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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialtjänstens roll i arbetet med brottsoffer : En studie ur socialsekreterares perspektiv

Häggbring, Sanna January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to explore the social services work with crime victims in Sweden, according to Chapter 5, § 11 of the Social Services Act. The study examined how social workers define the victim and assessing and prioritizing victims' needs. It has also been central to study how social workers interpret and understand the regulation of social services responsible for crime victims. Qualitative interviews with 18 social workers is the basis for the study. The analysis of the social services work with victims based in the above-mentioned interviews. The interviews analyzed using the sociology of law theory. To illustrate how social workers define victims of crime have theories of crime victims been used in the analysis. The study shows that a crime victim must be innocent, weak and suffering from the crime to be defined as crime victims by social secretaries. Social workers do, however, different priorities. Some are based on an assessment of each individual victims need help, while others believe that the specific target groups will be using social services. The study also indicates that the groups which mainly receive help in the social services are victims of violence women and children. Assistance to victims in the social services designed to adapt the groups exposed to violence against women and children, such as women’s shelters, counseling and financial help.

Offer och offrande i samernas religion

Ungh, Malin January 2001 (has links)
Uppsatsens huvuddel handlar om offer och offrandet inom de svenska samernas förkristna tro, där björnriten lyfts fram som en egen del. Innan man kommer till detta får man kort ta del av samernas gudavärld, vilken bestod i många olika gudomar eftersom samerna trodde att allt var besjälat. Därefter kan man läsa om nåiden, den man som kunde försätta sig i trans för att resa i andevärlden då man behövde hjälp vid exempelvis någon sjukdom. Sist i denna del har trumman fått en egen plats, vilken bland annat nåiden ibland använde som hjälpmedel för att försätta sig i trans. I den sista delen innan diskussionsdelen kan man läsa om de möjliga förändringsfaktorerna för offrande, där nybyggare och den kristna missionen lyfts fram som två exempel. Syftet med denna uppsats var att visa att offrandet och offrandets betydelse förändrades genom kontakt med nybyggare och andra kulturmöten, vilken troligtvis var en av orsakerna till förändring av offrandets betydelse. Det andra syftet var att försöka visa att offrandet var mer påtagligt där det "svenska" inflytande var mindre, vilket tyvärr inte kunnat göras. Arbetet har tagit form med hjälp av deskriptiv metod. Arbete är begränsat så till vida att endast ett antal böcker använts, där möjligheten att få tag på många fler fanns, och där offrandet har huvudrollen. De källor som tagits upp sträcker sig från Pehr Högström (1747) till Lennart Lundmark (1998), med koncentration av 1900-talet eftersom de är lättast att få tag på. Slutsatser som drogs var bland annat att, genom att den samiska ungdomen på 1700- och 1800-talen sökte sig till den kultur och religion som kom med nybyggare och kristen mission så slutade man identifiera sig som samer. Detta var troligtvis en av de bidragande orsakerna till att offrandet och dess betydelse förändrades och tillslut försvann ur samernas tro och leverne. Denna uppsats är inte heltäckande för offer och offrande inom samernas religion, utan kan snarare ses som en liten del i en helhet.

Serviceerbjudande : En jämförelse av skola och omsorg mellan Sverige och Virginia (USA). / A Comparison between the Service in the Child-Care and School Systems in Sweden and Virginia (USA).

Ackerstierna, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Syfte: Mitt val av ämne härstammar från egna reflektioner och erfarenheter av att bo och leva i USA ett antal år. Jag har successivt insett att det är större skillnad mellan våra kulturer än vad jag hade förväntat mig. Med tre barn i skolan är kontaktytan mot utbildning stor och det går inte att undvika att göra jämförelser. Ämnet för uppsatsen landade i en jämförelse av serviceerbjudanden med skola och omsorg som tillämpningsområde. Syftet med uppsatsen är att med marknadsföring och service management som teoretisk bas beskriva och analysera serviceerbjudandet gentemot barnfamiljer i Virginia och Sverige. Ytterst är syftet att belysa och diskutera var det är bäst att leva. / Aim: My topic is based on my own experiences from living in the USA for a few years.  Eventually, I realized the differences between our cultures were greater than my expectations. With three children in school you are thoroughly exposed to the education system and it is natural to make comparisons. This study is a comparative assessment of services offered in the areas of education and child-care. The aim for the study was to describe and evaluate service offered to families in Sweden and Virginia by using theories in marketing and service management. The primary aim is to highlight and discuss where is the best place to live.

"Det var hon som bestämde om jag skulle andas eller inte" : mäns erfarenheter av kvinnors våld i nära relationer.

Sandin, Sanna, Högsander, Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att generera ökad förståelse för hur ett urval heterosexuella män som har blivit utsatta för våld av sin partner upplever att våldet påverkat dem. För att uppfylla detta syfte använde vi oss av semistrukturerade intervjuer som spelades in, transkriberades och kodades och därefter analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning på området, maskulinitetsteori, teorin om det ideala offret samt hermeneutisk meningstolkning. Resultaten från vår studie visade att informanterna upplevde ångest, självskadetankar, rädsla och skuld- och skamkänslor. Skamkänslorna var relaterade till den manliga identiteten och skador på denna, genererade av erfarenheten av att vara offer för en kvinnlig förövare. Männen upplevde också att samhället varken ville eller kunde hjälpa dem. Resultaten indikerade att män som utsätts för partnervåld av kvinnor kan drabbas hårt psykiskt, att föreställningar om ”manlighet” riskerar att bidra till deras dåliga psykiska mående, samt att myndigheter behöver bli bättre på att möta dessa män. / The purpose of this essay was to contribute to an improvement in knowledge of the experiences of a selection of heterosexual men regarding female violence in intimate partner relationships and its consequences. In order to fulfill this purpose we used semi structured interviews which were recorded, transcribed, coded and thereafter analyzed using previous research in this field, masculinity theory, the theory of the ideal victim and hermeneutics. The central findings in our study were that the men experienced anxiety, fear, thoughts of harming themselves, guilt and shame as results of the violence. The shame was linked to their male identity. They also experienced a lack of willingness and ability to help from government agencies. These findings indicated, among other things, that government agencies need to improve their strategies in order to help men who are victims of violence from a female partner.

Choice of IPO Mechanisms and Optimal IPO Strategy

Hu, Te-Chung 15 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of offer pricing and share issuing in the issuer with a dynamic model. The result shows: First, the correlation between discount and the prosperity of the market is not a linear function. Thus, ¡¥the IPO¡¦s timing¡¦ should be the key issue of issuing firm, which can reasonably explain the fluctuations in underpricing over time. Second, we also discover that the relationship between the ownership structure and the prosperity of the market is not a liner function as what Bolton and Thadden (1998) have claimed. Third, the firm with low quality prefers to release issuing shares in IPO when the market is booming. Fourth, the less the IPO discount in traditional industry, the more the share releasing. Finally, the more the phenomena of subscription, the more the investors subscribe blindly and generate an effect of the cascade. One of the contributions in this model comprises the views between the prosperity of the market and IPO discount in the literature to integrate a profound viewpoint by dividing the IPO discount into the offer pricing error and the market pricing error. Another finding is that the offer pricing error will decrease subject to the prosperity of the market. This is consistent with the viewpoint of Chemmanur (1993) that when the market is booming, the issuers can decrease the cost of adverse choice. As for the non-linear relation between the market pricing error and the prosperity of the market is coordinate with what Ma(1999) has claimed that IPO discount is influenced by the offer pricing and the market pricing. Besides, the non-linear relationship between ownership structure and the prosperity of market can reasonably account for the real situation. Besides, the benefit of controlling authority is better than the value of the cash flow of the released shares owing to the depression of the market, even the market is turning booming. Therefore, the issuers will minimize releasing share. However, the issuers will increasing released shares up to the market is keeping booming and the value of the cash flow of the released shares is better than the benefit of controlling authority. An auction model is established to analyze the choice of firms between fixed-price offerings and auctions. Chemmanur and Liu(2003) stated that obtaining the auction information is more advanced; however, the cost is high so that it can not catch enough investors to produce information which does not favor the discovery of the secondary market price. On the contrary, we proclaim that the information transmitting effect produced by auction will be helpful to the discovery of the secondary market price. Thus, a profitable company but suffers from high levels of information asymmetry prior to the IPO might expect the secondly market price to reflect its real value by auction. Moreover, the choice of underwriting mechanisms lies in the prosperity of the market, the reputation of the company and the degree of the releasing shares. The result of the empirical study is consistant with the expectation of our model.

Vem är offer, vem är förövare? : En studie om föreställningar gällande våld i nära relationer inom Socialtjänsten

Persson, Ann-Sofi, Johansson, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka vilka föreställningar om våld i nära relationer som socialsekreterare på olika enheter inom Socialtjänsten ger uttryck för samt hur deras handlingsutrymme kan tänkas påverkas av dessa föreställningar. Syftet besvarades genom två fokusgruppsintervjuer med socialsekreterare inom Socialtjänsten. I resultatet framkom att män oftast förknippas med våldsutövande och kvinnor med våldsutsatthet.  Mäns våld uppfattas allvarligare än kvinnors våld och våld i samkönade nära relationer vilket kopplades samman med könsstereotypa föreställningar. Hjälpen till våldsutsatta kvinnor uttrycks bestå i att hon ska lämna mannen och motiveras till detta. Det framkom också föreställningar om att våldsutövare inte vill ha hjälp och att motivera våldsutövare inte ansågs lika viktigt som att motivera kvinnliga offer. En viktig slutsats i studien har varit att de föreställningar Socialsekreterare bär på är betydelsefulla i förståelsen om vem som är offer respektive förövare samt att arbetet med våldsutövare bör lyftas och utvecklas för att förbättras. / Conceptions about domestic violence – who are the victim, who are the perpetrator?   The purpose of this study was to investigate the conceptions social worker, in various units, have of domestic violence, and how their capabilities can be affected by these beliefs. The purpose is answered by two focus group interviews with social workers in Social services. The result showed that men most often associated with the use of violence and women's vulnerability to violence. Men's violence is perceived more severe than women's violence and violence in same-sex intimate relationships, which were connected to gender stereotypes. Help for abused women according to the social workers expression is that she should leave the man, and as a social worker justify that action. It also emerged that aggressors do not want help and to motivate aggressors were not considered as important as to justify female victims. An important conclusion of the study was that the conceptions social worker has are important for the understanding of who are the victims and perpetrators, and the work with perpetrators of violence should emphasize and develops to improve.

Atjekåive : En studie av ett samiskt offerberg i Norrbotten / Atjekaive : Study of a sami sacrificial mountain in Norrbotten

Hrólfsdóttir, Þórey January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Facultative Labour Arbitration as Final Offer Arbitration / Arbitraje Laboral Potestativo como Final Offer Arbitration

Velásquez Meléndez, Raffo 12 April 2018 (has links)
This article explains how it was formed and shaped the Facultative Labour Arbitration optional by the judgments of the Constitutional Court, in order to that the workers or the employer may resort and request the initiation of arbitration which their counterpart must be submitted obligatorily, without previous arbitration clause or agreement. the constitutional system requires that the labor arbitration has to be an alternative mechanism to the negative response of the previous negotiations. / El presente artículo explica cómo se ha formado y perfilado el arbitraje potestativo laboral mediante las sentencias del tribunal Constitucional, con el fin de que los trabajadores o el empleador pueden recurrir y solicitar el inicio de un arbitraje al que su contraparte deberá someterse obligatoriamente, sin necesidad de cláusula arbitral o acuerdo previo. El sistema constitucional exige que el arbitraje laboral sea un mecanismo subsidiario ante la respuesta negativa de las negociacionesprevias.

A expansão do ensino superior na Bahia : a ação do governo estadual

Almeida, Gustavo Roque de January 2005 (has links)
73f. / Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-24T14:23:38Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Almeida, Gustavo.pdf: 558930 bytes, checksum: 9359cb2ec2079fcd2078a7ced369c692 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora Lopes(silopes@ufba.br) on 2013-05-03T19:19:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Almeida, Gustavo.pdf: 558930 bytes, checksum: 9359cb2ec2079fcd2078a7ced369c692 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-03T19:19:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Almeida, Gustavo.pdf: 558930 bytes, checksum: 9359cb2ec2079fcd2078a7ced369c692 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Esta tese surgiu das vivências propiciadas pela atuação do seu autor como professor da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB), ao longo da década de 1990 no município de Itaberaba-Bahia, no que se refere a ter assistido a inúmeros comícios partidários nos quais observava a facilidade com que autoridades constituídas e candidatos a cargos eletivos prometiam instalar faculdades nos municípios por eles visitados. Ao longo desse período, pôde assistir a mais de uma dezena desses comícios realizados por partidos diversos, e em todos eles presenciado a mesma promessa de criação de faculdades para garantir à população a possibilidade de realização de cursos universitários que lhe permitisse formação acadêmica para ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Conhecedor da difícil realidade em que vivia a Universidade citada, caracterizada pela crônica escassez de recursos, espantava-se cada vez que ouvia aquelas promessas, e se indagava que condições tinha o governo do Estado para manter tantas faculdades que vinham sendo criadas, e as que estavam sendo prometidas, sem que os recursos financeiros para seu custeio sofressem um grande incremento. Tal preocupação foi o elemento primordial com vistas a iniciar a investigação a respeito de como o governo do Estado procedia para determinar a expansão da oferta de vagas no ensino superior pela UNEB. A opção foi a de realizar um estudo baseado na busca de fontes que esclarecessem as intenções governamentais de expandir a oferta de vagas, o que poderia constar dos planos de governo, divulgados no início de cada administração, os quais não foram encontrados. A solução encontrada foi recorrer aos depoimentos de sujeitos que estiveram envolvidos com os processos de criação/implantação dessas faculdades, o que efetivamente foi realizado através de entrevistas. Foram ouvidos todos os reitores das quatro universidades estaduais, quadros docentes que tiveram assento no Conselho Superior Universitário (CONSU), da UNEB, e munícipes membros de comissões de implantação. O estudo intenta descobrir quais critérios orientaram a ação do governo estadual, em diversas administrações, a promover a expansão da oferta de vagas na UNEB. Para tanto, procedeu-se a uma caracterização da contemporaneidade, em termos dos rumos que tem tomado a sociedade planetária, sejam eles econômico-políticos sejam socioculturais mostrando, em seguida, as funções da instituição universitária e sua importância, passando então a discutir a expansão da oferta de vagas pela UNEB nos anos 90, sob o prisma dos critérios que nortearam tal expansão. Conclui-se, desta investigação, que o viés político-partidário foi o fator determinante a conduzir a expansão aludida e que, embora tenha havido depoimentos informais sobre o reconhecimento da melhoria da qualidade do desempenho de egressos de alguns desses cursos, a instituição universitária em tela continua a padecer de sérios problemas derivados dessa grande expansão. / Salvador


YURI LEAL NUNES 12 December 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo visa analisar o desempenho de empresas familiares brasileiras, que abriram capital entre os anos de 2007 e 2012 através da performance das ações a partir do ano de 2013 até 2017, já que o discurso sobre o desempenho dessas empresas é controverso devido aos problemas de profissionalização e governança corporativa, por exemplo. Com base em estudos realizados em outros países, foram testadas se empresas familiares brasileiras tem melhor desempenho no mercado de ações do Brasil (BOVESPA) do que empresas não familiares que também abriram capital no mesmo período. Foi usado o CAPM como método para estimar o retorno esperado e comparar com retorno real das ações de empresas familiares e não familiares. Os resultados indicam que dentre as empresas analisadas, as familiares obtiveram melhores resultados, mesmo não havendo diferença na relação risco e retorno apresentado por empresas de ambos os grupos. / [en] This study aims to analyze the performance of Brazilian family companies, which opened capital between 2007 and 2012 through the performance of actions from the year 2013 to 2017, since the discourse on the performance of these companies is controversial due to the problems of professionalization and corporate governance, for example. Based on studies conducted in other countries, it was tested whether Brazilian family companies perform better in the Brazilian stock market (BOVESPA) than non-family companies that also opened equity in the same period. CAPM was used as a method to estimate the expected return and to compare with the real return of the shares of family and non-family companies. The results indicate that among the companies analyzed, the family members obtained better results, even though there was no difference in the risk and return relationship presented by companies of both groups.

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