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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

專利資產評估研究 / The assessment of patent asset

簡兆良, Leon chien Unknown Date (has links)
『專利資產評估』依其目的可分為兩個主要方向,一是作為企業策略管理工具,二則提供專利授權、技術交易以及公司購併等的價值參考。前者的評估結果是一組具有策略意涵的指標,幫助企業審視專利管理的有效程度,更進一步作為研發管理(R & D Management)與達成企業目標的策略工具(Strategic Tool)。後者的評估結果是專利資產的一個參考價值,作為買賣雙方交易或進行投資的依據。 本研究以智慧資本理論推導專利資產效度的測量方法,依照員工競爭力、內部結構、外部結構以及策略資本四個面向,分別得出量化的測量指標,並且以這些指標進一步探討其結果在管理上的意涵,形成策略管理工具。 專利資產的價值方面,本研究以無形資產的技術價值理論,探討專利估價的各種模型,其適用場合以及優缺點。本研究進一步探討以專利價值的概念與經驗法則的應用,發展專利價值量表作為初步估計專利價值的工具。這套方法可以作為專利資產效度評估的基礎,相對於各種專利計價模型而言,具有低成本的實用價值。 本研究以工研院為個案研究對象,探討實務上專利資產評估與管理問題,進一步修正由理論推導的專利資產效度評估指標以及專利價值量表方法,使其具備實用價值。以下為本研究之重要結論: 一、提出專利資產評估流程,建議分為『價值的分析』與『管理的分析』進行。 (一)發展專利價值評量表,做為價值分析的工具 (二)發展專利資產管理評估指標模型,作為管理分析的工具 二、提出專利資產評估方法論述 三、提出專利資產評估研究架構 / The assessment of patent asset has two dimensions according to its purposes. One is considered as a strategic management tool, which provides useful information to the enterprise. On the other hand, the assessment of patent asset often provides a referenced value used for licensing, technology transaction, or merge and acquisitions. One of the most important parts of researches performed in this thesis were conducted from the intellectual asset theories, which gathering quantified information from Employee Competence, Internal Structure, External Structure, and Strategic Alliance. These quantified measuring indexes reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of the improvement of the considered patent asset. The information delivered recommends to the management strategy. In order to verify the value of the patent asset, discussions about several kinds of valuation theories concentrated to intangible asset have been carried out. As a result, the valuation method for the patent asset has been revealed. The use of simplified questionnaire method as a tool for the patent asset valuation is suggested here. The questionnaire method used as a valuation tool is comparatively low cost compared to all kinds of valuation methods so that it can be used practically in patent asset valuation. A case study of the ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan) has been conducted as a result. The assessment model of patent asset suggested in this study has been verified and modified from the ITRI case study. The major contributions and conclusions of this study are summarized below. 1. Suggestions of the process for assessment of patent asset: The major process is recommended to “The Analysis of Value” and “The Analysis of Management”. 2. Development of “Patent Valuation Questionnaire” method: as a tool for the analysis of value. 3. Development of “Evaluation Index Model” method: as a tool for analysis of management. 4. Discussions of methodology for valuation of the patent asset. 5. Discussions of the research frame for the assessment of patent asset.

Licensavtalet och konkurrensrätten / Licensing in Competition Law

Gölstam, Carl Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the significance of economic thinking and arguments in the treatment of licence agreements in EC competition law. A central question is to what degree the concept of competition in EC law reflects an economically realistic approach to competition. The study also investigates to what degree the economic functioning of intellectual property is considered in competition regulation and how much the economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered. The investigation mainly consists of a comparative analysis of EC competition law and American antitrust law concerning the economic arguments and their importance. The treatment of territorial restrictions, field of use restrictions, quantity clauses, tie-outs, tie-ins, grant back, no-challenge clauses and price restrictions are of special interest here. </p><p>This study shows that an economically realistic view of competition has influenced current EC competition law, especially in the Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (TTBER). Exceptions from this development in the EC law are mainly due to the goal of integration of the common market. Territorial restrictions are strictly regulated in the TTBER even when the parties’ market shares are below the market thresholds defined in the regulation.</p><p>The function of intellectual property rights are not much considered in EC competition law but there are general remarks about the economic functioning of patents in the Guidelines for the TTBER. However, it is difficult to find evidence for economic reasoning about patents in the formation of concrete rules. On the contrary, patents are weakened by the widened concept of exhaustion presented in the Guidelines.</p><p>The economic functioning of the licence agreement is considered in the rules of TTBER and the economic arguments for clauses which create incentives for making investments or give the possibility of control are acknowledged. However, the free riding argument has a weak position when applied to territorial restrictions, which are more formalistically regulated.</p><p>The EC competition law has become more similar to American antitrust law. The decisive difference consists in the judicial treatment of territorial restrictions, where the goal of integration is still of central importance in EC law.</p>

智慧財產移轉訂價之探索性研究 / Exploratory Research on Transfer Pricing of Intellectual Property

張雅雯, Chang,Ya Wen Unknown Date (has links)
移轉訂價係指關係企業間進行交易時,價格之訂定過程。由於各國稅制、稅率均存在差異,使跨國集團常透過移轉訂價之方式,不當安排其利潤以規避稅負。各國稅捐主管機關本其財政收入考量,並捍衛其課稅主權,紛紛建立移轉訂價稅制,要求關係企業間移轉訂價必須符合常規交易原則。   近年來,智慧財產已逐漸取代有形財產,成為企業價值之主要項目。由於智慧財產並無公開交易市場,且其通常具有一定之獨特性,致使涉及智慧財產之受控交易,於運用常規交易原則時產生諸多困難。   本論文為智慧財產移轉訂價之探索性研究,從稅制面進行分析與探討。研究結果發現,我國現行稅制與經濟暨合作發展組織、美國移轉訂價規範相較之下,未臻完備之處有: 1. 欠缺成本貢獻協議之具體規範; 2. 欠缺相互協議程序之具體適用規範。   此外,智慧財產受控交易於運用我國現行移轉訂價規範時,容易產生爭議及困難點之處在於: 1. 缺乏可比較未受控交易; 2. 智慧財產所有權之認定; 3. 共同研發之課稅問題; 4. 相互協議程序和預先訂價協議機制難以適用。 / Transfer pricing refers to a process of pricing arrangement in a controlled transactions between affiliated enterprises. Due to differences in tax legislations and tax rates among countries, multinational corporations may deliberately allocate their profits into different countries by leveraging off those differences, so its overall tax liabilities may be minimized. In view of the foregoing, tax authorities of various countries have began to formed transfer pricing related rules and regulations in order to preserve their tax bases and have requested full conformity of transfer pricing rules from resident enterprises when conducting related party transactions. In recent years, intellectual property (“IP”) has overtaken the importance of tangible assets and became a predominant operating item in many of the enterprises. However, given the inherent uniqueness in each IP and the lack of open market for the IP, difficulties often arise when applying the arm’s length principal on IP related controlled transactions. This exploratory research discusses transfer pricing of IP. Through this research, it is identified that there may be room for improvements for Taiwan transfer pricing rules in the following two areas in comparison with the OECD and U.S. transfer pricing rules: 1. Rules of cost contribution arrangement;and 2. Application rules of mutual agreement procedure. Moreover, controversies and difficulties may likely to occur in the following areas when applying transfer pricing rules on IP related controlled transactions in Taiwan: 1. Lack of comparable uncontrolled transactions; 2. The ownership of intellectual property rights; 3. Tax on cooperative R&D;and 4. Difficulties to apply with MAP and APA.


江雅鈴, Chiang, Ya Lin Unknown Date (has links)
生技新藥產業是指使用於人類及動植物用之新藥及高風險醫療器材之產業。而生技新藥產業與醫藥產業,在目的上均與人類及動植物用藥或醫療儀器相關;差異之處在於目前的生技醫藥產業相較於20餘年前的醫藥產業,多了生物技術的應用,產業結構由大型藥廠垂直整合演變為非營利組織、生物技術公司、大型藥廠分工的形態。總結來說,生物技術是生技新藥產業的重要組成要素,而生物技術的興起,則改變了過去醫藥產業產品與技術的組成,也改變了產業結構。 生物技術產業或醫藥產業是全球各國競相發展的產業類別,我國亦不例外;其中,美國無論於生物技術或醫藥產業的發展,均居於全球領先的地位,其成功必然有可以提供我們討論或學習之處。而在知識價值鏈的體系中,美國大學更扮演著提供創新以及產學合作的重要角色,對於全球生技新藥產業的進步有重要的貢獻。從而本研究以美國為標的,研究產業的發展歷程,並進一步以產業之觀點,探討大學產學合作的模式以及智慧財產管理,希望能供我國大學與產業實務發展的參考。 從美國生物技術與醫藥產業發展的歷史與經驗,本研究歸納出生物技術產業興起的因素,與1980年代發生的基礎科學上的突破性發展、拜杜法案的通過、專利法將生物技術的發明納入保護範圍,三項因素有關。另外,由大學所提供的創新,透過密切的產學合作、授權與技術移轉、企業間的策略聯盟等方式,於知識的價值鏈中流動並增加價值,而大學提供創新的人才,往往也是創業者和重要的經營者。 本研究認為,美國大學對生物技術發展具有重要性的貢獻,其中,大學內部創業與大學智慧財產的管理特別值得討論。在大學內部創業方面,美國大學不但鼓勵創業,並制定股權政策,允許新創公司以股權取代部分的授權報酬,給予新創公司實際的協助。透過限制大學持股比例與禁止大學擔任董事或參與董事投票活動之原則,則可兼顧大學避免利益衝突與公司專業經營的需求。 在大學智慧財產管理的部份,本研究認為加州大學系統的智慧財產管理方式,採用網路式的授權與技術移轉組織,將各校區共同的需求如政策、法務、資訊技術與通訊等活動統籌處理,而將需與發明人和企業密切交流的活動如授權與技術移轉的活動交由各校區的授權與技術移轉中心負責。透過此種統籌與分工管理的方式,能夠兼顧減少營運成本與增加授權效率的功能。 經由本研究節果,建議我國的大學可採用網路式的授權與技術移轉組織之概念,除各校之授權與技轉中心外,聯合設一統籌政策、法務、智慧財產資料庫之管理機構,並對大學持有公司股份、鼓勵創業、避免利益迴避等議題制定一致的政策,方能有效利用資源並發揮大學創新的價值。 / Biotech and new drug development industry are targeted toward the development of drugs for human, animal, or plant use. This also includes the high-risk industry in medical devices. Although the pharmaceutical industry shares common objectives, the biotech and new drug industry emphasizes on applications in biotechnology and its industrial structure is composed by non-profit organizations and biotech dedicated firms. While biotechnology forms the basis to the biotech and new drug industry, the improvement of biotechnology also changed the interaction between the pharmaceutical products and technologies as well as its industrial structure. Biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry have received considerable attention around the world, including Taiwan. Since U.S. has been the leading country in the development of biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, we can surely learn from its success. In particular, universities in the U.S. have played a crucial role in providing innovation and promoting university-industry cooperation and resulted in significant contributions to the progress of global biotech and new drug industry. Thus, this study will investigate the development of the industry within the U.S. by dissecting the various university-industry cooperation models and the management of intellectual property rights. Results from this study will hopefully shed some light on bridging our university with industry for further practice operation. By examining the U.S. biotech and pharmaceutical industry, this study has concluded that breakthroughs in fundamental, the passage of Bayh-Dole Act, and the inclusion of biotechnology into patent law science in 1980s are responsible for the rise of biotechnology industry. In addition, active university-industry cooperation along with licensing, technology transfer, strategic alliance among enterprises and information flowing in the knowledge value chain added the value of the innovation provided by universities. In many cases, the university has not only provided innovation, but also a source for future leaders that would take on role of the founders or head of project management. The U.S. universities have made significant contributions to the development of biotechnology by establishing entrepreneurship programs, intellectual property rights management, and often providing substantial assistance in business start-up. One type of assistance is rendered through regulating policies on equity that allows start-up companies to provide equity in place of part of license fee. In order to avoid a “conflict of interest”, universities should be limited of their possession of industry equity, which can prevents them from taking part in the company as the board director or members. In terms of the management of intellectual property rights, the measures of management of the University of California system can help diminish operation cost and enhance licensing efficiency. University of California system resorts to Technology transfer in a distributed institutional network that feed the common needs from each campus such as patent policies, general counsel, and information technology and communications. A licensing and technology transfer center (OTT) on each campus will follow a system wide license and technology transfer process between the inventor and the enterprise. In conclusion, it is recommended that our university could adopt the concept of network licensing and technology transfer. Through an overall arrangement, a management institute can be established to regulate the planning of policies, provide general counseling, and build a database of intellectual property rights aside from the existing licensing and technology center of each university. In the best interest of the developing biotech and new drug industry, universities should initiate policies with regard to equity holding limitation, encouragement of start-up business, and the avoidance in the “conflict of interest” so the industry may effectively utilize university resources and demonstrate its innovative values.

台灣電影產業之智慧財產商品化研究 / A study on the commercialization of the intellectual property of Taiwan film industry

洪誠孝 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電影產業發展至今,經歷了查禁、控制、國際競爭等艱辛的階段,一直以來,本土產製的電影很少有出現轟轟烈烈的商業成績。所謂的「國片」縱有不少智慧財產的產出,往往亦盤旋於台灣電影市場邊陲,極難成為大眾消費者眼中的主流商品。由此可知,台灣電影人豐富的創意價值,雖然在本質上是由層層智慧財產緊扣而成,卻在電影市場中缺乏創新的營運機制,使得藝術文化與市場的配合失去平衡,總體效益不了了之。   一部電影,本質上往往仰賴各方面創意為基礎,而創意的具體化則該透過適當的法律制度,以「智慧財產 (Intellectual Property)」的形式呈現,並加以應用於商業策略之中。換句話說,「商業策略」才是電影創意能否在大眾市場發揮價值的主要概念。過分注重法律保護、政策支援;或過度將票房表現視為電影創意人的價值,恐非台灣本土電影起死回生的好方法。   2008年,被視為台灣電影奇蹟的《海角七號》以亮眼的票房紀錄讓眾多台灣電影圈的人士看見了未來的希望,然而《海角七號》的製作團隊本身卻沒有積極利用電影產出的智慧財產。之後,一系列本土電影接著《海角七號》之勢上檔,不僅票房結果差強人意,智慧財產的運用更是闕如。故本論文以《海角七號》為個案,分析各項電影智慧財產的產出與應用情況,以探究如此空前的票房與其智慧財產價值發揮的關聯性。   本論文亦以「智慧財產商品化 (Commercialization)」及「智慧財產行銷」的概念為基礎,探求國片當前面臨的智財商品化問題與可能調整的方向,最後結論各項發現,建立智財觀點下的「電影市場價值組成」與「階梯式電影價值產生模型」,嘗試為台灣建立創新的電影智慧財產行銷運用方式。 / In the past one hundred years, the development of Taiwan film industry has gone through many arduous and crucial stages, including politically planned prohibition, bridles from government, and global competition. Ever since then, there are hardly successful cases. The so-called "Taiwan Cinema" might provide very much IP (intellectual property) to the film industry; however, the value of IP could not be merchandised well at all. It's difficult to make the IP of "Taiwan Cinema" be consumed by audience or consumers. Today, the creativity of Taiwan cinema production is absolutely sufficient, and properly conjugated to IP, nevertheless, the realization of creativity value still fails to get the balance between art, culture and marketability. A "movie" intrinsically consists of multiple creativity, and which is concretized with legal system to make intellectual property rights (IPR) come into being. And then, the IP can be applied to business strategies. Therefore, the business strategies ought to be critical to the IP value in mass market. In other words, paying to much attention on the legal protection and administrative policies may not be proper. In 2008, the movie "Cape No. 7" achieved many expectations of many people. Despite the demolished box office records, the film production team seems not to actively commercialize the IP from this movie, and so do many Taiwan cinemas after "Cape No. 7". In order to clarify the commercial relationship between the box office performance and the value of IP application, this study is going to discuss the situation of IP commercialization of movie "Cape No. 7". On the other sides, this study will also point out the challenges Taiwan film industry is just undergoing at present, and try to provide appropriate suggestion based on the views of IP commercialization and IP marketing. Finally, this study will conclude the findings and comments to establish the “Compositions of Market Value of Films with Value Generation Model” and innovative means of IP operation in Taiwan film industry.

Autorių teisių apsaugos ir kitų intelektinės nuosavybės teisių gynimo teoriniai bei praktiniai aspektai / Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Protection and Enforcement of Copyright and other Intellectual Property Rights

Mizaras, Vytautas 11 June 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijai teikiami mokslo darbai, susiję su dviem tyrimų sritimi – autorių teisių ir kitų intelektinės nuosavybės teisių apsaugos ir gynimo teoriniais ir praktiniais aspektais. Teikiamuose mokslo darbuose, remiantis kitų valstybių, Lietuvos doktrina ir teismų praktika analizuojama ir aiškinama teisinio reguliavimo novelų esmė, pateikiamos tam tikro instituto ar dalyko fundamentalios žinios ir vertinimai. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad, ypač intelektinės nuosavybės teisės srityje, dauguma analizuotų klausimų susiję su Europos Sąjungos ar tarptautinės teisės aktų nuostatų įgyvendinimu vidaus teisėje, analizuojami šio įgyvendinimo rezultatai, nagrinėjamos atitinkamų nuostatų turinys ir taikymo galimybės, atskleidžiamos tinkamo ir netinkamo teisės taikymo atvejai, doktrininiu aiškinimu šalinamos esamos teisinio reguliavimo ar teisės taikymo spragos arba klaidos. Taip pat iškeliamos tam tikros teisės politikos formavimo, vystymo ir strategijos kryptys bei problemos, orientuojantis į racionalumo ir apsaugos funkcionalumo kriterijus. Tyrimuose didelę reikšmę turi istorinis, lyginamasis, teleologinis tyrimų metodai. Didelę reikšmę teikiamuose darbuose turi monografija apie autorių teisę, kurioje sistemiškai nagrinėjami pagrindiniai principai, šaltiniai, objektai, subjektai, asmeninės neturtinės teisės ir turtinės teisės bei jų apribojimai. Remiantis droit d‘ auteure tradicija, autorių teisės paskirtis ir pagrindinė funkcija yra reguliuoti trejopo pobūdžio interesų konfliktus ir rasti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The subject matter of the scientific studies comprises a study of key issues of the protection of copyright as well as enforcement of other intellectual property rights. The basic methods of study used in the works are comparative, historical and teleological. The model of legal regulation of the protection of intellectual property rights chosen is the one existing in the states of droit d’ auteur and copyright systems, and based on this model the key issues of copyright protection are analysed by way of comparing and assessing the aspects provided for in the Lithuanian legislation. Lithuania follows the droit d’ auteur system. In general, the Lithuanian copyright law does not reflect any unique tradition. The development of intellectual property rights protection in Lithuania essentially coincided with the accession to international and regional organisations and to international agreements. When Lithuania decisively implemented one of its foreign policy aims — to become a member of the European Union — the approximation of its national law to the European Union legislation commenced in the field of intellectual property law as well as in the whole legal system. The scientific monograph and the few scientific articles analyse the main aspects of the protection of copyright: main principles of copyright, legal sources, subject matter of the protections, the author or other copyright owner, contents of protection (economic rights and moral rights), limitations and exceptions... [to full text]

Farm saved seed (FSS) and royalty generation for wheat in France, United Kingdom, and Australia - policy implications for Canada

2014 September 1900 (has links)
The majority of wheat research in the world and in Canada is conducted by the public sector. The government of Canada has introduced legislation to update its plant breeder’s rights (PBR) legislation, making Canada compliant with the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) 91 convention, with the goal to stimulate private investment in wheat variety research. International experience with UPOV 91 reveals a wide range of outcomes depending on the specific royalty setting mechanisms allowed within their domestic legislation. This thesis compares Canada’s existing policy to three very different international examples (France, United Kingdom, and Australia) of UPOV 91 compliant royalty collection systems for wheat. The model presented is one of a monopolistic competitive wheat-breeding industry with the introduction of a new certified seed variety. Farmers have the option to use farm saved seed (FSS) or certified seed on their farm. The additional economic benefit created from the innovation and its distribution is analyzed and interpreted for both, farmers (social benefit) and breeders (private benefit). The results of the analysis show that while each UPOV 91 compliant model generates more revenue for farmers and breeders than Canada’s current policy, they tend to generate less than expected revenue in the short-run. If a country has strong intellectual property rights (IPRs), it will attract some domestic and foreign investment and possibly a beneficial collaboration between the public, private, and producer sector, also known as P4 (public-private-producer-partnerships).

Access to affordable life-saving medicines : the South African response.

Joseph, Coral Jade. January 2012 (has links)
Patent protection grants the patent holder with a market monopoly, free from market competition allowing the patentee to charge any price; therefore medicines are sold at prices much higher than the marginal cost of production and distribution. The connection between international trade and intellectual property has aggravated human rights and public health concerns surrounding the inaccessibility of essential medicines. The World Trade Organisation‘s Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement is an international instrument which has greatly impacted intellectual property rights protection and access to medicine. It has globalized intellectual property law by obliging all Members to subscribe to the minimum international standards of protection for intellectual property. South Africa is an example of the issues faced whilst attempting to bring their domestic laws into compliance with the Agreement. The government had to attempt to strike a balance between creating an effective intellectual property infrastructure whilst realizing the therapeutic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS. The South African Patents Act 57 of 1978 did not comply with the Agreement and was subsequently amended in order to bring its patent legislation in full compliance with the Agreement. Currently, South Africa grants patents for new uses or formulations of existing medicines consequently lengthening the period of patent monopoly by allowing pharmaceutical companies to obtain new patents for slight modifications to existing medicines. It is submitted that South Africa‘s patent legislation is more extensive than is necessary under international law, examples of this being disclosure standards and the process for compulsory licensing. In addition, it has not made use of provisions in its existing law to take measures to improve access to essential medicines, nor has it implemented legislative amendments consequent to the flexibilities established in the Doha Declaration. This dissertation seeks to review the steps South Africa has taken in its compliance with the TRIPS Agreement with respect to the relevant intellectual property legislation that has been enacted, including its implications for access to essential medicines. The intention behind this dissertation is to assess the efficacy of the intellectual property legislation in South Africa and its impact on access to medicines. / Thesis (LL.M.)-Univeristy of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

Le Mercosur et la protection de la propriété intellectuelle : formation, évolution historique et importance dans ses relations internationales

Gaudie Ley, Laura L. 05 1900 (has links)
Depuis le début de son histoire, l’être humain cherche, pour de nombreuses raisons à s’associer et développer le milieu où il vit. Ces caractéristiques culminèrent dans les phénomènes de mondialisation et de révolution technologique responsables de la diminution des distances physiques et temporelles du monde contemporain. Ces facteurs ont stimulé les processus d’intégration régionaux, lesquels ont pour but le renforcement de ses adhérents face à la nouvelle réalité mondiale. Parmi ces processus, on note le Mercosur qui vise à la création d’un marché commun entre l’Argentine, le Brésil, le Paraguay et l’Uruguay. Fondé sur l’intergouvernabilité et avec une structure organisationnelle définie, ce bloc économique possède un cadre normatif en évolution, cherchant constamment la sécurité juridique dans divers secteurs. Quant à la protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle, on constate une ancienne préoccupation de la région sur le thème. Toutefois, le peu de normes existantes au sein du bloc confèrent des droits subjectifs minimaux et la plupart d’entre eux ne sont pas intégrés dans les législations nationales, lesquelles sont alignées sur les traités internationaux. Dans ses relations internationales, le Mercosur a une longue histoire de négociations avec l’Union Européenne et une histoire plus modeste avec le Canada, dans lesquelles l’attention portée aux droits de propriété intellectuelle n’est pas uniforme. De plus, sa participation dans les organismes internationaux responsables de ces droits est faible. Dans ce contexte, même avec un futur incertain le Mercosur présente de grandes expectatives. Toutefois, la préoccupation à protéger les droits de propriété intellectuelle est présente et réelle et commence à prendre de l’ampleur dans ses relations internes et externes. / Since the beginning of its history, the human being seeks, for many reasons, to join and develop the environment where he lives. These features, culminating in the phenomena of globalization and technological revolution, were responsible for the decrease in physical and temporal distances of the contemporary world. These factors have stimulated the regional integration processes, which are intended to strengthen its members to deal with a new global reality. Among these processes, we note the Mercosur aimed at creating a common market between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. Based on its inter-governability and with a defined organizational structure, the economic bloc has an evolving normative framework, constantly seeking legal security in various sectors. As for the protection of intellectual property rights, there is an old concern of the region on the subject. However, few standards exist within the block granting minimum individual rights and most of them are not integrated in the national laws, which are aligned with international treaties. In its international relations, Mercosur has a long history of negotiations with the European Union and a timid story with Canada, in which attention to intellectual property rights is not uniform. Moreover, its participation in international organizations responsible for these rights is weak. Thus, even with an uncertain future Mercosur has great expectations. However, the concern to protect intellectual property rights is present and real and starts to grow in its internal and external relationships.

Analyse anthropologique des politiques de brevetage génétique : le cas du BRCA 1/2 au Québec

Karagueuzian, Elise 04 1900 (has links)
Le diagnostic de prédisposition génétique du cancer du sein et de l’ovaire est détenu par la firme de biotechnologie Myriad Genetics depuis 1996, sous la forme d’un brevet, qui lui octroie une licence d’exploitation internationale, infirmant le droit d’analyse moléculaire aux autres laboratoires. Ce monopole, lui permet de statuer sur un prix excessivement plus élevé qu’en milieu public et d’astreindre en justice, les laboratoires contrevenants. Depuis 2001, le Québec est la seule province qui se soumet (en partie) au brevet, en faisant appel à la compagnie pour le séquençage complet. À travers cette recherche, j’analyse les politiques de brevetage génétique, dans sa construction juridique de la propriété intellectuelle et dans les significations culturelles des biotechnologies. Je m’appuie sur un cadre analytique des théories de propriété et sur la recherche en biomédical. Je procède également à l’analyse du discours des médecins et conseillers généticiens au Québec, à travers des entrevues conduites dans des centres hospitaliers de la région de Montréal et de Sherbrooke. Cette étude qualitative identifie comment les conseillers et médecins généticiens conçoivent le rôle des brevets dans les dépistages et diagnostics du cancer et comment les brevets génétiques expriment une culture médicale. Je cherche à déterminer comment sont perçus par des professionnels de santé les brevets génétiques en analysant et en comparant les variations entre limites idéologiques et limites pratiques. / The biotechnology company Myriad Genetics owns the diagnosis of genetic predisposition of breast and ovarian cancer since 1996. The patent, which grants an international license, reverses the right of molecular analysis by other laboratories. This monopoly allows the company to apply an excessively higher price than public laboratories and pursue the offenders in justice. However, since 2001, Quebec is the only province to respect (in part) the patent, using the company for the complete sequencing. This research analyzes the gene patent politics in its legal structure of intellectual property and the cultural meanings of biotechnology. I rely on an analytical framework of theories of property and biomedical research. I also proceeded to the discourse analysis of physicians and genetic counsellors in Quebec through interviews conducted in hospitals in the region of Montreal and Sherbrooke. This qualitative study identifies how doctors and genetic counsellors analysis the role of patents in the screening and diagnosis of cancer and how genetic patents express a medical culture. The study aims to explore how gene patents are perceived in analyzing and comparing the variations between ideological limits and practical limits.

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