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Mediala representationer av kvinnor på IdrottsgalanAhldén Wendestam, Carl, Clarin Larsson, Lorena January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har haft för avsikt att undersöka hur damidrott och kvinnliga idrottare representeras på den TV-sända Idrottsgalan samt hur innehållet i programmen bidrar till konstruktionen av dessa representationer. I ett första skede tillämpades en kvantitativ innehållsanalys på de 17 avsnitten av Idrottsgalan. Utifrån vårt framtagna kodschema har vi kunnat utläsa generella mönster vad beträffar hur ofta damidrotten och kvinnliga idrottare uppmärksammas i programmen. Med hjälp av den kvalitativa semiotiska analysen har vi vidare, genom att fokusera på de två specifika avsnitten från år 2002 och 2016, åskådliggjort den djupare mening som sträcker sig bortom det manifesta. Resultaten har pekat på att damidrott och kvinnliga idrottare generellt är underrepresenterade och att sporten fortfarande främst är en arena av och för män. / This study was intended to investigate how women's sports and female athletes are represented on the televised Idrottsgalan and how the setting of the programs contribute to the construction of these representations. First we applied a quantitative content analysis of the 17 sections of Idrottsgalan. Based on the coding scheme that we developed, we have been able to deduce general patterns in terms of how often women's sport and female athletes occur in the programs. Using the qualitative semiotic analysis, we have also focused on two specific episodes from 2002 and 2016 and illustrated the profound meaning that goes beyond the manifest. The results have indicated that women's sports and female athletes are underrepresented in general and that the sport is still primarily an arena by and for men.
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Att möta det svenska samhället som kvinnlig migrant : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga migranters livsvillkor i Sverige / Facing Swedish society as a female migrant : A qualitative study on the living conditions of female migrants in SwedenHögberg, Julia, Hansen, Micaela January 2024 (has links)
Facing Swedish society as a female migrant - A qualitative study on the living conditions of female migrants in Sweden The purpose of the essay is to examine the life situation of female migrants in Sweden based on the questions "What conditions did the women have to be able to integrate into Swedish society?”, “How have the women acted to integrate into Swedish society” and “How do women experience their living conditions after migrating to Sweden?". The essay is based on nine interviews conducted through a qualitative method with women from different countries. The theoretical framework consists of the main theorist Pierre Bourdieu with the theory of capital and the concepts of habitus, social space, symbolic space, and the field of power. The theorist Thomas Scheff has also been chosen with the concepts of social bonds, shame and pride. The results of the essay shows that the women who have migrated to Sweden have had good living conditions and that their families have been significant for the integration. Conditions they brought with them in the form of different capital from their home country were essentially linked to the integration process. The results also show that the women who migrated during childhood had easier language learning in comparison to the women who migrated in adulthood. In the analysis, the theorists' concepts were combined to analyze the women's conditions they brought with them from their home country and the living conditions that arose in Sweden. It emerged from the analysis that weak social bonds can benefit social capital through a wide network of superficial contacts, which promotes integration. / Att möta det svenska samhället som kvinnlig migrant - En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga migranters livsvillkor i Sverige Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka kvinnliga migranters livssituation i Sverige, utifrån frågeställningarna “Vilka förutsättningar hade kvinnorna med sig från hemlandet för att kunna integreras i det svenska samhället?”, ”Hur har kvinnorna agerat för att integreras i det svenska samhället?” och “Hur upplever kvinnor sina livsvillkor efter att ha migrerat till Sverige?”. Uppsatsen baseras på nio intervjuer utförda genom en kvalitativ metod med kvinnor från olika länder. Det teoretiska ramverket består av huvudteoretikern Pierre Bourdieu med kapitalteorin och begreppen habitus, socialt rum, symboliskt rum och maktens fält. Även teoretikern Thomas Scheff har valts med begreppen sociala band, skam och stolthet. Uppsatsens resultat visar att kvinnorna som har migrerat till Sverige har fått bra livsvillkor och att familjen har varit betydande för integrationen. Förutsättningar de tog med sig i form av olika kapital från hemlandet var väsentliga kopplat till integrationsprocessen. Resultatet visar även att kvinnorna som migrerade under barndomen hade enklare språkinlärning i jämförelse med kvinnorna som migrerade i vuxen ålder. I analysen kombinerades teoretikernas begrepp för att analysera kvinnornas förutsättningar de hade med sig från hemlandet och de livsvillkor som uppstod i Sverige. Det framkom i analysen att svaga sociala band kan gynna socialt kapital genom ett brett nätverk av ytliga kontakter, vilket främjar integration.
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"Jag ville inte att han skulle dö, jag ville bara att han skulle sluta" : En kvalitativ textanalys om kvinnliga förövare av dödligt partnervåld / "I didn't want him to die, I just wanted him to stop" : A Qualitative Text Analysis of Female Perpetrators of Intimate Partner HomicideHelgevall, Johanna, Dahlberg, Emma January 2024 (has links)
The discourse about intimate partner violence often centers around men’s homicide against women, whereas women’s homicide against men is a topic that rarely receives attention. Hence, this study aims to investigate how female perpetrators of intimate partner homicide rationalize their reasons for committing the act. To address the purpose of the study, the following research questions have been formulated: How do women rationalize committing intimate partner homicide? Which accounts do women use in the court in their reasonings of committing intimate partner homicide? The study does not intend to explain influencing factors but rather to understand the women’s reasonings. The empirical data consists of preliminary investigation protocols. Womens interrogations have been analyzed through qualitative text and thematic analysis. Scott & Lyman’s (1968) theory of accounts and a feminist perspective consisting of Hunnicutt’s (2009) approach to patriarchy within the context of criminology has made up the theoretical framework of the study. Some key findings concern the women’s intimate relationship with the victims. Common in all but one case is that the intimate relationship was characterized by violence, control, and dominance, which urged the women to find a way out of the situation. In most cases, the act was not intentional in the sense that the violence would have a deadly outcome, but rather that the women felt the need to use violence in different situational contexts. The result suggests that the woman, as a victim of intimate partner violence committed homicide in self-defense, as revenge, or as an accident caused by fear. The results also include a case that stands out from the rest, where the relationship was not characterized by any violence or dominance, but where the woman rationalized the homicide as a humanitarian deed.
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Kvinnliga ledares navigering genom glaslabyrinten : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga ledares upplevelser av att leda i den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen / Female leaders navigating through the glass labyrinth : A qualitative study on female leaders’ experience of leading in the Swedish construction industryAgardsson, Alida, Blomquist, Alice, Engström, Emmalisa January 2023 (has links)
Följande examensarbete ämnar undersöka och förmedla en djupare bild av kvinnliga ledares upplevelse av att leda i den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie där åtta kvinnliga ledare djup-intervjuats om deras personliga upplevelser gällande de utmaningar som de navigerat sig genom under sitt avancemang i arbetslivet. Dessa utmaningar är i denna studie uppdelade i fem kategorier för att skapa en tydlighet för läsaren genom uppsatsen. Syftet är att generera en större förståelse för de utmaningar som kvinnliga ledare förhåller sig till, vilket i sin tur kan bidra till att utvecklingen går framåt inom branschen. Samt att undersöka om tidigare forskning kring de metaforer som används för att beskriva dessa utmaningar går att tillämpa på kvinnornas upplevelser av bygg- och anläggningsbranschen. Urvalet till studien omfattar åtta kvinnliga ledare med befattningar som platschef och arbetsledare, där majoriteten av den grupp som de leder består av män. Resultatet av studien visade att tidigare forskning gällande teorin om glaslabyrinten passar in på upplevelserna kvinnorna hade från sina karriärsliv, och andra föregående metaforer anses mindre relevanta i sammanhanget. Inledningsvis uttryckte flertalet av intervjupersonerna att de inte upplevde några svårigheter att leda i branschen. Under intervjuerna uppdagades dock flera faktorer som kvinnorna tidigare inte upplevt som utmaningar, men som författarna till studien tolkar som svårigheter de fått förhålla sig till. Detta uppfattar författarna till uppsatsen vara en del av en copingstrategi för att hantera den rådande kulturen och således bli accepterad och respekterad av sina medarbetare. Dock framkom det i studien att den svenska bygg- och anläggningsbranschen på senare tid haft en positiv utveckling, men för att ytterligare förbättringar ska kunna genomföras behöver dessa utmaningar fortsätta att uppmärksammas i samhället. / This thesis aims to investigate and convey a deeper picture of female leaders' experience of leading in the Swedish construction industry. The essay is a qualitative study in which eight female leaders were interviewed in depth about their personal experiences regarding the challenges they navigated around during their advancement in working life. These challenges are in this study divided into five categories to create clarity for the reader through the essay. The aim is to generate a greater understanding of the challenges that female leaders face, which in turn can contribute to progress in the industry. As well as investigating whether previous research on the metaphors used to describe these challenges can be applied to women's experiences of the construction industry. The sample for the study includes eight female leaders with positions such as site manager and supervisor where the majority of the group they lead consists of men. The results of the study showed that previous research regarding the theory of the glass labyrinth fits the experiences the women had from their career lives and other preceding metaphors are considered less relevant in the context. Initially, the majority of the interviewees expressed that they did not experience any difficulties in leading in the industry. During the interviews, however, several factors were discovered that the women previously did not experience as challenges, but which the authors of the study interpret as difficulties they had to deal with. The authors perceive this to be part of a coping strategy to deal with the prevailing culture and thus be accepted and respected by their employees. However, it emerged in the study that the Swedish construction industry has recently had a positive development, but in order for further improvements to be implemented, these challenges need to continue to be noticed in society.
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Cornelia, Hortensia och Sulpicia : Tre kvinnliga författare i RomSvedlund, Sofie January 2016 (has links)
The woman has always been an invisible individual behind the act of ’Great men’ in the Roman society. The woman’s gender role has forever been specified where the woman is a submissive, quiet and an unintelligent individual who wants to do everything for her man. Even though this gender role is created by authors that are men and is about how they consider a woman should behave, what about the women’s view on this matter? By means of getting an answer to this question, we can get a fuller perspective and an understanding about the Roman woman and as a woman writer in a patriarchal society. The purpose with this essay will therefore be to give a fuller perspective about the Roman society and its woman writers. In order to fulfill this purpose, I have asked the following questions: How did men react when women published their literary work and is it possible to investigate how the women thought about themselves through analyzing their work. And how was it possible for a woman to publish her texts in a society where women had no rights and a small chance to publish her work for the public? In order to have been able for doing this examination I have delimit myself and investigate three women, Cornelia, Hortensia and Sulpicia. Cornelia wrote letters, Hortensia wrote and delivered a speech and Sulpicia wrote poems. I have used the ancient sources Appian, Nepos, Tibullus to get the quotes of the women’s texts. I have also used other ancient sources like Aelian, Cicero, Ovid, Plutarch, Pliny, Quintilian and Valerius Maximus for other valuable information about the three women and their literature. They contribute with comments about the women and about women’s possibilities to get an education. I have a gender role and feminist view through the entire essay as the main focus is the three roman women writers. I have done this by analyzing the women’s texts and investigated what men thought about them and high educated women generally. And how the society encounters this texts. Through all this we have got a better understanding about how the attitude was towards the Roman woman and how she looked upon herself – and with that a fuller perspective on the Roman woman in general instead of the androcentric view we had before. There are a lot of variables that contribute to whether the woman can publish her work which is status, wealth, her loyalty to Rome and contacts with important people. Through all these men were relative positive about the three women’s texts and the women themselves were relative positive to themselves.
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”Run you bastards! I’m coming for you all!” : En narrativ och processretorisk analys av Tomb Raider / "Run you bastards! I'm coming for you all!" : A Narrative and Procedurally Rhetorical Analysis of Tomb RaiderWahlsten, Christoffer January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsen tar sig – med utgångspunkt i en analys av spelet Tomb Raider (2013) – an frågan om hur karakterisering genomförs inom interaktiva dataspel. Wahlsten väljer att använda sig dels av Sonja K Foss metod för narrativ analys, dels av Ian Bogosts procedurala retorik för att visa hur karaktären Lara Croft konstrueras under loppet av spelet. Dessa två metoder används för att kartlägga verktygen med vilka spelets narrativ presenteras, såväl de interaktiva som de icke-interaktiva. Uppsatsen visar tydligt och med många exempel att det finns en spänning mellan narrativets krav och spelarens intressen som ifrågasätter idén om att interaktiva spel i första hand påverkar genom immersion - tvärt om är spelen uppbyggda på så sätt att spelaren förutsätts dels identifiera sig med huvudkaraktären, dels ta avstånd från och använda denna som ’en virtuell leksak’ under loppet av spelet. Därmed pekar också Wahlsten ut ett tämligen okänt men mycket intressant forskningsområde för retorikvetenskapen. Wahlsten är medveten om att hans val av studieobjekt inte är självklart inom retoriken, men argumenterar väl för behovet av att studier av spel/Virtual Reality är och i synnerhet i framtiden bör vara, ett centralt område inom retorikforskningen / The essay asks the question how characterization in video games is accomplished, with the subject of analysis being the video game Tomb Raider (2013). Wahlsten chooses to use the methodology of Sonja K Foss for the narrative analysis, in addition to Procedural Rhetoric coined by Ian Bogost. These two methodologies are used to map out the tools used to construct the narrative of the game, which includes interactive one as well as non-interactive ones. The essay clearly shows that there is a definite tension between the demands of the narrative on the player that puts into question the idea of interactive games mainly influencing through immersion. On the contrary, the game is constructed in such a way that the player is expected to identify with the playable character, while also motivating the player to distance itself from the character and use it as a sort of “virtual plaything”. Wahlsten thus highlights a fairly obscure but also highly interesting field of study within the Rhetorical sciences. Wahlsten is aware the object of study is not an obvious one within the field Rhetoric, but argues for the need of studies of games and Virtual Reality, and the importance of them for Rhetorical sciences in the future.
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Fritiofs Saga : Från Esaias Tegnérs diktverk till Elfrida Andrées och Selma Lagerlöfs opera / Fritiofs Saga : From the poems by Esaias Tegnér, to the opera created by Elfrida Andée and Selma LagerlöfKrüger Jakobsson, Magnus January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att studera vad som har hänt med diktverket Frithiofs Saga av Esaias Tegnérs, när det har omarbetats till fullängdsoperan Fritiofs Saga av Elfrida Andrée och Selma Lagerlöf, vilken i sin tur komprimerats till ett konsertframträdande på en timme, som gavs i Karlstad av Wermland Opera 2013. Här har det undersökts vilka olika narrativ som har skapats i dessa två bearbetningar, där en huvudfråga har varit att undersöka om representationen av kvinnligt och manligt har förändrats längs med vägen. Undersökningen har skett genom närläsning av Tegnérs diktverk, vilka sedan jämförts med notmaterialet till Fritiofs Saga, samt den direktupptagning som Sveriges radio gjorde av Wermland Operas framförande. Materialet har därefter sammanställts i tabellformat och analyserats enligt Vladimir Propps systematisering för sagor, samt genom Ingrid Åkessons teori om återskapande, omskapande och nyskapande. Undersökningen visar att bearbetningar av ett litterärt material, skapar om inte nya så åtminstone andra typer av berättelser, än den litterära förlagan, samt att representationen av kvinnligt och manligt skiljer sig åt i de tre undersökta materialen.
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Styrelsens könsfördelning och dess effekt på företagets hållbarhetsprestation : en kvantitativ studie om förhållandet mellan BGD och CSP hos europeiska bolag / The board’s gender distribution and its effect on the company’s sustainability performance : a quantitative study about the relationship between BGD and CSP in European companiesAlfredsson, Pierre, Wikström, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Studien genomförs i syfte att undersöka om det finns ett samband mellan BGD (Board Gender Diversity) och total CSP (Corporate Social Performance) samt mellan BGD och miljödimensionen respektive den sociala dimensionen. Metod: I studien antas en positivistisk forskningsfilosofi med hypotetiskt-deduktiv ansats. Två urval med olika bolagssystem undersöks. Totalt undersöks 403 europeiska bolag. 121 bolag med dualistiskt bolagssystem och 282 bolag med monistiskt bolagssystem. Studiens kvantitativa forskningsstrategi formas utifrån en longitudinell design vilken implementerats mellan åren 2008-2017. All data samlades in via Thomson Reuters Datastream och analyserades sedan i SPSS. Resultat & slutsats: Studien finner ett signifikant positivt samband mellan BGD och total CSP samt mellan BGD och miljödimensionen respektive den sociala dimensionen. Företag med högre BGD tycks ha större benägenhet att investera i CSR. hållbarhetsprestation. Sambandet påvisas inom såväl det dualistiska som det monistiska bolagssystemet. BGD:s påverkanseffekt är dock starkare inom det monistiska bolagssystemet. Examensarbetets bidrag: Med studien erhålls ny kunskap om relationen mellan BGD och total CSP samt mellan BGD och miljödimensionen samt den sociala dimensionen. Studien är bland de första att göra en jämförelse mellan det dualistiska och det monistiska bolagssystemet. Resultatet är relevant med hänsyn till att det ställs allt högre krav på företag att agera hållbart samt den pågående debatten om huruvida EU bör införa obligatorisk könskvotering i styrelser. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Ytterligare forskning på land- och branschnivå behövs då sambandet kan skilja sig åt mellan de olika länderna och branscherna, och således påverka logiken bakom obligatorisk könskvotering. Framtida forskning föreslås även inkludera det tredje bolagssystemet, mixed board structure. Vidare ges förslaget att titta närmre på företagsrisken och dess betydelse inom olika bolagssystem, dels med avseende på företagens hållbarhetsprestation, men även med avseende på BGD. Slutligen föreslås framtida forskning undersöka de enskilda CSP-dimensionerna närmre i syfte att utröna vad som kan ligga bakom BGD:s större inverkan på den sociala dimensionen. / Aim: The study is carried out in order to investigate whether there is a link between BGD (Board Gender Diversity) and total CSP (Corporate Social Performance) as well as between BGD and the environmental and social dimension respectively. Method: In this study we adopt a positivist research philosophy with a hypothetical-deductive approach. Two samples with different board systems are studied. 403 European companies in total are studied. 121 companies with a two-tier board system and 282 companies with a one-tier board system. The quantitative research strategy is based on a longitudinal design implemented between 2008-2017. All data was collected through Thomson Reuters Datastream and then analyzed using SPSS. Result & Conclusions: The study finds a significant positive relationship between BGD and total CSP as well as between BGD and the environmental dimension and the social dimension respectively. Companies with higher BGD seems to be more likely to invest in CSR. The relationship is found within the two-tier board system as well as the one-tier board system. However, the impact of BGD is stronger within the one-tier board system. Contribution of the thesis: The study provides new knowledge about the relationship between BGD and total CSP as well as between BGD and the environmental dimension and the social dimension. The study is among the first to make a comparison between the two-tier board system and the one-tier board system. The result is relevant in view of the increasing demands on companies to act sustainably as well as the ongoing debate on whether the EU should introduce mandatory gender quotas on boards. Suggestions for future research: Further research at country and industry level is needed as the relationship may differ between different countries and industries, thus affecting the logic behind mandatory gender quotas. Future research is also proposed to include the third board system, mixed board structure. Furthermore, the proposal to look more closely at the corporate risk and its importance within various board systems, partly with regard to the companies’ sustainability performance, but also with regard to BGD, is given. Finally, it is proposed that future research could investigate the individual CSP dimensions more closely in order to determine what may be behind BGDs greater impact on the social dimension.
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A Narrative Based Portrayal of the Financial Situation of Women Entrepreneurs : A Socially Constructed RealityJohansson, Anna, Nolander, Marie January 2010 (has links)
There has been a rapid increase in the number of women entrepreneurs during the last decade. Yet, the number is still rather low why the Swedish Government is performing encouraging efforts. The encouragement of female‟s entrepreneurship is a necessity since women account for a rather new group of entrepreneurs who contributes to the growth of the economy. For most entrepreneurs, the success or failure depends on the ability to create a network of support and access to external capital. Previous research has shown that women entrepreneurs have a harder time to access external capital. These researchers have, however, mostly focused on individual traits and through these explained the financial situation of women entrepreneurs. This research, on the contrary, adopts a sociological research perspective where the everyday experiences of women entrepreneurs are emphasized. The purpose of this study is to understand and describe the financial situations faced by women entrepreneurs within the region of Jönköping. This will be achieved by examining the women‟s experiences in asking for banks‟ capital and the perceptions of the banks in supplying the capital. The study takes on an ethnomethodological research approach and applies a narrative data collection method. Due to the adopted ethnomethodological perspective, the study engages in the mapping of the everyday reality of the researched participants. The narrative data collection method allows the participants to express their stories and experiences. On the basis of an a priori model, the narratives were systematically studied and the financial situation of women entrepreneurs analyzed. The study applies a micro- and a macro analysis under which narratives of two different structures are examined. The micro analysis takes account of the narratives produced by the researched participants without involving any theory. It is found that the women entrepreneurs‟ narratives are more varied and action-oriented whereas the narratives of banks are more conformative and gen-eral. The macro analysis puts the narratives into a broader framework by in-volving both earlier research and a theory developed by Bourdieu. This analysis contributes to an understanding of that the social setting affects the structure, rules and norms of the entrepreneurial field. This may act as hin-ders for women entrepreneurs in terms of accessing capital, networking and overall feeling exhorted to be entrepreneurs. Hence, the reality of women entrepreneurs can be argued to be socially constructed where the women are unfairly seen through influenced eyes.
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Sjöbefäl och kvinna år 2011 : En kvalitativ undersökning av kvinnliga nautikers ombordsituationWalter, Tomas January 2011 (has links)
Den här undersökningen handlade om hur idag aktiva, kvinnliga nautiker i den svenska handelsflottan upplever sin situation ombord och hur de ser på sin framtid till sjöss. Syftet var att utröna ifall nautikeryrket i sin nuvarande form passar kvinnor och ifall något kan göras för att göra det mer attraktivt för dem. Bakgrunden var den låga andelen kvinnor inom yrket. Jag valde en kvalitativ undersökningsmetod där jag analyserade data från fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Denna metod valdes eftersom jag framförallt ville förstå den genusproblematik som kunde finnas ombord. Resultatet visade att det inte finns något i nautikerns arbetsuppgifter som inte kan utföras av en kvinna och att särbehandling p.g.a. kön och sexuella trakasserier drabbar kvinnliga nautiker i begränsad omfattning. Det framkom att det största hindret för en framtid till sjöss är familjebildning och detta gjorde det även svårt att komma med konkreta förslag om hur yrket skulle bli mer attraktivt för kvinnor. / This thesis was a research on the onboard experience of female officers, today active in the Swedish merchant fleet, and of their thoughts regarding their future at sea. The purpose was to clarify whether the deck officer profession as of today is suited for women and if something could be done to make it more attractive to them; this in view of the small relative number of women in the profession. I chose the qualitative research design, analyzing data from five semi-structured interviews. This method was used since my primary objective was to understand possible gender issues onboard. The result showed that there is nothing in a deck officer’s work that can not be performed by a woman. Furthermore, the result pointed to the conclusion that female deck officers are subject to gender related discrimination and sexual harassment, but scarcely. The greatest obstacle for a future at sea proved to be family related, which also made more specific suggestions on how to make the deck officer profession more attractive to women difficult.
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