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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mezisektorová spolupráce v oblasti CSR: případová studie Potravinové banky pro Prahu a Středočeský kraj / Cross-Sectoral Cooperation in the Field of CSR: A Case Study of the Food Bank for Prague and Central Bohemia

Tomanová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This topic is researched using a case study of the Food Bank for Prague and Central Bohemia and food chains that have established a cooperative partnership with the organization. Empirical research took the form of an initial fieldwork, interviews, and analysis of websites and other available documents. The thesis aims to introduce the insufficiently- explored issue of food banks and CSR that is created around them by food chains. First, it deals with the types of cooperation that occur within these relationships and proceeds to explore their dynamics. Furthermore, it examines the motivations of chains for cooperation and the appraisal of mutual cooperation both on their part as well as the part of the food bank, a representantive of the non-profit sector. The thesis can serve as an inspiration for further research on the topic of food banks or cross-sectoral cooperation that would involve perspectives of entities from both cooperating sectors as this represents a fact that is often overlooked in research. Keywords: Cross-sectoral cooperation, corporate social responsibility, food bank, food wasting, non-profit organization.

The role of occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy in education support services in South Africa

Struthers, Patricia January 2005 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis investigated the education support services provided by occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech and language therapists in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Changes in the education policy in South Africa to an inclusive education system have major implications for the way therapists provide support. Therapists have been challenged to move from a medical model of support with a focus on highly specialised treatment for a small number of individual learners with disabilities, to a systemic and health promoting model which focuses on support for the education system, including all learners, teachers and parents. The aim of this research was to develop an appropriate and integrated approach for therapists to support schools within an inclusive and health promoting schools framework in South Africa. Participatory action research using quantitative and qualitative methodology was used. Two surveys were conducted in the Western Cape Province. The first was a survey of all therapists to determine who was working with pre-school and school-aged learners and where. The second survey was of all therapists working in special schools and a small number of private practitioners to identify the roles of the therapists in providing direct and indirect support. In two of the seven education districts in the province, focus group discussions were held with 45 teachers from special and ordinary schools, and 21 parents of school-aged learners - to identify the support they needed. Workshops, incorporating focus groups, were also held with the therapists to, firstly, identify the support they needed to give to learners, teachers, parents and the education system and, secondly, to identify the competencies they needed to give this support. The data from the surveys were subjected to simple descriptive statistical analysis. These analyses reveal that therapists have a very wide range of roles relating to direct support, including: assessment, intervention with individual learners and learners in groups, and evaluation. Interventions include the development of hearing, speech and communication skills; skills for activities of daily living; life skills; home management skills; work related skills; motor function skills; and play and leisure skills. Therapists from different disciplines frequently provide the same type of support. Indirect support provided includes support for the schools system, teachers and parents. Thirty six percent of the therapists in this study want to increase the proportion of time they spent on indirect support. The study also revealed that multidisciplinary collaboration and teamwork were Teachers involved in the study identified that they need an enormous amount of support in fulfilling their crucial roles in identifying barriers to learning; identifying the support learners need; and addressing the barriers. This includes the need for support to teach a diverse group of learners; adapting content, presentation and evaluation of the curriculum; adapting the physical environment; accepting new roles of teachers and therapists; making changes to the school system; developing relationships with the parents; addressing challenges related to socio-economic problems; networking with the community; facilitating positive attitudes to diversity; developing supportive relationships with therapists; and further training poorly developed. Teachers involved in the study identified that they need an enormous amount of support in fulfilling their crucial roles in identifying barriers to learning; identifying the support learners need; and addressing the barriers. This includes the need for support to teach a diverse group of learners; adapting content, presentation and evaluation of the curriculum; adapting the physical environment; accepting new roles of teachers and therapists; making changes to the school system; developing relationships with the parents; addressing challenges related to socio-economic problems; networking with the community; facilitating positive attitudes to diversity; developing supportive relationships with therapists; and further training. Parents in this study indicated that they need access to education and support for their children, including direct support for their children; effective means of communicating with their children; specific competencies to facilitate caring for their children; emotional support; advocates to work with them in support of their children addressing environmental physical and attitudinal barriers, and developing a supportive community; and supportive relationships with therapists.

Samverkan för den goda staden : En studie om samverkan i planprocessens tidiga skeden mellan kommun och Trafikverket / Cross-sectoral collaboration for the good city : A study on the cross-sectoral collaboration in the early stages of urban planning involving the Swedish Transport Administration and Swedish municipalities

Andersson, Joel, Nilsson, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Samverkan mellan Trafikverket och kommunen i styrningen av rummet är vad som studeras i denna uppsats. Dessa två aktörers makt och ansvar i den övergripande samhällsutvecklingen ses som stort, varför samverkan mellan dessa aktörer är intressant att undersöka. En central utgångspunkt i studien är att målet med samhällsplanering är den goda staden. Trafikverkets interna styrdokument Etablera samverkan, vars riktlinjer ämnar öka graden av samverkan mellan Trafikverket och Sveriges kommuner i samhällsplaneringsprocessens tidiga skeden med hjälp av överenskommelser, utgör initiativet till detta uppsatsämne. Överenskommelser om samverkan är sedan tidigare etablerade i Trafikverkets Region Mitt och när implementering av samverkansöverenskommelser bedrivs aktivt på nationell nivå inom Trafikverket blir utvärderingen av dessa överenskommelser viktig. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med informanter som arbetar utifrån skilda samverkansformer, samt innehållsanalys av centrala dokument, skapas en bild av samverkan mellan dessa aktörer. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka attityder och roller som styr förutsättningar för aktörerna att samverka i tidiga skeden, samt hur en överenskommelse om samverkan påverkar dessa attityder och roller. Syftet uppnås genom tre frågeställningar: Hur yttrar sig attityder hos respektive aktör kring samverkan och överenskommelser som reglerar samverkan? Hur kan samverkansprocessen påverkas av överenskommelser? Vilka olika roller har de två aktörerna i samhällsutvecklingen och hur yttrar det sig när de ska samverka i styrningen av rummet? Utifrån en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats och med en bakgrund i kulturgeografiskt rumsperspektiv, nyliberal governance samt kommunikativ planeringsteori besvaras dessa frågeställningar. Resultatet visar på ett stort förtroende för dialogbaserad samverkan som har potential att föda förståelse och enighet. Resultatet visar att överenskommelser tillför ett antal värden till samverkan som samtliga informanter ser som positiva. Resultatet visar även att kommunen och Trafikverket har olika roller i samhällsutvecklingen. De arbetar på olika skalor och med olika, om än liknande, mål. När dessa aktörer samverkar tydliggörs deras skilda uppdrag och roller. Att motsättningar och meningsskiljaktigheter finns upplevs som en naturlig del i samverkansprocessen och samverkan kan ses som ett gemensamt antagande att utifrån respektive parts uppdrag och roller, gemensamt bygga den goda staden.

From Impoverished Beneficiaries to Empowered Stakeholders— a case study of H&M Foundation Multi-Sectoral Sustainable Initiative for female Bangladeshi RMG workers

xie, zhuohan, Ahmed, Areeba January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Profesionalizace a její vliv na sektorovou identitu neziskových organizací v České republice / Professionalization and its impact on sectoral identity of non-governmental organizations in the Czech Republic

Trdličková, Gabriela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore a new phenomenon of professionalization in the non-governmental organizations and its impact on the sectoral identity of non-governmental organizations that are targeted to handicapped people. Because of the modernization a trend of professionalisation enters to non profit sector. This process changes the structure of organizations. The most important changes are a spreading of professional knowledge that leads to increasing of professionals in organizations. Other changes are the division of labour, changes in the hierarchy and the structure of the organization, the accessibility for the public, financing, and also that professionals start to have a bigger impact on organizations. This transformation changes characteristics of sectoral identity of non-givernmental organizations that are starting to be similar to public administratiion institutions or to commercial subjects. The basic hypothesis of this thesis is: The more proffesionalized the organizations are the less characteristics of sectoral identity they show. The sectoral identity is a concept that was determined for this thesis according to the definitiion of non-governemnetal organizations of Salamon and Anheier. They determined five characteristics of non-governmenatl organizations. This thesis...

Med neutraliteten som utgångspunkt - En intervjustudie om samverkansenheten Samba i Örebro

Sandström, Ann-Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att närmare granska samverkansenheten Samba i Örebro och utifrån granskningen identifiera bärande funktioner i samverkansprocesser där barn och unga är i fokus. Samba som betyder Samverkansledning för barn och unga är en, av kommunen, särskilt inrättad samverkansenhet har efter sitt projektår 08/09 varit en permanent verksamhet i Örebro kommun. Enheten har sedan några år tillbaka en central och neutral lokal. För studien genomfördes 15 intervjuer och 2 mötesobservationer. Resultatet har analyserats och diskuterats utifrån både ett interaktionsperspektiv och ett organisationsperspektiv. De bärande funktioner som identifierats och som enligt studien kan antas bidra till att Sambas samverkansprocesser ofta blir lyckade är flera. Dels visar sig den neutrala och strukturerade Sambasamordnaren och det administrativa arbetet som den genomför, enligt studien vara funktioner av betydelse. Vidare identifieras också funktioner som den centrala och neutrala lokalen samt det ”fika” som erbjuds som viktiga för samverkansprocessen. I studien diskuteras också Sambas utmaningar där Sambas funktion jämfört med SIP-möten kan anses vara en utmaning. Resultaten av studien visar att en kombination av Samba och SIP oftast blir bäst. Detta med anledning av att den gemensamma SIP-dokumentationen uppfattas som värdefull, men att samverkansprocessen i övrigt helst hålls enligt Sambas modell. Slutligen diskuteras också några fler utmaningar som Samba kan stå inför och om en spridning av Sambakonceptet är möjlig / The purpose of the thesis is to examine the Samba collaborative unit in Örebro municipality more closely and to identify the supporting functions in collaboration processes where children and young people are the focus. Samba which means- cooperation management for children and young people is one of the municipality's specially established collaborative units, and after its project year 08/09, has been a permanent activity of the Örebro municipality. Since a few years back the unit is located in central and neutral premises. For the study, 15 interviews and 2 meeting observations were conducted. The results have been analyzed and discussed from both an interaction perspective and an organizational perspective. The identified supporting functions which, according to the study, can be assumed to contribute to Samba's collaboration processes are often successful are several. Partly, according to the study, the neutral and structured Samba coordinator and the administrative work that it carries out, prove to be important functions. Furthermore, functions such as the central and neutral premises as well as “the Swedish fika” that are offered as important for the collaboration process are also identified. The study also discusses Samba's challenges and where Samba's function compared to SIP meetings can be considered a challenge. The results of the study show that a combination of Samba and SIP is usually best. This is due to the fact that the joint SIP documentation is perceived as valuable, but that the collaboration process is otherwise preferably held according to Samba's model. Finally, we also discuss some more challenges that Samba may face and if a dissemination of the Samba concept is possible.

Governance of Inter-sectoral reallocation of water within the context of Urbanization in Hyderabad, India

Jakhalu, Atoho 02 January 2020 (has links)
Der intersektorale Wasserkonflikt zwischen urbaner und agrarischer Wassernutzung in Hyderabad und die Konkurrenz zwischen den Bedürfnissen der Stadt und den Ansprüchen der Landwirtschaft werden verschärft durch willkürliche Verteilungspraktiken, die den offiziellen Zuteilungsrichtlinien oft widersprechen. Übersetzt in die Sprache von Ostrom, gilt die vorliegende Untersuchung der Kernfrage, warum bestimmte praktizierte Regeln (rules-in-use) fortbestehen, obwohl formale Regeln (rules-in-form) im Bereich der Nutzungsrechte an Wasser vorhanden sind. Die Arbeit versucht dementsprechend zu erklären, wie bestehende Institutionen und Governancestrukturen die Interaktionen beteiligter Akteure und deren Verhalten beeinflussen und wie daraus eine durch Willkür gekennzeichnete Umverteilung erwächst. Knights Verteilungstheorie institutionellen Wandels und sein Ansatz über Machtressourcen vermögen zu erklären, wie menschliche Interaktionen in Zusammenhang mit solchen Konflikten über begrenzte Ressourcen zustande kommen. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit zeigen ebenfalls, welche Wirkungen die Charakteristika verschiedener Gruppen von Wassernutzern und deren spezifische Abhängigkeit von Wasserressourcen auf ihre Fähigkeit zur politischen Einflussnahme ausüben. Solche Ausprägungen von Ressourcenabhängigkeiten bedingen Machtasymmetrien und erhöhen das Ausmaß willkürlicher Umverteilungen von Wasser. Die Untersuchung identifiziert eine Literaturlücke im Bereich der Politik der Wassergovernance, indem sie den Wählereinfluss als Machtressource im Land-Stadt-Konflikt um Wasserressourcen empirisch belegt. Die Arbeit zielt insgesamt darauf, das Erklärungspotential von Eigentumsrechtstheorien zu nutzen und anhand von Wasserkonflikten in Hyderabad ein Beispiel zur Anwendbarkeit aktueller Theorien institutionellen Wandels zu geben. / Hyderabad’s inter-sectoral water conflict and competition between the city’s urban needs and the agricultural sector have been fueled by persistent arbitrary water reallocations against the prescribed allocation guidelines. To translate the key question into Ostrom’s language; this study seeks to unravel the persistence of rules-in-use, despite the rules-in-form already in place within the realms of property rights. Ostrom’s Institutional Analysis and Development framework identifies exogenous variables and its influences on the role of institutions which shapes human interaction and decision making processes. It attempts to explain how the existing water-allocation mechanism has propagated the way rules and actors currently interact to influence such arbitrary water re-allocation. Knight’s distributional theory of institutional change and his concept of power resources provide good explanations of human interaction in the context of such conflicts over limited resources. The study results also reveal how the characteristics of water-user groups and its dependence on water resource have the ability to exert political influence over water allocation. Such attributes of resource dependence characterizes power asymmetry, thereby increasing the scale of arbitrary water reallocations. Henceforth, this study addresses the gap in ‘politics of water governance’ in existing literature by empirically deriving ‘political electorate’ as a power resource in rural-urban water contestation. Overall, this study seeks to employ the theoretical explanations of property rights and attempts to provide a case on the applicability of contemporary theories of institutional change by taking the case study of Hyderabad’s water contestation.

The Geography of Publicly Supported Collaboration / Offentligt finansierade samverkansprogram: Ett geografiskt perspektiv

Lindberg, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
This paper presents an econometric analysis of the factors that influence the degree of interregional R&D collaboration between firms and other economic actors in publicly supported innovation programs. The study is based on quantitative data of two innovation programs financed by the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova; “Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation” (FFI) and “Utmaningsdriven Innovation” (UDI). The econometric analysis is conducted in two parts. First, an ordered logit model is applied, measuring the correlation between the degree of interregional collaboration within each project and the different varieties of actors within the projects. Second, an OLS analysis is performed in order to see whether different firm characteristics, as well as the concentration of different sectors within the projects, influence the degree of interregional R&D collaboration. Our findings suggest that sectoral differences between participants as well as industry branch activity differences between firms impede interregional collaboration within publicly financed collaboration programs. An additional finding is that the studied programs seem to have a behavioural effect on its participants. This is demonstrated by the finding that smaller firms are more likely to collaborate interregionally compared to larger firms, something that is generally not the case in other types of unsubsidised collaborative efforts. Innovation programs may therefore be useful in correcting market outcomes that are sub-optimal from a social perspective. / Denna studie presenterar en ekonometrisk analys rörande de faktorer som influerar graden av interregional innovationssamverkan mellan företag och andra ekonomiska aktörer inom ramen för offentligt finansierade samverkansprogram. Studien är baserad på kvantitativa data över två innovationsprogram finansierade av Sveriges innovationsmyndighet Vinnova; “Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation” (FFI) samt “Utmaningsdriven Innovation” (UDI). Den ekonometriska analysen utförs i två steg. Först utförs en ordinal logit-analys som avser mäta korrelationen mellan graden av interregional samverkan inom varje projekt och olika spridningsmått rörande deltagarnas egenskaper. Sedan utförs en OLS-analys i syfte att se huruvida olika företagsegenskaper samt sektorkonstellationer påverkar graden av interregional samverkan inom de studerade programmen. Våra resultat visar på att sektorskillnader mellan samverkande aktörer samt branschskillnader mellan samverkande företag korrelerar negativt med graden av interregional samverkan inom de studerade innovationsprogrammen. Vidare finner vi att programmen tycks ha en beteendemässig effekt på dess deltagare vilket åskådliggörs av det faktum att mindre företag samverkar interregionalt i högre grad än större företag. Detta är något som generellt inte är fallet i andra typer av icke-subventionerade samverkansinsatser. Statligt finansierade innovationsprogram kan därför vara lämpliga i syfte att korrigera för marknadsmisslyckanden som är suboptimala ur ett socialt perspektiv.

Die zivilrechtlichen Folgen einer negativen Investitionskontrolle im sektorübergreifenden Prüfverfahren nach den §§ 55 ff. AWV

Dekert, Lars Dominik 09 August 2022 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht die zivilrechtlichen Folgen einer außenwirtschaftsrechtlichen Untersagung eines Anteilserwerbs an einer börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft durch einen unionsfremden Investor im sektorübergreifenden Prüfverfahren nach den §§ 55 ff. AWV, in dem bereits vollzogene Beteiligungserwerbe im Falle einer negativen Investitionskontrolle gemäß § 15 Abs. 2 AWG bereicherungsrechtlich rückabzuwickeln sind, § 812 Abs. 1 Satz 2 Alt. 1 BGB. Die Arbeit fokussiert sich dabei auf Anteilserwerbe von einer Vielzahl von (Alt-)Aktionären und befasst sich in diesem Rahmen sowohl mit außerbörslichen Erwerbsformen als auch mit dem Erwerb im Wege der Einkaufskommission über das elektronische Handelssystem Xetra der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass die Wahl der Erwerbsmodalität durch den ausländischen Investor darüber entscheidet, ob die betreffenden (Alt-)Aktionäre Teil des Bereicherungsausgleichs werden. Daran anknüpfend werden die Folgen der bereicherungsrechtlichen Rückabwicklung auf die erlangte Mitgliedschaft aufgezeigt, insbesondere mit Rücksicht auf Kursverluste, in der Schwebezeit veranlasste gesellschaftsrechtliche Kapital- und Strukturmaßnahmen und vom Erwerber entrichtete Steuern. / This publication examines the implications under German civil law of a prohibited share acquisition in a listed stock corporation by a non-EU investor after a cross-sectoral assessment procedure pursuant to sections 55 to 59a of the German Foreign Trade and Payments Ordinance (Außenwirtschaftsverordnung). It analyses a scenario where a transaction has already been closed and is to be reversed under the law of unjust enrichment pursuant to section 15 (2) of the German Foreign Trade and Payments Act (Außenwirtschaftsgesetz) and section 812 (1) of the German Civil Code (Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch). The publication focuses especially on share purchases from a large number of existing shareholders and, in this context, deals with acquisitions both over-the-counter and on commission via the electronic exchange system Xetra at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The publication comes to the conclusion that the acquisition method chosen by the foreign investor determines whether the former shareholders become part of the enrichment compensation. Based on this result, the consequences under the German law of unjust enrichment for the reversal for the shareholder position are discussed, in particular with regard to share price losses, corporate capital and structural measures initiated during the suspension period and taxes paid by the acquirer.


Bosze, Stephanie Lynn 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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