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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure de capital, profitabilité et risques des banques islamiques / Capital structure, profitability and risks of Islamic banks

Toumi, Kaouther 08 December 2011 (has links)
L'objectif de notre thèse est d'étudier les différences qui existent entre les banques islamiques et les banques conventionnelles en termes de structure de capital, de profitabilité et de profil de risque. Les principes qui régissent un système financier islamique sont différents de l'esprit de la finance conventionnelle. Si en finance conventionnelle, la norme qui préside les décisions d'un agent économique est l'optimisation du couple rendement-risque, cette norme n'est pas l'unique ni le principal critère de décision dans l'univers de la finance islamique. L'interdiction des taux d'intérêt et l'exigence d'une certaine éthique dans les transactions financières islamiques (exigence de transparence, partage équitable des profits, interdiction de la spéculation et prise de risque excessive, etc.) représentent les principes fondamentaux de la finance islamique. Nous avons fait émerger un cadre conceptuel nous permettant de comprendre la structure de capital et la profitabilité des banques islamique islamiques grâce à une revue de littérature théorique et empirique. Les théories mobilisées sont liées, d'une part aux théories de structure de capital notamment la théorie de tarde off, la théorie de Pecking Order et la théorie d'agence, d'autres part les théories liées à la profitabilité, notamment les théories de marché et de portefeuille. Les modèles économétriques (la régression logistique binaire, l'analyse discriminante et les modèles de régression sur données de panel) montrent l'existence des différences au niveau de structure du capital et de profitabilité entre les banques islamiques et les banques conventionnelles. Ces différences sont expliquées par les déterminants classiques révélés par la littérature financière. En plus, elles sont déterminées par les caractéristiques propres aux banques islamiques. Notre thèse avait pour objectif également d'identifier un nouveau risque propre aux banques islamiques, le risque commercial déplacé. Ce risque résulte de la gestion des comptes de nature unique, les comptes d'investissement participatifs. Il se manifeste lorsqu'une banque islamique n'assure pas une rentabilité suffisante aux détenteurs de ces comptes. Le modèle interne que nous avons proposé pour la quantification de ce risque, est basé sur la mesure VaR. Il repose sur les pratiques de la banque islamique en termes de rétention de réserves et de partage de profits avec les titulaires des comptes d'investissement. Notre modèle représente une alternatif à la mesure du risque commercial déplacé, à caractère arbitraire et forfaitaire proposé par l'IFSB (2005). / The objective of this thesis is to study differences between Islamic and conventional banks. The principles governing an islamic financial system are different from the spirit of conventional finance. If in conventional finance, the standard that preside decisions is the optimization of the risk-return couple, this standard is neither the only nor the main decision criterion in the world of Islamic finance. The fundamental principles of Islamic finance are the prohibition of interest and the requirement of a certain ethic (transparency, fair distribution of profits, prohibition of speculation and excessive risk taking, etc.) in financial transactions. These features impact significantly the capital structure, profitability and risk profile of Islamic banks. We made the emergence of a conceptual framework that allows us to understand the capital structure and profitability of Islamic banks, with a review of theoretical and empirical literature. Theories mobilized are related, first to the theories of capital structure including the theory of trade off, the Pecking Order theory and agency theory, and second on the other theories related to profitability, including the theories of market portofolio. Econometric models (binary logistic regression, discriminant analysis and multiple linear regression) show that there are differences in capital structure and profitability between Islamic banks and conventional. These differences are explained by traditional determinants of capital structure and profitability. In addition, they are explained by the specific characteristics of Islamic banks such as the new agency relationships that are created in an Islamic bank. Islamic banks are exposed to displaced commercial risk, a specific risk in these institutions. This risk results from the Profit sharing investment accounts PSIA and occurs when Islamic bank does not provide sufficient returns to PSIA holders. The internal model proposed to quantify this risk is based on the VaR measure. The proposed measure of risk depends on the practices of Islamic banking in terms of retention of reserves and profit sharing with PSIA holders.

Le canal du capital bancaire, voie de transmission des chocs réels et financiers / The bank capital cannel, route of eal and financial shocks transmission

Nzengue Pegnet, Christian 18 June 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la transmission des chocs réels et financiers en Europe, en traitant le canal du capital bancaire. La démarche suivie consiste à combiner des approches théoriques et empiriques de façon à mettre en évidence empiriquement l'hétérogénéité de transmission au niveau européen et l'ampleur du canal du capital bancaire. Le premier chapitre consiste à faire un tour d’horizon sur les fonds propres et la structure financière des banques, tout en analysant leur impact au niveau micro et macroéconomique. D'après l’analyse de la littérature relative à ce champ, le processus de transmission semble bien influencé par la spécificité des banques et leur niveau de fonds propres réglementaires. La contrainte exercée sur ces derniers détermine l’ampleur de la transmission des chocs. Le deuxième chapitre est consacré à l'étude des déterminants de la réaction des banques face à un choc. D'après les résultats, le niveau ex ante des fonds propres mais également les différentes composantes du capital réglementaire influencent la réaction des banques. Le troisième chapitre analyse les effets de Bâle I et II sur le mécanisme de transmission des chocs à partir d’un modèle d’équilibre général. Les résultats des simulations montrent que la prise en compte simultanée d’un canal du capital bancaire et d’un mécanisme d’accélérateur financier amplifie la propagation des chocs monétaires à travers un effet prime de liquidité. Le dernier chapitre est consacré à examiner un aspect particulier de la réglementation prudentielle : la résolution des défaillances des institutions financières. L’accent est mis sur les banques d’importance systémique. L’analyse des politiques de résolution adoptées montre que ces dernières ne permettent pas de réduire le risque moral. Aussi, pour prévenir de leur défaut, des règles de fermeture sont mises en place. À cette fin, une modélisation théorique conduit à conclure que des sanctions monétaires, couplées à une surveillance accrue peuvent limiter les incitations des banques à prendre des risques excessifs. Cette présente thèse a apporté de nouveaux résultats par rapport à la littérature et elle a montré le rôle à court et long terme des différents éléments de la structure du bilan des banques résultant de l'estimation du modèle VECM. / In this thesis, we study the transmission of real and financial shocks in Europe focusing on the bank capital channel. In our approach, we consider both theoretical and empirical issues. The ai mis to empirically emphasize the heteregeneity in the transmission of shocks at a European level and the extent of the bank capital channel. In Chapter 1, we do a survey on the structure of bank capital and balance sheet to analyse their impact at micro and macro levels. Considering the existing literature on bank capital and transmission channel, the transmission process seems to be influenced by banks’ specificities and by their level of regulatory capital. Regulatory constraint on bank capital determines the magnitude of the transmission of shocks. In Chapter 2, we study the determinants of banks’ reaction to a shock. Or results show that, the ex ante level of capital and the various components of regulatory capital significantly impact banks’ behaviour. In Chapter 3, we focus on the impact of Basel I and II regulatory frameworks on the transmission of shocks from a general equilibrium model. The simulation results point out that considering simultaneously the bank capital channel and the financial accelerator mechanism increases the propagation of monetary shocks through the liquidity premium effect. In Chapter 4, we examine a singular aspect of the prudential regulation : the resolution of failing financial institutions. We focus on the systemic importance banks. Current policy statements have not reduced moral hazard behaviour of such financial institutions. Thus, to prevent the catastrophic consequences of their failure, bankruptcy laws have been adopted. Considering a theoretical model, we conclude that monetary sanctions, strengthen by stronger monitoring pressures may limit banks’ incentives to take excessive risks. This thesis provides new results to the existing literature. It emphasizes the role of the several components of bank balance sheet structure in both short and long runs, resulting from an estimated VECM.

Conditions d'ouverture du secteur financier, déréglementation et risque pour le secteur bancaire : cas des pays en développement / Conditions of openness of financial sector, deregulation and banking sector risk : the case of Developing countries

Boukef Jlassi, Nabila 20 March 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies, le monde a vécu des épisodes de forte instabilité financière globale, allantde pair avec un mouvement important de capitaux internationaux. Ce paradoxe remet en question lebien-fondé d’une politique de libéralisation financière internationale et soulève de nombreusescontroverses dont l’issue est à ce jour ambigu. L'objectif de cette thèse est d’apporter une contributionà ce débat actuel. Notre démarche s'articule autour de trois grandes parties. D'abord, nous analysonsl'impact de la globalisation financière sur la croissance économique dans les pays en développement(PED). Ensuite, dans la deuxième partie, nous étudions le rôle que pourrait jouer la libre circulationdes capitaux internationaux comme un déterminant du déclenchement des crises bancaires dans lesPED. Ceci nous amène dans la troisième partie à analyser les réformes réglementaires proposéespour pallier à ce risque de crises bancaires et tirer profit de la globalisation financière (GF).Les principaux résultats de la thèse peuvent être résumés comme suit : (1) La GF agit positivementsur la croissance économique et la stabilité du secteur bancaire, ces effets étant conditionnés par lanature des flux de capitaux échangés. (2) Les pays en développement peuvent bénéficier de lalibéralisation des mouvements de capitaux s’ils ont atteint un certain seuil de développementinstitutionnel. (3) Le contrôle des capitaux permet aux pays en développement d’assurer un niveau destabilité financière soutenu. Les implications de politiques économiques sont : (a) Les PED ont intérêtà améliorer leurs cadres institutionnels pour tirer profit de la globalisation financière. (b) Les pays endéveloppement doivent renforcer leur cadre règlementaire et mettre en place une politique de contrôledes capitaux qui ciblerait ceux à l’origine de l’instabilité économique et financière. (c) Un tel contrôlene doit pas se faire seulement sur les engagements envers l’étranger mais aussi sur les avoirs. / Over the last few decades, the world has experienced episodes of global financial instability combinedwith significant shifts of international capital movements. This paradox questions the merits of theinternational financial liberalization and raises many controversies whose outcome is inconclusive todate. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to this current debate. The approach is structured aroundthree main parts. First, the impact of the financial globalization (FG) on the economic growth isanalyzed for developing countries. Then, in the second part, we examine the potential role of freemovement of international capital as a major factor responsible for the onset of banking crisis indeveloping countries. This analysis leads us to the third part in which we analyze the regulatoryreforms, proposed to mitigate the risk of banking crisis and to benefit from financial globalization.The main outcomes are summarized as follows: (1)The financial globalization acts positively oneconomic growth and the stability of the banking sector. Furthermore, these effects are conditioned bythe nature of capital flows. (2) The developing countries can benefit from the liberalization ofinternational capital flows, if they have reached a certain threshold level of institutional development.(3) The capital controls allow the developing countries to ensure a sustainable level of financialstability. The economic policy implications are: (a) The developing countries may find it beneficial todevelop their institutional framework to benefit from financial liberalization. (b) the developing countriesmust strengthen their regulatory framework and set up a capital control policy that will target theorigins of economic and financial instability. (c) Such a control should not only be exercised on foreignliabilities but also on domestic assets.

Solidité et pérennité des banques de l'Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA)

Ndiaye, Malick Paul 17 April 2015 (has links)
Ces dernières décennies ont été marquées par une succession de crises financières qui trouvent principalement leur origine ou ont été amplifiées par les systèmes bancaires. L'importance du secteur bancaire dans tout processus de développement économique a fait que les crises se sont considérablement ressenties dans la sphère réelle. Le rebondissement et l'extension des crises ont ravivé le débat sur la solidité et la pérennité des banques. Afin d'améliorer la stabilité du système bancaire international et de supprimer les distorsions de concurrence entre pays, le Comité de Bâle sur le Contrôle Bancaire a formulé en 1988 un ensemble de règles prudentielles. La réglementation du capital bancaire est au coeur du dispositif réglementaire. La Commission Bancaire de l' UEMOA s'en est inspirée dans l'élaboration d'un certain nombre de règlements définissant les principales normes minimales de solvabilité, de liquidité et de gestion. L'objet de cette thèse est une réflexion sur les modalités de la solidité et de la pérennité des systèmes bancaires dans les pays de la zone UEMOA. La thèse soulève ainsi plusieurs questions : comment prévenir le risque de défaillance des banques de l' UEMOA à travers un contrôle des variables de structure ? Quels sont les facteurs explicatifs de la rentabilité des banques de la zone UEMOA ? Le CAMEL peut-il être considéré comme un bon système d'alerte précoce des difficultés bancaire dans la zone ? Quel est le niveau d'efficacité des banques de l' UEMOA ? Chaque question fait l'objet d'un essai dans la thèse.Dans le premier essai, le z-score de ROY (1952) est utilisé comme indicateur du risque de défaillance bancaire, et la Méthode des Moments Généralisés comme méthode d'estimation. Dans le deuxième essai, les marges d'intermédiation sont considérées comme proxy de la rentabilité bancaire. Chaque pays ayant ses propres spécificités une estimation sur données de panel à effets spécifiques individuels est adoptée. Dans le troisième essai, un modèle dichotomique qui fait la distinction entre banques en bonne santé et banques probablement fragiles est utilisé et une forme fonctionnelle logistique. Dans le dernier essai, l'approche paramétrique des frontières stochastiques avec une spécification translogarithmique est utilisée pour estimer la fonction de coût total des banques et pour déterminer les scores d'efficacité des banques. / Recent decades have been marked by a succession of financial crisis which are mainly caused or deepen by the banking system. Banking has such an impact on economic growth process that crisis have had direct drawbacks on real life. The length and extent of crisis have raised the debate about the reliability and sustainability of banking. To improve the stability of the internationalbanking system and to put an end to unfair competition between countries, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision in 1988 made a set of prudential rules. The regulation of bank capital is at the center of the regulatory system. The WAMU Banking Commission has drawn inspiration in the development of a number of regulations defining the key minimum standards solvency, liquidity and management.This thesis is a reflection on the terms of the strength and sustainability of the banking systems in countries of the WAEMU zone. The thesis thus raises several questions : how to prevent the risk of failure-bankrupcy- of WAEMU banks through a control of structural factors ? What are the factors explaining the profitability of banks in the WAEMU zone ? Can the CAMELS be considered as a reliable warning system of banking problems in the area ?What is the degree of efficiency of WAEMU banks ? Each raised question consist an essay in the thesis.First, the z-score of ROY (1952) is used as an indicator of the risk of bank failure and the Generalized Method of Moments as estimation tool. Second, intermediation margins are taken as proxy of bank profitability. Known that each country has its own features, estimate panel data to specific individual effects is adopted. Third, a dichotomous model that distinguishes healthybanks from probably weak banks is used. To finish, the parametric approach of stochastic frontiers with translogarithmique arrangement is used to deduct the total cost function of banks and to determine the efficiency of bank scores.

Regulamentação prudencial e estabilidade do sistema financeiro

Chianamea, Dante Ricardo 11 November 2004 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Alejandra Caporale Madi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T01:32:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Chianamea_DanteRicardo_M.pdf: 425425 bytes, checksum: 961e738189ae343b617ae6ea57b6235c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2004 / Resumo: : De acordo com a teoria econômica que se utiliza, os ciclos econômicos previstos assumem características diferentes: alguns supõem que exista uma regularidade, previsível por modelos estocásticos, em torno do custo de obtenção dos ativos reais; outros admitem desvios temporários, que podem ser previstos dentro de um prazo mais longo, entre o valor atribuído aos ativos e o valor real deles; e há um terceiro tipo que abrange as mudanças permanentes, que nem sempre podem ser previstas, de valor atribuído aos ativos. A eficácia da regulação prudencial, no sentido de manter o sistema financeiro saudável, depende do modelo de ciclo econômico considerado na sua elaboração, na medida em que estes afetam os valores dos ativos que compõem os balanços e os passivos contingentes das instituições financeiras. Este trabalho trata da evolução que o Acordo da Basiléia II e os novos modelos de risco a ele associados representam em relação ao primeiro Acordo, bem como das limitações que continuam pendentes / Abstract: Accordingly with economic theory employed, foreseeing economic cycles acquires proper characteristics: some suppose a pre-existing regularity, which is foreseeable by stochastic models on real business supply costs; other ones include temporary deviations from market to real values during the cycle time period but real values are detectable if we work in a longer time horizon; a third model has also considered permanent changes in market attributed values although they are not always predictable. The prudential regulation effectiveness - in the sense of reaching a soundness financial system ¿ depends on economic cycle model used in its development because of their influence in banks¿ balance asset values and contingent liabilities. This work is about Basel II Accord and new risk models evolution relative to the first Basel Accord and its models as well as their boundaries / Mestrado / Politica Economica / Mestre em Ciências Econômicas

Análise jurídica das medidas prudenciais preventivas no âmbito do sistema financeiro nacional

Sarai, Leandro 14 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:34:09Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2014-02-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The actual stage of capitalism is characterized by financialization of economy. This fact associated to the importance which financial institutions already had in the financial system strengthens their relevance at the same time that attract a lot of issues about the appropriated treatment they have receipt in order to continue in a normal operation and, in the eventual and natural crisis, the manner to reduce its negative effects and to contain the contagion. The universal character of the financial activity struggles with the local nature of sovereignty, which controls money and the operations of the institution in its territory. An international consensus leads to a pursuit for convergence in financial regulation, in order to avoid regulatory arbitrage and competitive problems, what is shown manly through the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision recommendations. Among these recommendations, there are the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision, which, in its turn, supports the need of flexible and quick instruments to supervisors adopt prompt measures to maintain the institution of the financial system operating in a prudential manner at the same time that these measures intend to avoid situation in what a special regime be the only alternative, with the problems associated with it. These are the preventive prudential measures, which will be analyzed in this dissertation, according to Brazilian law. / A fase presente do capitalismo é caracterizada pela financeirização da economia. Esse fato somado à importância que as instituições financeiras já possuíam no sistema financeiro reforça sua relevância ao mesmo tempo em que atrai uma série de preocupações com o tratamento apropriado que devem receber para que se mantenham em adequado funcionamento e para que, nas eventuais e naturais crises, sejam minoradas as consequências danosas e contidos o efeito de contágio. O caráter universal da atividade financeira se choca com a natureza local da soberania que controla em seu limitado território a moeda e o funcionamento das instituições. Um consenso internacional surge para buscar uma convergência na regulação dessa atividade, de modo a evitar arbitragem regulatória e problemas concorrenciais, o que se vê principalmente pelas recomendações oriundas do Comitê de Basileia de Supervisão Bancária. Entre essas recomendações, encontram-se os Princípios Básicos para uma Supervisão Bancária Eficaz, que, por sua vez, pregam a necessidade de instrumentos flexíveis e ágeis para as autoridades supervisoras adotarem prontas medidas para que as instituições do sistema financeiro se mantenham dentro dos limites prudenciais, com o intuito de evitar situações em que a decretação de um regime especial seja a única alternativa, com os males que lhe são inerentes. Essas são as medidas prudenciais preventivas, cuja análise, sob o ponto de vista jurídico, será realizada no presente trabalho.

La liberté contractuelle du banquier : réflexions sur la sécurité du système financier / The contractual freedom of the banker : reflections on the safety of financial system

Maymont, Anthony 17 December 2013 (has links)
La liberté contractuelle du banquier est une liberté parmi d’autres. Cependant, elle est la plus sensible dans lamesure où elle peut avoir des répercussions sur son activité. A priori sans limites aujourd’hui, cette liberté auraitmême des conséquences indéniables sur la sécurité du système financier en facilitant le phénomène des« bulles ». Le contrat, situé au coeur de l’activité bancaire et financière, serait ainsi la cause de cette réalité. Leschocs récents, telles les crises financières, imposent l´examen détaillé des opérations bancaires nationales maisaussi internationales, notamment celles les plus dangereuses. Encore méconnue, la mesure de la libertécontractuelle du banquier s’avère nécessaire pour en proposer une relecture. L’objectif n’est donc pas d’excluretoute liberté au banquier mais de définir le degré de liberté contractuelle à lui accorder pour chaque opération.L´idée étant de lui octroyer un niveau satisfaisant de liberté tout en assurant la sécurité du système financier.L’enjeu repose finalement sur la conciliation de l’impératif contractuel, résultant de la liberté contractuelle dubanquier, avec l’impératif de sécurité du système financier, nécessaire à la pérennité des banques et del’économie mondiale. / The contractual freedom of the banker is a freedom among the others. However, it is the most sensitive in so faras it can affect on his activity. Apparently unlimited today, this freedom would have even undeniableconsequences on the safety of the financial system by facilitating the phenomenon of “speculative bubbles”. Thecontract, situated in the heart of the banking and financial activity, would be thus the cause of this reality. Therecent shocks, such as financial crises, require the detailed examination of the national but also internationalbank transactions, especially the most dangerous. Still ignored, the measurement of the contractual freedom ofthe banker proves to be necessary to propose a review. The aim is not thus to rule any banker’s freedom out butto define the degree of contractual freedom to grant to him for each transaction. The idea being to grant him asatisfactory level of freedom while ensuring the safety of financial system. The stake rests finally on theconciliation of the contractual requirement, resulting from the contractual freedom of the banker, with the safetyrequirement of the financial system, necessary for the sustainability of banks and worldwide economy.

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LLD

Legal and regulatory aspects of mobile financial services

Perlman, Leon Joseph 11 1900 (has links)
The thesis deals with the emergence of bank and non-bank entities that provide a range of unique transaction-based payment services broadly called Mobile Financial Services (MFS) to unbanked, underserved and underbanked persons via mobile phones. Models of MFS from Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), banks, combinations of MNOs and banks, and independent Mobile Financial Services Providers are covered. Provision by non-banks of ‘bank-type’ services via mobile phones has been termed ‘transformational banking’ versus the ‘additive banking’ services from banks. All involve the concept of ‘branchless banking’ whereby ‘cash-in/cash out’ services are provided through ‘agents.’ Funds for MFS payments may available through a Stored Value Product (SVP), particularly through a Stored Value Account SVP variant offered by MNOs where value is stored as a redeemable fiat- or mobile ‘airtime’-based Store of Value. The competitive, legal, technical and regulatory nature of non-bank versus bank MFS models is discussed, in particular the impact of banking, payments, money laundering, telecommunications, e-commerce and consumer protection laws. Whether funding mechanisms for SVPs may amount to deposit-taking such that entities could be engaged in the ‘business of banking’ is discussed. The continued use of ‘deposit’ as the traditional trigger for the ‘business of banking’ is investigated, alongside whether transaction and paymentcentric MFS rises to the ‘business of banking.’ An extensive evaluation of ‘money’ based on the Orthodox and Claim School economic theories is undertaken in relation to SVPs used in MFS, their legal associations and import, and whether they may be deemed ‘money’ in law. Consumer protection for MFS and payments generally through current statute, contract, and payment law and common law condictiones are found to be wanting. Possible regulatory arbitrage in relation to MFS in South African law is discussed. The legal and regulatory regimes in the European Union, Kenya and the United States of America are compared with South Africa. The need for a coordinated payments-specific law that has consumer protections, enables proportional risk-based licensing of new non-bank providers of MFS, and allows for a regulator for retail payments is recommended. The use of trust companies and trust accounts is recommended for protection of user funds. | vi / Public, Constitutional and International Law / LL. D.

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