Spelling suggestions: "subject:"”digitalization”"" "subject:"”digitalizations”""
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Hur nöjda är banksektorns kunder efter lanseringen av digitala banktjänster? : En kvantitativ studie med fokus på kundnöjdhet i olika generationer / A quantitative study on customer satisfaction amongst different generationsBerntsson, Alice, Sammils, Frida January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Banksektorn som så många andra sektorer har omfattats av samhällets digitala resa. Resan handlar om hur det digitala har fått en allt större roll i samhället. Digitaliseringen har under de senaste decennierna utvecklats hastigt och banksektorn har gått från att vara väldigt platsbunden till att kunna vara tillgängliga när och var som helst. Tidigare forskning presenterade resultat från andra länder. Resultaten från de utländska studierna visade olika faktorer som påverkade kundnöjdheten. Vissa av faktorerna påverkade kundnöjdheten positivt medan andra påverkade negativt. En faktor som framför allt påverkade negativt var ålder och de som var mest missnöjda var den äldre generationen i jämförelse med de yngre generationerna. För att få en ökad kundnöjdhet generellt i banksektorn var service och bemötande hos bankens medarbetare viktigt. Att banken tillgodoser kunders behov leder oftast till att kunden känner tilltro till banken och stannar som kund. Det är också viktigt att banken och levererar bra utvecklade digitala plattformar som även de ska tillgodose kundens behov. För att banken ska fortsätta ha en hög kundnöjdhet är det viktigt att de hela tiden undersöker hur kundernas behov ser ut. Pengar och investeringar är alltid kopplat till ett risktagande därför är det viktigt att banken bygger en relation till kunden samt är tillgängliga. Syfte: Studien undersöker hur kundnöjdhet ser ut i relation mellan de olika Generationerna Babyboomers, X, Y och Z. Syftet är att undersöka kundnöjdheten i Dalarnas län efter att banksketorn har lanserat digitala tjänster. Det finns två frågeställningar som handlar om vilken genration som redovisar den högsta generella kundnöjdheten och om det finns en skillnad på kundnöjdheten i olika generationer. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats i form av en enkätundersökning. Ur statistikprogrammet SPSS togs medelvärden fram som tydligt presenterade de olika generationernas grad av kundnöjdhet. Slutsats: Studiens resultat går inte att generalisera på grund av urvalsmetoden. Tidigare studier visar att Generation Babyboomers har den lägsta kundnöjdheten medan denna studie visar det motsatta. Faktorn tjänster hade generellt högst kundnöjdhet bland generationerna. Vidare studier får fördjupa och förklara varför det ser ut som det gör. / Background: The banking sector, like so many other sectors, has been affected by society's digital journey, which is about how the digitalization has taken on an even greater role in society. Digitalization has developed rapidly in recent decades and the banking sector has developed from being very location-bound to being able to be available anytime and anywhere. Previous research covered in this study presented results from other countries. The results from the foreign studies showed various factors that influenced customer satisfaction. Some of the factors had a positive effect on customer satisfaction, while others had a negative impact. One factor that above all had a negative effect was age, and the group who were most dissatisfied were the older generation in comparison to the younger generations. To obtain increased customer satisfaction in general in the banking sector, service and reception by the bank's employees was important. The fact that the bank meets customers' needs usually leads to the customer trusting the bank and staying as a customer. It is also important that the bank delivers well-developed digital platforms which also must meet the customer's needs. In order to the bank to continue to have a high level of customer satisfaction, it is important that they constantly examine what the customers' needs look like. Money and investments are always linked to risk-taking, therefore it is important that the bank establishes a relationship with the customer. Purpose: The study investigates what customer satisfaction looks like in relation to the different Generations of Baby boomers, X, Y and Z. The purpose is to study customer satisfaction in the county of Dalarna after the launch of digital services in the banking sector. There are two research questions that discuss which generation has the highest customer satisfaction as well as if there is a difference between generations and their customer satisfaction within the banking sector. Method: To answer the purpose of the study, a quantitative method has been applied in the form of a survey. From the statistics program SPSS, average values were produced, and they clearly presented the different generations' degree of customer satisfaction. Conclusion: The results of the study cannot be generalized due to the selection method. Previous studies show that Generation Baby Boomers have the lowest customer satisfaction, while this study shows the opposite. The factor regarding services generally had the highest customer satisfaction among the generations. Further studies may deepen and explain why it looks the way it does may clarify and explain the results to a deeper level.
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En Föränderlig Roll : Utvecklingen av Controllerrollen inom den Offentliga Sektorn / A Changing Role : The Evolution of the controller role in the public sectorMilhim, Hiba, Nema, Nathalie January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tidigare forskning har primärt fokuserat på controllerrollen inom den privatasektorn, medan det finns en otillräcklig forskning inom den offentliga sektorn.Mot bakgrund av detta har vi valt att undersöka orsakerna bakom utvecklingen avcontrollerrollen inom den offentliga sektorn samt hur rollen ser ut på kommunal nivå. För attgenomföra vår studie har vi valt att fokusera på två kommuner, nämligen Alvesta och Växjökommun.Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att studera faktorerna som har påverkat förändringen avcontrollerrollen och dess arbetsuppgifter inom den offentliga sektorn. Detta kommer att utförasgenom att identifiera och analysera orsakerna bakom utvecklingen, vilket kommer att bidra tillen bättre förståelse för hur olika faktorer har påverkat controllerrollen och dess arbetsuppgifter.Metod: För att genomföra studien har vi valt att använda oss av en kvalitativ ansats medsemistrukturerade intervjuer. Sex controllrar från både Alvesta och Växjö kommuner harintervjuats med frågor om förändringar i controllerrollen och de faktorer som ligger bakom dessaförändringar.Slutsats: Slutsatsen som går att dra från studien är att controllerrollen kan definieras utifrån tredimensioner: 1. Arbetsuppgifter 2. Kompetenser och färdigheter 3. Informationskälla. Även attrollen som controller har förändrats över tid inom den offentliga sektorn. De främsta faktorerbakom förändringen är digitalisering, teknisk utveckling och organisationsstruktur. / Background: Previous research has focused primarily on the controller role in the private sector, while there is a lack of research in the public sector. In light of this, we have chosen to investigate the reasons behind the development of the controller role in the public sector and what the role looks like at the municipal level. To carry out our study, we have chosen to focuson two municipalities, namely Alvesta and Växjö Kommun. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to study the factors that have influenced the change of the controller role and its duties in the public sector. This will be carried out by identifying and analyzing the reasons behind the development, which will contribute to a better understanding of how various factors have influenced the controller role and its job duties. Method: To carry out the study, we have chosen to use a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews. Six controllers from both Alvesta and Växjö municipalities have been interviewed with questions about changes in the controller role and the factors behind these changes. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that the controller role can be defined from three dimensions: 1. Tasks 2. Skills and abilities 3. Source of information. Also that the role of controller has changed over time in the public sector. The main factors behind the change are digitization, technological development and organizational structure.
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AI och framtidens ledarskap : en litteraturstudie om utmaningar och möjligheter avseende implementering av AI / AI and future leadership : a literature review about challenges and opportunities regarding the implementation of AIGashi, Lorika, Plogell, Tova January 2023 (has links)
Med artificiell intelligens snabba utveckling dyker det upp många utmaningar och möjligheter för ledare. För att lyckas i denna nya digitaliserade tid är det viktigt för ledare att få människan och AI att samspela. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att kartlägga vad forskning har identifierat avseende vilken påverkan AI har på ledarskapet. Studien visar vad tidigare forskning säger om hur ledarskapet, med hjälp av AI, kommer att utvecklas i framtiden och vilka utmaningar ledarskapet kan tänkas stå inför när AI implementeras alltmer i organisationer. Den valda metoden inför den här uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie med en semi-systematisk struktur. I litteratursökningen har vi med våra nyckelord; artificial intelligence, leadership, development, digitalization och future funnit 18 artiklar. Genom en tematisk analys har vi framställt tre olika teman där 10 av de vetenskapliga artiklar vi funnit har kunnat besvara vårt syfte och frågeställning. Från resultatet kan vi se att ledare behöver utveckla sitt ledarskap såväl som sin AI-kompetens för att minska rädsla och oro inom organisationen, vilket också bidrar till att implementeringen av AI i en organisation blir smidigare.
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Internetbank som innovation : Internettjänster för ökat kundvärdeJohansson, Celina, Mattsson, Hilda January 2023 (has links)
Denna kvalitativa studie belyser traditionella- och internetbanker i Sverige ur ettinnovationsperspektiv med fokus på kundvärde. Internetbankerna erbjuder idag tjänster somkan utföras när som helst av kunderna vilket gör att den traditionella banken inte är likarelevant som förr. För att skapa kundvärde bör bankerna använda sina tjänster på rätt sätt iden digitala eran som råder för att attrahera kunder. Genom att ta fram relevant sekundärdataoch primärdata i form av en intervju har användbar information tagits fram som besvaratstudiens syfte och frågeställningar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur för- och nackdelar medinnovationen internetbank kan hanteras för ett ökat kundvärde. Kopplat till syftet finnsföljande frågeställningar: Vilka fördelar och nackdelar har traditionell bankverksamhetrespektive internetbank? Hur kan fördelar med traditionell bankverksamhet tjänstefieras iinternetbank för att skapa ett ökat kundvärde? Hur kan nackdelar med internetbank minskas,elimineras eller vändas till fördelar? En intervju med ett fallföretag genomfördes för att fåtillgång till primärdata som tillsammans med insamlad teori skapade en analysdel som vidareskapade en slutsats. I analysen diskuterades att det är relevant att ha både traditionell ochinternetbaserad bankverksamhet för att skapa en helhet som ökar kundvärdet. För det ärtydligt att det finns olika typer av behov av olika grupper människor vilket gör att det inte kanfungera på ett sätt. Det digitala utanförskapet där flera äldre befinner sig kan finnadigitaliseringen och tjänster på internet som är svåra att behärska. Slutligen kan detkonstateras att samhället ständigt utvecklas med nya digitala lösningar vilket gör attinnovativa idéer är viktiga för att vara konkurrenskraftiga och skapa ett ökat kundvärde. / This qualitative study sheds light on traditional and internet banks in Sweden from aninnovation perspective with focus on customer value. Internet banks today offer services thatcan be performed at any time by customers, which means that the traditional bank is not asrelevant as before. In order to create customer value, banks should use their services in theright way in the prevailing digital era to attract customers. By producing relevant secondarydata and primary data in the form of an interview, useful information has been produced thatanswers the study's purpose and questions. The purpose of the study is to investigate how thepros and cons of internet banking innovation can be handled for increased customer value.Linked to the purpose are the following questions: What are the advantages anddisadvantages of traditional banking and internet banking respectively? How can advantagesof traditional banking be serviced in internet banking to create increased customer value?How can the disadvantages of internet banking be reduced, eliminated or turned intoadvantages? An interview with a case company is conducted to gain access to primary datawhich together with collected theory and analysis is further created and concluded. In theanalysis, it was discussed that it is relevant to have both traditional and internet-basedbanking in order to create a whole that increases customer value. Because there are differenttypes of needs of different groups of people, which means that it can not work in one way.The digital exclusion in which many older people find themselves may find digitalization andservices on the internet difficult to master. Finally, it can be stated that society is constantlydeveloping with new digital solutions, which means that innovative ideas are important to becompetitive and create increased customer value.
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Statlig elektronisk identifiering i en marknadsdriven försörjningsmodell : om dess förutsättningar och utmaningar i Sverige / Government electronic identification in a private driven model : about its conditions and challenges in SwedenBlomgren, Linus, Czekierda, Hubert January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden, a government eID has long been a concept that has not been realized. The development of government eID in both Sweden and around the world has been problematic. Even if a government eID is developed, adoption of this can also be problematic. Therefore, this study examines the current situation in Sweden with eID and discusses the conditions needed and challenges with a government eID. This study resulted in three relationships that we believe are of great importance for eID in general and for Swedish government eID: 1) relationship between an individual and IT, 2) relationship between individual and organization and 3) inter-organizational relationships. These three relationships create conditions for continuous operation of the current eID in Sweden, but also discuss possible challenges within those relations and challenges a government eID can meet.
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Kommuners val av e-tjänster : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Municipalities' choice of e-servicesAhlborg, Arvid January 2023 (has links)
Sveriges kommuner står inför stora utmaningar i framtiden med att kunna tillhandhålla de välfärdstjänster som förväntas av dem, detta framförallt på grund av en ökande äldre befolkning. För att klara av dessa utmaningar har digitalisering och utnyttjandet av dagens teknik lyfts fram som en lösning, där e-tjänster har en betydande roll för kommuner. Samtidigt har flera kommuner uppgett att de har problem med att hinna med att utveckla e-tjänster i takt med samhällsutveckling samt att befintliga e-tjänster inte används i den utsträckning som förväntas. Syftet med studien är således att utforska fenomenet “införandet av e-tjänster” inom kommuner i Sverige, med fokus på varför kommuner väljer att införa de e-tjänster de gör. En kvalitativ metod har använts där en små-N-studie har genomförts. Datainsamlingen har bestått av sju semistrukturerade intervjuer där totalt åtta olika kommuner ingått. Respondenterna har valts ut baserat på den information de kunnat förse. En innehållsanalys har sedan genomförts där ett antal kategorier har identifierats genom öppen och axial kodning. Resultat och analysen visar att kommunernas val av e-tjänster påverkas av hur de identifierar och hantera idéer på e-tjänster, en samling av olika hinder för införandet av e-tjänster samt deras samarbeten med andra kommuner och offentliga organ gällande e-tjänster. Studien kan bidra med en ökad medvetenhet för kommunerna om varför de väljer de e-tjänster de gör, vilket kan underlätta och förbättra deras arbete med e-tjänster. Detta kan hjälpa kommunerna att uppnå den potential som finns med e-tjänster och bemöta de utmaningar de står inför i framtiden. / Sweden's municipalities face major challenges in the future to be able to provide the welfare services that are expected of them, primarily due to an increasing elderly population. To cope with these challenges, digitalization and the utilization of today's technology have been highlighted as a solution, where e-services have a central role for municipalities. However, several municipalities have stated that they have problems with developing e-services in step with societal development and that existing e-services are not used to the expected extent The purpose of the study is thus to explore the phenomenon of "the introduction of e-services" within municipalities in Sweden, with a focus on why municipalities choose to introduce the e-services they do. A qualitative method has been used where a small-N study was carried out. The data collection consisted of seven semi-structured interviews in which a total of eight different municipalities were included. The respondents have been selected based on the information they were able to provide. A content analysis has then been carried out where a number of categories have been identified through open and axial coding. The analysis shows that the municipalities' choice of e-services is influenced by how they identify and manage ideas for e-services, a collection of obstacles to the introduction of e-services as well as their collaborations with other municipalities and public bodies regarding e-services. The study can contribute to an increased awareness for the municipalities about why they choose the e-services they do, which can ease and improve their work with e-services. This can help the municipalities to fulfill the existing potential with e-services and meet the challenges they are facing in the future. This study is written in Swedish.
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Digitaliseringen i den syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan under coronapandeminIbrahim, Rachel January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Business process reengineering: practical implications in the Source-to-Contract process : A case study at a large manufacturing organizationMoustaghni, Mostafa, Persson, Jesper January 2021 (has links)
This study’s purpose is to give recommendations on how the purchasing process, specifically the Source-to-Contract (S2C) process, can be reengineered by evaluating areas of improvement inspired by Lean and digitalization. To fulfill the purpose, a five-step framework of business process reengineering (BPR) and its methodology was developed, of which this thesis primarily covers the last three steps. The data collection process was based on a total of 19 interviews with three tactical purchasers at the case study company (CSC), three managers from large manufacturing organizations (LMOs), and extracted data from the CSC’s ERP-system. In the third step of BPR, the most crucial areas for improvement for the CSC and LMOs in the S2C-process were identified by Lean and digitalization. These areas were: lack of sharing the right information at the right time, poor integration of systems, a shortfall of internal transparency, an inefficient request for quotation (RFQ) software, and an absence of working proactively. Based on the most crucial areas for improvement, best practices in the S2C-process could be derived from the interviews conducted with the CSC and LMOs. In the fourth step of BPR, short- and long-term solutions are proposed regarding the most crucial areas for improvement. Finally, in the fifth step of BPR, recommendations are given on measuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the S2C-process based on the proposed solutions recommended in BPR step four. This study aims to suggest practical implications for LMOs on how the developed five-step framework of the BPR methodology can be utilized, especially the third step, to analyze and potentially reengineer its S2C-process. Additionally, the study gives insights on how the most crucial improvement areas could potentially be solved by LMOs in order for them to be considered best practice. Currently, there is considerable literature covering theoretical parts of BPR. However, the literature lacks guidelines on practically executing each step in the BPR methodology that this study partially aims to fulfill. This study is delimited to one part of the purchasing process, the S2C-process, and briefly covers the Procure-to-Pay process as the process had to be considered before changes were recommended. / Syftet med den här studien är att ge rekommendationer kring hur inköpsprocessen, specifikt Source-to-Contract kan omstruktureras genom att utvärdera förbättringsområden inspirerade av Lean och digitalisering. För att uppnå syftet utvecklades en femstegsmodell av Business Process Reengineering (BPR), där studien primärt täcker de tre sista stegen. Datainsamlingen baserades på totalt 19 genomförda intervjuer med tre stycken taktiska inköpare vid fallstudieföretaget, tre inköpschefer från stora tillverkande organisationer och extraherade data från fallstudieföretagets ERP-system. I det tredje steget av BPR-metoden identifierades de viktigaste förbättringsområdena för fallstudieföretaget och stora tillverkande organisationer med hjälp av Lean och digitalisering. De viktigaste områdena var: en brist på att dela rätt information vid rätt tillfälle, en avsaknad av systemintegration, en brist på intern transparens, ett ineffektivt program för att skicka offertförfrågningar och en brist på att arbeta proaktivt. Baserat på de viktigaste identifierade förbättringsområdena från intervjuerna med fallstudieföretaget och stora tillverkande organisationer gav det upphov till vad som kan anses best practice i S2C-processen. I det fjärde steget av BPR-metoden föreslås kort- och långsiktiga lösningar för de viktigaste förbättringsområdena. I det femte steget, ges rekommendationer kring hur effektiviteten i S2C-processen kan fortsätta mätas baserat på lösningsförslagen givna i det fjärde steget av BPR-metoden. Studien ämnar till att ge stora tillverkande organisationer praktiska insikter i hur femstegsmodellen BPR kan används, primärt det tredje steget, för att analysera och så småningom omstrukturera sin S2C-process. För närvarande finns det betydande litteratur som omfattar teoretiska delar av BPR. Litteraturen saknar däremot riktlinjer för hur man praktiskt genomför varje steg i BPR-metoden som denna studie delvis ämnar till att uppfylla. Denna studie avgränsas till en del av inköpsprocessen, S2C-processen men täcker även delar av Procure-to-Pay processen då det var nödvändigt att överväga processen innan rekommendationer kunde ges.
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Platsens betydelse för lärande i primärvård på landsbygden : Digital vård och sociala rumSjöström, Thomas January 2023 (has links)
Introduction E-health, defined as digital healthcare services enabling remote contact between patient and caregiver, has gained increased attention in scientific research during the recent decades. Given the rapid pace of technological progress and the ever-changing nature of work, health care professionals constantly need to learn new technologies (Agrawal & Prabakaran, 2020; Carlander, 2021; Samuelson et al., 2022). Such learning can take place in different ways. Over the past thirty years, theories of work-integrated learning (WIL) have emerged, initially focusing on individual practitioners formal learning as an organized activity in educational settings, only to later widen the scope to include informal learning – learning as a dimension of everyday practice – at individual, group and organizational level. In this thesis, health care professionals’ informal learning is studied. E-health, at times conceptualized as a place-independent technology liberating health care from its spatial limitations, is analysed from a place perspective, thus contemplating on the importance of place when presumably place-independent technologies are implemented in everyday practice. While the general conditions for primary care in urban and rural areas have been researched to some extent (e.g. Ekman et al., 2019; Kullberg et al., 2018; Lindberg & Carlsson, 2018; Lindberg et al., 2021; Myndigheten för vård och omsorgsanalys, 2021) it remains to explore in what ways these conditions can affect professional learning in an e-health context, thus affecting how technology is used. A perspective that describes the technology as place-independent could suggest that the technology works in a similar way everywhere, a one-size fits all, regardless of where practice is conducted. But with few exceptions (e.g. Currie et al., 2015; Lindberg et al., 2021; Lindberg & Carlsson, 2018; Salemink et al., 2017), e-health in primary care from a place perspective has rarely been studied and problematized. Although the relevance of e-health for rural areas has been identified, there is still a lack of research and knowledge regarding e-health in rural areas (Lindberg & Carlsson, 2018) and the spatial shift that occurs when care moves from a physical to a digital space. In health research, calls for research with place perspectives have been voiced, as health is linked to the social, and the social to a place (Wiles et al., 2009); in this case, what takes place while learning digital health in a social space. The setting of this study is a rural primary health care center located in Sweden. In the area of the health care center, geographical distances are longer, the population older, and the digital infrastructure to some extent deficient, compared to the national average. The study describes and analyzes healthcare professionals’ learning, use of e-health services and their experience of the potential and limitations of e-health in their rural context. In addition, patients 65 years and older are interviewed, as they form a central part of the care environment described and thus the health care professionals’ everyday learning environment. Aim and research questions The overarching purpose of the study is to contribute with an increased understanding of how health care professionals in primary care come to learning and e-health services to use in a health care environment with physical geographical distances, an aging population, and to some extent insufficient digital infrastructure. The following research questions guided the work: - How can health care professionals’ learning and use of e-health technologies be understood from a place perspective? - Which opportunities and limitations do e-health pose in rural primary care? - How are older people's experiences taken into account when e-health services are used and how does the elderly patient (65 years and older) experience an increasingly digital primary care environment? Method This study emanates from data produced january 2021 to may 2022 through interviews with health care professionals (N=14) and patients aged 65 years and older (N=14). Health care professionals were recruited from a primary health care center in a rural area in Sweden. Patients were recruited from the same area. The health care professionals comprised of doctors, nurses, assistant nurses, medical secretaries and a health care center manager. Semi-structured interview guides were used during the interviews. The health care professionals were asked questions about individual use of digital health technologies, motivation to use digital health technologies, professional learning and development and experience of digital health in a rural setting. Patients were in a similar fashion asked about individual use of digital health technologies, motivation to use these technologies and their personal relationship to the health care center. All data were analyzed in accordance with constructive grounded theory as described by Charmaz (2017, 2014, 2012, 2005, 2000). This variant of grounded theory has gained influence in recent years and has also become popular in the health sciences (Albert, 2019; Mills et al., 2006). The difference between classical grounded theory and the constructivist-based grounded theory can be seen as a difference in ontology and epistemology. In the constructivist-based theory, unlike the classical grounded theory, the researcher is seen as a co-creator of the empirical material. Through his/her interpretations, the researcher becomes part of what is being studied, which means that the empirical material is subsequent to change. Charmaz (2014) describes constructivist grounded theory as a method that can lead to creative interpretations as the analytical process can contribute with an understanding of both social processes and general events. Results During interviews, health care professionals and patients assigns the health care center connotations that are also used to describe the wider setting of the health care practice, the “countryside”; a place with geographical distance but also social proximity, often contrasted and compared with a notion of a more impersonal care in the city. The “personal care” described at the local health care center is made possible due to spatial continuity, in part created by relationships and networks built up over time, in part due to the emotional connections to the health care center as a physical place. For patients, recognition creates a knowledge-based continuity, which in turn provides security and emotional ties between patient and professional. Health care professionals view these relationships as an integral part of creating good care. The emphasis of personal relationships and the importance of the social in care – i.e. informal, spontaneous meetings between patient and nurses – shows how the health care have established a social role in local society. Both professionals and patients describes the health care center as a meeting place, a place with no boundaries for access to health care. However, e-health technologies, for example digital care meetings via videolink, is to a large extent viewed as creating new boundaries. Health care professionals describe how the elderly patient lacks knowledge or is too unaccustomed to use digital tools, why elderly patients opt out of digital care meetings in favor of a physical visit. Interviewed patients, however, describe that they – with variations but to a large extent – are digitally savvy. Instead, opting out of digital care is an expression of active choice. The health care center is an appreciated meeting place that delivers a social, informal and spontaneous dimension of care, dimensions the digital care meeting cannot offer. vii Together with this empirical data, theoretical data of social health, affordances and the importance of third places in local society, shows the relation between place and learning. Gibson's (1979) concept of affordance encompasses the conditions that emanate from a particular place, a place-related action-borne knowledge based on the resources offered in the surrounding environment, thus providing answers to what the environment can offer in regard to its possibilities and limitations. On the superficial level, a coverage map showing the digital infrastructure in the health care centers’ immediate area – showing whether a digital care meeting is at all possible – describes one of the affordances that exist when the health care professionals are faced with the decision to schedule a digital care meeting. On the other hand, there are also more abstract affordances at play: the view of the patient's relationship with the health care center and its professionals, the local role of the health care center, the patient's readiness – i.e. digital literacy – to conduct a digital care meeting and the question of the nature of a “good” care meeting. Discussion and conclusion The study highlights the importance of viewing learning from a sociocultural perspective. Although Gibson's (1979) affordances previously have been used in research on learning, it could be argued that this has been done with a narrow interpretation of what constitute an affordance. For example, workplace affordances have been limited to which learning opportunities are easily accessible to workers, the employee's ability to create learning opportunities for themselves, and access to teachers (e.g. Berkhout et al. 2017). But since a workplace cannot be seen as a solitary unit, more studies need to shed light on e-health from a place perspective where health care activities, such as e-health, are seen together with their cultural and social context. To understand what learning is possible, an understanding of place is required. Following a socio-material perspective the affordance cannot be limited to the characteristics of an actor or technology – what it enables – but also something that consists of the relationship between people, technology and the socio-cultural environment, the social practices that the technologies creates and offers. In this case e-health usage is limited by both health care professionals and patients, but in different ways. For health care professionals, the low digital readiness that they perceive among their patients formulates limits to usage. For the patients, however, usage is primarily not a question of lack of knowledge regarding digital health care services, rather, the patients make an active choice in favor of a social, physical visit to the health care center, instead of a perceived anonymous digital health care meeting. / Denna studie belyser vårdprofessioners lärande när e-hälsoverktyg, digitala vårdtjänster som medger distanskontakt mellan patient och vårdgivare, ska komma till användning i en svensk primärvårds- och landsbygdskontext. I fokus står en vårdcentral på landsbygden, där de geografiska avstånden är längre, befolkningen äldre och den digitala infrastrukturen till viss del bristfällig. Studien beskriver och analyserar vårdprofessionernas lärande och användning av e-hälsotjänster och upplevelsen av e-hälsans potential och begränsningar utifrån den egna kontexten. I studien har förutom vårdprofessioner (läkare, sjuksköterskor, undersköterskor, medicinska sekreterare, verksamhetschef) även patienter 65 år och äldre intervjuats, då de utgör en central del i den beskrivna vårdmiljön och därmed också i vårdprofessionernas lärmiljö. Då kunskap om förutsättningarna för e-hälsa på landsbygden och vårdprofessionernas lärande utifrån denna landsbygdskontext fortfarande är bristfällig, är det relevant att belysa e-hälsa utifrån ett lärande- och landsbygdsperspektiv. Den forskningsansats och analysmetod som använts i studien är Charmaz artikulering av grundad teori, konstruktivistisk grundad teori (Charmaz, 2017, 2014, 2012, 2005, 2000), en uppsättning riktlinjer för empirinära, teorigenererande analys. Studiens resultat beskriver hur såväl e-hälsa som lärande är komplexa fenomen som behöver ses i sitt sammanhang. Medan e-hälsa beskrivits som en möjliggörare av platsoberoende vård, visar studien att det finns många platsberoende aspekter att ta hänsyn till för att tekniken ska komma till användning. I studien används begreppet handlingserbjudande (Gibson, 1979:; Billet, 2001a; 2001b) för att illustrera möjligheter till lärande givet platsens förutsättningar, något som ofta formuleras i relation till patienten: vad vårdprofessionerna upplever att patienten kan och vill. Då handlingserbjudandena inte alltid motiverar vårdprofessionerna att använda digitala vårdtjänster, såsom videomöte, får det en direkt effekt på lärandet. För att beskriva kontexten för lärandet och de handlingserbjudanden som står till buds används begreppet ”Tredje plats” (Oldenburg, 1991), en mötesplats som understödjer svaga ix band mellan individer på orten. Hälsocentralen har kommit att bli en uppskattad mötesplats för patienterna som upplever att det fysiska besöket understödjer social hälsa. Studien utmynnar i en modell som hjälper till att skapa förståelse för upplevda begränsningar med e-hälsa på den aktuella platsen, däribland hur föreställningar om det digitala ställs mot föreställningar om det sociala, synen på hälsocentralens roll och synen på vad som är en god och nära vård. Modellen kan dessutom bidra med förståelse för hur det kan se ut när e-hälsa implementeras på andra hälsocentraler på landsbygden.
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A framework for digitalized information management in food value chains : A study in the Swedish bread and bakery manufacturing industryHedlund, Tobias, Namroud, Larsina January 2022 (has links)
Purpose: Information management is crucial for a food manufacturing company as it increases productivity, lowers cost, and enables traceability as well as data-driven decision-making. A lack of information management leads to consequences such as lack of customer demand and requirements, which result in high inventory or stockout. The purpose of this study is to enable digitalized information management in food value chains, and this study aims to know which information needs to be considered for data-driven decision-making. The purpose and aim align with adapting to the current trends of industry 4.0 and digitalized information management. To fulfill the purpose, two research questions are formulated: (1) What type of information needs to be considered for data-driven decision-making in food value chains? and (2) How should the parts of the value chain be digitalized to enable data-driven decision-making in food value chains? Method: The chosen approach for this study was an inductive approach and the chosen strategies were a literature review and a single case study in the Swedish food manufacturing industry. To gain an understanding of the case company’s value chain, interviews were used as a data collection technique. The interviews were then analyzed and then combined with the literature review to answer both the research questions. The quality of the study was evaluated by using thetrustworthiness criteria. There were also five principles, when it comes to research ethics, that were used during this study. Findings: After the conducted interviews, the relevant actors were identified and mapped in the case company’s value chain. It was found that the company used a lot of manual information management procedures, which led to several challenges for data-driven decision-making within the company. The mapping revealed which information was relevant for the respective actors within the case company. This provided a starting point from which empirical and theoretical data were studied to address these challenges and answer the two research questions and fulfill the purpose of this study. Analysis: To build a framework for digital information management, it was necessary to customize existing equipment and resources, adapt the process to the specific industry, and move toward the concept of industry 4.0. With these elements in mind, the framework was created using data acquired from both the literature research and the case study. The framework consists of a loop, that allows for continual improvement. Conclusion: Applying the correct technology is important for digitalized information management, and the food manufacturing industry suffers from limited technologies in this aspect. This thesis informs the reader on how to digitalize information management. The academic contribution is a theoretical framework for the digitalization of information management using industry 4.0 concepts, which can support companies to generate revenue. / <p>Externt samarbete utesluts, eftersom företaget inte vill skylta med sitt namn. </p>
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