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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kungen är en kvinna : retorik och praktik kring kvinnliga monarker under tidigmodern tid / The king is a woman : the female monarch in rhetoric and practice during the early modern era

Tegenborg Falkdalen, Karin January 2003 (has links)
The aim of the present dissertation is to investigate and discuss the political debate on female monarchs during the early modern era (principally circa 1600 to 1720), while specifically pro- blematizing the relationship between rhetoric and practice. The study consists of three sections. The first comprises a study of regulations concerning female succession in the era, highlighting the relationship between the principles of gender and consanguinuity. The second section studies the debate both for and against female monarchs in general, analyzing the arguments presented by Swedish and English debatteurs and European legislators. The third section discusses the perception of female monarchs in practice. Here the focus is on Queens Christina (1632-54) and Ulrika Eleonora (1719-1720), who are both compa­red with each another and other reigning monarchs, primarily the English Queens Elizabeth I (1558-1603), Mary II (1689-94) and Anna Stuart (1702-14). This section is divided into four the­matic subsections: female monarchs in relation to ascension to the throne; education; war; and marriage. Furthermore, the opinions of Christina and Ulrika Eleonora themselves on female monarchs and female succession are discussed. This study has attempted to show that the question of the gender of the monarch has had significance for both the rhetoric and practice of female monarchy. It has been shown that the arguments used against female rulers have mainly concentrated on the principle of gender by labelling "female/feminine" as the negative polar opposite of "male/masculine". In contrast, the arguments used in favour of female monarchs have attempted to tone down the signficance of the fact that the monarch was a woman. Instead, the matter of the monarch's gender was discu­ssed in relation to other, more overriding principles for the monarchy as an institution, inclu­ding birth, dynastic continuity, royal distinctiveness, education, the preservation of order and legitimate succession to the throne. At the same time, this study has shown that traditionally female characteristics could also have a positive effect. One particular problem, both in rhetoric and practice, seems however to have been how and indeed if a female monarch could coordinate her role as sovreign with that of traditionally subordinate wife. / digitalisering@umu

La construction interactionnelle de l'identité d'expert : une étude d'un débat télévisé

Fortin, Israël January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Die sprachliche Behandlung von türkischen Migranten / Analysen zu Bundestagsdebatten über Ausländergesetz, Asyl- und Staatsbürgerschaftsrecht (1990-1994) / Language use about the Turkish emigrants

Kazanci, Cuma 21 July 2011 (has links)
Parlamentarische Debatten über Ausländerangelegenheiten und deren gesetzliche Regelung bilden einen wesentlichen Bestandteil des (öffentlichen) Diskurses über die sprachliche Behandlung von türkischen Migranten überhaupt. Zwischen Parlamentsreden, Medienberichten und dem Meinungsaustausch in der Wählerschaft gibt es eine enge Wechselwirkung. Ausgangspunkt meiner Arbeit war die Beobachtung, dass durch die sprachliche Behandlung von Ausländern in diesem Diskurs eine (gemeinsame) negative Grundlage geschaffen wurde, auf der diskriminierende Äußerungen und Gewalttaten gegen Ausländer basieren konnten.

Bridging the Gap: Feminist Movements and their Efforts to Advance Abortion Rights in Chile

Ivanescu, Yvonne 28 October 2013 (has links)
Chile allowed therapeutic abortion (cases in which the mother’s life was in danger) from 1931 until 1989, the last year of the Pinochet military dictatorship. After Pinochet stepped down, Chile underwent a democratic transition in 1990 that was heavily reliant on a moral fundamentalist mentality, primarily influenced by the Catholic Church and conservative political parties. It has been widely argued that after the democratic transition, the previously strong and united women’s movement lost much of its visibility and cohesiveness due to its progressive fragmentation. This thesis holds that the women’s movement in Chile is not dead, but instead there are numerous small movements that apply different methods in an attempt to change abortion legislation in Chile. Through the dissemination of secondary research and first-person interviews conducted over a period of six months in Chile, the results show that Chilean third-wave feminists have re-shaped the women’s movement in an effort to introduce innovative ideas and tactics to advance abortion rights. Nonetheless, these new voices have also created tensions between new and old feminists further dividing the movement and limiting their ability to effect real change in regards to the abortion debate in Chile.

Konst eller Kitsch? : Konst producerad i DDR speglad genom utställningar efter 1990 / Art or Kitsch? : Art produced in the GDR reflected through exhibitions after 1990

Svedbäck, Kerstin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all “kitsch”. Comparatively few artists in the GDR however, painted in the style prescribed by political leaders. An open issue in this study was, against background: Has GDR art gained in interest and respectability?    This study focuses on two exhibitions The Divided Heaven in Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin and an exhibition in Kalmar konstmuseum, Sweden, named Maintaining the Order of Things – the Aesthetic of Modernism in Commercialism, Nationalism, Elitism and Socialism, 2011. The exhibitions have been analyzed along several dimensions: The number of works from the GDR, strategies for hanging them, the presentation of the exhibitions in information brochures and the homepage of the museums. Descriptions of the works give information on typical motives in the GDR over time and some information as regards the artists. The way the building has supported visitors in experiencing an exhibition has been considered and its importance as an institution.     The study of the two exhibitions illustrates two different strategies for showing art from the GDR, in contrast or integrated. The Swedish exhibition which primarily exposed paintings from the 60 s focused on comparing GDR paintings and the Swedish sketches on commissioned  etchings on vases from Orrefors glassworks.  The German exhibition exposed GDR art together with art from other countries, along thematic lines.     The study indicates an increasing interest in the art from the GDR, which is confirmed by the great number of exhibitions 2012.  Also projects researching the art from this period in German history and the construction of a new museum for it supports the idea that interest in and respect for art produced in the former GDR is gradually established. This increased interest has not yet included the officially promoted style – Socialist Realism. / <p>Vid den elektroniska publiceringen har två bilder tagits bort från den ursprungliga versionen av upphovsrättsliga skäl, bild 21 och 26.</p>

Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se / Advertising suited up : A quantitative and qualitative survey of the bought debates on Newsmill.se

Nilsson, Christoffer, Roos, Pontus January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?</p><p>To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.</p><p>To examine how the sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages. Sponsors often tried to relate their brand to a public issue in order to camouflage their commercial purposes.</p><p>The quantitative survey aimed to map the seminars and answer the question “Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?”. We observed how many of the writers were male/female, had a Swedish/foreign name, had a certain position in society and if the writer had any connection to, or wrote about, the sponsor. We examined all articles ever published in Newsmills seminars, up to the day of the survey. A total of 164 articles in 11 different seminars.</p><p>Our result showed that female writers are a minority group in Newsmills seminars. So are people with foreign names and people who lack a position which grants them authority.</p>

DN Debatts överskattade inflytande på andra medier : En studie av debattsidans genomslagskraft i Aktuellt, Ekot, Göteborgs Posten och Västerbottens-Kuriren

Nilsson, Hanna, Jarl, Arlette January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study intends to examine the impact of a well known debate page in one of Sweden’s biggest newspapers, Dagens Nyheter. We have done this by analysing Ekot, Aktuellt, Göteborgs Posten and Västerbottens-Kuriren to see to what extent they “take” news from the debate page.</p><p>The method used was content analysis and to describe some of our thoughts about how we placed the hits in different categories we chose eight of our hits to exemplify.</p><p>The material from the newspapers, radio and television was examined to discover the potential impact from the debate page.</p><p>To carry out this study we have mainly used theories about how media get influenced by each other’s news and how they do follow-ups and refer to the original media. Other theories of importance for our study are for example those about what kinds of events that become news and how media influences people’s thoughts about what’s important.</p><p>One of the most important conclusions we were able to draw after carrying out our study was that the debate page in Dagens Nyheter has quite a small impact on what our chosen media reported on. The biggest impact was found in the newspapers, whereas radio and television very seldom referred to the debate page.</p><p>To sum up, one can absolutely say that the debate page in Dagens Nyheter is powerful and do have impact on other media, but an article published on the page is not automatically discussed and debated in other media during the day.</p>

New media English literature : a product re-launch

James, Ryan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the recent past, the large-scale production and marketing of e-reading devices, such as Amazon’s Kindle, and tablet computers, such as Apple’s iPad, have allowed literary works to be presented in a digital reading space, both in the form of standard e-books and, more recently, as enhanced or “amplified” e-books. Much of the position-taking on the matter is polarised: technologists continue to imagine the myriad possibilities of multimodal online “stories”, focusing on opportunities for interactive engagement, while the guardians of literary tradition fear the digital reading space might well cause fluency disruptions and break the hermeneutic immersion necessary for strong reading, irrevocably altering a traditional, paper-based reading experience known to promote a state of deep attention and imaginatively engaged reading. This thesis looks realistically at the current literary climate in which the so-called “digital native” operates, scrutinises the “print” versus “electronic” debate, paying careful attention to how an online environment may well prevent hermeneutic immersion, and then discusses recent enhanced literary products, such as the transmedia fiction title, Chopsticks (Penguin Group USA 2012), and the nonfiction titles released by online publisher Atavist. Then, in an attempt to bridge the gap between the technologists and the print-book purists, and based on what might be considered to be literature’s original value, the thesis proposes a digital reading product in which a formalised set of conventions and a strategic instructional design, or interface, attempts to protect the qualities of traditional, paper-based reading, while at the same time taking advantage of on-screen, online environments to reconnect digital natives with the relevance of past literatures. More specifically, the product presented herein is an attempt to demonstrate 1) how a new aesthetic of literary presentation might stimulate renewed interest in the humanities and liberal arts; 2) how fiction might be reinstated as one of the central components in the education process; 3) how works of fiction that have become increasingly obscure over time or inaccessible to young people might be re-energised; and 4) how what one might call “local” literatures might be “de-parochialised” within an increasingly globalised reading environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die produksie en bemarking op groot skaal van e-lesers soos Amazon se Kindle en tabletvormige rekenaars soos Apple se iPad het dit moontlik gemaak om letterkunde in ’n digitale ruimte aan te bied, hetsy in die vorm van e-boeke, of (meer onlangs) in versterkte en “aangevulde” e-boek vorm. Meningsvorming rondom die letterkundige toepaslikheid van e-boeke is sterk gepolariseerd: tegnoloë sien net die magdom moontlikhede raak wat multi-modale aanlyn stories en interaktiewe betrokkenheid inhou, terwyl tradisionele literêre kurators vrese koester oor hoe die digitale leesruimte inbreuk sal maak op die vloei en hermeneutiese onderdompeling nodig vir ’n grondige leeservaring; dit, meen hulle, sal dan ook lei tot die onherroeplike verlies van diep en verbeeldingryke aandag, eienskappe wat lees op papier veronderstel is om mee te bring. Hierdie proefskrif werp ’n realistiese blik op die huidige literêre klimaat, veral die omstandighede waarin die sogenaamde “digital native” deesdae funksioneer. Die debat rondom gedrukte teenoor elektroniese boeke word noukeurig ondersoek, veral met betrekking tot die mate waarin aanlyn lees dalk wel hermeneutiese onderdompeling onderdruk. Verder word versterkte literêre produkte soos die transmedia fiksie titel, Chopsticks (Penguin Group USA 2012), en nie-fiksie titels deur aanlyn-uitgewer Atavist, noukeurig bekyk. Voorts, in ’n poging om die gaping tussen tegnoloë en gedrukte-boek puriste te oorbrug, en op grond van wat mens die oer-waarde van letterkunde dalk kan noem, stel hierdie proefskrif ’n digitale leesproduk voor met ’n geformaliseerde stel konvensies en ’n strategiese instruksionele ontwerp, of koppelvlak (‘interface’). Dit word gedoen in ’n poging om die eienskappe van tradisionele, ‘papier’ lees te behou, maar terselfdetyd voordeel te trek uit die aanlyn-omgewing, en om sodoende die ‘digitale inboorling’ te herenig met die relevansie van vervloë letterkunde. Hierdie voorgestelde produk, dan, is meer spesifiek ’n poging om te wys 1) hoe ’n nuwe literêr-digitale aanbiedingsestetika hernieude belangstelling in die geesteswetenskappe en liberale kunste kan werk; 2) hoe fiksie weer ingestel kan word as kern-komponent in die opvoedingsproses; 3) hoe nuwe energie verleen kan word aan fiksie wat toenemend onbekend of ontoeganklik vir jongmense word; en 4) hoe die Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde opgehef kan word binne die opset van ’n toenemend-globale leesomgewing.

O debate enfraquecido: o desânimo dos educadores diante da realidade cotidiana das escolas / O debate enfraquecido: o desânimo dos educadores diante da realidade cotidiana das escolas / The weakened debate: the teacher s discouragement due to the everyday reality in schools / The weakened debate: the teacher s discouragement due to the everyday reality in schools

Buffa, Maurício 03 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:35:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6114.pdf: 42250343 bytes, checksum: 4e3a862d6b674efaa1898779ec3bf675 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-03 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This thesis was inspired in the professors Paolo Nosella and Ester Buffa s research, A Educação Negada , a paper about the great debates which permeated Brazilian education throughout the 20th century. However, unlike the masters, she did not lean on the opinion of any great exponent, limiting to observe if teachers, principals and pedagogic coordinators currently participates, resist or only accompany the various everyday debates that permeate not only the most theoretical issues of education, but also characteristics and particularities of the educational system and the operation and management of the school systems structures. To achieve this aim, the research focused on two municipal schools from Cristais Paulista, in São Paulo. During almost 2 years, 62 educators were approached through semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and questionnaires. The study also used on-site observation, with the participation of this researcher in the HTPC meetings (pedagogic meetings where the teachers work as a group on the discussion and analysis of educational issues). Based on the assumptions of Oral History, and believing that doxa is the fertile ground for the emergence of episteme, the research stressed the opinion of the interviewed educators, adding them to the observations and collected data. Facing the inability to discern which would be the most true, it was listened as much as possible and considered the most probable not as ways to possible solutions, but simply to understand the context in which these teachers navigate. As stages of this investigation, it was sought, in first place, to understand how was the formation of the Brazilian State and the influence of this process in the formation and development of our society, which allowed us to see its authoritarian and little opened to debate feature. In a second moment, the paper endeavored to trace some of the main theoretical debates that have developed in our educational history, trying to show the main currents that disputed the primacy in our educational system. In this way, it was found that nowadays teachers are very distant from an effective participation in the main debates that permeate current Brazilian education. In general, they seem not to worry with the theories that, despite their understanding, end up guiding their way of teaching. Beyond that, they seem unwilling to the theories that discuss the role of schools and the currents that debate the best way to manage them. In the end, and with no concern to conclude, this study leaves as a proposal to improve Brazilian education the idea to heavily invest in a more beautiful and pleasant school, with teachers working full time and with more administrative, financial and pedagogic autonomy. / Esta tese inspirou-se na pesquisa dos professores Paolo Nosella e Ester Buffa, A Educação Negada , um trabalho acerca dos grandes debates que permearam a educação brasileira ao longo do século XX. Porém, ao contrário dos mestres, ela não se debruçou sobre opinião de nenhum grande expoente, limitando-se a observar se os professores, diretores e coordenadores pedagógicos atualmente participam, resistem ou somente acompanham os vários debates cotidianos que permeiam não apenas as questões mais teóricas da educação, mas também as características e particularidades do sistema de ensino e o funcionamento e a gestão das estruturas escolares. Para alcançar esse intento, a pesquisa concentrou-se em duas escolas municipais da cidade de Cristais Paulista, interior de São Paulo. Durante quase dois anos, 62 educadores foram abordados por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, conversas informais e aplicação de questionários. O estudo utilizou-se também da observação in loco, com a participação deste pesquisador nas reuniões de HTPC. Baseandose nos pressupostos da História Oral, e acreditando que a doxa é o terreno fértil para o surgimento da episteme, a pesquisa ressaltou a opinião dos educadores entrevistados, somando-as à observação e aos dados coletados. Diante da impossibilidade de se discernir quais seriam as mais verdadeiras, procurou-se ouvir o máximo possível e considerar as mais prováveis não como caminhos para possíveis soluções, mas simplesmente para entender o contexto em que navegam esses professores. Como etapas dessa investigação, buscou-se, em primeiro lugar, compreender como se deu a formação do Estado brasileiro e a influência desse processo na formatação e no desenvolvimento de nossa sociedade, o que nos permitiu perceber seu caráter autoritário e pouco aberto ao debate. Em um segundo momento, o trabalho esforçou-se por traçar alguns dos principais embates teóricos que se desenvolveram em nossa história educacional, procurando mostrar as principais correntes que disputavam a primazia em nosso sistema de ensino. Nesse percurso, constatou-se que os professores atualmente estão muito distantes de uma participação mais efetiva nos principais debates que permeiam a educação brasileira atual. De forma geral, parecem não se preocupar com as teorias que, a despeito de sua compreensão, acabam orientando sua forma de ensinar. Além disso, parecem pouco dispostos às teorias que discutem a função das escolas e às correntes que debatem a melhor forma de administrá-las. No final, e sem nenhuma preocupação de concluir, esse estudo deixa como proposta para melhorar a educação brasileira a ideia de se investir maciçamente em uma escola mais bonita e agradável, com professores em tempo integral e com mais autonomia nas esferas administrativa, financeira e pedagógica.

Apprentissage du handball chez les jeunes filles tunisiennes et françaises : apport de la verbalisation / Handball learning with Tunisian and French girls : the contribution of verbalization

Zerai, Zeineb 06 July 2011 (has links)
Ce travail représente un cheminement de recherche qui a consisté en l’exploration d’indices numériques et de critères qualitatifs permettant d’étudier les prises de décision tactiques chez deux groupes de filles d’origines culturelles différentes (tunisienne et française). Avec cette étude, nous envisageons de contribuer au développement d'un corpus de connaissances propre aux sports collectifs dont le handball féminin à l’école. En particulier, nous ambitionnons de généraliser des outils et des méthodes d'observation permettant d'obtenir des informations plus pertinentes, plus précises sur ce qui se passe réellement en jeu dans les rapports d’opposition.Les différentes expérimentations montrent l’effet de la condition d’apprentissage avec verbalisation sur le projet d’action et sur la pertinence des choix dans les configurations du jeu lors des rencontres. Il y a donc un intérêt certain pour la construction de connaissances tactiques à long terme en relation avec la mise en œuvre d’une véritable sémiotique de l’action motrice en handball. Les jeux réduits constituent un outil d’apprentissage fondamental en didactique des sports collectifs. La mise en relation de la pensée dans et sur l’action offre aux élèves des moyens différenciés pour progresser. Le retour réflexif sur la pratique est une source de perfectionnement de cette dernière en permettant d’accéder aux règles d’action. En préservant une rigueur certaine dans la démarche de recherche et en ayant pour souci de clarifier les différentes étapes de notre travail, nous avons tenté de contribuer au développement d’une didactique scolaire des jeux collectifs. / This work represents a research process that consisted in exploring numerical indices and qualitative criteria in order to study decision making with two groups of girls from two different cultural backgrounds (French and Tunisian). Through this study we hope to contribute to the development of a body of knowledge relative to team sports, including female handball at school. Specifically, our ambition is to generalize observational tools and methods giving access to more pertinent and precise information on what actually happens in game play with respect to the opposition relationship.The different experimentations show the effect of the learning condition with verbalization on the action project and on the pertinence of choices in configurations of play during game play. There is an unquestionable interest for the construction of long term tactical knowledge in relation to the implementation of an actual motor semiotic activity in handball.Small-sided games constitute a fundamental learning tool in team sport didactics. Relating thought in and on action offers students differentiated ways for making progress. Reflective feedback on game play generates its improvement, for it provides access to action rules. By insuring rigor in the research process and by keeping in mind the clarification of the various stages of our work, we tried to contribute to the development of team sport didactics at school

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