Spelling suggestions: "subject:"critical"" "subject:"diacritical""
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"If I had a reason for it..." : An intersectional study of preschool teacher’s intercultural education with children books.Hyltse, Maria, Persson, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study was to examine how preschool teachers in contemporary Sweden think and talk about intercultural education in the current context in which Sweden is rapidly becoming a more culturally diverse country. Specifically, the study applied an intersectional framework to examine how teacher’s work and talk around cultural issues and how children’s books can contribute to the broader pedagogical project of developing intercultural education in preschool. The research questions guiding this research were: How do teachers in ethnically diverse preschools work with and talk about children’s books in their daily interactions with children? How do teachers in ethnically homogenous preschools work with and talk about children’s books in their daily interactions with children? Teachers from two preschools - differing in terms of the ethnic make-up of their child population - were asked to read a pair of children’s books whose storylines had obvious links to issues related to cultural diversity. The teachers were then asked to discuss the books in focus groups. Transcripts of the focus groups were then subjected to a thematic analysis from an intersectional perspective. These analyses revealed that teachers in both preschools considered children’s age and their relative intellectual and emotional competencies to be significant barriers for using culturally sensitive children’s book to promote an intercultural education in preschool. Furthermore, the teachers oriented to other social categories, such as gender and family, in their analyses of the children’s books. These findings raise questions about if and how preschool teachers choose to engage with cultural issues in their preschools.
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Embodied : A bodily investigation through ceramic sculptureWallert, Lisa January 2016 (has links)
Abstract Embodied evolves around the tactility of the present body, in relation to the eternal absence and the perishability of itself end the world that surrounds it. I work with ceramic sculpture, where the body in relation to the material and the world is both my theme and my method. The body is always present and a basic condition to experience and make objects; it is the subject, the objectand the execution in my work. The written part of my examwork is based on my process and studiowork.
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Den önskvärda och icke-önskvärda medborgaren : En diskursanalys av ett läromedel i samhällskunskap åk 4-6. / The desirable and undesirable citizen : a discourse analysis in civics forgrade 4-6Ring, Anna, Kuflu Wrede, Salem January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Representationen av HBTQ personer i läromedel : En kritisk innehållsanalys av läromedel inom religionskunskapsämnet gällande HBTQ inkluderande innehåll / LGBTQ people´s representation in teaching materials : A critical content analysis of textbooks in the subject of religious studies regarding LGBTQ inclusive contentMagnusson, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
This paper´s main purpose was to analyse textbooks used in religious studies in Sweden in upper secondary education to see how LGBTQ persons and information about norm breaking sexual identities is emphasized in these textbooks. To obtain that information a context analysis was used and five books were used during this specific analysis.The theoretical foundation of the analysis was based on queer theory and norm critical theory with an focus on norm critical pedagogy which was used to highlight, criticize and understand the previous research that has been done and give wider perspective when it comes to the text in the textbooks.What the analysis shows is that even if there is some information in the textbooks about LGBTQ people there is not enough information to execute a norm critical educational lesson and to achieve the central content of the course Religionskunskap 1 in upper secondary education in Sweden. There are huge varieties of information in the textbooks and usuallythey are under chapters such as ”marriage”, ”sexuality” and often not discussed in the context of religion and only as sexuality as a whole.
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Toleransbegreppets mångtydighet : En analys av läroplansbegreppet tolerans inom kontexten för ämnet religionskunskapKjellin, Linus January 2015 (has links)
This litterature study is an analysis of the concept of tolerance, as it is a central value in the curriculum for the Swedish upper secondary school (Gy11) and therefore an important part of interpreting the specific curriculum for religious studies. The scientific approach is drawn from curriculum theory and the method of analysis is hermeneutic. Four different understandings of the concept are presented from academic literary sources. To further problematize the understandings of the concept, critique against a ”pedagogy of tolerance” as expressed by normcritical pedagogical writers and scholars is presented and analyzed. Implications regarding didactical practice are discussed in the light of previous analysis. Two main criteria for tolerance were found in all four understandings. These criterias outline the necessary components of an act of tolerance. The critique mainly focuses on said act, as it is an act of power and differentiation. This implies the didactical importance of awareness regarding the complexity of an act of tolerance.
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Normkritisk undervisning i sexualitet, samtycke och relationer : En studie om hinder och framgångsfaktorer i Norden / ’Norm-critical’ teaching of sexuality, consent, and relationships.Reiver, Wetterö, Ebba, Minna January 2022 (has links)
In the year 2022 there will be an update to the Swedish curriculum in the areas concerning the subjects of sex and cohabitation. From now on the title of the subject will be; sexuality, consent, and relationships. It will focus on increasing the knowledge on consent, and questions about LGBTQI will get more attention in interdisciplinary teaching. Teachers feel that they have a alack of education in these fields which agrees with our experience at the school of Education at Jönköping University. The purpose of this literature study is therefore to gain awareness of what research describes as common challenges and success factors in the teaching. The delimitation of this study was broadened to contain research from the Nordic countries to increase the number of relevant articles. The information retrieval was therefore carried out in English. The Nordic countries’ school system, and culture show a great similarity, which allows a conclusion to be made. The result of the study shows what a complex situation the teachers face when teaching sexuality, consent, and relationships. The teachers need to take into account the choice of words, group division, and critical review teaching materials in order to be aware of normative teaching to be carried out. In addition, there are cultural aspects to consider. Students with different backgrounds may have different values from home and this may go against the content of the teaching. A problem arises when the new curriculum (2022) is expecting an awareness of normative teaching but at the same time teachers have a lack of education in the field. Teachers tend to refer to their own life experiences and rely on teaching materials that they already have. This tends to be taught from a heteronormative perspective which contradicts what the new curriculum (2022) puts forward. The result of this literature study shows how teachers can relate to a ‘norm-critical’ perspective in the teaching. It describes the importance of a consensus at school where awareness of a normative approach permeates the whole school.
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”Vi kan vistas i samma rum men jag tänker inte prata med dig” : Religionskunskapslärares tolkning av begreppet tolerans samt dess betydelse och funktion i undervisningenKjellin, Linus January 2016 (has links)
This is a qualitative interview study aiming to examine the concept of tolerance as it is a core value in the curriculum for the Swedish upper secondary school and high school. The concept of tolerance is linked to the subject of religious studies. A total of six teachers were interviewed regarding their understanding and interpretation of the concept, as well as its place in their teaching. The method of analysis was hermeneutic and the statements made by the teachers were further analyzed in the light of normcritical pedagogy and didactical awareness. The results show a diversified understanding of the concept, manifested in a broad scale of attitudes to it, ranging from negative to positive, though all were based on a reflective approach. This affected the teachers' tendency to include, or focus on, the concept of tolerance in their teaching, varying from active inclusion to exclusion. The discussion focuses on the differences and difficulties associated with acts of tolerance versus attitudes of tolerance. The teachers define religious studies as a subject with heavy focus on interpersonal relations. Acts of tolerance are therefore problematic as they are also acts of power between individuals and groups. This shows the didactical importance of discussing the concept of tolerance, mainly in relation to attitudes and acts, between teachers as well as in the classroom.
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Hur upplever samkönade föräldrar bemötandet i förskola/skola och vården?Carlsson, Katrine, Viktorsson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Samkönade individer exkluderas i vardagliga sammanhang utefter sexualitetens normer. I föreliggande studie var syftet att få en fördjupad förståelse av hur samkönade föräldrar upplever bemötandet inom förskola/skola och vården. Studien är uppbyggd av en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjufrågor där fem kvinnor samt fem män deltagit. Under tolkningsprocessen användes en tematisk analys. I resultatet presenteras respondenternas upplevelser av bemötandet inom förskola/skola och vården mestadels positivt, dock finns det specifika sammanhang där respondenterna upplevt obekväma situationer. Flera av respondenterna nämner att personalen behöver ha ett mer normkritiskt arbetssätt för att på så vis inkludera alla i bemötandet. Respondenterna upplever att de obekväma situationerna uppstår på grund av kunskapsbrist och att personalen är i behov av kompetensutveckling.Resultatet visar att respondenterna är trygga i sig själva och har utvecklats positivt enligt identitetsprocessen därför lägger de ingen större vikt i ett sämre bemötande samt hur samhällets normer påverkar individens självkänsla när de avviker från det som anses vara normalt. Diskussionen handlar om hur och varför sociala kategoriseringar bildas samt varför de existerar. En slutsats är att klimatet för samkönade individer är öppet men att heteronormen är starkt implementerat i samhällets strukturer och kan skapa exkludering. / Same-sex parents often feel excluded in everyday contexts due to the norms of sexuality. The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how same-sex parents experience treatment in preschool/school and healthcare. The study is based on a qualitative method with semistructured interview questions where five women and five men participated. The interviews have been thematically analyzed. The result presents the respondents' experiences of treatment in preschool/school and healthcare as mostly positive, while some respondents experienced uncomfortable situations in specific contexts. Several of the respondents mention the need for a more norm-critical approach among employees in preschool/school and healthcare in order to include all parents. The study further states that the respondents are confident in themselves and have developed positively pursuant to the identity process, and thus do not lay much importance in inferior treatment and do not experience that a deviation from societal norms have much impact on the individual's selfesteem. The discussion addresses the creation of social categorization and why it still exists in preschool/school and healthcare. One conclusion of this study is that the climate for same sex parents today is considered to be open albeit the heteronormativity is strongly implemented in preschool/school and healthcare which can create exclusion.
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Sedari Suedi : En undersökning av möblers potentiella agens för interaktion i hemmet. Ett möblemang som återfinns i många hem i Marocko, omtolkas i kontexten av ett hem i Sverige.Sadequi, Hajar January 2019 (has links)
Sedari kallas en sittmöbel som finns i många hem i Marocko. Suedi är slang för ”svensk” och Sedari Suedi är titeln på mitt examensprojekt. Designförslaget Sedari Suedi är en sittmöbel där kultur i hemmet från Marocko och Sverige möts. Bland annat för att undersöka hur kulturen i hemmet ser ut i Sverige idag. Material, färg och funktion arbetar tillsammans i kontraster för att symbolisera berättelser från mina undersökningar. Samt möjliggörandet av en ökad interaktion mellan individer i hemmet. I en globaliserad värld där människor är i rörelse på ett sätt som aldrig förr kan frågor kring kultur och identitet uppstå både hos individen men även ute i samhället. Hur kultur i hemmet och identitetsbyggande hänger ihop är givetvis en tolkningsfråga och upplevs troligtvis olika, av olika personer. Hur stor vikt har hemmet som uttrycksform och om artefakter är en förstärkning av en individ och dess status samt identitet är frågor jag reflekterat över under examensarbetets gång. Arbetet i detta projekt är en blandning i utforskande av egna upplevelser från tidigare erfarenheter, en resa till Marocko med sex stycken hembesök. En analys av utbudet av produkter för hemmet i Sverige, berättelser och samlade insikter från personer med marockansk bakgrund i Sverige, samt en användarstudie. / Sedari is the name of a type of seating furniture found in many Moroccan homes. Suedi is slang for "Swedish" and Sedari Suedi is the title of my degree project. The design proposal Sedari Suedi is a seating furniture, where culture in the home from Morocco and Sweden come together. I investigate what the culture of the home looks like in Sweden today. The materials, colors and functions in the design proposal work together in contrasts to symbolize the stories from my explorations. As well as enabling an increased interaction between individuals in the home. In a globalized world where people are moving around more than ever, questions about culture and identity can arise both in the individual but also in the greater society. How is the culture of the home and its artefacts is connected to one’s identity? Is it an extension of an individuaI and a form of expression that goes beyond form and function? These are some questions that I reflect on during the course of the project. The research in this thesis is a mixture of exploration of my own previous experiences, a trip to Morocco including six home visits. An analysis of the range of products for the home in Sweden, stories and collected insights from people with Moroccan background in Sweden, and a user study.
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Hållbar samhällsutveckling inom ett normkreativt avfallsprojektOrahim, Allanmikel Sargon January 2018 (has links)
The global social, ecological and economic challenges facing humanity today have given rise to the UN's 17 Global Objectives and Agenda 2030 to achieve sustainable development. Kate Raworth, professor of economics from Oxford University, has in the same spirit developed a visual framework with seven related conditions for mankind to live by, to strive towards living within a safe and fair zone of sustainable development. This framework and associated conditions for sustainable development are applied in this study with the intention to investigate and concretize the potentially contributing sustainable development effects of a norm-creative waste management project in a process of sustainable societal development. The results of the study show clear evidence that the waste management project has contributed to sustainable societal development according to the respondents who participated in the study. However, further studies are required to concretize these results through a more scientifically objective methodology. / De globala sociala, ekologiska och ekonomiska utmaningarna som mänskligheten står inför i dagsläget har gett upphov till FN’s 17 globala mål och agenda 2030 för att vägleda mänskligheten mot en hållbar utveckling. Kate Raworth, professor i ekonomi från Oxfords universitet, har i samma anda utvecklat ett visuellt ramverk med sju tillhörande förutsättningar för mänskligheten att sträva mot för att leva inom ett säkert och rättvist utrymme av hållbar utveckling. Detta ramverk och tillhörande förutsättningar för hållbar utveckling appliceras i den här studien med syftet att undersöka och konkretisera ett normkreativt avfallsprojekts potentiellt bidragande effekter till en hållbar samhällsutveckling. Resultatet av undersökningen påvisar tydliga belägg för att avfallsprojektet har bidragit till en hållbar samhällsutveckling utefter det teoretiska ramverket enligt respondenter som deltagit i studien. Det krävs dock vidare studier för att konkretisera dessa resultat i mer objektiva sammanhang.
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