a protean right, whose national range relating to the inventors and the creators in the recognition of their right, takes an international dimension, trying to organize and harmonize the economic relations of the Nations.

Le secret des affaires / Confidentiality in business law

Garinot, Jean-Marie 17 November 2011 (has links)
En dépit de son importance pratique, le secret des affaires n’est guère pris en compte par le droit français. Bien que mentionné par quelques textes épars, il ne peut être qualifié de notion juridique. Face aux lacunes de notre législation, les tribunaux sont contraints d’appliquer le droit commun pour protéger les informations économiques sensibles : or, l’article 1382 du Code civil, comme les textes réprimant le vol et le recel, ne sont pas adaptés. Pourtant, comme en témoignent certains systèmes juridiques étrangers, la protection du secret est nécessaire ; il convient donc d’en rechercher les fondements. Bien que justifiée, la sauvegarde des renseignements confidentiels doit toutefois être conciliée avec les autres intérêts en présence, tels que les droits particuliers à l’information, les principes directeurs du procès, la transparence financière ou encore la liberté du travail. Le but de cette étude est donc de cerner la notion de secret des affaires, puis de proposer des modalités de protection, en respectant les intérêts des tiers. / Despite its practical relevance, business secrecy remains barely recognized under French law. Even if various texts refer to that concept, it cannot be considered as a legal concept under French law. In order to face the defects of our law, courts are bound to apply ordinary law to guarantee the protection of sensitive business information. However, applying article 1382 of the French civil code (torts) as well as referring to the concepts of robbery or handling (criminal law) are inappropriate solutions. Nevertheless, some foreign legal systems have demonstrated that protecting business secrecy was necessary. Therefore, our study will seek the grounds of that need for protection. Protecting confidential data, although justified, must be compatible with other key principles: individual rights to information, civil trial practice standards, financial transparency or freedom of work. Thus, the purpose of that study is to delimitate the concept of business secrecy before suggesting new measures to protect it while preserving third parties beneficiaries.

Le contrat d'entreprise et la propriété intellectuelle : étude en droit français et syrien / The contract of enterprise and the intellectual property : compared study in french and syrien law

Youssef, Mohammed 12 June 2015 (has links)
La spécificité de l’objet de la PI imprime une singularité au régime du contrat d’entreprise. L’affirmation se constate aussi bien au sujet de la PLA qu’au sujet de la PIND et appelaient donc la recherche d’une théorie générale. Concernant la PLA, l’existence de droits moraux de l’auteur perturbe la relation contractuelle et justifie la mise en œuvre d’un formalisme important. L’objectif du législateur est alors de tenter de protéger l’auteur, envisagé comme la partie faible face au maître de l’ouvrage. Et quoique certaines exceptions aient été mises en place, elles demeurent insuffisantes. Une telle méthode « principe – exception » se révèle néanmoins alternativement inutile ou préjudiciable, de sorte qu’il conviendrait de convertir les exceptions en règle commune. À titre d’exemple, l’attribution initiale des droits d’auteur au maître de l’ouvrage dans le cadre de l’œuvre collective ou le logiciel devrait être généralisé. Si la protection apportée à l’entrepreneur dans le cadre du droit de la propriété littéraire et artistique apparaît ainsi excessive, elle est au contraire insuffisante dans le cadre du droit de la propriété industrielle. En effet, en dépit de fondements identiques, le contrat d’entreprise relatif aux droits de propriété industrielle est régi par les dispositions du Code civil, lesquelles ne protègent pas l’auteur ou le créateur. Ainsi, dans ce cadre, l’inventeur ne bénéficie pas d’un droit à la rémunération proportionnelle, car l’aspect économique domine toutes les étapes de la relation contractuelle, de l’obtention de la création à son exploitation. Néanmoins, les règles de l’attributions du droit à la création industrielle ne sont pas claires / The specificity of the subject of intellectual property entitled to a singularity of the contract of enterprise regime. The assertion is evident both on the literary and artistic property as about industrial property and therefore called the search for a general theory.Concerning the literary and artistic property, the existence of moral rights of the author disrupts the contractual relationship and justify the implementation of an important formalism. The aim of the legislator is then to try to protect the author, seen as the weak party to face the project Owner. And although some exceptions have been introduced, they remain insufficient. Nevertheless, such a method "principle - exception" proves alternately unnecessary or harmful, so the exceptions should be converted into common rule. For example, the initial attribution of copyright to the Owner project under the collective work or software should be generalized.If the protection provided to the contractor under the law of literary and artistic property thus appears excessive, it is insufficient otherwise under the law of industrial property. Indeed, despite identical basis, the contract of enterprise for industrial property rights is governed by the provisions of the Civil Code, which do not protect the author or creator. Thus, in this context, the inventor does not have a right to remuneration proportional because the economic aspect dominates all stages of the contractual relationship, obtaining creation to its exploitation. Nevertheless, the rules of the attribution of the right to creation industrial are not clear

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