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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Facket och den unga arbetstagaren : En studie om ungas inställning till ett fackligt medlemskap / The Union and the young employee : A study about young people’s attitudes towards a union membership

Fazlic, Danis, Fredrikson, Åse January 2010 (has links)
Föreliggande studie har haft för avsikt att undersöka unga arbetande människors inställning till ett fackligt medlemskap. Den fackliga organisationsgraden bland unga människor minskar mer och mer och av den anledningen har vi sökt nå ökad förståelse för varför unga människor i åldern 20-24 år inte är medlemmar i facket. Det tycks ej ha gjorts så mycket tidigare forskning på varförunga människor väljer att stå utanför facket. Nio semistrukturerade intervjuer gjordes på unga arbetande människor. Det vi kom fram till var att unga inte är intresserade av att vara fackligt anslutna, eftersom de dels inte har någon kunskap om facket eller vad de gör, men också dels föratt de har en osäker position på arbetsmarknaden. Detta resulterar i att de anser att en fackavgift blir en onödig utgift för dem, eftersom de inte vet hur länge de kommer att arbeta kvar på denarbetsplatsen eller inom den branschen. De unga har en instrumentell inställning till sitt arbete och ingen av respondenterna vill arbeta kvar där i framtiden. Senare i livet kan merparten av respondenterna tänka sig att gå med i facket. När deras arbete är mer meningsfullt för dem och när de har nått en trygg anställning inom det som är relevant för deras utbildningar.

Hur unga personer upplever vård i samband med självskadebeteende : En analys av patienters egna berättelser / How young people experience care in connection with self-harming behavior : An analysis of patients´own stories

Djapo, Linda January 2020 (has links)
Självskadebeteende innebär icke-suicidal självskada på den egna huden eller icke- dödliga handlingar som självmordsförsök och överdosering. Bland tonåringar och unga är prevalensen särskilt hög, och det är av vikt att veta hur sjukvårdspersonal kan bli bättre på bemötande för att hjälpa dessa personer i en många gånger svår livssituation. Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur unga personer upplever vård i samband med självskadebeteende. Självbiografiska texter i två icke-fiktiva böcker analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys utifrån en induktiv och manifest ansats. Resultatet visade i hög grad att unga varken upplevt att de har blivit sedda eller fått vård. De utsattes många gånger för ett bestraffande maktsystem där de i underläge utsattes för övergrepp, många gånger med ökat självskadebeteende som följd. De upplevde ensamhet, rädsla och många gånger en osäkerhet hos vårdpersonal. I resultatet framkom också positiva upplevelser där de unga känt sig sedda och fått vård. I denna del har de känt sig sedda som personer med unika behov, de har känt omsorg från personalen och de har blivit bemötta med respekt och vänlighet. Studien visar på betydelsen av ett etiskt förhållningssätt i bemötandet av patienter med självskadebeteende. Grundpelarna i bemötandet är acceptans och tilltro till individens förmåga att integrera sin person i den verklighet de lever i.

Unga människors upplevelser av att leva med inflammatorisk tarmsjukdom

Renhed, Christina, Soerich, Bim January 2010 (has links)
Inflammatoriska tarmsjukdomar (IBD) kan leda till ett brett spektrum av symtom och påverka många områden i de drabbades liv. Många får diagnosen i sin ekonomiskt och socialt mest produktiva ålder. Syftet med studien var att belysa unga människors upplevelser av att leva med IBD. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie där sju vetenskapliga artiklar ingick. Artiklarna baserades på kvalitativa studier och materialet var inhämtat genom intervjuer. Vi fann att de ungas upp-levelser kunde relateras till sex huvudsakliga områden nämligen behandling, framtid, mognad, måltider, relationer och symtom. Hur svår sjukdomsupplevelsen var för de unga berodde på om de vid tillfället var i en stabil eller i en instabil fas i sjukdomen. De upplevde att det i båda fallen krävdes mer ansträngning och efter-tanke av dem än av deras friska jämnåriga. Motsatsen till att vara sjuk uttrycktes ofta ”att vara normal”. Flera unga gav förslag på förbättringar riktade till vården till exempel att i god tid förbereda överflyttning från barn- till vuxenvård. / Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD) can lead to a broad spectrum of symptoms and influence many aspects of the affected person’s life. Many get diagnosed during their most economically and socially productive age. The aim of this study was to display how young people experience living with IBD. The method used was a literary review which included seven scientific articles. The articles were based upon qualitative studies and the material was obtained through interviews. We found that the experiences of the young people could be related to six main themes namely future, maturity, meals, relations, symptoms and treatment. How difficult the experience of the disease were depended on if they at the time were in a stable or instable phase of the disease. In both cases they experienced that it demanded more effort and reflection of them than of their healthy peers. The opposite of being sick was often expressed ”to be normal”. Several young people made suggestions of improvements aimed at health services for example that in good time prepare the transition from pediatric to adult care.

Ungas psykiska hälsa i form av hanterbarhet : En kvantitativ studie utifrån ett genusperspektiv / Mental Health and sense of being able to handle situations among young people : A quantative study from a gender perspective

Schölin, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this quantitative study was to from a gender perspective understand and measure the mental health among young people as a sense of managing to handle situations and also how satisfied young people are with their personal qualities. The study also aims to see if there is a connection between these two ways of explaining mental health. This study takes its standpoint from a gender theory and gender stereotypes. The study was conducted as a survey with 100 young girls and boys, all of whom was students of a Swedish upper secondary school. The result of the study show that young people in general has a good sense of being able to handle situations. There was as expected a difference between young girls and boys to be found, girls had in general a lower sense of managing to handle situations. Regarding the sense of being satisfied with the personal qualities, the girls and boys in this study show a general picture of being quite satisfied with their personal qualities. It has also shown that many of the results of this study is depending of gender and the beliefs and structures there is in society about how to be a “good” man or woman.

Ungas politiska deltagande på sociala medier : Ungas upplevelser av det politiska klimatet på sociala medier under den svenska valrörelsen 2022

Andersson, Belinda, Omoomian, Fabian January 2023 (has links)
During recent years, there has been a major change in the way people engage in politics. The introduction of social media to the world, as well as the fact that the number of members of political parties has halved between 1990 and 2010, are part of a major shift in the study of political participation and engagement. This change shows that there has been a switch in political engagement, from the traditional representative democracy institutions to a much more digital way. Having taken this into consideration, this study aims to explore how young first-time Swedish voters experienced the political climate on social media during the Swedish general election in 2022. The focal point of this study is firstly to answer how the voters believe that the political climate on social media affected their political gathering of information ahead of the election. Secondly, to gain a deeper understanding of the students' opinions and experiences on politics in social media in relation to concepts like tolerance, freedom of speech, intolerance and censorship. And thirdly, if these experiences seem to influence the first-time voters' political participation and engagement on social media. The theoretical framework is foremost based on Henrik Bang’s theory on project-oriented identities, John Stuart Mill's understanding of freedom of speech and political scientist Sigal Ben-Porath’s definition on censorship. The method that will carry out this paper is face-to-face interviews with 10 upper secondary school students in a social science class in Orebro. The chosen method is content analysis, combined with an analysis scheme which will outline the empirical collection based on four main categories. The results show that the first-time voters did not use social media voluntarily for political information gathering, but that it rather happened because social media is part of their everyday life. The study also demonstrates that the first-time voters considered the political climate on social media as relatively harsh. Their opinions also vary regarding the political climate in relation to tolerance, freedom of speech, intolerance and censorship. Lastly, it was rather difficult to know with certainty whether the first-time voters’ experiences of the political climate had an impact on their political participation and engagement or not, but that it may possibly have been the case.

Att göra skillnad är att vara skillnaden : En studie om det sociala nätverkets betydelse för några unga vuxna mäns könsbrytande val av högskoleutbildning / Make a difference by being the difference : A study of the importance of the social networks for some young males´ gender-breaking higher education choices

Cao, Joakim Thien-Thanh January 2021 (has links)
Several studies shows that the dominant norms of masculinity are a hinder for boys to perform in school and a hinder for men to choose female-dominated occupations. Moreover, selecting a career can be a complex decision for young adult men´s to choose a female-dominated higher education - and this dilemma has been a topic of much reports and research. However, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the influence of social capital on young people as they transition to higher education. Not many studies have been made on the male student´s experience of the impact of social capital on their gender-breaking higher education choices.Therefore the aim of this study is to understand which social capital and social network relations are of importance to young male students´ gender-breaking higher education choices. Furthermore, this study aims to examine the conditions that have broadened the informants' motive to choose a higher education.A qualitative method with semi-structured interviews was used to answer the purpose of this essay and the method of choice for analysis were social networks analysis of ego-net, which is a method on studying social relations. The result is being analyzed by using a conceptional model based on Lent el. al (1994) Social Cognitive Careers Theory, Pierre Bourdieu’s (1986) Theory of social capital and Ego-net (Crossley et. al 2015).The results of this study show that social background and gender have a limited significance in relation to the informants' gender-breaking choice of higher education and career path. There are various motives that have encouraged and motivated the informants' gender-breaking choices. Three different motives appears that has affected their gender-breaking educational and professional choices; (I) Making a difference (II) Security in working-life and (III) Skills and knowledge seeking. These motives challenge notions of gender as well as other aspects of an “ideal” job and career for men.The study concludes that the informants' gender-breaking higher education choices have been preceded by a process of different types of events in the transition to working life, as well as connections and networking with other individuals in the adult life who have influenced their career and decision-making. It is found that social capital and heterogeneous network has a significant role for the informant’ gender-breaking education and careers choices - e.g. male role models, inspirers such as professionals in primay and secondary education and colleagues in the world of work, who have contributed to changing their stereotypical notions of female-dominated professions, new preferences and altruistic goals such as helping others, themselves and their future.

Gangsterrap som barnkultur : En poststrukturalistisk diskursanalys av de subjektpositioner som unga människor antar inom svensk gangsterrap / Gangster rap as children’s culture

Oliveira Martins von Zweigbergk, Jarcléa January 2021 (has links)
The main intention with this study has been to analyze which social identities and versions of the world young people construct within Swedish gangster rap and how to see this from a child cultural perspective. In addition, my goal was to analyze what functions the rappers and their songs assume in relation to their young audience. The analysis shows that the positions young rappers occupy in the songs are strongly linked to their need to gain status within their group. In addition, it becomes a peer culture where they create and share their identities and versions of the world. It is also through music that they question the authority of adults. It can also be seen that their poor childhood means that crime becomes, apart from rap, the only way they perceive to rise economically and socially. But the price for these achievements is high.

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