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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Evolution of Cash Programming in Nepal: Implementing Agencies' Perspectives

Sharma, Prabin 05 1900 (has links)
Cash assistance has emerged as a vital tool for supporting household recovery in Nepal after multiple disasters, including the 2015 earthquake, 2018 drought, and COVID-19 pandemic. This research engages with organizational learning theory to explore how cash programs evolved overtime and identify the challenges and opportunities encountered in program implementation. Using semi-structured interviews, I recorded the experiences of individuals from NGOs, INGOs, and donor agencies involved in managing these programs in Nepal. While initial skepticism from the government, limited resources, and beneficiaries' lack of access to financial institutions presented obstacles, cash programs empowered individuals to meet their needs and revitalized local economies. The research identifies that technological integration, use of market analysis, and collaboration with financial institutions as evidence of learning from past programs to inform new programs; however, government resistance remained a barrier. Interview participants emphasized the importance of collaboration, innovation, and adaptation to improve future cash programs and, build a more resilient Nepal that is better prepared for future disasters.

Transformer le travail domestique ?Femmes migrantes et politique de formalisation à Bruxelles

Camargo Magalhaes, Beatriz 18 March 2016 (has links)
La problématique de cette thèse est celle de la formalisation du travail domestique. Au-delà de la mise en œuvre de la politique des titres-services, cette thèse ouvre le questionnement sur les possibilités et le limites de la professionnalisation d’une quelconque politique pour le travail domestique. Sur base de notre recherche qualitative, trois constats inédits émanent de nos résultats.Le premier constat inédit émerge de l’étude de la politique des titres-services et de sa mise en œuvre en Région bruxelloise. Celle-ci a montré que les entreprises agréées en titres-services ne veulent pas embaucher des chercheures d’emploi de longue durée, qu’elles associent aux "Belges" et au manque de motivation à travailler dans le secteur. Les entreprises cherchent principalement à engager des travailleuses migrantes avec expérience sur le marché au noir et qui, de préférence, amènent leur clientèle avec elles. Ces travailleuses sont plus autonomes et exigent très peu de travail de la part des entreprises de titres-services. Cette préférence de recrutement des entreprises agréées va jusqu’à mettre en place des pratiques d’évitement des circuits officiels d’offre d’emploi. Ce constat fait ressortir en outre l’importance des liens ethniques dans la formation du marché du travail domestique formel. Le deuxième constat inédit est le rôle de la régularité de séjour comme déterminant pour l’accès à une vraie transformation identitaire et l’émancipation des travailleuses domestiques migrantes, en opposition à l’accès à un travail formel. Être "migrante sans papiers" et les conséquences de ce (manque de) statut dans les sociétés d’accueil ont déjà été décrites par plusieurs auteurs (Andall 2000; Anderson 2000; Parreñas 2001; Lutz 2011; Ambrosini 2012; Schwenken & Heimeshoff 2013). Nos analyses démontrent, par la situation contraire du passage à la régularité de séjour et à la formalité du travail, que l’entrée dans le travail formel est incapable d’amener seule une vraie transformation identitaire. Ainsi, si du point de vue statutaire les travailleuses en titres-services ont expérimenté un type de reconnaissance par la fiche de paie, les droits sociaux et un salaire direct et indirect, leur vie dans les faits n’a pas été changée et elles continuent à travailler aux mêmes endroits dans des conditions similaires. Et surtout, elles continuent à être vues de la même manière par elles-mêmes, par leurs employeuses devenues clientes et par la société. Enfin, l’opportunité d’un marché du travail formel est insuffisante pour résoudre la question de l’empowerment des travailleuses migrantes et de l’accomplissement de la professionnalisation – un processus en cours mais qui n’avance que lentement.Le troisième constat inédit de cette thèse est l’évidence que le règlement des titres-services et la logique qui structure cette politique ne favorisent ni la qualité d’emploi ni la valorisation de la profession, pour plusieurs raisons, entre autres la libre concurrence de ce quasi-marché, le fait que les travailleuses sont des salariées "entrepreneures d’elles-mêmes" et le manque de responsabilisation des clientes. / This PhD investigates the transition of the domestic work market in Brussels to formalization through the implementation of the housework voucher policy by the Belgian government in 2004 (the “titres-services” policy).Now existing for about ten years, one can say that the voucher policy has been a success in bringing from the shadow to formal market many domestic work employers and workers. In terms of valorization of paid domestic work, however, changes were meagre: if the housework voucher opens to domestic workers the possibility to access a formal job and its related social rights, domestic work in Brussels is still not attractive enough for nationals and is dominated by mainly newly arrived migrant women. The fact the work is formal does not change the image of the job as a ‘dirty work’. The main beneficiaries of the policy are, in fine, middle or upper classes, which can achieve work/life balance by meeting their demand of housework services at a much lower price than they used to pay in the informal sector.This PhD brings up three new results.Firstly, authorized voucher service companies avoid hiring job-seekers, although job creation is one of the policy goals. Companies prefer to hire workers that were previously in the informal domestic work market, as they consider these workers are used to the job, motivated and often bring their clients with them.Secondly, the migrant status of domestic workers switching to the formal market appears as a decisive factor for them to experience a change in their identity as workers and citizens. The mere change from an informal labor market to a formal labor market is insufficient for the workers to challenge their (often low) self-esteem and to allow them empower themselves (Adjamago & Calvès 2012). Thirdly, this research brings evidence that the voucher service system fails to enhance job quality and to upgrade the domestic work sector. Among other factors, because of the livre market competition, voucher employees being “entrepreneurs without enterprise” (Granovetter 1995), and the lack of voucher clients’ responsibility within the policy. This PhD research shows that the commodification of domestic work in Brussels did not change the fact that domestic tasks are gendered as ‘women’s work’ and hence did not bring changes whereby couples share the tasks. Besides, voucher agency publicities and leaflets reflect this gendered norm, in focusing on woman’s choice to commodify domestic tasks and earn ‘quality time’ with her beloved ones or for herself.Finally, it points policymaking difficulties in bringing a specific job, historically informal and personalized, to the formal labor market. Policymaking cannot evade the question of who is doing the housework, and should therefore look at the interaction of care, gender and migration regimes. Otherwise, gender equality in the labor market will continue to be met only by middle and upper class, and only through domestic work outsourcing (to other women), perpetuating gender, class and 'race' dominating positions. / Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Nové formy distribuce kapacit ubytovacích zařízení a jejich využití v praxi / New ways of distribution of capacities of lodging facilities and their practical use

Čípa, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the research of new ways of distribution of capacities of lodging facilities. The theoretical part introduces the reader with to the travel and tourism market and defines the importance of online and mobile market. The analytical part first descibes a selected lodging facility Y and reaserches three particular new ways of distribution and companies that use them. The results of this research, the research of the companies that use the new ways of distribution and their sales volumes at the lodging facility Y all conclude to the fact that the sales potential of new ways of distribution is considerable and that using new ways of distribution of capacities is important to maximaze the revenue of lodging facilities.

Campaign Finance: Problems and Solutions to Today's Democracy

Thomas, Connor M. 25 April 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Strategies to Combat Tenant Fraud in the Rental Housing Market

Dawson, Dr. Gwendolyn B 01 January 2018 (has links)
Many business executives lack strategies to detect and eliminate tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing. The purpose of this multicase study was to explore strategies some business executives used to detect and eliminate tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing. The conceptual framework used to guide this study was the theory of planned behavior. Data were gathered using semistructured interviews with 6 purposively selected business executives of public housing authorities, supplemented with a review of policies and procedures that business executives used. Yin's 5-step analysis, which entails examining, categorizing, tabulating, creating a data display, and testing the data, guided the process of coding participants' responses. Member checking validated that emerging themes were in alignment with participant experiences. The 4 major themes of the study were: perception of tenant fraud, detection and minimization of fraud, the effect of fraudulent behavior on tenant attitudes and belief systems, and verification procedures. The results of the study might support positive social change by providing leaders with insights related to fraud-reducing fragmentation, duplication, and overlapping of programs, which may result in federal funds being available for federal government public services. The findings of this study might add to the body of knowledge and further contribute to social change through a coalition of housing agencies working together to share their knowledge of combating tenant fraud in subsidized rental housing and restoring the integrity of the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

POVERI, POLITICI E PROFESSORI: IL DIBATTITO SULLO STATO SOCIALE AMERICANO DA KENNEDY A BUSH / Poor, politicians and professors: the debate about american welfare system from Kennedy up to Bush

TANZILLI, FRANCESCO 17 February 2009 (has links)
Il presente lavoro intende esaminare il processo di decision making relativo alla politica sociale statunitense sviluppatosi a partire dalla fine degli anni Sessanta, fornendo un’analisi di carattere «istituzionalista» che ponga in rilievo gli snodi cruciali del dibattito relativo al welfare system federale svoltosi sia all’interno del Congresso, sia presso i think tank, i centri universitari, le organizzazioni culturali e religiose, le lobby e le altre realtà associative emerse dalla società civile. In particolare, la ricerca si concentra sull’intreccio tra ideologia politica, mentalità tradizionale, opinione pubblica e interessi specifici, e sull’influsso esercitato dalla dimensione culturale e istituzionale sul processo legislativo. Sono stati individuati quattro principali indirizzi socio-politici, ciascuno dei quali ha avuto un particolare influsso su altrettante ‘fasi’ del processo di riforma del welfare system statunitense svoltosi tra il 1968 e il 2006. L’analisi del dibattito culturale e politico è stata suddivisa pertanto in quattro diversi capitoli (capp. 2-5) che consentono di delineare percorsi distinti per le diverse ipotesi socio-culturali individuate, ai quali viene anteposta una premessa storica relativa alle origini del sistema assistenziale e previdenziale statunitense e alle politiche riformiste degli anni Sessanta (cap. 1). / The dissertation examines the process of decision making that determined the development of U.S. social policy from the end of the Sixties. It analyzes the institutional character of the debate that took place inside the Congress and inside the think tanks, the academic centers, the cultural and religious foundations and other associations. In particular, the research is focused on the tangle between political ideologies, traditional culture, public opinion and legislative process. The dissertation identifies four different socio-political streams: each of them influenced a particular “phase” of the reform of the U.S. welfare system from 1968 up to 2006. The analysis of the cultural and political debate has been divided in four chapters (chapters 2-5) that allow to delineate different developments for the four streams, after an historical premise (chapter 1) that presents the origins of American welfare system, from the colonial times to the Sixties.


SIDOTI, LAURA 31 March 2011 (has links)
Questa ricerca presenta una panoramica introduttiva delle principali variabili (storiche, sociali, economiche, istituzionali, culturali, ideologiche e valoriali) che condizionano il policy-making educativo degli Stati Uniti e descrive le riforme e innovazioni più significative introdotte negli ultimi trent’anni nel sistema scolastico americano. Quali fattori socio-culturali, urgenze storiche, azioni e convinzioni politiche stanno alla base delle riforme in atto? Come stanno mutando gli equilibri di potere fra governo federale, stati membri e autorità locale e quali sono le ricadute di questo riallineamento sulla governance scolastica? L’approccio seguito per esaminare le principali riforme ed innovazioni (dal movimento per gli standard comuni, al collegamento fra i test scolastici e accountability per i risultati, alle charter school) è quello proprio della policy research, disciplina pressoché sconosciuta a quanti s’interessano di problematiche pedagogiche in Italia ma che può arricchire la capacità di lettura e comprensione di molte questioni dibattute quando si parla di riforme dell’istruzione. / this research provides a comprehensive introduction to the field of education policies in the United States. Blending together theoretical analysis and practical examples, it examines the main variables (history, economy, demographics, political structures, ideologies, values, political culture) that influence the policy environment. What social and economic needs does the U.S. education system cater to? What sociocultural factors, pressing historical circumstances, political choices and actions and beliefs (independent) underlie the current education reforms? What are the implications of the shift of power over education policy from the school and local levels to the federal and state levels? Current issues such as charter schools, high-stakes testing, standards-based reform, and school choice are analyzed in retrospective and perspective using a policy research approach to public problems and policy alternatives. Almost unknown to Italian educational experts, particularly in academia, policy research can expand our general understanding and knowledge about problems and choices when education reform is under discussion.

Účetnictví malých a středních podniků / Accounting for Small and Medium Enterprises

Kocingerová, Dominika January 2009 (has links)
The main target of this thesis is to clarify some problems of accounting for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), where are some mistakes or questions around them in practise. The first part focuses on importance of SMEs generally. Other part consists of some selected topics as a depreciation and highlighted new legislation which is valid from January 2010, proforma invoices and the relation to VAT, intracommunity transfers and their places of delivery which is important for VAT charges. In labour law there is a caution about the difference between an allowance for meals and meal vouchers as a result of mistakes in travel expenses and connection to this meal voucher as an instrument of payment. There is also a notification of a new lease arrangements from January 2009. This big part is closed by outsourcing of accounting services and why these services are helpful. Very important is also next part which deals with a new International Financial Reporting Standard for SMEs which was issued by IASB in July 2009. In the conclusion of this thesis there are some practical examples of above-cited problems.

”Maten är kass, men lärarna är snälla” : Recensioner av gymnasieskolor - ett beslutsunderlag för gymnasievalet på skolmarknaden / ”The food is crappy, but the teachers are kind” : Reviews of schools – basis for decision-making for upper secondary school election on a school market

Barakat, Mohammed, Östergren, Rolf January 2019 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse för vad det är elever som söker till gymnasieskolan kan tänkas möta då de läser recensionstexter. Syftet är således att kartlägga recensionssystemets omfattning och innehåll kvantitativt; vad som tas upp i recensionstexterna, samt att undersöka hur recensionstexterna är konstruerade. Avslutningsvis syftar uppsatsen till att diskutera recensionssystemet i en större samhällskontext - som ett resultat av och en del i vår samtid. Vilka ämnen och teman förekommer i recensionstexter av gymnasieskolor samt hur frekvent är förekomsten?  Hur värderas (positivt, negativt eller neutralt) de olika temana i recensionerna?  På vilket sätt är recensionstexterna konstruerade och hur kan det tolkas? På vilket sätt framträder en skolmarknadsdiskurs i recensionstexterna? Metod De kvantitativa frågorna undersöks genom en innehållsanalys av slumpmässigt utvalda recensioner på gymnasieskolor i Stockholms län. De förekomna orden kvantifieras och delas in i teman, kategorieroch subkategorier. En bedömning görs även utifrån om de förekomna orden lyfts i en positiv, negativ eller neutral kontext. Den kvalitativa delen utgörs av en textanalys inspirerad av diskursanalysen. Av ett antal utvalda recensioner, baserat på dess innehållsliga relevans, analyseras dessa semantiskt med diskursanalytiska verktyg. I diskussions- och analysdelen behandlas resultatet utifrån det teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskning.  Resultat Av innehållsanalysen framgår att de vanligast förekommande temana var allmänna värdeomdömen om skolan, att kommentera lärare samt skolans upplägg och utbildningens kvalité. Det är även vanligt att sociala aspekter så som atmosfär och gemenskap lyfts fram i recensionerna. Av den kvalitativa delen framgår det att recensenterna uttrycker sig på ett sätt som speglar skolmarknadsdiskursen. I somliga fall framgår tydligt hur recensenten anammat skolmarknadsdiskursen. Slutsats Resultatet indikerar att recensionssystemet riskerar att generera segregerande effekter. Framförallt utifrån den asymmetriska tillgången av information och att skola och identitet knyts allt närmare varandra. Detta förtydligas och ställs på sin spets i hur recensionerna är konstruerade och kan, i vissa fall, tänkas vara svårare att bearbeta då gemene elev tenderar att se recensenter som objektiva (till skillnad från övrig tillgänglig information). / Aim The aim with this study is to explore what kind of information pupils, searching for upper secondary school, might get from reading reviews of schools. The purpose is thus to quantify the scope and content of the review system quantitatively; what is mentioned in the review texts, and to examine how the review are textually constructed. Finally, the paper aims to discuss the review system in a larger social context - as a result of and a part of our time. What topics occur in reviews of upper secondary schools and how frequent is the occurrence? How are the different themes in the reviews valued (positive, negative or neutral)? In what way are the review texts constructed and how can it be interpreted? In what way does a school market discourse appear in the reviews? Method The quantitative questions are examined through a content analysis on randomly selected reviews of upper secondary schools in Stockholm County. The words in question are quantified and divided into themes, categories and subcategories. An assessment is also made based on whether the existing words are lifted in a positive, negative or neutral context. The qualitative part consists of a text analysis inspired by the discourse analysis. From a number of selected reviews, based on its substantive relevance, these are semantically analyzed with discourse analytics tools. In a merged discussion and analysis section, the result is treated on the basis of the theoretical framework and previous research. Results The content analysis shows that the most common themes were general value reviews of the school, commenting on teachers and the school's structure and the quality of the education. It is also common to mention social aspects such as atmosphere and cohesion. From the qualitative part it appears that the reviewers express themselves in a way that reflects the school market discourse. In some cases, it is clear that the reviewer has adopted the school market discourse.  Conclusion The result indicates that the review system risks generating segregating effects. Especially based on the asymmetric availability of information and the fact that school and identity are getting more connected. This is clarified and put on its tip in how the reviews are constructed and, in some cases, may be more difficult to process when the common student tends to see reviewers as objective (in contrast to other available sources of information).

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