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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sex Education 101 : Constructing Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in the Revised Swedish High School Curriculum. An Intersectional Critique

Terzoglou, Effrosyni (Froso) January 2021 (has links)
In February 2021 the Swedish government announced the revision of curricula in every educational level, to correspond to the Sexuality, Consent and Relationships knowledge field. The purpose of this research is to explore the ways the Swedish high school curriculum, with the support of Skolverket’s webpage, has integrated notions of a) gender and sexuality, b) body in connection to sexuality and c) ethnicity, concerning students. This paper begins with the historical context of sex education in Sweden, reaching the current situation. Then, with a Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) approach, it attempts to answer the research questions, based on theories from both pedagogical and gender studies to set the basis for the research analysis. The major finding of this research is that the curriculum addresses to large extent issues of inclusivity around gender and ethnicity, with a focus on gender-based violence and consent in relationships. On the other hand, the human body is not actively present in that process, while students’ sexuality is presented as more passive than active. Finally, the language of this new curriculum works in many cases in a cisnormative way while there are parts where language is more inclusive. Τhis research suggests that Swedish educational policies rethink issues of identity in relation to sex education and that they imagine a more active role for students in their own sex education.

Vi ville krossa fördomar - det var där allt började. : Poddar som medel för att utveckla normkritisk kunskap om dans. / We wanted to break with predjudices-that´s where it all started. : Podcast as a tool to develop a norm-critical pedagogy in dance education.

Lundahl Vigil, Teresia January 2021 (has links)
We wanted to break with prejudices- that´s where it all started.Podcast as a tool to develop a norm-critical pedagogy in dance education. This master thesis explores issues about academic dance education in the dynamic of a traditional and contemporary expectations in the discipline. In dialogue with dance students at an aesthetic program in the context of the upper secondary school/ the gymnasium in Sweden, dance theory is analysed from a norm-critical view. The students have created podcasts about dance styles such as dancehall, twerking, azonto and voguing. The analysis of the data has used action research as a method. The purpose has been to develop the didactics in the course Dance theory in order to reach an increased goal fulfillment, new knowledge and meaning in relation to curriculum and syllabi expectations. The study includes a research overview of dances from the African diaspora, African aesthetics and vernacular dance as well as the whiteness norm and intersectionality.     The podcasts have been analyzed in relation to governing documents, traditions of teaching dance and theories of resistance and participation. The joint result from the podcasts about dancehall, twerking and azonto emphasizes the importance of respectfully putting dance styles in a context of origins and history. At the same time, there is an encouragement for cultural encounters where hybrid forms of artistic expression can emerge. Central to the podcasts with voguing is for example that dance can offer a place where you can be yourself despite sexual orientation and norm-breaking lifestyle in a chosen community, and feel safe and accepted.     The results from the podcasts call for, and challenge, the governing documents (curriculum and syllabi) for norm-critical views of inclusion and diversity in terms of power, gender norms, tradition and values. Traditions and the norm of whiteness are challenged through various intersections of gender, color and identity etc., and a new canon of dances can take place. The gap between young people's interests and academic dance has diminished during the process of investigation, thanks to a joint acquisition of knowledge and discussions, even though consensus has not been the goal. Based on theories, we can interpret that each new generation will continue to challenge contemporary norms and values.

Mamman som ska ha söndagskjol och helgdagsrock åt far, mamman kan väl ha byxor likaväl. : En kvalitativ studie kring förskollärares samtal om sångtexter i förskolan utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv. / Mom that should wear a sundayskirt and a weekendcoat for dad, mom can wear pants just aswell. : A qualitative study of preschool teachers’ conversations about song lyrics in preschool based on a norm-critical working method.

Falkenhäll, Julia, Oruc, Elma January 2020 (has links)
Studien avser att bilda kunskap om vilka normer och arbetssätt som framkommer i förskollärares samtal kring sångtexter som de sjunger med barn på förskolan. För att uppnå studiens syfte har frågeställningarna ”Hur beskrivs normer och normkritiskt arbetssätt genom samtal om sångtexter?”, ”Vilka normer framträder i sångtexter som sjungs på förskolan?”   samt ”Hur beskriver förskollärarna att sångtexter kan användas som ett arbetssätt för att motverka stereotypa normer?” besvarats.      Studien är kvalitativ och empirin har samlats in genom fokusgruppsamtal med förskollärare som valts ut genom ett ändamålsenligt urval utifrån deras kunskaper och erfarenheter. Studien är inspirerad av ett normkritiskt perspektiv och genom en tematisk analys har empirin analyserats och skrivits fram utifrån tre olika teman. Dessa teman är genus, kropp och etnicitet som handlar om vilka olika normer som förekommer i sångtexter. De andra temana är jämlikhet som förhållningssätt samt didaktiska val i förhållande till sångtexter som kopplas till resultatet av hur förskollärarna beskriver att de arbetar med sång som ett pedagogiskt verktyg för att motverka stereotypa normer redovisas. Studiens resultat visar på olika normer som förskollärarna belyser i de sångtexter som de sjunger i förskolan. I resultatet lyfts även flera betydelsefulla faktorer för det normkritiska arbetssättet där förskollärares kompetens, deras didaktiska val samt förhållningssätt har en betydande roll.

Genus och kulturell mångfald i bilderböcker : En bild- och textanalys av en förskolas bilderböcker / Gender and cultural diversity in picture books : A picture- and text analytics of a preschool’s picture books.

Rydén, Sanna, Skaret Grönholm, Denize January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie grundar sig i en förskolas variation angående deras utbud av barnlitteratur. Undersökningen utgår ifrån en kvalitativ samt kvantitativ metodansats, där den kvalitativa delen står för en djupare analys medan den kvantitativa delen står för statistik på ett antal bilderböcker. Det har gjorts en text- och bildanalys där ett normkritiskt perspektiv har intagits där fokus är genus och kulturell mångfald. Syftet är att kritiskt granska utbudet och dess variation i hur genus och kulturell mångfald representeras i förskolans bilderböcker, om det är stereotypiskt eller normöverskridande. För att få svar på detta har en analys gjorts utifrån Nikolajevas (2017) mall om vad som är typiskt kvinnligt respektive manligt inom karaktärsdrag, samt två av Salmsons (2021) mallar som beskriver etnisk tillhörighet samt religion och tro. En egen mall har tagits fram utifrån hur Josefsson (2005) samt Yoldas (2019) beskriver vad som är typiskt kvinnligt respektive manligt i dess utseende. Resultatet visar att stereotypa böcker finns kvar men inte i lika stor utsträckning, att utbudet av normkritiska böcker inom både genus och kulturell mångfald där karaktärerna är normöverskridande börjar bli alltmer vanligt. Det visas en skillnad mellan de äldre respektive de nyare böckerna; som innefattar ett mer normkritiskt perspektiv. Karaktärer deltar numera mer på lika villkor, oavsett könstillhörighet eller kulturellt ursprung. Forskningsfrågorna har blivit besvarade på ett positivt sätt, för att utbudet av normkritiska böcker är stort och att det finns variation när det gäller genus och kulturell mångfald. / This study examines the variety and diversity of children’s literature within preschools. It is based on a methodological approach, focusing on both the quality and quantity of an assortment of picture books. Deeper analysis was used for the qualitative aspect of the books, whilst a statistical approach was taken for the quantitative side. An analysis of both text and imagery was performed, which applied a norm-critical focus on portrayals of gender and culture. In order to gain insight, an analysis based on Nikolajeva's (2017) model of typical gender traits, as well as two of Salmson's (2021) models that describe ethnicity, religion and belief was performed. Furthermore, a model of our own was developed based on how Josefsson (2005) and Yoldas (2019) describe the typical physical appearance of females and males respectively. The result shows that although stereotypical books remain, such books are no longer as prevalent as in previous findings. In addition, it is becoming increasingly common to find diverse characters appearing in the range of norm-critical books including topics of gender and culture. There is a definite distinction between the past and the modern books, revealing that the latter includes a more norm-critical perspective. Characters are now shown to participate on more equal terms, regardless of gender or cultural origin. The research questions have been answered, producing the positive finding that range of norm-critical books is now vast, and that there is good variety depicting gender and cultural diversity.

Observationsstudie om normmedvetande förhållningssätt hos pedagogerna i grundskolan, en jämförelse mellan HKK och andra ämnen. / Observational study on norm-aware attitudes of primary school teachers, a comparison between HKK and other subjetcs.

Hassan, Manal January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Enligt Skolverket ska skolan aktivt och medvetet påverka och stimulera eleverna till att bli goda samhällsmedborgare genom elevernas utbildning vilken där det ska präglas av öppenhet och respekt för människors olikheter. Inom hem- och konsumentkunskap ska det ges möjligheter att reflektera över normer, jämställdhet och arbetsfördelning i hemmet samt kunskaper om kulturella variationer och traditioner i olika hushåll. Alla pedagoger på skolan ska klargöra för eleverna det svenska samhällets värderingar och dess konsekvenser av individens egna personliga handlande för eleverna. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lärarens pedagogiska arbete med fokus på normmedvetande förhållningsätt för att kunna öka kunskapen om hur normbeteende sker i hem- och konsumentkunskapen i jämförelse med andra ämnen. Metod: En kvalitativ forskning med observationer användes med tre centrala frågor, Var, När och Hur länge hos åtta pedagoger. Observationerna utfördes hos fem pedagoger på högstadiet och tre pedagoger på mellanstadiet från åk 6–9. Resultat: Pedagogerna använder mikrosanktioner och omedveten härskarteknik i sin undervisning. Slutsats: Pedagogens utbildning spelar roll för att kunna skapa heteronormativa ordning i klassrummet utifrån demokratisk och normmedvetande förhållningsätt. / Background: According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the school must actively and consciously influence and stimulate the students to become good citizens through the students' education, which must be characterized by openness and respect for people's differences. Within home economics, there must be opportunities to reflect on norms, gender equality and division of labor in the home, as well as knowledge of cultural variations and traditions in different households. All pedagogues at the school must make clear to the students the values of Swedish society and the consequences of the individual's own personal actions for the students. Objective: The purpose of the essay is to examine the teacher's pedagogical work with a focus on norm-conscious approaches to increase knowledge of how norm behavior takes place in home and consumer knowledge in comparison to other subjects. Method: A qualitative research with observations was used with three central questions, Where, When and How long with eight educators. The observations were carried out with five pedagogues in the upper secondary school and three pedagogues in the middle school in grades six to nine. Results: The educators use micro-sanctions and unconscious domination techniques in their teaching. Conclusion: The teacher's education plays a role in being able to create heteronormative order in the classroom based on a democratic and norm-conscious approach.

Social Change through Decolonizing Entrepreneurship Education : Norm Critical Perspectives in the Swedish University Context / Samhällsförändring genom entreprenörskapsutbildning : Normkritiska perspektiv inom den svenska Universitetkontexten

Masoominejad, Sahar, Stjernquist, Cecilia January 2024 (has links)
Entrepreneurship discourse constructs a specific sphere that prioritizes the dominance of the Western male perspective in Western dialogues. The discourse of how an entrepreneur comes into being has transformed from the perception that an entrepreneur is made from birth, to recognizing that an entrepreneur becomes, through life situations, opportunities and the social and political embeddedness.This study embraces the viewpoint that entrepreneurship is a pursuit infused with ethical and aesthetic dimensions, involving a departure from established norms of normalcy, naturalness, and necessity. The authors seekto explore the intersection of decolonizing pedagogy and EntrepreneurshipEducation within the Swedish university context. By examining the content and pedagogy of an entrepreneurship program through the lens of a norm critical pedagogical perspective, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of inclusive and socially responsible education within the Swedish higher education system. Further on, feminist perspective is used to critically analyze how scientific knowledge and practices have been influenced by and continue to perpetuate gender biases, inequalities, and male-dominated ideologies.The central question guiding this thesis is: How can decolonizing Entrepreneurship Education lead to social change? Using qualitative methods, this study provides a nuanced understanding of Entrepreneurship Education at Linnaeus University and its potential to foster social responsibility and inclusivity. To answer the research question, we conducted interviews with two teachers and a former Program Director at an entrepreneurship program. Additionally, we held a focus group interview with students and an individual interview with one student. With the current EE landscape often perpetuating gender biases, inequalities, and male-dominated ideologies, particularly within Western contexts, it poses significant challenges in creating an inclusive and socially responsible educational framework. The findings, derived from 2thematic analysis, indicate that Entrepreneurship Education is undergoing a transformation. This transformation is challenged by its capacity to drive social progress amidst enduring rigid structures of higher education hindering the implementation of norm-critical pedagogy, which further highlights the need for a deeper pedagogical shift towards decolonization and inclusivit

RFSU- Vill du? : En multimodal analys av RFSUs skolmaterial för att främja ömsesidig sexualitet / RFSU- Do you want to? : A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality

Gustafsson, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
RFSU- Do you want to? -A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality The purpose of this study is to identify the semiotic resources, by using a multimodal analysis, that the RFSU uses to communicate the creation of relationships between participants to express their aim. Furthermore, to examine the basic thoughts that the RFSU has about standards due to gender should be eliminated, and how these become evident in the films. The starting point for the essay is questions about how the RFSU creates a relationship with the audience through the semiotic resources, as well as the manner in which it is possible to derive the RFSU’s basic thoughts about breaking the standards and working towards stereotypical gender roles. The material I examine consists of two short films belonging to a collection of school supplies under the name titled ”Vill du?” (Eng. ”Do you want to?”) that the RFSU has created for the education of secondary school students. The method is based on a sociosemiotic perspective where the material is analyzed by a composition analysis, an ideational analysis and an interpersonal analysis. The dialogues are analyzed based on the systemic functional grammar and the discussion of the results and how they are linked to the theory that there is a heteronormativity in today's society, which the RFSU wants to break through. The conclusion is that RFSU uses semiotic resources such as young participants, communication tools, such as: Skype, computers and phones, and other typical youth-related things. The most prominent result of the analysis that is actively breaking the standards against the heterosexual norm is that one film, ”Gorillan”, which works against the stereotypical gender roles, where it is the male who is subjected to sexual harassment; and the second film works against the norm of heterosexuality as it is about two gay guys.

Stå upp(rätt) för en tryggare förlossning : Design för uppmaning till rörelsefrihet i modern förlossningsvård. / Stand up(right) for a Safer Childbirth

Björklund, Malin January 2019 (has links)
“Förlossningsvården behöver i ännu större utsträckning än idag även bestå av känslomässigt stöd och trygghetsskapande omvårdnad.” Citatet ovan finns i boken Trygg förlossning (2017) och är vägledande i mitt examensarbete. Idag är det säkert att föda i Sverige och mödra- och barnadödligheten är bland den lägsta i världen. Trots detta lider många av förlossningsrädsla. Studier, bland annat från Socialstyrelsen, visar att platt ryggläge är den förlossningsställning som är mest ofördelaktig, för både föderska och barn. När föderskan rör på sig och om hen dessutom har en upprätt förlossningsställning kan den upplevda smärtan minska, eftersom utsöndringen av endorfiner ökar. Trots detta har de flesta en liggande ställning under förlossningen. Det finns uppenbarligen glapp mellan den medicinska kunskapen och förlossningspraktiken. Därför undersökte jag befintliga hjälpmedel och produkter inom förlossningsvården, som dessutom inte är utvecklade för ett förlossningsarbete, utan inlån från andra sjukvårdsavdelningar. Jag har utvecklat ett designförslag som ska uppmana till upprätta förlossningsställningar för en tryggare förlossning. / “Maternity care needs to be comprised of emotional support and reassuring nursing practices, even more so than it does today.” This quotation, from the book Trygg förlossning (2017), has been a big influence in my degree project. Today, it is regarded as safe to give birth in Sweden with maternal and child mortality being amongst the lowest in the world. Despite this, many suffer from a fear of childbirth. Studies from Socialstyrelsen, amongst others, show that a back-lying position during childbirth is disadvantageous for the mother and child. If the mother moves and has an upright position, the perceived pain may decrease as the release of endorphins increases. Despite this, most people continue use a back-lying position during childbirth. There is obviously a gap between medical knowledge and childbirth practice. Therefore, I have investigated existing aids in maternity care, many of which are not developed for childbirth, but borrowed from other healthcare departments. I have developed a design proposal that will encourage an upright childbirth position for a safer delivery.

"Det är inte okej att springa och skjuta någon..." : En studie om hur förskollärare resonerar kring barns lekar med våldsinslag

Malin, Lindkvist, Åsa, Myrman Blomgren January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of our study was raised as a concern, when we realized the fact that we both consider ourselves lacking knowledge of how we as prospective pre-school teachers should manage children´s play that perceived as violent. We were also keen to learn how certain standards may influence pre-school teachers and be reproduced by them in relation to children’s play with elements of violence. The aim of our study is to examine how teachers of pre-school children reason around children´s violent play, and how their reasoning might visualize the prevailing norms of ethics and morals, gender and child perspective. The questions we ask ourselves are:  How do pre-school teachers reason concerning children's play with elements of violence? How are standards of ethics and morality, gender and child perspective in teachers' reasoning about children's games involving violence reproduced? 
When analysing our material we chose a norm-critical perspective, when looking at our data through the three norms; ethics and morals, gender and child perspective. In collecting our data we used a qualitative approach and our method is qualitative interviews. The conclusion from our study is that we can identify the three norms about ethics and morals, gender and child perspective when pre-school teachers reason about children´s play with elements of violence, and that these norms are reproduced by the pre-school teachers.

Barnens förskola : Ett arbete om barns inflytande utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv

Svensson, Linda, Strandek, Therese January 2015 (has links)
Barns inflytande i förskolan är ett aktuellt ämne som dessutom anses vara otroligt komplext, både att förstå begreppet och att arbeta med. Vårt syfte är att synliggöra de normer som kännetecknar en verksamhet där barn får möjlighet till inflytande och vilka konsekvenser det får för verksamheten. Arbetet tar avstamp i kulturanalytisk teori och utifrån ett normkritiskt perspektiv diskuteras sedan resultatet. Vi har utfört en mikroetnografisk studie och data har samlats in med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Empirin har samlats in på två avdelningar på två olika förskolor. Vårt resultat synliggör såväl möjligheter som hinder för barns inflytande. Det som framkommer är att pedagogernas barnsyn ligger till grund för det förhållningssätt som de har till barns inflytande. Vidare påverkar deras barnsyn om de närmar sig ett barns perspektiv eller inte vilket är avgörande för barns möjlighet till inflytande.  Pedagogernas förhållningssätt är också avgörande för de normer som kommer till uttryck i verksamheten. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet att de normer som finns i förskolan skapar både möjligheter och hinder och att de samverkar med varandra. / Children’s influence in preschool is a highly debated subject and it contains much complexity, both defining the word and working with the subject. The purpose of this study is to highlight norms that signifies a preschool where children have the possibility to influence their everyday life and the consequences that arise. The study begins in the culture analytic theory and use a norm critical perspective to discuss the results. As a methodology we have used the micro-ethnographic approach, where data has been collected using semi-structured interviews and observations. The empirical material comes from two departments, from two different preschools. The result presents both possibilities for and obstacles to children’s influence. The prominent result shows that teacher’s view on children determines their approach to children’s influence. Their view on children also plays a significant part on whether or not they try to understand a child’s perspective, which is of great importance for children’s possibility to have influence. Also, the result shows that teacher approach plays a significant part in what norms become significant in preschool. As a conclusion our result shows that existing norms work both as possibilities and as obstacles to children’s influence and that these norms all coexists.

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