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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A political analysis of MONUC's involvement in the peace and security problematique of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Kabongo Kidiawenda Doudou 03 July 2015 (has links)
Armed conflict and violence against civilians in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has persisted for years starting in the 1990s. The Eastern, Western and North-Eastern parts of the country have seen the presence of a multiplicity of armed groups that have caused an escalation of the humanitarian crisis. The United Nations, in the interest of civilian protection, peacekeeping and security sector reform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared a mission under The United Nations Organisational Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC). In spite of this mission, civilians continued in the Congo to suffer attacks and to endure human rights abuses by the armed militants that are fighting government and the government forces in shape of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC). This study examines the problematique of the mandate of MONUC in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in light of the challenges that have made its success debatable. The success of MONUC has become debatable in light of the fact that in spite of its presence and implementation in the DRC, between 2007 and 2010, conflict and the violence against civilians escalated to unprecedented levels. This study examines the causalities of the failure and observes its effect while making propositions towards amelioration of the challenges and the failure of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. / Political Sciences / M.A. (International Politics)

L'autorisation implicite en matière de recours à la force / The implied authorization regarding use of force in international law

Khiar, Yazid 10 December 2012 (has links)
Iraq, 2003 : une coalition menée par les États-Unis et le Royaume-Uni engagea une action militaire juridiquement fondée sur une autorisation de recourir à la force implicitement contenue dans la résolution 1441 (2002) du Conseil de sécurité. Ce fondement fut également mis en avant au Kosovo (1999) ou encore au Liberia (1992).Ces trois cas illustrent l'application d'une pratique qualifiée d'autorisation implicite en matière de recours à la force. Alors que l'autorisation de recourir à la force doit résulter d'une mention explicite du Conseil de sécurité, l'autorisation implicite repose sur une interprétation entre les lignes des résolutions du Conseil afin d'y mettre en évidence une telle autorisation. Les États qui y recourent n'ont guère manqué de préciser qu'un précédent ne saurait se révéler de cette pratique en marge de la légalité internationale. Malgré son caractère controversé, ce moyen juridique tend cependant à devenir le support privilégié des États en l'absence d'une autorisation explicite.D'où, un paradoxe de l'autorisation implicite dont il nous reviendra d'en évaluer la légalité en examinant les modalités de son élaboration et de son application. Les difficultés à trancher la question de sa validité en droit international nous amèneront notamment à dépasser ce standard de légalité pour lui substituer celui de conformité, plus souple, dans un cadre juridique original : la légalité d'exception. Nous verrons enfin que l'approche téléologique de l'autorisation implicite souffre de lacunes substantielles au point de réaffirmer la double exigence du mandat clair ainsi que du contrôle des résolutions du Conseil de sécurité autorisant le recours à la force. / Iraq 2003: a coalition led by the United States and the United Kingdom undertook military action based on a legal authorization to use force implicitly contained in Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002). This argument was also highlighted in Kosovo (1999), and Liberia (1992).These three cases illustrate the application of a practice known as the implied authorization for use of force. While the authorization for use of military force must result from explicit Security Council Resolution, the implied authorization is based on an interprÉtation between the lines of Security Council Resolutions in order to highlight such an authorization. The States that had recourse to it made it abundantly clear that a precedent cannot result of this practice on the sidelines of international legality. However, despite its controversial nature, it tends to become the privileged support of the State in the absence of an explicit authorization.Hence a paradox of the implied authorization which we will assess the legality, by examining the modalities of its elaboration and its application. The difficulties by resolving the question of its validity under international law will lead us to overcome this particular standard of legality by substituting it for that of conformity, more flexible, in an original legal framework: the legality of exception. We shall finally see that the teleological approach of the implied authorization suffers substantial gaps so that we will reaffirm the dual requirement of the clear mandate and the control within the Security Council Resolutions authorizing use of force.

Structure and agency in community media: a comparative case study of Alex news and Greater Alex today

Moyo, Charity Ntokozo 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this study was to investigate whether community print media is fulfilling its developmental mandate in society using a comparative study of Alex News and Greater Alex Today community newspapers. This study is as the result of an outcry from various stakeholders claiming that community print media is no longer playing its developmental role in society due to the impact of structure and agency. They also claim that community media is no longer representing the interests and needs of the communities that it serves and lacks community participation. There are also concerns that community print media is no longer serving historically disadvantaged communities and is failing in its role to disseminate information in the community. They claimed that the control and ownership of community media is not in the hands of the community that it is supposed to serve, but in the hands of outsiders who are after business opportunities and profit-making. The qualitative research method was used for this study and the findings correlated with the literature reviewed. It concluded that the constraints of structure and agency is shaping the role of community media in society. Based on these findings the research recommends that government should assist the community newspapers by providing a subsidised printing machine that can be placed in a central place for easy access by the community newspapers. It also recommends that the community newspaper should transform from the traditional newspaper print to digital media to cut the printing costs and that the government should allocate more funds to MDDA. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication Science)

Jewish Social Work between Germany and Mandatory Palestine: The Story of Dr Mirjam Hoffert

Halpern, Ayana, Köngeter, Stefan 29 July 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Riksdagsuppdragets oklara mandat : En studie av det svenska riksdagsuppdraget / The unclear mandate of Members of Parliament : A study of the Swedish parliamentary assignment

Sjögren, Simon January 2020 (has links)
I den här masteruppsatsen frågar vi oss vilka faktorer som har betydelse för riksdagsmandatets representation. En stor del av den allmänna bilden är att svensk politik i huvudsak är nationellt partiorienterad och att basen för folkviljans förverkligande är åsiktsrepresentation. Tidigare forskning tycks också ge stöd åt detta antagande. Uppsatsen frågar sig om detta verkligen är fallet. I studien används en kvalitativ intervjumetod för att ta sig ann forskningsproblemet. För att närmare förstå frågan använder vi oss också av en bredd av respondenter som inkluderar inte enbart riksdagsledamöter utan även regionala partiföreträdare. Förhoppningen är att detta ska ge en tydligare bild av hur olika politiska företrädare förstår riksdagsuppdragets representation.Med hjälp av representationsteori som referens visar analysen att även den regionala nivån har betydelse för riksdagsuppdraget. Både riksdagsledamöter och regionala partiföreträdare öppnar upp för att, även om den nationella nivåns betydelse inte är oviktig behöver man också införliva den regionala nivån och erkänna den betydelse. Detta tar bland annat uttryck i att så länge den nationella partilinjen fortfarande formas finns en förväntan att riksdagsledamöter ska driva länsfrågor och detta är något som ledamöter även menar sig göra. Men när den gemensamma partilinjen har formats finns också en utbredd acceptans för att riksdagsledamöter måste hålla sig till denna.Här finns en grund för fortsatt diskussion och forskning om vad som är fundamentet för den parlamentariska representationen i Sverige. Vad folkviljan baseras på och hur denna representation förstås är en hörnsten i hur vi förstår svensk politik. Genom att öppna upp för att mer än en enskild faktor är av betydelse då man definierar riksdagsuppdraget är uppsatsens viktigaste bidrag följande; att enbart förstå och tolka riksdagsuppdraget in i den nationella partipolitikens ramar blir en alltför snäv förståelse. Istället behöver man väga in fler faktorer för att förstå hur folkviljan förverkligas och som denna uppsats visar är den regionala nivån ett viktigt exempel på detta. / In this master's thesis, we ask which factors are important for the understanding of the representation of the parliamentary mandate in Sweden. A large part of the general picture is that Swedish politics is mainly nationally party-oriented and that the basis for the realization of the will of the people is representation of opinion. Previous research also seems to support this assumption. The essay asks if this is really the case. The study uses a qualitative interview method to address the research problem. To better understand the issue, we also use a breadth of respondents that includes not only members of parliament (MPs) but also regional party representatives. The hope is that this will provide a clearer picture of how different political representatives understand the parliamentary representation.With the help of representation theory as a reference, the analysis shows that the regional level is also important for the representation of MPs. Both members of the Riksdag and regional party representatives are open to the fact that, although the importance of the national level is not unimportant, it is also necessary to incorporate the regional level and recognize its importance. This is expressed, among other things, in the fact that as long as the national party line is still being formed, there is an expectation that members of the Riksdag will pursue county issues, and this is something that MPs also claim’s to do. But when the central party line has been formed, there is also widespread acceptance that MPs must adhere to it.Here is a basis for further discussion and research on what is the foundation for parliamentary representation in Sweden. What the will of the people is based on and how this representation is understood is a cornerstone in how we understand Swedish politics. By opening to the fact that more than one individual factor is important when defining political representation, the thesis' most important contribution is the following; to only understand and interpret representation within the framework of national party politics becomes an overly narrow understanding. Instead, more factors need to be considered to understand how the will of the people is realized and as this essay shows, the regional level is an important example of this.

L’aide de l’Union Européenne à l’Ukraine : évolutions et perspectives des financements depuis 1991 / The European Union aid to Ukraine : evolutions and perspectives of the financing since 1991

Dobrostamat, Mariia 08 February 2018 (has links)
En tant qu'acteur économique et politique sur la scène internationale, l’Union Européenne (UE) œuvre pour ses valeurs et ses intérêts à travers divers instruments. L'UE avec ses institutions est le deuxième plus grand bailleur de fonds en matière d’aide au développement aux pays tiers. Depuis 2000 dans un contexte des reformes pour le développement et l’aide, l’UE affirme son action extérieure, tout en augmentant son aide. En proposant une vision synthétique avec une approche interdisciplinaire et systémique, cette thèse dresse les évolutions et procède à un bilan de l’aide de l’UE à l’Ukraine pour la période 1991-2015. Dans cette optique, l’aide est examinée dans son ensemble, incluant l’aide au développement à >3.9Mrd € et l’aide économique à >8,47Mrd €. Le cadre politique (Politique européenne de voisinage) et contractuel pour la coopération UE-Ukraine définissent principalement les évolutions de l’aide. Dans une moindre mesure, les reformes du cadre pour le développement et l’efficacité de l’aide, ainsi que la politique économique de l’UE influencent ces évolutions, essentiellement en termes des modalités de l’aide. Cette analyse aide à la compréhension des perspectives de l’aide de l’UE à l’Ukraine en démontrant que celles-ci se présentent dans un recours accru aux financements innovants (mixage prêt-don) et sont indissociables de l’utilisation plus efficace des ressources budgétaires restreintes. Au-delà des financements, l’UE pourrait renforcer la coopération avec la BEI en augmentant le plafond du Mandat de Prêt Extérieur et en assouplissant les conditions des prêts sous-souverains et améliorer la coordination des donateurs en Ukraine via un mécanisme ad hoc. / As an economic and political actor on the international scene, the European Union (EU) promotes its values and interests through various instruments. The EU with its institutions is the second largest donor of development aid to third countries. Since 2000 in the context of development and aid reforms, the EU has been affirming its external action while increasing its aid.By proposing a synthetic vision with an interdisciplinary and systemic approach, this thesis draws up the evolutions of and reviews the EU aid to Ukraine for the period 1991-2015. In this perspective, the EU aid is examined as a whole, including development aid above € 3,9bn and economic aid above € 8,47bn. The political (European Neighborhood Policy) and contractual framework for the EU-Ukraine cooperation mainly define aid developments. To a lesser extent, the reforms of the framework for development and aid effectiveness, as well as the EU's economic policy influence these developments, essentially in terms of aid modalities.This analysis furthers the understanding of the prospects for the EU aid to Ukraine by demonstrating that these are part of an increased use of innovative financing (blending loan-grant) and are inseparable from more effective use of the limited budgetary resources. Beyond financing, the EU could strengthen cooperation with the EIB by increasing the ceiling of the External Lending Mandate and by easing the terms of sub-sovereign lending and improve donor coordination in Ukraine through an ad hoc mechanism.

An analysis of financial literacy in the target market of a state–owned bank / Peterson D.D.

Peterson, Denis Desmond. January 2011 (has links)
The South African Postbank Limited has been tasked by Government with a social mandate to provide basic financial services to people receiving low income and people living in rural areas. Personal financial literacy is an essential element which affects financial inclusion in the target market of a state–owned bank. To achieve the bank?s social mandate and its objective, it would be vital to determine whether people in low income and rural demographics are financially literate. Financial literacy is defined as the ability to manage your money on a day–to–day basis, do future financial planning, choose sound financial products and have appropriate financial knowledge and understanding. Various factors influence the level of financial literacy of a person and in order to improve the financial literacy of a person, cognisance should be taken of that person?s age, gender, living conditions, income–level and socio–economic elements. It will be beneficial for a state–owned bank, in order to reach its social mandate, to implement financial educational programmes to increase financial literacy. The latter will increase the amount of potential customers and thus promote financial inclusion in the long run. The sample in low income and rural areas has been found to be the most wanting in financial literacy and therefore it is crucial to address this shortcoming in the target market of the state–owned bank in order to reach the social mandate of financial inclusion. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

An analysis of financial literacy in the target market of a state–owned bank / Peterson D.D.

Peterson, Denis Desmond. January 2011 (has links)
The South African Postbank Limited has been tasked by Government with a social mandate to provide basic financial services to people receiving low income and people living in rural areas. Personal financial literacy is an essential element which affects financial inclusion in the target market of a state–owned bank. To achieve the bank?s social mandate and its objective, it would be vital to determine whether people in low income and rural demographics are financially literate. Financial literacy is defined as the ability to manage your money on a day–to–day basis, do future financial planning, choose sound financial products and have appropriate financial knowledge and understanding. Various factors influence the level of financial literacy of a person and in order to improve the financial literacy of a person, cognisance should be taken of that person?s age, gender, living conditions, income–level and socio–economic elements. It will be beneficial for a state–owned bank, in order to reach its social mandate, to implement financial educational programmes to increase financial literacy. The latter will increase the amount of potential customers and thus promote financial inclusion in the long run. The sample in low income and rural areas has been found to be the most wanting in financial literacy and therefore it is crucial to address this shortcoming in the target market of the state–owned bank in order to reach the social mandate of financial inclusion. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012.

銀行聯合貸款業務之經營模式與策略研究-以台灣聯貸市場為例 / The Study of Banking Business Model and Strategy about Syndicated Loan Product – in Taiwan Syndication Market

葉美華, Yeh, Mei-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
政府在1990年開放新銀行申請設立、1991年共核准通過15家新銀行籌設,國內銀行自此即進入百家爭鳴的時代,各家銀行惡性競爭的結果,除了利差不斷降低外,授信品質亦不斷惡化,各銀行資本報酬率直直落,為求生存,遂絞盡腦汁不斷推出各種新型商品以促進客戶擴大信用;聯合貸款業務亦不例外,各銀行有鑑於傳統企業授信漸不能達到應有績效之際,紛紛著重於聯貸業務,於是業務競爭日趨白熱化,如何設計符合貸款企業期望的授信方案,是各銀行贏得聯合授信主辦權的重要課題。 因此,企業如何選擇聯合貸款主辦行之影響因素,是各銀行放款經理人亟盼了解的經營知識,而根據這些關鍵影響因素,各銀行為爭取主辦權所擬定的各項經營模式與策略,即是足以決定聯合貸款業務在各銀行未來之發展情形與定位,甚而決定其在聯貸市場所扮演之角色與市場佔有率。 有鑑於此,本研究主要以銀行端的角色來探討各銀行針對聯合貸款業務所為之相關措施及其後續之影響結果,並針對國內主要聯貸銀行做個案分析,以了解各銀行所採取的策略及經營方針。

BA'S : The practice and law of bankers' acceptance

Gozlan, Audi 12 1900 (has links)
Au cours d'une transaction portant sur une acceptation bancaire (ci-après «BA» tel que dénommée dans le jargon juridique) différents types de relations peuvent s'établir entre les parties impliquées, certaines plus directes que d'autres. Dans une transaction donnée, à part le client et la banque, on peut trouver une ou plusieurs banques participantes et un ou plusieurs investisseurs, qui deviennent détenteurs de BA. La situation peut devenir complexe et les relations légales risquent de devenir assez compliquées. Cependant, il est important d'identifier si la relation s'est établie à travers l'instrument de BA, si elle existe par le biais d'une relation contractuelle ordinaire ou encore, si elle existe par le fait de la loi. Une bonne analyse des circonstances entourant la transaction, des facteurs connexes à la transaction et des droits et obligations qui existent entre les parties, sera nécessaire pour déterminer laquelle de la loi provinciale ou fédérale s'appliquera, et dans quelle mesure. Une fois accordée, la BA est gouvernée par la Loi sur les lettres de change. Toutes solutions apportées à un problème qui implique des BA, doivent, en principe, respecter la nature inhérente de la BA en tant qu'effet de commerce, gouverné par la loi fédérale. En matière de BA, c'est, soit la Loi sur les lettres de change soit la Loi sur les lettres et billets de dépôt (Depository Bills and Note Act) qui s'appliqueront à l'acte. Comme il existe des lois fédérales applicables à la BA, l'objet de notre étude est de déterminer si, et dans quelle circonstance la loi de la province, tel que le Code civil du Québec, trouvera application et éclaircira dans certains cas la disposition contenue dans la Loi sur les lettres de change, notamment lorsque les dispositions de ladite loi sont silencieuses ou ambigües. La solution la plus simple serait d'appliquer la loi provinciale aux matières qui ne sont pas traitées dans la loi, étant donné que les lois provinciales apportent souvent un complément à la législation fédérale. Cependant, la Loi sur les lettres de change contient des dispositions spéciales, tel que l'article 9 qui stipule : « 9. Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s'appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi. » Cette disposition a crée une certaine confusion relativement à l'application du droit civil du Québec en matière de Lettres de change. En effet, il existe un doute quant à savoir si l'application de l'article 9 est une incorporation par référence qui exclue totalement l'application du droit civil. Cette question continue de se poser inexorablement dans la doctrine et la jurisprudence. Elle a en effet donné lieu à une série de théories quand au degré d'application de la common law en matière de lettres de change. Une revue de la jurisprudence dominante nous permet de conclure que les tribunaux ont accepté l'application du droit provinciale dans certaines questions impliquant les lettres de change. La question essentielle traitée lors de notre analyse est la suivante: lorsqu'un litige prend naissance dans une transaction de BA, quelle est la règle qui devra s'appliquer? Quel sera le droit qui gouvernera les problèmes émergeant dans une BA, celui du Code Civil du Québec ou celui de la common law d'Angleterre? Étant donne le nombre de cas qui sont portés devant les cours de justice en rapport avec des transactions de BA, comprendre quelle sera la loi applicable est d'une importance fondamentale. Pour répondre à cette question, nous commencerons par un examen de l'historique, du développement et de l'évolution de la BA. Afin de mieux comprendre la BA, nous débuterons par un bref survol des origines de cet instrument juridique. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous analyserons la nature et le caractère légal de la BA. Cela constituera le cadre aux travers duquel nous pourrons identifier les règles et les principes qui s'appliquent aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Le chapitre trois fera l'objet d'un examen détaillé des mécanismes de l'opération de BA tout en étudiant de près les exigences imposées par la législation applicable. Après avoir examine l'aspect légal de la BA, nous procéderons au chapitre quatre, à l'étude de l'applicabilité de la loi provinciale relativement à certains aspects de la transaction de BA. A cet effet, nous examinerons les différentes approches de compréhension de la Loi sur les lettres de change et plus particulièrement la problématique rencontrée à l'article 9. Nous étudierons aussi l'application et l'interprétation de cette loi par les tribunaux du Québec au cours du siècle dernier. Les juges et les juristes se sont penchés sur les sens qu'a voulu donner le législateur lorsqu'il a stipulé dans l'article 9 «Le règles de la common law d'Angleterre, y compris en droit commercial, s appliquent aux lettres, billets et chèques dans la mesure de leur compatibilité avec les dispositions expresses de la présente loi ». Cette section doit-elle être appliquée à la lettre, nous obligeant à appliquer la common law d'Angleterre a chaque problème qui peut se poser en relation avec les lettres et les billets? Le Parlement a-t-il l'intention que cette disposition s'applique également au Québec, dont le droit privé est basé sur le système du Code Civil? Notre étude portera sur les différentes approches d'interprétation qui offrent une diversité de solutions au problème posé par l'article 9. Finalement, compte tenu des nouveaux développements législatifs, au chapitre cinq, nous proposons une méthode en vue de déterminer la loi applicable aux différents aspects de la transaction de BA. Notre analyse nous a conduit à adopter la solution proposée par la majorité des juristes, à la différence que notre approche de l'article 9 est basée sur des raisons de politique. Nous avons donc adopté la stricte dichotomie (en tant qu'effet négociable d'une part, et d'une sorte de contrat et de propriété de l'autre) en prenant en compte les difficultés inhérentes à déterminer quand l'un finit et l'autre commence. En conclusion, selon notre opinion, il existe deux solutions. Premièrement, il y a la possibilité que l'article 9 puisse être écarté. Dans ce cas, toutes les matières qui ne sont pas expressément évoquées dans la loi tomberont dans la compétence de la loi provinciale, comme c'est le cas dans d'autres types de législations fédérales. Dans ces situations, le droit civil du Québec joue un rôle supplétif dans les applications d'une loi fédérale au Québec. Deuxièmement, modifier l'article 9 plutôt que d'en écarter son application offre une autre possibilité. Incorporer la large stricte dichotomie dans l'article 9 nous semble être une solution préférable. La disposition pourrait se lire comme suit: « Les règles de la common law d'Angleterre incluant le droit commercial dans la mesure ou elles ne sont pas incompatibles avec les dispositions expresses de la Loi, s’appliquent aux lettres, billets, et chèques au sens stricte. Pour plus de certitude, les lettres et les billets au sens strict, incluent la forme, la délivrance et I’émission des lettres, billets, et chèques.» Ce type de changement se révélera être un pas important dans le but de clarifier la loi et déterminer l'équilibre à trouver entre l'application des lois fédérales et provinciales en matière de BA. / When dealing with a BA transaction several types of relationships may develop, some more direct than others. In any given transaction, aside from the customer and bank, there may be one or more participating banks, investment dealers, or multiple investors, who become holders of the BA. The situation may be complex and the legal relationships may become quite intricate. However, it is important to identify whether the relationship is established through the BA instrument, or whether it exists by ordinary contractual relationship or by operation of law. Proper analysis of the surrounding circumstances, the connecting factors, and the obligations and the rights which exist between the parties, will be necessary in determining whether or not the contractual rules of the provinces, or federal law rules apply, and to what extent. Granted, the BA instrument is clearly governed by the Bills of Exchange Act. Any solution introduced to a problem involving a BA must, in principle, respect the inherent nature of the BA as a negotiable instrument, governed by federal law. In the case of BAs, either the Bills of Exchange Act or the Depository Bills and Notes Act will apply to the instrument. Since there are applicable federal rules to BAs, the purpose of our study is to determine if, and under what circumstances, provincial law, such as the Civil Code of Quebec, would find application with respect to BAs and complement the provisions of the Bills of Exchange Act where the statute is silent or ambiguous. The simple solution would be to apply provincial law to those matters not addressed in the Act, as provincial law typically compliments federal legislation. However, the Bills of Exchange Act contains a peculiar provision, namely section 9, which provides: “9. The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques.” This provision has created confusion as to the appropriate application of Quebec civil law to matters of bills of exchange. Indeed, there is doubt as to whether section 9 is in fact an incorporation by reference that effectively precludes the application of civil law. The problem continues to be a contentious issue in the doctrine and jurisprudence. The "inexorable character" of the problem created by the interpretation of this provision has given rise to a number of diverse theories regarding the extent of the applicability of common law to matters of bills of exchange. As we can clearly conclude from a review of the jurisprudence, the courts, for the most part, have been conciliatory to the application of provincial law in issues involving bills of exchange. The majority of judges express a hesitance to jeopardize the integrity of the provincial law as complimentary law in order to accommodate the idea that Parliament's desire was to enact an extensive and far-reaching law of bills and notes. The position of most doctrinal writers is very much the same. The essential question of our analysis is which rules will govern the issues, which emerge within BAs - the Civil Code of Quebec or the common law of England? From a Canadian perspective, understanding which law is applicable to BAs is of paramount importance, since courts are dealing with an increasing amount of banker's acceptance transactions. To answer this question, we will begin with an examination of the origin and evolution of the banker's acceptance. In Chapter Two, we will also analyze the nature and legal character of the BA. This will establish the framework through which we can identify the rules and principles that apply to the various aspects of the BA transaction. In Chapter Three, we examine the mechanics of the BA operation step-by-step, paying close attention to the requirements imposed by legislation. We look at the laws applicable to the BA and describe the various agreements pertaining to the BA. Having examined the legal nature of the BA as being a negotiable instrument governed by federal law and a contract and moveable pursuant to the Civil Code of Quebec, we will proceed in Chapter Four to consider the applicability of provincial law to aspects of the BA transaction. To this end, we examine different approaches to understanding the Bills of Exchange Act, particularly the problematic section 9, as well as the applicable law as understood in Quebec jurisprudence during the past century. Judges and jurists alike have attempted to understand what was meant when the legislator stated in section 9, "[t]he rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques." Is this section to be interpreted literally, requiring us to apply English common law to every issue that might arise in connection with bills and notes? Does Parliament intend this provision to apply equally to Quebec, whose private law is based on the civil law system? Our study will look to interpretive approaches offering a variety of different solutions to the problem of section 9. Finally, given new legislative developments, in Chapter Five, we offer a proposed method to determine the law applicable to various aspects of the BA transaction. Our analysis has lead us to adopt the result advocated by the majority of jurists, but with the recognition that our approach to section 9 is based on reasons of policy. We have adopted the strict/wide dichotomy, (as a negotiable instrument on the one hand, and as a specie of contract and property on the other hand) realizing the difficulties inherent in determining where one ends and the other begins. Therefore, in our opinion there exist two solutions. Firstly, there is the possibility that section 9 could be repealed. In this case, all matters not expressly dealt with in the Act would fall to be governed by provincial law, as is the case with other federal legislation. In these situations, Quebec civil law takes on a suppletive role in applying a federal law in Quebec. Secondly, there is the possibility of modifying rather than repealing section 9. Incorporating the strict/wide dichotomy into section 9 itself seems to us to be a more preferable solution. The provision could read, "The rules of the common law of England, including the law merchant, save in so far as they are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act, apply to bills, notes and cheques in a strict sense. For greater certainty, bills and notes in a strict sense include the form, issue, negotiation and discharge of bills, notes and cheques." Alternatively, a Law Reform Commission could draft an Act that defines section 9 according to the strict /wide dichotomy. These types of changes would prove to be an important step to clarifying the law, and strike the appropriate balance between the application of federal and provincial law to bankers' acceptances.

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