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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Makt och kön i kristendomen och islam

Davidsson, Angelika January 2004 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att belysa att mäns maktmissbruk över kvinnor inte beror på religion eller nationalitet, utan är ett mer personligt och psykologiskt betingat beteende. Men i vissa fall kan vissa religiösa påbud och vissa kulturella heteronoma värderingar bidra till att underbygga ett sådant maktmissbruk, för den som väljer att se på saken och tolka påbud och värderingar på ett sätt som gynnar dem i dessa avseenden. I vissa fall är männen kanske även mer eller mindre psykiskt sjuka och i behov av professionell hjälp. Jag har kommit i kontakt med en del obehaglig information när jag letade information till den här uppsatsen. En del av den informationen har jag valt att sålla bort och en del har jag valt att behålla. Eftersom mitt val av ämne är både känsligt och obehagligt har det gjort att jag övervägt att byta ämne ett flertal gånger. Nu när uppsatsen är skriven vet jag fortfarande inte om det var rätt val eller inte. Mina perspektiv på maktmissbruk har förändrats, sen innan jag började att skriva den här uppsatsen. Insikten om vad härskartekniker innebär tror jag är en värdefull kunskap, även om den inte tar sig så extrema uttryck som jag har belyst i den här uppsatsen, eftersom de kan användas nästan när som helst och var som helst. Jag har tagit upp ett vanligt sätt att se på historien inom feminism och gynocentrisk feminism, samlat citat ur bibeln och koranen som är tolkningsbara i den här kontexten, refererat böcker som är skrivna i den här kontexten, visat på klassiska härskartekniker och hittat några själv, jag har diskuterat detta och sedan givit exempel på psykologiska anledningar till mäns maktmissbruk över kvinnor. Slutligen har jag som motvikt till allt detta valt att presentera ett otraditionellt sätt att se på balans mellan man och kvinna.

Psychoactive prescription drug use disorders, misuse and abuse : Pharmacoepidemiological aspects

Tjäderborn, Micaela January 2016 (has links)
Background: There is a widespread and increasing use of psychoactive prescription drugs, such as opioid analgesics, anxiolytics, hypnotics and anti-epileptics, but their use is associated with a risk of drug use disorder, misuse and abuse. Today, these are globally recognized and emerging public health concerns. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to estimate the prevalence of psychoactive prescription drug (PPD) use disorders, misuse and abuse, and to investigate the association with some potential risk factors. Methods: A study using register data from forensic cause of death investigations investigated and described cases of fatal unintentional intoxication with tramadol (Study I). Based on register data on spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported cases of tramadol dependence were investigated and summarised (Study II). In a study in suspected drug-impaired drivers with a toxicology analysis confirming the intake of one out of five pre-specified PPDs, the prevalence of non-prescribed use was assessed and associated factors were investigated (Study III). From a cohort of patients initiating prescribed treatment with pregabalin, using data on prescription fills, a study investigated longitudinal utilisation patterns during five years with regards to use of the drug above the maximum approved daily dose (MAD), and factors associated with the utilisation patterns (Study IV). Results: In the first study, 17 cases of unintentional intoxications were identified, of which more concerned men, the median age was 44 years and the majority used multiple psychoactive substances (alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription drugs). The second study identified 104 spontaneously reported cases of tramadol dependence, in which more concerned women, the median age was 45 years, and a third reported a history of substance abuse and 40% of past psychoactive medication use. In the third study, more than half of the individuals suspected of drug-impaired driving used the drug without a recent prescription. Non prescribed use was most frequent in users of benzodiazepines and tramadol, and was more likely in younger individuals and in multiple-substance users. In the last paper five longitudinal utilisation patterns were found in pregabalin users, with two patterns associated with a particularly high risk of doses above the maximum approved dosing recommendation. This pattern of use was associated with male sex, younger age, non-urban residency and a recent prescribed treatment with an antiepileptic or opioid analgesic drug. Conclusions: This thesis shows that psychoactive prescription drug use disorders, misuse and abuse occur and may have serious and even fatal consequences. The prevalence varies between different drugs and populations. Abuse and misuse seem to be more common in young people. Fatal intoxications and misuse of prescribed drugs may be more common in men, while drug use disorders following prescribed treatment may be more common in women and non-prescribed use equally distributed between women and men. Individuals with a history of mental illness, substance use disorder or abuse, or of past use of psychoactive medications are likely important risk groups. In summary, the findings suggest a potential for improvements in the utilisation of psychoactive prescription drugs. The results may be useful in the planning of clinical and regulatory preventive interventions to promote the rational, individualised and safe use of such drugs.

En utvärdering av 5-HT1A-receptoragonisten vilazodone för en utökad antidepressiv effekt i behandlingen av egentlig depression / Evaluation of the antidepressant effect of vilazodone for the treatment of major depression

Khalifa, Aseel January 2017 (has links)
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a mood disorder majorly responsible for disability and mortality worldwide. With a lifetime prevalence of 15-20%, it is the main cause of functional impairment in Western societies as well as the fourth most debilitating illness in the world. Although the pathophysiology of MDD is not yet fully understood, some evidence that suggest the presence of a neuroanatomical deficiency have given rise to the theory of a specific imbalance in the monoamine neurotransmitters noradrenaline (NA) and/or serotonin (5-HT) levels in the brain. Overall, the various classes of antidepressant agents that have been developed to increase monoamine levels on the basis of this proposal have been successful. However, facts relating to prevalent escalation in the illness and recurring episodes of depression point towards a need to enhance clinical treatment. Most conventional antidepressants such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and selective serotonin and noradrenaline inhibitors (SNRI) pose problems in symptomatic improvement. These include therapeutic lag, safety and tolerability issues, making more than 30% patients with MDD unable to reach adequate relief. In this respect, the action mechanism has moved beyond conventional SSRI and lead to the introduction of vilazodone, a novel antidepressant with an additional 5-HT1A partial agonist profile argued to be of potential benefit for a greater efficacy, faster onset of action and better tolerability. Using secondary data, this project aimed to evaluate the role of vilazodone as a SPARI-drug in the overall clinical treatment of MDD as well as its potential in addressing some of the most common obstacles in antidepressant treatment. Study results proved vilazodone’s efficacy to be superior to placebo. Patients across all studies showed significant improvement in depressive symptoms measured in MADRS and HAMD17. Vilazodone was also shown to be generally safe and tolerable but was not positively distinguished from placebo with regards to adverse effects. An overall, meaningful improvement in depressive symptoms was demonstrated in vilazodone, which reinforces its merit as an important treatment option for patients with MDD.

Metamorfos; Den mänskliga kroppen i transformation / Metamorphosis; The Human Body in Transformation

Moreno, Alexandra January 2023 (has links)
Based on what body adornment has been throughout history, this project investigates what it might be in the future. The possibilities, forms and methods of body adornment has changed and will continue to change over time, along with our societal and environmental shifts as well as with developments in science and technology. Our bodies are increasingly perceived as malleable objects that we can modify, enhance and improve. I use speculation as a method to explore how the human body may develop and be modified in the future. I envision a world where we have become increasingly intertwined with technologies, where environmental changes and our lifestyle have affected our biology, and where our bodies have continued to be altered based on social norms. Through this project I have become some kind of contemporary Frankenstein scientist, although I am not in a laboratory but in a jewellery workshop. My objects, which I call potential jewellery, or maybe-jewellery, are presented in an installation in the form of a clinical setting. It is a representation of where body adornment meets medical technology, where jewellery meets prostheses and implants. This project does not have any answers or a clear message about what is right or wrong – it is based on a curiosity without having a conclusion in mind. The installation is meant to be a reminder that our bodies are always adorned, modified and in transformation – that we are in an ongoing metamorphosis from one state to another.

Att sätta och implementera hållbarhetsmål. : En jämförelsestudie av hållbarhetsarbetet i stadsbyggnadsprojekten Norra Djurgårdsstaden och Stora Sköndal / Adopting and implementing sustainable development policies : A comparative study of the sustainability policies in the city development projects of Stockholm Royal Seaport and Stora Sköndal

BIrkehammar, Mattias January 2024 (has links)
Hållbar stadsbyggnad är ett ideal som syftar på att ta hänsyn till ekologiska och sociala såväl som ekonomiska aspekter så att utveckling av dagens samhälle inte skall inkräkta framtida generationers rätt till ett gott liv. Rent praktiskt måste stadsplanerare formulera om idealet till konkreta mål och åtgärder anpassade till lokala förutsättningar och tillgängliga medel. I Stockholm pågår två stadsbyggnadsprojekt med höga hållbarhetsambitioner; Norra Djurgårdsstaden (NDS) och Stora Sköndal (SSK), båda har som en del av hållbarhetsarbetet antagit s.k. hållbarhetsmål och krav kopplade till olika styrdokument och processer för att uppnå dessa ambitioner. Målet för arbetet var att genom att kvantitativt och kvalitativt jämföra projektens egna mål, krav och även andra relaterade aspekter av hållbarhetsarbetet samt tillgängliga resultat avgöra vad som är jämförbart, vilket projekt som har högst ambitioner ochprestera bäst samt finna punkter där projekten eventuellt kan förbättras. Noterbara slutsatser är att projektens ekologiska mål överlag liknar varandra och är kvantitativt jämförbara, medans de sociala målen inte är det dels som en följd av skiljda koncept för social hållbarhet och dels på grund av olika organisationer och processer. Förslagen på förbättringar gäller dels specifika höjningar av enskilda mål/krav och mer generella råd att öka antalet standardiserade och mätbara mål och krav. Trots att NDS har något högre ambitioner tyder jämförelsen av de tillgängliga sammanställda resultaten på att Stora Sköndal verkar prestera bättre än Norra Djurgårdsstaden för vissa särskilda målområden som energianvändning och grönytor / Sustainable city planning is an ideal aiming at consideration to ecological and social as well as economic aspects so that development of today’s society won’t interfere with future generations’right to a decent life. In practical terms city planners have to reformulate the ideal to concrete targets and actions adapted to local conditions and available means. In Stockholm there are two ongoing city development projects with high sustainability ambitions; Stockholm Royal Seaport (Norra Djurgårdsstaden, NDS) and Stora Sköndal (SSK), both have as part of the sustainability work adopted so called sustainability goals and requirements tied to governing documents and processes to achieve these ambitions. The goal for this examination paper was to quantitatively and qualitatively compare the projects own goals, requirements and some other aspects of the sustainability efforts alongside with available results to ascertain what comparable elements there are, what project seems to have the higher ambitions and perform the best, and find aspects where the projects may improve. Notable conclusions are that the projects’ ecological goals overall are similar and comparable, while the social one’s aren’t as a consequence of both differing concepts of social sustainability and different organizations and processes. The improvement proposals address raising specific goals/targets as well as more general advice to expand the number standardized and measureable goals and requirements. Despite NDS having somewhat higher ambitions the first comparison of available results suggest that SSK manage to accomplish better results than NDS in key areas such as energy use and green spaces.

Tingens lydnad och människans väntan : Nödvändighet, nåd, handling och tänkande i Simone Weils filosofi / The obedience of things and the waiting of man : Necessity, grace, action and thinking in Simone Weils philosophy

Christola, Victor January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis engages in a quest to understand the concepts of necessity and grace in Simone Weils thinking. The question in play, in which many more questions lie hidden, reads as follows: How does Weil understand the operations of grace in relation to the ”blind necessity” of the natural world, and what are the philosophical implications of this concept of grace? What are, for instance, given her understanding of the world as God’s creation, the metaphysical grounds for a basic human activitiy such as thinking or reflexion? A reading of Simone Weils works on necessity, grace, affliction and attention is contrasted with her thoughts on science, method and truth. The concept of necessity is compared to the one of Spinoza, especially on the subject of how the good or the just relates to the true and the necessary: it shows there are interesting similarities and illuminating differences between the two philosophers’ lines of thought. Here, the concept of attention becomes central to the image: the idea of a cultivated mode of reception of the world and of the Other. Attention is analogously understood as a method of prayer and a cultivated ethical attitude towards other human beings – and an ideal scientific state of mind. In the final chapter of the analytic part of the composition, Weils concept of grace is investigated in regard to concepts of thinking and understanding. Here, Leibniz idea of the divine world and the divine mind plays a concise but important role on the matter of a tentative metaphysical grounding of thinking as such – how this can be thought and how it reflects and deepens Simone Weils metaphysics, especially her understanding of the highest states of insight into the nature of the world as partly a work of divine grace. In the last chapter Walter Benjamins vision of the coming philosophy as a consolidation between Immanuel Kants transcendental philosophy and religious experience – and religious thought – show the way for further investigation into the field, a field that the thesis has outlined at the same time as it has attempted to answer some specific questions that seems to be the most urgent ones.

Pharmacometrics Modelling in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : Implications on Study Design and Diabetes Disease Progression

Ghadzi, Siti Maisharah Sheikh January 2017 (has links)
Pharmacometric modelling is widely used in many aspects related to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), for instance in the anti-diabetes drug development, and in quantifying the disease progression of T2DM. The aim of this thesis were to improve the design of early phase anti-diabetes drug development studies with the focus on the power to identify mechanism of drug action (MoA), and to characterize and quantify the progression from prediabetes to overt diabetes, both the natural progression and the progression with diet and exercise interventions, using pharmacometrics modelling. The appropriateness of a study design depends on the MoAs of the anti-hyperglycaemic drug. Depending on if the focus is power to identify drug effect or accuracy and precision of drug effect, the best design will be different. Using insulin measurements on top of glucose has increase the power to identify a correct drug effect, distinguish a correct MoA from the incorrect, and to identify a secondary MoA in most cases. The accuracy and precision of drug parameter estimates, however, was not affected by insulin. A natural diabetes disease progression model was successfully added in a previously developed model to describe parameter changes of glucose and insulin regulation among impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) subjects, with the quantification of the lifestyle intervention. In this model, the assessment of multiple short-term provocations was combined to predict the long-term disease progression, and offers apart from the assessment of the onset of T2DM also the framework for how to perform similar analysis. Another previously published model was further developed to characterize the weight change in driving the changes in glucose homeostasis in subjects with IGT. This model includes the complex relationship between dropout from study and weight and glucose changes. This thesis has provided a first written guidance in designing a study for pharmacometrics analysis when characterizing drug effects, for early phase anti-diabetes drug development. The characterisation of the progression from prediabetes to overt diabetes using pharmacometrics modelling was successfully performed. Both the natural progression and the progression with diet and exercise interventions were quantified in this thesis.

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid.</p> / <p>This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.</p>

Backward time travel and its relevance for theological study : An explorative literature study based on physics, philosophy, counterfactual thinking and theology

Madfors, Ingela January 2011 (has links)
This paper explores the possibility and relevance of theological study of backward time travel and its consequences. An examination of current research on backward time travel reveals a number of interdisciplinary topics which are not handled within physics. Some of these topics, mainly concerning free will and determination, are of interest to philosophers, whereas topics such as meaning and responsibility are left aside.   In theology, there is a general dismissal of the idea of backward time travel. This study claims that this negative stance may be the result of taking science and its methods too seriously. The result of the study is that the interdisciplinary questions connected to backward time travel makes the subject very relevant for theological reflection. Thought experiments on backward time travel can provide valuable insights on how we deal with our lives, our world, time, and God today. / Denna explorativa studie utforskar möjligheten och relevansen av teologiska studier av tidsresor till det förflutna och deras konsekvenser. En undersökning av det aktuella forskningsläget visar på förekomsten av interdisciplinära frågeställningar som inte hanteras inom fysiken. Vissa frågor, framförallt knutna till den fria viljan och determinism, intresserar filosofer, medan andra områden som mening och ansvar inte behandlas vidare. Teologer ställer sig generellt negativa till tanken på resor till det förflutna. Denna studie hävdar att denna negativa inställning kan vara resultatet av en alltför stark respekt för vetenskapens fynd och metoder.  Resultatet av studien är att de interdisciplinära frågeställningar som är kopplade till tidsresor till det förflutna gör ämnet högst lämpligt för teologisk begrundan. Tankeexperiment kring ämnet kan ge värdefulla insikter om hur vi hanterar våra liv, vår värld, tiden och Gud idag.

Har dagens vetenskap och religion förutsättningar att berika varandra? : en studie utgående från en dialog hos John Templetonstiftelsen

Madfors, Ingela January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats består av en studie av en dialog mellan vetenskap och religion hos den amerikanska filantropiska John Templetonstiftelsen. Syftet har varit att utreda värdet av denna dialog och att få en uppfattning om värdet av dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion i allmänhet i fråga om aktualitet och fruktbarhet för deltagarna, publiken och den allmänna debatten. Den studerade dialogen visade brister i definition och riktlinjer, val av deltagare och diskussionsämne. Argumentationen utgick ifrån deltagarnas personliga tro eller icke-tro och inte utifrån deras kompetensområden inom vetenskap eller religion. Dialogens olika bidrag visade inte på någon större grad av nytänkande, med undantag för två korta essäer som diskuterade nya Gudsdefinitioner. Dessa resonemang fördes dock inte vidare till de debatter som också ingick i dialogen. Trots många brister, där många borde ha kunnat undvikas, visade den studerade dialogen på en vilja till möte mellan oliktänkande och på ett intresse från allmänheten. Med tydliga definitioner och riktlinjer och ett mer aktuellt ämnesval borde därför dialoger mellan vetenskap och religion ha en framtid. / This essay is a study of a dialogue between science and religion at the John Templeton foundation. The aim has been to investigate the value of this specific dialogue and also to get an understanding of the value of dialogues between science and religion in general regarding actuality and fruitfulness for the participants, the audience and the public debate. The study of the Templeton dialogue revealed shortcomings regarding definitions and guidelines, choice of participants and of topic. Furthermore, the argumentation was based on the individual participants belief or non-belief rather than their professional competence areas. The different contributions to the dialogue did not show any higher degree of fresh ideas, apart from two short essays describing new definitions of God. These thoughts were, however, not brought to the debates that were also a part of the dialogue. Despite the shortcomings, where many should have been possible to avoid, the studied dialogue showed willingness from people of different perspectives to meet and the dialogue also gained an interest from the general public. The conclusion of this study is that with clear definitions and guidelines and a well-considered choice of topic, the dialogue between science and religion should have a future.

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