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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Känsla, kropp och rum bland pilgrimsvandrare på 300-talet : En undersökning av praktisk kunskap i pilgrimstraditionen / Emotions, Body and Spatiality among Pilgrims in the 4th century : An examination of practical knowledge of the Pilgrim traditione

Kristina, Hellsten January 2023 (has links)
In this essay I want to see if using theories of practical knowledge can deepen the understanding of the tradition of Pilgrimage in the 4th century. I have selected three of the most known and well preserved travelogue texts: Egeria's travels, Jeromé s Epitaphium Paulae and Itinerarium Burdigalense. In this essay I will use the theories of practical knowledge to analyse expression of emotions, corporeality and spatiality. I will use a qualitative-inductive method and a hermeneutic method and also a comparative method to compare the expression.

Lärande av och genom forskning i lokala FoU projekt : Att skapa kunskap i samspel mellan forskning och praktik

Skarin, Maria January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is increased insight and understanding of how learning from research to practice is working theoretically and experienced by participants. Research questions are: 1. What does learning from research mean, from a theoretical perspective? 2. How is learning from research to develop practice experienced from a participant perspective? 3. How can learning from research at work be promoted and contribute to better understanding of interactions between research and practice in local research and development projects? A theoretical- analytical framework is developed. It is then used to understand and explain how learning from research is experienced by participants in local R & D projects. After data collection using semi structured interviews and a thematic analysis, new aspects are added to the framework in an abductive process. The results show that a rewarding interplay between research and practice is possible, but it needs more critical reflections and a developed understanding of different types of knowledge and their unique contributions to learning. An epistemological change is needed where practical knowledge and research is seen as equals is also important. Where researchers instead of being experts becomes co-creators of knowledge along with the practitioner, to solve common issues. / Målet med studien är ökad insikt och förståelse för hur lärande i samspel mellan forskning och praktik fungerar teoretiskt och upplevs ur ett deltagarperspektiv. Forskningsfrågor:  1. Vad innebär lärande av forskning för att utveckla praktiska arbetssätt, utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv? 2. Hur upplevs lärande av forskning för att utveckla nya arbetssätt, utifrån ett deltagarperspektiv? 3. Hur kan lärande av forskning på arbetsplatser främjas och bidra till en större förståelse för samspelet mellan forskning och praktik i lokala FoU projekt? Ett teoretisk-analytiskt ramverk utvecklas som svar på första frågan. Det används sedan för att förstå och förklara hur lärande av forskning upplevs ur ett deltagarperspektiv i lokala FoU projekt. Efter en datainsamling via semistrukturerade intervjuer och en tematisk analys adderas nya aspekter in i ramverket i en abduktiv process. Studien visar att ett givande utbyte mellan forskning och praktik kan ske, men att den kritiska reflektionen behöver förstärkas och en utvecklad insikt om vad olika kunskapsformer kan ge och deras unika bidrag till lärandet. En förändrad kunskapssyn är också viktig där forskning och praktisk kunskap anses lika värdefulla. Där forskaren istället för expert blir medskapare av kunskap ihop med praktiker för att lösa gemensamma problem.

Project Study Group: A Narrative Inquiry into how Individual Epistemological Beliefs and Teaching Practices are affected by Participation in a Study Group Implementing the Project Approach

Pistorova, Stacey L. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A framework for land information management in Ghana

Adiaba, Stanislaus Yaw January 2014 (has links)
Land information management in Ghana, as in many developing countries, remains a practice monopolised by public sector land administration agencies, which are known for being inefficient in delivering services that satisfy the needs of citizens. Under this monopolised regime, landed property related data gathering, processing through land registration, storage and dissemination of the information as final product for public use is entirely based on expert knowledge. Meanwhile, reliance on this kind of knowledge for land information management has continuously failed to promote smooth flow and a broad based access to reliable information for decision making by citizens. This failure has created a huge land information gap between market participants’ especially genuine and fraudulent landed property owners on one hand and potential buyers, lenders, and investors on the other hand. Thus, there is information asymmetry, which this study identifies as a major contributory factor to the challenges of uncertainties and high transaction costs that characterise dealings in urban real estate markets in Ghana. In order to verify how the information gap can be closed, this research adopts quantitative research methodology. The research mainly explores multinomial logistic regression model to test Economic Theory of Knowledge propounded by Hayek (1945) using Ghana as the context of study. Primary data was collected from potential land information suppliers within the private sector and existing users of land information as likely beneficiaries of an efficient land information management regime. Interrater agreement index and Pearson’s bivariate correlation analysis were used to analyse primary data gathered from users of land information in relation to land information needs and competition in land information harnessing. Following verification of the relationship between competition and economic knowledge, the key research finding is that there are two kinds of land information management knowledge and these are expert and entrepreneurial land information management knowledge. Thus, the research presents empirical evidence that out of four types of entrepreneurial knowledge verified, two types namely adaptive and cost-efficient knowledge are most likely to influence competition in land information supply. Also, competition is likely to deliver land information services that satisfy the needs of users of land information. Altogether, the research findings converge with the theory verified. The research outcome suggests that deregulation of state monopoly of land information harnessing for competition among private economic actors in Ghana is due. Removing this barrier is likely to promote dynamic competition in which licensed land information suppliers can use adaptive and cost efficient knowledge in gathering and disseminating land information at competitive prices. The study also provides evidence that all-in-one land information, which is broadly accessible at competitive prices is likely to be required to help address the problem of information asymmetry in the context of Ghana. For purposes of practice in the context of urban real estate markets in Ghana, a framework based on the research findings is developed and validated. The framework is proposed to inform policy decision on deregulation for competition in land information harnessing to enable the real estate sector function well. To kick start the process, deregulation in land data gathering and dissemination of land information is suggested.

Konstverket som essä och tänkandets praktiker

W., Helena Hildur January 2016 (has links)
This study sets out from an artistic workshop designed to investigate light, colour and spatiality. During the original event, a number of participants joined to collaborate by means of painting, dialogue and exercises in movement. From a presentation of the workshop (as determined in time and space), the text argues that the character of an artwork is essentially unfinished; an ongoing ”truth process”. Adopting lines of reasoning from philosophers Vilém Flusser and Theodor Adorno, I gain a first understanding of how the artwork could be reconstituted within the limits of a scientific essay. Once more turning to the workshop's course of events, I find experiences within the actual situation relating to abstract concepts such as ”spirit”, ”quality” and ”freedom”. Next, the text pays heed to Ludwig Wittgenstein's observation that human knowledge is gained and mediated by language-games of various kinds. The selected concepts are consequently tried out in expanded ”studio talks”, involving artists from different fields such as painter Matts Leiderstam, writer Robert Pirsig and sculptor Joseph Beuys. The operation allows me to single out some specific conditions pertaining to artistic dialogue, from which I seek transitions to philosophical discourse. The text briefly reviews three contemporary, art-based projects offering such discursive exchange: "haptiska blickar", "Thinking Through Painting" and "Freikörperkultur". Against this backdrop, I seek to articulate an understanding of knowledge-making which embraces artistically as well as philosophically grounded practises. I find support from philosophers John Dewey and Hans Larsson – Dewey characterizing the esthetic and intellectual faculties as complementary movements within the human mind, and Larsson propounding intuition as the unifying and superior form of thinking. Assenting to their views, I concludingly suggest methodical introspection as another field for discursive interchange between art and science. / Undersökningen tar sin början i en konstnärlig rumsgestaltning, vilken genomfördes i form av en workshop med flera deltagare. Workshopen innehöll flera olikartade metodiska element: måleri, rörelseövningar och samtal. Textens presentation av workshopen som en händelse, begränsad i tid och rum, följs av ett ställningstagande för det konstnärliga verkets karaktär av oavslutat ”sanningsskeende”. Med hjälp av filosoferna Vilém Flusser och Theodor Adorno inventeras förutsättningarna för ett återskapande av konstverket med den vetenskapliga essäns medel. Därefter återvänder jag till workshopen för att följa dess händelseförlopp, och finner då att erfarenheterna i situationen förbinder sig med abstrakta begrepp som ”ande”, ”kvalitet” och ”frihet”. I nästa övergång tar texten fasta på Ludwig Wittgensteins iakttagelse, att mänskligt kunskapande försiggår och förmedlas genom olika slags språkspel. De tre begreppen prövas därför först i ett utvidgat ”ateljésamtal”, vilket också inbegriper andra konstnärliga utövare – bland dem målaren Matts Leiderstam, författaren Robert Pirsig och skulptören Joseph Beuys. Texten belyser det konstnärliga samtalets särskilda förutsättningar, och söker härifrån öppningar mot filosofins samtal. I de samtida konstbaserade projekten "haptiska blickar", "Thinking Through Painting" och "Freikörperkultur" finner jag sådana dialoger mellan konstnärligt och filosofiskt grundade kunskapsformer. Mot bakgrund av dessa prövar jag – med stöd hos filosoferna John Dewey och Hans Larsson – att formulera en förståelse som omfattar helheten. Hos Dewey finner jag bilden av tänkandets skilda praktiker som komplementära riktningar i medvetandet. Därefter ansluter texten till Larssons syn på intuition som tänkandets fullbordan, och föreslår avslutningsvis metodisk introspektion som ännu ett möjligt fält för diskursiva utbyten mellan konst och vetenskap.

Teachers' Relational Practices and Professionality

Frelin, Anneli January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to deepen our understanding of teachers’ work and professionality, which involves not only their reasoning about what to teach and how to teach it, but also of what it is that makes education possible. This is accomplished by exploring a highly influential, if underestimated and under-researched, dimension of teacher practice and professionality: the relational dimension, involving the establishment and maintenance of educational relationships with and among students. In the imperatives and challenges of the 21st century the importance of highlighting the relational dimension seems to be a concern of increasing importance. Through interviews and observation that have generated the empirical material, the relational practices of eleven teachers are analyzed in accordance with a particular methodological scheme. Apart from providing a descriptive mapping of these practices, this study presents the practical arguments given by informants to substantiate their use. The numerous examples of relational practices and practical arguments that are herein provided serve to empirically confirm the pervasive relational character of a teacher’s work. What emerges is an understanding of an educational relationship, established and maintained by practices that seek genuine human contact with students, and that views relational attributes such as trust, social justice, benevolence, empathy and openness to the other as being of vital importance to the entirety of the educational process. In addition, the practices involving enacting educational communities among students, are shown to have significance for the educational process. What emerges as well is a conception of relational professionality as something that can be learned, meaning that teachers are made, not born. Moreover, “being professional” is here conceived, in pedagogical rather than sociological terms, as something that involves the quality of a teacher’s actions rather than the fact that s/he belongs to a particular profession. The findings of this study strongly suggest that relationships in schools often require conscious attention, rigorous work and delicate negotiations on the part of teachers in order to be (or become) educational. The process of education is sustained by an array of subtle relational conditions. The attempt of the teacher to deal with these conditions requires specific professional experience, understandings and practices.

Berättelsen om estetiska processer utanför konstens rum : Estetiska lärprocesser innom högre utbildning / The story of aesthetic processes outside the room of art. : Aesthetic learning processes in higher education

Roos, Jeanette January 2015 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna vetenskapliga essä undersöker estetiska lärprocesser med inriktning mot teater och drama inom högre utbildning ur ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv. Essän studerar i första hand hur konstnärliga och pedagogiska processer kan mötas i en akademisk kontext. Jag prövar att se teaterns gestaltande språk som möjlighet till reflektion utifrån olika perspektiv. Med exempel från min egen yrkespraktik som högskolelärare i estetiska lärprocesser skapar jag och undersöker begreppet praktiskt-estetisk-gestaltande analys, som jag kallar PEG-analys. I PEG-analysen framgår det att fysiska uttryck och begrepp konnoterar olika till olika personer vilket ger möjlighet till en fördjupad förståelse av kommunikationen i de situationer vi gestaltar. Jag kommer bl.a. fram till att det finns fem komponenter som samspelar när arbetet med estetiska lärprocesser fungerar tillfredställande i den akademiska kontexten. Essän lyfter också fram skillnaden mellan att arbeta med estetiska processer i ett konstnärligt rum och i ett akademiskt rum. / Abstract - The story of aesthetic processes outside the room of art. Aesthetic learning processes in higher education. This scientific essay explores aesthetic processes of learning with focus on theatre and drama within higher education from a phenomenological perspective. This paper is primary studying how artistic and pedagogical processes can meet in an academic context. I try to see the shaping and creative language of theatre as a possibility to reflection from different perspectives. I create and explore the concept practical-aesthetic- acting analysis with examples from my own practical experience as a university teacher of aesthetic processes of learning, which I call PEG-analysis. It appears in the PEG- analysis that physical expressions and concepts connote different to different people, this gives potential to a deeper understanding of communication in the situations we act out. I reach the conclusion that five components in interaction are needed for satisfying work with aesthetic processes of learning within the academic sphere. The essay also emphasizes the difference between working with aesthetic processes of learning within an artistic sphere and an academic sphere.

Är det ens möjligt? : En essä om lika villkor i förskolan.

Bjerstedt, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
This essay starts with a story about the children Anna and Martin. The story depicts how children can end up in different contexts and provide different conditions in the same preschool depending on what child perspective and ability to adhere to the individual child's needs as the work team and the leading preschool teacher. This difference is highlighted and discussed from an equality perspective that emerges in three research questions: How do the principal and preschoolers interpret the concept of equivalent conditions? How do the principal and the various preschool organizations work to create kindergartens that work for the best of the children and for equal conditions for the children? How do preschool teachers work with this issue in the business? A minor qualitative study has been conducted through interviews with a representative from the principal (municipality), a preschool manager, and two preschool teachers. The purpose has been to seek answers to these questions as well as to give a perspective on the story of Anna and Martin. After reflection and analysis of the informants' responses and by studying what current research says on the subject, it has been found that equivalent terms are a term that contains many factors. This includes skills, education, and financial resources. A key factor that clearly shows that children are offered equal terms is the ability of the teacher to apply practical knowledge. The pedagogue must be able to establish close relationships with the child and respond to the needs of the child. A skill that some have more of than others. However, the social debate and the informants answer that in the development work at preschools, this issue is not prioritized. Instead, the focus is on an increased requirement for learning goals in traditional subjects. The concept of conceptualization is lifted due to the increased demand for learning and the question of what knowledge is essential to lead a rich life. Can there be other values that are more important as the technology society offers tools that make some subjects unnecessary? An analysis based on Bronfenbrenner's ecological system theory shows that the debate about increased learning brings impact from social debate and trends to the activities where it meets the child. However, the impact is perceived to be greater from trend to government and from government to principal but weakened as it comes to preschools and educators in the business. A clearer goal picture and training and support efforts are demanded for both active educators and preschool leaders, but also a salutogenic approach, instead of focusing on shortcomings, building on what's positive and creating upward energy spirals. Networking and educational guidance are seen as effective tools for development processes and the focus should be on supporting the development of educators' relationship-building abilities as well as how the children's individual needs are met. / Denna essä tar sitt avstamp ur en berättelse som handlar om barnen Anna och Martin. Berättelsen skildrar hur barn kan hamna i olika sammanhang och ges olika förutsättningar inom samma förskola beroende på vilken barnsyn och förmåga till följsamhet till det enskilda barnets behov som arbetslaget och den ledande förskolläraren har. Denna skillnad lyfts och diskuteras ur ett likvärdighetsperpektiv som utmynnar i tre forskningsfrågor: Hur tolkar huvudmannen samt förskoleorganisationen begreppet likvärdiga villkor? Hur arbetar huvudmannen samt de olika förskoleorganisationerna för att skapa förskolor som arbetar för barns bästa och barns likvärdiga villkor? Hur arbetar förskollärarna med frågan i verksamheten? En mindre kvalitativ studie har utförts som med hjälp av att genomföra intervjuer med en representant från huvudmannen (kommunen), en förskolechef, samt två förskollärare. Syftet har varit att söka svar på frågorna samt att ge perspektiv på berättelsen om Anna och Martin. Efter reflektion och analys av informanternas svar samt genom att studera vad aktuell forskning säger i ämnet har det framkommit att likvärdiga villkor är ett begrepp som innehåller många faktorer. Det handlar bland annat om kompetens, utbildning, och ekonomiska resurser. En central faktor som tydligt framträder för att barnen skall erbjudas likvärdiga villkor är pedagogens förmåga till praktisk kunskap. Pedagogen måste vara kunnig i att upprätta nära relationer till barnet och svara upp till barnets behov. En egenskap som en del är mer kunniga i än andra. Dock visar samhällsdebatten och informanternas svar att i utvecklingsarbetet på förskolorna prioriteras inte denna fråga. Istället ligger fokus på ett utökat krav på lärandemål i traditionella skolämnen. Bildningsbegreppet lyfts med anledning av det ökade kravet på lärande och frågan om vilken kunskap som är väsentlig för ett rikt liv ställs. Kan det vara andra värden som är viktigare då tekniksamhället erbjuder hjälpmedel som gör vissa skolämnen överflödiga? En analys utifrån Bronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori visar att debatten om ökat lärande ger ringar på vattnet från samhällsdebatt och trend till verksamheten där det möter barnet. Dock uppfattas påverkan vara större från trend till regering och från regering till huvudman men försvagas då det kommer till förskoleledning och pedagogerna i verksamheten. En tydligare målbild och insatser för fortbildning och stöd efterfrågas för både verksamma pedagoger och förskolechefer, men också ett salutogent förhållningssätt, för att istället för att fokusera på tillkortakommanden, bygga på det som är positivt och skapa uppåtgående energispiraler. Nätverk och pedagogisk handledning ses som effektiva verktyg för utvecklingsprocesser och fokus bör ligga på att stödja en utveckling av pedagogers relationsskapande förmågor samt hur barnens individuella behov möts upp.

Konsten att undervisa i förskolan : En vetenskaplig essä om undervisning i förskolans kontext

Häggström, Therese January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about the teaching of preschool children. Teaching as a term is recently included in the preschool's curriculum and as it is a loaded concept in the preschool world, it affects the practice of preschool teachers. The purpose of this essay is to try to investigate what the concept of teaching means from the perspective of the preschool. My research questions are as follows: * What does teaching in preschool mean? * How is teaching done in practice at preschool? * What is good teaching and how is it created? To get answers to these questions, I have done participatory observations where I observed two experienced preschool teachers in their work with the children. This text is written in the form of an essay which is also seen as a research method. By starting from self-perceived situations that remain and gnaw at me, and reflect on these from different perspectives, I can develop my understanding and my practice when it comes to teaching in preschool. The essay discusses the introduction of the teaching concept into the world of preschool, which is considered problematic since the concept is often linked to the school's practice and to mediation education. Depending on how understanding of teaching as a concept is done, there are perceived differences affecting how the preschool teacher performs his or her teaching. The essay also discusses how different theories on homing processes and children's influence affect the teacher's teaching. It also appears that different teaching environments can be distinguished in preschool´s activities and these are created by the preschool teacher based on different theories of practice. The kind of teaching environment offered to children affects the cognitive content of the activity thus the quality of the teaching. Quality and measurability are also in the essay discussed in the context of preschool. One point of view that is highlighted is that the introduction of the concept of teaching and a more goal-oriented approach has to do with society's need for quality assurance. From a perspective of quality that is instead characterized by the ability to perform a good judgment, a more conscious understanding of teaching in the preschool becomes important. One of the conclusions is thus that the art of teaching in preschool has practical knowledge to do, which requires experience and ability to reflect in a thoughtful manner.


NATANAEL FREITAS CABRAL 21 May 2019 (has links)
[pt] Nessa pesquisa procurei investigar que saberes práticos um futuro professor de Matemática desenvolveu para sua formação profissional quando participou das atividades do Laboratório de Educação Matemática da Universidade da Amazônia (Lema/UNAMA). Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual identifiquei traços da aquisição de saberes práticos desse futuro professor quando ministrava aulas para alunos de escolas públicas, no campus da UNAMA, no contexto do Lema/UNAMA, e, sob minha orientação. Observei as aprendizagens voltadas para as formas de organização, de argumentação e de avaliação dos conteúdos trabalhados durante a condução dessas aulas as quais denominei de situações antecipadas de ensino - SAE. Todas as SAE foram registradas em vídeos que, uma vez transcritos, serviram de base para dirigir as reflexões durante as entrevistas subsequentes a cada aula. Em suma, os resultados mostraram quatro aprendizagens significativas nos saberes práticos do futuro professor, são eles: o rompimento com o discurso egocêntrico; a adoção do discurso descentradoconceitual; a valorização do conhecimento pedagógico-disciplinar; e a autonomia (moral e intelectual) mediada pela colaboração. / [en] In this research I intended to investigate which practical knowledge a future Mathematics teacher has developed while participating in the activities of the Mathematics Education Laboratory of the Universidade da Amazônia (Lema/UNAMA). In this case study, I identified the acquisition of some traces of practical knowledge by this future teacher while he was teaching Mathematics for public schools students at UNAMA campus, in the context of Lema/UNAMA, and, under my orientation. I observed the learning processes related to the forms of organization, argumentation and evaluation of the contents taught during classes, which I called anticipated teaching situations – SAE. All SAE were video recorded and transcribed in order to support reflections along subsequent interviews. In short, the results showed four significant learning processes related to the future teacher s practical knowledge: the rupture of the egocentric discourse; the adoption of the concept-decentralized discourse; the valorization of the pedagogical content knowledge; and the autonomy (moral and intellectual) mediated by collaboration.

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