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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnhem för flickor : barn, familj och institutionsliv i Stockholm 1870-1920 /

Söderlind, Ingrid, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Linköping : Univ.

Vad innebär grannsamverkan? : En komparativ analys av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan kopplat till bostadsinbrott på Södermalm / What does Neighborhood watch mean? : A comparative analysis of actions in neighborhood watch linked to burglary within Södermalm

Fucik, Cecilia, Ljungberg, Cornelia January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilken betydelse införandet av grannsamverkan har på antalet bostadsinbrott. Den försökte även besvara vilka typer av åtgärder inom grannsamverkan som används samt likheter och skillnader mellan dessa, kopplat till områden i Södermalms stadsdelsområde. Ett matchat urval skapades varpå data insamlades genom strukturerade intervjuer med ombudsmän för grannsamverkan. I resultatet framställdes hur nivåerna över bostadsinbrott såg ut fem år innan-, samt ett till fem år efter, grannsamverkan implementerats. Materialet analyserades genom komparativ analys, varpå slutsatserna drogs att åtgärder som främst används var skyltning, säkerhetsdörrar, god belysning, god kontakt med boende i området, koll när granne reser bort samt uppmärksamhet på misstänkta i området. Skillnader och likheter mellan använda åtgärder fanns, vilket gör att generella slutsatser kring skillnader och likheter inte går att dra då inga områden är identiska. Gällande införande av grannsamverkan och dess betydelse för bostadsinbrott är resultaten tvetydiga då det skiljer sig hos områdena. / The aim of this study was to examine if the introduction of neighborhood watch affects the number of burglary. The questions asked were; which types of methods of neighborhood watch were used, and what kind of differences there were between selected areas in Södermalm, Stockholm. We created a matched sample of areas and contacted mediators of neighborhood watch in these areas. We conducted a quantitative study using structured interviews and presented data per burglary rates in the areas five years before and one to five years after neighborhood watch was implemented. The results were analyzed by comparative analysis and concluded that common methods of neighborhood watch were e.g. signage, security doors, good contacts between neighbors and attention to suspects in the area. The differences between the methods used means that general conclusions about differences and similarities cannot be concluded. The impact of neighborhood watch differed, and the results were ambiguous.

Nospatrullen – hundägares möjlighet att uppmärksamma och förebygga brott : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om NOS-medlemmars inställning till att arbeta brottspreventivt

Funke Jansson, Matilda, Petersson, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att generera en förståelse för hur polisens NOS-projekt kan verka brottsförebyggande. Vi undersökte även hundägare som är delaktiga i projektet och deras inställning till att uppmärksamma och förebygga brott. Studien grundar sig i teorin om neighborhood watch, med delar av teorin om social kontroll samt rutinaktivtetsteorin. Utifrån sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med deltagare från Nospatrullen fick vi en förståelse för hur NOS-projektet fungerar brottspreventivt genom hundägares förmåga att uppmärksamma avvikande aktiviteter i sitt lokalområde. Resultatet visade att samtliga intervjupersoner hade en positiv inställning till NOS-projektet vilket vi anser kan ha bidragit till projektets möjlighet till att förebygga brott. / The aim of this study was to form a understanding for how a project by the police, the Nos-project, may work to prevent crime. We also examined dog owners that are involved in the NOS-project and their attitude towards crime prevention. The study is based on the theory of neighborhood watch and features the theory of social control and the theory of routine activity. Through six semi structured interviews we learned how the NOS-project may prevent crime through dog owners’ observations of unusual activity in their district. The results also show how all our participants had a positive attitude towards the NOSproject which we regard likely contributes to the projects ability to prevent crime.


Barrett, Harald, Bengtsson Friis, Kim January 2014 (has links)
Denna uppsats innehåller en uppföljningsstudie av Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012 (MOMS) med ett närmare fokus på delområdena Annelund och Södervärn. I dessa delområden konstaterades att övervägande del respondenter är trygga eller delvis trygga i sitt bostadsområde trots flera omständigheter som korrelerar med hög otrygghet. I uppsatsen har vi eftersträvat att kvalitativt undersöka bakomliggande mekanismer till respondenternas övervägande trygghet i form utav observationsstudier och intervjuer med nyckelinformanter.Uppsatsen innehåller en utförlig beskrivning av fenomenet "trygghet" och en genomgång av forskningsläget kring faktorer som påverkar tryggheten på olika sätt.Resultaten visar att den övervägande tryggheten i delområdena kan bero på att Annelund och Södervärn är belägna i närheten till olika mötesplatser där invånare träffas och får möjlighet att etablera gemensamt definierade informella regler och accepterat beteende. Delområdena har av olika anledningar genomströmningar av människor som naturligt övervakar områdenas gator och platser och i bostadshusens fysiska struktur fann vi goda möjligheter för invånarna att övervaka sin omedelbara bostadsmiljö. Vi konstaterade att Annelund har tydligare gränsdragningar mellan invånarnas privata utrymmen än i Södervärn, men att känslan av tillhörighet till sitt bostadsområde var starkare i Södervärn med kringliggande delområden. Delområdenas belysning gav övervakningsmöjligheter på gångstråk, runt bostadshus, promenadstigar med mera, även i mörker. De personer som upplever sig mest trygga är de som har bott länge i bostadsområdet och i närliggande områden finns det platser där ungdomar kan spendera sin fritid, vilket haft positiv betydelse för trygghetsbilden i respektive område. / This paper is a follow-up study of the 2012 Malmö Neighbourhood Survey (Malmö Områdesundersökning 2012), focusing more closely on the districts Annelund and Södervärn. The respondents of these districts reported in Malmö Neighbourhood Survey that they felt predominantly safe or partly safe in their neighbourhood, despite several conditions that correlate with high fear of crime. In this paper we have aimed to qualitatively study, with observation studies and interviews with key informants, underlying mechanisms that explains the respondents predominant neighbourhood safety.The paper contains a detailed description of the phenomenon "fear of crime" and a review of factors that through research have been proven to affect the level of fear of crime.The results in this study shows that the predominant safety in Annelund and Södervärn is due to the districts presence to meeting-points, where residents are given the opportunity to establish commonly defined informal rules of conduct and acceptable behaviour. The districts have by different reasons a vivid throughflow of people that naturally surveil the districts streets and places and we found good opportunities for the residents to naturally surveil their immediate housing environment owing to the residential buildings physical structure. We concluded that Annelund has more visible delineations between the residents private areas and the public areas, but the residents feeling of belonging to their neighbourhood were stronger in Södervärn and it's surrounding districts. The districts lighting gave good surveillance opportunities, daytime and night-time, on walking paths, around residential buildings and alike. The residents that experienced the least fear of crime (or highest levels of safety) had lived in the neighbourhood for a long time and in the nearest area we found community youth centers, which have positively affected Annelund and Södervärns neighbourhood safety.

Självmedicinering med cannabis för posttraumatiskt stressyndrom. En normanalys av individers upplevelser och professioners uppfattning

Hyllengren, Annika, Kristiansson, Malin January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine people's experiences of self-medication with cannabis in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder and professions’ opinions of cannabis for medical use. The study focuses on norms and values as well as its impact on individuals. A qualitative approach was used with thematically open interview questions, in order to gain an insight into the interviewees’ reality and their experiences. Selected theories emphasize on norms, social control and gateway. The study has chosen to point out Sweden's drug policy attitudes to cannabis, research on cannabis as a complement to post-traumatic stress disorder, resources and therapies in the section earlier research. The results showed patterns of how the social control and norms affect the individual who chooses to deviate from the prevailing norm. The informants who have chosen to self-medicate cannabis in relation to post-traumatic stress disorder describes itself countered in their experiences with emotions such as contempt, exclusion and being misunderstood. It also emerged that there is transparency in the professions to the possibilities of cannabis as medicine, at present, it is a lack of evidence and research. It was also found that the informants who self-medicated strives cannabis as medicine in the market, controlled dosage.

Att bygga för möten i periferin - offentliga mötesplatser för socio-ekonomisk hållbarhet

Harmark, Klara, Sommardal, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i hållbar stadsutveckling och social hållbarhet undersöker denna uppsats offentliga mötesplatsers socio-ekonomiska kvaliteter. Miljonprogramsområdet Kroksbäck, beläget i sydvästra Malmö, utgör med sina befintliga och föreslagna offentliga mötesplatser undersökningsområdet. Genom teorier och litteratur om bland annat social hållbarhet, mötesplatser, offentliga platser/rum, territorialitet och grannskapet skapas normativa principer som blir till verktyg för uppsatsens socio-ekonomiska analys. I nulägesbeskrivningen av Kroksbäck synliggörs med hjälp av tidigare forskning och statistik, observationer samt intervjuer ett område med en påtaglig socio-ekonomisk problematik, brist på mötesplatser, service och handel. Då det angränsande och högprofilerade Hyllie centrumområde nu till största del står färdigt har Kroksbäck fått ett centralt läge och blivit attraktivt att bebygga och utveckla, vilket har resulterat i två gestaltningsförslag där Kroksbäck framstår som urbant, kommersiellt och tryggt, en vision långt ifrån verkligheten. För att anpassa stadsutvecklingsinsatserna till områdets boende och behov föreslås i uppsatsens förstudie ett projekt som avses främja Kroksbäck ur ett socio-ekonomiskt perspektiv, så att sociala värden som kan stärka området gynnas och därmed den övergripande samhällsekonomin. Genom att ta till vara på kroksbäcksbornas lokala expertis och kunskaper samt involvera en bredd av samhällsaktörer kan det föreslagna projektet Möt ditt Kroksbäck! understödja skapandet av socio-ekonomiskt hållbara mötesplatser i Kroksbäck. Projektets process ser till att stärka de boendes engagemang för sitt bostadsområde och deras självkänsla och mötena mellan boende från olika grannskap kan gagna den sociala sammanhållningen. När den fysiska mötesplatsen i ett senare skede står färdig kan den ge upphov till interaktion, vilket kan främja den kollektiva styrkan och de sociala nätverken, skapa arbetstillfällen och göra området mer trivsamt. / Based on theories and the discourse of sustainable urban development and social sustainability, this thesis explores the socio-economic qualities of public meeting spaces. The socially and economically deprived suburban housing area Kroksbäck, situated in the Southwestern parts of Malmö, Sweden, is with its existing and suggested meeting spaces the focus area of the analysis. Through theory and literature about social sustainability, meeting spaces, public space/place, territoriality, the neighbourhood, and the community, normative principles are created to function as a tool for this socio-economic analysis. In the chapter that makes up the status report, a housing area that is struggling with socio-economic insufficiencies, a lack of meeting spaces, service, and commercial activities is depicted. Since the adjacent and high-profile area Hyllie centrumområde is now nearly completed after many years of planning and construction work, Kroksbäck has gotten a new central location and has become attractive for entrepreneurs to start to develop. This has resulted in two urban development proposals, where Kroksbäck is presented as urban, commercial and safe, which is a vision far from today’s reality. In order to adapt the plans to the area and the people living here, a pilot study of a project intended to strengthen Kroksbäck’s socio-economic qualities is presented in this thesis. By supporting and facilitating social sustainability, the economy at large will benefit from the outcomes of better social relations and cohesion. The local expertise of the people living in Kroksbäck is made use of while at the same time involving different local stakeholders in the project Meet your Kroksbäck!, which is based on participatory methods and intended to be utilized in the development of the area and its new meeting spaces. The project is also intended to heighten the self-esteem and social cohesion of the locals living in Kroksbäck. When the new meeting space is created, in a later stage, it will help to promote interaction between people, strengthen social networks and the local economy, and make the area more lively and enjoyable to live in and to visit.

#JÄVLAPEDDO : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av hur Dumpens och 2forty2 presenterar sig själva och sina syften på hemsida respektive Instagram-konto / #FUCKINGPEADO : A qualitative content analysis of Dumpen and 2forty2 on how they present themselves and their purposes on their website or Instagram-account.

Lindgren, Therese, Wessman, Jimmy January 2022 (has links)
Dumpen och 2forty2 är grupper som ägnar sig åt att bedriva en digital pedofiljakt och att exponera förövare på sina digitala plattformar. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur Dumpen och 2forty2 på sina hemsidor och Instagram-konton dels presenterar sig själva, dels på vilka grunder man berättigar sitt agerande. Genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av datamaterial från Dumpens hemsida och 2forty2´s Instagram-konto har syftet undersökts. Fynden från innehållsanalysen har sedan presenterats och jämförts med tidigare forskning och för studien aktuella kriminologiska teorier. I resultaten går att urskönja hur grupperna uppkommit utifrån en misstro till rättsväsendet, omvärldens uppmärksamhet och egna upplevelser av sexuella övergrepp. Avslutningsvis presenteras en bild kring hur grupperna verkar, presenterar sig och bakomliggande orsaker, samt förslag på framtida forskning kring dessa typer av grupper.

The Talk of the Town : Gossip and the Urban Communities of Eighteenth-Century Stockholm

Pettersson Schweitzer, Lina January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates gossip and rumours through a narrative lens in order to understand what kind of stories emanated from eighteenth-century Stockholm, and what these stories reveal about the moral values and concerns of the urban community. Using records from the consistory court and the lower courts of Stockholm, the thesis sheds some light on the stories which tend to go under the radar, and gives insights into the subtle facets of urban life, wherein gossip nurtured a culture of speculation and suspicion.  By uncovering the narratives which preoccupied the urban population of Stockholm, some thematical patterns have emerged: people gossiped about sexual immorality, marital disorder, financial dishonesty, and perceived threats against the Lutheran faith. Typically, these stories seem to have emanated from the neighbourhood or the household. The study also shows that gossip and rumours told the stories of those who violated core moral values – stories that heavily relied on a repertoire of narrative tropes and figures to portray those who transgressed social and moral boundaries. These stories reveal a deep concern for – even fear of – the hidden threats in the urban fabric: immoral characters disguised as honest members of the community. As inversions of core values, these narrative stereotypes were perceived as dangerous threats to social order and unity, whose actions could have far-reaching implications for society at large. As such, these were symbolically charged and value-laden stories. Through highlighting the coercive aspects of these stories, this thesis also argues that gossip provided urban communities with an opportunity to voice collective concerns and protect community values by unmasking hidden threats, and control or stigmatise transgressors.

Crime, Community and the Negotiated Truth : Court Narratives of Capital Crime in the District Courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen 1649—1700

Berggren, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to study the court narratives of serious crimes in the district courts of Jämtland-Härjedalen in the latter half of 17th century. This is done by studying the negotiated aspects of criminal court proceedings; how did stories of crime, guilt and character come together in the records to form narratives that became accepted truths by the local community and the authorities? Investigations of serious crime have been sampled from the collected records of five district courts in the period 1649–1700. These records have been analysed by identifying the different actors and voices of the narratives, the social stratification of the participants, their speech acts and how they were depicted by the court and by other participants. The analysis of the social stratification of accusers, defendants and witnesses shows evidence of a deeply hierarchical and patriarchal society: men and women of lower social status were not only grossly overrepresented as defendants in criminal investigations, they were also mostly excluded from participating as a witness. The inverse could be said about local elites and landed peasantry. Women were more often accused of crime, and while they were allowed to testify as witnesses, they were less so than men. The negotiation of the truth took place in three parallel and intersecting spheres of discourse, differing in what kind of questions were asked and what problems were being discussed between different categories of participants. The nature of crime was negotiated when accusers, defendants and witnesses debated the presented narratives; the accepted narrative of the crime was found by the assessment of the honesty of the individual participants, by considering their reputation and standing in the local community. While the word of the law was unrelenting and impossible to legally negotiate at the district court level, a kind of negotiation was done by the local community and sometimes also the district court taking the side of the defendant, pleading and petitioning the Royal High Court to find mercy for the convicted criminal.

Moralisk fostran av den sjuka själen : En mikrohistorisk undersökning av samhälleliga strukturer inom den psykiatriska vården 1861- 1889

Lentenius, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to expand and variegate the general history of psychiatric care in Sweden in the late nineteenth century. My objects of interest are the first two head doctors of Stockholm’s hospital and their handwritten annual reports to the directorate of the hospital from the year of 1862 to the year of 1889. During this time the psychiatric care in Sweden went through a number of changes. Laws against treating patients of the asylums with physical restraint and force were passed, and humanitarian and philanthropic movements were a big part of these changes. In Sweden, the psychiatric care was expanding at this time. The old asylums were condemned by humanitarian intellectuals for its horrible conditions, and the doctors called out for new modern asylums. The modern day general history of the expansion of asylums is often in some way linked to Michel Foucault’s theory of the psychiatric asylum as an institution of social control. One of the main undertakings in this essay is to test this theory in the context of a late nineteenth century asylum of Stockholm. Another ambition in this essay is to establish which other characteristic structures of the nineteenth century that appear to have influenced the psychiatric care. Testing Foucault’s theory of social control has in this study proven to call for the need of additional theories concerning both class and gender structures. To expose the nuances of the general history of the asylum I have been using a microhistorical approach, while still integrating with the macro-leveled general history and the control theory of Michel Foucault.Focus in this research is on the two first head doctors of Stockholm’s first real asylum. In this essay, I analyse their description of patient labour and the use of physical restraint/force methods as treatments. The results of my research show that the upholding of social control and moral standards was a big part of the head doctors profession during the second half of the nineteenth century in the Swedish asylum. The results also show that the patients were treated differently based on gender and which of the three different payment classes of the asylum that they belonged to.

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