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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur sjuksköterskors upplevda hälsa påverkas av att arbeta i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård under Covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / How work in municipal healthcare during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic affect nurses and their percieved health : A qualitative interview study

Ekerfelt, Sara, Lindblom, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Världen har drabbats av pandemier åtskilliga gånger under historiens gång. Den 11 mars 2020 stod det klart att världen drabbats av en ny pandemi, viruset SARS-Cov-2 som orsakar sjukdomen Covid-19. Alla världens länder vidtog olika åtgärder för att försöka begränsa smittspridningen. Sverige gick in i denna pandemi med otillräckliga lager av skyddsutrustning, lågt antal vårdplatser och begränsat med vårdpersonal. Arbetsbelastningen under en pandemi förväntas öka, vilket innebär att sjuksköterskor riskerar att utsättas för stor stress, som kan komma att påverka deras hälsa negativt. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur arbete i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård under pågående pandemi påverkar sjuksköterskors upplevda hälsa. Metod: Studien genomfördes med en induktiv ansats. Data samlades in genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer. Åtta sjuksköterskor, varav sex inom ordinärt boende och två från särskilt boende, deltog i studien. Datainsamlingen analyserades utifrån en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Det framkom tre kategorier och åtta underkategorier. Första kategorin blev organisationens påverkan som inkluderade underkategorierna bristande riktlinjer, okunskap kring sjukdomen och ökade krav, som upplevdes orsaka ökad arbetsbelastning. Emotionella påfrestningar bestod av ensamhet, rädsla för sjukdomen och brist på återhämtning. Sjuksköterskor upplevde sig ensamma på både arbetet och privat. De hade en rädsla för sjukdomen, både för att själva bli smittade och för att smitta familj och vänner. Den ökade stressen som arbetet innebar gjorde att sjuksköterskor upplevde brist på återhämtning. Den tredje kategorin var etisk stress som omfattade underkategorierna otillräcklighet och att arbeta mot sina värderingar. På grund av bristande resurser upplevde sjuksköterskor att de tvingades ta beslut som gick emot deras egna värderingar. Slutsats: Sammanfattningsvis indikerar den aktuella studien att brist på riktlinjer, okunskap om sjukdomen och ökade krav tillsammans med emotionella påfrestningar och etisk stress, är faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskors upplevda hälsa negativt när de arbetar inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård. / Background: The world has been facing pandemics several times during our history. The eleventh of March 2020, the world was facing a new pandemic, the disease Covid-19, caused by the virus SARS-cov-2. Countries all over the world took actions to prevent the virus from spreading. Sweden faced the pandemic with limited amount of supplies of protective gear and a low number of both hospital beds and caregivers. The workload during a pandemic is supposedly increased, and may affect the levels on stress to nurses, and in the long term have a negative effect on their health. Purpose: The aim of the study was to examine how work in municipal healthcare during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic affect nurses and their perceived health. Method: The study had a qualitative design with an inductive approach. Data was collected through semi structured interviews. Eight nurses, of which six worked in ordinary homes and two of them worked in nursing homes, participated in the study. The material was transcribed and analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: Three categories and eight subcategories emerged. The first category, impact of the organization included the subcategories lack of guidelines, ignorance of the disease and increased demands, altogether experienced as causing increased workload. Emotional stress comprised loneliness, fear of disease and lack of recovery. Nurses felt alone both at work and in private. They had a fear of the disease, both to become ill themselves and to infect family and friends. The increased stress that the work entailed meant that the nurses experienced a lack of recovery. The third emerged category was ethical stress comprising the subcategories inadequacy and working in disagreement with one’s personal ethical values. Due to lack of resources, nurses experienced a feeling of inadequacy and that they were forced to make decisions that went against their own values. Conclusion: In conclusion, the current study indicates that lack of guidelines, ignorance of the disease and increased demands together with emotional and ethical stress are factors affecting nurses perceived health negatively when working in municipal healthcare during a pandemic.

Gestaltning i coronapandemin : En kvalitativ studie av Aftonbladet och SVTs rapportering / Coverage of the corona pandemic. A qualitative study of Aftonbladet and SVT's reporting

Hällsten, Amanda, Janeröd, Elin January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study how events associated to the coronavirus has been portrayed in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the public service-company SVT. To concretize the aim, we formulated two questions; is there any overall differences and similarities between SVT and Aftonbladets way to angle their news, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities, do SVT’s and Aftonbladet’s reporting differ in terms of storytelling techniques in the articles associated to the coronavirus, if the answer is yes, what are the differences and similarities. The method chosen to investigate these questions was a qualitative content analysis with a focus on storytelling techniques. The chosen theories to support the method was framing, media logic, agenda setting and news rating & storytelling techniques. In the analysis we came to the conclusion that Aftonbladet and SVT in many of their articles have used almost the same angle, although the angles of Aftonbladet was more explicit and not as unbiased as SVT’s news articles. During our time studying SVT and Aftonbladet we saw that in the videos that belonged to the articles, Aftonbladet used interviews with persons who had participated in the press conferences, instead of publishing parts from the press conference in the videos, which SVT did. SVT hasn’t, in any of the cases, published an interview with, for example, a doctor or a representative from Folkhälsomyndigheten. It gives a more personal impression to interview individuals, than to publish parts from a press conference. We also saw that Aftonbladet used more storytelling techniques, especially accentuation and intensification in their framing of events connected to the virus, it was especially noticeable in the article about the first death. Something that surprised us during the work with the analysis was the fact that neither Aftonbladet nor SVT have been more critical to the government’s decisions in their reports. Perhaps because the trust in the authorities is high among the audience.

Donald Trump’s Communication During COVID-19 Pandemic On Twitter

Berzleja, Zane, Kertész, Fanni January 2020 (has links)
The year 2020 started with the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. This socio-economic crisis has led to changes in our society as several restrictions were demanded, such as self-quarantining, wearing face masks and social distancing to limit the spread of the Coronavirus. This resulted in a high need for online communication. The United States of America has reached and maintained a high death rate in comparison to other countries. Therefore, this paper researches what are the characteristics of the U.S. President’s, Donald Trump, communication in relation to COVID-19. The paper reviews literature on Trump’s language and communication style, his political incorrectness, and his habits on Twitter communication during the election in 2016. Moreover, it describes theoretical key terms, such as political mediatization, networked society, and further uses Castells’ concept of mass self-communication as a framework for the content analysis. The resource for this analysis is Trump’s official Twitter account, where 4018 tweets were retrieved from March, April, February and June in 2020. Out of those tweets, 638 are COVID-19 related tweets. Key findings show that Trump is using a simple (casual) and offensive tone of voice in his tweets. His Twitter communication demonstrates attacking his opponents and others in a politically incorrect manner while praising himself. Along with negative partisanship and idealization of pressing issues with no coherent and factual arguments. Furthermore, he is using the pandemic as a tool for reaching his political goals, thus politicizing the COVID-19 pandemic on his Twitter account.

Design through vulnerability: Designing presence in a time of pandemic

Troel--Madec, Maureen T. January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores the dimensions of an emerging vulnerable design space in the context of COVID-19 pandemic through a design process that rethinks designer's presence and power in a context of remote exploration and embraces diary as a method and prototype to integrate interdisciplinary research in exploring different temporalities to record the past, to deal with the present and to speculate about what can happen afterwards.

Fear of influenza vaccination in the event of an epidemic : Perceptions of threat and trust in two socioeconomically different areas of Stockholm

Jansson Öhlén, Linn January 2019 (has links)
In recent history, four influenza pandemics have occurred causing worldwide suffering. It is only a matter of time when a fifth pandemic will emerge. The willingness of the public to perform recommended precautionary actions is central for successful outbreak management, where the most important measure is vaccination. Trust in the health care system as well as personal perceptions of the threat of a pandemic can influence the publics willingness to perform precautionary actions. Aims: This study seeks to analyze how the public in two socioeconomically different areas of Stockholm perceive the threat of a possible future epidemic, their level of trust in the health system and what precautionary actions they are willing to perform. Methods: questioners with respondents from two socioeconomically different areas in Stockholm (Tensta and Danderyd) were gathered and have been statistically analyzed and interpreted using the health belief model and theories about trust. Results: The study showed that a higher level of perceived benefits of precautionary actions and a higher level of worriedness to get seriously ill if infected during an influenza epidemic were correlated with a higher level of willingness to follow precautionary actions. A significant association between unwillingness to vaccinate and perceived barriers to vaccination (that it can be harmful to the health) was also found. Trust in the health system was significantly lower in Tensta compared to Danderyd and higher trust in the health system was found to lead to higher perceived benefits of precautionary actions. Additionally, respondents with higher trust in information from the health care were generally more willing to vaccinate. Finally, no demographic determinants except age was shown to influence perceptions about precautionary actions and threat. Conclutions: Willingness to perform precautionary actions were influenced by worriedness, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, age and trust in the health care. Efforts might thus be needed to increase the trust in the health system in socioeconomically weak areas, as well as to increase the trust in influenza vaccination in general.

Emerging Diabetes Pandemic in India: A Case Study for an Integrative Approach

Chaudhry, Chhaya Sanjeev 01 January 2014 (has links)
Every day, India sees the addition of 5,000 new cases of diabetes to its current diabetic population of 65 million people. This number is projected to cross the 100 million mark in 15 years. The emerging pandemic scale of diabetes growth is straining India's already-overburdened public healthcare resources. India is home to several well-established native and adapted foreign traditions of medicine that are widely practiced. These traditions include Ayurveda, yoga and naturopathy, unani, siddha, and homeopathy. The modern and traditional medicine approaches are extensively used as independent systems. The purpose of this qualitative research case study was to evaluate the use of an integrative approach to address the multiple challenges posed by diabetes in India. The research design for the case study was based on the theoretical framework of participatory action research. The research questions evaluated how the modern and traditional medicine systems can be jointly used to contain the spread, scale, and immensity of diabetes in India and examined the barriers and challenges in combining various systems of medicine. Data were collected from interviews with 30 modern and traditional medical practitioners and 6 policy makers identified through a stratified purposeful sampling process. The transcribed data were coded thematically and objectively analyzed. The trustworthiness of interpretations was bolstered with triangulation through records from notes and observations. In evaluating the feasibility of a synergistic and integrative approach, the study filled a gap in scholarly literature. The study contributes to social change by adding to the existing body of knowledge available to physicians and patients in preventing and containing the diabetes pandemic.

Pregnant in a pandemic : stress techniques for a healthy pregnancy during a pandemic

Anderson Levin, Courtne, Balck-Norman, Elin January 2021 (has links)
År 2019 drabbades världen av det nya Coronaviruset; SARS-CoV-2 som är det virus som orsakar sjukdomen COVID-19. Viruset har orsakat en internationell pandemi. Studier visar att gravida som insjuknar i COVID-19 under senare delen av graviditeten löper risk att föda prematurt. En pandemin kan ha påverkan på gravida kvinnors fysiska och psykiska hälsa. En viktig egenskap hos barnmorskan är att kunna bedöma, stödja och planera vården för gravida. Syftet med denna studie var att identifiera metoder som kan användas under en pandemi för att minska stress hos kvinnor under graviditeten och tiden efter barnets födelse. En litteraturöversikt genomfördes för att kartlägga befintlig kunskap inom området. I resultatet inkluderades 16 artiklar efter att ha genomgått en kvalitetsanalys. Resultatet togs fram genomen integrerad analys, vilket tydliggjorde faktorer som både ökade och minskade upplevd stress hos gravida under pandemin. Dessa faktorer var: oro angående hälsa, bristfälligt stöd, brist av fysisk aktivitet och sömn, ekonomisk oro, sociodemografiska faktorer, samt skyddande faktorer. Metoder som visade sig minska stress hos gravida kvinnor var tillgång till information och icke-farmakologiska behandlingar. Resultatet påvisade att upplevd stress hos gravida kvinnor under en pandemi kan minska genom ett ökat stöd, användning av metoder såsom mindfullness och fysiskt aktivitet, samt tillgång till information. Genom att aktivt arbeta med att förebygga psykisk ohälsa kan barnmorskor vara ett bra stöd för gravida kvinnor under en pandemi. / In 2019, the world was introduced to a new Coronavirus; SARS-CoV-2 which is the virus that causes the disease COVID-19. The virus has created an international pandemic. Studies show that pregnant women who fall ill with COVID-19 during the latter parts of pregnancy are at risk of premature birth. A pandemic can have an impact on pregnant women’s physical and mental health. Important characteristics of the midwife are to be able to assess, support and plan the care of pregnant women. The aim of this study was to identify methods to reduce stress for women during pregnancy and after childbirth. A literary review was conducted in order to identify current knowledge about stress in pregnancy during a pandemic. The result included 16 articles that were critically analyzed. The result was extracted through an integrated analysis, which presented factors that both increased and decreased perceived stress amongst pregnant women. These factors included: worries about health, lack of support, lack of physical activity and sleep, financial concerns, sociodemographic factors and protective factors. Methods found to reduce stress in pregnant women included having access to information and using non-pharmacological treatments. The result revealed that the perceived stress in pregnant women during a pandemic can be reduced by increasing support, using methods such as mindfulness, being physically active and having access to information. By actively working to prevent mental illness midwives can be a good support for pregnant women during a pandemic.

Förskollärares upplevelser av att samarbeta med vårdnadshavare under pågående covid19-pandemi / Preschool teachers’ experiences of collaboration with legal guardians during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic

Engberg, Mia-Maria January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka och skapa förståelse för förskollärares upplevelser av att samarbeta med vårdnadshavare under pågående covid-19-pandemi. I studien har jag utgått utifrån ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv och genomfört kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer. Jag har använt mig av förutbestämda kriterier samt ett bekvämlighetsurval för att komma i kontakt med de intervjuade. Insamlad data har därefter bearbetats i en tematisk analys där temat Mötesupplevelser framträdde. Pandemin har föranlett att myndigheter har utfärdat riktlinjer i syfte att minska smittspridningen. Studien visar att förskollärare upplever att detta har skapat nya förutsättningar och utmaningar för förskolorna samt i förskollärarnas samarbete med vårdnadshavarna när det gäller delaktighet och inflytande. Det framkommer i resultatet att det till stor del funnits en hög medvetenhet samt acceptans, både bland förskollärare och vårdnadshavare, till att anpassa sig till de nya rutiner som skapats rörande samarbetet mellan de två parterna. / The purpose of this study is to investigate and create an understanding for preschool teachers’ experiences of collaboration with legal guardians during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic. In this study I have applied a phenomenological approach and conducted semi-structured interviews. I have used established criteria as well as convenience sampling in order to make contact with the interviewees. The collected data has then been addressed with a thematic analysis where the theme Experiences of Meetings emerged. Due to the pandemic Swedish authorities have drawn up guidelines with the purpose of reducing the spread of the virus. This study demonstrates that preschool teachers’ have experienced that these guidelines have caused new conditions and challenges for preschools as well as for the preschool teachers’ relationships to legal guardians in the context of participation and influence. The result demonstrates that there has been a high level of awareness and acceptance, both among preschool teachers and legal guardians, to adapt to the new routines which have been set up concerning the relationship between the two parties.

Pandemrix- en brytpunkt? : En komparativ studie om nyhetsmedias gestaltning av vaccin under två pandemier

Kelly, Joel, Larsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
The differential framing of societal concerns within news articles influences the decision makingof the readers which in turn has consequences on a social scale. In light of this it should bedeemed important to analyse how vaccines are portrayed in news articles and that is the purposeof this study. A qualitative content analysis was carried through by comparing how vaccineswere portrayed in news articles in two Swedish news outlets during two largely similar events,namely the swine flu pandemic and the covid-19 pandemic. This was concretized into fourresearch questions which were: ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame the vaccine against H1N1 before and inconjunction to the launch of Pandemrix? ● How does DN and Aftonbladet frame vaccines against Covid- 19 before and inconjunction to the launch of the vaccines against Covid-19? ● What differences are there between the two vaccination campaigns? ● Are there references to Pandemrix and its vaccination campaign in the reportingof the Covid- 19 vaccines? To answer these questions, framing theory was used to analyse the articles and the termintertextuality was implemented within the theoretical framework to broaden the analytical depthand help explain the use of references during the covid-19 reporting. The used method entails anabductive approach where coding and thematization was based not only on framing theory butalso on empiricism, i.e. open ended. The results showed there are major differences in terms of what was the focal point during thetwo campaigns. During the swine flu most of the articles dealt with logistical concerns as well asthe wary of costs in regards to the vaccine, whereas during the covid- 19 pandemic most articlesdealt with questions relating to possible side effects and the manufacturing process of thevaccines. References to Pandemrix and its consequences was found in 25% of the articlesanalyzed during the covid-19 reporting. Both campaigns however, stressed the importance oftaking the vaccine.

Benford’s Law and its Ramifications, especially in the Context of COVID-19 Infections and Deaths

Ghaderian, Mostafa January 2021 (has links)
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