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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikationens roll i kvalitetsutvecklingsprocesser

Bodin, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Den här studien har tittat närmare på kommunikationens roll vid kvalitetsutvecklingsprocesser, framförallt när det gäller strategisk kommunikation och i vilken utsträckning det tillämpas internt. Trots den allmänt utbredda vetskapen om att kommunikation är en nödvändig faktor i kvalitetsutveckling är det inte självklart hur och varför strategisk kommunikation ska ingå i kvalitetsutveckling. Studien granskar fyra olika organisationer inom privat och offentlig verksamhet för att ta reda på hur och till vilken grad man involverar kommunikationsavdelningen i arbetet med kvalitetsutveckling. Studien tittar även på varför det ser ut som det gör och vilka konsekvenser förfarandet medför. Då kvalitetsutveckling alltid handlar om någon form av förändring är det särskilt viktigt att arbeta strategiskt med kommunikationen för att bidra till tryggare medarbetare i ett så tidigt skede som möjligt. Det är viktigt att det finns ett starkt stöd hos ledningen och att kommunikationen prioriteras. Studien visar att det behövs mer kunskap, kontinuitet och rutiner för att bedriva ett framgångsrikt strategiskt kommunikationsarbete vid kvalitetsutvecklingsprocesser. / This study has focused on the role of communication in quality development processes, especially in terms of strategic communication and to what extent it is applied internally. Despite the widespread knowledge that communication is a necessary factor in quality development, it is not obvious how and why strategic communication should be included in quality development. The study examines four different organizations within the private and public sector to find out how and to what extent the department of communication is involved in the work of quality development. It examines why it looks like it does and what consequences the procedure entails. As quality development always is about some form of change, it is especially important to work strategically with communication to contribute to the feeling of comfort amongst employees at the earliest possible stage. It is important that there is strong support from the management and that communication is prioritized. The study shows that more knowledge, continuity and routines are needed to conduct successful strategic communication work in quality development processes. / <p>2020-06-26</p>

大学経営における理念の浸透の研究 / ダイガク ケイエイ ニオケル リネン ノ シントウ ノ ケンキュウ

谷ノ内 識, Satoshi Taninouchi 21 March 2018 (has links)
本研究はわが国の国公私立大学経営における理念の浸透をテーマとし、浸透のメカニズムおよび浸透策とその効果について、国公私立大学743校を対象としたアンケート調査と教職員個人を対象としたアンケート調査等により、体系的に初めて明らかにしたものである。研究の結果、特に私立大学においては理念の浸透が組織および職員個人に対してプラスの効果をもたらし、経営において重要な役割を果たしていることを確認した。 / This study focuses mainly on the effectiveness of pervasiveness of management philosophy in Japanese universities—both national and private universities. The mechanism is analyzed, in which the management philosophy pervades effectively, and the way how the mechanism would work is revealed through a systematic approach which is based upon the result of questionnaire survey directed at 743 Japanese universities as well as teaching and clerical staff who work for these universities. Throughout my considerations from various angles, it is confirmed that the pervasiveness of philosophy strengthens the staff's sense of belongingness and also that the pervasiveness itself plays an important role in school administration especially in the case of private universities. / 博士(政策科学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Policy and Management / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University


MICHELLE PEREIRA DE SOUZA M PIEIRO 11 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] A pandemia da COVID-19 mobilizou as organizações que, no esforço para mitigar a contaminação de seus diversos públicos, adaptaram suas rotinas e processos. No que tange às ações voltadas para seus funcionários e prestadores de serviços, a comunicação interna desempenhou papel fundamental. Neste contexto, a presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a narrativa de comunicação interna da Nissan Motors do Brasil, implementada durante o período de Pandemia. O corpus da análise é constituído por peças de comunicação interna de e-mail marketing, disponibilizadas pela organização, no recorte temporal de janeiro a agosto de 2020. Do ponto de vista metodológico, fez-se uso de ferramentas de análise semiótica, com ênfase nos temas e figuras empregados no discurso em questão. Os resultados da análise apontam mudanças nas narrativas ao longo do período em questão, com destaque para efeitos de sentido de informalidade e flexibilidade. A pesquisa contribui para a reflexão acerca do processo de comunicação interna da empresa ao cotejar o conteúdo da comunicação com ações e rotinas organizacionais. / [en] The COVID-19 pandemic mobilized organizations that, in an effort to mitigate the contamination of their various audiences, adapted their routines and processes. In terms of actions aimed at its employees and service providers, internal communication played a key role. In this context, this dissertation aims to analyze the internal communication narrative of Nissan Motors do Brasil, implemented during the Pandemic period. The corpus of the analysis consists of e-mail marketing pieces, made available by the organization, in the time cut from January to August 2020. From a methodological point of view, we made use of semiotic analysis tools, with emphasis on the themes and figures used in the speech in question. The results of the analysis point to changes in the narratives throughout the period in question, with emphasis on the effects of a sense of informality and flexibility. The research contributes to the reflection about the internal communication process of the company by comparing the communication content with actions and organizational routines.

Modelo de comunicación interna para instituciones públicas de educación superior. Caso Universidad de Guayaquil.

Pacheco Rodriguez, Miryam Gabriela 06 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] La comunicación organizacional como un componente empresarial ha cobrado mayor relevancia en la estructura de los activos intangibles que dispone una entidad, pero la realidad es que aún son muchas las instituciones que desaprovechan el potencial de esta herramienta corporativa y más si pertenecen al sector público de una nación. La Universidad de Guayaquil no es ajena a esta realidad por lo que permanentemente presenta escenarios de desinformación e incertidumbre; así también el ruido es una constante en su ciclo comunicacional. Es por lo antes mencionado que este estudio doctoral tiene la finalidad de proponer un modelo de comunicación interna para instituciones públicas de educación superior (IES) adaptable a las necesidades de esta organización para que sean superados todos estos espacios negativos que le afectan. Para alcanzar el objetivo de esta trabajo académico se empleó una metodología mixta bajo un enfoque descriptivo y no experimental que permitió recolectar datos del personal docente, el personal administrativo y los estudiantes de esta institución para plantear un modelo de comunicación institucional funcional para la Universidad de Guayaquil y adaptable a otras IES, acompañado de un manual de comunicación interna que ayude a normar el sistema comunicacional que se desarrolla actualmente dentro del alma mater más grande del Ecuador. / [CA] La comunicació organitzacional com un component empresarial ha cobrat major rellevància en l'estructura dels actius intangibles que disposa una entitat, però la realitat és que encara són moltes les institucions que desaprofiten el potencial d'aquesta eina corporativa i més si pertanyen al sector públic d'una nació. La Universitat de *Guayaquil no és aliena a aquesta realitat pel que permanentment presenta escenaris de desinformació i incertesa; així també el soroll és una constant en el seu cicle comunicacional. És per l'abans esmentat que aquest estudi doctoral té la finalitat de proposar un model de comunicació interna per a institucions públiques d'educació superior (IES) adaptable a les necessitats d'aquesta organització perquè siguen superats tots aquests espais negatius que l'afecten. Per a aconseguir l'objectiu d'aquesta treball acadèmic es va emprar una metodologia mixta sota un enfocament descriptiu i no experimental que va permetre recol·letar dades del personal docent, el personal administratiu i els estudiants d'aquesta institució per a plantejar un model de comunicació institucional funcional per a la Universitat de *Guayaquil i adaptable a altres IES, acompanyat d'un manual de comunicació interna que ajude a *normar el sistema comunicacional que es desenvolupa actualment dins de l'alma mater més gran de l'Equador. / [EN] Organizational communication as a business component has become more relevant in the structure of intangible assets available to an entity, but the reality is that there are still many institutions that do not take advantage of the potential of this corporate tool, especially if they belong to the public sector of a nation. The University of Guayaquil is no stranger to this reality, which is why it permanently presents scenarios of misinformation and uncertainty; noise is also a constant in its communication cycle. It is for this reason that this doctoral study aims to propose a model of internal communication for public institutions of higher education (IES) adaptable to the needs of this organization to overcome all these negative spaces that affect it. To achieve the objective of this academic work, a mixed methodology was used under a descriptive and non-experimental approach that allowed collecting data from faculty, administrative staff and students of this institution to propose a functional institutional communication model for the University of Guayaquil and adaptable to other IES, accompanied by an internal communication manual that helps to regulate the communication system that is currently developed within the largest alma mater of Ecuador. / Pacheco Rodriguez, MG. (2022). Modelo de comunicación interna para instituciones públicas de educación superior. Caso Universidad de Guayaquil [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186119 / TESIS

Navigera i den digitala verktygslådan : En kvalitativ studie kring internkommunikation, organisationskultur samt digital mognad hos ett rekryteringsbolag

Kjällman, William, Rask, Michaela January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka både de erfarenheter och uppfattningar som medarbetarnahar gällande intern kommunikation, samt de effekter som digitala förändringar medför inomFöretag X. För att besvara syftet används följande frågor: - Hur upplever medarbetare på Företag X att den interna kommunikationen i samband med digitala förändringar påverkar organisationskulturen? - Vilka specifika värden upplever medarbetare på Företag X i samband medimplementering och användning av digitala verktyg? - Hur kan dessa värden tolkas och förstås utifrån digital mognad? För att samla in empiriskt material genomfördes elva kvalitativa intervjuer. Baserat på dettamaterial utfördes en tematisk analys. De teoretiska ramar som används i denna studie är Shahiduzzaman &amp; Kowalkiewicz Digital Business Maturity Model, Rogers Diffusion ofInnovation, Schein &amp; Scheins beskrivning av Organisationskultur och Mintzberg &amp; Waters teori om strategi. Resultatet av studien visar att Företag X har passerat den initiala fasen av digital mognad genom implementeringen av värdeskapande digitala verktyg. Medarbetarna på Företag X upplever att brister i den interna kommunikationen under digitala förändringar leder till inkonsekvens och otillräcklig informationsspridning, vilket orsakar frustration ochminskat engagemang i förändringsprocessen. Detta resulterar i olika perspektiv och värdeninom organisationskulturen. För att främja en enhetlig och inkluderande kultur krävstydligare kommunikation och strategier. Trots framgångar saknas en sammanhållen innovativkultur, vilket understryker behovet av en förbättrad digital strategi och intern utveckling.Medarbetarna är positiva till digitalisering, men en mer systematisk strategi för ökatrisktagande behövs för att uppnå högre digital mognad / The purpose of the study is to examine both the experiences and perceptions employees haveregarding internal communication, as well as the effects that digital changes bring withinFöretag X. To answer the purpose, the following questions are used: - How do employees at Företag X perceive that internal communication, in connectionwith digital changes, influences organizational culture? - What specific values do employees at Företag X experience in connection with theimplementation and use of digital tools? - How can these values be interpreted and understood in terms of digital maturity? To receive the empirical material eleven qualitative interviews are conducted. Based on theempirical material a thematic analysis is done. The theoretical framework used in this studyare Shahiduzzaman &amp; Kowalkiewicz Digital Business Maturity Model, Rogers Diffusion of Innovation, Schein &amp; Schein description of Organizational Culture and Mintzberg &amp; Waters Theory of Strategy. The result of the study shows that Företag X has surpassed the initialphase of digital maturity through the implementation of value-generating digital tools.Employees at Företag X perceive that deficiencies in internal communication during digital changes lead to inconsistency and insufficient information dissemination, causing frustrationand reduced involvement in the change process. This results in differing perspectives andvalues within the organizational culture. To foster a unified and inclusive culture, clearer communication and strategies are needed. Despite successes, a cohesive innovative culture islacking, highlighting the need for strengthened digital strategy and internal development. Employees are positive about digitization, but a more systematic approach towards increasedrisk-taking is required to achieve higher digital maturity.

La presse d'entreprise et la représentation des relations humaines : étude de cas : le Groupe Elf Aquitaine / The business press and the representation of human relationship : case study : Elf Aquitaine Group

Koudouh Mboumba, Cathy 22 May 2012 (has links)
L’instauration des relations humaines dans l’entreprise a suscité de nouvelles méthodes de gestion, et dans lesquelles la communication a été le mobile fondamental. Ainsi, le facteur humain a pu être reconsidéré dans l’organisation du travail, et la participation des salariés dans la marche de l’entreprise, a été éveillée. Nous avons choisi d’analyser la représentation des relations humaines, à travers le journal interne, au sein du Groupe Elf, afin de révéler l’ensemble des pratiques et techniques, mis en oeuvre pour permettre aux salariés de s’épanouir dans l’entreprise. Mis à part son rôle d’information, avec pour but de sensibiliser les salariés aux objectifs et aux enjeux de l’entreprise, le journal interne est également un espace d’expression, dans lequel les dirigeants et les salariés, se reconnaissent dans une démarche collective. Il reproduit les relations humaines qui y naissent, à travers l’organisation et les enjeux professionnels de l’entreprise. A travers les représentations de l’entreprise qu’il véhicule en son sein, de par son contenu, il semble accompagner cette dernière dans son rôle sociétal. De la sorte, il reste un lien d’échanges qui maintient une relation triangulaire entre l’entreprise, ses salariés et son environnement externe. / The institution of human relations in the company has created new management methods, and in which the mobile communication was fundamental. In this way, the human factor could be reconsidered in the labor’s organization and employees’ participation in the operation of the company was awake. We chose to analyze the representation of human relationships, through the internal newspaper within the group Elf, to reveal all the practical and technical implementations to allow employees to be happy within the company. Apart from its role of information, with the aim to sensitize employees to the objectives and challenges of the company, the internal newspaper is also a space for expression in which managers and employees identify themselves with an approach collective. It reproduces the human relationships that are born, through the organization and the professional challenges of the business. Because of its content, the newspaper group Elf seems to accompany the company in its role in society through human figures, it carries within it. Such like, there remains an exchange link which supports a triangular relation between the firm, its employees and its external environment.

La diffusion de la stratégie au sein de l’entreprise : le cas du secteur bancaire / The communication strategy in business : the case of the banking sector

Sammoud, Rihab 02 December 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la diffusion de la stratégie au sein de la banque. En effet, nous avons cherché à déterminer les étapes clés de la mise en évidence d’un processus de diffusion au sein de la banque, de déterminer les freins que peuvent rencontrés les banquiers lors de ce processus et d’évaluer leur impact sur la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie. En effet, la diffusion est le processus par lequel la stratégie est déclinée à travers toute la banque. Or, la compréhension et le soutien qu’accordent les membres de la banque dépendent, entre autres, du processus grâce auquel iles en prennent connaissance. C’est pourquoi, l’étude de la diffusion apparait pertinente. Ainsi, comprendre en profondeur le processus de la diffusion en termes de modalités et de contenus, nous a permis de détecter les éléments qui peuvent freiner le développement d’une représentation stratégique partagée et comprise par l’ensemble de la banque, de la stratégie envisagée, et influencer la qualité de la mise en oeuvre. Notre analyse s’est essentiellement basée sur une démarche abductive qui consiste à procéder par allers retours entre théorie et terrain et qui nous a permis de renforcer la validité de notre cadre conceptuel et de le compléter par les éléments de notre analyse des cas. Au final, nous avons détecté un ensemble de freins à la diffusion de la stratégie au sein de la banque qui sont essentiellement : la sur information, les capacités cognitives, la résistance au changement, la nature de la stratégie et le nombre des niveaux hiérarchiques et dont l’impact le plus marquant est le dérapage de la mise en oeuvre. / This study deals with the communication of strategy within the banking sector. Our aim was to highlight the key steps involved in the communication process of banks, identify the challenges faced by bankers regarding that process and assess their role in the promotion of the strategy. Indeed, communication is the channel through which the strategy will be spread throughout the bank. Yet, the understanding and defense of the strategy by the employees, greatly depends on the way it has been conveyed to them; hence the importance and relevance of communication studies. Thus, a deep understanding of communication processes in terms of form as well as content, allowed us to pinpoint the elements that might prevent the development of a common strategic representation, understood by all, and affect the quality of its implementation. Our study is essentially based on an abductive approach that consists in going back and forth between theory and confirmation on the field. This method allowed us to strengthen the validity of our conceptual framework and supplement it with examples derived from our study case. In the end, we came up with the conclusion that many elements prevent the good circulation of strategy information within a bank. The main ones being: over-information, cognitive capacities, the resistance to change, the nature of the strategy as well as the number of hierarchical levels whose most striking consequence is the failure of implementation.

Communication interne et culture dans l’entreprise multinationale : régulation sociale et ordre négocié / Internal communication and culture in the multinational enterprise : social regulation and negotiated order

Jebli, Fedwa 20 September 2011 (has links)
Une des caractéristiques des entreprises multinationales est leur implantation dans des pays divers géographiquement et culturellement. Les services de communication interne sont représentés majoritairement comme la solution pour susciter l’adhésion à la culture d’entreprise et pour développer une synergie autour de celle-ci en dehors des considérations culturelles de chacun.Le discours dominant veut que la culture d’entreprise soit acceptée de la même façon par l’ensemble des salariés, notamment grâce à la communication interne qui y est définie comme un acteur stratégique jouant un rôle dynamique dans le quotidien de l’entreprise. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contraster les discours sur la communication interne avec les conclusions tirées de l’observation des tâches assurées par ses responsables dans trois filiales d’entreprises multinationales, en particulier pour constater à quel point les questions interculturelles font partie de leur quotidien. Il s’agit également de contraster les discours qui représentent l’entreprise comme une organisation à l’ordre social statique, basé sur une culture d’entreprise consolidée, avec le quotidien des salariés qui essaient de se trouver un espace d’expression de leur différence culturelle face à la culture de l’entreprise, ce qui remet en cause l’idée de l’environnement interne d’entreprise solide et inerte.Pour faire ressortir les écarts entre les discours et la réalité du travail dans l’entreprise multinationale, nous avons construit un cadre conceptuel basé sur la théorie de la régulation sociale de J.-D. Reynaud, en faisant l’hypothèse que la communication entre la culture de l’entreprise et les cultures des salariés se manifesterait via un jeu de règles permanent, et sur la théorie de l’ordre négocié de A. Strauss qui représente l’organisation en construction permanente de son ordre social basé sur la négociation des compromis entre acteurs. Les concepts du pouvoir et des représentations sociales sont utilisés pour renforcer l’idée selon laquelle toute interaction au sein de l’entreprise ne peut exister sans la présence des différentes manifestations de ces deux concepts.Pour formuler des conclusions, nous avons adopté une méthodologie de recherche basée sur l’étude de cas durant laquelle nous avons eu recours à l’observation participante, aux entretiens semi-directifs et à l’analyse du contenu des publications de la communication interne. / One of the characteristics of multinational enterprises is their implementation in countries geographically and culturally diverse. Internal communication services are represented mostly as the solution to build support for the corporate culture and to develop synergy around it beyond workers' cultural considerations. The dominant discourse states that the corporate culture is to be accepted in the same way by all employees, notably through internal communication services, which are defined as a strategic actor playing an active role in everyday business. The objective of this thesis is to contrast the discourse of internal communication services with the conclusions drawn from the observation of tasks performed by its officials in three subsidiaries of multinational companies, in particular to see how cross-cultural issues are part of their daily lives. It aims also at contrasting how discourses that represent the company as an organization whose static social order is based on a consolidated corporate culture, with employees trying to find a space to express their cultural difference against the company culture in their daily life. In order to highlight the gaps between the rhetoric and reality of working in a multinational enterprise, we assembled a conceptual framework based on J.-D. Reynaud's theory of social regulation, assuming that communication between the corporate culture and the cultures of the employees would manifest itself through a set of permanent rules, and A. Strauss' negotiated order theory, which represents the organization permanently constructing its social order through the negotiation of compromises between actors. The concepts of power and social representations are used to highlight the idea that any interaction within the company can not exist without the presence of different manifestations of these two concepts. In order to draw conclusions, we have adopted a research methodology based on case studies. We have therefore used participant observation, semi-structured interviews and content analysis of the publications of internal communication services.

Den professionella kommunikatören : En undersökning av svenska kommunikations-ansvarigas syn på sitt arbete jämfört med de formuleringar som anges i Stockholm Accords / The Professional Communicator : A study of Swedish Communication Management Professionals’ view of their profession

Törnström, EvaMarie, Adetun, Claudia January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Swedish Public Relations and Communication profession from the Stockholm Accords point of view. The Stockholm Accords are an attempt to reflect Public Relations and Communication Management practice as it stands today and to provide a global common ground for the practitioners. The method used for this study is a quantitative research method conducted by a web survey answered by more than 400 Swedish communication managers. The questions posed were examining these managers view of their profession compared to the Stockholm Accords. The research shows that the Swedish way of implementing communication in the organization broadly corresponds to the Stockholm Accords when it comes to internal and external communication. However, there are some areas where Swedish communication practice diverges from Stockholm Accords. The issues which link governance, management and sustainability to communication have a much wider distribution of responses. A noticeable trend is that people who work in private organizations consistently responds with higher rankings than those who work in public organizations.

Návrh systému komunikace ve firmě / Proposal of Communication System in Company

Černá, Tereza January 2008 (has links)
Master´s thesis analyses modern methods of communication in company management. The objective is to discover out the crucial defects of this issue and to outline possible solutions which would improve the weaknesses – of internal communication. The master´s thesis consists of three parts: The theoretical part is concerned about communicational instruments which have been used by the operational company ČEPRO, a.s. The analytical part describes implementation of communicational instruments in the company. (external communication, internal communication, crisis communication and communication during the new product implementation) The proposal part recommends appropriate elements for efficient communication within the current communication system in the company.

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