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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marie Komárková, žena ředitele měšťanské školy Karla Komárka / Marie Komárková, Spouse of the Middle School Principal Karel Komárek

Kršková, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to capture the life of a postal clerk, later a municipal councilor and councilor Marie Komárková. I am focusing on involvement of women in public affairs at the beginning of a new republic. Due to the remarks she made during the meeting of municipal council and the city council of Poděbrady, we can observe the background of formation of self- government during the first years of the newly founded republic. The transformation of local elites, the tasks of local self-government or the involvement of women in public life, these are the topics of which Marie Komárková gives subjective testimony in her writings. A specific feature of this case is also the Poděbrady town environment, which gradually became a spa town in the given period. In addition, this work describes a transformation and functioning of local self-government during the first years of the Czechoslovak Republic through personal memories and notes of one particular person. There are also other topics Marie Komárková's character has to offer, such as girls' education or post office work at the end of the 19th century. The source base is made up not only of the memories and remarks of the former Poděbrady councilor, her husband and son, but also of correspondence, contemporary press or various sources of...

State Territorial Structuring in Iraq (1920-2020): The Impact of Group Identities, Ideas, Interests, and Foreign Influence

Jaff, Rébar 12 April 2022 (has links)
Since the creation of modern-day Iraq by the British Empire in 1920, the country’s state territorial structuring has been an ever-evolving source of political instability and conflict. Iraq’s ethnic and sectarian groups have been locked in a near constant struggle over questions of self-rule, shared rule, and secession. Consequently, the territorial model of federalism has never been far from political discussions, negotiations, and territorial disputes. Federalism was finally officially adopted in 2005, giving a new definition to Iraq’s territorial model. But while federalism seemed a natural means of managing Iraq’s long-standing ethno-sectarian divisions and was democratically ratified in a process that included most ethnic and sectarian groups, the model has failed to materialize, and territorial structure remains a major point of contention between the groups. The overarching aim of this dissertation is to shed light on two key questions. First, how have the dynamics between the major ethnic and sectarian groups of Iraq shaped the evolution of the country’s territorial structure from 1920 up to and beyond the federal constitution in 2005? Second, what can the trajectory of this evolution teach us about why federalism was adopted but has failed to materialize? I shall argue that Iraq’s territorial structuring over the past century has been systematically influenced by at least one of four “I”s: the groups’ ideas concerning territorial structuring, their conceptualizations of group identities, their definitions of group interests, and the influence of foreign actors. Focussing on the Shiite Arabs, the Sunni Arabs, and the Kurds, I will examine how these four factors have interacted to shape the territorial organization of Iraq over four key time periods: (i) the foundation of Iraq in 1920 to Saddam Hussein’s rise to the presidency in 1979, (ii) Saddam’s rule from 1979 to 2003, (iii) Saddam’s deposition in 2003 to the adoption of the federal constitution in 2005, and (iv) the post-constitutional period from 2005 to the present. I thus hope to explain how evolving inter-group dynamics over the past century have impacted the development of Iraq’s territorial structure, arguing that this sheds light on both the reference to federalism in the 2005 constitution and its subsequent failure to materialize. This dissertation thus demonstrates the powerful ways in which Iraq’s territorial structuring has been shaped by past trends in ethno-sectarian dynamics, putting us in a better position to understand the complexities of the country’s current territorial politics.

Komparační analýza uplatňování zákona o veřejných zakázkách autoritami státní správy a samosprávy / Comparative analysis of applying the public procurement law by authorities of state administrative and self-government

Rýcová, Markéta January 2016 (has links)
(angl.) This thesis discusses the public procurement law. The thesis is a case study. The author follows up on how the law is being used with public procurement at chosen institutions of the state administrative and self-government. The first part of the thesis deals with the explication of the term public procurement and other related terms. The explanation of the term public procurement as the tool of public policy serves as an acquisition. Furthermore, the thesis covers theoretical concepts, which enter the process of public procurement. Through the process of analysis, the analysis of documents and comparative analysis, the author determines whether the law is sufficient for the acts the people working in public procurement have to carry out. The results of the analysis indicate that there are stages of public procurement in which there is a need of creating a methodical material regarding procedures.

Ausgewählte Konzepte des selbstbestimmten Lernens.: Schlussfolgerungen für den Förderschwerpunkt Lernen.

Günther, Susann 25 June 2013 (has links)
Die Idee der Selbstbestimmung ist ein Konzept, welchem im historischen sowie aktuellen pädagogischen Diskurs eine hohe Bedeutung zugemessen wird. Ausgehend von der Epoche der Aufklärung wird der Mensch als vernunftbegabtes Wesen mit der Fähigkeit zum selbstbestimmten Handeln verstanden. Gleichzeitig hat sich, mit Beginn der Pädagogik als Wissenschaft, aus dem theoretisch und praktisch scheinbar nicht zu lösenden, Widerspruch zwischen subjektiver Autonomie und intentionaler Heteronomie ein Problem aufgetan, dessen Lösungsversuche den erziehungswissenschaftlichen Diskurs bis heute prägen. Wird dem Kind die Fähigkeit und das Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Handeln ausdrücklich anerkannt, ist jede pädagogische Intervention als fremdbestimmt abzulehnen. Dies würde im schlimmsten Fall bedeuten, dass die Erziehung sich selbst abschafft. Wenn man Autonomie allerdings als Kompetenz versteht, die am Ziel eines Entwicklungsprozesses steht, stellt sich die Frage ob ein Mensch ohne Erziehung überhaupt in diesen Zustand gelangen kann. Vor dem Hintergrund des Selbstbestimmungsdiskurses, des pädagogischen Paradox, der Bindungstheorie und lernpsychologischer Ansätze, wird in der Arbeit der Frage nachgegangen, ob und inwiefern Schüler, denen aktuell keine oder nur wenige Teilkompetenzen für selbstbestimmtes Lernen zugeschrieben werden, selbstbestimmt lernen können.:1 Einleitung I Der Selbstbestimmungsgedanke 2 Etymologische Einordnung 3 Autonomie aus philosophischer Sicht 3.1 Autonomie als Selbstgesetzgebung in der Moralethik Kants 3.2 Autonomie als moralisches Ziel 3.3 Das Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Handeln 4 Die Pädagogik der Selbstbestimmung im Diskurs 4.1 Das pädagogische Paradox 4.2 Von Selbstbestimmung als Erziehungsziel zur Selbstbestimmung als Erziehungsnotwendigkeit 4.2.1 Das klassisch kantische Modell der Erziehung 4.2.2 Der Umbruch 4.2.3 Das Kind als Akteur seiner eigenen Entwicklung 4.3 Schlussfolgerungen und Kritik an einem perfektiblen Menschenbild 5 Selbstbestimmung vs. Angewiesensein? 5.1 Die Bindungstheorie 5.2 Die Komplementarität von Autonomie und Angewiesensein 5.3 Bindung und kognitive Entwicklung II Selbstbestimmtes Lernen 6 Begriffsklärung 6.1 Selbstbestimmtes Lernen 6.2 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen 7 Voraussetzungen selbstbestimmten Lernens aus lernpsychologischer Sicht 7.1 Selbstgesteuertes Lernen bei Neber 7.2 Selbstbestimmungstheorie der Motivation von Deci & Ryan 7.3 Boekaerts‘ drei Schichten der Selbstregulation 7.4 Das INVO-Modell von Hasselhorn & Gold 7.4.1 Kognitive Voraussetzungen 7.4.2 Motivational-volitionale Voraussetzungen 8 Zusammenführung 9 Grenzen des Kognitivismus‘ III Selbstbestimmung und Förderschwerpunkt Lernen 10 Voraussetzungen selbstbestimmten Lernens im Kontext von Beeinträchtigungen im Lernen 11 Andere Sichtweisen auf das Phänomen Lernbeeinträchtigung 12 Fazit: Inklusion IV Ableitende Kerngedanken zum selbstbestimmten Lernen 13 Selbstbestimmung als Kompetenz 14 Rahmenbedingungen selbstbestimmten Lernens 14.1 Unterricht 14.2 Lernumwelt 14.3 Lehrerverhalten 15 Schlussbetrachtung Literaturverzeichnis Darstellungsverzeichnis

Развитие института детского самоуправления в муниципальном образовании: организационно-правовой анализ и социальные технологии : магистерская диссертация / Development of the institute of children's self-government in municipal entity: legal and organizational analysis and social technologies

Захаров, В. А., Zakharov, V. A. January 2020 (has links)
Goal of research is to analyze the organizational and legal foundations of the development of the institute of children's self-government at the level of the municipality, determine the social technologies of its implementation and develop recommendations for the development of the institute of children's self-government for municipal authorities. In the course of research, the current state of the institution of children's self-government in Russia was analyzed; the main problems of the development of the institute of children's self-government are identified and the causes of these problems are established; recommendations were developed to overcome the identified problems in the development of the institute of children's self-government for municipal authorities. / Цель работы − проанализировать организационные и правовые основы развития института детского самоуправления на уровне муниципального образования, определить социальные технологии его реализации и разработать рекомендации развития института детского самоуправления для органов муниципального управления. В процессе исследования проанализировано текущее состояние института детского самоуправления в России; выявлены основные проблемы развития института детского самоуправления и установлены причины этих проблем; разработаны рекомендации по преодолению выявленных проблем в развитии института детского самоуправления для органов муниципального управления.

Совершенствование инструментов реализации стратегии развития системы жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Свердловской области : магистерская диссертация / Improving the strategy tools for the development of the housing and communal services system in the Sverdlovsk region

Масягина, А. В., Masyagina, A. V. January 2020 (has links)
В процессе исследования была проанализирована нормативная правовая база в сфере стратегического планирования на федеральном и региональном уровнях; были дифференцированы инструменты стратегического развития жилищно-коммунального комплекса; выявлены основные проблемы реализации инструментов стратегического развития в сфере жилищно-коммунального хозяйства; определены пути для преодоления выявленных проблем на примере зарубежного опыта. Результатом работы стала разработка ряда рекомендаций и мероприятий по совершенствованию инструментов стратегии развития жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Свердловской области. Также был разработан проект по развитию жилищного самоуправления, который является инструментом по привлечению граждан в управление жилым фондом. Предложенные рекомендации в дальнейшем могут быть реализованы органами государственной власти Свердловской области. / In the process of analysis of normative legal base in the sphere of strategic planning at Federal and regional levels; were differentiated tools of strategic development of housing and communal complex; the basic problems of the implementation of tools for strategic development in the sphere of housing and communal services; identify ways to overcome the identified problems on the example of foreign experience. The result of the work was the development of a number of recommendations and measures to improve the tools of the strategy for the development of housing and communal services in the Sverdlovsk region. A project for the development of housing self-government was also developed, which is a tool for attracting citizens to manage the housing stock. The proposed recommendations can be implemented by the state authorities of the Sverdlovsk region in the future.

Les inégalités en santé chez les Autochtones : le droit constitutionnel et la normativité internationale comme fondement d’un droit autochtone à la santé en droit canadien

Masson, Flavie 07 1900 (has links)
On observe des disparités importantes en matière de santé entre les Autochtones et les non-Autochtones au Canada. Ces inégalités démontrent l’importance d’agir afin de décoloniser les systèmes de santé canadiens et nous amène à nous demander si une approche fondée sur les droits pourrait constituer une solution efficace pour améliorer la situation. Ce mémoire vise donc à déterminer s’il existe, dans le contexte juridique canadien, un droit autochtone à la santé qui permettrait aux peuples autochtones de présenter leurs revendications et d’assurer l’imputabilité des gouvernements canadiens. Pour y répondre, nous analysons d’abord les disparités en matière de santé à partir des données épidémiologiques disponibles et de la théorie des déterminants fondamentaux de la santé. Nous procédons ensuite à une analyse du droit constitutionnel canadien et du droit international afin de déterminer la mesure dans laquelle ils pourraient servir à la revendication d’un droit à la santé par les peuples autochtones dans le contexte juridique national. Ce mémoire délimite quatre fondements juridiques potentiels rattachés à l’article 35 de la Loi constitutionnelle de 1982 qui pourraient fonder un droit autochtone à la santé : 1) le droit à l’autonomie gouvernementale; 2) les droits issus de traités; 3) les droits ancestraux spécifiques; et 4) les droits ancestraux génériques fondés sur la normativité internationale. Une approche fondée sur les développements jurisprudentiels récents en matière de droit de la personne favorise aussi une compréhension approfondie de l’étendue des obligations des gouvernements canadiens envers les peuples autochtones en matière de santé. Cela nous mène à conclure que le droit canadien ne permet pas d’établir l’existence d’un droit à la santé absolu pour les Autochtones, mais qu’un tel droit peut néanmoins exister sous certaines formes plus spécifiques qui répondent au besoin de prévisibilité du droit. / There are significant health disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples in Canada. These inequalities highlight the importance of decolonizing Canadian health care systems and lead us to wonder whether a rights-based approach could constitute an effective solution to improve the situation. This thesis therefore aims to determine whether there exists, in the Canadian legal context, an Aboriginal right to health that would allow Aboriginal peoples to articulate their claims and ensure the accountability of Canadian governments. To answer this, we first analyze health disparities based on available epidemiological data and the theory of fundamental determinants of health. We then proceed to an analysis of Canadian constitutional law and international law to determine the extent to which they could be used for the assertion of a right to health by Indigenous peoples in the national legal context. This thesis delineates four potential legal bases flowing from section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, that could serve as a basis for argument in support of an existing Aboriginal right to health: 1) self-government rights; 2) treaty rights; 3) specific Aboriginal rights; and 4) generic Aboriginal rights based on international normativity. An approach grounded in recent human rights case law developments also serves to foster greater understanding of the extent of Canadian governments' obligations towards Indigenous peoples with respect to health. This analysis leads us to conclude that Canadian law do not support the existence of an unlimited right to health for Aboriginal peoples, but that such rights can nevertheless exist in more specific forms that respect the need for legal predictability.

Formes et acteurs du changement territorial dans les périphéries du monde : dynamiques urbaines et mutations rurales en Bolivie / Shapes and players of territorial change in the satellites territories of global world : urban dynamics and rural changing in Bolivia

Arreghini, Louis 23 March 2011 (has links)
Dans un monde globalisé, les territoires de la périphérie du monde entrent dans un processus de changement continuel sous les contraintes de multiples acteurs, transnationaux, étatiques et locaux. Cette thèse s’est fixée comme objectif de révéler la spatialité de ces changements ainsi que les jeux d’acteurs qui y contribuent dans le cas de la Bolivie. Les hypothèses, qui postulent un irréversible processus d’autonomisation des territoires, ont résisté à l’épreuve des faits : les bouleversements politiques et sociaux intervenus pendant la période de la réalisation de ce projet. La thèse présente d’abord un positionnement épistémologique qui propose d’articuler l’espace et ses acteurs dans une perspective modélisatrice. Elle expose ensuite un cadre systémique de mise en cohérence des éléments de structuration et de changement territorial qui place, au centre, un système idéel construit à partir des signaux échangés par les acteurs afin de maîtriser ce changement territorial : signaux de domination, de pression ou de séduction engendrant des relations d’exploitation, de conflits ou de coopération. Ce système idéel est relié à des sous-systèmes matérialisés (organisation politico-administrative, système de villes et espaces de l’économie) qui subissent l’impact des changements étudiés. En effet, les politiques territoriales sont les rétroactions d’un tel système. Le traitement de chaque sous-système matérialisé correspond à un changement d’échelle géographique. Les modèles spatiaux à base de chronochorèmes complètent l’étude dynamique du changement. Ces choix méthodologiques permettent une lecture géographique des résultats suivants : - L'efficacité des mouvements sociaux réside moins dans la matrice sectorielle et professionnelle que dans leur assise territoriale .-L'État concentre ses réformes sur le sous-système matérialisé de l'organisation politico-administrative car il semble n'avoir prise ni sur le système des villes, ni sur les espaces et territoires de l'économie. Il n'est jamais parvenu jusqu'à présent à un accord qui lui aurait permis d'équilibrer dépenses sociales et investissements productifs. Un consensus social devra également être trouvé pour rendre viable un État plurinational. L'État concentre sur lui la majorité des signaux et établit ses politiques territoriales en fonction de leur pression. - La toute puissance technologique et financière des acteurs transnationaux se heurtent à l’efficacité des mouvements sociaux. Toutefois, ces acteurs restent à terme des pièces importantes d’un jeu où , pourvoyeurs d’activité et d’emplois, ils continueront à produire de l’espace et à consommer des territoires / In a globalized world, satellite territories undergo continual change process constrained by multiple, transnational, public and local actors. This thesis aims to reveal the spatiality of these changes as well as the sets of actors who contributed to it in Bolivia. The assumptions, which assume an irreversible process of empowering territories, have withstood the proof of facts : political and social upheavals occurred during the period of the realization of this project. The thesis starts with epistemological considerations which propose to articulate space and its actors in a modeling approach. Then the thesis presents a systemic conceptual framework providing coherence within territorial structuration and changes which focus on a system built from the signals exchanged by the actors to control this territorial change : signals of domination, pressure or seduction, generating relation of exploitation, adversarial or cooperation. This conceptual system is connected to effective subsystems (politico-administrative organization, system of cities and territories of the economy) which undergo the impact of the studied changes. Indeed, territorial policies are the results of the feedbacks of such a system. Dealing with each effective subsystem needs to focus on different geographical scales. The spatial models containing chronochorèmes supplement the dynamic study of the change. This methodological approach allows a geographical reading of the following results : - Social movements’ efficiency is better explained by its territorial origin than the sectoral and professional matrix. - The government focuses its reforms on the politico-administrative sub-system because it seems not to have stranglehold either on the system of cities, or on economics territories. Until now, it never managed to achieve an agreement which would have enabled to balance welfare expenditures and productive investments. A social consensus will have also to be found to make viable a multinational nation. The nation concentrates the majority of the signals and establishes its territorial policies according to their pressure. - The technological and financial all-power of the transnational actors face up to the effectiveness of social movements. However, these actors remain in the long term important providers of activity and employment and will continue to produce space and to consume territories

L'autonomie organisationnelle du gouvernement : recherche sur le droit gouvernemental de la Vème République / Autonomy in government organisation : research on governmental law under the Fifth Republic

Caron, Matthieu 15 November 2014 (has links)
La doctrine constitutionnelle française a reconnu, à la suite des traités de Jules Poudra et d’Eugène Pierre, que le droit parlementaire représentait une réalité juridique positive qui méritait d’être conceptualisée et d’accéder au rang de discipline universitaire. Paradoxalement, aucune étude approfondie du Gouvernement n’a jamais été menée pour déterminer s’il existait un droit gouvernemental.En procédant au récolement et à l’analyse des règles relatives à l’ordonnancement intérieur du Gouvernement de la Ve République, cette thèse entend précisément démontrer que le Gouvernement régit de manière autonome sa propre organisation et son fonctionnement internes au même titre que le Parlement. D’une part, elle permet de soutenir que le Gouvernement dispose d’une autonomie de portée variable (résiduelle, partagée ou pleine) lorsqu’il élabore le droit régissant son organisation politique. D’autre part, elle établit qu’il jouit d’une pleine autonomie pour réglementer l’organisation de son administration gouvernementale (cabinets ministériels, administrations chargées de la coordination interministérielle et administrations centrales).Cette thèse ne prétend pas pour autant constituer une théorie générale du droit gouvernemental. Elle se veut une première recherche de droit constitutionnel destinée à susciter un débat doctrinal au sujet de l’existence juridique du droit gouvernemental et de son utilité pour la démocratie. / French constitutional doctrine, following the treaties of Jules Poudra and Eugène Pierre, acknowledged that Parliamentary Law represented a positive reality which deserved to be conceptualised and take its full place as a university discipline. It is paradoxical that no in-depth study has ever been carried out on Government to determine if Governmental law really existsBy collecting, gathering and analysing the rules concerning the internal organisation of the Government of the Fifth Republic, this thesis wishes to prove that the Government regulates its own organisation and internal operations in an autonomous manner in much the same way as the Parliament. On the one hand this thesis defends the fact that the Government has a variable scope of autonomy (Residual, shared or complete) when drawing up laws governing its own organisation policy. On the other hand, it points out that the Government exercises full autonomy to regulate the organisation of its administration (Ministries, Offices in charge of coordinating the different Ministries and the Central Administration).The intention of this thesis is not to put forward a general theory on Governmental Law. It is an initial research into constitutional law with a purpose of stimulating doctrinal debate on the existence of Governmental Law and its utility for Democracy.

Summerhill school is it possible in Aotearoa ??????? New Zealand ???????: Challenging the neo-liberal ideologies in our hegemonic schooling system

Peck, Mikaere Michelle S. January 2009 (has links)
The original purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibility of setting up a school in Aotearoa (New Zealand) that operates according to the principles and philosophies of Summerhill School in Suffolk, England. An examination of Summerhill School is therefore the purpose of this study, particularly because of its commitment to self-regulation and direct democracy for children. My argument within this study is that Summerhill presents precisely the type of model Māori as Tangata Whenua (Indigenous people of Aotearoa) need in our design of an alternative schooling programme, given that self-regulation and direct democracy are traits conducive to achieving Tino Rangitiratanga (Self-government, autonomy and control). In claiming this however, not only would Tangata Whenua benefit from this model of schooling; indeed it has the potential to serve the purpose of all people regardless of age race or gender. At present, no school in Aotearoa has replicated Summerhill's principles and philosophies in their entirety. Given the constraints of a Master's thesis, this piece of work is therefore only intended as a theoretical background study for a much larger kaupapa (purpose). It is my intention to produce a further and more comprehensive study in the future using Summerhill as a vehicle to initiate a model school in Aotearoa that is completely antithetical to the dominant neo-liberal philosophy of our age. To this end, my study intends to demonstrate how neo-liberal schooling is universally dictated by global money market trends, and how it is an ideology fueled by the indifferent acceptance of the general population. In other words, neo-liberal theory is a theory of capitalist colonisation. In order to address the long term vision, this project will be comprised of two major components. The first will be a study of the principal philosophies that govern Summerhill School. As I will argue, Summerhill creates an environment that is uniquely successful and fulfilling for the children who attend. At the same time, it will also be shown how it is a philosophy that is entirely contrary to a neo-liberal 3 mindset; an antidote, to a certain extent, to the ills of contemporary schooling. The second component will address the historical movement of schooling in Aotearoa since the Labour Party's landslide victory in 1984, and how the New Zealand Curriculum has been affected by these changes. I intend to trace the importation of neo-liberal methodologies into Aotearoa such as the 'Picot Taskforce,' 'Tomorrows Schools' and 'Bulk Funding,' to name but a few. The neo-liberal ideologies that have swept through this country in the last two decades have relentlessly metamorphosised departments into businesses and forced ministries into the marketplace, hence causing the 'ideological reduction of education' and confining it to the parameters of schooling. The purpose of this research project is to act as a catalyst for the ultimate materialization of an original vision; the implementation of a school like Summerhill in Aotearoa. A study of the neo-liberal ideologies that currently dominate this country is imperative in order to understand the current schooling situation in Aotearoa and create an informed comparison between the 'learning for freedom' style of Summerhill and the 'learning to earn' style of our status quo schools. It is my hope to strengthen the argument in favour of Summerhill philosophy by offering an understanding of the difference between the two completely opposing methods of learning.

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