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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王耀霆 Unknown Date (has links)
簡單來說:憲法—是否及如何,適用或影響—私法關係?亦即,私法關係是否應該受到合憲控制?如果是,應該限於什麼範圍,受到什麼程度的合憲控制?而民事法院的法官又應該如何操作合憲控制?對此,目前為止的相關文獻固然已經大致確立了以間接影響說為主軸的通說論述,然而,仍然留有「理論基礎」、「射程範圍」、「操作方法」及「操作示範」等問題尚未解決。 著眼於以上的問題意識,本文首先針對「理論基礎」的問題,回顧關於私法關係合憲控制的重要理論,釐清其中一些曖昧不明的說法,並且嘗試對於「憲法是否適用或影響私法關係?」這個根本的問題,尋找一個比較站得住腳的立論基礎,也替之後的討論勾勒出一個基本輪廓。其次針對「射程範圍」的問題,本文嘗試界定私法關係合憲控制的射程範圍,包括憲法規定的範圍,以及媒介規範的範圍,目的在於劃定私法關係合憲控制的外部界限。接著針對「操作方法」的問題,本文設法提出一個可供民事法院操作的合憲控制方法,目的在於把討論至今的抽象理論進一步加以具體化,並且建立私法關係合憲控制的內部流程。最後針對「操作示範」的問題,本文以再興社區訴關愛之家案為例,進行私法關係合憲控制的操作示範,希望能夠作為我國實務將來在處理案例時的參考。在結論上,本文雖然仍以多數意見所採取的間接影響說為基調,但是希望透過對於理論基礎的明確化、射程範圍的細緻化及操作方法的具體化,能夠重新構成間接影響說的理論及實務。 關鍵詞:基本權第三人效力、基本權保護義務、合憲性解釋、間接適用說、關愛之家案。

受虐兒童及少年家外安置的抉擇──從兒童少年保護社會工作者觀點出發 / The Exploration of decisions on out-of-home placement in abused children and adolescents: A view from child and adolescent protection social workers

劉淑怡, Liu, Shu Ii Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的社會和家庭型態在近年來快速變遷,家中存在的壓力使兒童及少年成為容易受傷害的一群,許多關於兒少保護的資料皆顯示出兒童及少年受虐的比例逐年不斷地攀升。兒少保護工作具有相當高的危險性和挑戰性,各縣市從事兒少保護的社工員即擔負此重責大任,當發現兒少有危險或原生家庭無法提供其適當的照顧時,則社工員會運用公權力將兒少帶離原生家庭。家外安置是根據兒童及少年福利法而建立的制度,根據法規的精神,若受虐兒少存在立即的危險情況或原生家庭目前不適合居住等情形時,則社工員會進行家外安置,以確保兒少的利益。  本研究透過質性研究的方法,探討兒保社工員在面對受虐兒少是否需進行繼續安置時,其抉擇的因素為何,並了解其在抉擇的過程中面臨到的問題及處理方式為何。透過本研究希望瞭解:第一,兒少保社工員對於家外安置的看法為何?第二,影響兒少保社工員採取繼續安置的抉擇因素為何?第三,兒少保社工員在繼續安置抉擇過程中面臨到的問題及處理方式為何?本研究並進行北部五縣市(台北縣、桃園縣、基隆市、新竹縣、新竹市)跨區域的比較,了解北部各縣市的差異性。最後,將研究結果形成建議,提供兒少保護相關領域的社工員未來在面對這樣議題時的參考。   依據研究目的,研究者邀請北部地區十七位在兒少保護機構工作超過一年以上的社工員進行一對一的深度訪談,研究結果如下列幾點: 一、社工員認為家外安置的功能是:「公權力的示範」、「給孩子一個安全的生活環境」、「可能產生負面效果的權宜之計」、以及「暫時舒緩家中存在的壓力」。 二、社工員考量受虐兒少是否繼續安置的抉擇因素包括:兒少年齡、兒少意願和自主性、兒少與原生家庭的依附程度、兒少身心狀況、兒少自我保護功能、兒少人身安全、兒少受虐程度、兒少受虐歷史、兒少受虐型態、施虐者施虐原因、施虐者身心狀況、施虐者親職功能、施虐者對於處遇的配合程度、施虐者改變的動力和程度、其他親屬的照顧資源、家庭其他成員的保護能力、安置能否發揮功能、社工員人身安全的考量、安置資源有無、施虐者對兒少的脅迫。 三、決定受虐兒少需進行繼續安置最關鍵的因素為兒少人身安全是否可確保以及家庭功能的整體評估。 四、各個縣市在安置處理模式和安置資源使用狀況存在差異性。 五、兒少保社工員對於緊急安置和繼續安置考量的差異在於:行政裁量VS.法院裁定;公權力初步展現VS.較長期的家庭重建;立即性保護兒少安全VS.長期間掌控兒少的風險。 六、社工員在安置過程中面臨到的困境主要有兩類,一為評估面上的困難,包括教養的尺度難以衡定、客觀證據力不足時該如何判斷、如何評斷出什麼是正確的資訊、精神虐待類型難以評估;二為執行面上的困難,包括安置資源不足、72小時的時間限制、後送單位品質的問題、青少年後續配套資源的不足、關於安置的法律議題不熟悉、相關網絡成員的壓力、來自外界聲音的壓力、社工員人身安全的憂慮。   最後,本研究對於社會工作實務、政府政策、以及進一步研究的部份提出建議,提供給相關領域的機構和工作人員作為參考。 / In Taiwan, types of the society and families are changing rapidly in recent years. Pressure at home makes children and adolescents vulnerable. Statistical data about child and adolescent protection indicates that the percentage of abuse is climbing year after year. Jobs of child and adolescent protection are highly dangerous and challenging. Social workers in different cities and counties take these great responsibilities. When they find out any children/adolescents are in danger or families-of-origin can not provide proper care, the social workers would use public power to bring those children away from their families-of-origin. Out-of-home placement is a system based on Child and Youth Welfare Law. According to spirit of law, if there exists immediate danger for children and adolescents, or families-of-origin are not appropriate for living, social workers would proceed with out-of-home placement to ensure their well-being. This research is using qualitative method to discuss what determines social workers’ decisions to proceed with continuous placement, and what problems they face in the process of making decisions and how they deal with them. This research aims at understanding the following questions. First, what are child and adolescent protection social workers’ point of views regarding out-of-home placement? Second, what affects social workers’ decisions to proceed with continuous placement? Third, what problems do child and adolescent protection social workers face when they are making decisions of continuous placement and how do they cope with those problems? This research also conducted a cross area comparison between five cities/counties in north part of Taiwan including Taipei County, Taoyuan County, Keelung City, Hsin-Chu County, and Hsin-Chu City to understand difference in them. Finally, suggestions are made based on research results to provide reference for child and adolescent protection social workers when in the future they face these kinds of issues.   Based on objectives of the research, the researcher invited seventeen social workers that have worked over one year in child and adolescent protection institutions in north part of Taiwan for one-to-one in-depth interviews. Research results are as follows. First, social workers think the functions of out-of-home placement are, “demonstration of public power”, “to provide a safe environment for children”, “a tentative strategy with negative effects” and “a temporary release of stress at home”. Second, the factors that determine social workers’ decisions of continuous placement include children and adolescents’ ages, their inclination, autonomy, attachment to their family-of-origin, physical and psychological conditions, self-protection function, personal safety, children and adolescents’ degree of abuse, history of abuse, types of abuse, and abusers’ reasons to abuse, abusers’ physical and psychological conditions, abusers’ parenting function, degree of cooperation with placement, abusers’ motivation and degree of change, other family caring resource, other family members’ abilities of protection, effectiveness of placement, safety consideration for social workers, availability of placement resource, abusers’ threats to children and adolescents. Third, the key factors to decide continuous placement for abused children and adolescents are whether safety of children and adolescents can be assured and overall evaluation of family function. Forth, cities and counties are different in terms of placement types and usage of placement methods. Fifth, the difference between considerations of emergent and continuous placement is: administrative discretion VS. court discretion, preliminary effect of public power VS. longer-term family reconstruction, immediate protection of children and adolescents VS. risk of long-term control of children and adolescents Sixth, the main difficulties that social workers face in the process of placement fall into two categories. One is difficulty of evaluation, including difficulty to judge whether the discipline is appropriate, how to judge when there is no enough objective evidences, how to screen the right information, difficulties to determine types of mental abuse. The other is difficulty of implementation, including insufficiency of placement resource, time limit of 72 hours, problems of placement family quality, insufficiency of supporting resources for adolescents afterwards, unfamiliarity with legal issues of placement, pressure from other network members, pressure from the public voices, and concerns about social workers’ safety. Last, the research provides suggestions regarding social work practices, government policies, and further research for related institutions and workers’ reference.

非營利組織之事業企劃書:以台灣動物平權促進會為例 / Business Plan for Nonprofit Organizations: The Case of Taiwan Animal Equality Association (TAEA)

霍淑儀, Fok, Shuk Yi Unknown Date (has links)
非營利組織之事業企劃書:以台灣動物平權促進會為例 / With the high level of economic development, there are more and more social issues caused and some nonprofit organizations have founded for advocating core values to influence people and achieve social changes. However, high organizational performance and good organizational effectiveness are not universal in nonprofit organizations; therefore, nonprofit organizations are recommended to refer to marketing knowledge for increasing their organizational effectiveness. This business plan is using a Taiwan nonprofit organization as a case to study how to transfer commercial marketing knowledge into nonprofit organizations for contributing organizational success.

管理層收購法律規範理論與實務—台日比較 / M&A laws relating to management buyouts : theory and practice between Taiwan and Japan

張雅涵 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文為管理層收購法律規範理論與實務之研究,比較台灣與日本兩國法律規範及實務運作方式,借鏡上市公司股權結構及管理層收購發動背景與我國相似之日本,檢討我國管理層收購之相關法規範,並試提出修正建議。 在管理層收購下,管理層一方面為收購方,一方面亦為目標公司之決策機構,其間之利益衝突不言而喻,且管理層收購亦伴隨著逐出少數股東之下市交易,如何能確保交易公平並保障少數股東之利益,為各國法規範管理層收購之一大重點。 本文以2011年國際私募基金Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. L.P.來台收購我國半導體大廠國巨股份有限公司一案帶入我國管理層收購之法規範及實務運作,並點出該案及其後一連串之修法下我國法仍存在之問題,再探討日本法下管理層收購之相關規範及實務運作模式,並以日本兩實務案例:日立集團旗下之日立機材株式會社創始股東聯合國際私募基金凱雷集團發動管理層收購事件、日本判決著名案件Rex Holdings管理層收購事件兩案,深入探討日本法之管理層收購實務運作及相關判決,最後則以兩國實務案例比較,進一步檢討我國法之問題。

政府與企業之弊端揭發過程比較研究-從揭弊者受影響因素的角度 / The Comparative Research of Whistle-Blowing in Government and Business Organizations-The Factors Affecting Whistleblowers

蔡明瀚 Unknown Date (has links)
近來各國政府對於公共服務的提供,越來越傾向公私協力的方式,以滿足人民的多元需求,但是有時因為政府的監督效率不彰甚至是政府與財團勾結,以至於企業組織的不法行為嚴重影響了公共利益。而外部的監督機制效果失靈,弊端揭發(whistle blowing)就成為了最後一道防線。但是,不論在公私部門,只要是在組織內揭露不法情事,勢必牽涉許多複雜的因素,以及可能對揭發者造成風險,再加上我國法制的不健全難以對揭弊者提供完善的保護,這些都將影響成員揭發的意願。 因此,為探討上述問題,本研究採取質性研究的方式,運用文獻回顧與深度訪談作為研究方法。本研究的研究架構是從弊端揭發者的心理進程發展依序探討,首先,以公務倫理或企業倫理、揭弊前因素以及預期揭弊後因素之三類現有因素做出初步判斷,再者,以前述判斷結果作為依據,將揭弊管道、對象以及手段納入綜合考量,最後做出揭發弊端與否的決定。本研究之研究發現認為,第一,企業倫理與公務倫理難以促使揭弊行為產生。第二、有利組織弊端揭發的情境與結構包括溝通管道暢通、扁平化的組織以及創新傾向的組織文化並且權力在其中居於主導地位。第三、現行保護機制無法保障私部門成員之工作與公務人員之安全。 另外,建議後續研究者可以選擇公私協力之個案,或是可以就組織中的「有權者」的角度來探討。最後,本研究根據研究發現提出幾點實務建議: 一、 制定公益揭發專法 二、 增加組織成員職涯規劃的多元性 三、 加重行賄者責任 四、 改善政風單位處理程序 關鍵詞:弊端揭發過程、公務倫理、企業倫理、弊端揭發者保護機制 / Nowadays, to satisfy the diverse demands from people, governments tend to work with business organizations to provide better public service. However, due to the possibilities of poor supervision from governments and collusion between both parties, public interest is often under great threat or even severely violated. Therefore, whistle-blowing will be the last defense once the external control systems fail. No matter in public or private organizations, it may put the whistleblower at risk while disclosing wrongdoings which involves many complex factors. And it could also affect people’s willingness of being a whistleblower due to the lack of protecting system in our existing legal regime. To investigate above topic, this study is conducted with qualitative research analysis, and is to use documentary analysis and depth interview as the research methods. The conceptual framework is to investigate by the whistleblower’s psychological process in sequence. First of all, the whistleblower will make the initial judgments with three existing factors: administrative ethics or business ethics, the factors prior to whistle-blowing, and the expected factors after whistle-blowing. Therefore, based on the initial judgments mentioned above, the whistleblower will decide whether to blow the whistle or not after taking channels, objects, and means into account. The findings of this research indicate three following points: (1) Administrative ethics or business ethics lead to little possibility that brings out whistle-blowing. (2) The situations or structures which are conducive to whistle-blowing include unimpeded communication channel, horizontal organization, and innovation-tended organizational culture. And the power holds a dominant position. (3) Existing protecting system cannot ensure the right to work of people working in private sector, nor the safety of public servant. In addition, the author suggests that succeeding investigators choose the case related to public private partnership, or probe from the perspective of the powers. At last, the practical suggestions based on the findings of this study are as following: 1. To legislate for public interest disclosure 2. To enrich the diversity of members’ career development 3. To aggravate the consequences of giving bribes 4. To improve the working procedures of the department of civil service ethics Keywords: the Process of Whistle-blowing, Administrative Ethics, Business Ethics, Whistleblower Protecting System

澳門沙梨頭街區保護與活化研究 =The study on the protection and sustainability of the Patane Area in Macau / Study on the protection and sustainability of the Patane Area in Macau

鄭嘉儀 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences. / Centre for Macau Studies

自我與權利-受婚姻暴力女性的權利實踐 / Self and rights-the practice of women's rights in the intimacy violence case

李姿佳, Lee, Tzu-Chia Unknown Date (has links)
自古以來婚姻暴力在臺灣社會是被忽視的議題,直到1998年臺灣通過家庭暴力防治法,成為全亞洲第一個完成立法的國家,也是一部保障被害人人權的法律。在實務上,家庭暴力防治法實施19年來,對家庭暴力防治法的效用為何,一直存在不同的爭論。在臺灣對婚姻暴力受暴者的保護,從保護人權的理想到權利的賦予,再從權利賦予看到權利對社會影響,法律實施多年後,實務上看到人權保護與權利賦予,中間產生非常大的落差,而產生落差的原因,是本研究所要回答的問題。 近年來西方創發第四種新權利理論,突破以往權利理論的框架,將自我與權利是循環(recursive)影響的觀點,然而華人的自我與西方自我截然不同。心理學家幫助我們把自我內在的基本心理結構做了許多描述和區分;人類學則說明華人自我和西方自我的不同,華人自我是差序格局,自我悠遊在父母兄弟姊妹之間的關係中。而本研究的自我與新權利理論不同之處在於,新權利理論的自我是個人主義式的自我,而本研究的自我是包含他人,在心理學和人類學的相互補充下,形成本研究重要的論述基礎。 本文研究方法有文獻回顧、質性深度訪談及個案分析三種。質性深度訪談,以受婚姻暴力女性的權利意識為主軸,訪談兩對曾有婚姻關係之夫妻,在婚姻中有發生過婚姻暴力,且法院核發保護令,本研究以兩對夫妻為個案分析對象。本研究結發現,在臺灣自我會影響權利,而距離和情是影響自我發展範圍大小及輕重的關鍵因素;性別會影響對雙方所認知產生距離的原因,以及雙方對夫妻之情轉變看法的關鍵有所不同。 本研究最後根據研究結果提出四項結論與建議,一、自我和權利是臺灣受婚姻暴力女性權利實踐的樣貌;二、在婚姻中的人權與權利主張中間有一段很大的落差;三、影響自我與權利的關鍵因素是距離和情;最後第四點,對臺灣婚姻暴力防治提出建議。 / Since ancient times, intimacy violence in Taiwan society is a neglected issue, until 1998, Taiwan through the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, to become the first in Asia to complete the legislation of the country, but also a protection of the human rights of the law. In practice, the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act 19 years, the effectiveness of the law on the prevention of domestic violence, there have been different debates. In Taiwan, the protection of intimacy violence by the violence, from the protection of human rights to the right to the right to give, and then given the rights from the right to see the social impact of the law after years of practice to see the protection of human rights and rights, the middle of the very The big gap, and the cause of the drop is the answer to this question. In recent years, the West created the fourth new theory of rights, breaking the framework of the previous theory of rights, the self and the right is recursive (recursive) the impact of view, but the Chinese self and Western self is very different. Psychologists help us to self-inner basic psychological structure to do a lot of description and distinction; anthropology is that the Chinese self and Western self is different, the Chinese self is the pattern of differences, self-leisurely in the relationship between parents and brothers and sisters. The difference between the self and the new right theory of this study is that the self of the new right theory is an individualistic self, and the self of the study contains other people, which are important in the complementarity of psychology and anthropology. The basis of the discussion. This article has three kinds of literature review, qualitative depth interview and case analysis. Qualitative depth of interviews, to intimacy violence women's rights awareness as the main axis, interview two pairs of marriages have marriages, intimacy violence in the marriage, and the court issued a protection order, the study of two couples as a case study Object. This study concludes that Taiwan's self affects rights, and distance and love are the key factors influencing the size and severity of self-development. Gender will affect the causes of the perceived distance between the two sides and the key to the change of husband and wife's feelings Different. In the end of this study, four conclusions and suggestions are put forward according to the research results. First, the self and the right are the practice of women's sexual rights in Taiwan. Second, there is a great gap between the human rights and rights in marriage. The key factors influencing the self and the right are the distance and the situation. Finally, the fourth point is to make suggestions on the prevention and control of intimacy violence in Taiwan.


高仁川 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

保險電子商務法律問題之研究 / Legal Issues of E-commerce in Insurance

盧世寧 Unknown Date (has links)
由於目前各大保險公司多已具有線上投保服務的功能,本論文即以實務上常見的線上投保為出發點,探討保險業電子商務相關的法律問題,以B2C為核心,先以二章探討電子電子簽章法對保險電子商務的影響,分別就電子化意思表示之成立與生效要件及電子文件在法律上的效力做探討,針對現行民法與電子簽章法第七條關於電子化意思表示之生效時點做立法上的介紹,包含立法草案、立法理由之比較,及就國際上各國立法例做比較法上的探討。另外電子化意思表示的瑕疵即電子錯誤的法律問題,國外立法有相當詳盡的規定,我國法上則無相關的規範,本章並就此問題加以探討並提出立法上可行性之建議。第四章則針對現行電子簽章法第四條至第六條關於電子文件法律效力的規範做立法沿革、立法理由之比較與研究,並介紹國際上相關的立法例,對電子簽章法第四條至第六條規範不足的部分提出修正建議。最後整理並介紹電子簽章法第四條至第六條在保險電子商務運用上的影響   其次為保險電子商務下相關特別法的規範,本文以消費者保護法以及為主題,分別討論網路上的使用者約款與電子商務契約是否適用特種買賣的法律問題,針對現行消費者保護法及相關特別法與保險電子商務有關的部分提出那些應予適用那些應予排除的研究結論,如:消保法關於定型化契約之規範應適用於保險公司網站上的使用者約款、會員約款、定型化保單條款上;企業有那些應盡的告知義務、線上保險契約國外有那些立法例允許適用特種買賣那些立法例排除我國法上可否做如此的設計…等等   最後為本論文的結論,並附上現行實務草擬的保險業網路交易管理辦法、保險業電子商務業者自律公約範本、保險業服務契約範本草案及IAIS有關保險網際網路營業行為監理的核心原則做出對照,期能對保險電子商務相關的法律問題有所理論上或實務上的助益。 / E-Commerce is the most potential selling way. of the insurance. It is not only helpful in reducing the cost of the transaction of the business, but also enriching the scope of the service, enhancing the image of the insurance company. Online communication can establish good relationship between the customs and the company. Some researches had pointed that intangible goods are suit in E-Commerce, therefore, it is surely that finance, insurance will tie with E-Commerce. Related researches on E-Commerce Law have also emerged in the rescently. years, and they have become new scope of the science of law.Although insurance goods are also intangible finance goods, they are different to the other finance contracts. Some researches have also pointed that there are advantages and disadvantages when insurance company use E-Commerce, so E-Commerce is in special way showing in the insurance practice. Insurance selling can not totally be replaced by E-Commerce, therefore,there is special space to study in the related legal problems on the E-Commerce of the insurance .   This paper will discuss the legal problems of the E-Commerce of the insurance, especially focus on B2C. Electronic Signature Act has passed on 2001.11.10, and it is the first law about the E-Commerce in Taiwan Chapters2 of this paper will discuss the problems of what the Electronic Signature Act influence the E-Commerce. First, the Electronic Signature Act regulates that the valid time of the electronic representation, Chapter3 will discuss the related preparation, the reasons of this regulation, compare the foreign regulations about this issue, and comment it. Then, there is no regulation about electronic error in Taiwan law, we will discuss the related problems. Chapter4 and Chapter5 discuss the legal questions about electronic paper and consumer protection of the e-commerce.

責任保險契約當事人於危險事故發生後之義務-以英美相關法制為核心 / The contractual parties' post loss duties in liability insurance - focusing on anglo-amercan law

李志峰 Unknown Date (has links)
誠信善意原則雖從羅馬法發展而來,適用於民事法律之領域,從西元一七六六年英國大法官Mansfield於Carter v. Boehm一案之明文宣示,開啟了誠信善意原則於保險法蓬勃發展之源頭。Mansfield氏亦說明該原則於保險契約當事人雙方均有適用,美國法承繼英國普通法上的發展,並建構更為完整的內涵,將誠信善意原則適用在各種保險及保險的各個階段。 責任保險由財產保險衍生而來,惟其不同之處為其損失乃是消極利益之損失。保險人在被保險人對於第三人之責任確定後,且責任事故為落入保險契約承保範圍時,應對被保險人為保險金之給付。然而,在特殊之狀況下,如被保險人破產之時,保險人所為之保險給付,並無法真正賠償給受害之第三人,導致責任保險所具有的社會保護功能盡失。為了保障受害第三人,責任保險人之保險給付請求權的功能擴張到保護受害之第三人,成為免責請求權。以上轉變,在美國法上亦有相類之歷程,美國學者認為責任保險之給付內容從對抗金錢損失轉變為對抗責任的成形;亦即責任保險的目的,不僅是在賠付被保險人之責任損失外,更是在危險事故發生後,立即提供保險人防禦,以保障被保險人之心境安寧與財務安全。然而,兩岸保險法目前的規定及實務運作的方式,卻未演進到保障被保險人心境安寧與財務安全,對於誠信善意原則在雙方當事人間的適用,亦未落實。 由於英美在相關制度及理論的發展,較為完整。本文將以英美法為參考依據,指出目前兩岸法令制度不足之處,並以英美司法及保險實務就相關議題採行之方式與見解為輔助基礎,提出修正保險法及契約條款之具體方向,作為兩岸未來解決現行法令制度不足時之參考依據。本文架構安排上,於第一章為研究動機、目的及研究方法、範圍為說明外,第二章責任保險之制度設計,以責任保險之發展與功能為論述核心,得出在誠信善意原則之基礎下,當代責任保險之被保險人於事故後有通知、合作協助及減少損害之義務,而保險人保險給付義務不僅包含被保險人法定責任金額之損失賠付,尚還包含為被保險人所提供之防禦,即保險人亦負有調查、抗辯與和解義務。第三章被保險人之義務,即通知、合作協助及減少損害等義務,討論被保險人義務內涵及所需要件。第四章保險人之義務,就調查義務、抗辯義務內涵為論述,並就違反效果及美國學者對於相關義務可改革之處提出之芻議為說明。第五章兩岸責任保險法制之分析與比較,以英美法上的理論及實務作為基礎,以檢驗兩岸責任保險法制之優劣,本文認為兩岸的保險法令與制度,未著重被保險人之權利保護,存在相關缺失。第六章結論與建議:乃綜合前述各章之討論,本文對於現代責任保險之功能及當事人各項義務為總結並參考英美司法及保險實務上的發展,對於本文第五章所分析之兩岸目前保險法制及實務作為不足之部分,提出若干建議,以供未來立法者修法及保險實務界為相關改正之參考。

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