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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Présence des marques dans les communautés virtuelles de consommation : rôle et impact sur la relation à la marque / Brands presence in virtual communities of consumption : roles and impact on brand relationships

Lopez, Frédéric 12 December 2012 (has links)
Cette recherche propose la création d’un premier modèle expliquant les relations entre les communautés virtuelles de consommation, leurs membres et leur écosystème virtuel de marques. À la différence des nombreux travaux sur le marketing tribal, concentrés sur les communautés de marque, l’auteur choisit d’axer son travail sur l’étude des communautés virtuelles non centrées autour d’une marque spécifique, permettant ainsi d’explorer pour la première fois divers cas de relations marque-communauté modulées par différentes variables telles que le niveau de congruence entre les valeurs d’une marque et celles de la communauté, le niveau d’intrusion et le niveau de contribution d’une marque dans la communauté. Outre l’identification de ces variables explicatives de la relation marque-communauté, cette recherche caractérise également l’ensemble des relations possibles entre marques et communautés tout en évaluant leur impact sur la relation individuelle marque-membre. Les résultats de l’étude de deux couples de marques testés dans deux communautés différentes montrent notamment que la recommandation d’une communauté à l’égard d’une marque a un impact positif sur la confiance d’un membre auprès de cette marque et que le dénigrement produit l’effet inverse. En revanche, contrairement à ce qui est observé dans les communautés de marque, le phénomène de co-création entre une marque et une communauté non marquée peut conduire à une érosion de la confiance d’un membre à l’égard de cette marque. La distinction entre communauté de marque et communauté « non marquée » est donc fondamentale dans l’étude de ces nouvelles structures sociétales. / This research explains the creation of a first model of relationships between virtual communities, their members and their brands virtual ecosystem. Unlike the many papers on tribal marketing, converging on brand communities, the author chooses to focus his work on the study of virtual communities not centered on a specific brand, allowing for the first time, the exploration of various cases of community-brand relationships modulated by several variables such as the congruence level between the values of the brand and those of the community, the contribution and the intrusion levels of the brand in the community. Besides the identification of these explanatory variables of the community-brand relationship, this research also describes all the possible relationships between brands and communities while assessing their impact on the individual relationship consumer-brand. The results of the study on two couples of brands tested on two different communities especially show that recommendation of a community about a brand has a positive impact on the member trust in this brand and that the denigration has the opposite effect. However, unlike what we observed in brand communities, the co-creation phenomenon between a brand and an “unbranded community” can lead to an erosion of the member trust in this brand. The distinction between brand community and “unbranded community” is therefore essential for the study of these new societal structures.

網站內容由使用者提供的Web 2.0網站之價值共創與創新事業模式研究 / A study of value co-creation and innovation business model of aggregator type Web 2.0 websites

江芳儀, Chiang, Fang Yi Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的企業思維中,價值乃是由企業創造的,由企業單獨決定其產品和服務提供什麼價值,消費者僅僅代表對公司產品的需求;但隨著產業環境的發展,尤其是網路經濟時代的來臨,生產者與消費者之間的界限開始模糊。而在過去資訊單向流通的網路世界中,人們在網路上代表的僅僅是一個創造流量的虛擬人物,但隨著資訊科技的進步,網路技術的發展,人們在網際網路中開始彼此協作,發揮集體智慧向全世界發聲;在這樣的發展情況下造就了Web2.0名詞的誕生。 根據台灣網路資訊中心所公佈的2007年一月「台灣寬頻網路使用調查」報告顯示,台灣目前的網路普及率已達到67.77%,全世界的上網人口也已經超過了4億5千萬人;而在2006年第一季,美國Web2.0相關廠商即獲得8億7000萬美元的創投資金,在這樣的熱潮中,有許許多多創業者爭相投入網路市場當中。因此本研究目的在於窺探台灣的 Web 2.0 網站如何進行事業模式創新,讓目前仍停留在Web 1.0時代的網站業者,或是目前欲投入網路產業的創業家瞭解Web2.0網站的成功之道。本研究首先整理學者、網路趨勢家們對於Web2.0概念的討論與分析,歸納出Web2.0之定義;並以Hamel(2000)所提出的事業觀念創新為基礎,並結合Prahalad & Ramswamy(2003)共創價值理論與Brush, Greene, Hart & Edelman(1997)所提出之新創事業資本架構,建構出本研究的研究架構,並以網站內容由使用者提供的Web2.0網站為研究標的,深入探索其創新概念之形成、創業歷程,以及其如何進行與顧客共創價值之事業模式創新。 本研究之發現顯示,網站內容由使用者提供之Web2.0網站,其創新概念的生成並非單純來自創業者本身,而是由下而上,且參與創新之來源相當廣泛;Web2.0網站的核心策略會依創業者本身是否為領先使用者而有所不同,且其目標市場的策略乃是由利基市場進行擴散,最終以大眾市場為目標;另外,這些網站發展初期的策略性資產並非是關鍵,但隨著網站的成長,策略性資產則直接影響核心策略的建構與執行;而Web2.0網站亦在平台中提供與顧客共創價值之顧客介面,並且透過內容提供、互補性功能之建構、價值交換與其他結盟等四種關係建立其價值網路。 / In the past business mindset, people think that the value was created by enterprises. Enterprises decide what value their products and services provide, and the consumer only means the demand of their product. With the industry environment changes and the internet economics’ coming, the boundary between producer and consumer is getting more and more indistinct. This kind of situation also takes place in the internet. The website only provides the information with their desires and the users for the website are just the flow creator. As the progress of the information technology and the internet technology, people are getting to cooperate by their collective intelligence through the internet. And the phrases“Web2.0”is born to represent this new internet development. According to the research of July 2007 Taiwan broadband transmission investigated by TWNIC, the internet popularity rate of Taiwan has reached 67.77%, and there are more than 450 million network users around the world. In this kind of trend, the Web2.0 companies in the US has received $ 870 million from venture capitalists, and under the trend, plenty of start-up companies has devoted themselves in the business. So this study’s objective is to give a preliminary study on how the Web2.0 websites in Taiwan construct the innovative business model, and to let the new followers or the old Web1.0 websites know how to succeed in this competitive market. This study will focus on the aggregator type Web2.0 website, research how the innovative concept come into being, start-up history, and how they create the business model of the value co-create with customer. At the beginning, this study will generalize the definition of the Web2.0 in this study by reviewing discusses and analyses which were proposed by scholars and internet trend observers, and then propose the research construct base on the business concept innovation (Hamel, 2000), value co-creation theory (Prahalad & Ramswamy, 2003), and the start-up capital construction. After the case study and research, there are five research results: 1.The aggregator web2.0 website’s innovative concept is not only come from entrepreneur but also the website users. And there are many people participate the concept create process. 2.The aggregator web2.0 website’s core strategies will depend on if the entrepreneur is the lead user. Their target market strategy is to focus on one single niche market at the beginning, then extend to other niche market, and finally aim at mass market. 3.The strategic assets for the aggregator web2.0 website are not the key component. But with the website’s growth, the strategic assets will affect the core strategies’ construction and implementation. 4.The aggregator web2.0 website provides the value co-creation designed customer interface on its platform. 5.The aggregator web2.0 website builds their value network by content construction, complementary functions construction, value exchange and other alliances.


黃文彥 Unknown Date (has links)
Google用16.5億美金併購Youtube、新聞集團(News Corp)以5.8億美金買下MySpace、Facebook估計市值達150億美金。Web2.0一詞,代表著只要超低成本加上一點點運氣,就可獲得超高報酬,因此引爆了一陣不亞於2001年網路泡沫化的Web2.0創業熱潮。 然而當所有創業家都希望引發「網路效應」(Network),讓使用者「一傳十、十傳百」地拉朋友加入的時候,事實卻證明大多數網站甚至連第一批使用者都得不到就已經被市場淘汰。而曾經獲得第一批使用者並且引起熱潮的網站,也有可能遭遇到更嚴重的「跨越鴻溝」問題。對於一個有獲利壓力的網站來說,若無法成功跨越鴻溝,吸引到更大量的使用者,將難以達成最終的獲利目標。 除此之外,由於進入障礙低,模仿速度快,競爭者爭相模仿市場上取得初步成功的先進者,導致一點一滴地瓜分掉原本的使用者。因此在Web2.0產業中的競爭優勢應該不單純地來自於功能上的創新或是智慧財產權的保護,而必須從其他方面來取得競爭優勢,進而獲利。 因此本研究的研究問題有四: 一、缺乏人力與資金等資源的Web2.0網站,如何吸引到第一批使用者來上傳內容? 二、Web2.0網站在競爭對手能夠快速複製的環境之下,如何創造模仿者學不走的競爭優勢? 三、群眾外包的Web2.0網站,從早期使用者邁向主流大眾時,會否遭遇到創新擴散理論中「跨越鴻溝」的問題?又該如何跨越? 四、Web2.0網站的獲利策略為何? 在比較成功跨越鴻溝Digg與Threadless,以及落入鴻溝的HEMiDEMi之後,本研究發現:(一)在創業初期,創業家需成為社群中的一份子,甚至身為社群 中創造者或連結者的角色。才能夠設計出適當的語言與情境,並發揮號召力吸引整個社群的加入。並且聽取第一批使用者的意見,共同演化出各種新功能與規則。(二)應該訂定明確的規則,以維持社群內的秩序;並且提供各種增進效率、維持產出品質的工具,讓使用者更有效率地進行傳播與創作。(三)Web2.0網站在提高忠誠的階段,可以透過增加獨特的新功能,以及與使用者進行對話,將使用者留在自己的平台上,以擺脫競爭者的模仿。(四)Web2.0的鴻溝成因與Moore所提出的鴻溝並不相同。而希望跨越鴻溝,則必須保有核心使用者的變遷權力,透過誘因與規則的調整,在不知不覺之間吸引較接近大眾口味的創造者與群眾,而讓原本非主流的使用者們漸漸退出。(五)獲利策略在於將生產過程轉變成消費過程(降低成本)、提高消費者的愉悅或是節省時間(提高價值)、並善用消費者累積的消費經驗及人力資本,以持續提升消費者的體驗(提高忠誠度)。

在Web2.0之下應用協作於在地化流程-以Mozilla Firefox—MozTW在地化專案與Facebook—中文(台灣)翻譯應用程式為例

張嘉玲, Chang, Chia Ling Unknown Date (has links)
軟體與網路服務,如社群網站(SNS)在計畫進入其他地區的市場時,「在地化」扮演著非常重要的角色,將軟體或網路服務上的字串翻譯的適切以及符合目標市場使用者,是在地化流程中十分重要的一環,因為關切著使用者是否能順利的接受這項產品。而在Web2.0的網路環境下,越來越多企業、組織思考要如何運用「互動、分享」的概念融入組織發展策略當中。 開始有企業或組織貫徹Web2.0之核心概念,將「協作」運用在「在地化流程」之中。 基於以上原因,本研究為「在Web2.0之下運用協作於在地化流程之探討」,選取個案為Mozilla Firefox—MozTW在地化專案及Facebook—中文(台灣)翻譯應用程式,從結合「協作」與「在地化」兩個概念的案例,瞭解下列三個問題: 在Web2.0下,協作概念的加入,促使在地化流程有何改變? 在Web2.0下,應用協作概念於在地化流程中,有何互動產生? 在Web2.0下,應用協作於在地化流程之中,產生的附加價值為何? 研究發現顯示,在Web2.0的環境下,協作的運用使得在地化流程的四個階段產生變化,翻譯與測試階段不再只是企業、組織的內部作業,而是一般使用者都可以參與的過程。 應用「協作」概念於「在地化流程」使得參與者、社群、組織及協作工具有許多的交織互動,組織聆聽社群及參與者的聲音,參與者給予組織回饋,促使協作工具得以不斷的改良。並且,翻譯的成果,可以更貼近目標市場的使用者。 另外,由於參與者融入原本企業、組織內部的在地化活動,使得擴散得以提早發生。且協作工具應用在翻譯上,使得使用者加入開發的門檻降低,進而使參與者背景更多元,這樣的情況,也有助於擴散的發生。 從個案中也可以瞭解,參與者多為對該軟體或網路服務忠誠度高的使用者,他們希望可以藉著參與翻譯加速中文化版本的出現,使更多人可以在沒有語言隔閡之下使用該軟體或網路服務。

Analyse sémantique des réseaux sociaux

Ereteo, Guillaume 11 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
L'explosion des fonctionnalités sociales au sein des applications du Web a favorisé le déploiement d'un panorama de médias sociaux permettant aux utilisateurs de librement contribuer, de se regrouper et d'interagir entre eux. La combinaison de divers moyens de publication et de socialisation permet de rapidement partager, recommander et propager l'information dans son réseau social, ainsi que de solliciter des réactions et de nouvelles contributions. Ces espaces partagés ont favorisé la création et le développement de communautés d'intérêts qui publient, filtrent et organisent de vastes répertoires de références dans leurs domaines, avec une impressionnante réactivité aux changements. Afin de reproduire les succès du Web dans la gestion d'information, de plus en plus de plates-formes sociales sont déployées dans des intranets d'entreprise. Cependant, l'avantage de ces plates-formes est fortement atténué lorsque le réseau social devient si grand que les informations pertinentes sont noyées dans des flux continus de notifications. Organiser cette énorme quantité d'informations est l'un des défis majeurs du Web 2.0 afin de tirer pleinement partie des bénéfices de l'Entreprise 2.0, à savoir, l'utilisation des technologies du Web 2.0, tel que les blogs et les wikis, dans un intranet. Cette thèse propose d'améliorer l'analyse des réseaux sociaux multiples et variés émergeant des usages sociaux du Web, au travers d'une contribution originale qui enrichit l'analyse des réseaux sociaux avec les technologies du Web Sémantique. L'analyse des réseaux sociaux propose des algorithmes de graphes pour caractériser la structure d'un réseau social et ses positions stratégiques. Les technologies du Web Sémantique permettent de représenter et d'échanger les connaissances entre des applications distribuées sur le Web avec un modèle de graphes richement typés (RDF), un langage de requête (SPARQL) et des langages de description de modèles (RDFS et OWL). Dans cette thèse, nous fusionnons ces deux modèles afin d'aller au-delà de l'analyse structurelle des graphes sociaux en intégrant un traitement sémantique de leur typage et des connaissances qu'ils contiennent. En particulier nous examinons comment (1) modéliser des données sociales en ligne à base d'ontologies, (2) réaliser une analyse du réseau social qui tire partie de la sémantique de ces représentations, et (3) détecter et étiqueter explicitement des communautés à partir de réseaux sociaux et de folksonomies.

Stigmergic collaboration: a theoretical framework for mass collaboration

Elliott, Mark Alan Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents an application-oriented theoretical framework for generalised and specific collaborative contexts with a special focus on Internet-based mass collaboration. The proposed framework is informed by the author’s many years of collaborative arts practice and the design, building and moderation of a number of online collaborative environments across a wide range of contexts and applications. The thesis provides transdisciplinary architecture for describing the underlying mechanisms that have enabled the emergence of mass collaboration and other activities associated with ‘Web 2.0’ by incorporating a collaboratively developed definition and general framework for collaboration and collective activity, as well as theories of swarm intelligence, stigmergy, and distributed cognition. (For complete abstract open document)

Κοινότητες πρακτικής προγραμματιστών : σύστημα διασύνδεσης ετερογενούς διαδικτυακής πληροφορίας "HelpMe community system" / Communities of practice for developers : system to interconnect heterogeneous web information "HelpMe community system"

Ασημακόπουλος, Δημήτρης 01 February 2013 (has links)
Ο όρος Web 2.0 εστιάζει στο χρήστη, στη σχεδίαση λογισμικού, και στο περιεχόμενο, το οποίο είναι αποτέλεσμα συνεισφοράς χιλιάδων χρηστών. Έτσι δημιουργήθηκε η ανάγκη δημιουργίας τόπων συνάντησης ανθρώπων με ίδια ή παρόμοια ενδιαφέροντα, οι κοινότητες πρακτικής. Οι κοινότητες πρακτικής (Communities of practice (CoPs)) έχουν γίνει σημαντικοί τόποι για ανθρώπους που αναζητούν και μοιράζονται εμπειρία και ενδιαφέροντα. Είναι τόποι συνεισφοράς γνώσης στους οποίους προσφέρεται γνώση στα μέλη που τις αποτελούν. Οι κοινότητες πρακτικής αποτελούνται από ομάδες ανθρώπων που συμμετέχουν σε μια διαδικασία συλλογικής εκμάθησης – γνώσης, μοιράζονται ένα ενδιαφέρον, ένα πάθος για κάτι και αλληλεπιδρούν για να μάθουν καλύτερα για αυτό. Αυτή η μεταπτυχιακή εργασία αναφέρεται στο χώρο των κοινοτήτων πρακτικής και συγκεκριμένα σε εκείνη που αφορά τους προγραμματιστές. Χρήστης εκκίνησης είναι εκείνος ο χρήστης της κοινότητας ο οποίος θέτει ένα αρχικό ερώτημα ή προβληματισμό και σύμφωνα κανόνες που θέτει ο ίδιος, δημιουργείται, με αυτόματο τρόπο, μία ομάδα εργασίας αποτελούμενη από χρήστες οι οποίοι έχουν ως κοινό ενδιαφέρον την επίλυση του ερωτήματος αυτού. Στα πλαίσια των κοινοτήτων πρακτικής αναπτύσσεται μία διαλεκτική συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη της κοινότητας, που στόχο έχει την υποστήριξη των μελών ως προς συγκεκριμένα προβλήματα. Στις πιο πολλές περιπτώσεις δεν υπάρχουν λύσεις εκ των προτέρων , έτσι δεν μπορούμε απλά να τις συλλέξουμε. Χρειάζεται λοιπόν να μελετηθούν ποια είναι τα προβλήματα εκείνα τα οποία απομακρύνουν τους χρήστες από την εύρεσή τους και με ποιους τρόπους μπορούμε να αντιμετωπίσουμε το πρόβλημα. / The term Web 2.0 focus on: user, s/w development and content (which conclude from many users that share experience and interests). Due to the fact that many people gather on web sites looking for a solution to their problem, Communities of practice were developed (CoPs). CoPs have become important places for people who seek and share experience. This dissertation refers to CoPs and especially to the field that refers to computer programmers. Start user is the user that brings the initial question to the community. According to that, automatically, a group of people is created (according rules and metrics) in order to supply feedback to users of the community who deal with the specific subject (according to label tagging). In CoPs area, Argumentative Collaboration is developing between users, so that users can help each other. Need be, to study the problems that makes users difficult to find and how can we deal with this problem.

An Analysis on the Impact of Ethical Porn Discourse on the Communication of Pornographic Content Online

Ergen, Fulden January 2018 (has links)
With the internet being more accessible and more faster than ever, online pornography have undergone tremendous change. The emergence of Web 2.0 brought porn tubes into existence, where enormous amounts of pornographic content were reached for free. At the same time, Web 2.0 enabled alternative pornographies to arise, ethical porn being one of them. Briefly described as pornographic content created ethically, ethical porn became an idea to gain increasing popularity. What was compelling about this idea was also the fact that consumers were required to pay for their porn. In academic circles, on the contrary, ethical pornography found itself a limited place. In awareness of this gap, this study aims at exploring the online ethical porn scene through two research questions: a) How do websites including pornographic content that claim to be ethical communicate such content? and b) “How do ethical porn websites present themselves in regards to the idea of ethical porn?”. Informed by Foucauldian discourse analysis, the research was conducted via performing structural mapping analysis and qualitative content analysis answering the two research questions, respectively. The findings inferred from the reviewed 33 ethical porn websites suggest that the communication of content is organized under the logics of fair-trade business model and that the sample of ethical porn websites are very diverse. In regards to websites’ self-positionings, the results show business model and production process to be the two emerging clusters feeding the discourse. The common trait found out was the difference of association with the ethical porn discourse. Both in terms of communication of content and websites’ own positions, websites either operated upon the logics of discourse or superficially gave an account of the discourse without revealing the actual practice of production. Contributing to the intersecting fields of digital media and pornography, the research creates a basis for future research on ethical porn, upon which very little is said.

電子化政府主動服務經營模式探討 / A study for developing the model of E-government proactive service

施明德, Shih, Ming Der Unknown Date (has links)
建構優質的電子化政府,首要條件是提供民眾整合型一站式服務的入口網站,達成一站式服務,除共用基礎設施服務外,應具備介接整合各機關資訊與線上服務的能力。過往政府推動電子化政府,雖然已獲得相當成就,但各機關資訊系統整合程度不足,多數服務尚無法提供跨機關主動服務,本研究是藉由文獻的蒐集與研究,並以創新的思維,提出政府主動服務的經營模式,並採個案研究方法,驗證所提出之模式的可行性,因此,在研究方法上,將著重現實現象的整理與未來環境、機制的設計,即採行從當前環境到期望環境藍圖(From AS-IS to TO-BE)策略分析的研究模式。 本研究結果發現:1.各國政府以實現「全政府」作為主要策略,顯示推動資訊系統整合仍為主要工作。2.藉由Web2.0 使用戶間強大連結力,企業可以快速產生新的商業模式,提升企業網站的知名度與使用度。3.本研究提出改變電子化政府服務型態的三要素,資訊代理人、以家戶為主體、為顧客提供Web2.0平台。4. 本研究將網站的服務分為九種型態,提供網站服務轉型參考。5.本研究提出以CRM建構前瞻性主動服務的理念,整合內部資訊與顧客喜好,主動提供顧客服務。 政府Myegov入口網與民眾e管家,本研究提出主動服務的改造建議有:1.Myegov入口網應提供元件共享、資訊透過RSS互通。2.提供跨機關主題式服務、提供民眾可自行訂製、設計自己符合自己需要的e政府管家。3.以「家」為主體的理念,引導政府透過政府共享式服務平台,主動整合後台資訊系統。4.運用資料倉儲系統,建立市民關係管理共享式資料庫,提供民眾前瞻性主動服務。 / In order to construct a high-quality e-government, an integrated one-stop-shop service portal must be provided to the general public. In addition to sharing the services of IT infrastructure, to achieve the integrated one-stop service is also necessary to provide interfaces for all departments so that their information and services can be integrated. In the past, the government has reached many achievements in transforming many of the governmental related processes electronically. However, the integrated information system between different levels and/or ministries is not enough to provide the general public certain interdepartmental services actively. It is the hope of this research to discover an efficient strategy to push for better proactive e-government service model and to provide such strategy to the government for further reference. According to this research is hoping to use innovative thinking to come up the proactive e-government service model based on the collection and research of various documents and literature. This study will also use related e-government research cases for feasibility study on the model proposed. As such, this research stressed on current condition and future context, the design of mechanism, employing in “As-Is to To-Be” strategic analysis research model. This result of study is found: 1.The governments of various countries promote the e-government's main strategy as the future service was still realizing on the information-intensive society of “the whole government”. It shows that various countries are pushing the work on information system integration. 2. Web2.0 is not only a new information technology, but the mechanism that enterprises are used for interacting with end user and offer the space to user by sharing information at the same time. According to leverage the linkage through powerful strength on Web2.0 service use, enterprises can produce the new business model timely and improving enterprise website’s popularity and utilized degree. 3. To create the innovative e-government service, this research proposed three key elements to change government's service type and performance measurement, including “the information agent”, “relies mainly on family one”, “offers Web2.0 service platform to customer”. 4. This research based on web information providing method and service attribute to defined the nine kinds of service model to transforming the portal service as proactive service type. 5. The research proposed and constructed the “customer first” proactive service theory and integrated the customer relevant information and favor internally to providing many of services proactively. Moreover, based on Myegov portal and e-housekeeper, the research proposed active service transformation items are: 1. Myegov portal should provide Portlet-based shared components, RSS subscribing and exchanging service. 2. Offering the topic type’s Blog service by cross departments; offering general public to define, design their own custom e-housekeeper services through e-government. 3. According to “the family” theme’s concept, government should provide the integrated back-end IT system through the shared service platform actively. 4. Use the data warehouse system to gather the department and people relevant information, and build up the shared database on customer relationship management system to provide the “customer first” proactive service.

表演藝術團體運用網路社群媒體平台營運之關鍵成功因素探究 / The Key Success Factors in Employing the Media Platforms of Social Networking Websites by Performing Arts Groups

劉小雯 Unknown Date (has links)
網路社群媒體平台可能是數位發行的年代中至目前為止最具有威力的媒體平台。整合Facebook、部落格、微網誌、影音社群、SNS(Social Networking Service ),即時通訊等的網路社群媒體平台,可與真實資料的他人免費、不受時空限制的合作、共同參與、分享彼此資源資訊,使得訊息發送、情感聯繫不但更加緊密並快速營造如朋友社群般的關係影響力,再加上無線網路環境和數位化載具的快速進展,智慧型手機IPAD等滿足了大家的多元即時性,網路社群媒體平台串聯出的威力和影響力,已成為傳統媒體之外的另一個發聲利器,其威力甚至有時要比傳統媒體還要強烈,影響還要深遠! 本研究旨在探討網路社群媒體平台之於表演藝術團體的價值,表演藝術團體如何運用網路社群媒體平台來進行營運,以及其關鍵的成功因素等議題,盼能引起大眾及表演藝術團體對網路社群媒體平台的了解與重視。研究選擇國內已經在網路社群媒體平台上活躍使用的表演藝術團體個案進行深度訪談及觀察探究,並輔以國外表演藝術團體網絡上的實地觀察和研究,以及次級文獻資料的蒐集佐證,進行分析探討。 本研究將「網路社群媒體平台」的角色定位為「表演藝術團體營運推展的有力夥伴,以體驗經濟形式共同創建表演藝術團體的營運產值」,研究問題及研究發現如下: 研究問題一:網路社群媒體平台之於表演藝術團體之價值為何? 對應結論一:其價值有二點,包括: 一、網路社群媒體平台與表演藝術團體是虛擬的A型團隊合作關係。 二、網路社群媒體平台是表演藝術團體另一個微型的線上舞台,也是體驗經濟的延伸實踐。 研究問題二:網路社群媒體平台如何幫助表演藝術團體營運? 對應結論二:其營運協助有五點,包括: 一、網路社群媒體平台讓表演藝術團體有更多的自主性及主導權來宣傳其創作作品,如同自己開了一家不用成本的二十四小時專屬媒體頻道。 二、網路社群媒體平台可協助表演藝術團體擴展精準觀眾群,並讓彼此之間關係互動更即時熱絡和緊密。 三、網路社群媒體平台可以協助本土的表演藝術團體更容易國際知曉增加國外粉絲。 四、網路社群媒體平台的免費及低學習門檻特性,讓非營利組織的表演藝術團體節省了大部分網路軟硬體設備及網路專業訓練的成本,甚至行銷宣傳經費。 五、網路社群媒體平台已成功協助表演藝術團體販售周邊商品,票券和募款。 研究問題三:表演藝術團體運用網路社群媒體平台營運的關鍵成功因素? 對應結論三:關鍵成功因素,包括: 一、表演藝術團體運用五感體驗及說故事的力量鼓動並掌握群眾的互動和黏著度。 二、創意、主題策畫、知識涵度並以觀眾服務角度勤發布的真誠內容仍是吸引群眾擴充增加、協同、分享並每日追隨的重要因素。 三、明星偶像效應勢不可擋,表演藝術團體中靈魂級人物的訊息和親自上陣互動仍是令群眾瘋狂黏著並串聯分享的主因。 四、表演藝術團體對社群網路媒體平台的媒體特性、功能及操作技巧的了解以及主事者的全力支持是其推展營運最重要成功關鍵。 / In the digital publishing era, the media platforms of social networking websites have probably been the most powerful figure by far. By integrating the social networking websites of Facebook, blogs, microblogs, video-sharing websites, SNS (Social Networking Service), people can join and share resources and information and get from people their substantial cooperation that is free and unlimited by time and space.The delivery of messages can be speedier, and relation closer; moreover, the effect as that produced within a community of friends can thus be developed.Due to the highly advanced WiFi and digital devices, smartphones and tablet computers meet the need for diversity and instantaneity.The power and influence gained by integrating media platforms of social networking websites has become efficiently instrumental for one to be heard, and its force can reach far greater and deeper than the traditional media! The research aims at exploring issues concerning what the value media platforms of social networking websites can have on performing arts groups, how to run the groups through those platforms, and the key factors of success, in order to draw the attention from and increase the understanding of the public. The subjects chosen in this study are performing arts groups that have been active in media platforms of social networking websites in Taiwan. In-depth interview and observation will be used in exploring each case. Foreign performing arts groups will also be observed at the scene and studied; besides, the documentation of secondary materials will be collected, analyzed and discussed. Topic 1 What is the value of media platforms of social networking websites to performing arts groups? Conclusion 1 There are two valuable facts: 1.The relation between media platforms of social networking websites and performing arts groups belongs to virtual "Type A" cooperation. 2.Media platforms of social networking websites function as an alternative micro "online stage" of performing arts groups, and that is also the realization of the extension of experience economy. Topic 2 In what ways can media platforms of social networking websites help operate performing arts groups? Conclusion 2 There are five ways: 1.Media platforms of social networking websites allow greater independence and control for performing arts groups in promoting their works, as if they own a channel exclusive for themselves, broadcasting non-stop and without cost. 2.Media platforms of social networking websites can help broaden the targeted audience, and make the interaction between them closer. 3.Media platforms of social networking websites can help local performing arts groups increase their visibility overseas and thus the number of foreign fans. 4.The free-of-charge feature and highly accessibility of media platforms of social networking websites allows the non-profit performing arts groups to save much of the cost of hardware, software and training, even the promotion. 5.Media platforms of social networking websites have successfully assisted performing arts groups to sell merchandise and tickets, and to raise funds. Topic 3 What are the KSF (Key Success Factors) in the employment of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups? Conclusion 3 The KSF are: 1.The force created by performing arts groups using sensory experience to tell stories can encourage and control the interaction and attachment of the audience. 2.Creativity, theme planning, knowledge imparted, and the sincere and diligent posting of messages that are service-based, audience-centered, still serve essentially to attract the public that may increase in number and be willing to cooperate and share with each other day after day. 3.Stars are invincible! The messages and presence of, and the interaction with the key figures of performing arts groups can make the audience crazy and thus get closer to share. 4.The understanding of the characteristics, functions, operating skills of media platforms of social networking websites by performing arts groups, plus the full support from the person in charge, is the crucial factors of success.

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