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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie av ordinlärning med elever i årskurs 3 : Påverkan av fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannskapstäthet på ordinlärning samt koppling till fonologisk medvetenhet / A Study on Word Learning with Pupils in Primary School Third Grade : Effects of Phonotactic Probability and Neighborhood Density on Word Learning and Connection to Phonological Awareness

Hillerström, Elisabet, Stensson, Erika January 2019 (has links)
Examensarbetet bygger på tidigare forskning som visat att två egenskaper hos ord, hög/låg fonotaktisk sannolikhet och hög/låg grannskapstäthet, kan påverka ordinlärning hos vuxna och barn. I examens­arbetet upprepas ett ordexperiment som tidigare genomförts i USA och Neder­länderna. Syftet var att, genom en experimentell design, undersöka påverkan av fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannskapstäthet på ordinlärningen hos 21 elever i åk 3 med typisk språk­ut­veckling. Sambandet mellan elevernas ordinlärning och vokabulär, fonologisk medvetenhet och/eller verbalt arbetsminne undersöktes också. Varje elev genomförde ett ordexperiment i en sagokontext med inlärning av 16 nonord som representerar svenska substantiv. De verbalt och visuellt förmedlade orden har skapats utifrån den svenska fonotaxen. Eleven mötte orden upprepade gånger och skulle genom sagans olika episoder lära in och reproducera dessa. Denna studies resultat är i linje med tidigare resultat från USA och Nederländerna. Eleverna genom­förde också ett test av ordförrådets bredd, PPVT-IV, fonologisk medvetenhet och verbalt arbets­minne, NEPSY-II.  Statistisk analys (ANOVA) visade att repetition förbättrade inlärning­en. En korrelationsanalys visade ett starkt positivt samband mellan antalet inlärda ord och fonologisk medvetenhet. Då det fanns en effekt av hög/låg fonotaktisk sannolikhet i interaktion med hög/ låg grannskapstäthet hos elever med typisk språkutveckling, kan det i vidare forskning vara av intresse att undersöka om denna effekt även gäller för elever med språkstörning och/eller dyslexi. / This student thesis is based on former research which claims that certain characteristics of words, high/low phonotactic probability and high/low neighbourhood density, may affect word learning in adults and children. In this thesis a word experiment, formerly used in the USA and the Netherlands, was replicated. The aim was through experimental design, examine the impact of phonotactic probability and neighbourhood density on word learning in 21 pupils in grade 3 with typical language development. Correlations between pupils’ word learning and vocabulary, phonological awareness and/or verbal short-term memory were also examined. Each pupil performed a word experiment through a story context where 16 pseudo words representing Swedish nouns were learned. The verbally and visually presented words have been created using Swedish phonotactics. The student encountered the words repeatedly and was tasked to during the different episodes learn and produce the words. The result of this study is in line with former studies in the USA and the Netherlands. The pupils also performed tests of vocabulary, PPVT-IV, phonological awareness and verbal short-term memory, NEPSY-II. Statistical analyses (ANOVA) suggested that repeated training improves learning. Correlation analysis indicated a strong positive correlation between number of words learned and phonological awareness. Since there was an effect of high/low phonotactic probability combined with high/low neighbourhood density in pupils with typical language development, future research may examine this effect in pupils with developmental language disorder and/or dyslexia.

Einflussfaktoren auf die Wahrnehmung von Unordnung

Kohlmeier, Markus 16 December 2020 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht die Wirkung verschiedener Einflussfaktoren auf die Perzeption von Unordnung. Einer Einführung in die theoretische Diskussion rund um die Wirkung von Unordnung auf das urbane Sozialgefüge folgen verschiedene multivariate Berechnungen (N = 2003). Hierzu wird ein additiver Index aus dem Produkt von subjektiver Schwere und perzipierter Häufigkeit verschiedener Erscheinungsformen physischer und sozialer Unordnung gebildet. Die Regressionsergebnisse zeigen, dass die soziale Struktur urbaner Nachbarschaften, der bedingte Erwartungswert für die kollektive Wirksamkeit informeller Sozialkontrolle sowie solche Prädiktoren, welche die Bedeutung des unmittelbaren sozialen Nahraumes für Prozesse kognitiver Dissonanzbewältigung betonen (Viktimisierung, Wohnverhältnis, Kriminalitätseinstellungen), erklären, wann ein Akteur eine Situation als unsicher definiert und infolgedessen Unordnung als Anzeichen von Gefahr interpretiert. Der dem Explanans zugrundeliegende soziale Mechanismus beruht auf der Theorie der Frame-Selektion nach Esser (1991). Die Untersuchung basiert auf der Sicherheitsbefragung der Stadt Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung 2 Theorie 2.1 Hunter (1978) 2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982) 2.3 Exkurs 2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986) 2.5 Skogan (1990) 2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy 3 Hypothesen 3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells 3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells 3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung 3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht 3.2.3 Medienrezeption 3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen 4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden 4.1 Daten 4.2 Operationalisierungen 4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n) 4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen 4.3 Methoden 5 Auswertung 5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse 5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse 6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen 7 Anhang 8 Literaturverzeichnis / This article investigates the influence of various predictors on the perception of disorder. An introduction to the theoretical discussion about the impact of disorder on the urban social structure is followed by different multivariate regressions (N = 2003). The perception of different images of physical and social disorder is measured in terms of the sentimental value of disorder and the perceived frequency of disorder. An additive index using product terms of the sentimental value and the perceived frequency for each image is constructed. The results of the regressions indicate that social structure of urban neighborhoods, collective efficacy, and such predictors which aim at the significance of social proximity (victimization, housing situation, personal crime settings) for processes of cognitive dissonance coping explain when an actor defines a situation as not-secure and subsequently interprets disorder as a symbol of danger. Esser’s (1991) theory of frame-selection functions as the social mechanism of the explanans. The hypotheses are tested on survey data provided by the city of Leipzig (2011).:1 Einleitung 2 Theorie 2.1 Hunter (1978) 2.2 Wilson und Kelling (1982) 2.3 Exkurs 2.4 Lewis und Salem (1986) 2.5 Skogan (1990) 2.6 Das Konzept der collective efficacy 3 Hypothesen 3.1 Der Grundzusammenhang des theoretischen Modells 3.2 Die Brückenhypothesen des Modells 3.2.1 Direkte und indirekte Viktimisierung 3.2.2 Kriminalitätsfurcht 3.2.3 Medienrezeption 3.2.4 Kontrollvariablen 4 Daten, Operationalisierungen, Methoden 4.1 Daten 4.2 Operationalisierungen 4.2.1 Abhängige Variable(n) 4.2.2 Unabhängige Variablen 4.3 Methoden 5 Auswertung 5.1 Bivariate Ergebnisse 5.2 Multivariate Ergebnisse 6 Fazit und abschließende Bemerkungen 7 Anhang 8 Literaturverzeichnis

Study of availability and accessibility of the green areas and meeting places by neighborhoods with different socio-economic backgrounds

Jayalatharachchi, Mithila January 2020 (has links)
Green areas are important in people’s lives in many aspects such as physical, psychological, social and health. This study was carried out with the objective of examining if there are differences in green area accessibility and availability in the areas with different socioeconomic backgrounds using environmental justice (EJ) perspectives. The study used secondary data from the statistics department and the Environmental protection agency and used 30 DeSO areas (Demographic statistic areas in Sweden) in Stockholm with 15 low-income areas and 15 high-income areas. Variables such as the proportion of people with foreign background, the proportion of people with high education, the proportion of children and income levels selected for the analysis for green area availability and accessibility. The results show that the selected areas have adequate and recommended green area availability irrespective of the income level. But, when it comes to the green area per capita (amount of green area per person) in the neighbourhoods, a higher statistically significant negative effect was found for the proportion of people with a foreign background. By examining the green area per capita for the social group separately, the study did not find any significant differences, which emphasize that the low-income areas with a high proportion of people with foreign background have to share green areas with many people which are a problem of the existence of an environmental injustice issue. The study showed that in the buffer area there is a favourable per capita green area compared to within the neighbourhood, which could be a risk of increasing more socio-economic segregation. The study suggests that there should be more green area recreational facilities and quality to be established around the low-income neighbourhoods with a high proportion of foreign background people. The involvement of experts from different backgrounds will be advantageous to implement successful policy and regulations for green area development. In addition, green area planning, developing and policy enforcements to be done through the participation of citizens in order to take account of ethnic consideration and individual perceptions and attitudes. The study can be further extended to a successful field study as well as by using the advanced GIS-based systems to determine the accessibility for the ethnic and religious groups of the areas in this study.

Evropská unie - normativní mocnost? Testování Evropské sousedské politiky ve Středomoří. / European Union - A Normative Power? Testing European Neighbourhood Policy in the Mediterranean

Strýčková, Katarína January 2014 (has links)
Normative Power Europe theory presented by Ian Manners defines the European Union as a normative actor in international relations. According to him, EU's ability to change what passes for "normal" in international relations originates from its internal set-up which the EU uses to shape its environment and international norms in its own image. After first studying Manner's tripartite analysis and defining normative goals, means and impact of the normative policy, the thesis then proceeds to test normative theory in the European neighbourhood, particularly in the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, by analysing EU's democracy and human rights promotion in Tunisia. It identifies discrepancy between EU's goals and means and discovers that on the one side, Euro-Mediterranean cooperation improves socio-economic development, however on the other it impedes the political one. This finding reflects incoherence and inconsistency of the EU's policies in the Mediterranean and arrives to the conclusion that EU is not a normative power in its neighbourhood policy.

Codes, graphs and designs related to iterated line graphs of complete graphs

Kumwenda, Khumbo January 2011 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / In this thesis, we describe linear codes over prime fields obtained from incidence designs of iterated line graphs of complete graphs Li(Kn) where i = 1,2. In the binary case, results are extended to codes from neighbourhood designs of the line graphs Li+l(Kn) using certain elementary relations. Codes from incidence designs of complete graphs, Kn' and neighbourhood designs of their line graphs, £1(Kn) (the so-called triangular graphs), have been considered elsewhere by others. We consider codes from incidence designs of Ll(Kn) and L2(Kn), and neighbourhood designs of L2(Kn) and L3(Kn). In each case, the basic parameters of the codes are determined. Further, we introduce a family of vertex-transitive graphs Rn that are embeddable into the strong product Ll(Kn) ~ K2' of triangular graphs and K2' a class that at first sight may seem unnatural but, on closer look, is a repository of graphs rich with combinatorial structures. For instance, unlike most regular graphs considered here and elsewhere that only come with incidence and neighbourhood designs, Rn also has what we have termed as 6-cycle designs. These are designs in which the point set contains vertices of the graph and every block contains vertices of a 6-cycle in the graph. Also, binary codes from incidence matrices of these graphs have other minimum words in addition to incidence vectors of the blocks. In addition, these graphs have induced subgraphs isomorphic to the family Hn of complete porcupines (see Definition 4.11). We describe codes from incidence matrices of Rn and Hn and determine their parameters. The discussion is concluded with a look at complements of Rn and Hn, respectively denoted by Rn and Hn. Among others, the complements rn are contained in the union of the categorical product Ll(Kn) x Kn' and the categorical product £1(Kn) x Kn (where £1(Kn) is the complement of the iii triangular graph £1(Kn)). As with the other graphs, we have also considered codes from the span of incidence matrices of Rn and Hn and determined some of their properties. In each case, automorphisms of the graphs, designs and codes have been determined. For the codes from incidence designs of triangular graphs, embeddings of Ll(Kn) x K2 and complements of complete porcupines, we have exhibited permutation decoding sets (PD-sets) for correcting up to terrors where t is the full error-correcting capacity of the codes. For the remaining codes, we have only been able to determine PD-sets for which it is possible to correct a fraction of t-errors (partial permutation decoding). For these codes, we have also determined the number of errors that can be corrected by permutation decoding in the worst-case.

Mekanismer som påverkar vid ordinlärning - en komplex process : En experimentell studie i årskurs 1 kring påverkansfaktorerna fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannordstäthet / Mechanisms that Affect Word Learning - a Complex Process : An Experimental Study of the Effect of Phonotactic Probability and Neighbourhood Density in Year 1

Svernlöv, Carina, Thurfjell, Karin January 2020 (has links)
Ordförrådet är en central del i språkförståelsen. Forskning visar att svårigheter inom detta område kan leda till sämre förutsättningar att utvecklas kunskapsmässigt i skolan. Därför är det betydelsefullt att speciallärarens arbete är evidensbaserat för att främja och utveckla ordförrådet hos eleverna. Ordinlärning är ett komplext område med många ingående delar. Två variabler som har undersökts i internationell forskning för att få kunskap om ordinlärningsprocessen är fonotaktisk sannolikhet och grannordstäthet. Att brister i fonologisk medvetenhet försvårar ordinlärning har också uppmärksammats. I vårt arbete utfördes ett ordinlärningsexperiment och tre språkliga/kognitiva tester med 16 elever i årskurs 1 med typisk utveckling. I experimentet varierades ords fonotaktiska sannolikhet och grannordstäthet i syfte att undersöka vilken roll dessa variabler hade vid ordinlärning. Eleverna fick lyssna på två olika berättelser där 16 non-ord presenterades. Målet var att försöka lära sig dessa ord. Vi undersökte också, genom ett test i fonologisk medvetenhet, hur sambandet såg ut mellan ordinlärning och fonologisk medvetenhet. I studien uppnås inte ett signifikant resultat för variablernas påverkan vid ordinlärning. Däremot kan en ordinlärningsprogression säkerställas allteftersom exponeringarna för non-orden ökar. Korrelation mellan ordinlärning och fonologisk medvetenhet påvisas inte. Studiens resultat beror på att golveffekter uppnås i samband med experimentet. Eleverna lär sig få ord, vilket beror på att testet är för svårt. Framtida forskning bör vid liknande experiment med aktuell åldersgrupp beakta och överväga ett större urval, öka antalet exponeringar av målorden i testsituationen samt ändra rättningsförfarandet

Obytný soubor, Líšeň / Housing neighbourhood at Brno-Líšeň

Uřídilová, Valentýna January 2019 (has links)
The solved area with an area of approximately 4.2 hectares is the eastern part of the statutory city of Brno. It is located in the city of Brno Líšeň on the border of a row of village character with a small scale (old Líšeň) and loose construction of point, board and typified high-rise houses from the 20th century (new Líšeň). The aim of the project is to find a dialogue between the loose structure of the new Líšeň and the town-building structure of the old one. With its masses it creates clearly defined streets and spaces. At the same time, there is an effort to loosen the mass and to integrate it into the near nature with its form. The idea design is based on the principle of cohousing (community housing), which is designed for living in family houses and apartment buildings. The main idea of the project is to respond to today's individualized and automated time, when construction has ceased to focus on the formation of shared spaces = interpersonal relationships, it increasing anonymity and isolation. Basic social interactions, mutually beneficial relations between neighbors are disappearing. It is also a response to the disintegration of the traditional family and can replace family background. In the architectural form it also solves the issue of uniformity, the loss of human scale in modern construction. The emphasis in the project is on the diversity of types of apartments and on a diverse range of public, semi-public, semi-private and private spaces.

A study of the 15-minute city concept : Identifying strengths, risks and challenges through imagining the implementation of the 15-minute city concept in Munich, / En studie av konceptet 15-minutersstaden : Identifiering av styrkor, risker och utmaningar genom en användning av konceptet på München

Zakariasson, Alva January 2022 (has links)
The planning concept "15-minute city" has in recent years become a popular model, after which, for example, Mayor Anne Hidalgo plans and builds Paris. The model advocates a set time limit (15 minutes) during which the inhabitants of the city and the neighbourhood must be able to reach their daily nodes and needs by walking or cycling. Despite the name 15-minute city, the focus is not on zealously keeping this limit, but on the fact that all residents are being able to live locally in their neighbourhood. In the 15- minute city, car-use is greatly reduced, and the preferred means of transport are walking and cycling. However, the concept, which according to its author Carlos Moreno will generate better health and a more sustainable city, has been heavily criticized for contributing to gentrification and making unreasonable demands on the built environment. Similar concepts are implemented all over the world, for example in Munich, where this master's thesis has its point of departure. The purpose of the investigation is to be able to contribute to an ongoing debate about 15-minute cities and integrated neighbourhoods. More specifically, the purpose of this study is threefold: (1) identify strengths and weaknesses of the concept, (2) identify challenges that implementation of the concept may encounter in Munich and (3) identify challenges that implementation of the concept may encounter in three areas of varying character in Munich. Two of the areas already exist, one central and one peripheral, and the third area is being built according to the principles of an integrated local neighbourhood. The investigation has been carried out through a case study and the empirical material has been analysed through qualitative content analysis. Theories on what constitutes safe and lively streets and neighbourhoods as well as on how to construct long-lasting public spaces have been used as the theoretical framework. The results show that strengths with the concept include inherent resilience, an acceleration of the shift to sustainable transport, and that the concept appeals to a broad mass. Risks include a reduced desire to build in a recession, an imbalance in the distribution of resources and the concept per se being vaguely defined. The results also show that the high housing prices in Munich may make it more difficult for an implementation of the 15-minute city and that the built environment and public transport are deficient, which makes the implementation of the 15-minute city costly. Finally, the results show that the nature of the different areas generates different challenges. For example, the results indicate that the central area's biggest challenge is lacking infrastructure and political will, while the more peripheral area will be struggling to attract “urban amenities” and the area under construction is facing extensive difficulties in coordinating actors.


Barrett, Harald, Bengtsson Friis, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats innehåller en uppföljningsstudie av Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012 (MOMS) med ett närmare fokus på delområdena Annelund och Södervärn. I dessa delområden konstaterades att övervägande del respondenter är trygga eller delvis trygga i sitt bostadsområde trots flera omständigheter som korrelerar med hög otrygghet. I uppsatsen har vi eftersträvat att kvalitativt undersöka bakomliggande mekanismer till respondenternas övervägande trygghet i form utav observationsstudier och intervjuer med nyckelinformanter.Uppsatsen innehåller en utförlig beskrivning av fenomenet "trygghet" och en genomgång av forskningsläget kring faktorer som påverkar tryggheten på olika sätt.Resultaten visar att den övervägande tryggheten i delområdena kan bero på att Annelund och Södervärn är belägna i närheten till olika mötesplatser där invånare träffas och får möjlighet att etablera gemensamt definierade informella regler och accepterat beteende. Delområdena har av olika anledningar genomströmningar av människor som naturligt övervakar områdenas gator och platser och i bostadshusens fysiska struktur fann vi goda möjligheter för invånarna att övervaka sin omedelbara bostadsmiljö. Vi konstaterade att Annelund har tydligare gränsdragningar mellan invånarnas privata utrymmen än i Södervärn, men att känslan av tillhörighet till sitt bostadsområde var starkare i Södervärn med kringliggande delområden. Delområdenas belysning gav övervakningsmöjligheter på gångstråk, runt bostadshus, promenadstigar med mera, även i mörker. De personer som upplever sig mest trygga är de som har bott länge i bostadsområdet och i närliggande områden finns det platser där ungdomar kan spendera sin fritid, vilket haft positiv betydelse för trygghetsbilden i respektive område. / This paper is a follow-up study of the 2012 Malmö Neighbourhood Survey (Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012), focusing more closely on the districts Annelund and Södervärn. The respondents of these districts reported in Malmö Neighbourhood Survey that they felt predominantly safe or partly safe in their neighbourhood, despite several conditions that correlate with high fear of crime. In this paper we have aimed to qualitatively study, with observation studies and interviews with key informants, underlying mechanisms that explains the respondents predominant neighbourhood safety.The paper contains a detailed description of the phenomenon "fear of crime" and a review of factors that through research have been proven to affect the level of fear of crime.The results in this study shows that the predominant safety in Annelund and Södervärn is due to the districts presence to meeting-points, where residents are given the opportunity to establish commonly defined informal rules of conduct and acceptable behaviour. The districts have by different reasons a vivid throughflow of people that naturally surveil the districts streets and places and we found good opportunities for the residents to naturally surveil their immediate housing environment owing to the residential buildings physical structure. We concluded that Annelund has more visible delineations between the residents private areas and the public areas, but the residents feeling of belonging to their neighbourhood were stronger in Södervärn and it's surrounding districts. The districts lighting gave good surveillance opportunities, daytime and night-time, on walking paths, around residential buildings and alike. The residents that experienced the least fear of crime (or highest levels of safety) had lived in the neighbourhood for a long time and in the nearest area we found community youth centers, which have positively affected Annelund and Södervärns neighbourhood safety.

Paris Olympics for Saint-Denis? : Between enthusiasm and uncertainty: diverging local perceptionson large-scale urban renewal in the Pleyel neighbourhood

Dörr, Max January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of neighbourhood changes spurred by urban renewal associated with the Paris 2024 Olympic games in the Pleyel neighbourhood, located in the Northern suburbs of Paris. Drawing upon a theoretical framework that emphasizes the complexities of mega-events and urban transformations, the study addresses two key research questions: (1) How do urban renewal stakeholders envision neighbourhood changes, and (2) What are the perceptions of residents and activists towards ongoing and envisioned neighbourhood transformations? Data was collected through qualitative research, including semi-structured interviews (n=10) and observations, capturing the perspectives of urban renewal stakeholders, residents, and activists. The study contributes to renewal and mega-event literature and explores themes related to Olympic-induced urban renewal, participatory processes, social equity, and sustainability. The findings reveal that the employment of social and environmental discourses by urban renewal stakeholders can lead to depoliticization and the understatement of local agonisms. Divergent perceptions among and within groups highlight the role of individual implications and sense of place. The study also identifies limited participatory practices and potential gentrifying tendencies resulting from state-led housing provisions. The conclusions emphasize the need for meaningful citizen participation, policy improvements, and the critical examination of large-scale urban renewal outcomes.

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