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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding influential factors in the choice of the selection process : A neglected aspect of the research literature on business incubators / Vad påverkar valet av selektionsprocess? : En försummad aspekt i forskningslitteraturen om företagsinkubatorer

Nilsson, Frida, Sundbeck, Karin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of what factors influence the choice of the selection process in government-funded business incubators. The study was conducted as an abductive multiple case-study of selection processes in Swedish government-funded business incubators. Our findings are summarized in a framework illustrating that owners and financiers stipulate important pre-conditions for the opportunities business incubators have in designing and implementing a certain selection process through their impact on the incubator goal and target group, and subsequently the choice of criteria. The regional context (local economics, level of entrepreneurial activity, collaborations and brand awareness) also stipulate a precondition for the incubator’s choice of the selection process by affecting the inflow of business ideas and therefore the pool of potential candidates available to the incubator. The amount and quality of the inflow mainly reflects in the rigorousness or flexibility in the application criteria. The design of the process, and thus the practices included, is highly influenced by the orientation of managers and operative staff in the incubator, conditioned upon available resources (organizational capabilities and constraints), and influenced by best practices, investor objectives, and macro trends. The study provides implications for research on selection processes in business incubators by highlighting that prior research has had a limited perspective of selection by primarily focusing on criteria and the flexibility and rigorousness in applying these, thus disregarding other practices and prevailing selection as an event rather than a process. Furthermore, we pinpoint several factors affecting the choice of the selection process, not previously discussed in the research literature. The emerging framework may also be used by stakeholders in order to understand how different factors impact the selection process and identify areas that are weak and need to be improved. / Syftet med denna studie är att förbättra förståelsen för vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av urvalsprocess i offentligt finansierade företagsinkubatorer. Studien har en abduktiv ansats och genomfördes som en multipel fallstudie av urvalsprocesser i svenska företagsinkubatorer. Resultaten från studien presenteras i ett teoretiskt ramverk som betonar att ägare och finansiärer utgör viktiga förutsättningar för inkubatorns möjligheter att utforma processen genom deras inverkan på mål och målgrupp. Mål och målgrupp återspeglas främst i valet av kriterier, men kan ha en indirekt påverkan även på det sätt som inkubatorerna arbetar för att uppfylla målen. Den regionala kontexten utgör också en viktig förutsättning för inkubatorers möjligheter genom dess påverkan på inflödet av affärsidéer och därmed poolen av potentiella kandidater som är tillgängliga för inkubatorn. Mängden och kvaliteten på inflödet påverkar i huvudsak huruvida tillämpningen av kriterier är rigorös eller flexibel. Utformningen av processen påverkas i stor utsträckning av den operativa personalens erfarenheter och gemensamma organisatoriska lärande i inkubatorn. Sådant inflytande kan dock till viss del vara begränsat av de resurser i form av medel, tid och personal som finns i inkubatorn. Vi finner även att rådande trender inom jämställdhet och hållbarhet, samt best practices och investerar-objektiv har inflytande på hur inkubatorer väljer att utforma urvalsprocessen. Studien bidrar till forskningen om urvalsprocesser i företagsinkubatorer genom att belysa att tidigare forskning har haft ett begränsat perspektiv på urval genom att enbart fokusera på kriterier samt flexibilitet och rigiditet vid tillämpningen av dessa och därmed bortse från övriga selektionspraxis. För att kunna förstå och förbättra urvalsprocessen bör ett bredare perspektiv på urval inkorporeras i forskningslitteraturen, där urval förstås som en process snarare än ett isolerat skeende. Vidare identifierar vi flera faktorer som påverkar valet av urvalsprocessen, men som inte tidigare diskuterats i forskningslitteraturen. Vårt ramverk kan också stödja olika intressenter att identifiera styrkor och svagheter i det ekosystem de verkar inom såväl som deras egen inverkan på urvalsprocessen.

Nycklar till ämnessamverkan : En didaktisk studie ur ett lärarperspektiv om samverkan med religionskunskap i årskurserna 7–9

Sandström, Matilda, Söderström, Sebastian January 2023 (has links)
Subject collaboration is a working method for teachers that is stated in the school's governing documents. The study has aimed to put subject collaboration with religious education in a context and investigate what subject collaboration looks like in practice, as well as some underlying factors that enable subject cooperation. The goal is to be able to identify keys that can contribute to increasing knowledge about subject collaboration regarding religious education. To study subject collaboration and its key factors, the study includes a qualitative and quantitative survey conducted in two municipalities. In the background, the reader is given a historical curriculum overview starting in Lgr62 and reaching to the current Lgr22. The overview shows that the presentation of policy documents concerning subject collaboration has changed over time. Previous research has highlighted the subject based on different aspects such as the opportunities and difficulties collaboration between subjects can entail, and external factors that can counteract or promote subject collaboration. The theoretical framework for the study is based on social and group psychological theories and concepts. The theoretical starting points for understanding and discussing subject collaboration are: social cognitive theory; social exchange theory; individual and group; cooperation and competition; goals and motivation. The theories are used to shape the starting point for the interpretation that is then made of the empirical evidence. Some key concepts used in the work are subject collaboration and key factors. The results show that the correspondents have a positive attitude towards subject collaboration, but besides the promising approach, collaboration generally takes place to a low extent, regardless of subject. The correspondents consider both the management and themselves to be ultimately responsible for the practice of subject collaboration. The results show that there are key factors. These factors both inhibit but also enable subject collaboration with religious education. These key factors have been categorized in three themes: attitude, organization and knowledge.

En explorativ undersökning av individuella och organisatoriska faktorer för det konstruktiva och destruktiva ledarskapet ur chefens perspektiv

Stusinski, Sabrina, Qazi, Sidra January 2020 (has links)
Leadership style can have major consequences for the employees’ work environment and well-being. There are several theories that focus on the positive aspects of leadership styles, such as transformative, coaching, and situational leadership, which constitute the theoretical frameworks for the present study. It has also been recognized that destructive leadership behaviors can have a negative impact on the employees and the organization. The purpose of the present study was to investigate what, according to managers, characterizes constructive leadership and destructive leadership, and whether these characteristics originate in individual or organizational factors. Four managers working in private companies in Stockholm with varying backgrounds and industries were found through snowball selection and were interviewed. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The result showed that managers characterize constructive leadership as motivation, communication, self-efficacy, coaching approach, situational adjustment, development opportunities, recruitment, and participation. Destructive leadership was characterized as inefficiency, lack of experience, authority-related issues, micro-management lack of time, and organizational culture. These characteristics were further categorized as follows. The individual factors that were identified for constructive leadership were motivation, communication, self-efficacy, coaching approach, situational adjustment and for destructive leadership are inefficiency, lack of experience, authority-related issues and micro-leadership. The organizational factors that were identified for constructive leadership were development opportunities, recruitment, participation, and for destructive leadership the factors were lack of time and organizational culture. The analysis illustrates leadership as a complex process where knowledge about leadership styles gives great possibility to practicing constructive leadership. At the same time, it must be noted that organizational factors have a major impact on the leaders' ability to apply constructive leadership and, in the worst-case scenario, can result in behaviors leading to destructive leadership. The study is very limited in terms of representativeness since the population was very small and the purpose was explorative. / Ledarskapets utformning kan innebära stora konsekvenser för de anställdas arbetsmiljö och välmående. Det finns flera teorier om ledarskapsstilar som fokuserar på de positiva aspekterna av ledarskap, såsom transformativt, coachande och situationsanpassat ledarskapsstil, vilka utgör teoretisk ram för denna uppsats. Det har även uppmärksammats att destruktiva ledarbeteenden kan ha en negativ inverkan på de anställda och organisationen. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vad chefer anser orsakar ett konstruktivt respektive destruktivt ledarskap samt vilka av dessa orsaker anser chefer härstammar i individuella respektive organisatoriska faktorer. Första frågeställningen var; vad anser chefer kännetecknar ett konstruktivt respektive destruktivt ledarskap? Den andra frågeställningen var; vilka av dessa kännetecken anser chefer härstammar i individuella respektive organisatoriska faktorer? Fyra stycken chefer inom privata företag i Stockholm med varierande bakgrund och bransch hittades genom snöbollsurval och intervjuades. Data analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att chefer anser att konstruktivt ledarskap kännetecknas av motivation, kommunikation, självbestämmelse, coachande förhållningssätt, situationsanpassning, utvecklingsmöjligheter, rekrytering, delaktighet och destruktivt ledarskap kännetecknas av ineffektivitet, erfarenhetsbrist, auktoritetsproblematik, mikroledarskap tidsbrist och bristande organisationskultur. Dessa faktorer delas upp i individuella och organisatoriska faktorer enligt följande. Individuella faktorer som identifierades för konstruktivt ledarskap var motivation, kommunikation, självbestämmelse, coachande förhållningssätt och situationsanpassning. För destruktivt ledarskap identifierades ineffektivitet, erfarenhetsbrist, auktoritetsproblematik och mikroledarskap som individuella faktorer. De organisatoriska faktorer som identifierades för konstruktivt ledarskap var utvecklingsmöjligheter, rekrytering, delaktighet och för destruktivt ledarskap identifierades faktorerna tidsbrist och organisationskultur. Analysen åskådliggör ledarskapet som en komplex process där kunskap kring ledarskapsstilar ger stor fördel för tillämpning av ett konstruktivt ledarskap. Samtidigt måste det uppmärksammas att organisatoriska faktorer har storpåverkan på ledarnas möjlighet till tillämpning av ett konstruktivt ledarskap och kan i värsta fall resultera i beteenden som leder till destruktivt ledarskap. Studien är kraftigt begränsat i termer av representativitet då urvalet var mycket litet och syftet var explorativt.

臺灣前五百大服務業企業網站之公關效果評估指標研究 / The Effectiveness of Public Relations on Online Media— A Study of Taiwan's Top 500 Corporations of Service Industry in 2010

葉育瑋, Yeh, Yu-wei Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,網際網路發展迅速,公共關係人員利用網路媒體向利益關係人進行溝通已為必然之勢。孫秀蕙曾以2003年台灣五百大服務業之企業網站做為分析樣本,建立可供衡量的企業網站公關效果指標。奠基於此,本文將以2010年《天下雜誌》1000大企業大調查資料中的500大服務業作為研究樣本,將「企業網站公關效果評估指標」界定為「營利性組織透過網站與目標公眾進行溝通的表現程度」,用內容分析法來了解目前服務業設置網路媒體之現況,進而分析各種經營與發展的可能性;並透過個案訪談,以了解企業經營網路媒體的模式究竟為何,其操作細節又是如何。 本研究以Esrock & Leichty對企業網站內容之架構為基礎,將功能與技術指標合併,並新增互動性指標,共分為目標公眾內容、網站功能與互動性三構面,與組織性因素(產業別、員工人數、營業額、有無上市等)進行交叉研究,以了解組織性因素對於網站公關效果可能的影響。 研究發現,時間因素不影響組織性因素與網站建置之關係,但公共議題討論之發展隨時間影響有所改變。本研究推估營業額較小的企業,因其所擁有媒體資源較少,故更積極大膽運用網路媒體。而大企業在資訊發佈上考量較多,在網路策略上則較為保守。整體言,企業越來越重視網路媒體,各種內容與運用形式隨時間與科技發展更趨完善。 / With advances in technology, the terrain of public relations practices needs to be re-defined as new media bring about substantial changes in communication patterns. Based on the framework Hsiu-hui Sun had established in 2003, which attempts to measure the effectiveness of corporate website, this study used quantitative content analysis to assess current Taiwan's top 500 corporate of service industry's effectiveness of public relations on online media which are defined as the degree of performance level for corporations’ internet communication. In addition, a case study is conducted to understand the rationale and operational details of the online corporate public relations. Adopting the theoretical framework from Esrock & Leichty, this study combines the functional and technical indicators and categorizes them into three dimensions, including target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction. Because past research found that the size and resources of organizations were positively related to their overall performance, including the quality of public relations efforts. Therefore, in the present study we posit that target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction as indicators of public relations effectiveness are associated with organizational resourcefulness (i.e., factors). Findings suggest that time factor does not affect the relationship between organizational factors and the presence of website. However, time factor is relevant to the awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility. We conclude that small business with fewer media resources tends to leverage internet media more progressively. On the contrary, big corporations are more conservative toward utilizing the Internet. To sum up, corporations nowadays take the role of the Internet media more seriously. The content and applications of the Internet become more important for business communication as time and technology evolves.

Business Value of the CRM Approach : the Case of 5 Stars Hotels in Lebanon / Business Value de l'approche CRM : le cas des hôtels 5 étoiles au Liban : résumé substantiel en français en page 300

Nakhoul, Imad 31 March 2011 (has links)
Business Value of the CRM Approach – the Case of 5 Stars Hotels in Lebanon (Business Value de l'approche CRM – le cas des hôtels 5 étoiles au Liban) Le Customer Relationship Management (CRM) est un processus continu à l'échelle organisationnelle. Il permet une approche systémique pour aligner les différents processus, les technologies, et le client. L'application de l'approche CRM dans l'hôtel accompagne le cycle-client pendant toutes ses étapes. C'est une approche continue qui est définie par deux activités principales : l'analyse et l'action. Ces deux actions forment une boucle qui gère la relation client, tant que cette relation existe entre le client et l'hôtel. Le succès de cette approche à accroître la fidélisation des clients et à favoriser la rétention de clients a incité les hôtels à se concentrer sur le CRM. Malgré les importants investissements dans le CRM, nombreux sont les projets CRM qui ne parviennent pas à atteindre les objectifs attendus. Néanmoins, une poignée de projets CRM réussis démontre à la fois une preuve du concept et des lignes directrices pour une approche réussite. Notre recherche vise à éclaircir la « business value » de l'approche CRM dans les hôtels. Elle réunie le concept de l'identification des facteurs clés de succès et le concept de l'impact du CRM sur la performance organisationnelle en un seul modèle de recherche. Cette étude a été achevée en examinant l'approche CRM des hôtels 5 étoiles au Liban. L'échantillon final représente 87,5% de ces hôtels. / Business Value of the CRM Approach – the Case of 5 Stars Hotels in Lebanon Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an organizational-wide ongoing process. It provides a systemic approach to aligning business processes, technologies, and the customer. The application of the CRM approach in the hospitality sector accompanies the guest cycle in all its stages. It is an ongoing process defined by two main activities: the analysis and the action which are repeated as long as the relationship exists between the hotel and its customer. The success of this ongoing approach in increasing customer loyalty and fostering customer retention has yielded into the development of hotels' concentrations towards the CRM. Despite the extensive investments in CRM, numerous CRM projects fail to meet the expected business goals. Nevertheless, a handful of successful CRM projects give both a proof-of-concept and a guideline for a successful CRM approach. This research is intended to illuminate the business value of CRM approach in hotels. It brings together the concept of identifying the critical success factors of the CRM approach, and the impact of the CRM approach on the organizational performance in a single research model. This study was completed by examining the CRM approach in 5 stars hotels in Lebanon. The final sample represents 87.5% of the 5 stars hotels in Lebanon.

Um estudo sobre os fatores organizacionais que influenciam a gestão de portfólio de projetos de TIC

Larieira, Cláudio Luís Carvalho 11 December 2013 (has links)
Submitted by claudio larieira (larieira@hotmail.com) on 2014-01-08T14:14:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese sobre Gestão de Portfolio de Projetos de TI - Claudio Larieira - texto final.pdf: 3209042 bytes, checksum: abe31ab5bddfaffb5d6db4ba9ee6688e (MD5) / Rejected by Vera Lúcia Mourão (vera.mourao@fgv.br), reason: Prezado aluno, antes de postar na biblioteca digital você deve providenciar a ficha catalográfica, verifique o e-mail enviado pela Suzinei, tem as instruções sobre como fazer. Outro ponto o titulo do seu trabalho está diferente do que consta em nossos arquivos, sistema e ata, caso a banca examinadora tenha sugerido alteração ou o seu orientador, para que possamos corrigir o seu orientador deverá encaminhar uma mensagem com o novo título, caso não tenha essa sugestão deverá constar conforme segue: "Um estudo sobre os fatores organizacionais que influenciam a gestão de portfólio de projetos de TIC". abs. Vera on 2014-01-08T15:24:35Z (GMT) / Submitted by claudio larieira (larieira@hotmail.com) on 2014-01-09T15:30:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese sobre Gestão de Portfolio de Projetos de TI - Claudio Larieira - texto final.pdf: 3210468 bytes, checksum: 7b4be2fc34ce1e992285271a1849d36b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vera Lúcia Mourão (vera.mourao@fgv.br) on 2014-01-09T15:41:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese sobre Gestão de Portfolio de Projetos de TI - Claudio Larieira - texto final.pdf: 3210468 bytes, checksum: 7b4be2fc34ce1e992285271a1849d36b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-09T16:19:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese sobre Gestão de Portfolio de Projetos de TI - Claudio Larieira - texto final.pdf: 3210468 bytes, checksum: 7b4be2fc34ce1e992285271a1849d36b (MD5) Previous issue date: 13-12-11 / Organizations may manage their operations more efficiently and leverage business strategies through Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), enabling them to add competitive advantages required for success and enterprise sustainability. Scholars and business leaders often dispute the value ICT brings to businesses because of high investment required for acquisition, implementation, and maintenance. Markowitz’s Portfolio Analysis dealt with financial investments. Other authors extended his proposition to project’s assessment, selection and prioritization, creating Project Portfolio Management. Subsequently, the concept was applied to ICT Project Portfolio Management was proposed. Various organizational factors can influence the execution of this process, beyond inherent technical and methodological issues. This thesis identified organizational factors that affect ICT Project Portfolio Management and analyzed their influence on the process. The research is of an applied nature, qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, and was executed in multiple case studies through analysis of three mid-sized commercial Brazilian banks. This thesis’ main contribution is reached through the creation of a conceptual structure that represents various organizational factors that influence ICT Project Portfolio Management. There are indications that organizational factors have great influence on this process, given the responses obtained in interviews with professionals of the banks analyzed. / A Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) permite que as empresas realizem suas operações de maneira mais eficiente, alavanquem suas estratégias de negócio e tragam assim as vantagens competitivas necessárias para o sucesso e perenidade do empreendimento. É constante nos meios acadêmicos e empresariais o questionamento sobre o valor que a TIC efetivamente traz ao negócio dados os altos investimentos necessários para sua aquisição, implementação e manutenção. A partir da proposição seminal de Markowitz sobre a Análise de Portfólio (que tratou especificamente dos investimentos financeiros), outros autores estenderam este conceito para realizar a avaliação, seleção e priorização de projetos, criando o que atualmente se denomina de Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos. A Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos, por sua vez, foi posteriormente estendida para os projetos de TIC e foi proposta então a abordagem de Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC. Além das questões meramente técnicas ou metodológicas, vários fatores organizacionais estão presentes na execução deste processo e podem influenciá-lo. Este trabalho identifica os fatores organizacionais que envolvem a Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC e analisa as influências que estes fatores trazem sobre o processo citado. A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo e é operacionalizada através da realização de estudos de caso múltiplos em 3 (três) bancos médios comerciais brasileiros. A principal contribuição deste trabalho é a proposição de uma estrutura conceitual que representa os diversos fatores organizacionais que influenciam a Gestão de Portfólio de Projetos de TIC em uma organização. Há indícios de que os fatores organizacionais têm grande influência sobre este processo dadas as respostas obtidas nas entrevistas com os profissionais dos bancos analisados.

Chefer vid vägs ände : En fenomenologisk fallstudie om organisatoriska faktorers påverkan på vårdenhetschefers beslut att lämna sin befattning / Managers at the end of the road : A phenomenological case study on the impact of organizational factors on public health managers' decision to leave their position

Jendle, Hampus, Nilsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Enhetschefer inom offentlig vård- och omsorgsverksamhet spelar en betydelsefull roll i uppdraget att leverera välfärdsarbete av hög kvalitet. Samtidigt präglas enhetschefsbefattningar av höga personalomsättningsnivåer i kommuner runt om i landet. Hur organisatoriska förutsättningar påverkar enhetschefer inom vård och omsorg i valet att avsluta sin anställning är inte fullt förstått. Syftet med föreliggande studie är därför att undersöka tidigare enhetschefers upplevda erfarenhet av att arbeta som enhetschef inom en offentlig vård- och omsorgsverksamhet och hur de organisatoriska förutsättningarna påverkat dem i valet att avsluta sin anställning. Genom en fenomenologisk fallstudie av en vård- och omsorgsverksamhet i en svensk kommun har 17 tidigare chefer intervjuats kring deras upplevelse av sin tidigare roll och anledningar till att ha avslutat sin anställning. Studiens resultat visar att enhetschefer inom vård- och omsorg påverkas av ett samspel mellan en rad organisatoriska faktorer i beslutet att avsluta sin anställning innefattande arbetskontroll, rollotydlighet, kontrollspann, illegitima arbetsuppgifter, kollegialt och organisatoriskt stöd samt logikkonflikter. Praktiska implikationer för att upprätta en hållbar enhetschefsroll inom offentlig vård- och omsorgsverksamhet diskuteras. / Line managers in the public health sector play a vital role in delivering high-quality welfare services. At the same time, the role of line managers demonstrates high turnover rates in municipalities throughout the country. As to how organizational work environment factors influence line managers in their decision to voluntary leave their employment is not fully understood. The purpose of the current study is therefore to investigate previous line managers’ lived experience of what it is like to work as a line manager within the public health sector and how various organizational factors affected them in their decision to leave their role. Through a phenomenological case study of a public health organization in a Swedish municipality, 17 previous line managers were interviewed regarding their lived experience as health sector line managers and reasons for leaving. The results reveal that public health sector line managers are affected by the interaction of various organizational factors in their decision to voluntary leave their employment including job control, role ambiguity, span of control, illegitimate tasks, colleague and organizational support as well as conflict of logics. Practical implications for restituting a sustainable line manager role within public health sector organizations are discussed.

Att inte räcka till : – Vårdpersonals uppfattningar om organisatoriska faktorers betydelse för utmattningssyndrom: En tolkande fenomenologisk analys / To not be enough : – Healthcare staffs’ understandings how organisational factors impact on burnout syndrome: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

Nilsson, Cassandra January 2021 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa, dit utmattningssyndrom hör, är en av de vanligast förekommande orsakerna till längre sjukskrivningar i Sverige. Detta är särskilt vanligt i människonära yrken, såsom vård och omsorg. Detta är väl utforskat, men vad som är mindre väl utforskat är de organisatoriska faktorer som bidrar till förekomsten av utmattningssyndrom. I en tolkande fenomenologisk analys av fem personers upplevelse av utmattningssyndrom framkom att tung arbetsbörda; bristande ledarskap; brister i det sociala stödet och brist på återhämtning lyftes fram som faktorer som påverkat att de hade drabbats av utmattningssyndrom. Särskilt bristen av återhämtning lyftes fram som viktig. Detta hängde ofta samman med nya typer av scheman, bland annat så kallade hälsoscheman (scheman framtagna i linje med rådande forskning kring bra skiftscheman, ofta med fokus på att korta nattarbetarnas arbetspass från tio till åtta timmar). Intressanta studieområden för framtiden borde således vara återhämtningens roll i förhindrandet av eller uppkomsten av utmattningssyndrom samt att närmare studera vad införandet av dessa hälsoscheman betyder. / Mental health issues, among them burnout syndrome, are one of the common causes behind longer sick leave absences in Sweden. They’re especially common in sectors working closely with people, such as healthcare. This area is well explored, but what is less researched is the organisational factors that contribute to the occurrence of burnout syndrome. In an interpretative phenomenological analysis of five persons’ experience of burnout, it was found that heavy workload, deficient leadership, a lack of social support and a lack of recuperation was seen as factors that impacted on persons with  burn out syndrome. Especially lack of recuperation was pointed out as significant. It was often seen linked to new types of work schedules, particularly what is known as health schedules (schedules developed according to research about what constitutes a good shift schedule, often focusing on shortening night-workers’ shifts from ten to eight hours). Interesting areas for future research should therefore be the role of recuperation as prevention of or cause of burnout, as well studies about the implementation of these health schedules.

Synthesizing Undergraduate College Student Persistence: A Meta-analytic Structural Equation Model

Dolan, Amanda Avery 09 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Handlingsutrymmets betydelse i arbetet med våldsutsatta kvinnor med ett missbruk : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas handlingsutrymme i arbetet med att tillhandahålla stöd till våldsutsatta kvinnor med ett missbruk inom kvinnojoursverksamhet / The importance of professional discretion in providing support to women who are victims of violence and substance abuse

Ekhem, Agnes, Alnemo Hesselgård, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a recognized and widely discussed social problem  that affects women in a global perspective. One group that is considered to be particularly vulnerable are women who have been subjected to violence and also struggle with addiction. There are relatively few studies that have been conducted in this field, especially on how women's shelters work with these women. This essay aims to increase knowledge about the professional discretion in providing support to women who have been subjected to violence and struggle with addiction within women's shelters. We chose to analyze the data by using Lipsky's theory of Street-Level Bureaucracy, where we focused on the professionals' discretion. The empirical material consisted of semi-structured interviews with eight professionals from various women's shelters. The results show that the professional's discretion is influenced by individual factors in the form of their own attitudes towards the women and their view of the assignment. The results also show that organizational factors such as the board's interests, financial resources and competence, affects the professional's discretion.

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