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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Det är ju ingenting som syns" : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors erfarenheter av klimakteriet

Jansson, Åsa January 2024 (has links)
Women-related research is a neglected area, and knowledge about menopause has been defined as low. The consequences result in unequal living conditions depending on biological sex and age. Menopause is not only a biological process, but also a phase of life lived under social conditions. Menopause should thus be managed in a social context, such as working life and leisure life. The purpose of this essay was to increase the understanding of menopause as a phase in life based on women's experiences. To answer the purpose, these research questions were asked: What does menopause symbolize according to the women's stories? Which actors contribute to women's understanding of menopause? How do biological sex and age become important in women's stories? The study has been based on a qualitative approach and has been based on eight semi-structured interviews with women who have been in menopause.The results showed that associations with an older age and hot flashes were what menopause was mainly linked to, and was also the women's understanding of menopause before they entered it themselves. These associations are also what seem to have been discussed openly in social contexts, despite the fact that the experience of menopause is significantly greater than that. The women also gradually created an understanding of menopause through professions and others with similar experiences, but mainly through associations with their mother or grandmother's experiences. When classic discursive symptoms such as hot flashes were absent and their age was considered too young, several of the women experienced a prolonged process and delayed help, mainly due to lack of understanding from the health care system. In this way,the body's gender and age became important, for how and if menopause was perceived, both by the women themselves and by those around them, which can be understood as a societal shortcoming regarding women's health in a social context. / Forskning om kvinnors hälsa och ohälsa är ett eftersatt område och kunskapen om klimakteriet har definierats som låg. Konsekvenserna resulterar i ojämlika levnadsvillkor beroende av biologisk könstillhörighet och ålder. Klimakteriet är inte endast en biologisk process utan även en livsfas som levs i ett socialt kontext, såsom arbetsliv och fritidsliv. Syftet med denna uppsats var att utifrån kvinnors erfarenheter öka förståelsen för klimakteriet som en fas i livet. För att besvara syftet ställdes forskningsfrågorna: Vad symboliserar klimakteriet i kvinnornas berättelser? Vilka aktörer är bidragande till kvinnornas förståelse för klimakteriet? Hur får könstillhörighet och ålder betydelse i kvinnornas berättelser? Studien har utgått från en kvalitativ ansats och baserats på åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnor som befunnit sig i klimakteriet. Resultatet visade att associationer till en högre ålder och värmevallningar var vad klimakteriet främst kännetecknades av, vilket även var kvinnornas förståelse för klimakteriet innan de själva gick in i det. Dessa associationer är även vad som i huvudsak tycks diskuterats öppet i sociala sammanhang, trots att upplevelsen av klimakteriet är betydligt större än så. Kvinnorna skapade vidare succesivt förståelse för klimakteriet genom yrkesprofessioner och andra kvinnor med liknande erfarenheter, men främst genom associationer till sin mamma eller mormors erfarenheter.  När  klassiska  diskursiva  symtom  såsom  värmevallningar  saknades,  och kvinnornas ålder betraktades som för ung för att befinna sig i klimakteriet, upplevde flera av kvinnorna en förlängd problematik på grund av fördröjd hjälp, främst på grund av utebliven förståelse från vården. På så vis fick biologiskt kön och ålder betydelse för hur och om klimakteriet uppfattades, både av kvinnorna själva och av omgivningen. Detta kan förstås som ett samhälleligt tillkortakommande gällande kvinnors hälsa i ett socialt kontext.

“En riktig man är en hårig, bastant skogshuggare med muskler” : - En studie där unga män talar om den manliga kroppen / "A real man is a hairy, burly lumberjack with muscles" : - A study of young men talking about the male body

Norman, Tova, Malmberg, Susanne January 2014 (has links)
Kvinnors föreställningar om den egna kroppen är ett välstuderat område medan motsvaradestudier om manliga uppfattningar är mindre vanliga. Utifrån denna iakttagelse väcktes intressetför studien. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv belysa hurunga män talar om den manliga kroppen samt uppmärksamma normer, vad som underdiskussionerna framstår som sanningar i de unga männens verklighet. Teoretisk referensram: Studien har sin teoretiska utgångspunkt i sociokulturellt perspektiv. Det vill säga att individerformas och får kunskap utifrån den kultur de befinner sig i. Metod: Den kvalitativa empiriinsamlingen genomfördes med stöd utifrån diskursanalys och avsåg att uppmärksamma desanningar, diskurser som framträder under diskussion med unga män kring den manliga kroppen. Resultat: Av studien framkommer det att den manliga normen innefattar att vara kroppsmässigtstor och utstråla självsäkerhet, en norm de unga männen menar att få når upp till. Var föreställningar och normer om den manliga kroppen uppstår visar sig främst vara via media.Vidare visar resultatet att diskurser för hur en man bör se ut och vara varierar beroende på socialkontext. Det framträder även att det inom en specifik kontext kan finnas flera diskurser samt attvad de unga männen ansett som det “normala” inom specifika kontexter ändrats med åren. / Women's perceptions of their own body is an well-studied area. On the contrary, similar studieson men are not as common. This interesting observation laid a foundation for this study.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to illustrate how young men talk about the male body froma socio-cultural perspective, with attention to the standards that appear as truths in the youngmen's reality during discussions. Theoretical framework: The study is based upon a sociocultural perspective, meaning that individuals are shaped and learn from their culturalsurroundings. Method: By discourse analysis, quality based empirical data was collected. Theprimary purpose was to observe and learn about how young men see and talk about men's bodies. Result: The study reveals, by looking at the perception among young men, that a man shouldhave a big, muscular body and act with a great self confidence. A standard few men live up to, participants of the focus groups think. The expectations and perceptions are created mainlythrough media. Furthermore, the study shows that it also depends on the men's social context. Itis also evident that within a specific context, several different discourses can exist about whatshould be seen as "normal" and that it can change as the years pass by.

Storuman Forever : Om valet att välja livet på landsbygden / Storuman Forever : About the choice of choosing life in rural areas

Ludvigsson, Anna, Hedberg Roth, Annika January 2019 (has links)
The subject is life in rural areas and the purpose of the essay is to explore and understand,why a group of women brought up in Storuman, after a while living elsewhere, choose to move back and settle down. The urbanization process where people leave the countryside and move to cities affects the rural everyday life as societies in the countryside are dismantled.The terms of living in the countryside are perceived unequal compared to living in cities. This is a qualitative study written and inspired by ethnography based on the following theories. Habitus and field by Bourdieu, push and pull by Ravenstein and the theory of socialcontext in rural areas. The conclusions are that social relations and positive connections to the place are essential to women's choice of choosing life i Storuman. Behaviour and lifestyle have been passed over to next generation. The nature in Storuman, being an area of leisure, togetherness and recreation, plays an important part in the lifestyle these women have chosen. The word safety connected to women's experience and feeling towards Storuman is strong and pulls them back. So does also their experience of living elsewhere.


Marins, Ida Maria Morales 28 July 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-22T17:26:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ida 1.pdf: 61293 bytes, checksum: 0554ade9fc6c9e47beed4127ad4c78a0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-28 / This study aimed to verify the origins of children s motivations to learn a foreign language at school. The investigated subjects were children beginners in English at a rural school and children beginners in Spanish at an urban school. The data for this study were colleted through different instruments getting information from children, their families and from their school context. The results indicate that the motivations showed by children come from social constructions developed in the process of interaction: subject/social context, in the case of this study, from children s interaction with the family and their school contexts. / Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar as origens das motivações das crianças para a aprendizagem de uma língua estrangeira (LE) na escola. Os sujeitos investigados foram crianças, aprendizes iniciantes do inglês de uma escola da zona rural e crianças aprendizes iniciantes do espanhol de uma escola urbana. Para a coleta dos dados foram utilizados diferentes instrumentos que colheram informações das crianças, de suas famílias e do contexto escolar. Assim, foi possível verificar que as motivações são um produto de construções sociais desenvolvidas no processo de interação - sujeito/meio social, no caso deste estudo, nas formas de interação das crianças com os ambientes escolar e familiar.

Ctrl+art+del: contexto, arte e tecnologia / Ctrl+art+del: contexto, arte e tecnologia

Nunes, Fábio Oliveira 10 December 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho é uma reflexão sobre a produção artística em artemídia em que o contexto em suas diversas esferas social, público, tecnológico ou econômico é parte fundamental de sua proposta. Interessa-nos investigar em quais circunstâncias a arte tecnológica poderá atuar em questionamentos do cotidiano e da própria tecnologia. Para tanto, este percurso apóia-se inicialmente na teoria da Estética Relacional de Nicolas Bourriaud, aproximandose de diversas estratégias artísticas de intervenção ou desvio contra o uso homogêneo dos meios. A pesquisa contempla também a análise de diversos trabalhos artísticos de autores nacionais e estrangeiros, dentro do escopo assinalado, e resultou igualmente na elaboração de dois projetos poéticos em desenvolvimento conjunto com o artista Edgar Franco, o site Freakpedia e o Projeto Vislumbres Pós-humanos. / This work is a reflection about a new media art production which the context in different forms social, public, technological or economic is elemental part proposition. Interest us to explore what situations the technological art will act in quotidian questions and technology. Therefore, this way is supported initially in Nicolas Bourriauds theory Relational Aesthetics and also, in second moment, in several artistic strategies of intervention or transgression against homogeneous media use. The research contemplate analysis of national and foreign artworks, inside of scope marked, and resulted also in elaboration of two practical projects in development with the artist Edgar Franco, the web site Freakpedia e o Project Vislumbres Pós-humanos.

Shanghai Shikumen Lilong, socio-spatial transformations of human settlement : appropriations in shared spaces beyond destruction / Les transformations sociales et spatiales d’établissements humains dans Shikumen lilong de Shanghai : appropriations dans les espaces partagés au delà de la destruction

Cheval, Jérémy 09 April 2018 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les transformations sociales et spatiales d’établissements humains à travers l’architecture locale de Shanghai, que sont les unités urbaines appelées les shikumen lilong. Leurs existences dans la mégapole contemporaine, au-delà de leurs destructions ou de leurs protections, révèlent les traces d’une architecture urbaine en plein mouvement. Notre problématique est que tout changement passe par la complexité des rapports sociaux et spatiaux dans un espace commun, celui des espaces partagés. Nous soutenons que les processus d’appropriations, individuels et collectifs, sont reliés à l’échelle de la ville, du voisinage des lilong, de l’allée, et de la maison shikumen selon différents degrés de partage de l’anonymat au domaine de l’intime. Tous sont connectés par des toponymes, des formes, des manières d’habiter ou encore de fabriquer de nouveaux espaces. L’objectif de notre étude est de voir comment les espaces et les quotidiens des occupants ont évolué ou perdurent. Quels sont les facteurs de transformations ? Comment se mettent-ils en place ? Comment se développent-ils ? L’étude contemporaine des espaces, entre compartimentations et débordements, nous permet de révéler différentes aires historiques. Chaque acteur, que ce soit les occupants, les gouvernances, voire les agents extérieurs, se rejoignent à travers leurs actions. Des règles de vie communes ou encore des manières de faire évoluent avec le temps et leur environnement véhiculé par les lilong. L’architecture des shikumen lilong change ainsi entre les légitimités politiques, juridiques, règlementaires, les relations sociales et familiales / This research on human settlements’ socio-spatial transformations focus on Shanghai local architecture, such as the urban entity called Shikumen lilong. Their existences in the actual megacity, beyond their destructions or beyond their protections, reveal the marks of an urban architecture in movement. Our argument is that any change is going through complexes socio-spatial relationships in a common space, the shared spaces. We argue that appropriations processes, individual and/or collective, are connected at different level – the city, the lilong neighbourhood, the alleyway, and the shikumen house – according to various sharing degrees from anonymous to intimate relations. Residents and lilong are interconnected by place-names, forms, way of lives, and even way to transform their spaces. The objective of this study is then to understand how shikumen lilong residents’ daily lives and spaces evolve or remain. What are the factors of transformations? How are they set up? How do they develop? The actual study of spaces compartmentalization and added architecture, traces different historical era. Every actor, whether they are, the residents, governances, even outsiders, are linked through their actions. Common rules or ways of living evolve with time and environment conveyed by lilong. So that the architecture of shikumen lilong transforms in relation with: political legitimacies, legal status, and administrative records, social and family relationships

Medarbetares lärande på arbetsplatsen : En kvalitativ studie om informellt lärande och det sociala sammanhangets betydelse för lärandet.

Yrelin, Louise, Zimdahl, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Ett Pussel av Individer : Hur skilda upplevelser av värden påverkar realiserandet av ett filmprojekt

Olson, Kajsa, Roberts, Rhianwen January 2015 (has links)
Att realisera en film är ett unikt och kreativt projekt där olika aktörer med olika yrkesroller samarbetar. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur en manusförfattare använder sitt kontaktnätverk inom den svenska filmbranschen för att realisera en film. Studien redogör för vilka upplevda värden, i form av förmåner, som aktörer samskapar med manusförfattaren och hur det föranleder andra aktörer att vilja delta i filmprojektet. Studien har genomförts genom intervjuer med etablerade aktörer inom filmbranschen. Erhållen data analyseras utifrån tjänsteekosystemets ansats, enligt vilken en aktörs resurs, i form av kompetens, måste göras tillgänglig, anpassas och integreras med andra aktörers resurser för att samskapa värden. Resultatet av studien visar att manusförfattaren har tillgång till andra aktörer via sitt kontaktnätverk samt anpassar sitt manus och sociala beteende efter olika aktörernas upplevda värden. Filmskaparna som studerats upplever värden i ett kreativt och kommersiellt manus, men även i andra filmskapares erfarenheter. / The making of a film is a unique and creative project where various individual actors with different professions co-operate. The aim of this study is to describe how a screenwriter uses his or her relations in the Swedish film industry in order to create a film. The study aims to describe which benefits, defined as perceived values, different actors co-create with the screenwriter which stimulate other individual actors’ desire to participate in the film project. The study has been conducted through interviews with established actors in the film industry. Acquired data is analysed with regards to the theory of service ecosystems, according to which an actor’s resource, defined as competence, has to be made available and adjusted to the resources of various other actors in order to co-create value. The result of this study shows that the screenwriter aquires availability to other actors through networks of actors and adjusts the script and social behaviour to the other actors’ perceived values. The studied filmmakers perceive values in a creative and commercial script as well as in the merits of other filmmakers.

The role of identity leadership in promoting collective action: a social identity approach

Khumalo, Nonhlanhla January 2017 (has links)
Based on social identity theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and the social identity approach to leadership (Haslam, Reicher, & Platow, 2011), the present research addressed the question of how collective action is coordinated. Three studies are reported, which address the interplay between in-group identification, identity leadership and collective action in three social group contexts (i.e., political parties, civic society and workgroup). The results of Study 1 replicated that identity leadership is a four dimensional construct. However, these four dimensions had strong intercorrelations. Study 2 and 3 supported the hypotheses that the more people identify with the group, the more they will engage in collective action (Hypothesis 1) and in-group identification results in the perception of identity leadership which, in turn leads to collective action in certain group contexts (Hypothesis 2-5). Study 3 demonstrated that the relationship between in-group identification and collective action, via identity leadership is indeed context dependent (Hypothesis 6). Implications of the current research are outlined in relation to the discourse on collective action and identity leadership. / Grow-your-own-timber programme at Unisa / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology, with specialisation in Research Consultation)

”Du är en del av Sverige men du är inte svensk” : En kvalitativ studie om migranter från Balkan och deras reflektioner om sina livssituationer / "You are a part of Sweden but you are not Swedish" : A qualitative study about migrants from the Balkans and their reflections on their life situations

Piscoran, Andrea-Mariana, Lock, Sara-Lina January 2018 (has links)
Migration har i och med globaliseringens utveckling ökat allt mer i världen och även till Sverige. När en individ lämnar sitt hemland för bosättning i ett nytt land innebär det ofta sociala, kulturella och ekonomiska förändringar. Syftet i följande studie är att belysa hur migranter från länder kring Balkan upplever sitt nya liv i det svenska samhället och att ur deras perspektiv uppmärksamma vilka utmaningar de möter i sin vardag. Undersökningen genomförs genom sex intervjuer med tre män och tre kvinnor från Bosnien-Hercegovina, Serbien, Kroatien och Slovenien. Studien inleder med en kort historisk redogörelse om det geografiska området. Resultatet visar att migrationen möjliggjort en ökad ekonomisk trygghet för respondenterna men betonar samtidigt att förlusten av det sociala kontaktnätet har haft stor påverkan i deras liv. Vidare diskuteras resultatet utifrån moderniserings- och postmoderniseringsteorier enligt Robert Inglehart samt individualiseringsteorin utifrån Ulrich Becks perspektiv. Datamaterialet diskuteras i förhållande till tidigare forskning inom området där likheter och skillnader synliggörs. / Migration has increased through globalization in the world and to Sweden as well. When an individual leaves its native country for a new country it often means social, cultural and economical changes. The purpose of this study is to highlight how migrants from countries around the Balkans are experiencing their new life in the Swedish society, and from their perspectives notice the challenges they face in their everyday lives. The survey is conducted through six interviews with three men and three women from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia. The study starts with a brief historical presentation of the geographical area. The result shows that the migration has made it possible for the respondents to improve their economic conditions, but at the same time emphasizes that the loss of social connection to others have had a great effect on their lives. Further on, the results are discussed based on modernization and postmodernization theories according to Robert Inglehart as well as from individualization theory from Ulrich Beck's perspective. It is also related to previous research in the field where similarities and differences are visualized.

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