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Androgyna datorgenererade ansikten / Androgynous computer-generated facesStenbom, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur människor uppfattar datorgenererade androgynaansikten. Detta i förhållande till tidigare forskning som har undersökt hur androgynaansikten hos riktiga människor uppfattas av andra människor. En artefakt i form av fem olika 3D-modellerade ansikten har testats och undersökts genom en kvantitativ metod i form av en webbenkät. I denna webbenkät finns även kvalitativa element i form av textsvar. Resultatet av webbenkäten visar på att människor uppfattar androgynadatorgenererade ansikten som neutrala. Feminina drag uppfattades som attraktiva medan maskulina drag uppfattades som oattraktiva.
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Video tutorials for artists in the entertainment industry : A comparative study of what makes a video tutorial effectiveBjörk Stiernström, Gabriel January 2017 (has links)
This research explores video tutorials for concept artists in the entertainment industry. Through websites such as Gumroad tutorials are today being sold and the problem is that there is no guarantee of the quality of the tutorials and people simply have to rely on the description of the product. The research question is: What is an effective video tutorial for concept artists in the entertainment and game industry and what elements contribute to what makes it effective? Five video tutorials were created based on a comparative study, and discussed during qualitative interviews with novice and proficient artists. The results say that parallels can be drawn between a person's proficiency, the content and the structure of the tutorial. If you understand these parallels you are able to create effective tutorials for specific audience groups.
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Vad vore en studentkår utan studenter? : En komparativ studie mellan Karlstad Studentkårs och Örebro Studentkårs arbete med extern kommunikation / What would a student union be without students? : A comparative study of Karlstad and Örebro Student Unions' approach to external communicationJohansson, Sofia, Öst, Stina January 2013 (has links)
This study aims to compare how Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union are working with their external communications in order to reach existing and potential members. By comparison, we looked for similarities and differences in how these student unions work with media mix, press contacts, goals, profiling and strategies. We also analyzed how the latter three impact external communication. In making this comparison, we wanted to state whether the unions’ external communication could be improved.The main questions of this study are;How do Örebro’s Student Union and Karlstad’s Student Union work with their external communication?What differences are there in their external communication?What strengths and weaknesses exists in the student unions’ work with their external communication?Are there approaches in their external communication that could be more effective?The aim of the study will be reached by interviews with employees at the unions and by analyzes of the results based on theories of external communication and strategic communication, goals, profile, strategy, media mix and press contacts.The results show that the student unions are working quite differently with their communication. Karlstad Student Union has a communications policy, and they have a clear plan for how to communicate. They work actively with their profile and have a plan as well as to how they work in social media, such as how to express themselves to their target groups. Örebro Student Union works in an unstructured way and lacks long-term thinking, even though it is active, such as using Facebook and demonstrates visibility in other ways.Therefore, the analyzes shows that Karlstad Student Union has a more effective external communication approach based on a strategic and long-term think process which is reflected in most aspects of their communication work. Örebro Student Union has a lack of continuity in their communication efforts leading to more spontaneous work. There are strengths and weaknesses within both organizations. For example, more evaluations and clearer target group analysis would well serve Karlstad Student Union and Örebro Student Union has desirable elements in their work with press contacts.
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The framing of immigration by Swedish newspapers in 2009, 2015 and 2016Norström, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
En debatt har förts om hur svenska journalister har hanterat invandringsämnet i sin rapportering. Vissa anser att medierna har varit partiska och ignorerat samhälleliga problem som kan kopplas till invandringen. Vissa menar också att en förändring har skett sedan flyktingkrisen under hösten 2015. Nu tycks det som att journalisterna har blivit mer kritiska i sin rapportering om invandring. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att testa om dessa uppfattningar stämmer. En innehållsanalys av artiklar från tre dagstidningar – Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Göteborgs-Posten – genomfördes med utgångspunkt i gestaltningsteorin, för att ta reda på hur medierna har gestaltat invandring och invandrare. 450 artiklar från tre år analyserades. Den första frågeställningen är hur invandringen gestaltades 2009 jämfört med 2015. 2010 var året då det invandringskritiska partiet Sverigedemokraterna kom in i riksdagen. Den andra frågeställningen är hur gestaltningen såg ut 2015 jämfört med 2016, före och efter flyktingkrisen. Den tredje frågeställningen är hur ofta etniska och kulturella konflikter, samt svenska värderingar och normer, togs upp under de tre åren. Studien visar att invandrare oftast gestaltades som offer eller hjältar, både 2009 och 2015, och att offergestaltningen ökade mest mellan åren. Jämförelsen mellan 2015 och 2016 visar en avsevärd ökning av att invandrare gestaltades som hot. Svaret på den tredje frågeställningen är att etniska och kulturella konflikter togs upp mer sällan 2015 och 2016 jämfört med 2009. Dock syns en tydlig ökning av nämnanden av svenska värderingar och normer mellan 2015 och 2016.
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Internet- den virtuella skölden för en sexarbetare? : En kvalitativ studie om hur internets roll avspeglar sig i en sexarbetares liv Av: Elinor WesterstråhleWesterstråhle, Elinor January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to gain a closer understanding of how security and vulnerability are experienced online when sexual services are conveyed and if the sex worker finds it unpleasant to be monitored online. The issues relating to safety, vulnerability and monitoring have been analyzed using theories like Foucault's "Panopticism" (1991), which is a social theory of monitoring and Amanda Lagerqvist's theory of "digital throwness" (2017) in which she touches the vulnerability the network puts us in. Previous research such as Oulasvirta's (2012) study of the ten Finnish families whose online use was monitored and the effects of this have become a contributing factor to my investigation to get more insight into how a sex worker feels online. The method chosen for the study is a qualitative analysis study. The emperic material is collected by means of an interview guide consisting of semistructured questions and these have been distributed using asynchronous email interviews. The results found indicate that the sex workers that have participated in this study generally feel safe online, and in some cases it is because they are at their computer or mobile phone and not in a vulnerable location or in close proximity with their purchaser. It is also possible to draw certain conclusions that the concern of monitoring makes the respondents conceal their identity online. These factors reinforce the feeling of not feeling so exposed and monitored.
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The role of the female Balinese journalist : A qualitative field study covering the complex role of women journalists in the Balinese societySmed, Akvelina January 2017 (has links)
The Hindu island of Bali is a patriarchal society and the Balinese people’s everyday tasks are woven together with their many cultural and religious rituals and actions. Bali is one of the most famous and most visited islands of the wide spread island nation of Indonesia. Here, the concept of cultural tourism is established – a concept which regards the rich Balinese culture as a tourist draw, something that motivates the Balinese people to safeguard their regional identity and culture. These strives although tends to collide with the strives towards a more gender equal society. This study investigates the role of the Balinese female journalist – both within the newsrooms and in the society in general. It is based mainly upon in-depth interviews with women journalists in Bali. The theoretical framework orbits around a gendered approach to the theory of Journalism Culture, which combines concepts such as doxa and social fields to explain the dynamic and dichotomizations within the professional field. Masculine domination theories are also used. The results of this study reveal a complex situation where the female journalists perform a challenging balance act in order to perform their very best both at work, at home and in the society.
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Swedish picture of Russia : Analysis of media coverage of Putin, Russia and Russians in Swedish mediaBologova, Diana January 2020 (has links)
The study examines how print media in Sweden portray Putin, Russia and Russians and what makes an impact on Swedish journalists when they write on that subject. The first part presents a content analysis of articles published in the two main Swedish newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet (DN and SvD). The two most significant years of coverage of Russia in Sweden (2014-2015) were chosen as a time frame for the analysis. It examines the predominant tones that were used in the articles towards three keywords “Putin”, “Russia” and “Russians”, as well as the sources that were chosen by the journalists. In line with previous researchers, the author of this study observed a certain tendency shared in two Swedish printed media to report negatively about the Russian president. At the same time tones towards the country in general and its citizens were more neutral than negative. The second part of the research focuses on qualitative interviews with journalists representing different media in Sweden (radio, TV channels and newspapers). During the interviews, journalists were invited to reflect how they see Russian society, what connection they have with Russian culture and what impacts their choice of topics. According to the findings, a journalist’s work is affected by their individual background, economical situation in media organisations and expectations from the audience.
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Att gestalta en mördare - man eller kvinna : En kvalitativ textanalys av hur en manlig och en kvinnlig mördare gestaltas i mediaBlanck, Christopher, Pepelar, Fahir January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka medias gestaltning av hur en manlig respektive en kvinnlig gärningsperson skiljer sig. Studien har studerat ett styckmord 2014 och en dödsmisshandel 2016. Frågeställningarna behandlar både hur medierna gestaltar gärningspersonerna, samt hur gestaltningen skiljer sig mellan tidningarna. Som teoretisk ram har vi använt oss av gestaltningsteorin och Hirdmans genusteori. Genom dessa två teorier har vi velat undersöka hur män och kvinnor gestaltas i kriminaljournalistiken, sett ur ett genusperspektiv. Vi valde att göra en kvalitativ textanalys, där totalt 16 artiklar och två videoklipp analyserades. Urvalet begränsades till tre specifika dagar på brottens tidslinjer, när åtal väcktes, första rättegångsdagen och när domen föll. Vi undersökte även hur gestaltningen skiljde sig mellan kvälls- och lokalpressen. I analysen studerades gestaltningen av gärningspersonen, motivet och handlingen. Resultatet visade att mediernas infallsvinkel skiljt sig när de gestaltat de två gärningspersonerna. Kring mannen har gestaltningen baserats på hans tidigare våldsamma beteende, medan gestaltningen av kvinnan handlat om svartsjuka och ett intresse för hästar. Den hypotes vi hade på förhand om att män gestaltas hårdare än kvinnor i media stämmer utifrån de gärningspersoner vi har analyserat.
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"Jag försöker ju också sticka ut i den här massan" : En kvalitativ studie om journalistisk profilering och varumärkesbyggandeKoch-Emmery, Linn, Karpmyr, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Färre fasta anställningar har fått journalister att söka alternativa vägar och metoder för att överleva. Journalistyrket tangerar idag yrken som marknadsföring och affärskommunikation och på arbetsmarknaden premieras nya egenskaper som allt oftare går att kopplas till entreprenörskap. Denna kvalitativa studies frågeställningar behandlar de egenskaper journalister själva upplever krävs för att vara attraktiv på arbetsmarknaden idag, vad den enskilda journalistens plattform och publiken på sociala medier har för betydelse samt vilka varumärkesbyggande strategier som journalister använder sig av i arbetet med en journalistisk profil. Med semistrukturerade intervjuer som underlag undersöker denna studie på ett mer djupgående sätt hur svenska profilerade journalister upplever arbetsmarknaden samt hur de arbetar för att öka sin konkurrenskraft. Resultatet vittnar om att det går att dra paralleller mellan journalisters arbete med profilering respektive sociala medier och klassiska varumärkesbyggande strategier. Sociala medier utgör idag en viktig distributionskanal för både enskilda journalister och arbetsgivare. Att bygga en plattform på sociala medier och få en stor egen publik går att likställas med en form av eget kapital som journalister använder när de konkurrerar om jobb.
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“Seeing is believing ... ?” An exploration of photojournalism in war reporting and its conceptualization within the scope of War and Peace JournalismGeigenberger, Laura January 2020 (has links)
Journalism is a profession which bears many social and political responsibilities. Particularly war correspondence is a challenging task for professional journalists and thus constitutes a decisive part in the academic field of Journalism Studies. In order to evaluate the role of journalitic conduct in times of war, it is commonly dichotomized into two opposing concepts known as War and Peace Journalism. The concepts are most often studied in connection with text-based journalism which is why scholars have been stressing the need to create a similar conceptualization for photojournalism – a profession with a great relevance in war correspondence. First research approaches resulted in models such as War and Peace Photography which, however, only considered the visual contents of photojournalistic documents. Yet, particularly the legacy of images can be dynamic – hence, subject to change over long periods of time – and consequently alter the reception and categorization of a news photograph as either a War and Peace document. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to explore the notion that many different aspects need to be taken into account before a fair and productive categorization of such documents can be offered. In addition to the method of visual analysis, it thus entails anempirical study in a triangulation setting in which photojournalistic material on the Vietnam War, the picturesʼ captions as well as their additional documentary material regarding the broader historical and political (e.g. published interviews, governmental documents, articles) will be analyzed in three consecutive steps: (1) The photos are assessed in terms of their War or Peace classification based on their visual impression; (2) the captures are analyzed content-analytically and put in relation with the visual observations; (3) the additional documentary material is explored to understand the picturesʼ social, political, and historical genesis. For the purpose of the latter, a new category system has been defined and assigned to the sample images. Findings indicate that a visual categorization of an image are not necessarily supported by its captions as well as the respective surrounding historical, political and social circumstances. Additionally considered context might contrast the most basic definitions of War and Peace Journalism. For example, the assessed cases of War Photojournalism were not used for “propaganda” purposes – an often-ascribed feature of War Journalism. From this, it can be concluded that visuals are only one of many factors which can impact the meaning and reception of an image and, as a consequence, its categorization. Sufficient conceptualizations of photojournalistic documents should thus consider not only what is obvious but also the experiences, actions, professional values and intentions of photojournalists within the images’ prehistory and aftermath, reasons for their publication, their reception by an audience, and external influences on their respective medium.
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