Spelling suggestions: "subject:"teleological.""
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Préformation et épigenèse en développement : une analyse épistémologique de l'Entwicklungsgeschichte après Darwin et de l'EntwicklungsmechanikBolduc, Ghyslain 01 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse a été évaluée par un jury composé des personnes suivantes: Molly Kao, Présidente-rapporteuse; François Duchesneau, Directeur de recherche; Frédéric Bouchard, Membre du jury; Stéphane Schmitt (CNRS, Paris), Examinateur externe; Jean-François Pflieger (UdeM - Biologie), Représentant du doyen de la FESP. / L'objectif premier de cette thèse est de démontrer l'existence d'une logique de la découverte embryologique à l'œuvre dans la genèse de l'Entwicklungsmechanik et renouvelant l'opposition entre préformation et épigenèse. L'articulation d'une typologie du développement et d'une heuristique mécaniste alimente d'une part la réduction causale des phénomènes. L'expérimentation embryologique dévoile d'autre part des phénomènes complexes de régulation épigénétique qui forcent les biologistes à transformer leurs modèles explicatifs.
Cette thèse analyse d'abord le rôle de la théorie darwinienne dans l'établissement d'une heuristique mécaniste appliquée à la morphologie. L'Entwicklungsgeschichte d'Ernst Haeckel opère alors la synthèse du programme embryologique de Karl von Baer et de la théorie darwinienne et la réduction physiologique de l'épigenèse typologique schématisée par la loi biogénétique de récapitulation. Une physiologie du développement s'émancipe de la méthodologie haeckelienne et de son cadre phylogénique. Prenant le relais de la physique du développement menée par Wilhelm His (1874), Wilhelm Roux réalise une synthèse physiologique du darwinisme dans Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus (La Lutte des parties dans l'organisme 1881). Une troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'Entwicklungsmechanik et à ses rapports avec le néo-darwinisme d'August Weismann. On y retrace les étapes primordiales de la conception nucléo-idioplasmique de l'hérédité. Les découvertes de la mitose et de la fécondation (1873-1884), combinées à la théorie de Carl von Nägeli (1884), servent de préalables au néo-préformationnisme weismannien; dès 1885, Weismann postule ainsi une prédétermination interne du développement qui se réaliserait par division inégale de qualités héréditaires sises dans l'architecture chromatique du noyau. Cette théorie trouve appuie dans des expérimentations de destruction de blastomères (Chabry 1887, Roux 1888) mais est remise en cause par la découverte de la Theilbildung (Hans Driesch 1892). La réorganisation des destins morphogénétiques de cellules en différenciation (Umdifferenzierung) échapperait donc à la modélisation mécanique du développement. Deux issues au problème sont analysées : (1) l'invention du premier modèle d'induction embryonnaire (Driesch 1894) combinée à une épigenèse néo-vitaliste; (2) la théorie organiciste d'Oscar Hertwig, alliant les principes de la théorie cellulaire à une critique de l'application biologique de la causalité mécanique. L'analyse épistémologique des moments fondateurs de l'embryologie expérimentale éclaire comment une logique de la découverte a pris en compte présupposés préformationnistes et modèles mécanistes, structurant ainsi le devenir de la biologie développementale contemporaine. / The main goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate the existence of a logic of embryological discovery which contributed to the genesis of Entwicklungsmechanik, and which renewed the opposition between preformation and epigenesis. On the one hand, the synthesis between a typology of development and a mechanistic heuristic led to a causal reductionist account of phenomena. Embryological experimentation, on the other hand revealed complex processes of epigenetic regulation which forced biologists to transform their models of explanation. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the role of Darwinism in the development of a mechanistic heuristic applied to morphology. Ernst Haeckel's Entwicklungsgeschichte proposed a synthesis between Karl von Baer's embryological program and Darwinism, which led to a physiological-reductionist view of typological epigenesis on the basis of the recapitulation law. A physiology of development thus frees itself from Haeckelian methodology and its phylogenic framework. While relying on Wilhelm His' physics of development (1874), Wilhelm Roux carried out a physiological synthesis of Darwinism in Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus (The Struggle of Parts in the Organism 1881). The third part of this dissertation examines the Entwicklungsmechanik and its relationship to August Weismann's Neo-Darwinism. The essential steps of the nuclear-idioplasmic theory of heredity are then described. The discoveries of mitosis and fertilization (1873-1884), combined with Carl von Nägeli's theory (1884), served as preconditions to Weismann's Neo-Preformationism. By 1885 Weismann postulates the existence of an internal predetermination of development, which would be carried out by unequal division of inherited qualities located in the nucleus chromatic architecture. This theory is first supported by experiments on blastomere destruction (Chabry 1887, Roux 1888), but it ends up being challenged by the discovery of Theilbildung (Hans Driesch 1892). The coordinated actions of differentiating cells which led to the reorganization of their morphogenetic fates (Umdifferenzierung) could not be accounted for by a mechanical model of development. Two outcomes are then examined: (1) the development of the first model of embryonic induction (Driesch 1894) coupled with a Neo-vitalistic epigenesis; (2) Oscar Hertwig's organicism, which combined principles of cell theory with a rejection of the use of mechanistic causality in biology. An epistemological analysis of experimental embryology's founding principles thus shows how a logic of discovery has structured the evolution of contemporary developmental biology by taking into account preformationist ideas and mechanistic models.
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La question du divin dans la philosophie aristotélicienne / The Question of the Divine in AristotleBaghdassarian, Fabienne 20 October 2011 (has links)
Poser la question du divin chez Aristote, c’est déterminer à quelle question la conception aristotélicienne du divin est censée répondre. L’examen méthodique de l’intégralité du corpus aristotelicum et, tout particulièrement, des trois textes dans lesquels Aristote place l’étude des réalités divines au centre de son enquête (Physique, VII-VIII ; De Cœlo, I-II, Métaphysique, Lambda) permet de formuler deux conclusions principales. En premier lieu, il apparaît clairement que la question du divin n’est pas, aux yeux d’Aristote, de nature théologique, mais archologique. Nulle part, en effet, l’étude du divin n’est menée pour elle-Même ; elle s’ancre, au contraire, dans un examen explicitement dédié aux principes premiers de la phusis ou des ousiai. La conception aristotélicienne du divin et des dieux est ainsi le produit d’un examen méthodique des êtres premiers et des principes, examen grâce auquel Aristote espère produire une détermination rigoureuse du mode d’être du principe en tant que tel et résoudre, par là même, certaines apories relatives à la question de l’archè. En second lieu, il convient de noter que les principaux textes dévolus à l’étude des êtres divins se distinguent les uns des autres par des nuances méthodologiques significatives. Selon que la question du divin prend naissance au sein de la science naturelle ou de la science des substances, selon qu’elle appartient à la physique ou à l’ousiologie, la preuve de l’existence des réalités divines, de même que la description de leur nature et de leurs fonctions, font l’objet de formulations diverses, toutes inféodées à la logique conceptuelle de la science qui les rend possibles. En somme, chaque examen des réalités divines se distingue par sa tournure singulière, qui n’est autre que le produit de la régionalisation des discours, c’est-À-Dire de leur adaptation méthodologique aux outils de la science qui les engendre. / Studying the question of the divine in Aristotle implies to determine to which problem the Aristotelian conception of the divine is supposed to answer. Two conclusions can be drawn from close examination of the corpus aristotelicum in its entirety, and particularly of these texts in which the study of divine realities is Aristotle’s major concern (Physics, VII-VIII; De Cœlo, I-II, Metaphysics, Lambda). In the first place, it clearly appears that, according to Aristotle, the question of the divine is not a theological question, but an archological one. Indeed, nowhere Aristotle studies the divine beings in order to explore deeply the nature of the gods, but rather with the intention of investigating the first principles of phusis and ousiai. The Aristotelian conception of the divine is thus the consequence of the detailed examination of the first principles, thanks to which Aristotle thinks he will be able to define precisely the nature of the principle qua principle and then to solve some aporia about the archè. In the second place, it is worth noting that each of the three main texts in which Aristotle develops his conception of the divine is characterized by slight but significant differences in method. Depending on whether the question of the divine belongs to the science of nature (physics) or to the science of ousia (ousiology), the demonstration of the existence of divine beings and the description of their nature and causality are expressed in different ways, in accordance with the concepts employed in each science. In short, each investigation about divine beings is characterized by its singular form, which is the product of the regionalization of each inquiry, i.e. of its methodical adaptation to the conceptual tools of the science to which it belongs.
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Le concept de finalité pour éclairer le travail du manager : une lecture philosophique à partir du cas de la Française des Jeux / The concept of purpose to enlighten the manager’s work : a philosophical interpretation based on the Française des Jeux caseGuéry, Bernard 23 November 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a pour but de montrer quelles logiques de la finalité sont en jeu dans le travail du manager. Nous avons distingué deux façons d’aborder la finalité. La première, proche des notions d’objectif, d’intérêt, d’utilité, constitue le soubassement des façons d’aborder classiquement le travail du manager. Nous avons fait émerger, en nous appuyant sur la pensée d’Aristote, Thomas d’Aquin, et Spaemann, une conception alternative de la finalité, qui diffère de l’objectif et de l’intérêt en ce qu’elle n’est pas construite. Ce concept de finalité permet de voir autrement trois dimensions essentielles du travail du manager : le management par objectif, le faisceau d’exigences contradictoires dont le manager est le point focal, et le dilemme qui se pose à lui entre éthique et efficacité. Enfin, une enquête de terrain permet de montrer que cette logique alternative de la finalité, rattachée à l’éthique des vertus, trouve une certaine place dans le discours des managers de la FDJ, aux côtés du conséquentialisme, qui consacre l’acception utilitaire de la finalité, et du déontologisme qui évacue le recours à la finalité. / This thesis aim is to show which notion of purpose is at stake in the manager’s work. It differentiates two ways to address the concept of purpose. The first one, close to the notions of objective, interest, utility, forms the foundations of a classical vision of the manager’s work. However, a second one, based on Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and Spaemann’s philosophies, arose. This alternative conception differs from objective and interest as it is not elaborated by the subject. It allows a different view on three essential dimensions of the manager’s work: the management by objectives, the body of contradictory requirements that built up on the manager and the dilemma between ethics and efficiency. Finally, a field survey showed that this alternative conception of purpose, linked to virtue-based ethics, has a certain place in the FDJ’s managers’ message, together with consequentialism, which expresses the utilitarian conception of purpose, and deontological ethics, which evacuates any purpose.
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On rights a defense and analysis of rights through natural lawLopez, Ramon E. 01 May 2011 (has links)
One of the central questions in political theory deals with the nature of rights. What sorts of rights do people possess? How are these rights justified? How ought these rights be reflected and related when seen in political, economic, and social institutions? Following the publication of John Rawls' A Theory of Justice (1971) and Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974), rights have once again returned to dominate much of contemporary political theory. However, natural law, which was the historical basis of the early Enlightenment theories of rights, is no longer the primary system appealed to when discussing rights. In fact, classical natural law has been all but discarded in most of political theory today. There has also been renewed debate over the nature of public neutrality, and what the relationship ought to be between the public and private sphere. The mainstream view of how our liberties relate to our rights, as well as what kinds of rights we have over our private affairs, has come under fire from a newly emerging political philosophy known as communitarianism. This thesis will present a robust theory of rights that provides a new understanding of the relationship between positive and negative rights through a defense of classical natural law as an ethical foundation for political theory. It will side with the communitarian critics of public neutrality, and offer a practical method of determining when the state is justified in limiting private liberties due to public interest.
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Vorsicht Stufe! / Zur Kritik von Entwicklungsmodellen des Menschen in der PädagogikBuck, Marc Fabian 23 February 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden verschiedene Entwicklungsmodelle des Menschen vorgestellt und in ihrem Gebrauch in und für die Pädagogik kritisch reflektiert. Zunächst werden Vorüberlegungen zur Etymologie und Systematik der Begriffe Entwicklung (zwischen Natur und Kultur) und Modell (gegenüber Theorie, Simulation und Schema) angestellt. Anhand des Gangs von Beispiel zu Beispiel (Günther Buck) werden jeweils die Entwicklungsmodelle des Menschen von Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Erik Erikson und Werner Loch kritisch dargestellt und problematisiert. Es schließen sich bildungs- und erziehungstheoretische Überlegungen an, wie das Phänomen der Entwicklung heute in angemessener Weise behandelt werden kann. Anhand der dargestellten Modelle zeigt sich, dass nur ein von absoluter Teleologie und Linearität befreiter Entwicklungsbegriff mit modernen Vorstellungen pädagogischer Anthropologie und Ethik kompatibel sein kann. Deswegen können Entwicklungsmodelle lediglich eine veranschaulichende oder regulierende Funktion ausüben. Sie stehen jedoch so zumeist im Widerspruch zu den grundlegenden Momenten der freien Bildsamkeit und Mitbestimmung des Einzelnen im Erziehungsprozess. Eine Rehabilitation des Entwicklungsdenkens erweist sich dennoch als sinnvoll, da dieser in der Lage ist, auf die komplexe Genealogie menschlichen Lebens und die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen pädagogischer Einsätze zu verweisen. / The issue of developmental models of human beings and their implementation in both pedagogical practice and theory are critically reflected within this thesis. In the beginning, preliminary considerations of the etymology and systematization of development (between nature and nurture) and model (as opposed to theory, simulation, scheme) are framed. Based on Günther Bucks''s approach (from „Beispiel“ to „Beispiel“) several developmental models by Rudolf Steiner, Maria Montessori, Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, Erik Erikson and Werner Loch are critically examined. Subsequently, considerations on addressing the phenomenon of development from the perspective of education theory and „Bildung“ in an appropriate contemporary way are given expression. On the basis of the outlined models it is depicted that only a concept of development that is exempt from absolute teleology and linearity can be compatible with modern ideas of educational anthropology and ethics. Hence, developmental models may only serve visualizing and regulating purposes. They often contradict fundamental principles such as „Bildsamkeit“ (the ability and necessity of self-forming) and participation within the process of education. Nevertheless, the rehabilitation of development thinking proves beneficial due to its ability to indicate the complex genealogy of human life and the opportunities as well as limitations of pedagogical actions.
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Homosexuality : South African evangelical perspectiveShayi, Frank 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the sensitive topic of h :,mosexuality. For the most part, the Judeo-Christian tradition regards homosexual practice as sin, and an unacceptable alternative lifestyle for Christians. We looked at the current evangelical ethical position in comparison to this tradition and a liberal approach. Homosexuality is the phenomenon of sexually desiring and having sex with people of the same sex. Evangelicals uphold the centrality of the Bible as God's Word and the supreme guide for faith and practice. Three different sets of questionnaires were completed by homosexuals, evangelical leaders and members respectively and the data analysed. Old and New Testament texts showed that homosexuality is biblically never accepted. Data from homosexuals showed that more than fifty percent homosexuals have had sex with
people of the opposite sex, thus not 'exlusive'. Data from evangelicals in South Africa, showed that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle, especially for Christians. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic / M.Th. (Theological Ethics)
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論萬有與變動:亞理斯多德《自然學》B卷1~3章之解釋與論理分解 / On Beings and kínēsis : A Commentary to Aristotle's Physics B 1-3黃哲翰, Huang, Che Han Unknown Date (has links)
亞理斯多德從「physis」這個字的多重意涵著手,開始了把「生成」關連到「有」的策略:「physis」在傳統上所帶的「生長」(das Wachstum)和「本質」(das Wesen)的意義下,他把「自然」標舉為對於生長之「驅力」的擁有,使得擁有這種驅力的東西被看作它們既是生成的、又是自己有能力生成的,並且這種能力被包含在這些東西之作為它們自己的本質裡。據此,對運動變化的內容的觀照,得到了一條途徑可以通往「自然」,「自然」則作為一種活動的能力在本質上,就是本質自己的實現。亞理斯多德轉而把運動變化視為自然或本質自己對自己的某種揭露,並且能把整個觀照轉向到對擁有活動之能力的本質的掌握。隨後他設立一種「目的的視野」而以「相」來觀看如此之本質:他一方面通過對數學家之觀看的評論,批評了柏拉圖學院對的設定,亦即他們不觀看生成,卻分離地設定了生成之能力的實現;另一方面則藉助了與技術的類比而論證了「目的的觀看」——正如在技術的活動裡,質料和相結合地被帶到「為了目的」的瞭解上,在自然的活動裡,本質之能力的活動的結構也完整地在這樣的視野中,以「為了目的」的觀看而被掌握。因此,「目的」就作為某某之活動能力的「界定」,作為其活動能力之展現的諸差異的「共同擁有者」,由此成立「必然」的意義。最後亞理斯多德將「相」作為本質之存有的以及能力的結構,從中分解出原因的途徑,並透過這些而與變動的內容關連起來。如此一來完成了將生成帶入對本質掌握裡,進而把這些結合而是的萬有以如此的觀看步驟關連到「有」而排除了與「意見」的關連。根據上述步驟,第二哲學以「看起來的善」而非「自身善」為條件成立了其限定的知識,據此界線而與第一哲學劃分。
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Homosexuality : South African evangelical perspectiveShayi, Frank 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the sensitive topic of h :,mosexuality. For the most part, the Judeo-Christian tradition regards homosexual practice as sin, and an unacceptable alternative lifestyle for Christians. We looked at the current evangelical ethical position in comparison to this tradition and a liberal approach. Homosexuality is the phenomenon of sexually desiring and having sex with people of the same sex. Evangelicals uphold the centrality of the Bible as God's Word and the supreme guide for faith and practice. Three different sets of questionnaires were completed by homosexuals, evangelical leaders and members respectively and the data analysed. Old and New Testament texts showed that homosexuality is biblically never accepted. Data from homosexuals showed that more than fifty percent homosexuals have had sex with
people of the opposite sex, thus not 'exlusive'. Data from evangelicals in South Africa, showed that homosexuality is not an acceptable lifestyle, especially for Christians. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic / M.Th. (Theological Ethics)
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A "influência" do mito babilônico da criação, enuma elish, em Gênesis, 1,1 -2,4aPONTES, Antonio Ivemar da Silva 26 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-26 / Among the various fields of interest of the Religion Sciences, the sacred and its impact over the cultures of different peoples and ages, has been studied by many who go through that vast field. Through bibliographic studies, this project, under the lights of the Religion Sciences, intends to make an hermeneutics comparative analysis about the relationship between the Babylonian poem of Creation, Enuma Elish, and the biblical account of creation in Genesis 1. This study, which is based on Comparative Theology, seeks to analyze the influence that a culture has when interacting with others. It aims to identify some similarities and differences between these two texts from different cultures and times. It also seeks to help the reader to understand how the myth can be understood and how it can be employed in the scientific field. After analyzing the survey data, we realize that there are some elements in common between the two poems. Among them we highlight: the creation of the universe, the firmament, the stars and man. We see, therefore, that in fact, when people interact with another culture than theirs, it comes to happen a mutual influence of one people over the other. / Dentre os vários campos de interesse das Ciências da Religião, o sagrado e seu impacto nas culturas dos diversos povos e épocas, tem sido objeto de estudo para muitos que enveredam nesse campo tão vasto. Através de pesquisa bibliográfica, o presente trabalho, à luz das Ciências da Religião, se presta a fazer uma análise hermenêutica comparativa sobre a relação entre o poema babilônico da criação, Enuma Elish, e o relato bíblico da criação em Gênesis 1,1—2,4a. Esse estudo, que tem como base a Teologia Comparada, busca fazer uma análise sobre a influência que uma cultura exerce quando interage com outra. Pretende sinalizar algumas semelhanças e diferenças entre esses dois textos de culturas e épocas diferentes. Procura ainda ajudar o leitor a perceber de que maneira o mito pode ser entendido e de que forma ele pode ser empregado no campo científico. Após a análise do levantamento de dados, percebemos que há alguns elementos em comum entre os dois poemas. Dentre eles destacamos: a criação do universo, do firmamento, dos astros e do homem. Percebemos, portanto, que de fato, quando um povo interage com outro de cultura diferente da sua, acaba havendo uma influência mútua de um povo em relação ao outro.
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Une autre théorie critique : l'histoire intellectuelle de la revue Nord-américaine Telos 1968-2001 / Another critical theory : the intellectual history of the northamerican journal Telos, 1968-2001Himeur, Emilie 17 November 2014 (has links)
Notre thèse d’analyse des idées politiques retrace l’histoire intellectuelle de larevue de pensée critique étasunienne Telos de 1968 à 2001. A travers notre travail denarration critique, nous cherchons à comprendre, au sens wébérien, l’évolution idéologiquesignificative de la publication-organisation, qui est passée en moins de trente ans d’unpositionnement néo-marxiste affilié à la Nouvelle gauche américaine à un populisme prochede la Nouvelle droite européenne. Notre hypothèse de travail est que le rapport que Telosentretient avec la Théorie critique de l’Ecole de Francfort est déterminant pour comprendreson évolution et écrire son histoire. Nous défendons ici la thèse que Telos constitue unorgane dissident de « théorie critique nord-américaine » (Mooney, Calhoun) qui s’exprimesous la forme d’un « traditionalisme critique » qui tient lieu de synthèse entre différentesbranches de théorie critique contemporaine. En tant que synthèse, la théorie telosiennedépasse l'héritage de la vieille Théorie critique francfortoise, dans un double rapportd’intégration et de négation. In fine, Telos produit sa propre critique, une autre théoriecritique. / Our doctoral dissertation traces the intellectual history of the American criticalthought journal Telos from 1968 to 2001. Through our critical narrative, we intend tounderstand, in the weberian sense, the significant ideological evolution of the publicationorganization,which, in less than thirty years, moved from a neo-Marxist position affiliatedwith the American New Left to a populism related to the European New Right. Our workinghypothesis is that the link between Telos and the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School isdecisive to understand its evolution and write its history. Our thesis is that Telos is adissenting organ of “North-American Critical Theory” (Mooney, Calhoun) expressed as a“critical traditionalism” that acts as a synthesis between various trends of contemporarycritical theory. As a synthesis, the telosian theory overcomes the legacy of the old Criticaltheory in a dual relationship of integration and negation. Ultimately, Telos produces its owncriticism, another critical theory.
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