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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklų vadovų nuostatos į demokratines vertybes / The attitude of school leaders towards democratic values

Žiūkienė, Vita 23 June 2014 (has links)
Mokyklų vadovų nuostatos į demokratines vertybes Temos aktualumas ir problema. Vienas iš pagrindinių šiuolaikinio švietimo uždavinių – mokyklos demokratizacija. Švietimo įstaigų vadovai yra svarbūs demokratinių procesų skatintojai mokyklose, o jų nuostatos į demokratines vertybes turi lemiamos įtakos tų vertybių įsisavinimui visai mokyklos bendruomenei. Remiantis empirinio tyrimo duomenimis, galima konstatuoti, kad vadovai stokoja teorinių žinių apie demokratiją, retai lankosi seminaruose, kuriuose gvildenamos demokratijos problemos, patys taip pat mažai kalba apie demokratines vertybes ir būtinybę jomis vadovautis kasdieniame gyvenime. Retas vadovas turi pilną demokratiškai veikiančios mokyklos viziją. Išryškėjo nedideli skirtumai tarp amžiaus grupių ir vietovės. Vyriausieji (51 – 60 m.) vadovai aktyviau siekia panaikinti teorines spragas. Rajono mokyklų vadovai labiau propaguoja tarpinstitucinį bendradarbiavimą, o miesto mokyklų vadovai orientuojasi į mokyklos vidaus gyvenimą. Mokyklų vadovų nuostatos į demokratines vertybes yra teigiamos, nes dauguma jų pažįsta demokratines vertybes, bendradarbiauja su išorės institucijomis, mokyklose realiai veikia savivalda, pedagogai turi pakankamai laisvės saviraiškai, vyrauja gera bendravimo atmosfera, o patys vadovai mano, kad vadovavimasis demokratinėmis vertybėmis teikia ir vidinį pasitenkinimą. Taigi demokratizacijos procesas turi pagrindą sėkmingai veikti. Kad vadovų nuostatos stiprėtų, būtina ieškoti jų stiprinimo būdų: tai ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The School Leaders Attitude Towards Democratic Values One of the main problem of modern education – the school's democratization. The chiefs of the schools are important prompters of democratic process in schools, and their attitudes to democratic valuables have decisive influence for these valuables reclamation for all school's society. Sustaining experiential research materials, we can state, that the directors lack of theory knowledge about the democracy, they rarely visit seminars, in which there are ventilating democratic problems, they speak a little about democratic valuables and necessity to guide by them in ordinary life. The rare director has full democratical working school's vision. Showed up little differences between age groups and the place. The eldest (51-60 years) chiefs more acctive reach to liquidate theory gaps. The region's schoolmasters propagate more collaboration with mid institutional collaboration and cities' schoolmasters orient to school's inside life. Despite particular gaps, nevertheless we can state that the schoolmasters keep possitive attitudes to democratic valuables , because many of them know democratic valuables, collaborate wiht outside institutions, there is real autonomy in the schools, the teachers have enough liberty for self-expression , there is a good comunicational atmosphere and own schoolmasters think that leading by democratic valuables infuse inside pleasure.Therefore the process of democratization has evidence for successful... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų bendradarbiavimas su pedagogais, kaip demokratinių santykių prielaida / Cooperation of education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relation

Padkauskienė, Irena 08 June 2004 (has links)
The graduation paper Cooperation of preschool education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relations by Irena Padkauskienė, a student of MA programme at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Vilnius Pedagogical University has been written under the guidance of dr.habil.professor Marija Barkauskaitė after the study of pedagogical, psychological and managerial works on the issue concerned and the analysis of questionnaires completed by the pedagogue of pre-school educational institutions. The main task of perfection in the preschool education institution is to create the culture of communication as an essential condition in purpose to get better results and as a possibility to organize the work more swimmingly. To achieve the fact that the relation of cooperation would dominate in the institution is not an easy task, because the tolerance of the community, care about each other, the positive assessment of us, and the harmony of the community is necessary. It asserts by responsibility and democratically accepted solutions. The dialog, intended for the alternation of preschool education institution, planning activities, looking for its model, is going on permanently. The groups of community members (teams) are created not for the office but for all accepted idea. They seek for the common purpose, solve particular problems and collaborate between each other. In this way all the members become active... [to full text]

Vadovų motyvaciją organizacijoje lemiantys veiksniai / Factors influencing motivation of the leaders in the organization

Aidukas, Darius 08 November 2006 (has links)
Aidukas, D. (2006). Factors influencing motivation of the leaders in the organization. Final thesis. Vilnius: ISM Management and Economics University. SUMMARY The man is the biggest and most competitive advantage, on the manager depends present and future situation of organization, leadership is leading towards reaching the goals... P.Drucker was right – organizations must motivate managers, concentrate on present and new manager’s development, to think about their commitment, because future of The Organization will depend on Them. The main purpose of this final thesis – to identify and evaluate the main factors, which influence the motivation of the leaders and their commitment to the organization. The role of the manager in today’s organization, effective leader portrait and leadership styles were analyzed in the theoretical part. As well to identify theoretical factors of organizational attractiveness, analysing motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Research was done to identify the main factors influencing the motivation of Lithuanian leaders working as marketing & sales managers in the pharmaceutical market. The style of leadership (transactional versus transformational) was analysed together with leadership potential. After research results, interesting combinations between motivation, job satisfaction and commitment were found. Research finding: most leaders participated in research are using transformational leadership style, utilizing... [to full text]

Asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos padalinių vadovų žmogiškųjų valdymo sugebėjimų vertinimas / Assessment of managerial human skills of managers in health care institution

Rančytė, Renata 08 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY Management of Public Health ASSESSMENT OF MANAGERIAL HUMAN SKILLS OF MANAGERS IN HEALTH CARE INSTITUTION Renata Rančytė Supervisor Danutė Dučinskienė, Department of Social Medicine. Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine. - Kaunas, 2005.-P.62 Management emphasizes managerial human skills as essential leadership skills. Aim of study. To assess human skills of the managers in health care institutions. Objectives. · Assess human skills of health care managers in institution and importance of it. · Compare managerial human skills among different types of managers Methods. 35 questions anonymous questionnaire have been used. All managers in organization have been surveyed. Statistic data analysis has been made, using SPSS 10 program. Results. Almost half of health care managers (43,5 proc.) indicated that main leading skills are human skills. Majority of managers (65,5 proc.) point that they are talking with employees about enjoyments. Managers are think that they are polite (91,8 proc.), and pleasant (75,5 proc.). Most of the managers (85,0 proc.) explain that they know every employee in their department. Strategist (59,2 proc.), leader (61,2 proc.), disturbance handler (57,8 proc.) roles are main for the managers. Majority of nurses - nurse administrators (88,6 proc.) reacted to every complaint it was very rare among clinic managers (50,0 proc.). The role of the strategist mostly picked up clinic managers (79,8 proc.), leader role picked up... [to full text]

Vadovų nuostatos apie vaiko teisių situaciją ikimokyklinio ugdymo institucijoje / Leader's Attitude towards the Situation of the Child Rights i Pre-school Institutions

Čepaitė, Eglė 21 June 2005 (has links)
Society’s attitudes towards children have undergone major changes throughout this century. For a long time it was clear that children are vulnerable and need special protection from parents and society. Only recently children were recognised as legal subjects and bearers of rights. The wast number of various international documents is the evidence of the changing attitude towards children and childhood policy as well as the atitudetowards child as an individual, having fundamental rihgts and beeing a citizen. Achieving an effective spread, conception and prevalence of the child rights in pre-school institution it is important to warrant strong leading skills and the most important requirements to leaders and pedagogues. Recently the role of the leader of the pre-school institution in the process of society democratization has not lost it meaning, but developed into a new level. Currently the leader is not only a studious minister but also a political undertaker of the institution and a guarantor of the successful activity of his team. The success and effectiveness of the institution activity depends on proper management:planning, organizing, management and control. Pre-school institution management is a particular type of professional activity the aim of which are optimal results achieved rationally using material, humane, financial resourses, applying various principles and functions. Pre-scool institution leader must be a good strategist:foresee the vision and mission of... [to full text]

Klasės auklėtojo veiklos organizavimas Lietuvos bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Organization of class tutor aktivities in the schools of general secondary education in Lithuania

Sinkevičienė, Rita-Janina 27 June 2005 (has links)
Rapidly developing technological progress of the 21st century, as well as social and psychological conditions of the recent decades determined certain changes in the schools of our country. Today schools have an important task – to prepare children for full-fledged life with consideration to the changes and development of our society. The programs of Lithuanian schools of general secondary education (V., 1997) declare that the key indicator of good psychological atmosphere is active cooperation of school executives, teaches and parents in solving general pedagogical problems. Here, class tutor plays one of the most important roles. In response to today’s challenges, the educational system of Lithuania is seeking to develop: - Independent and responsible person, who is able to improve his abilities throughout the whole course of his/her life; - Self-ruling and solidary civil society, which is based on knowledge and is able to preserve its oneness, create and develop its state, communicate and compete in the global world. In the way of reaching the above listed goals, the role of teacher is changing quintessentially in the educational process: the teacher, as knowledge owner and moderator is changed by teacher, who is able to organize educational process, create learning possibilities, be advisor and partner. Consequently, the class tutor plays extremely important role in whole educational system. The goal of this research paper is to analyze certain aspects of... [to full text]

VIDURINIO LYGMENS VADOVŲ NEFINANSINIS ATLYGINIMAS LIETUVOS ĮMONĖSE / Non-financial Compensation of Middle Level Managers in Lithuanian Companies

Maciulevičius, Raimondas 10 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to define motivational role of non-financial compensation means used in the foreign countries and the utilization of non-financial means for the middle level managers motivation in Lithuanian companies. The thesis gives answers to the following questions: what are the non-financial means used mostly in the foreign countries, what are the main purposes and motivational effect of it for the managers’ motivation. Thesis answers as well what are the most commonly used non-financial compensation means for middle level managers in large Lithuanian companies, what was the main reason to start this type of compensation and what are the main tasks of it. Information provided about non-financial compensation efficiency assessment and further perspectives within Lithuanian companies. The thesis consist of an introduction, formulation of the problem, review of literature, description of an empiric research and analysis of received data, summary, conclusion and practical interpretation for companies’ managers. The status of the non-financial means’ utilization in large Lithuanian companies was defined based on the survey of 94 companies. There was chosen method of primal data collection via internet for the survey. Collected answers were analyzed utilizing Statistical Package for the Social Sciences [SPSS]. There was defined based on the review of literature that non-financial compensation is utilized for the motivation of managers very frequently and by various... [to full text]

Ugdymo įstaigų vadovų komunikacinių kompetencijų raiška švietimo kaitos kontekste / Expression of communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changes

Telksnienė, Laima 07 June 2006 (has links)
Rapid changes, stimulated by globalization, spreading of information (knowledge) society and integration into the European Union economical, cultural and educational space, conditioned the changes in the educational system of Lithuania. The new requirements for the system influenced the development of the management competence model. In the context of the general (transferable) competences, communicative competences are given top priority, development of which in life long learning becomes the most essential challenge for every leader of an educational institution. Therefore, the research question has been raised- what communicative competences the leaders of educational institutions have. Both competences, in foreign languages and information communicative technologies, were being taken into account. The question of which of the two competences manifests stronger in the leadership practice has also been analyzed, the motives and forms of the development of these competences were being questioned. The aim of the research is to analyze the expression of the communicative competences of the leaders of educational institutions in the context of educational changes, revealing the motives and forms for the improvement. Analysis of the theoretical works and documents of foreign and national scientists about the role of communicative competences in the context of educational changes has been carried out and presented in the paper. The place of the communicative competences- foreign... [to full text]

Vaikų globos namų auklėtojų nuostatos dėl bendravimo / Tutors‘ attitudes to the communication within the children foster organizations

Kazlienė, Edita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Švietimui kaip socialinei institucijai postmodernizme keliami uždaviniai, kurie sąlygoja esminius edukacinių procesų pokyčius. Ypatingas vaidmuo tenka mokyklos vadovui (Jucevičienė, 1996; Fullan, 1998; Kornør, Nordvik, 2004; R. H. Hofman, W. H. A. Hofman, Guldemond, 2001). Dažnas novatoriškas mokyklos vadovas stengiasi transformuoti mokyklos kultūrą (Želvys, 2003), o švietimo institucijos bendruomenė verčia jį prisitaikyti prie susiklosčiusių per dešimtmečius normų ir tradicijų (Žvirdauskas, 2006; Cibulskas, 2006; Katiliūtė, 2005; Sergiovanni, 2005). Moksliniai tyrimai atskleidė, kad mokyklos veiklos efektyvumas susijęs su švietimo subjektų – pedagogų ir ugdymo institucijos vadovų, ugdytinių ir jų tėvų / globėjų – bendravimo kultūra (Targamadzė, 2006; Hargreaves, 2000; Davies, Ellison, 2006). Atskleista, kad vadovavimas ugdymo institucijai sąlygoja mokyklos bendruomenės energiją, kai suprantama, jog organizacijos kaitą lemia ugdymo institucijoje puoselėjamos vertybės (Sergiovani, 2005), rūpinimasis asmenų tarpusavio santykiais (Kepalaitė, 2005; Kardelienė, Kardelis, 2006). Be to, nustatyta, kad vadovo nuostatos dėl elgesio su pavaldiniais (Šaparnis, 2002) ir pedagogų nuostatos dėl bendravimo organizacijoje (Fominienė, Kardelienė, Kardelis, 2006; Bagdonas, 2004; Engvik, 2006; Šaparnis, Šaparnienė, 2004; Meškinienė, Liniauskaitė, 2003) turi įtakos pedagoginio darbo rezultatams (Kepalaitė, 2005a; Rupšienė, Gustienė, 2005; Gailienė, Marozaitė, 2003), nes autoritarinis valdymas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Education as social institution is evoked in the determination of changes of essential educational practice in the post-modern epoch. The key role is devoted to a director of the school (Fullan, 1993; Juceviciene, 1996; Kornør, Nordvik, 2004; R. H. Hofman, W. H. A. Hofman, Guldemond, 2001). A innovative school director frequently attempts to transform its culture (Zelvys, 2003), as well as community of educational institution makes the director to accomodate long lasting inhabited norms and traditions of such community (Zvirdauskas, 2006; Cibulskas, 2006; Katiliute, 2005; Sergiovanni, 2005). Some studies disclosed that the efficiency of school activities is related with the communication culture of subjects of education, namely educators and directors of educational institutions as well as pupils and their parents or foster-parents (Targamadze, 2006; Hargreaves, 2000; Davies, Ellison, 2006). It was acknowledged that the impact for results of educational work could be depended (Kepalaitė, 2005; Rupšienė, Gustienė, 2005; Gailienė, Marozaitė, 2003), on the director’s approach to subordinate personnel (Saparnis, 2002) and educators‘ attitudes to organization of communication within the institution (Fominiene, Kardeliene, Kardelis, 2006; Bagdonas, 2004; Engvik, 2006; Saparnis, Saparnienė, 2004; Meskinienė, Liniauskaite, 2003). It was recognized also that autocratic style management, the centralization of decision-making, psychological freeze (Grinceviciene, 2002; Juceviciene... [to full text]

Pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo ypatumai šiuolaikinėje besimokančiojoje švietimo organizacijoje (pedagogų ir vadovų požiūris) / Motivation peculiarities of pedagogical staff in today’s studying educational institution (the attitude of pedagogues and leaders)

Bružienė, Jolita 19 October 2007 (has links)
Įvairių organizacijų bei švietimo institucijų pagrindinis tikslas - įgyti konkurencinį pranašumą, kuris yra organizacijos sėkmingo darbo garantas. Svarbus konkurencinio pranašumo šaltinis yra darbuotojai. Atsiranda pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo svarba. Šiandieninėje visuomenėje vykstant įvairiems pokyčiams, švietimo įstaigų vadovai susiduria su pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo problema. Daugeliui besimokančių organizacijų vadovų nėra lengva pasirinkti būdus, kaip padidinti darbuotojų motyvaciją, siekiant organizacijos veiklos efektyvumo. Tyrimo tikslai: išsiaiškinti pedagoginio personalo motyvavimo reikšmingumą ir būdus (ypatumus), tiriant švietimo organizacijos vadovų ir pedagogų požiūrį. Darbe atlikta literatūros šaltinių analizė, anketavimas, duomenų statistinė analizė atlikta panaudojant statistinės analizės sistemą SPSS. Tyrime dalyvavo 181 respondentas. Tyrimas patvirtino pirmą prielaidą, kad skirtingo tipo ugdymo institucijų pedagogų požiūriai į jų veiklos motyvaciją ir jos reikšmingumą beveik sutampa su pedagogų ir vadovų požiūriais. Tyrimas patvirtino antrą prielaidą, kad skirtingo tipo ugdymo institucijų pedagogų požiūriai dėl besimokančios organizacijos bruožų skiriasi labiau nei pedagogų ir vadovų požiūriai. Vadovai turėtų motyvavimo funkciją laikyti ne mažiau reikšminga negu kitos vadybos funkcijos. Jiems svarbu turėti darbuotojų veiklos motyvavimo sistemą. / The main aim of different organizations and educational institutions is to acquire competitive advantage which is success of organizations lucky work. The main source of competitive advantage is the employees. The importance of staff motivation is very actual. In today’s society when different changes take place the employees of educational institutions meet with the motivation problem of pedagogical staff. Most of the studying organization leaders find it difficult to choose the ways in raising the motivation of the employees and seeking the effectiveness of organization activities. The aims of research: to ascertain the motivation importance of pedagogical staff and peculiarities in researching the attitude of educational organization leaders and pedagogues in different educational institutions. In this paper the analysis of literature sources, questionnaire, data statistic analysis were carried out using the system of statistic analysis (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). In this research 181 respondents took part. The research proved the conclusion , that different types of educational institutions have almost the same attitudes towards motivations of their activities. The attitudes of pedagogues and leaders are also almost the same. The research proved next conclusion that the attitudes of pedagogues from different types of pedagogical institutions concerning the traits of studying organizations are more different then attitudes of pedagogues and leaders... [to full text]

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