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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrerat brounderhåll

Aronsson, Linus January 2013 (has links)
Trafikverket ansvarar för det statliga vägnätet i Sverige. Vägnätet består av cirka 15 500 broar som ständigt utsätts för olika former av nedbrytning. Broarna behöver därför underhållas med jämna mellanrum både för att hålla broarna i ett bra skick och för att motverka att nedbrytningen påskyndas. Under de senare åren har Trafikverket utformat en ny upphandlingsmetod av brounderhåll. Den går ut på att allt brounderhåll för en region paketeras, i ett s.k. brounderhållspaket, som en entreprenör sköter i en femårig period. I brounderhållspaketen ingår förebyggande underhåll, avhjälpande underhåll och akut underhåll. Syftet med det här arbetet är att följa upp den nya formen att upphandla brounderhåll i paket. Målet är att tydliggöra vilka vinster, eller förluster, som gjorts i effektivitet i hela kedjan sedan införandet av brounderhåll i paket.   De metoder som använts vid skapandet av examensarbetet är litteraturstudier, möten och intervjuer samt analyser, beräkningar och jämförelser. Resultatet visar hur beställare, entreprenör och konsult arbetar i brounderhållspaket och vad som har förändrats jämfört med hur de arbetade med brounderhåll tidigare. De största effektivitetsvinsterna är administrativa. Genom att brounderhållspaketen är en totalentreprenad läggs mycket av ansvaret över från beställaren till entreprenören och därmed får beställaren tid till andra arbetsuppgifter. Eftersom brounderhållet numera ligger i eget kontrakt som löper under en längre tid får beställaren också en kunnig entreprenör till arbetet vilket minskar antalet grundläggande frågor och frigör tid. Entreprenören får mer frihet när arbetena skall utföras och samtidigt mer tid till att planera underhållsarbetet. Genom en tät kommunikation mellan beställare och entreprenör blir beslutsvägarna kortare vilket effektiviserar hela kedjan. Skaraborgspaketet var ett av de första brounderhållspaketen och det skiljer sig mycket från de senare underhållspaketen. Den största förändringen ligger i förfrågningsunderlagen. Skaraborgspaketet utgick från en fiktiv bro medan förfrågningsunderlagen i de nyare paketen behandlar verkliga åtgärder som entreprenören kommer att utföra under den kontrakterade tiden. / Trafikverket is responsible for the public traffic network in Sweden. The traffic network contains around 15 500 bridges that constantly are exposed of different kinds of degradation. The bridges must therefore be maintained at regular intervals both to keep bridges in good condition and to prevent the degradation accelerated. During the last years Trafikverket has developed a new procurement method of bridge maintenance. The method involves that all bridges maintenance of a region is being bundled to one contract that an entrepreneur handles for five years, a socalled bridge maintenance package. A bridge maintenance package exists of preventive maintenance, remedial maintenance and emergency maintenance. The purpose of this paper is to follow up the new form to procure bridge maintenance in package. The goal is to clarify the gains or losses made in efficiency since the introduction of bridge maintenance in package. Methods used in the creating of this thesis are literary studies, meetings and interviews along with analysis, calculations and comparisons. The result lays the foundation for the client, contractor and consultant working in the bridge maintenance package and further what has changed from the way they were working on bridge maintenance earlier. The largest efficiency gains are administrative. Because a bridge maintenance package is a turnkey contract the majority of responsibility is put on the contractor, instead of the client, which gives the client time for other tasks. Nowadays the bridge maintenance is in a separate contract which lasts for a longer time which gives the client a more qualified contractor for that kind of work which is reducing the number of fundamental questions and gives the client extra time. The contractor will get more operating freedom and at the same time more time to plan maintenance work. Through frequent communication between client and contractor decision-making paths becomes shorter which gives more efficiency throughout the entire process. The package in the region Skaraborg was one of the first bridge maintenance packages and it differs a lot from later maintenance packages. The biggest difference is in the contract documents. The package in Skaraborg was based on a fictional bridge while the more recent maintenance packages documents addresses the real action which the contractor will perform during the contracted period.

Get mad, stay mad : exploring stakeholder mobilization in the instance of corporate fraud and Ponzi schemes

McCormick, Cameron Anthony January 2011 (has links)
Using a multi-case study, three Ponzi schemes were investigated: Road2Gold, Bernie Madoff’s empire, and the Earl Jones affair. This grounded study used an inductive bottom-up methodology to observe and describe stakeholder mobilization in reaction to corporate fraud. This research on stakeholder behaviour in Ponzi schemes articulates new theory for describing stakeholder behaviour and possible determinants for successful mobilization to action. The data presented here point to a useful distinction in the stakeholders in a corporate fraud: reluctant and engaged stakeholders. Reluctant stakeholders seek only interest-based ends, whereas engaged stakeholders have additional identity and ideological goals shared by a mobilized group. / viii, 85 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm

Couplage entre introduction et réparation des cassures double brin pendant les réarrangements programmés du génome de Paramecium tetraurelia

Marmignon, Antoine 27 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
L'élimination programmée d'ADN spécifique de la lignée germinale pour former un nouveau noyau somatique a été décrite chez les eucaryotes. Ces réarrangements sont initiés par l'introduction de cassures double brin (CDB) de l'ADN et la préservation de l'intégrité du génome requiert une réparation efficace. Chez Paramecium tetraurelia, le génome est largement réarrangé pendant le développement du nouveau noyau somatique, après l'introduction de milliers de cassures double brin programmées par la transposase domestiquée PiggyMac (Pgm)Ces réarrangements consistent en l'excision précise de dizaines de milliers de séquences uniques et non codantes (IES) qui interrompent 47% des gènes dans la lignée germinale ; et l'élimination hétérogène de séquences répétées qui mène à des délétions internes de taille variable ou à la fragmentation des chromosomes avec addition de télomères aux extrémités.L'implication de la voie du Non Homologous End Joining (NHEJ) dans l'excision précise des IES a été prouvée. Dans des cellules déplétées de Ligase IV ou XRCC4, les cassures aux bornes des IES sont introduites normalement mais il n'y a pas de jonctions d'excision formées et les extrémités cassées s'accumulent sans être dégradées. Mais la voie de réparation impliquée dans les réarrangements imprécis est encore inconnue. L'hypothèse d'une réparation par la voie NHEJ alternative (alt-NHEJ), indépendante de Ku et impliquant la résection des extrémités et l'utilisation de microhomologie, a été émise. C'est pourquoi pendant ma thèse je me suis intéressé à ma thèse au rôle des protéines Ku.Deux gènes KU70 et trois gènes KU80 ont été identifiés dans le génome de la paramécie. KU70a et KU80c sont spécifiquement induits pendant les réarrangements programmés du génome et les protéines localisent dans les noyaux somatiques en développement. Des expériences d'extinction de ces gènes par ARN interférence ont prouvé que ces gènes étaient indispensables. Au niveau moléculaire, l'ADN non réarrangé est amplifié dans les cellules déplétées de Ku. De plus, les cassures double brin programmées ne sont pas introduites aux bornes des IES.Mes résultats suggèrent que Ku fait partie d'un complexe de pré-excision, avec la transposase domestiquée Pgm, et est nécessaire pour l'introduction des cassures double brin programmées pendant les réarrangements programmés du génome.

FACT, réparation par excision de bases et fixation du facteur de transcription NF-kB sur la chromatine

Charles richard, John lalith 26 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
FACT est une protéine clé, qui joue de multiples rôles, y compris dans la transcription et la réparation de l'ADN endommagé. Néanmoins, comment FACT participe à la réparation et à la transcription de la chromatine n'est pas élucidé. Dans ce travail nous avons tout d'abord étudié le rôle de FACT dans le processus de réparation par excision de base (BER). Nous avons utilisé des nucléosomes reconstitués avec de l'ADN à uracile incorporé au hasard. Nous avons trouvé que l'enzyme UDG est capable d'enlever les uraciles localisés du côté de la solution et pas les uraciles se trouvant en face de l'octamère d'histone. La présence simultanée de FACT et de RSC (facteur de remodelage de la chromatine, impliqué dans la réparation) permet un enlèvement efficace des uraciles localisés du côté de l'octamère d'histone par l'UDG. De plus, l'action concertée de FACT et RSC contribue à l'enlèvement de la lésion oxidative 8-oxoG, autrement inaccessible, de la matrice nucléosomale par l'enzyme OGG1. Ce résultat est obtenu grâce à une activité " co-remodelatrice " de la protéine FACT. Dans ce travail nous décrivons pour la première fois cette nouvelle propriété de FACT et nous montrons par une série d'expériences biochimiques que FACT est capable de stimuler l'activité de remodelage du RSC. Nos expériences montrent que la présence de FACT augmente l'efficacité de RSC à transformer l'énergie libérée par l'hydrolyse de l'ATP en travail " mécanique ". Les données obtenues suggèrent une nature stochastique du BER in vivo, FACT étant un facteur clé dans le processus de réparation. Nous avons également investigué l'implication de l'activité co-remodelatrice de FACT dans la fixation de NF-kB aux matrices nucléosomales. La production de nucléosomes remodelés, mais non - mobilisés (remosomes) n'est pas suffisante pour promouvoir la fixation de NF-kB. Pourtant, la mobilisation des nucléosomes par l'intermédiaire de RSC permet une interaction efficace entre NF-kB et l'ADN nucléosomal. Toutes ces données sont essentielles pour le décryptage du mécanisme moléculaire par lequel FACT agit dans le BER et dans la transcription médiée par NF-kB.

Det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet : Skattemässigt ofördelaktigt att vidta flertalet åtgärder vid ett tillfälle? / The extended concept of repairs : Unfavorable in tax terms to perform multiple alterations at one time?

Andersson, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
Utgifter för vissa ändringsarbeten på näringsfastigheter medför direktavdrag då de genom det så kallade utvidgade reparationsbegreppet i 19 kap. 2 § 2 st. Inkomstskattelagen klassificeras som reparation och underhåll. För att falla in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet får åtgärderna inte medföra en väsentlig förändring av fastigheten. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen har i mål 2012 ref. 15 avgjort det enda målet i högsta instans rörande det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet sedan begreppet ändrades genom en lagändring 2000. Utmärkande för målet är att ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag vidtog ett stort antal åtgärder på fastigheten vid ett och samma tillfälle. Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen ansåg att omfattningen av åtgärderna gjorde att de inte föll in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet. Fastighetsägare kan av olika skäl välja att vidta ett flertal åtgärder på sin fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle. Eftersom åtgärderna då kan förefalla att vara väsentliga på grund av dess omfattning, finns en risk att ändringar som egentligen är en anhopning av ändringsarbeten som faller in under det utvidgade reparationsbegreppet istället anses innebära en väsentlig förändring av byggnaden. I denna uppsats har författaren med utgångspunkt i HFD 2012 ref. 15 och underinstanspraxis undersökt huruvida ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag som vidtar ett flertal åtgärder på en fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle försätts i en skattemässigt sämre situation än en fastighetsägare som väljer att sprida ut åtgärderna över tiden. Författaren anser att slutsatsen torde kunna dras att ett fastighetsförvaltande bolag som väljer att vidta ett flertal åtgärder på en fastighet vid ett och samma tillfälle försätts i en skattemässigt sämre situation än en fastighetsägare som väljer att sprida ut åtgärderna över tiden. / Expenses for certain alterations of commercial real estate qualify for direct tax deduction, as they are seen as repairs and maintenance through the extended concept of repairs in ch. 19 sec. 2 para. 2 of the Swedish Income Tax Act. To fall within the concept, the alterations must not result in a substantial change of the property. The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court has in the case HFD 2012 ref. 15 given the only ruling in the highest instance regarding the extended concept of repairs since the concept was changed through an amendment of the law in 2000. Distinguishing for the case is that it concerned a real estate management company that made several alterations on its estate at one time. The Supreme Administrative Court ruled that the width of the alterations did that they fell outside of the extended concept of repairs. Commercial real estate owners can for different reasons want to make several alterations at one time. Since the alterations in such cases can be seen as substantial, there is a risk that alterations which on its own fall within the extended concept of repairs are deemed to fall outside of the concept. In this thesis the author has investigated whether a real estate management company that makes several alterations at one time on a property is set in a disadvantageous tax position compared to a estate owner that choose to spread the alterations over time. The starting point of this investigation has been the Supreme Administrative Court’s ruling in HFD 2012 ref. 15 and rulings from the lower courts. The author establish that the conclusion can be drawn that a real estate management company that makes several alterations at one time on a property is set in a disadvantageous tax position compared to an estate owner that choose to spread the alterations over time.

Contribution à l'étude clinique et biologique des réactions tissulaires de radiosensibilité observées après radiothérapie de cancers prostatiques : effet potentiellement radioprotecteur des statines / Contribution to the clinical and laboratory study of tissue reactions observed radiosensitivity after radiotherapy of prostate cancer : potential radioprotective effect of statins

Malek, Karim 06 July 2015 (has links)
La réponse tissulaire des patients soumis à une radiothérapie, malgré des protocoles de traitement identiques, est variable avec des extrêmes importants. Une des questions posées à la radiobiologie est d'expliquer ces variations (approche a posteriori) et si possible de les prévoir (approche a priori). La réponse d'un organisme et de tissus complexes à la radiothérapie est la résultante de nombreux déterminants. Certains appartiennent à la dynamique et à l'homéostasie tissulaire (inflammation, cytokines, etc.) d'autre à la sensibilité et à la réponse cellulaire (sensibilité intrinsèque, réparation de l'ADN, régulation de la mort cellulaire, etc.). Concernant les déterminants cellulaires, l'Equipe d'Accueil a proposé de classer les humains en 3 groupes de radiosensibilités différentes, le premier considéré comme normal est de loin le plus important (près de 75% des individus), le groupe II de radiosensibilité intermédiaire représente la majeure partie des individus pour lesquels une réponse anormale est constatée après radiothérapie. Le groupe III rassemble des pathologies particulièrement rares associées à une hyper-radiosensibilité marquée, voire très marquée. Les patients du groupe II présentent donc une réponse thérapeutique inattendue et / ou des effets secondaires précoces ou tardifs sévères à des doses d'irradiation dont on attend une tolérance normale. Les patients du groupe II peuvent aussi être caractérisés par une forte prédisposition au cancer et aux tumeurs radio induites. Il existe une variabilité intrinsèque liée à des facteurs endogènes tels que la qualité de réparation de l'ADN, ou la production spontanée de micronoyaux ; et des facteurs exogènes. A cet égard, certaines médications sont susceptibles de modifier la réponse cellulaire à la radiothérapie, telles que les statines, les anticoagulants ou les antiagrégants plaquettaires. Approche a posteriori : par une étude clinique unicentrique de 65 patients atteints de cancers de la prostate et traités par le même radiothérapeute dans les mêmes conditions, la fréquence et la gravité des effets secondaires rectaux par rapport à la prise ou non de statines ont été étudiées : un effet radioprotecteur des statines vis-à-vis de la rectite radique a été mis en évidence in vivo sur des arguments statistiques pertinents. Approche a priori : par l'étude de la réponse cellulaire et moléculaire aux radiations de fibroblastes humains (notamment issus de tissus intestinaux sains). Ont été étudiés : la réparation et la signalisation des cassures double-brin de l'ADN par l'analyse des foci nucléaires H2AX et pATM ; le transit radioinduit de la protéine ATM du cytoplasme vers le noyau a été observé pour la première fois sur des fibroblastes humains rectaux. Les statines semblent accélérer ce transit, produisant un effet modérateur de la sévérité des rectites. L’étude des différents produits antioxydants et stimulateurs de la réparation de l’ADN a permis de montrer que les statines ont effet non équivoqué sur la réparation cellulaire après irradiation. Ces résultats ouvrent des perspectives pour des études plus approfondies de l'usage de médications facilement accessibles capables de moduler la gravité des effets secondaires de la radiothérapie. / The tissue response of patients undergoing radiotherapy, despite identical treatment protocols, could have important variations. One of the questions asked to the radiobiology is to explain these variations (a posteriori approach) and if possible to predict it (a priori approach). The response of an organism and complex tissues to radiotherapy is the result of many determinants. Some belong to the tissue dynamics and homeostasis (inflammation, cytokines, etc.) and others to the sensitivity and cellular response (intrinsic sensitivity, DNA repair, regulation of cell death, etc.). About cellular determinants, our research team proposed to classify humans into three groups of different radiosensitivity levels, the first considered as normal is by far the largest (almost 75% of individuals), group II of intermediate radiosensitivity represents the majority of individuals having an abnormal response to radiotherapy. Group III gathers extremely rare conditions associated with marked or very marked hyper-radiosensitivity which are usually life threatening. Therefore patients in group II show either unexpected therapeutic response or severe radiation early or late side effects after doses for which normal tolerance is expected. Patients in group II can also be characterized by a strong predisposition to cancer and radiation-induced tumors. There is an inherent variability related to endogenous factors, such as the quality of DNA repair, or the spontaneous production of micronuclei; and exogenous factors. In this regard, certain medications may alter the cellular response to radiation therapy, such as statins, antiplatelet agents or anticoagulants. A posteriori approach: a single-center clinical study of 68 patients with prostate cancer treated by the same radiation oncologist in the same conditions, the frequency and severity of rectal side effects are compared to the use or not of statins : a radioprotective effect of statins toward radiation proctitis cannot be excluded. A priori approach: by studying the cellular and molecular radiation response in human fibroblasts (especially from healthy bowel tissue). Were studied: signaling and repair of DNA double-strand breaks by analysis of nuclear foci of MRE11; H2AX and pATM; radiation induced ATM protein transit from the cytoplasm to the nucleus was observed for the first time in rectal tissue fibroblasts. Statins appear to speed up this transit, making possible a radioprotective effect. These results open perspectives for further studies for the use of medications readily available that can modulate the severity of side effects of radiotherapy.

Jämförelse av tre metoder vid reparation av betongdammar

Eriksson, Amitis January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this rapport/paper is to summarize and compare three different reparation methods, which can be used in repairing damaged concrete dams, which are one of the most important parts of electricity production in Sweden. Most of big dams in Sweden built between1900- 1960 are in a great need of restoration. Time, harsh winter conditions and constant presence of water have caused great damages to these dams. There are numerous restoration methods, which can be used in dam reconstruction.  However, choosing the right method plays a crucial role in terms of economy and quality for the power plant companies. Due to negatively impacting global warming, carbon dioxide emissions can also be another concern for power plant companies when selecting a reparation method. Sometimes determining and choosing the “right” method is rather difficult when facing different reparation methods.  When deciding which method to choose, comparisons are made in terms of economy, quality, and carbon dioxide emissions causing global warming. The methods compared in this rapport are applying waterjet mechanical chiseling, and Chesterton filler.  Accordingly, some boundaries are set and some, but not all, factors are taken into account.  For example, winter expenses and transportation are not included in this rapport. The method which has been used in this study is both qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative method, interviews, literature studies and experience of experts are gathered and used. The quantitative method used for calculation of costs and CO2 (e) emissions to the air. The study shows that in a minor spalled concrete damage, the waterjet method and Chesterton filler are appropriate with regards to quality.  Mechanical chiseling is the cheapest method, and the Chesterton filler method releases the least amount of carbon dioxide to the air of all methods. Hopefully, the comparison in this rapport can aid those who want to choose a reparation method based on the criterias for the outcome/method. / Dammkonstruktioner är en av de viktigaste delarna av elproduktionen i Sverige. De flesta av de stora betongdammarna i Sverige som är byggda mellan 1900 och 1960 är i behov av reparation. Åldern, svåra vinterförhållanden och ständig närvaron av vatten påverkar dammarna negativt och orsakar skador i betongen. Det finns gott om olika reparationsmetoder som kan användas vid dammreparationer. Att välja rätt metod vid reparationer kan spela en avgörande roll när det gäller ekonomi och kvalitet för kraftverksbolagen. Då de olika metoderna resulterar i olika mycket koldioxidutsläpp till luften och därmed effekt på den globala uppvärmningen är just koldioxidutsläppen en annan faktor som kan beaktas av elbolagen när de vill välja en reparationsmetod. Valet av reparationsmetod är inte lätt. Ofta går det att välja mellan flera olika metoder. Syftet med denna rapport att upprätta sammanfattningar för tre olika reparationsmetoder vid reparation av betongdammar, samt en jämförelse mellan dessa metoder. Jämförelser har gjorts i förhållande till ekonomi, kvalitet och koldioxidutsläpp till luften. De reparationsmetoder som har jämförts i denna rapport är vattenbilning, mekanisk bilning och Chesterton spackel. För att möjliggöra jämförelsen i denna studie har några avgränsningar gjorts i för de faktorer som jämförts, bland annat har vinterkostnader och transporter inte inkluderats i jämförelsen.   Metoden i denna uppsats bygger på kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie. Den kvalitativa studien består av litteraturstudier och intervjuer genom samtal och email, och den kvantitativa studien består av beräkningar för kostnader och CO2 (e)-utsläpp med hjälp av grundvärden och faktorer för 1 m² betongyta. Studien visar att vid en enkel frostskada så är vattenbilningsmetoden och Chestertonspackel lämpligast med avseende på kvalitet. Mekanisk bilning är billigast och Chestertonspackel släpper ut minst koldioxid till luften. Förhoppningsvis kan jämförelsen i denna rapport hjälpa de som vill välja reperationsmetod baserat på önskade kriterier för slutresultatet. / <p>2017-06-27</p>

"Que América Latina se sincere" : uma análise antropológica das políticas e poéticas do atavismo negro em face às ações afirmativas e às reparações no Cone Sul

Lopez, Laura Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese se propõe a examinar os itinerários e as perspectivas das mobilizações políticas negras contemporâneas no Cone Sul, com ênfase nas redes de ativistas que atuam em Porto Alegre (Brasil), Montevidéu (Uruguai) e Buenos Aires (Argentina), frente aos atuais desafios da implementação de políticas públicas com enfoque étnico-racial. A partir do aporte da perspectiva antropológica que orienta uma aproximação da "experiência de perto" dos sujeitos, detenho-me no protagonismo de ativistas em face aos desdobramentos de políticas públicas e ações reparatórias. O trabalho se insere nas discussões sobre a questão multicultural e o multiculturalismo nas sociedades latino-americanas. Interrogo como sujeitos tidos e vistos como minoritários, que não foram contemplados no projeto de "igualdade" preconizado pelos ideais eurocêntricos de nação moderna instituído nos países da região, vêm a interferir na esfera pública, ao passo que evidenciam noções e projetos de nação em disputa. O trabalho busca compreender os movimentos afro-latino-americanos através das formas com que ocupam a esfera pública e manejam noções e projetos de sociedade multicultural. Analiso as conexões entre o "nacional" e o transnacional a partir das políticas raciais e das militâncias negras, bem como da experiência com identificações étnicas afro-diaspóricas. Parto das configurações locais das militâncias negras contemporâneas que se expandem e modelam numa arena trans-local e diaspórica e se projetam para o espaço da nação. Proponho-me delinear cartografias da militância negra nas três cidades contempladas nesta tese a partir de percorrer experiências múltiplas de engajamento na esfera pública. E por fim, examino: i) os modos como as redes de militância são mobilizadas na construção de demandas e ii) as disputas por políticas públicas em torno da saúde e da educação com perspectiva étnico-racial e de gênero, analisando as complexas e múltiplas relações entre atores sociais envolvidos no processo de tradução de resistências locais em problemas que irrompem as arenas públicas e disputam por sua legitimação perante agentes e instituições com condições para disseminálos. / This thesis aims at analyzing the itineraries and perspectives of the contemporary black movement political mobilization in the Southern Cone, focusing on the network of activists of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Montevideo (Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina), before the current challenges introduced by the implementation of ethnical-racial focused public policies. From an anthropological viewpoint that emphasizes a personal approach to the subjects' experiences, I concentrate on the activists' actions in the face of the consequences of public policies and reparatory actions. In the context of the debates on multicultural issues and multiculralisms in Latin-American societies, I will try to understand how those subjects that belong to the so-called minority groups, which, in turn, went unacknowledged by the European centered ideal of "equality" in the regional modern nation-states, impinge on the public sphere while they evidence notions and national projects that collide with each other. I, therefore, aim at understanding the political expression of African Latin- American movements through their uses of space in the public spheres and of dealing with the notions and projects of a multicultural society. I analyze the connections between the national and transnational from the viewpoint of racial policies, black militancies and the identification with the African diasporas. I begin by mapping contemporary black militancy configurations, which are shaped and expand in a translocal and diasporic arenas, while they project themselves as part of a nation, I delineate the black militancy cartographies in the three cities on the basis of their involvement in the public sphere. I examine: i) how the militancy networks are mobilized in the construction of their demands and, ii) their disputes for public policies in the fields of health and education, from gender and ethnic-racial perspectives. I also analyze the diversity of complex relations among social actors involved in the processes of translating local forms of resistance into problems, which will be brought to the public arena and will dispute for legitimization before agents and institutions that are capable of spreading them.

Penologiese studie rakende restitusie as 'n bevel aan die slagoffer van misdaad

Van den Berg, Christina Elizabeth 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is 'n poging om vanuit 'n Penologiese perspektief 'n teoreties-prinsipiele uiteensetting te gee betreffende restitusie aan die slagoffer van misdaad. Die doel van hierdie studie was om deur navorsing tot insig en kennis te kom betref f ende die vraagstuk rondom slagof fervergoeding en meer spesifiek restitusie as slagoffervergoeding. Die proef skrif behels 'n beskrywing van slagoffervergoeding vanaf die vroegste tye wat as die historiese ontwikkeling van slagoffervergoeding gesien kan word tot en met die tydsvlak waarin die strafreg horn nou bevind. Restitusiestelsels van Brittanje, die Verenigde State van Amerika en vyf Europese lande is bespreek. Die Republiek van Suid Afrika beskik nie oor 'n kompensasie of restitusiestelsel om slagoffers te vergoed nie en daarom is slegs die status wat die slagof fer in die strafproses beklee, bespreek. Gedurende die bestudering van die onderskeie lande se restitusiestelsels kon selfs binne die Europese Unie, geen eenstemmige beleid gevind word ten opsigte van die omvang van restitusie aan die misdaadslagoffer nie. In al die lande wat bestudeer is was die doelstellings waarom restitusie ingestel is egter die.slfde naamlik dat die tradisionele strafmetodes waaronder gevangenisstraf en ondertoesigstelling gefaal het in hul pogings om die slagoffer van misdaad te akkommodeer. Navorser het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat gesien teen die swak posisie wat die slagoffer van misdaad in Suid-Afrika beklee, die instelling van 'n restitusiestelsel 'n dringende noodsaaklikheid geword het. Die stelsel moet funksioneer vanuit die ondertoesigstellingsdepartement met as ondertoesigstellingsbeamptes as inyorderaars van restitusie wat ook as bemiddelaars kan optree. Aanbevelings is ook gedoen vir die implimentering van 'n sentrale slagoffervergoedingsfonds. / This desertion is an attempt to present, from a Penological perspective, a theoretical fundamental exposition regarding restitution to the victim of crime. The purpose of this study was to, through research, gain insight and knowledge with regard to the question of victim compensation and more specific restitution as victim compensation. The dissertation comprises a description of victim compensation from the earliest of times, which can be seen as the historical development of victim compensation, until the time period that criminal law finds itself in today. Restitution systems of Britain, the United States of America and five European countries are discussed. The Republic of South Africa does not possess a Compensation or restitution system to compensate victims and therefore only the status of the victim in the criminal process is discussed. During the study of different countries's restitution systems there could, not even in the European Union, agreement be found with regard to the extent of restitution to the victim of crime. In all of the countries studied, the purposes why restitution were emplaced were the same, namely that the traditional punishment process, where under imprisonment and under supervision, failed in their attempts to accommodate the victim of crime. Research came to the conclusion that, taken against the bad position that the victim of crime in South Africa holds, the emplacement of a restitution system have become a necessity. The system should function from the under supervisory department with the supervisory officials as collectors of restitution and which could also act as mediators. Recommendations are done for the implementation of a central victim compensation fund.· / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Penologie)

"Que América Latina se sincere" : uma análise antropológica das políticas e poéticas do atavismo negro em face às ações afirmativas e às reparações no Cone Sul

Lopez, Laura Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Esta tese se propõe a examinar os itinerários e as perspectivas das mobilizações políticas negras contemporâneas no Cone Sul, com ênfase nas redes de ativistas que atuam em Porto Alegre (Brasil), Montevidéu (Uruguai) e Buenos Aires (Argentina), frente aos atuais desafios da implementação de políticas públicas com enfoque étnico-racial. A partir do aporte da perspectiva antropológica que orienta uma aproximação da "experiência de perto" dos sujeitos, detenho-me no protagonismo de ativistas em face aos desdobramentos de políticas públicas e ações reparatórias. O trabalho se insere nas discussões sobre a questão multicultural e o multiculturalismo nas sociedades latino-americanas. Interrogo como sujeitos tidos e vistos como minoritários, que não foram contemplados no projeto de "igualdade" preconizado pelos ideais eurocêntricos de nação moderna instituído nos países da região, vêm a interferir na esfera pública, ao passo que evidenciam noções e projetos de nação em disputa. O trabalho busca compreender os movimentos afro-latino-americanos através das formas com que ocupam a esfera pública e manejam noções e projetos de sociedade multicultural. Analiso as conexões entre o "nacional" e o transnacional a partir das políticas raciais e das militâncias negras, bem como da experiência com identificações étnicas afro-diaspóricas. Parto das configurações locais das militâncias negras contemporâneas que se expandem e modelam numa arena trans-local e diaspórica e se projetam para o espaço da nação. Proponho-me delinear cartografias da militância negra nas três cidades contempladas nesta tese a partir de percorrer experiências múltiplas de engajamento na esfera pública. E por fim, examino: i) os modos como as redes de militância são mobilizadas na construção de demandas e ii) as disputas por políticas públicas em torno da saúde e da educação com perspectiva étnico-racial e de gênero, analisando as complexas e múltiplas relações entre atores sociais envolvidos no processo de tradução de resistências locais em problemas que irrompem as arenas públicas e disputam por sua legitimação perante agentes e instituições com condições para disseminálos. / This thesis aims at analyzing the itineraries and perspectives of the contemporary black movement political mobilization in the Southern Cone, focusing on the network of activists of Porto Alegre (Brazil), Montevideo (Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina), before the current challenges introduced by the implementation of ethnical-racial focused public policies. From an anthropological viewpoint that emphasizes a personal approach to the subjects' experiences, I concentrate on the activists' actions in the face of the consequences of public policies and reparatory actions. In the context of the debates on multicultural issues and multiculralisms in Latin-American societies, I will try to understand how those subjects that belong to the so-called minority groups, which, in turn, went unacknowledged by the European centered ideal of "equality" in the regional modern nation-states, impinge on the public sphere while they evidence notions and national projects that collide with each other. I, therefore, aim at understanding the political expression of African Latin- American movements through their uses of space in the public spheres and of dealing with the notions and projects of a multicultural society. I analyze the connections between the national and transnational from the viewpoint of racial policies, black militancies and the identification with the African diasporas. I begin by mapping contemporary black militancy configurations, which are shaped and expand in a translocal and diasporic arenas, while they project themselves as part of a nation, I delineate the black militancy cartographies in the three cities on the basis of their involvement in the public sphere. I examine: i) how the militancy networks are mobilized in the construction of their demands and, ii) their disputes for public policies in the fields of health and education, from gender and ethnic-racial perspectives. I also analyze the diversity of complex relations among social actors involved in the processes of translating local forms of resistance into problems, which will be brought to the public arena and will dispute for legitimization before agents and institutions that are capable of spreading them.

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