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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En jämförelse av analysen hos E.G. Björling och idag

Olsson, Gus January 2023 (has links)
I denna uppsats presenteras hur den svenska matematikern E.G. Björling bygger upp den matematiska analysen. Björlings matematik från mitten av 1800-taletkommer jämföras med hur den ser ut idag. I uppsatsen analyseras funktionsbegreppet, kontinuitet och derivata, samt vad Björling kan ha haft för påverkan på Cauchys summasats. Vi kommer samtidigt få en förståelse om varför Björling inte blev så uppmärksammad som han skulle kunna blivit.

En bergsmans rön och försök i ryska riket : Nationella bilder och statsrelaterad kunskap i Daniel Tilas 1738 års studieresa

Hoaas, Birk January 2023 (has links)
On February 4th in 1738, Daniel Tilas, an official of the Swedish Bureau of Mines travelled into Russia in order to study the metal and mining industries of the country. After just over two months of travelling between workshops, factories and mines, both abandoned and active ones, he returned home to Sweden with a rather rich description of his findings in Russia. During the early modern era travels like this one, namely with the purpose of gathering and describing knowledge, were a commonplace occurrence all over Europe. The Bureau of Mines sponsored many travels of this sort during it’s roughly 200-year existence in order to gain knowledge of the state of the metal and mining industries around Europe and even in Sweden, these travels also functioned as a crucial part in the education of the Swedish mining officials. But the Swedish travels to Russia were undertaken with partially different goals in mind, since the end of the great northern war Russia hade become the primary enemy on Sweden. This meant the Bureau of Mines sought after knowledge about and from Russia which could be used to effectively compete against them on a geopolitical scale. In this essay I thus attempt to explore the view of Russia which existed in the Bureau of Mines during the first half of the 18th century by primarily studying how Tilas depicted the Russian mining and metal industries and secondarily the Russian society in his writings. I do this through the analytical lens of the theory on “state-related knowledge” defined by historians Lothar Schilling and Jakob Vogel. I also make use of the concept of the “hybrid expert” as defined by historian Ursula Klein to deepen the analysis of Tilas depiction and description of Russia’s industry.

Fastigetsägaren och hyresbostaden : Göteborg 1936–1937

Wilsby, Unn January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Kvinnor, politik och kvinnofrågor : Kvinnliga politikers arbete i Karlstads stadsfullmäktige under 1940-talet / Women, politics, and women’s issues : Women in Karlstads town council in the 1940s

Pedersen, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study the politics of elected women in Karlstad´s town council in the 1940s. This is done by examining the motions they put forward. The motions are examined through the records from the town councils’ meetings. To fulfil the essays’ purpose three questions are asked, the first one relates to the content of the motions, what do they contain? The second question asks whether the motions follow certain themes and if the themes coincide with the traditional roles in politics where women do politics in areas pertaining reproduction. This part of the essay is analysed trough a model created by Lena Wängnerud. Reproduction means social, caring areas such as healthcare, education, and welfare whereas the other end of the scale is production with areas such as finance, taxes, and commercial politics. The women put forward 23 motions over a 10-year period where more than half of them fell under the reproduction category. The third question asks where or not the women act within the frames for the gender system and gender contract theorized by Yvonne Hirdman. The study finds that the women in the town council often followed the norm, which is for them to put forward motions pertaining other women, children, elderly and the lesser fortunate. The study also finds that Karlstad had a high percentage of women in the town council, comparing to the rest of Sweden and both Denmark and Norway. Even though the women were many in percentages, compared to the rest of the country they were rather passive. Only a few women put forward several motions. The reason for this is unclear but being in a male dominated field could mean that the little power existing for women were given to a small minority of the women, who got to be the voice for all the women. The study does find that one third of the motions could be placed under the production end of the scale meaning they might not have been as bound to the gender contract as first thought.

Att kompromissa inför sitt arbetsliv– en enkätstudie om elever i 1990-talets kölvatten

Strand, Veronika January 2007 (has links)
1990-talet med sina ”krisår” satte djupa spår i Sveriges samhällsutveckling och våra ungdomar som är en ytterst konjunkturkänslig grupp har blivit särskilt drabbade, inte minst när det gäller möjligheten att kunna försörja sig själva. Till detta kommer utvecklingen av nya ungdomskulturer som ställer våra traditionella synsätt på levnadssätt och karriär mot väggen.Syftet med min undersökning var att få veta om elever på tre yrkesförberedande gymnasieprogram utifrån sina program och genom sina föresatser och strategier kan möta villkoren på arbetsmarknaden. Jag har, för att ge undersökningen en problembakgrund, tagit hjälp av tidigare undersökningar, rent informationsmaterial och aktuell statistik. Detta för att få reda på vilka attityder och värderingar ungdomar har i förhållande till arbetslivet, vilka villkor och prognoser som väntar eleverna inom de olika yrkesgenrerna och till sist vad som kan påverka att de eventuellt blir arbetslösa.För att gå på djupet kring vilka grundläggande villkor som kan ligga bakom elevernas handlingssätt och strategier inför arbetslivet, så har jag i mina teoretiska perspektiv använt både sociologiska och socialpsykologiska teser.Jag har utifrån ovanstående bakgrund, och utifrån en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning, tagit reda på hur sammanlagt 45 elever på Barn- och fritidsprogrammet, Fordons- och transportprogrammet och Omvårdnadsprogrammet navigerar inför sina kommande arbetsliv, vilka erfarenheter och förutsättningar de har och om de därigenom kan anses vara beredda att möta villkoren på dagens arbetsmarknad, då främst utifrån sina utbildningsområden.Efter att resultatet var sammanställt och analyserat så kan jag, mycket på grund av den gynnsamma utveckling som Sverige för tillfället (ht-2006) befinner sig i, generellt och med stor sannolikhet slå fast att eleverna, med vissa skillnader utifrån sina program, i det stora hela är beredda att möta villkoren på dagens arbetsmarknad.

Kapitainen, lieutnanten och portraittet : En undersökning av tre ortografiska förändringar med utgångspunkt i Leopolds avhandling från 1801

Ejermo, Emma January 2021 (has links)
With purpose of developing the knowledge of language change in the orthographic scientific field, this study maps out three of the orthographic changes that are penned down by Leopold in Afhandling om Svenska stafsättet year 1801. Here, introductions, acceptance and spreading of new spellings the Swedish language use during the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century and the reasons for them spreading are in focus. In the essay, changes in k-spelling, j-spelling and ä-spelling within sixteen French loanwords with connections to either music and theatre or the military are analysed in printed newspapers. All the words used in this piece of research are French loanwords which Leopold recommends to be adjusted in their spelling to fit the Swedish spelling system. The period of 1790 to 1849 is divided into two parts. The first one is from 1790 to 1809 and is referred to as the introduction period. The period after that, from 1810 to 1849, is the period of acceptance and spreading. The results consist of numbers of hits and paper publications digitalized by The royal library (´Kungliga biblioteket´).  The conclusions drawn by this study is that most of Leopold´s spellings get a dramatic and fast increase in usage in a period of a few years from year 1800, where the K-words get the largest percentual development. In that period Leopold´s spelling increase particularly from 1804 to 1807. During the 1810s and 1820s, the spellings that Leopold recommends and other spellings are used about as often and no greater changes happen to the k- and ä-spellings. Only the j-spellings get a greater development with an escalation in the use of some words between 1817 and 1818. From 1830 to 1849, Leopold´s spellings are used a lot more often than the other spellings in most cases. From the introduction of the new spellings, it takes between three to six years for the new language norm to break through and somewhere between 30 and 40 years for the norm to spread.  The reasons for these changes can be many different ones, but there is evidence that point to that the status of French, which is lost in Sweden during this period could be behind some of the changes together with an urbanisation which creates demands of higher language accessibility.

Tjuvkällingar : Tillgreppsbrott och sambrottslighet bland kvinnor på norra Gotland under 1840-talet / Thieving Women : Theft and co-offending among women in northern Gotland during the 1840s

Grönström, Mathilda January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to investigate women's theft crime in northern Gotland during the 1840s, and whether the women have committed co-offending together with other perpetrators. The study uses the method of hermeneutic text analysis. The study used court books from Gotland's northern district court from the years 1845 to 1847. The study uses gender theory, which is used to analyze and emphasize power relations between women and other perpetrators. The results of the study show that most women have stolen because of poverty. Clothes and food were the most common items stolen. In the court records, it appears that women are described differently than men. Several women had poor knowledge of Christianity and had given birth to children out of wedlock and were therefore more vulnerable. When co- offending was studied, conclusions could be drawn that women often co-offended with men, and in court, several women declared that they had been forced or threatened to steal. Through the gender theory, it is possible to see tendencies towards unequal power relations within marriage, where women have a lower status than men. Women who co- offended with other women are more likely to have done so consensually. The didactic question of the study dealt with the subject of historical awareness, where the topic of the essay can be linked to discussions about women and crime and what change may be seen over time. The discussions are expressed in terms of gender and how gender patterns can change over time.

Socialdemokraternas förlust 1976 : Två kommuner under 1970-talet

Lindewald, Gustaf January 2022 (has links)
1970-talet var en tid av förändring. Oljekriser, industrikriser och strukturkriser var alla aktuella under perioden och detta innebar nya utmaningar för politiker på alla plan.  Den tredje industriella revolutionen gav utökade möjligheter men den innebar också att många tidigare svenska industrijobb försvann eller flyttade annanstans. Det var även en brytpunkt politiskt, 1976 fick Sverige sin första icke socialdemokratiska regering på flera decennier och början av Socialdemokraternas nedgång har av flera daterats till just 1970-talet. Socialdemokraterna förlorade även makten på kommunal nivå i flera delar av landet, till exempel i Nyköping där de tidigare haft en egen majoritet i kommunen innan 1976. I grannkommunen Oxelösund å andra sidan behöll Socialdemokraterna makten.  Både Nyköping och Oxelösund är små, sörmländska kommuner som historiskt präglats av industri, industri som i stor utsträckning började försvinna under perioden. Varför var det så då att de fick två så olika utfall? Var det slump eller kan vi hitta anledningar i kommunernas olika förutsättningar och Socialdemokraternas agerande i respektive kommun?

Religions- och sekulariseringsdebatten i Sverige under 2000-talet : En jämförande studie av två tongivande röster i debatten / The Religion and Secularisation Debate in Sweden during the 21st Century : A Comparative study of Two Leading Voices in the Debate

Sjöstedt, Maria January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate two leading voices in the religion and secularizationdebate in Sweden during the 21st century, with a special focus on how the term secularisation isused. The investigation will be conducted using hermeneutics, and the method that will be usedis the hermeneutics of suspicion. The primary focus of this investigation is the source materialwritten by David Thurfjell and Christer Sturmark. The investigation has revealed thatThurfjell’s and Sturmark’s description of secularisation and religion in Sweden differs and thiscan be linked to their different backgrounds and starting points. The difference in theirdescriptions shows that the use of the concept of secularisation is not self-evident, it can varydepending on when during history it is used, but also who uses the term. The investigationrevealed the complexity of the concept of secularisation, a result that gives support to previousresearchers results within the field.

Frijazz äntrar scenen : Något nytt som skapar debatt och dess plats i den svenska jazzdiskursen / Free jazz enters the scene : Something new that generated debate and its place in the Swedish jazz narrative

Jansson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
When a new type of jazz, later often referred to as free jazz, entered the Swedish jazz scene at the time when the 1950s became the 1960s, an intense debate occurred within the Swedish jazz community. A debate between those in favor of the new style, its expressions and the direction in which jazz was moving towards in general, versus those who disliked this new development, thought that it was too extreme and was not in line with the traditions of jazz. This essay will bring this debate to light and analyze different aspects of it, with a similar controversy in mind which took place at the time of the arrival of bebop, approximately fifteen years earlier. The primary aim is to integrate free jazz into the Swedish jazz narrative, something that has been neglected in earlier research. Through discourse analysis, contemporary thoughts and values are brought to the surface. In part to better understand how and why these different opinions came to be, but above all, if they were part of other contemporary discussions, strives and struggles within the Swedish jazz community. The findings point towards the fact that free jazz played an important role in both the contemporary Swedish jazz discourse and the development of jazz at large. Free jazz expanded the spectrum of expression within the genre and helped jazz in general to reach a status of high culture, a strive that had existed for a long time.

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