Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rule off law."" "subject:"rule oof law.""
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Substantive Due Process and the Politicization of the Supreme CourtMillman, Eric 01 January 2018 (has links)
Substantive due process is one of the most cherished and elusive doctrines in American constitutional jurisprudence. The understanding that the Constitution of the United States protects not only specifically enumerated rights, but also broad concepts such as “liberty,” “property,” and “privacy,” forms the foundation for some of the Supreme Court’s most impactful—and controversial—decisions.
This thesis explores the constitutional merits and politicizing history of natural rights jurisprudence from its application in Dred Scott v. Sandford to its recent evocation in Obergefell v. Hodges. Indeed, from slavery to same-same sex marriage, substantive due process has played a pivotal role in shaping our nation’s laws and destiny: But was it ever intended to?
This paper first examines the legal arguments in favor of substantive due process to determine whether the judiciary was designed to be the “bulwark” of natural as well as clearly scribed law. Then, employing a novel framework to measuring judicial politicization, the thesis tracks the doctrine’s application throughout its most prominent case studies. Often arriving at nuanced conclusions, we observe that the truth is more often painted in some gradation of grey than in black or white.
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Prova pericial no processo penal: motivação e controle das decisões judiciais / Expert evidence in criminal proceedings: motivation and control of judicial decisionsVladimir Morcillo da Costa 31 August 2010 (has links)
Tendo como premissas a conformação constitucional do Estado de Direito e das garantias processuais, este estudo pretende ser uma contribuição à dicsussão acerca da utilização da prova pericial, sua admissibilidade, valoração controle, no sistema processual brasileiro. O Estado Democrático de Direito impõe aos seus agentes a motivação, não somente das decisões judiciais, mas de todos os atos que tenham cunho decisório, e imponham alguma restrição, por menor que seja, à liberdade do indivíduo. Por sua vez, o contraditório, expressão do princípio político da participação democrática, afirma a necessidade de possibilitar a participação do indivíduo na formação de uma decisão que afete sua esfera de interesses. A orientação do processo como instrumento a serviço da realização da justiça, e da construção de decisões justas, pressupõe o correto acertamento da verdade fática. Isto impõe que seja adotada uma concepção do fenômeno probatório que a compreenda como um instrumento demonstrativo e epistemológico. Nessa perspectiva, a utilização da prova pericial, especialmente aquelas que se revestem de cunho científico, se mostra um eficaz meio da obtenção da verdade no processo, desde que, tais provas sejam relevantes e confiáveis, demonstrando a necessidade de seu controle. / Taking as premises the conformation of the constitutional rule of law and procedural safeguards, this study is a contribution to the dicsussion about the use of expert evidence, its admissibility, and valuation control, at the Brazilian procedural system. The Democratic State imposes on its agents the motivation, not only of judgments, but of all the acts that have decision-making matrix, and impose some restrictions, however small, in the freedom of the individual. In turn, the contradictory, expression of political principle of democratic participation, says the need to enable participation of the individual in forming a decision that affects their area of interest. The orientation of the process as a tool in the service of achieving justice, and the construction of fair decisions, presupposes a correct assertion of factual truth. This requires that adopted a conception of the phenomenon that the evidence as a tool to understand and epistemological statement. From this perspective, the use of expert testimony, especially those which are of a scientific nature, proves an effective means of obtaining the truth in the process, provided that such evidence is relevant and reliable, demonstrating the need for its control.
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Direito e justiça : as normas de conduta justa na sociedade livre segundo Friedrich A. von HayekCaroni, Caroline da Cunha January 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa como o economista austríaco Friedrich August von Hayek estrutura sua teoria da justiça, identificando a realização do ideal de justiça numa sociedade livre com a vigência do Estado de Direito, ou seja, do governo das normas gerais de conduta justa, que deverão ser aplicadas sempre visando a igualdade formal (isonomia). Ainda, discute os motivos pelos quais o autor considera que a liberdade individual só poderá efetivamente florescer em uma ordem espontânea, que funciona baseada na concorrência, a qual só poderá se manter onde vigore o Estado de Direito e, portanto, haja justiça formal. / The present paper analyzes how the economist Friedrich August von Hayek structures his theory of justice, identifying the accomplishment of the ideal of justice in a free society with the Rule of Law, that is to say, in the government of rules of just conduct, which must be applied always aiming at the equality before the law (isonomia). Besides, this paper discusses the reasons why the author considers that liberty can effectively flourish only in a spontaneous order that performs based on competition, which will be maintained where the Rule of Law stands and, therefore, the formal justice is present.
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Independence and preventive imprisonment / Independencia y prisión preventivaÁlvarez Yrala, Edwar 25 September 2017 (has links)
The New Criminal Procedure Code of 2004 provides an extensive protection in terms of fundamental rights; however, a new obstacle for the proper administration of justice has surfaced involving the judge, who is constantly being affected in its finaldecision by the media.The author of this article discusses this problem from the field of preventive imprisonment, focusing on current cases and doctrine. In addition, the author makes an analysis and classification of judges based on their way of making choices, showing a discouraging picture of the situation. / El Nuevo Código Procesal Penal de 2004 es más garantista en cuanto a derechos fundamentales; no obstante, un nuevo obstáculo para una correcta administración de justicia lo supone el mismo juzgador, quien está siendo afectado constantementeen su decisión por los medios de comunicación.El autor del presente artículo expone este problema desde el ámbito de la prisión preventiva, centrándose en casos actuales y doctrina. Además, realiza un análisis y clasificación de los jueces en base a su modo de tomar decisiones, mostrándonosun panorama poco alentador.
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Constitutionalization of arbitration in Peru: some considerations around relationship among arbitration, Constitution, fundamental rights and Rule of law / La constitucionalización del arbitraje en el Perú: algunas consideraciones en torno a la relación del arbitraje con la Constitución, los derechos fundamentales y el Estado de derechoBustamante Alarcón, Reynaldo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article point out the progressive enrichment by which fundamental rights concept have gone through, providing to holders—government and individuals— not only rights, liberties, powers and immunity but also the obligation to respect, defend, guarantee and promote all them regardless the conduct displayed by the holder in this field. With this in mind, the author examines arbitration definition and main characteristics, highlighting its constitutional dimension proposing a systematic reading in accordance with fundamental rights. / El artículo toma como punto de partida el enriquecimiento progresivo por el que ha transitado la concepción de derechos fundamentales, que actualmente no solo implican el otorgamiento a sus titulares derechos, libertades, competencias e inmunidades sino que todos —Estado y particulares— estamos obligados a respetarlos, defenderlos, garantizarlos y promoverlos, independientemente de que su titular haya desplegado o no una conducta con ese propósito. A partir de ello, el autor analiza la definición y principales características del arbitraje, destacando su dimensión constitucional y proponiendo una lectura sistemática y en armonía con los derechos fundamentales.
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Freud and the rule of law: from Totem and taboo to psychoanalytic jurisprudence / Freud y el gobierno del derecho. De Tótem y tabú a la teoría psicoanalítica del derechoBrunner, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
Can the reflection of legal scholars concerning the rule of law be enriched by the cultural conception of Freud about law? This article develops this question, based on how the rule of law was conceived in modernity, from a reading of the work of Hume and Rousseau, in order to show the potential compatibility that this conception had with the later work of Freud. Thus, Freud’s thinking about law is presented as a dialectical or paradoxical civilizatory force, restraining the passions even though they drive it, from a reading of his work Totem and Taboo. In this reconstruction, the genealogy of law is portrayed, from his story of the primal horde, and unconscious dynamics behind the law itself. Then the uses that various legal scholars have made of Freud in writing about the rule of law are analyzed, criticizing how they neglect the tragic sentiment of the Freudian cultural vision regarding law. Finally, the article states that the notions developed by Freud can serve critical legal thinking only if the law is seen as part of the culture, which leads to consider legal studies as a form of cultural studies. / ¿La reflexión de los juristas sobre el gobierno del derecho puede ser enriquecida con la concepción cultural de Freud sobre el derecho? El presente artículo desarrolla esta interrogante, partiendo de cómo en la modernidad se concibió al gobierno del derecho, desde una lectura a los trabajos de Hume y Rousseau, para así mostrar la potencial compatibilidad que esta concepción tenía con la posterior obra de Freud. De este modo, se presenta el pensamiento de Freud sobre el derecho como una fuerza civilizadora dialéctica o paradójica que restringe las pasiones a pesar de que ellas lo conduzcan, desde una lectura de su obra Tótem y tabú. En esta reconstrucción se retrata la genealogía del derecho, desde su relato de la horda primitiva, y las dinámicas inconscientes que están detrás del derecho mismo. Después, se analiza los usos que le han dado a Freud diversos académicos del campo jurídico que han escrito sobre el gobierno del derecho, criticando como estos han dejado de lado el elemento trágico de la visión cultural freudiana sobre el derecho. Por último, el artículo plantea que las nociones desarrollados por Freud pueden servir al pensamiento jurídico crítico solo si el derecho es visto como parte de la cultura, lo que conlleva ver a los estudios jurídicos como una forma de estudios culturales.
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Democratic development in Belarus and Cuba : Is it possible?Edwertz, Gunilla January 2009 (has links)
This is a study of whether it is possible for the governmental form of democracy to be ap-plicable in states that have not had democracy as their governmental form earlier in their political history. In this thesis the concept of liberal democracy is the major theory used as well as the concepts of rule of law and civil society. After giving a description of the con-cepts the thesis continues with two chapters that respectively describe and explain the states of Belarus and Cuba. The two states are going to be used in the analysis at the end of this thesis. The analysis includes several conditions to asses if democracy exists. These conditions are derived from the chapters on democracy and rule of law. In the analysis the states of Bela-rus and Cuba are analyzed based on the conditions derived from the chapters on democra-cy and rule of law. The results of the concluding discussion are that the probability for de-mocracy to survive in Cuba is higher than in Belarus because Cuba seems to be transition from an authoritarian form of regime to a form o f democracy. In contrast to Belarus, Cu-ba seems to be willing to open up from seclusion and isolation, as well as listen to its people than what the state of Belarus is willing to do.
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La contribution du juge administratif à l'état de droit dans les états d'Afrique francophone : l'exemple de l'Algérie et du Sénégal / The contribution of the administrative judge to state right in the African states French : the example of Algeria and SenegalTennah, Mansouria 16 December 2016 (has links)
Communément perçu comme vecteur de démocratie, de liberté, d’égalité et plus généralement de justice, l’État de droit est devenu incontournable. Le concept est passé de la théorie juridique au droit positif et s'est progressivement étendu au champ politique, d'abord à l'échelle européenne, avant d'étendre son rayonnement à l'Afrique, et notamment aux États d'Afrique francophone, parmi lesquels l'Algérie et le Sénégal. L’existence et le bon fonctionnement de l’État de droit, dans lequel l’État en tant que détenteur de la souveraineté accepte de se soumettre au droit, et donc au contrôle du juge, ne sont jamais acquis. Comme tout système, il sera souvent ce que les institutions et les circonstances historiques en feront. Son maintien suppose donc que chaque acteur concerné puisse jouer sa partition pour en garantir le bon fonctionnement. C'est d'autant plus vrai dans les pays où l'État de droit reste à consolider. Dès lors, on est amené à s’interroger sur la nature de la contribution que peut apporter le juge administratif à l’État de droit, dans l’un et l’autre pays / Commonly perceived as vector for democracy, freedom, equality and justice more generally, the rule of law has become essential. The concept grew from the legal theory of positive law and gradually extended to the political field, first at European level, before extending its reach to Africa, including the French-speaking African states, including Algeria and Senegal. The existence and proper functioning of the rule of law, in which the state as the sovereign holder agrees to submit to the law, and therefore to judicial review, are never acquired. Like any system, it is often that the institutions and historical circumstances will. Its maintenance is therefore assumed that each player concerned to play its part to ensure proper operation. This is especially true in countries where the rule of law remains a challenge. Consequently, one is led to wonder about the nature of the potential contribution the administrative judge to rule of law in both countries
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Superior Tribunal de Justiça e recurso especial: análise da função e reconstrução dogmática / Appeals to Brazilian Supreme Courts: function analysis and practiceGuilherme Recena Costa 09 May 2011 (has links)
O tema dos recursos excepcionais, direcionados às Cortes Supremas, é de enorme importância no processo civil contemporâneo. Esse trabalho busca definir, à luz da Teoria do Direito e do Direito Comparado, quais funções devem ser assinaladas ao Superior Tribunal de Justiça para, a partir disso, poder realizar uma reconstrução dogmática do procedimento do recurso especial. Não há dúvida de que, à luz dos princípios do Estado de Direito, aos Tribunais Superiores deve ser hoje asinalada uma função precipuamente prospectiva, voltada para a orientação dos juízes e jurisdicionados por meio do estabelecimento de precedentes, e não para os litigantes, de forma retrospectiva. A experiência comparada e a análise detida do funcionamento dos Tribunais Superiores demonstra que bons resultados só podem ser cumpridos mediante mecanismos que permitam selecionar os recursos com base na sua importância. Defende-se, por isso, a criação de um filtro para o recurso especial, à semelhança do que já conhece o recurso extraordinário brasileiro por meio da exigência de repercussão geral da questão constitucional debatida. Em face da função prospectiva do Superior Tribunal de Justiça devem ser interpretados todos os demais problemas que gravitam em torno do recurso especial e do acesso à Corte (distinção entre fato e direito, pré-questionamento etc.) / Appeals to Supreme Courts are an enormously important theme in modern civil procedure. This essay intends to define tge function that should govern the practise of Brazils Superior Tribunal de Justiça, with support from legal theory and comparative law studies, so that the characteristics of the appeal (recurso especial) directed to the Court may be rethought on solid grounds. There should be no doubt that, in light of the rule of law principles, Supreme Courts should be assigned a prospective, facing forward function of establishing solid precedents for the guidance of judges and citizens, instead of facing towards the single parties involved in litigation and the past. Comparative studies show that this may only be done if the Court has control over its docket. The essay proposes the adoption of such a mechanism for the recurso especial, as has already been done for the recurso extraordinario through the requirement of general importance of the constitutional issue raised in the appeal. All other aspects regarding access of the parties to the Superior Tribunal de Justiça (such as the distinction between law and fact, the prior decisison of the legal issue raised etc.) should be interpreted in light of the prospective function of the Court.
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A motivação das decisões judiciais civis em um estado de direito: necessária proteção da segurança jurídica / Reasoned judgments in the rule of law: realizing legal certaintyRodrigo Ramina de Lucca 16 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do papel desempenhado pelo dever de motivação das decisões judiciais na realização do Estado de Direito e, consequentemente, dos princípios da segurança jurídica e do devido processo legal. Partindo de uma concepção fina do Estado de Direito, busca-se demonstrar, inclusive mediante dados históricos, que a motivação das decisões judiciais é fundamental ao controle da atividade jurisdicional, reduzindo o arbítrio e o subjetivismo a que todo exercício de poder está sujeito. Para que a motivação possa desempenhar tal função, deve ser dotada de algumas características essenciais, que incluem: racionalidade, estrutura lógico-argumentativa e natureza declaratória e retrospectiva; cada uma delas estudada especificamente. Em relação à promoção da segurança jurídica, explica-se que apenas decisões motivadas são aptas a gerar precedentes judiciais, cuja observância é fundamental para se proporcionar estabilidade e previsibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, defende-se que as razões dadas pelos órgãos judiciais para a tomada de decisões geram expectativas legítimas no jurisdicionado que devem ser tuteladas. / This essay faces the role performed by obligatory reasoned judgments in the Rule of Law and its consequences to legal certainty and due process of law. Accepting a thin theory of the Rule of Law, the author intends to show, through the appointment of historical facts, that giving reasons for judgments is essential to control the jurisdictional activity and restrict the arbitrary power. Giving reasons, however, shall only attend its expected role if some exigencies are fulfilled, including: rationality, logical-argumentative structure and declaratory and retrospective nature of the reasons given. The author also explains that judgments may not be precedents if they are not reasoned; and following precedents is essential to assure legal certainty. Besides that, it is sustained that reasoned judgments generate legitimate expectations to the citizens that should be protected.
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