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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Chimeric Mimicry : Reflection and Animality in Merleau-Ponty's Philosophy of Nature

Amcoff, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, I attempt to understand how Merleau-Ponty views the relation between nature and reflection, as well as the meaning behind the terms “human” and “animal” and the relations between them. I approach this by outlining the transition from Merleau-Ponty’s early philosophy (SB, PP) to his late philosophy (N, VI). Roughly understood as the shift from inquiries into the nature of experience to inquiries into the experience of nature. I show that this shift or turn can be understood in terms of a reconsideration of the nature of experience, which opens toward non-human animal reflection; to the simultaneous kinship and estrangement in animal interspecificity. The paper is divided into three parts: In the first part, oriented around Phenomenology of Perception, I outline the grounding of reflection in the co-natural corporeity of perception. In the second part, I present the implications of Merleau-Ponty’s turn to nature through his reading of Schelling. What becomes visible here is his reversal of method following his turn to nature. Essentially, this reversal of method tempts a reconsideration of reflection: reflection is no longer separated from nature, but a fold within nature itself; a dehiscence of the flesh opening a “mirroring reflexive” within nature itself as nature’s self-reflection, exemplified through the sensing-sensible human body. In the third part, the same reversal of method is considered in relation to animality. I contrast Merleau-Ponty’s account of life and animality in his second course on nature against his views in The Structure of Behavior. Consequently, his account of the grounding of reflection in the corporeity of perception is deepened and his ontology of sensing-sensible is further clarified. In the last sections of the third part, I discuss Merleau-Ponty’s account of the human-animal relation, I then briefly discuss his account of painting as a privileged form of ontological expression, and I finally speculate openly about the alterity of other animals and the possibility of animal philosophies.

Making Death Matter : A Feminist Technoscience Study of Alzheimer's Sciences in the Laboratory / Making Death Matter : En feministisk teknovetenskaplig studie om Alzheimers sjukdom i laboratoriet

Mehrabi, Tara January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is a contribution to feminist laboratory studies and a critical engagement with the natural sciences, or more precisely research on the biochemical workings and deadly relations of Alzheimer’s disease emanating from a year of field work in a Drosophila fly lab. The natural sciences have been a point of fascination within the field of gender studies for decades. Such sciences produce knowledge on what gets to count as nature and natural, healthy or sick, normal or not, and they have done it with great societal authority and impact throughout European modernity. However, feminist technoscience scholars argue that science and knowledge is socially produced, and political too. Concepts such as nature, animal, human, body, sex, and life itself are not simply given natural realities but phenomena processed through the naturecultures of the laboratory. Situated within such theoretical and methodological approaches, this thesis wonders how scientific facts about Alzheimer’s disease are made in the lab today. What kinds of realities, bodies and ethico-political concerns are enacted? Who gets to live and who gets to die in everyday laboratory practices? Theoretically, the thesis is grounded, particularly, within Karen Barad’s agential realism and posthumanist performativity, and as such it accounts for human and nonhuman entanglements through which AD is performed in the lab in relational ways. In other words, the thesis explores how AD is enacted in the bodies of transgenic fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster), as these flies embody the disease, live and die with it. Last but not least, the thesis explores the materialities of death, dying, embodiment and biological waste in a biochemistry lab as constitutive parts of the produced knowledge about AD. / Denna avhandling utgör ett bidrag till feministiska laboratoriestudier och är en kritisk analys av naturvetenskaperna. Närmare bestämt är det en feministisk studie av forskning om Alzheimers sjukdom, dess biokemiska verkningar och dödliga relationer utifrån ett års fältarbete som labbtekniker i ett fluglabb. Naturvetenskaperna har under decennier fascinerat genusforskare. Dessa discipliner formar kunskapen om vad som räknas som natur och naturligt, hälsa och sjukdom, normalt eller inte, och de har gjort så med stor samhällelig auktoritet genom Europeisk modernitet. Forskare inom feministiska teknovetenskapliga studier har länge hävdat att vetenskap också är social praktik med politiska implikationer. Begrepp som natur, djur, mänskligt eller kropp, kön och livet självt kan inte tas för givna utan formas också i laboratoriets naturkultur. Med utgångspunkt i sådana feministiska teknovetenskaplig teoribildningar och metodologiska utgångspunkter bearbetar denna avhandling frågor om hur vetenskapliga fakta om Alzheimers sjukdom skapas i laboratoriet idag. Vilka kroppar, verkligheter och etisk-politiska förhållningssätt aktualiseras? Vem får leva och vem får dö i vardagliga laboratoriepraktiker? Teoretiskt bygger avhandlingen framför allt på Karen Barads agentiella realism när den diskuterar sammanvävningen mellan mänskligt och icke-mänskligt, samt det som kallas posthumanistisk performativitet, i relation till Alzheimers sjukdom som den förkroppsligas i transgena fruktflugor (Drosophila melanogaster) i laboratoriet. I särskilt fokus står relationerna som skapas inom den biokemiska forskningen kring död, biologiskt avfall och kroppslighet.

Using Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) to Examine the Effects of Equine Assisted Activities on the Personal and Professional Development of Student Therapists

Giraldez, Dianna Isabel 01 January 2015 (has links)
The Introduction to Equine Assisted Family Therapy course offered at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) provides Master’s and Doctoral level student therapists the opportunity to learn how to conduct an equine session and how to utilize horses as part of the therapeutic process. Students learn about the underlying theories and framework behind the equine activities and methodology, as well as participate in the equine activities themselves. For the purpose of this study, classroom discussions centered around processing the students’ experiences and were further enriched by viewing photographs and videos that had been taken of the students conducting the equine activities. The researcher utilized IPR as a qualitative methodology to create an improved perspective where students reflected on their experience and made connections with their professional and personal developments. The findings of this grounded theory study document how students reflected on their personal and clinical development. More specifically, the transcripts of the conversations that took place during class discussions and interviews from students who took the course a year earlier showed that students reflected on their personal awareness, created changes in their relationships, developed their self of the therapist, honed in on their clinical skills and started viewing therapy differently. This study confirmed the transformative nature that the Introduction to Equine Assisted Therapy course has on the students.

Uncontainable Life : A Biophilosophy of Bioart / Otyglat liv : Biokonst och biofilosofi

Radomska, Marietta January 2016 (has links)
Uncontainable Life: A Biophilosophy of Bioart investigates the ways in which thinking through the contemporary hybrid artistico-scientific practices of bioart is a biophilosophical practice, one that contributes to a more nuanced understanding of life than we encounter in mainstream academic discourse. When examined from a Deleuzian feminist perspective and in dialogue with contemporary bioscience, bioartistic projects reveal the inadequacy of asking about life’s essence. They expose the enmeshment between the living and non-living, organic and inorganic, and, ultimately, life and death. Instead of examining the defining criteria of life, bioartistic practices explore and enact life as processual, differential, and always already uncontainable, thus transcending preconceived material and conceptual boundaries. In this way, this doctoral thesis concentrates on the ontology of life as it emerges through the selected bioartworks: “semi-living” sculptures created by The Tissue Culture and Art Project and the performance May the Horse Live in Me (2011) by L’Art Orienté Objet. The hope is that such an ontology can enable future conceptualisations of an ethico-politics that avoids the anthropocentric logic dominant in the humanities and social sciences. / Otyglat liv: Biokonst och biofilosofi undersöker hur biofilosofisk praktik och biokonst, alltså tänkande genom samtida hybrida konstnärliga-vetenskapliga praktiker, kan bidra till en mer nyanserad förståelse av liv än vad vi vanligtvis möter i akademiska diskurser. Med utgångspunkt i ett feministiskt deleuzianskt perspektiv, och i dialog med samtida biovetenskap, pekar biokonstnärliga projekt på det otillräckliga i att ställa frågor om livets innehåll. Projekten tydliggör istället hur det levande och det icke-levande, det organiska och oorganiska, precis som liv och död, är sammanflätade. Istället för att sätta upp fasta kriterier för liv undersöker och framställer biokonstnärliga praktiker liv som en differentiell process, i sig omöjlig att fastställa och därmed något otyglat, som överskrider uppsatta gränser mellan det materiella och föreställda. Följaktligen fokuserar föreliggande avhandling på livets ontologi så som den framträder i ett urval av biokonstnärliga arbeten: ”semi-levande” skulpturer skapade av The Tissue Culture and Art Project, samt performance-konstverket May the Horse Live in Me (2011) av L’Art Orienté Objet. Förhoppningen är att en sådan ontologi kan möjliggöra framtida begreppsliggöranden av en etisk politik som undviker den antropocentriska logik som dominerar humaniora och samhällsvetenskap idag.

The Seoul of cats and dogs : a trans-species ethnography of animal cruelty and animal welfare in contemporary Korea

Dugnoille, Julien January 2015 (has links)
Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Seoul from July 2012 until July 2013, this dissertation offers a novel perspective on human-animal interactions and public discourses regarding livestock versus pet moral boundaries in contemporary Korea. I aim to explore how Koreans struggle to make sense of the tension between the emergence of animal welfare and the perpetuation of traditional health behaviours that involve animal processing. The focus will be on why participants in my study, whether activists or not, defended both animal ethics and cat and dog meat consumption, while including Korean animals in fluid and instrumental conceptions of Koreanness. I have analysed a variety of discourses produced by both Korean and non-Korean, academic and non-academic stakeholders, in order to reveal the on-going tension between these powerful ubiquitous ideas and the lived experience of Koreans today. Moreover, I examine how the aesthetics of cruelty and empathy is employed in order to singularize livestock into companion animals thereby transgressing cultural taboos regarding Western ethics of species separation. I also demonstrate that converging and conflicting economic, political, social and cultural agendas are responsible for making Korea’s public discourses about animal welfare very unsettled. My research thus contributes to key anthropological debates about the cross-cultural circulation and cross-fertilisation of moral values that impact the ethics of post-industrial human-animal interactions; and about the influence of policy dialogue, at both national and international levels, on applied animal ethics, cultural stigmatization and the reinforcement of national sentiment.

Dispersal: a multidisciplinary investigation of plant life

Arzt, Alexandra E 01 January 2015 (has links)
Using plants as a basis for exploring the interstices between the human and nonhuman, this thesis investigates ideas of awareness, intelligence, deep time, animism, and the fluctuating human perception of the agency of Nature. It outlines environmental art practices since the 1950s involving vegetal life. In addition, the paper provides a critical analysis of plant perception of Jakob von Uexküll’s work and theories of vital materialism and “critical plant studies” while noting recent studies in plant neurobiology. In my work, plants become active participants via their movement, seeding, and smell. This study takes the form of imitation, purposeful symbiosis, anthropomorphism, and touch and uses an interdisciplinary practice involving various experiments, video, and plant life. In suggesting a new possible understanding of plants, the work argues for a new ecological ethos in a time when global warming weighs heavily on world policy and consciousness.

Animal writing : magical realism and the posthuman other.

Schwalm, Tanja January 2009 (has links)
Magical realist fiction is marked by a striking abundance of animals. Analysing magical realist novels from Australia and Canada, as well as exploring the influence of two seminal Latin American magical realist narratives, this thesis focuses on representations of animals and animality. Examining human-animal relationships in the postcolonial context reveals that magical realism embodies and represents an idea of feral animality that critically engages with an inherently imperialist and Cartesian humanism, and that, moreover, accounts for magical realism's elusiveness within systems of genre categorisation and labelling. It is this embodiment and presence of animal agency that animates magical realism and injects it with life and vibrancy. The magical realist writers discussed in this dissertation make use of animal practices inextricably intertwined with imperialism, such as pastoral farming, natural historical collections, the circus, the rodeo, the Wild West show, and the zoo, as well as alternative animal practices inherently incompatible with European ideologies, such as the Aboriginal Dreaming, Native North American animist beliefs, and subsistence hunting, as different ways of positioning themselves in relation to the Cartesian human subject. The circus is a particular influence on the form and style of many magical realist texts, whereby oxymoronically structured circensian spaces form the basis of the narratives‟ realities, and hierarchical imperial structures and hegemonic discourses that are portrayed as natural through Cartesian science and Linnaean taxonomies are revealed as deceptive illusions that perpetuate the self-interests of the powerful.

Bilder der Umwelttheorie

Kynast, Katja 06 April 2022 (has links)
Umwelttheoretische Konzepte sind ohne Bilder und Medien nicht denkbar. Der Biologe und Begründer der Umwelttheorie Jakob von Uexküll (1864–1944) verwendete sie auf vielfältige Weise. Er nutzte chronofotografische Aufnahmen von Meerestieren für seine Forschung, beauftragte Interieurmaler, um sein Konzept subjektiver Umwelten zu vermitteln und entwickelte Diagramme und Schemata – darunter die erste Darstellung eines Funktionskreises –, um die Grundlagen seiner Theorie zu verdeutlichen. Die Dissertation gibt einen Überblick über die vielfältigen Verwendungsformen in Uexkülls gesamtem Werk und setzt darauf aufbauend zwei Schwerpunkte: Erstens im frühen 20. Jahrhundert, als Uexküll im Kontext der Arbeit mit chronofotografischen Verfahren seine zentralen Begriffe entwickelte, sich mit den ästhetischen und erkenntnistheoretischen Schriften Adolf Hildebrands und Immanuel Kants auseinandersetzte und begann, Karl Ernst von Baers Wahrnehmungstheorie zu rezipieren. Zweitens im Spätwerk der 1930er Jahre, als die explizit als Bilderbuch unsichtbarer Welten untertitelten Streifzüge durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen erschienen. Die Streifzüge fassen Uexkülls Forschung mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Sichtbarmachung verschiedener Umwelten sowie einer Veranschaulichung umwelttheoretischer Konzepte zusammen. Die Dissertation untersucht die kulturhistorischen Kontexte der Bilder, ihre Bezüge zu Uexkülls experimenteller Forschung sowie zu zentralen Konzepten seiner Theorie wie Umwelt, subjektive Zeiten und Räume, Bedeutung (Semiotik) und Funktionszusammenhang von Organismus und Umwelt (Gefüge). Anhand der Bildpraxis werden neben den originellen und in u. a. der Ökologie, Kybernetik, Psychoanalyse und Philosophie rezipierten Ansätzen auch die weltanschaulichen, normativen und autoritären Dimensionen in Uexkülls Werk herausgearbeitet. / Umwelt theory concepts are inconceivable without images and media. The biologist and founder of Umwelt theory Jakob von Uexküll (1864–1944) used them in many ways. He used chronophotographic images of marine animals for his research, commissioned interior painters to convey his concept of subjective Umwelten, and developed diagrams and schemes—including the first representation of a functional circle—to clarify the foundations of his theory. This dissertation provides an overview of the diverse uses in Uexküll’s entire oeuvre and, building on this, focuses on two main fields: first, in the early 20th century, when Uexküll developed his central concepts in the context of working with chronophotography, engaged with the aesthetic and epistemological writings of Adolf Hildebrand and Immanuel Kant, and began to receive Karl Ernst von Baer’s theory of perception; and second, in the late 1930s, when the explicitly subtitled “picture book of invisible worlds” Streifzüge durch die Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen (A Foray into the Worlds of Animals and Humans) was published. The book summarizes Uexküll’s research with a focus on making different Umwelten visible as well as demonstrating environmental-theoretical concepts. This dissertation examines the cultural-historical contexts of the images as well as their references to Uexküll’s experimental research and to central concepts of his theory such as the Umwelt, subjective times and spaces, meaning (semiotics), and the functional connection of organism and environment (Gefüge). The practice of images is used to highlight not only the original approaches received in ecology, cybernetics, psychoanalysis, and philosophy, among others, but also the ideological, normative, and authoritarian dimensions in Uexküll’s work.

Birdpoetic Worlds : Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren's bird poems

Sunnebo, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
This thesis, Birdpoetic Worlds: Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren’s bird poems, analyses a selection of poems by Swedish poet Nina Södergren (1924–2015) from the collection Högt ärade trana: Nya dikter och urval av tidigare poesi* (2012),  through the lens of ecocriticism and animism. The aim is to identify and explore how her bird poetics can function as an invitation to sense a relational experience and interconnectedness with the more-than-human world, especially through attentiveness. Examples of bird poetry by a small selection of different poets will be explored to provide a broader context of the genre. The analyses will be followed by reflections about going beyond the written human language, transitioning from reading to listening, immersing in nature’s soundscapes, and experiencing it attentively firsthand. It explores the different linguistic, poetic, and embodied approaches, and what these mean for interconnectedness will be discussed. The entrance point to the contextual review is The Bird Symphony by Nils Aslak Valkeapää. * Translated: Highly honored crane: New poems and a selection of earlier poetry. / Denna uppsats, Birdpoetic Worlds: Sensing the more-than-human worlds through Nina Södergren’s bird poems, analyserar ett urval av dikter av poeten Nina Södergren (1924–2015) från samlingen Högt ärade trana: Nya dikter och urval av tidigare poesi (2012), genom en ekokritisk och animistisk lins. Syftet är att identifiera och utforska hur hennes fågelpoetik kan fungera som en inbjudan att känna en relationell upplevelse och samhörighet med den mer-än-mänskliga världen, särskilt genom uppmärksamhet. Som en kort bakgrund presenteras exempel på fågelpoesi av olika poeter. Efter analysen finns en reflektion kring att gå bortom det litterära mänskliga språket, genom övergången från att läsa till att lyssna och fördjupa sig i naturens ljudlandskap, att uppmärksamt uppleva dem på egen hand. Den utforskar de olika språkliga, poetiska och förkroppsligade tillvägagångssätten och vad dessa betyder för samhörigheten diskuteras. Ingången till den kontextuella genomgången är Fågelsymfonin av Nils Aslak Valkeapää.

An analysis of the psychozoological tales of Rafael Arévalo Martínez

Costello, Ricardo Cortez 01 January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
This paper will identify and analyze the literary phenomenon of the preponderance of the transfer of dumb animal. traits, including mannerisms, instincts and brute social behavior to human beings as found in the prose of Rafael Arevalo Martlnez of Guatemala. This literary phenomenon has been called.zoomorphimn and psychozoology.

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