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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Critical Analysis of the 'Terrorist Label' / Kritická analýza 'teroristického přívlastku'

Zich, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The terrorist label became recently so widely used. It strongly influenced the language of media, politicians and society. The security discourse is seemingly dominated by the counter-terrorism policy. Both the national and international legal systems introduced laws to avert the terrorist actions. Ironically, no universal definition of terrorism has been found yet so the use of the terrorist label depends mainly on own interpretation. The thesis aims to critically analyse the terrorist label and to determine if it prevents the conflict between so called terrorists and the rest of the society from peaceful resolution. The first chapter introduces theoretical and methodological framework of the research. It is followed by the analysis of the EU's designation of Hezbollah's military wing as a terrorist organization in the second chapter. A special attention is paid to the Israeli diplomatic pressure on the EU to blacklist Hezbollah which was selected as an appropriate example of the terrorist labelling.

Zeitzeichen - Karl Ottomar Treibmanns Fünfte Sinfonie und ihr historischer Kontext

Dippold, Marek 22 September 2014 (has links)
Karl Ottomar Treibmann fängt in seiner Fünften Sinfonie durch Bezüge zur Französischen Revolution und durch den Austausch mit Künstlern wie Wolfgang Mattheuer oder Volker Braun in vielerlei Weise den Zeitgeist der Friedlichen Revolution von 1989 ein. Eine zusätzliche zeithistorische Aufladung erhält das Werk durch seine Uraufführung durch das Leipziger Gewandhausorchester unter Kurt Masur, die wenige Tage vor dem Fall der Mauer stattfand. Die vorliegende Studie stellt Entstehung, Analyse und Rezeption von Treibmanns Fünfter Sinfonie sowohl in einen zeithistorischen als auch in einen musikgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang. / This study explores Karl Ottomar Treibmann’s Fifth Symphony in its historical contexts. The symphony catches the zeitgeist of the 1989 Peaceful Revolution in various ways: It refers to the French Revolution as well as to Treibmann’s exchange with well-known 20th century artists such as Wolfgang Mattheuer and Volker Braun. Additional historic significance stems from its first performance with the Gewandhaus Orchestra in Leipzig conducted by Kurt Masur. This took place only a few days before the fall of the Berlin Wall. My study discusses the process, analysis, and reception of Treibmann’s Fifth Symphony by following a historical as well as a musicological approach.

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

Rolníci na Polesí během zrušení nevolnictví. Vývoj reakce venkovského obyvatelstva Pinského újezdu Minské gubernie Ruského impéria na zrušení nevolnictví v letech 1861-1864 / The peasants of the Polesie during the abolition of serfdom. The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864

Badzevich, Dzmitry January 2018 (has links)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL ANTHROPOLOGY BY MGR. BC. DZMITRY BADZEVICH THE PEASANTS OF THE POLESIE DURING THE ABOLITION OF SERFDOM The Reaction of the Peasantry To The Abolition Of Serfdom In Pinsk District Of Minsk Province of Russian Empire, 1861-1864 Dissertation abstract Prague 2017 2 ABSTRACT From the exact wording of the thesis title was this study engaged in a broader sociological and cultural anthropological discussion about the meanings and implications of the historical event as was the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire in 1861 on the everyday life of its contemporary actors. For well-devoted reader (in the different methodologies of the history and European national historiographies), it would seem that the topic of the abolition of serfdom in the Russian empire and its impact on society and social and cultural sphere is largely explored. But at the moment, when the critically analyzing readers begin to think closely about how the understanding of serfdom abolition has worked during the last hundred year, it might be quite obvious for them, that no one of dozen university intellectuals and amateurs has tried to go to the heart of the historical event; many intellectuals only got all mixing up on the field of quasi-scientific abstractive terms...

中共與伊朗關係之研究(1979年至2008年) / The study on relations between China and Iran (1979-2008)

林宗憲, Lin, Tsung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在探討中共與伊朗在各層面關係的演變,及兩國關係發展的限制。本論文的研究途徑係採取系統理論,透過國際環境、國內環境與決策者因素的探討,以瞭解中伊各項關係受到哪些因素的影響。 基本上,中伊兩國以「經貿互利、權力與安全」為主軸,分別進行各種層面關係的互動。首先,在中伊關係特點上,中伊政治外交關係的特點包括推動「反對霸權主義」、「反對單極國際體系」及追求「互利合作」。軍事關係的特點在於獲取政治與商業利益,降低伊朗研發武器的成本。能源關係的特點在於平衡兩國的貿易關係、確保能源安全。經貿與科技關係的特點在於創造對中伊兩國互利的經貿利益,促進伊朗科技發展。 以政策目標來看,中共對伊朗的政策目標在於推動與伊朗的國際議題合作;兩伊戰爭期間維持平衡的外交策略;促成兩伊戰爭的和平解決;鞏固中共對伊朗的政治影響力;推動中伊兩國在中東地區的議題合作;基於反對單極國際體系的理念,推動國際議題合作;推動與伊朗的國際議題合作;防範中亞地區分裂主義及基本教義主義擴張;增加中伊兩國在中東地區的議題合作;增加中共對伊朗核問題的影響力。在軍事關係上,中共對伊朗的政策目標包括提供伊朗所需武器,抵禦國外勢力的攻擊;避免伊朗遭受區域強權或國際大國的安全威脅;維護伊朗和平使用核能的權利。在能源關係上,中共對伊朗的政策目標包括平衡中伊兩國的貿易逆差;探詢與伊朗進行能源合作的機會;增加從伊朗進口的能源數量;爭取在伊朗的能源探勘計畫;增加中伊雙方能源合作的領域;增加從伊朗進口原油的數量;爭取在伊朗的能源探勘機會;增加中伊雙方能源合作的領域。在經貿與科技關係上,中共對伊朗的目標包括加強中伊雙邊貿易;增加與伊朗經濟合作的項目;促進中伊兩國的科技合作。 本文以政治外交、軍事、能源、經貿與科技作為實務分析的面向,並以三個時期為區分,分別是鄧小平時期(1979年至1988年)、江澤民時期(1989年至2002年)、胡錦濤時期(2003年至2008年)。在鄧小平主政期間,中伊關係以國家安全及權力平衡為主軸。中伊關係最重要的面向就是軍事關係。江澤民主政期間,中伊關係則以經貿互利及權力平衡為主軸。此時期經貿與科技關係、能源關係及政治外交關係則是雙方發展的重點層面。在胡錦濤主政期間,中共與伊朗關係改以「互利合作」作為主軸。此時期中伊的能源關係、經貿與科技互動成為雙方關係的重點,政治外交關係及軍事關係則退居其後。 綜觀中共與伊朗伊斯蘭政府關係的基礎,建立在中伊雙方國家利益考量。對中共而言,伊朗戰略地理位置重要,與中共同屬第三世界開發中國家,兩國歷史情誼淵源已久,都是促成因素之一。其次,在中東地區以親美政府為主的國家中,伊朗伊斯蘭政府反其道而行,抱持反美且不親蘇的立場,此外,伊朗能源蘊藏豐富,因此伊朗成為中共在中東地區的重要據點。 對伊朗政府而言,中共在以阿議題上,屬於少數較為同情巴勒斯坦立場的國際大國,同時中共反對現有的以美國為主導的國際體系、以第三世界開發中國家與伊朗立場相近。此外,中共在國際政治或區域議題上具有舉足輕重的地位,在國際議題上更具有實質影響力。 從中伊關係的發展,可以發現幾個大趨勢:第一、中伊關係的發展中,主導權越來越操之在中共的手中;第二、中共在盱衡整體國家利益下,對於伊朗的強硬態度,已經無法給予強力支持;第三、中共與伊朗關係發展中,能源、經貿等實質利益,已經逐漸取代政治與戰略利益的重要性。第四、中共有意透過國際組織的力量,給予伊朗適當的壓力;第五、中伊雙方互動在遇到歧見時,向來秉持「求同存異」、「各取所需」的精神,以不傷害彼此既有關係的前提下,以獲取各自最大的利益。 展望未來中、伊兩國關係發展的前景,中伊兩國仍會維持各關係層面的議題式合作關係。中伊兩國政治外交關係的未來的動向,將取決於伊朗內部政治的演變與伊朗及美國關係的發展,如果伊朗國內的激進派持續在外交政策上採取不退讓的立場,美國對伊朗的政策將趨於強勢,如此,中共與伊朗關係的發展很難繼續突破。但是,面對伊朗豐富的能源儲量與產量,加上維護能源安全已經是中共的外交要項,美國倘若對伊朗採取強制作為,中共絕不可能默許。至於伊朗方面,它必須仰賴具有傳統友誼基礎,又是聯合國常任安理國的中共在各項議題上為其執言。因此,即使中共在某些議題的立場上向美國靠攏,但是伊朗也不敢斷然與中共反目成仇。其次,對伊朗而言,無論在經貿科技上或者能源上,中共是個較能信賴的國家,伊朗不願讓這些實質關係倒退。短期內中共與伊朗關係仍將以經貿、能源為主,政治外交關係將退居其次。此外,中共也將持續維持伊朗成為中東地區制衡美國勢力過度擴張的據點。 / The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the development of China and Iran relations and to understand the factors contributing to the adjustment of bilateral relations. The writer intends to introduce system theory as analytical approach. The finding of this study is that the bilateral relationship between China and Iran is established on the mutually economic benefits, power and security. On the diplomatic dimension, China and Iran relationship is characterized by anti-hegemony, anti-unipolar international system, mutually benefits and cooperation. On the military dimension China and Iran relationship is characterized by enhancing Iran’s sovereignty and national security. China and Iran relationship is characterized by balancing mutual trade imbalance and ensuring energy security. On the economic technological dimension, China and Iran relationship is characterized by creating mutual interests for both nations and advancing Iran’s technological development. In terms of policy objectives, China’s objectives are many folds. On diplomatic dimension China’s objective toward Iran comprises promoting issue cooperation with Iran, supporting Iran’s independent foreign policy, fending off foreign intervention in Iran’s domestic affairs, ensuring Iran’s status as a regional power. On military dimension China’s objective toward Iran comprises helping establish Iran’s national defense power, helping stave off potential security threats directed toward Iran. On energy dimension China’s objective toward Iran comprises balancing mutual trade imbalance. On economic dimension China’s objective toward Iran comprises enhancing mutual trade and tapping into Iran’s market. In terms of policy instrument, China and Iran try to achieve policy objective via the use of a variety of policy instruments, ranging from diplomatic bargaining, high ranking officers visits, arms sales, military cooperation, military officers visits, negotiation on Iran nuclear issue, energy trade, nuclear technological cooperation, energy joint development, economic and trade bargaining, engineering contract, assistance in technology and funding. This analysis is conducted from several different dimensions of China and Iran relations, that is, diplomatic, military, energy, economic and trade dimensions. For the analytical needs, this analysis is mainly divided into three periods, from 1979 to 1988, 1989 to 2002 and 2003 to 2008. From 1979 to 1988 the central pillar of China Iran relations is on military dimension featured by national security and balance of power. From 1989 to 2002 the central pillar of China Iran relations is on economic-trade, energy and diplomatic dimensions featured by mutually economic benefits and balance of power. From 2003 to 2008 the central pillar of China Iran relations is on economic-trade, energy and diplomatic dimensions featured by mutually benefits and oooperation. From the track of China and Iran relations, several trends can be inductively identified. First the leverage is more favorable to China. Secondly China has reduced its all-out support for Iran’s militant foreign policy. Thirdly the substantive interests such as energy and economic ones have surpassed economic and strategic ones in terms of importance. Fourthly China try to press Iran to readjust the latter’s policy through the force of international organizations. Fifthly China and Iran will adopt the principle of ‘put aside the difference and pursue the consensus’ and ‘to serve one’s own need’ if there is conflicting opinion between China and Iran. From the process of China and Iran relations, some major limitations can also be identified. First the international environment factor, particularly U.S. factor, is a critical source of limitation. China has to strike a balance in its relationship between Iran and U.S. Secondly China’s decision maker’s policy adjustment is also a source of limitation. In the process of its peacefully rising as a responsible great power, China chooses to abide by international regimes and keep cautious in dealing with Iran’s contentious issues. Thirdly China’s long standing principle of non-involvement in highly disputed issues also hamper China-Iran relationship. Fourthly the dominance of Iran’s conservative faction has indirectly impeded China-Iran relation. The future of China and Iran diplomatic relations will depend on the development of Iran’s domestic politics and U.S.-Iran relations. China will not allow U.S. to take military actions against and Iran will not give up China as a reliable great power. Over the short term, China and Iran relations will prosper on substantive issues, while political issues will lose its importance.

«L’émergence des grandes puissances : pouvoir symbolique et nouveau rôle de la Chine dans le monde après la Guerre froide»

Chantal, Roromme 12 1900 (has links)
L’émergence de la Chine dans le système international post-guerre froide pose un défi pour la position hégémonique des États-Unis et l’ordre mondial libéral. Lorsqu’ils tentent d’expliquer ce défi, les spécialistes tendent à se concentrer uniquement soit sur le hard power chinois (en particulier, sa puissance militaire) soit sur son soft power (l’attrait de sa culture et idéologie). Cette thèse développe un cadre d’analyse alternatif inspiré de la sociologie de Pierre Bourdieu, articulé autour de la notion de pouvoir symbolique. Elle conçoit la politique internationale en termes d’une lutte symbolique (entre, par exemple, une orthodoxie et une hétérodoxie) dont l’issue est déterminée par au moins trois facteurs cruciaux : contexte, capital et lieux communs. Ce cadre est appliqué à l’analyse du nouveau rôle de la Chine dans le monde depuis la fin de la guerre froide, lequel est indiscutablement l’un des développements les plus remarquables des relations internationales des temps modernes. La thèse démontre que la Chine ne défie pas l’hégémonie des États-Unis et l’ordre mondial libéral au sens conventionnel de la puissance matérielle ou de l’idéologie, mais plutôt au niveau symbolique. La thèse soutient que la conjonction des trois facteurs susmentionnés a été nécessaire à l’influence mondiale de la Chine : (1) la crise de légitimation des États-Unis (sur les plan économique, politique et idéologique), couplée à l’extraordinaire ascension de nouvelles puissances dans le système international comme la Chine, ont créé un contexte historique favorable ou « condition de possibilité »; (2) l’énorme capital symbolique accumulé par la Chine, en raison non seulement de son nouveau statut de grande puissance, mais aussi de son approche pragmatique des questions nationales et internationales, en a fait une source d’inspiration convoitée mondialement ; (3) la mobilisation stratégique par la Chine de son capital symbolique, sous la forme d’un ensemble de lieux communs ‘rhétoriques’, a grandement contribué à légitimer sa puissance, en particulier aux yeux des élites dirigeantes dans le monde en développement, dissimulant ainsi le caractère asymétrique et arbitraire de ses relations. Ensemble, ces trois éléments –contexte, capital, lieux communs– expliquent le pouvoir symbolique de la Chine, c’est-à-dire la perception selon laquelle, contrairement aux États-Unis, elle propose des réponses pertinentes et cohérentes aux problèmes d’organisation sociale, économique et politique de ce monde. L’ascension de la Chine remet ainsi en question le « méta-capital » des États-Unis, c’est-à-dire son monopole sur la production du capital économique, social, culturel et symbolique. L’accent mis sur cette dimension symbolique de la lutte pour définir et imposer la « vision légitime du monde social et ses divisions » révèle une rupture avec la pratique conventionnelle de la politique des grandes puissances, au profit d’une transformation pacifique du système international et d’une diplomatie symbolique. Cet accent sur le pouvoir symbolique ouvre des avenues prometteuses pour l’étude du changement et des sources d’autorité sur la scène politique mondiale, traditionnellement définie comme « anarchique ». / China’s rise within the international system in the post-Cold War era challenges the hegemonic position of the United States and the Western liberal order. In trying to explain this challenge, scholars tend to either focus on Chinese hard power (in particular, its military power) or on its soft power (the attractiveness of its culture and ideology). This thesis develops an alternative Bourdieu-inspired framework addressing symbolic power. It conceptualizes international politics in terms of a symbolic struggle (such as that between orthodoxy and heterodoxy) whose outcome is determined by at least three crucial factors: context, capital and commonplaces. The framework is applied to the analysis of China’s new world role, which is arguably one of the most remarkable developments in modern international relations. The thesis shows that China does not challenge U.S. hegemonic position and the Western liberal order in the conventional sense of material power or ideology, but rather at the symbolic level. The thesis argues that the combination of the three above-mentioned factors has been necessary to China’s worldwide influence : (1) the legitimation crisis of the United States (economically, politically and ideologically), paired with the extraordinary rise of new illiberal powers on the world scene such as China, created a favourable historical context or “condition of possibility”; (2) the huge amount of symbolic capital accumulated by China, not only because of its new status as a great power, but also because of the success of its pragmatic approach to national and international issues, made it become a source of inspiration for countries across the world; (3) the strategic mobilization by China of its symbolic capital, in the form of ‘rhetorical’ commonplaces, greatly contributed to legitimize its power, especially in the eyes of ruling elites in the developing world, thereby dissimulating the asymmetric and arbitrary nature of the Chinese power and relations. Together, these three components -context, capital, and commonplaces- explain the emergence of China as a symbolic power, i.e. the perception that, unlike the United States, China now has the authority to speak the truth and to define causes of and remedies for certain problems and crises. China’s rise challenges the Unites States’ ‘meta-capital’, that is, its monopoly on the production of economic, social, cultural, and symbolic capital. The focus on this symbolic dimension as a ‘weapon’ in the struggle to define and impose the “legitimate vision of the social world and its divisions” reveals a rupture in the conventional practice of great powers politics, pointing to a peaceful transformation of the international system and symbolic diplomacy. It shows that a focus on symbolic power opens promising avenues for the study of change and sources of authority in world politics, traditionally defined as “anarchic”.

Approches post-soviétiques du droit international : essai sur le renouvellement de la doctrine et de la pratique internationales / Post-Soviet Approaches to International Law Sous-titre : Essay on the Renewal of International Doctrine and Practice

Tkatova, Rima 28 September 2012 (has links)
Tous les etats issus du démembrement de l'urss ont dû résoudre, depuis 15 ans, une question fondamentale : celle de la définition et de l'affirmation de leur identité. ayant tous la même aspiration à la liberté, à l'autonomie productive, à l'ouverture au monde, ces pays ont commencé à réformer leurs systèmes juridiques, politiques et économiques. toutefois le droit international soviétique, spécifique, fermé dans son propre système et lié fortement à la politique extérieure de l'urss, continue à persister dans les etats post-soviétiques, malgré leur aspiration aux règles des sociétés occidentales juste après l'indépendance. ainsi, le renouvellement de la doctrine et de la pratique internationale des etats post-soviétiques se passe d'abord dans des conditions de permanence de la conception soviétique du droit international d'un côté et du désir de trouver sa place dans la communauté internationale de l'autre. cette rénovation ayant ses particularités dans chaque etat ex-soviétique, a affecté non seulement la formation de la pensée juridique et la pratique diplomatique de ces etats, mais aussi les rapports entre les droits internes et le droit international. c'est à l'époque de la fin de l'antagonisme des blocs qu'on observe l'intégration des etats issus de l'urss dans le monde de la nouvelle répartition des forces /... / International law is a « common language » but the vision of international law is far from being universal. It is a « multiplicity of particular national, regional, individual, institutional visions of international law. One can speak of the existence of regional American, Latin American, European, Asian, African approaches of law, but what about the geographical region of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? In the XXth century one spoke about the Soviet conception of international law, which was a complex phenomenon, having its roots in the Russian legal school, combining the multiculturalism of the Russian Empire and the Soviet state and causing the division of the world into two blocks : Western and Soviet. For over twenty years that the Soviet Union no longer exists and the former Soviet states became independent and sovereign actors in the international arena. Can we therefore speak today about the existence of national approaches to international law of each state of the former USSR ? The objective of this thesis is to present the current state of doctrine and practice of the post-Soviet international law, considering the renewal of approaches of foreign policies of the post-Soviet states, and doctrinal concepts of international legal scholars. Does the post-Soviet doctrine of international law exist ? The contemporary international law is faced with challenges such as regionalization, globalization and the establishment of the rule of law in international law. Faced with these challenges, the doctrine and practice post-Soviet international law have been renewed. What approaches the post-Soviet states adopt in response to the contemporary challenges of regionalization, globalization and the establishment of the rule of law in international law?

„Nichts ist verschwunden“ : Eine Analyse des Zusammenwirkens von Dokumentarischem und Literarischem in Martin Jankowskis Roman Rabet oder Das Verschwinden einer Himmelsrichtung / “Nothing has vanished” : An analysis of documentary and literary aspects in Martin Jankowski’s novel Rabet oder Das Verschwinden einer Himmelsrichtung

Rödholm Siegrist, Helena January 2021 (has links)
Diese Analyse von Martin Jankowskis Roman Rabet oder Das Verschwinden einer Himmelsrichtung untersucht die Konstruktion einer literarischen Fiktion, die durch die dokumentarische Schilderung der friedlichen Revolution in Leipzig 1989 einen korrigierenden Beitrag zum Erinnerungsdiskurs leistet. Im Aufsatz werden Themen beschrieben, die durch das Fiktive, Metaphorische und Dialogische der Romanerzählung für die Gegenwart relevant gemacht werden. Dazu wird die Anwendung von literarischen Stilmitteln wie Metaphern, Ironie, Verschweigen, intertextuellen Referenzen und Transformationen analysiert. Neben der Interpretation des fiktionalen Erzählens, werden im Roman hervorgehobene und angedeutete Vorkommnisse untersucht, die noch heute sowohl auf gesellschaftliche Prozesse als auch auf private Beziehungen einwirken. / This analysis of Martin Jankowski’s Rabet oder Das Verschwinden einer Himmelsrichtung explores the construction of a literary fiction, which consists of a documentary and corrective contribution to the remembrance discourse of the Peaceful Revolution in the German Democratic Republic in 1989. Along with a description of themes which gain relevance through the fictional, metaphorical and dialogical features of the narration, the study undertakes an analysis of stylistic devises such as metaphors, irony, concealment, intertextual references and transformations. Besides an interpretation of the literary narration, the study examines the novel’s emphasis on the influence of past events on contemporary society and private relationships.

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