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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag har en påse på benet" : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt om upplevelsen av att leva med en urinkateter / ”I have a bag on my leg” : A qualitative literature review about the experience of living with a urinary catheter.

Didrik, Olivia, Jansson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det förekommer att personer är beroende av en kvarliggande urinkateter för att kunna miktera. Den urinuppsamlingspåsen som kopplas till urinkatetern kan se olika ut. En vanlig komplikation är kateterassocierad urinvägsinfektion vilket kan leda till döden. För att undvika komplikationer ska sjuksköterskan informera personerna om egenvård av urinkatetern.  Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vuxna personers upplevelser av att leva med en kvarliggande urinrörskateter eller en suprapubiskateter i vardagen. Metod: Litteraturöversikten som genomfördes utgick från 12 artiklar med kvalitativ design där resultaten utgår från ett patientperspektiv. Data samlades in från 2 olika databaser. Fribergs analysmetod för kvalitativa artiklar användes.   Resultat: I resultatet framkom tre huvudteman; förändrad självbild, känslan av okunskap och känslor kopplade till komplikationer. Åtta subtema identifierades; acceptansen av urinkatetern och urinuppsamlingspåsen, påverkan på det sexuella samlivet, behovet av planering, osäkerheten till behovet av urinkatetern, behovet av information, oro för flödeshinder, oro för infektioner och smärta.  Slutsats: Urinkatetern kan upplevas som besvärlig eller som en lättsamhet beroende på om den orsakar problem om den löser problemen i vardagen. Urinuppsamlingspåsen upplevs som en begränsning i vardagen och mycket planering behövs när personen ska lämna hemmet. Det finns en känsla av okunskap då personen inte fått tillräckligt med information om urinkatetern. / Background: It occurs that some people are in need of an indwelling urinary catheter to micturate. The urine-collection bag that is connected to the urinary catheter has different appearances.  A common complication is a catheter associated urinary tract infection that can lead to death. The nurse should inform the person about self-care of the urinary catheter, to avoid complications.   Aim: The aim was to describe adult peoples’ experiences of living with an indwelling urinary catheter or a suprapubic catheter in the daily life.  Method: This literature review has its origin within 12 articles with a qualitative design where the results were written from the patients' perspective. Data was collected from two different databases. The method of Friberg was used to analyse the data.  Results: The results were based on three major themes; altered self-image, the feeling of ignorance and feelings related to complications. Eight sub themes were identified; acceptance of the urinary catheter and the urine-collection bag, impact on the sexual intercourse, the need of planning, the uncertainty of the needs for the urinary catheter, the need for information, worries for blockage, worries for infections and pain.  Conclusion: The urinary catheter can be experienced as difficulty or as a lightness depending on if it causes troubles or solves problems in the daily life. The urine collection bag experiences as a limitation in daily life and much planning is needed when the person should leave the home. A feeling of ignorance occurs when the person has not received enough information about the urinary catheter.

Rumslig betydelse för vardaglig tillgänglighet : En studie av småbarnsföräldrars resande i samband med lämning och hämtning vid förskola. / Spatial significance for everyday accessibility : A study of parents traveling for drop-off and pick-up at preschool.

Norin, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Inom sentida urban utveckling har teori gällande förtätning blivit allt vanligare inom hur rumslig utformning tar form. Detta innebär alltså en ökad bebyggelse och befolkning inom en viss yta. Positiva effekter av detta är bland annat en mer effektiv användning av mark, minskad miljöpåverkan till följd av kortare resor samt en påstådd ökad tillgänglighet till följd av bättre anslutning och närhet till destinationer. Det denna kandidatuppsats vill utreda är i vilken mån fysisk struktur påverkar den vardagliga tillgängligheten. Detta genom en jämförande studie av föräldrars resor kopplat till lämning och hämtning vid förskola i de två primärområdena Utby och Olivedal i Göteborgs kommun. Uppsatsen utgår ifrån en definition av tillgänglighet vilken uppnås genom samspel mellan närhet och anslutning å ena sidan samt mobilitet å andra. Tillgänglighet kan således uppnås genom närhet till målpunkter samtidigt som mobilitetsverktyg för att överbrygga avstånd också spelar in. Längre avstånd kan således sätta högre krav på mobilitet som faktor (Haugen, 2012:3). Genom en digital enkätstudie så har kvantitativa empiriska data från flertalet föräldrar inom respektive primärområde samlats in och analyserats. Analys har utgått ifrån aktuella frågeställningar gällande samband mellan rumslig struktur och hur vardaglig tillgänglighet uppnås, samt vilka rumsliga faktorer som påverkar för föräldrars val av transportmedel vid resor kopplat till lämning och hämtning vid förskola. Vid analys av resultat framkommer hur tidseffektivitet och smidighet utgör avgörande motiv vid val av transportmedel till och från förskola. Uppnådd tillgänglighet influeras därmed av vad som möjliggör för tidseffektivt resande. I områden med tät bebyggelse är närhet vanligtvis viktigast för tillgänglighet, medan längre avstånd ökar betydelse av mobilitet. Vid korta avstånd är gång och cykling konkurrenskraftiga alternativ, medan längre avstånd gynnar kollektivtrafik och bil. Jämförelse mellan områden visar därtill skillnad inom mobilitetsverktyg då tillgång till bil och parkering är större inom Utby medan alternativ för kollektiv trafik är fler inom Olivedal. I tidsgeografiska termer kan således rumslig struktur påverka hur vardagen formas då de mest tidseffektiva alternativen tenderar att premieras av individen. / In contemporary urban development, the theory of densification has become increasingly common in shaping spatial design. This implies increased construction and population within a certain area. Positive effects of this include more efficient land use, reduced environmental impact due to shorter travel distances, and alleged increased accessibility resulting from better connectivity and proximity to destinations. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the extent to which physical structure affects everyday accessibility. This is done through a comparative study of parents' journeys related to drop-off and pick-up at preschool in the two primary areas of Utby and Olivedal in the municipality of Gothenburg. The thesis is based on a definition of accessibility, which is achieved through the interaction of proximity and connectivity on the one hand, and mobility on the other. Accessibility can thus be achieved through proximity to destinations, while mobility tools to bridge distances also play a role. Longer distances may therefore place higher demands on mobility as a factor (Haugen, 2012:3). Through a digital survey, quantitative empirical data from several parents in each primary area have been collected and analyzed. The analysis is based on relevant research questions regarding the relationship between spatial structure and the attainment of everyday accessibility, as well as the spatial factors influencing parents' choice of transportation for preschool-related journeys. The analysis of the results reveals that time efficiency and convenience are crucial motivators in the choice of transportation to and from preschool. Attained accessibility is thus influenced by what enables time-efficient travel. In densely populated areas, proximity is usually the most important factor for accessibility, while longer distances increase the importance of mobility. For short distances, walking and cycling are competitive options, while public transportation and cars are favored for longer distances. Furthermore, a comparison between the areas shows differences in terms of mobility tools, as access to cars and parking is greater in Utby, while there are more public transportation options in Olivedal. In terms of time geography, spatial structure can therefore influence the shaping of everyday life, as individuals tend to prioritize the most time-efficient alternatives.

Elevernas uppfattning om teknikämnets användbarhet : Exempel på högstadieelevers syn på teknikämnets relevans för deras vardagsliv

Amange, Basil January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att undersöka hur högstadieelever uppfattar teknikämnets användbarhet. Utgångspunkten är vad Skolinspektionen (2014) påpekade i sin granskning av ämnet teknik när det gäller att erbjuda teknikundervisning som grundskoleelever upplever som relevant. Fokusområden har varit elevernas syn på teknikämnets relevans för deras vardagsliv. Metoden för studien är en kvalitativ undersökning som bygger på semistrukturerade intervjuer med totalt åtta elever, varav 4 elever från årskurs 8 och 4 elever från årskurs 9. De här eleverna kommer från två skolor som ligger i en förort i Göteborg. Mina teoretiska utgångspunkter är vissa relevanta forskningsstudier och även två lärandeteorier; det sociokulturella perspektivet och pragmatismen. Resultatet från studien visar en variation i en liten skala mellan flickors och pojkars värdering av teknikämnets användbarhet. Undersökningen visar att alla intervjuade elever vill se samband mellan teknikundervisning i skolan och livet utanför. Med andra ord kan man säga att det är meningsfullt för eleverna att förstå i vilket sammanhang teknikuppgiften kan vara aktuell och fruktbar i relation till människa och samhälle. / Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how secondary pupils perceive the usefulness of the subject technology. The starting point is what the School inspection (2014) has pointed out in its review of the subject technology when it comes to offering technology teaching, which secondary school pupils perceive as relevant. The focus area has been the students´ view on the relevance of  subject technology för their everyday lives. The method of this study is a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with eight pupils, 4 pupils from class 8 and 4 pupils from class 9. Those pupils are from two suburban schools which are located in Gothenburg, Sweden. My theoretical points have been some relevant research and also two learning theories; the socio-cultural perspective and pragmatism. The results of the study show a variation in a small scale between girls´ and boys´ appreciation of the usefulness of technology. The survey shows that all the interviewed pupils want to see the connection between technology education in school and life outside. In other words, one can say that it is significant for the pupils to understand the context in which a technology task may be relevant and productive in relation to humans and society.

Mer än ett spel : <em>– en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv</em> / <em>The phenomenona MMORPG-games </em> : – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life

Bäckman, Susanna, Bel, Paula January 2009 (has links)
<h2>The phenomenona MMORPG-games – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life</h2><p>The aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: “the late modern society”.</p><p>The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players. The study also reviled that the games can have different effects on the players and the amplitude of the effects depends on how deep the players involve themselves into the games. Furthermore the study showed that the players has a possibility to create identities in the MMORPG-games but it also showed that there are a conflict between the gameworld and the physical life where the gameworld is understood as the “secondary world”.</p><p> </p>

Strategier för kärlek : en textanalys av Harlequinromanhjältinnans kapitalhöjningskamp / Strategies for love : a textual analysis on the Mills&Boon heroine’s strategies for symbolic captial

Lindström, Jenny January 2003 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen består av en textanalys av 10 Mills&Boon Harlequinromaner som med ett kultursociologiskt perspektiv lyfter fram den process hjältinnan i Harlequinromanen genomför då hon i böckerna förändras från att vara en vanlig kvinna (Everywoman) till att bli en idealkvinna (Idealwoman. Studien inleds med en presentation av förlaget Harlequin Mills&Boon samt en enkel introduktion av romanens uppbyggnad och handling. Vidare följer en tillbakablick på tidigare forskning kring populärkulturen i allmänhet och kärleksromaner i synnerhet. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten finns i Pierre Bourdieus teorier kring habitus, fält och kapital. Analysen delar upp hjältinnans process i fyra delar: Everywoman, Avkodning, Kapitalhöjning och Idealwoman. Genom att applicera Bourdieus teorier på Harlequinromanhjältinnorna kan så uppsatsen diskuteras på mikro- och makronivå. På mikronivå redogör textanalysen för hjältinnans olika strategier. På makronivå handlar uppsatsen om att se just dessa strategier som en del i ett kultursociologiskt mönster och därmed diskuteras böckernas sociala konstruktion och funktion. Uppsatsen vill visa på att hjältinnan kan fungera som en metafor för ett reflexivt tänkande kring vår vardag och att hon därmed kan säga oss något om oss själva.</p>

Mer än ett spel : – en kvalitativ studie om MMORPG-spelens påverkan på spelarnas liv / The phenomenona MMORPG-games : – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life

Bäckman, Susanna, Bel, Paula January 2009 (has links)
The phenomenona MMORPG-games – a qualitative study on MMORPG-games effects on the players life The aim of this study was to shed lights on what it is that makes some people play MMORPG-games, get a insight in how a gamers social network can look like and how the game can change the players everyday life. To acchieve this aim the authors carried out four individual interwievs with MMORPG-players. These interwieves was hermeneutic interpreted with the socialantropology networkstheory, roletheory, social identitytheory and the entirety was interpreted with the concept: “the late modern society”. The conclusions that was found were that the games helps the players to handle their everyday life and has a condition for the players to produce relationships with other players. The study also reviled that the games can have different effects on the players and the amplitude of the effects depends on how deep the players involve themselves into the games. Furthermore the study showed that the players has a possibility to create identities in the MMORPG-games but it also showed that there are a conflict between the gameworld and the physical life where the gameworld is understood as the “secondary world”.

Arbetets geografi : Kunskapsarbetets organisation och utförande i tidrummet / The geography of work : Knowledge work in time-space

Trygg, Kristina January 2014 (has links)
This is a thesis about knowledge-intensive work and the organizational con-texts of such work. The specific objective is to analyze the geography of work. The geography of work may diverge from the geography of employ-ment when paid work is undertaken at the premises of client organizations, during commuting, on business trips, in external meetings, at home or in other places. The focus is on work practice and the perspective of everyday life. The study examines where knowledge workers are located and where knowledge work occurs. It is about what knowledge workers actually do. The everyday perspective is about the relationship between paid work and unpaid work. To understand the organization of knowledge-intensive work in a time–space context, different possibilities and constraints must be taken into con-sideration. This thesis has a time–geographical approach. The case study examines knowledge-intensive organizations located in central Stockholm. The organizations are in PR/communications, management consultancy, and research and development sectors. Both private and public sector organiza-tions are considered. The empirical study combines interviews, time diaries and questionnaires. The NVivo software program is employed to analyze the interview data. The main conclusion from the thesis is that in order to under-stand knowledge-intensive work, different factors such as relations, attitudes and norms need to be considered. These factors affect the organization of work, which in turn is affected by the choices, possibilities, constraints, ex-pectations and negotiations of different actors (i.e. employees, employers, family, clients and colleagues). The working time of the knowledge workers investigated in this study is mainly spent at the office of their employers. Social interaction with col-leagues and clients is an important part of their work. Work routines involve many meetings, both face-to-face and virtual. Face-to-face interactions play a crucial role in shaping the geography of work; teamwork is important. The knowledge workers in this study are “working long hours,” and the norm is to work more than what have been expected.

Interaktion i vardagslivet hos vuxna med Aspergers syndrom. Implikationer för intervention.

Eriksson Leidnert, Michaela, Cederqvist, Jenni January 2015 (has links)
Aspergers syndrom (AS) innebär bland annat en begränsning i social interaktion, vilket resulterar i svårigheter inom flera kommunikativa förmågor. Trots dessa svårigheter finns ett begränsat utbud av kommunikativ intervention för personer med AS idag. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att analysera den vardagliga interaktionen hos vuxna personer med AS för att få fram ett underlag för hur en kommunikativ intervention skulle kunna utformas. Föreliggande studie bestod av en intervjudel och en videodel. I intervjudelen ingick sju deltagare och i videodelen ingick två deltagare. Intervjudelen bestod av semistrukturerade intervjuer, där deltagarnas uppfattning om sin egen och omgivningens kommunikation, medvetna strategier för att underlätta kommunikationen samt erfarenheter och preferenser för intervention undersöktes. Intervjudelen analyserades med metoden innehållsanalys. I videodelen spelades två videofilmer av vardaglig interaktion in. Videofilmerna analyserades med Conversation Analysis (CA) och deltagarnas interaktionella styrkor och svårigheter belystes genom detta.Innehållsanalysen resulterade i tio kategorier som åskådliggör olika aspekter av kommunikation hos personer med AS ur deras eget perspektiv. Majoriteten av deltagarna var intresserade av att medverka i kommunikativ intervention. Vid analys av videofilmerna framkom att reparationer och organisation av samtalsämnen kan utgöra kommunikativa svårigheter. Uppbackningar visade sig utgöra en kommunikativ styrka. Utifrån studiens samtliga fynd föreslår uppsatsförfattarna en varierad intervention där gruppintervention och individuell intervention varvas. Exempel på kommunikativa förmågor som kan tränas är reparation, organisation av samtalsämnen samt uppbackningar. Individens närmaste omgivning bör integreras i interventionen. I interventionen bör även filmning av verkliga situationer ingå, vilka med fördel kan analyseras med CA. Träning av enskilda kommunikativa beteenden kan bland annat genomföras med hjälp av rollspel. Då resultatet av både intervju- och videodelen tyder på stora individuella skillnader är det av stor vikt att individanpassa interventionen. / Asperger syndrome (AS) results, among other things, in a deficit in social interaction. This deficit causes difficulties with several communicative abilities. Still, there is a limited range of communicative intervention programs for people with AS. The aims of this study were to analyze the interaction in the daily life of adults with AS, to further be able to construct a foundation for the design of future intervention programs. The study consisted of an interview part and a video part. Seven individuals participated in the interview part and two in the video part. The interview part consisted of semi-structured interviews, where the following aspects were investigated: how the participant experienced her/his own and the surrounding’s communicative abilities, conscious strategies to facilitate the communication, and lastly, experiences of and preferences for intervention. The interview part was analyzed with content analysis. Regarding the video part, two film clips were recorded. The film clips were analyzed with Conversation Analysis (CA), in order to describe the interactional strengths and difficulties of the participants.The content analysis resulted in the identification of ten categories, which highlight different aspects of communication in individuals with AS from their own perspective. The majority of the participants showed an interest in participating in communicative. The analysis of the film clips indicated that repair and organization of topics may be problematic areas in the communication of individuals with AS. Continuers proved to be a communicative strength. Considering all of the results in this study, the authors suggest a varied intervention, where group and individual intervention are combined. Examples of communicative abilities that can be practiced are repair, organization of topics and continuers. People close to the individual with AS should be integrated in the intervention. Video recordings of real life situations should be part of the intervention and may advantageously be analyzed with CA. The practice of specific communicative behaviors can be carried out using role-playing. Since the result of both the interview and the video part suggest great individual differences, it is of great importance that the intervention is based on individual abilities.

Rutbokens och Esra/Nehemjabokens Sitz im Alltagsleben i det efterexiliska Israel

Bernhardt, Antje January 2015 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks utvalda verser i Rutboken och Esra/Nehemjaboken i syfte att närma sig vardagslivet i Jerusalem på den efterexiliska tiden på 300-talet f.v.t.

Around the Screen : Computer activities in children’s everyday lives / Omkring skärmen : Barns datoraktiviteter i vardagen

Aarsand, Pål André January 2007 (has links)
The present ethnography documents computer activities in everyday life. The data consist of video recordings, interviews and field notes, documenting (i) 16 students in a seventh grade class in a computer room and other school settings and (ii) 22 children, interacting with siblings, friends and parents in home settings. The thesis is inspired by discourse analytical as well as ethnographic approaches, including notions from Goffman (1974, 1981), e.g. those of activity frame and participation framework, which are applied and discussed. The thesis consists of four empirical studies. The first study focuses on students’ illegitimate use, from the school’s point of view, of online chatting in a classroom situation. It is shown that the distinction offline/online is not a static one, rather it is made relevant as part of switches between activity frames, indicating the problems of applying Goffman’s (1981) notions of sideplay, byplay and crossplay to analyses of interactions in which several activity frames are present, rather than one main activity. Moreover, it is shown that online identities, in terms of what is here called tags, that is, visual-textual nicknames, are related to offline phenomena, including local identities as well as contemporary aesthetics. The second study focuses on placement of game consoles as part of family life politics. It is shown that game consoles were mainly located in communal places in the homes. The distinction private/communal was also actualized in the participants’ negotiations about access to game consoles as well as negotiations about what to play, when, and for how long. It is shown that two strategies were used, inclusion and exclusion, for appropriating communal places for computer game activities. The third study focuses on a digital divide in terms of a generational divide with respect to ascribed computer competence, documenting how the children and adults positioned each other as people ‘in the know’ (the children) versus people in apprentice-like positions (the adults). It is shown that this generation gap was deployed as a resource in social interaction by both the children and the adults. The forth study focuses on gaming in family life, showing that gaming was recurrently marked by response cries (Goffman, 1981) and other forms of blurted talk. These forms of communication worked as parts of the architecture of intersubjectivity in gaming (cf. Heritage, 1984), indexing the distinction virtual/‘real’. It is shown how response cries, sound making, singing along and animated talk extended the virtual in that elements of the game became parts of the children’s social interaction around the screen, forming something of an action aesthetic, a type of performative action for securing and displaying joint involvement and collaboration. As a whole, the present studies show how the distinctions master/apprentice, public/private, virtual/real and subject/object are indexicalized and negotiated in computer activities.

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