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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det är nog bara för att hålla närhet” : En kvalitativ studie om emotionella brukskvaliteters betydelse för den digitala kommunikationen / “It’s probably just to feel companionship”

Olsson, Evelina, Sheibani, Rana January 2021 (has links)
Our study touches a dimension in the development of design concepts that describes how we feel when we use functions and applications in digital artefacts. What happens to us when the mobile phone vibrates and a notification with our partner's name appears on the screen? We do not yet know what actual information the text message contains, yet an expectation is built and different feelings arise. Löwgren and Stolterman (2004) describe this dimension of the characteristics of the user experience as qualities of use. That is, the changing properties that arise in the use of an artifact. This study is about emotional qualities in use (emotionella brukskvaliteter), a term created for this essay. By that we mean the qualities in use that are important for interaction and that emerge in the space between the usage and the feeling that is created. Touching on such a complex concept as emotions, also requires that we limit ourselves to reproducing only occuring emotions and the meaning they have for the users, not how and why. By raising the theory of Löwgren and Stolterman (ibid.) we have researched what users' interaction look like and ask ourselves the question; What role do emotional qualities in use play in digital interaction? There is a tendency that the softer values of the use of technology are often emphasized by opinions. We see a gap in writing about the emotional side of digital interaction where the outcome is based on actual empirical data. This study mainly consists of data collected via semi-structured in-depth interviews with seven interviewees. The respondents also fullfilled a user diary in order to provide a basis for the interviews. The results are analyzed according to Braun and Clarke's (2006) thematic method where all collected data is transcribed, coded and themed in several rounds. Our results indicate that emotional qualities in use are important to the user. We could identify these by the respondents sharing their perceived feelings about their user experiences. Our findings strengthen the need for emotional qualities in use to be implemented in the design process. / Vår studie beskriver en dimension i framtagandet av designkoncept som redogör för hur vi känner när vi använder funktioner och applikationer i digitala artefakter. Vad händer med oss när mobilen vibrerar och en notis med vår partners namn pryder skärmen? Vi vet ännu inte vilken faktisk information sms:et innehåller, ändå byggs en förväntan och olika känslor uppstår. Denna dimension om användningsupplevelsens egenskaper beskriver Löwgren och Stolterman (2004) som brukskvaliteter. Det vill säga de föränderliga egenskaper som uppstår i användandet av en artefakt. Denna studie handlar om emotionella brukskvaliteter. Med det menar vi de brukskvaliteter som är av betydelse för interaktion och som uppstår i mellanrummet mellan användandet och den känsla som skapas. Att beröra ett så komplext begrepp som känslor, kräver också att vi begränsar oss till att enbart återge vilka känslor som uppstår och betydelsen de får för användarna, inte hur och varför. Genom att lyfta teori av Löwgren och Stolterman (ibid.) har vi undersökt hur användarnas interaktion ser ut och ställer oss frågan; Vilken roll spelar emotionella brukskvaliteter i digital interaktion? Det finns en tendens att de mjukare värdena av teknikens användning ofta blir betonade av åsikter. Vi ser en lucka i att skriva om den emotionella sidan av digital interaktion där utfallet bygger på faktisk empiri.Den här studien består i huvudsak av data insamlad via semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med sju intervjupersoner. Respondenterna utförde även en användardagbok i syfte att ge underlag för intervjuerna. Resultatet analyseras enligt Braun och Clarkes (2006) tematiska metod där allt insamlat material transkriberas, kodas och tematiseras i flera omgångar. Vårt resultat pekar på att emotionella brukskvaliteter har betydelse för användaren. Dessa har identifierats genom att respondenterna berättar om sina upplevda känslor i användandet. Vi finner underlag i studien som stärker behovet för emotionella brukskvaliteter implementerat i designarbetet.

Designkvalitéer i svenskt vildsvinsläder / Design Qualities in Swedish Wild Boar Leather

Adamsson, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Studien är ett designdrivet forskningsprojekt som besvarar frågeställningen: Vilka materiella designkvalitéer finns det i svenskt vildsvinsläder och hur kan dessa appliceras i produktdesign? Frågeställningen undersöks främst genom en material driven designmetod och resultatet analyseras genom teorier om design för hållbar utveckling och design för emotionell varaktighet. Den material drivna designmetoden inleddes med fri utforskning av materialet, första intryck dokumenterades och hypoteser kring materialet dömdes inkorrekta. För att undersöka de tekniska egenskaperna utfördes materialtester. Materialupplevelsen utforskades genom ett metodverktyg där 10 deltagare besvarade frågor kring materialets performativa, sensoriska, affektiva och tolkande egenskaper. Testerna avslutades med en reflektion av materialets positiva, negativa och unika egenskaper. Kunskapen av vildsvinslädrets designkvalitéer används sedan i en idégenerering process för att skapa en hållbar produkt med emotionell varaktighet. Idégenerering mynnar ut i studiens designförslag, en stol med dyna och ryggstöd av vildsvinsläder. Studien avslutas med en slutsats som bekräftar designkvalitéerna i vildsvinläder och en diskussion som belyser insikter som uppkommit under studiens genomförande. / The study is a design-driven research project that answers the question: What material design qualities are there in Swedish wild boar leather and how can these be applied in product design? The question is primarily investigated through a material-driven design method and results is analysed through theories of design for sustainable development and design for emotional durability. The material-driven design method began with free exploration of the material, first impressions were documented and hypotheses about the material were deemed incorrect. To investigate the technical characteristics, tests were carried out. The material experience is explored through a tool where 10 participants answered questions about the material's performative, sensory, affective, and interpretive properties. The tests ended with a reflection of the material's positive, negative, and unique properties. The knowledge of the design qualities of wild boar leather was then used in an idea generation process to create a sustainable product with emotional durability. The idea generation culminates in the study's design proposal, a chair with cushion and backrest made of wild boar leather. The study concludes with a conclusion that confirms the design qualities of wild boar leather and a discussion that highlights insights that emerged during the study's implementation.


[pt] Em 2017 o número de pessoas com 60 anos ou mais chegou a um bilhão, e atingirá os 2,1 bilhões em 2050 (ONU, 2017). No Brasil acrescenta-se o fato de estarmos envelhecendo em ritmo acelerado. Entre 1940 e 2017 (IBGE, 2018), passamos a viver 30 anos a mais. Nesse cenário, e sob o olhar do Design, esta tese busca contribuir para a longevidade com qualidade, a partir de serviços de extensão universitária. Para tanto, foram investigados e correlacionados os eixos temáticos: o público 50 mais (faixa etária correspondente à transição entre vida laboral e aposentadoria); empreendedorismo sênior (que inclui empreendedorismo social, autoempreendedorismo e intraempreendedorismo) e extensão universitária (conceito recorrentemente revisto em fóruns de pró-reitores de extensão). O percurso metodológico foi estabelecido a partir de minha atuação no Programa de Educação Continuada PUC-Rio mais de 50 e teve como base o Design de Serviços e métodos participativos, de observação participante e de associação livre de palavras. Este trabalho foi guiado pelo Design Emocional e resultou no Programa de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica Sênior PUC-Rio (PICT Sênior), caracterizado pela participação do 50 mais em grupos de pesquisa da PUC-Rio. Esse serviço, replicável, foi criado com a colaboração de professores pesquisadores de diversos departamentos da universidade, e com o suporte da Coordenação de Iniciação Científica; da Coordenação Central de Extensão, da Vice-Reitoria de Desenvolvimento e da gerencia de Recursos Humanos. O primeiro protótipo, realizado entre outubro de 2017 e setembro de 2018, atendeu seis 50 mais+; o segundo, com previsão de término para janeiro de 2020, atendeu o mesmo número de participantes. O PICT Sênior se revelou um novo caminho para o público 50 mais, oferecendo-lhe papeis de colaboradores e empreendedores da própria vida e confirmando a universidade como espaço para a promoção da longevidade com qualidade. / [en] In 2017 the number of people aged 60 and over has reached one billion, and will reach 2.1 billion by 2050 (UN, 2017). In Brazil we add that we are aging fast. Between 1940 and 2017 (IBGE, 2018), we started to live 30 years more. In this scenario and under the Design view, this thesis seeks to contribute to longevity with quality, from university extension services. To do so, the following thematic axes were investigated and correlated: the 50 public (the age range corresponding to the transition between working life and retirement); senior entrepreneurship (including social entrepreneurship, self-entrepreneurship, and intrapreneurship) and university extension (a concept that is re- peatedly revised in extension pro-rector forums). The methodological course was established from my performance in the Continuing Education Program PUC-Rio mais de 50 and was based on the Design of Services and participatory methods, participant observation and free association of words. This work was guided by Emotional Design and resulted in the Programa de Iniciação Científica e Tecnológica Sênior da PUC-Rio (PICT Senior), characterized by 50 participation in research groups at the PUC-Rio. This replicable service was created with the collaboration of research professors from various university departments, among others and support of the Coordination of Scientific Initiation; Central Extension Coordination; ViceDean of Development and Human Resources. The first prototype, carried out from October 2017 to September 2018, served six 50, and the second, scheduled to end in January 2020, met the same number of participants. The PICT Senior was a new way for the 50 audience, giving them a role of collaborator and entrepreneur of life itself, confirming the university as a space to promote longevity with quality.

互動感知體驗設計之健康照護提醒裝置 / Interactive sensory and emotional design - health care reminder

陳信慈, Chen, Shin Tsz Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在發展一套互動感知的機制,目的為期望能透過此互動方式,針對長期潛藏著危害健康甚深的「久坐族」,提供一個溫和柔性的「提醒」功能,符合不受「空間的限制」、「設定的限制」、「使用族群的限制」等,亦即凡是因為某些因素導致忽略或是忘記時間而「坐太久」的情形,此類的人便是被提醒的對象。 透過受測者的使用與建議進行分析評估,此互動機制透過分析與歸納,試圖找出區別於坊間常見的提醒模式,如一般人常用的鬧鐘、計時器等硬體,或專為電腦久坐族而設計的電腦健康動畫定時播放軟體等。這類相關的產品不外乎必須受制於人本身要去「記憶」且「手動」去調整、設定、下載、安裝等繁複的過程;另外是提醒的方法和內容瑣碎、不便或是不足,最大的共通限制為「使用時機與空間限制」。因此,本研究中的互動機制預期能提供「久坐族」另一種新鮮的選擇,一種力求「溫馨提醒」、「不受限時空」的互動模式。 為傳達前述的「健康信念」,本研究繼續探討如何將此「互動機制」實際應用於與人類生活當中,透過設計將此互動機制實際應用,結合現代科技與藝術使其更具吸引力與美感。現今已進入以價值為主的高感性經濟時代,體驗經濟能感動人心的關鍵在於將產品與服務提升至碰觸精神心靈的層次。因此運用體驗設計的概念,並嘗試融合與感官直接相關的燈光元素等為創作媒材與靈感來源,進行造型、視覺設計與氛圍的營造,作為接觸人們內心深處的橋樑。 綜合所述,本研究與作品針對「久坐族」預期將達成的五大目標: 1.「健康照護的提醒功能」:設計出感性的互動機制作為基本法則。 2.「獨特的使用者體驗」:將此互動機制結合情感設計增加吸引力。 3.「互動裝置應用(一)」:以結合情境光營造為例。 4.「互動裝置應用(二)」:以結合智慧型手機應用程式為例。 5.「推廣觀念」:藉由以上,推廣久坐族的健康信念。 / This study aimed to develop an interactive sensory mechanism, to hope that through this interaction, for long-term health hazards lurking deep in “sedentary tribe” to provide a soft reminder, without space constraints, setting limits, use of limit etc. All because some of the factors that led to ignore or forget the time “to sit for too long” case, such people is to be reminded. Through the subject's use and recommendations for analysis and evaluation, this interactive mechanism analysis and induction, trying to find a mode which is different from common reminders such as alarm clock, timer or the animation timer player software designed for computer sedentary tribe , and so on. Such related products must be controlled by ourself to remember and set by hands in this complicated process. The method of reminding is trivial、inconvenient, and its greatest limited is "use time and space constraints." Therefore, the interactive mechanism in this study is expected to provide sedentary tribe another new choice, seeking to be the soft and unlimited use of reminder. To convey the aforementioned “health beliefs”, the research continues to explore how this “interaction mechanism” actually applied to human life. The practical application of design, combined with modern technology and art to make it more attractive. Today has entered a value-based、high-touch economic times. Experience economy is the key to raise products and services to touch the spirit of the soul level. Therefore, this study use the concept of experience design, and tries to integrate with the sensory elements as the inspiration for the creative media source for modeling、visual design and creating an atmosphere access to people’s hearts. Above all, the research and work for the “sedentary tribe” is expected to achieve five major objectives:1) “Reminder for health care”:designing sensibility as the basic rules of interaction mechanisms; 2) “Unique user experience”:an interactive mechanism with this design to increase the emotional appeal; 3) “Interactive device applications 1”:an installation with light to create a situation; 4) “Interactive device applications 2”:an combination of smart mobile device applications; 5) ”Promoting the health concept”:by above, promoting the health beliefs.


MARILIA CECCON SALARINI DA ROSA 30 June 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho teve como motivação o atual e crescente fenômeno do envelhecimento e longevidade da população. Ele traz o registro de uma abordagem do design sobre o tema envelhecimento e pretende explorar o potencial da atividade em contribuir para qualidade de vida dos maiores de 60 anos. Tendo em vista que o design tem como resultado final a construção de produtos e serviços tangíveis, este trabalho inclui três ações próprias do processo ou modo de pensar e fazer do design. São elas: (1) direcionamento e acompanhamento de turmas da disciplina Projeto Avançado – Produção e Distribuição em prol da qualidade de vida do idoso, do curso da graduação em design da PUC-Rio; (2) estudo para identificação de demandas e geração de soluções para e com idosos moradores da Gávea; e (3) desenvolvimento do protótipo de design de serviço de educação continuada PUC-Rio mais de 50. Este trabalho foi norteado pela premissa de que o público idoso é diverso e não tem tido suas necessidades atendidas pelos produtos e serviços existentes. Foi norteado, também, pela ideia de que o design pode atender necessidades além das mecânicas e funcionais consequentes das limitações ocasionadas pelo avanço da idade. Nesse sentido, este trabalho teve como ponto de partida seis perspectivas do design emocional, abordagem que tem como foco atender necessidades de natureza emocional e não tangíveis. Essas perspectivas, identificadas em estudos anteriores, foram revistas e adequadas com base em pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de campo sobre o público idoso, e transformaram-se nas seguintes possíveis frentes de ação em: (1) design para resgate e manutenção da identidade (que contempla demandas como autonomia, independência e liberdade); (2) design para sociabilidade (que contempla demandas como criação de novos vínculos sociais e fortalecimento dos já existentes); (3) design para cidadania (que contempla demandas como engajamento social, político e econômico); (4) design para bem-estar (que contempla demandas como equilíbrio mental e espiritual); (5) design para autoestima (que contempla demandas como orgulho próprio e cuidado consigo mesmo); e (6) design para o humor (que contempla demandas como rir e se divertir). / [en] This work had as motivation the current and growing aging phenomenon of the population. It shows the records of design s approach to the aging theme and intends to explore the activity s potential in contributing to the life quality of the over 60 s. Knowing that design has as a final result the building of tangible products and services, this work includes three examples of the process and way of thinking from design. They are: (1) directing and following classes from the discipline Advanced Project – Production and Distribution for the elder s life quality, from the graduation in design course at PUC-Rio; (2) study to identify demands and generating solutions to and with elders from Gávea, Rio de Janeiro and (3) development of the service design and continued education PUC-Rio mais de 50 (PUC-Rio over 50 s). This work was guided by the premise that the elder public is diverse and hasn t had it s needs attended by the existing products and services. It was also guided by the idea that design can provide for beyond the mechanical and functional needs caused by the limitations brought by age advance. In this way this work had as a starting point the perspectives of emotional design: an approach that had as focus attending emotional needs and not tangible ones, plus six perspectives of action, identified in previous studies. This categories were reviewed and adapted according to the bibliographic research and field study on the elder public and became: (1) design for the rescue and maintenance of identity (which contemplates demands as autonomy, independence and freedom); (2) design for sociability (which contemplates demands as the creation of new social connections and strengthening of the remaining ones); (3) design for citizenship (which contemplates demands as engagement in social, political and economical matters); (4) design for the well being (which contemplates demands as mental and spiritual balance); (5) design for the self esteem (which contemplates demands as self pride and self care); (6) design for the humor (which contemplates demands as laughter and fun).


BORIS RODRIGUES GARAY 18 December 2020 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho se insere no campo do design social e do design emocional, abordagens voltadas para questões globais complexas e de ordem subjetiva, respectivamente. Ele compreende que o envelhecimento populacional demanda ações para contribuir com a participação social e a qualidade de vida dos idosos. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo refletir e aprimorar atividade nomeada Livro Criativo (LC), idealizada pelo autor para idosos e com comprovados benefícios, com vistas a transformá-la em serviço a ser oferecido em maior escala. O LC consiste em encontros mediados por diários gráficos, nos quais os idosos são orientados a expressar seus sentimentos e ideias com base em temas propostos pelo tutor com participação do grupo. Para facilitar a autoexpressão prioriza-se o uso de imagens e de recursos como colagem, desenho, pintura e escrita. Esse trabalho apresenta relato da origem e desenvolvimento do LC; dados e reflexões sobre envelhecimento populacional, práticas diarísticas e a filosofia do diálogo de Martin Buber, buscando enfatizar a importância das relações pessoais na velhice; e relato de oficina intensiva realizada para ensaio de sistematização do LC com participação de cinco pessoas. Concluiu-se que o LC se apresenta como suporte físico de histórias de vida, valores, sentimentos, atitudes e perspectivas diante da vida, contribuindo, assim, para a exploração da identidade e a renovação da sociabilidade do público sênior. Apresenta-se ainda como suporte de memória e importante fonte de investigação sobre longevidade sob a perspectiva dos idosos. / [en] This work is inserted in the field of social design and emotional design that address complex and subjective global issues respectively. It comprehends that population aging demands actions to contribute to the social participation and quality of life of the elderly. In this sense, this research aimed to reflect and improve an activity called Creative Book (CB), idealized by the author for the elderly and with proven benefits, with a view to transforming it into a service to be offered on a larger scale. The CB consists of meetings mediated by graphic diaries, in which the elderlies are instructed to express their feelings and ideas based on themes proposed by the tutor with the participation of the group. To facilitate self-expression, the use of images and resources such as collage, drawing, painting and writing is prioritized. This work presents an account of the origin and development of the CB; data and reflections on population aging, diary practices and Martin Buber s philosophy of dialogue, seeking to emphasize the importance of personal relationships in old age; and report of an intensive workshop held for the systematization of the CB with the participation of five people. It was concluded that the CB presents itself as a physical support of life stories, values, feelings, attitudes and perspectives regarding life, thus contributing to the exploration of identity and the renewal of sociability of the senior public. It also presents itself as a memory support and an important source of research on longevity from the perspective of the elderly.

Analysis of the Influence of the Presentation Medium on the Evaluation of Virtual Prototypes Using Eye-tracking Technology and the Semantic Differential

Manuel Francisco Contero Lopez (15354760) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Product evaluation throughout the design process is a fundamental task to ensure product success. Virtual prototyping is displacing physical prototyping for product evaluation due to its lower cost and flexibility to easily generate design alternatives (colors, textures, shapes). The thesis provides a deeper understanding of the influence of the presentation medium on product evaluation. The semantic differential technique was applied in to obtain the consumers’ subjective impression when they observed furniture scenes under two different presentation mediums. High-quality realistic renderings were displayed on a computer screen equipped with an eye-tracker. The same scenes were observed by the same users (repeated measures experimental design) with a virtual reality headset equipped with an integrated eye-tracker (HP Reverb G2 Omnicept). Equivalent areas/volumes of interest were defined to calculate the eye- tracking metric dwell time. Statistical analyses then compared dwell times and values of semantic scales in the 2D and VR conditions to determine if the medium of presentation influenced them.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The experimental data obtained in the thesis confirmed that both the consumer’s subjective impression measured through bipolar pairs and the level of confidence in its assessment was influenced by the visual medium. However, the level of confidence in the assessment of a semantic scale of a product presented on VR was not affected by the sense of presence.</p> <p><br></p> <p>The amount of time (dwell time) that subjects spend looking at a specific product on a joint or individual visualization were influenced by the visual medium.</p>

Percepción y Emoción en el Diseño de Productos. Análisis y Propuestas para su integración a las MIPYME

Jacob Dazarola, Rubén Hernán 31 March 2015 (has links)
La presente tesis aborda la temática del Diseño Industrial y los estímulos de tipo sensorial, perceptivo y emocional que las personas que utilizan los productos reciben en su experiencia de uso. Dichos estímulos, tales como el ajuste preciso en el funcionamiento de un mecanismo, la suavidad de una superficie, el ruido adecuado al cerrar una puerta, etc., se captan mediante los sentidos, se perciben y despiertan en el usuario emociones y reacciones, generando una relación con los objetos más allá del uso básico y práctico, llevando a preferirlos entre otros productos con prestaciones primarias similares, asociándolos a experiencias gratas, e incluso a evocar experiencias de vida a través de los productos que se utilizan. Este ámbito, enmarcado dentro de la disciplina del Diseño Industrial, pero también en la psicología, el marketing, la neurociencia y otras áreas, es enfocado actualmente de muy diversas formas. Así enfoques como la “Ingeniería Kansei”, el “Diseño Emocional”, el “Diseño para la Experiencia”, el “Análisis Sensorial”, son algunos modos y métodos de analizar y definir el tema, y se utilizan cada vez más en las grandes empresas. Esta tesis analiza diversos enfoques y metodologías de aplicación de este tipo de factores en el proceso de Diseño y desarrollo de productos y propone algunas herramientas adecuadas para su integración en las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPyMEs). / Jacob Dazarola, RH. (2015). Percepción y Emoción en el Diseño de Productos. Análisis y Propuestas para su integración a las MIPYME [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48551 / TESIS

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