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Att bli den man kan vara, trots talrädsla? : En intervjustudie om en gymnasieskolas stöd för talrädda eleverWestberg, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att belysa en gymnasieskolas stöd i ämnet svenska för talrädda elever, och detta gjordes genom intervjuer med fyra stycken lärare på gymnasienivå. Intresset grundade sig först och främst i det faktum att social fobi är ett vanligt problem bland ungdomar i Sverige och att det är i ungdomen som fobi för sociala sammanhang utvecklas. En del av social fobi är talrädsla, och gentemot vad läroplanen i svenska för gymnasieskolan säger om det muntliga språkets betydelse för människan och dennes utveckling, problematiserades den talrädda elevens förutsättningar för lärande och utveckling. Perspektiven som studien har utgått ifrån handlar inte om problematiken kring social fobi, utan om det demokratiska perspektivet och det faktum att gymnasieskolan vilar på en demokratisk grund, där alla elever bör få möjlighet att utveckla sin talförmåga och förmågan att våga göra sin röst hörd. Det sociokulturella perspektivet ligger också till grund för studien, där det muntliga språket, kommunikation, spelar en betydande roll för människans lärande och kunskapsutveckling, och i förståelse för sig själv och sin omvärld. Utöver dessa perspektiv berörs även ett filosofiskt synsätt, härlett från Aristoteles och tanken om att varje människa strävar efter att leva upp till sin fulla potential, självförverkligande. Vad studien kommer fram till är att det i ämnet svenska i gymnasieskolan inte finns något speciellt stöd för den talrädda eleven, och det finns inga pedagogiska riktlinjer för lärarna att förhålla sig till. Lärarna arbetar utefter egen förmåga med talrädda elever och de tycker överlag att det fungerar, att talrädda elever inte utgör ett så stort problem. Detta resultat diskuteras i förhållande till de teoretiska utgångspunkterna samt det filosofiska synsättet, vilket genererar i antagandet om att talrädda elever faktiskt ändå utgör ett problem, ett problem för sin demokratiska rätt, för sin kunskapsutveckling och för sitt självförverkligande. / The purpose of this study was to examine what kind of support a student in fear of speaking gets in the Swedish subject in an upper secondary school, and this was done through interviews with four teachers at secondary level. The interest was based primarily on the fact that social phobia is a common problem among young adults in Sweden and the fact that it is in youth that phobia for social situations develops. A part of social phobia is fear of speaking in public, and toward to what the curriculum for the Swedish subject in the upper secondary school says about oral language and its meaning to every human being and its development, a student in fear of speaking becomes problematized in regards to learning and development. The perspective of this study is not based on the problem concerning social phobia, but about the democratic perspective and the fact that the upper secondary school is based on democratic grounds, where every student should get opportunities to develop their speaking skills and their ability to have the courage to speak out loud. The social-cultural perspective is another base for this study, where the oral language, communication, has a significant role in learning and knowledge, as well as in self-understanding and in understanding the world. Besides these perspectives, the study also takes a philosophic approach derived from Aristotle and the idea that every human being strives to reach their full potential, self-fulfillment. This study concludes that the Swedish subject in upper secondary school doesn’t offer any support for students with fear of speaking and there is no educational guidelines for the teachers to follow. The teachers work along their own ability with students with fear of speaking and they think in general it works, they think that students with fear of speaking is not such a big problem. These results are discussed in relation to the theoretical starting points and the philosophical approach, which generates in the assumption that students with fear of speaking actually is a problem, a problem for their democratic rights, to their knowledge and their self-fulfillment.
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Mellan retorik och praktik : En ämnesdidaktisk och läroplansteoretisk studie av svenskämnena och fyra gymnasielärares svenskundervisning efter gymnasiereformen 1994Knutas, Edmund January 2008 (has links)
Swedish as a school subject has long been debated in Sweden, and ideas concerning its content, role and function in school and society have varied greatly throughout the years. In 1994, there was an upper secondary school reform which resulted in a partial revision of the Swedish subject, including its introduction within a new course and grading system. The Swedish A and B courses became obligatory for all upper secondary students. Other courses in Swedish became largely optional. This study consists of two levels – a rhetorical and practical level. The rhetorical level deals with understandings and ideas of the Swedish subject and instruction as they are expressed in curricula and course syllabi, as well as with the understandings and ideas expressed by the four teachers in the study. In addition, the external and internal frame factors which underlie this rhetoric are considered. The practical level concerns the four teachers’ concrete Swedish instruction, i.e. the aims and goals, content and working methods which underlie their teaching, as well as the factors which influence, limit and facilitate it. The aim of the study is to attempt to describe, analyse and understand the role and function of the Swedish subject after the upper secondary school reform of 1994. What ideas do the four teachers express regarding the role and function of the Swedish subject in upper secondary school and society after 1994, and how should these ideas and reasons be interpreted and understood from a more comprehensive, general perspective? How do the teachers represent the Swedish subject in their teaching, i.e. how is their knowledge of subject didactics expressed? These are two central questions in the study. A third central question concerns notions of society and the good citizen implied in the chosen views of the Swedish subject. The study has two theoretical starting points: subject didactics and curriculum theory. Shulman’s concepts of pedagogical content knowledge and transformation are central to the subject didactics drawn upon here, while frame factor theory and Bernstein’s concepts of “classification” and “framing” are central to the curriculum-theoretical perspective. The perspective of subject didactics deals with the relation between teacher and content, while the curriculum-theoretical perspective deals with the relation between content, individual and society. This study shows that the teachers’ knowledge of subject didactics is vague.The teachers’ transformation of content in teaching resides to a high degree in an adaptation to the students; the focus is thus not on a transformation and content analysis of the Swedish subject. Further, the teachers have an instrumental approach to the steering documents. A common characteristic among the four teachers, and in Swedish instruction generally, is that a large degree of responsibility is placed on the individual student for their literary and language development. Collective meetings were very infrequent in the teaching of the four teachers in the study. This study discerns four teacher codes which reflect understandings and ideas of school and education, formed by previous and current material and sociocultural conditions and which the individual teacher has encountered, adopted and reshaped into his/her own. These four teacher codes can be described as closeness and hierarchy, tradition and renewal, vision and reality and the individual and the collective. The teacher codes reveal that the four teachers have relatively similar teaching strategies, whereas their teaching aims, goals and content diverge significantly. Viewed from the perspective of curriculum theory, it is evident that the teachers emphasise the individual student over the collective. It is a matter of developing one’s thought and personality and of fostering the students to be individual, active members of society. However, this active member of society does not appear to be aware and critically active, but rather a loyal and obedient member of society.
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Sekt eller ny religiös rörelse? : Bilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fyra läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet / Sect or new religious movement? : The image of new religious movements in religion textbooks in upper secondary schoolPérez Johansson, Cristina January 2011 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar och diskutera läroboksbilden av nya religiösa rörelser i fya läroböcker för religionskunskap på gymnasiet. De generella frågorna som ställs är hur läroboksbilden ser ut och vad man kan säga om den i jömförelse med nu gällande läro- och kursplan. Analysen görs i två steg. Först analyseras texten enligt innehållsanalysen som den presenteras av Hellspong och Ledin. Sedan analyseras resultatet utifrån tidigare forskning. Slutsatserna av undersökningen är att läroböckerna skulle limma beskriva de nya religiösa rörelserna mer ingående och använda sig mindre av begreppet sekt eftersom det är negativt laddat. Man skulle också kunna lägga mer fokus på individen, för att få en mer nyanserad bild. / The aim of the study that is presented in this essay was to analyze the image of new religious movements in four religion textbooks in the upper secondary school of Sweden and to discuss this image in comparison to the swedish curriculum for upper secondary school and the religion syllabus. The conclusions of the study are that the new religious movements are generalized in many ways inte the four textbooks that have been analyzed. Two books give a more neutral image. In comparison to the curriculum and the syllabus the books could give a deeper presentation of the new religious movements. They could also focus more on the individual, to reach the aims of the curriculum and syllabus, which is tolerance, understanding and a neutral education.
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Jämställdhet i undervisningen : Några gymnasielärares syn på jämställdhet i läromedel och undervisningBacke, Ida January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to look into and analyze the view on sex equality in textbooks and teaching media, and teaching of a group of upper secondary school teachers, through a gender perspective. The teachers teach subjects within social- and political science. The two questions that I wanted to answer are: What views do the teachers have on sex equality in their teaching? What views do the teachers have on sex equality in the teaching media (textbooks and other teacher media) which they have access to? Since I wanted to look into the teachers own views I chose unstructured interviews as the method of gather empirical information. To interpret the transcribed texts I chose the hermeneutic view of people as intentional. I interviewed six teachers in an upper secondary school, four men and two women. I have interpreted the interviews through a gender perspective, based on theories by Yvonne Hirdman, Maria Hedlin, Ylva Elvin-Nowak, Heléne Thomsson and Britt-Marie Thurén. Theories that have been acknowledged are gender, gender making, the male norm, structure, how to integrate sex equality, mentors and models, and feminism. Previous researches that I have focused on are thesis of Eva Gannerud, and Victoria C Wahlgren. The conclusion of the study is that some of the teachers’ did not think that most of the textbooks they used contained an aspect of sex equality, some of them seldom used textbooks and if they wanted a sex equality aspect of the teaching they had to find supplement material on their own. In my analysis I found that the teachers felt responsibility but did not feel that they had room for increased teaching by adding sex equality to the existing lesson material. I argue that the responsibility should not lie on the individual teacher to figure out supplement for sex equality aspects on their own, but the responsibility should lay on the school system as a whole, teachers training included.
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Vilken roll spelar verktyget? : Datorns betydelse för gymnasieelevers skrivande och texter / What part does the tool play? : The computer’s impact on how students write and on the texts they writeDworsky, Agneta January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my study is to investigate if and in that case how the writing process and texts written by students in the upper secondary school are affected by the writing tool; does it matter if they write their texts on a computer or by longhand? Another objective is to compare such an effect with the findings of previous studies performed on earlier generations of writers. The first part of my study was a survey. It showed that two thirds of the 67 students participating thought that they would have written better texts in the national writing test if they had been able to use computers. In the second part of the study each of the fourteen participants wrote one text on computer and another by hand. Unlike the findings of earlier studies that I compared with, these students had a higher writing speed and spent significantly less time to produce their texts. This result could indicate that the students of today not only are accustomed to computers but also are unfamiliar with writing by hand. Furthermore this study, like previous studies, did not show any statistic proof of a correlation between a specific writing tool and the quality of the written text. Hence it did not support the opinion that the students of today have a disadvantage when they have to write their national test by hand. On the other hand the study indicated that such disadvantage still could be the fact for some individuals. Three of the participants took part in the third part of the study where they produced two more texts; one by hand and the other on computer. Their writing processes were recorded and the analyses indicate an individual variation in whether the writing tool had an effect on the writing process and quality of texts. / Syftet med min undersökning är att undersöka om och i så fall hur gymnasieelevers skrivprocesser och texter påverkas av om de skriver för hand eller på dator, men också att jämföra en eventuell påverkan med den som har konstaterats för tidigare generationer av datoranvändare. Bakgrundsenkäten i den första delundersökningen visade att två tredjedelar av de 67 elever trodde att de skulle ha skrivit bättre texter på det nationella provet i svenska om de hade fått använda dator. I den andra delundersökningen medverkade fjorton av gymnasieeleverna genom att skriva två texter, en för hand och en på dator. Ett resultat som skilde sig från dem i de tidigare studier jag jämförde med var att deltagarna skrev snabbare och under kortare tid när de använde dator. Resultatet tyder på att dagens gymnasieelever inte bara är datorvana utan kanske också ovana att skriva för hand. I likhet med tidigare undersökningar visade delundersökningen inte en statistiskt signifikant kvalitetsskillnad mellan deltagarnas datorskrivna och handskrivna texter. Gymnasieelevernas farhågor om att textkvaliteten skulle ha försämrats av att de tvingades skriva det nationella provet för hand fick därmed inget stöd. Samtidigt visade studien att för enskilda individer skulle det faktiskt kunna förhålla sig så. Tre av deltagarna medverkade även i den tredje delundersökningen, där deras skrivprocesser dokumenterades i samband med att de skrev ytterligare en text på dator och en för hand. Resultatet av den andra delundersökningen pekar mot att skrivverktygets påverkan på skrivprocessen och även på texternas kvalitet skulle kunna variera från person till person.
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Det nya IV-programmet : en kvalitativ textanalys / The new individual program : a qualitative text analysisRenmar, Åsa, Gustafsson, Kristina January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the view of knowledge and the view of learner which are prominent in the ministry memorandum Specific programs and access to vocational programs (U2009/5552/G) and thereby understand the potential impact of the new transformation of the current individual program and what it brings to the students who do not achieve the objectives in grade 9. We have used a qualitative text analysis method. The background to the study describes in particular today's individual program, view of knowledge and view of learner. The result shows that the most prominent in the memorandum is that knowledge is divided into theory and practice, that individualization is the focus and the text shows freedom for interpretation.
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Didaktiska implikationer i lärares samhällsuppdrag : Uppfattningar om demokrati och biologiskt ämnesstoff hos blivande lärareNilsson, Jan January 2007 (has links)
In today’s school in Sweden the assignment of community encompasses mediated values and education of democracy as well of single subject matters. What does it mean then, that teachers have a certain kind of idea of democracy, and what implications may biology have for the assignment of community? In upper secondary school there are quite many courses in biology with a national curriculum, and findings show that students of teaching perceive or think of biology as helping to promote the dual-purpose of teaching. In this study, the author of the paper has interviewed four future teachers of upper secondary school with biology as one of their main subjects. The purpose has been to identify their perceptions of democracy as well as their conceptions of the relationship between biology and democracy in education. The result is that the interviewees perceive of democracy as consistent with representative, participative and deliberative concepts of democracy. They conceive of the relationship between biology and democracy in education as to a great extent consistent with the deliberative concept of democracy. The implications are that the idea of democracy becomes more radical and consistent with the deliberative concept of democracy when subject matters of biology are part of the education. In this manner, subject matters of biology are of educational importance for the teachers´ conceptions of democracy as well for the assignment of community. / Samhällsuppdraget i skolan innebär förmedlade värden och kunskaper om både demokrati och enskilda ämnesstoff. Vad innebär det då att lärare har en viss sorts demokratiuppfattning, och vad har biologiskt ämnesstoff för betydelse för samhällsuppdraget? Biologi i gymnasieskolan har relativt många kurser med nationell kursplan och rön visar att lärarstudenter uppfattar biologiskt ämnesstoff som didaktiskt främjande för att läraruppdragets dubbla syfte. I den här studien har uppsatsförfattaren intervjuat fyra blivande gymnasielärare med biologi som inriktning för att försöka identifiera deras uppfattningar om demokrati och relationen mellan biologiskt ämnesstoff och demokrati i undervisningens praktik. Resultatet visar att intervjupersonerna uppfattar demokrati i allmänhet som överensstämmande med både representativ, participativ och deliberativ demokrati, och relationen mellan biologiskt ämnesstoff och demokrati i undervisningens praktik som i hög grad överensstämmande med den deliberativa demokratiformen. Implikationerna av detta är att demokratiuppfattningen blir radikalare och alltmer lik en deliberativ demokratiform med biologiskt ämnesstoff i undervisningens praktik. Sålunda har biologiskt ämnesstoff en didaktisk betydelse för såväl lärares demokratiuppfattning som samhällsuppdrag.
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Matematik - för skolan eller livet? : En studie om hur Matematik A anpassas till olika gymnasieprogram / Mathematics - for school or for life? : A research of how the compulsory A course in Mathematics is adapted to different programmes in the upper secondary school in SwedenMatsson, Annemarie January 2010 (has links)
Matematikundervisningen på gymnasiet ska ge eleverna kunskaper för vardagsliv och en grund för kommande arbetsliv. Lärare på en gymnasieskola har intervjuats om hur de anpassar Matematik A till olika program och vilken respons de upplever från eleverna på dessa anpassningar. Denna studie med kvalitativ ansats har utifrån intervjuerna gett en kartläggning av hur lärare anpassar undervisningen av Matematik A för olika program, både medvetet och omedvetet. Utifrån kartläggningen gjordes också en fördjupad analys för att hitta troliga bakomliggande faktorer till anpassningarna. Resultatet visar att lärarna anpassar matematiken till olika program på flera sätt och nivåer. Vissa anpassningar gör lärarna medvetet, som att vinkla uppgifter, aktiviteter och genomgångar till grupper och programmål eller på individnivå med stöd, extra material och utmaningar. Lärarna verkar inte vara medvetna om att valet av lärobok troligen är den största anpassningen som görs, med avseende på både innehåll, arbetsformer och nivåreglering. Några bakomliggande faktorer som hittades var bland annat att eleverna har sämre förkunskaper från grundskolan, att det finns statusskillnad mellan program och att samarbetsgraden inom program mellan matematik och karaktärsämnen varierar. Lärarna skulle vilja arbeta med aktiviteter som utvecklar en djupare matematisk förståelse eller väcker elevernas nyfikenhet, men tiden räcker inte till då den mesta tiden av undervisning i Matematik A går åt till ren färdighetsträning. På de naturvetenskapliga programmen sätts målet att samtliga ska nå de högre kursbetygen, men på de yrkesförberedande programmen siktar lärarna på att eleverna ska nå godkänt. Ju tydligare koppling det finns mellan matematik och karaktärsämnen, desto mer samarbete tycks ske med andra lärare inom programmet. / Students in the upper secondary school are supposed to learn mathematical skills for both their everyday life and their future working life. Teachers at an upper secondary school have been interviewed about their experience of adapting the compulsory A-course in Mathematics to different programs and how their students react to the adaptations. This phenomenographical research aims to map out the teachers’ conscious and subconscious adaptations of the compulsory course in Mathematics to different programs. A deeper analysis of the results was performed to try to find underlying factors to the adaptations. The results show that the teachers adapt their teaching to the different programs in various ways. Some adaptations are made deliberately to areas of interest for the different programs, such as adapting examples and activities. Other deliberate adaptations are made on an individual basis, both for students who need extra help and for those who need supplementary challenging tasks. The teachers do not seem to be aware that the greatest adaptation is the choice of textbook, regarding content, level of tasks and methods of work. Several underlying factors were found. For example, the science programme students are expected to get the higher grades whilst the vocational students only are expected to pass the course. Additionally, students nowadays have poorer mathematical skills from compulsory school. Therefore a lot of class-room hours have to be spent revising basic mathematics. The teachers would like to include more interesting activities to let the students develop deeper mathematical knowledge and become fascinated by the subject, but there is not enough time. The more Mathematics and the core subjects of the program relate and intersect by nature, the more the different teachers on the program cooperate across subjects.
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Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet / Work Forms and MethodsWithin the Vocational Upper Secondary SchoolProgram for Business and AdministrationPatzauer, Klara January 2010 (has links)
By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary work. Morals and ethics are integrated in class. More progressive ways of working re combined with so-called traditional teaching. An internet based learning platform supports communication between teachers and pupils. Joint setting of goals, planning, and evaluation are done within the team. Teachers' pedagogical views are consistent with those that permeate the national policy/governing documents.Teachers choose the methods they believe lead to better effectiveness. Their choices are based on experience gained from work experience outside school and their teaching experience. I have grouped factors that contribute to teachers' choice of work as, individual, organizational and infrastructural. It is found that the choice of working methods is partly the result of limited resources. The teachers’ chosen approach also means a better working environment for themselves, which is believed to have positive affects on the pupils work situation and results. / Genom att studera vilka arbetsformer och metoder lärarna på handelsprogrammet väljer för sin undervisning och genom att ta del av de erfarenheter lärarna gjort, ville jag bidra med mer kunskap om hur man i undervisningen omsätter de krav som styrdokumenten formulerar. I min kvalitativa studie har lärare i ett arbetslag på Handelsprogrammet varit mina informanter. Arbetslaget kombinerade flera arbetsformer och metoder i linje med styrdokumentens intentioner. Eleverna hade oftast en samlad skoldag med blockundervisning där man jobbade med case och ämnesöverskridande arbeten. Värdegrundsarbete integrerades. Arbetsformerna kombinerades med s.k. traditionell undervisning. En lärplattform stödde kommunikationen mellan lärare och elever. Gemensam målformulering, planering, och utvärdering gjordes i arbetslaget. Lärarnas pedagogiska grundsyn överensstämde med den som genomsyrar styrdokumenten. Lärarna valde de arbetsmetoder de ansåg leder till bättre måluppfyllelse. Valen var grundade på erfarenheter från arbetsliv utanför skolan och erfarenheter av undervisning. Faktorer som bidragit till lärarnas val av arbetsformer har jag grupperat i individuella, organisatoriska och infrastrukturella. Det framkommer att valet av arbetsformer och metoder delvis var en följd av begränsade resurser. För lärarna innebar valda arbetssättet också en bättre arbetsmiljö vilket man ansåg påverkar även elevernas arbetssituation och resultat positivt.
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Matematik - för skolan eller livet? : En studie om hur Matematik A anpassas till olika gymnasieprogram / Mathematics - for school or for life? : A research of how the compulsory A course in Mathematics is adapted to different programmes in the upper secondary school in SwedenMatsson, Annemarie January 2010 (has links)
<p>Matematikundervisningen på gymnasiet ska ge eleverna kunskaper för vardagsliv och en grund för kommande arbetsliv. Lärare på en gymnasieskola har intervjuats om hur de anpassar Matematik A till olika program och vilken respons de upplever från eleverna på dessa anpassningar. Denna studie med kvalitativ ansats har utifrån intervjuerna gett en kartläggning av hur lärare anpassar undervisningen av Matematik A för olika program, både medvetet och omedvetet. Utifrån kartläggningen gjordes också en fördjupad analys för att hitta troliga bakomliggande faktorer till anpassningarna.</p><p> </p><p>Resultatet visar att lärarna anpassar matematiken till olika program på flera sätt och nivåer. Vissa anpassningar gör lärarna medvetet, som att vinkla uppgifter, aktiviteter och genomgångar till grupper och programmål eller på individnivå med stöd, extra material och utmaningar. Lärarna verkar inte vara medvetna om att valet av lärobok troligen är den största anpassningen som görs, med avseende på både innehåll, arbetsformer och nivåreglering.</p><p> </p><p>Några bakomliggande faktorer som hittades var bland annat att eleverna har sämre förkunskaper från grundskolan, att det finns statusskillnad mellan program och att samarbetsgraden inom program mellan matematik och karaktärsämnen varierar. Lärarna skulle vilja arbeta med aktiviteter som utvecklar en djupare matematisk förståelse eller väcker elevernas nyfikenhet, men tiden räcker inte till då den mesta tiden av undervisning i Matematik A går åt till ren färdighetsträning. På de naturvetenskapliga programmen sätts målet att samtliga ska nå de högre kursbetygen, men på de yrkesförberedande programmen siktar lärarna på att eleverna ska nå godkänt. Ju tydligare koppling det finns mellan matematik och karaktärsämnen, desto mer samarbete tycks ske med andra lärare inom programmet.</p> / <p>Students in the upper secondary school are supposed to learn mathematical skills for both their everyday life and their future working life. Teachers at an upper secondary school have been interviewed about their experience of adapting the compulsory A-course in Mathematics to different programs and how their students react to the adaptations. This phenomenographical research aims to map out the teachers’ conscious and subconscious adaptations of the compulsory course in Mathematics to different programs. A deeper analysis of the results was performed to try to find underlying factors to the adaptations.</p><p> </p><p>The results show that the teachers adapt their teaching to the different programs in various ways. Some adaptations are made deliberately to areas of interest for the different programs, such as adapting examples and activities. Other deliberate adaptations are made on an individual basis, both for students who need extra help and for those who need supplementary challenging tasks. The teachers do not seem to be aware that the greatest adaptation is the choice of textbook, regarding content, level of tasks and methods of work.</p><p> </p><p>Several underlying factors were found. For example, the science programme students are expected to get the higher grades whilst the vocational students only are expected to pass the course. Additionally, students nowadays have poorer mathematical skills from compulsory school. Therefore a lot of class-room hours have to be spent revising basic mathematics. The teachers would like to include more interesting activities to let the students develop deeper mathematical knowledge and become fascinated by the subject, but there is not enough time. The more Mathematics and the core subjects of the program relate and intersect by nature, the more the different teachers on the program cooperate across subjects.</p>
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