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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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公司負債到期結構之實證研究-以台灣製造業為例 / An Empirical Study on The Determinants of Taiwan Corporate Debt Maturity Structure

孫孟文, Amy Meng-Wen Pan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討公司負債到期結構的實證決定因素。本研究首先選取台灣一般製造業104家樣本,使用複迴歸進行分析,結果顯示此104家樣本公司市價對帳面價值比與實質稅率的係數估計值為負,證明高成長和高預期代理成本的公司,擁有長於三年到期結構負債的比率顯著的較低,驗證資訊不對稱程度較高的企業較不偏好長期負債的假說,並與理論的預測相同。對於負債到期結構之其他三項決定因素,即資產年限、變異性、與超額盈餘而言,結果和假說理論及國外實證研究結果不合,無法驗證資產與負債年限相配之假說,同時以負債到期結構與超額盈餘傳遞訊息假說之理論亦無法成立。由於此六項決定因素皆不具統計顯著性,故而再選取電子業31家樣本進行實證研究。此上市公司電子業31家的實證結果支持代理成本與負債到期結構之間具有負相關的假說,以及企業會配合公司資產年限和負債到期結構的相配假說;然而,實證結果無法驗證此31家電子產業的負債到期結構與企業規模呈現正相關,也無法驗證負債到期結構和公司價值的變異性、超額報酬具有負相關的假說。此外,研究結果並不支持稅負會影響負債到期結構的說法,以及企業會利用負債到期結構發佈訊息的假設。 / This paper investigates the empirical determinants of corporate debt maturity structure by exploring the possible relations between the firm’s debt maturity structure and six firm-specific characteristics of agency-related costs, size, signaling, asset maturity, taxes and variability. This is done by testing the theoretical model of debt maturity structure first using a cross-sectional data set of 104 non-financial Taiwan firms, and then using a data set of 31 Taiwan electronic firms. The results of the test on the 104 non-financial Taiwan firms shows that agency-costs, asset-maturity and taxes exert negative impacts on debt maturity, while size, variability and abcdrmal profit have positive impacts on debt maturity. However, none of these determinants are significant on the debt maturity structure decisions. As for the 31 Taiwan electronic firms, the evidence lends considerable support to the prediction that the impact of agency-costs on debt maturity is negative. The findings also provide support for the notion that these firms match the maturity of their debt to that of their assets. Though firm size is positively associated with debt maturity, it is not a significant determinant. The empirical analysis provides no evidence that taxes and volatility of firm value affect debt maturity structure. Finally, the empirical results are not supportive of the signaling hypothesis that Taiwan electronic firms use their debt maturity structure to signal information to the market.


張鈺欣, CHANG, YU-SIN Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,衍生性金融商品不停的推陳出新,不論是金融機構、企業或個人,絕大多數皆可能從事過金融商品交易。此外,為了滿足投資人與發行者各式各樣的需求,以及因應不同的經濟環境背景,金融商品不停推陳出新。 2003年,證期會核准14家國內券商可發行新台幣結構性債券(Structure Notes),2004年證期會更擴大國內券商連結標的可為國外標的,雖然目前稅法問題尚未解決,但預估未來將有千億元以上的投資額。結構性債券利用財務工程及金融創新,將債券和選擇權相結合,依據景氣及投資人的需要設計,不但可擴大券商的業務範圍及增添獲利空間,又可使投資人或企業得到多樣化的投資及避險管道。舉凡債券、保單、共同基金、銀行存款…等,都是連動的對象,甚至通貨膨脹率、原物料價格連動,可搭配出的商品變化很多。目前國內股價連動商品發展日趨重要,因此,結構式債券商品的理論價格衡量存在其必要性。 本論文的目的,針對兩種股價連動債券商品進行評價,本研究目的可歸結為以下數點: 1.介紹雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之產品特色,並加以評價與分析。 2.探討雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之發行商與投資人的利潤分析。 3.進行雙收益連動債券與高收益鎖定配息債券之避險交易策略。 4.闡述本研究之結論與心得,並提出改進之處以供後續研究參考。


高國霖 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究以最終控制之觀念與研究方法,分析台灣上市公司股權結構與資本結構間的關係。首先探討台灣上市公司最終控制者的型態,接著以分析研究控制股東的控制權與現金流量請求權之偏離程度對公司舉債的影響。最後,納入集團企業及其組織型態等因素,探討其與偏離程度的關係。 實證結果顯示,不論以10%或20%的投票權作為股權分散的判斷標準,家族皆為最普遍的控制股東型態。當假設控制股東對名目公司(其他機構)的持股比率為0%時,實證結果顯示,若控制權與現金流量請求權偏離程度愈大,則其舉債程度越高。這可能意味著控制股東在其控制權與現金流量請求權的偏離情形下,會透過負債程度的操控來侵佔少數股東的財富,亦可能對債權人甚或納稅義務人的權益產生影響。 在集團企業因素的影響方面,實證結果指出當上市公司屬於集團企業時,其控制權與現金流量請求權之偏離程度較之非集團企業者為大,且集團企業的組織型態越複雜,控制股東之控制權與現金流量請求權的偏離程度將越大,代表控制股東更可能透過金字塔結構及交叉持股的方式來加強對公司的控制,進而產生侵犯少數股東權益的動機。 / Abstract This study investigates if the controlling shareholders of firms in Taiwan expropriate the minority shareholders through raising debt. Two cutoff levels of ultimate control right, 10% and 20%, are applied to find out the fact that the listed companies in Taiwan are not widely held but mostly in the control of families. On top of this fact, the result indicates that the deviation of control rights from cash flow rights of the controlling shareholders has positive effect on the debt ratio. It also reveals that the more the block shareholders’ control rights deviates from cash flow rights, the more the debt corporate would raise. Furthermore, the deviation is larger for conglomerate companies than their counterparties. For conglomerate companies, the deviation is positively related to the complexity of the conglomerate structure.

The Rule Extraction from Multi-layer Feed-forward Neural Networks

柯文乾, Ke, Wen-Chyan Unknown Date (has links)
神經網路已經被成功地應用於解決各種分類及函數近似的問題,尤其因為神經網路是個萬能的近似器(universal approximator),所以對於函數近似的問題效果更為顯著。以往對於此類問題雖然多數以線性的分析工具為主,但是實際上多數問題本質上是非線性的,所以對於非線性分析工具的需求其實是很大的。自1986年起,神經網路本身的運作一直被視為一個黑箱作業,難以判斷網路學習結果的合理性,更無法有效地幫助使用者增進其知識,因此提供一套合理及有效的神經網路分析方法是重要。 本文提出一套分析神網路系統的方法;利用線性規劃的技巧萃取及分析網路中的規則(rule),而不需要對任何資料集做分析;進而利用統計無母數方法-符號檢定-歸納出網路中的知識。以債券評價為例,驗證此方法的可行性,實證結果亦顯示此方法所萃取出來的規則是合理的,且由這些萃取出的規則中,所歸納出來有關債券評價的知識多數是合理的。 / Neural networks have been successfully applied to solve a variety of application problems including classification and function approximation. They are especially useful for function approximation problems because they have been shown to be uni-versal approximators. In the past, for function approximation problems, they were mainly analyzed via tools of linear analyses. However, most of the function approxi-mation problems needed tools of nonlinear analyses in fact. Thus, there is the much demand for tools of nonlinear analyses. Since 1986, the neural network is considered a black box. It is hard to determine if the learning result of a neural network is rea-sonable, and the network can not effectively help users to develop the domain knowl-edge. Thus, it is important to supply a reasonable and effective analytic method of the neural network. Here, we propose an analytic method of the neural network. It can extract rules from the neural network and analyze them via the Linear Programming and does not depend on any data analysis. Then we can generalize domain knowledge from these rules via the sign test, a statistical non-parameter method. We take the bond-pricing as an instance to examine the feasibility of our proposed method. The result shows that these extracted rules are reasonable by our method and that these generalized domain knowledge from these rules is also reasonable.


莊竣名 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用的投資組合理論(Portfolio Theory)與免疫理論(Immunization Theory)建構資產負債管理模型,希望在於免除利率風險下,能夠極大化勞保基金的投資報酬率。本研究探討勞保老年給付年金制實行後,勞保基金在資產負債管理之下最適資產配置。我們以勞保局編印之「勞工保險統計年報」中勞保基金民國81年到91年實際投資的資料及勞保局委託研究之精算報告對於老年給付年金制實行後未來勞保基金的給付預測值,在不同年金選擇率以及不同的費率與控管年限下,根據勞保基金資產與負債的存續期間,建議勞保基金最適的投資組合,並計算資產負債管理成本,研究結果發現: 1 年金選擇率為100%及80%時,勞保費率提高至8.3%僅能確保未來30年與40年勞保基金不會因為利率變動而導致基金破產甚至無力清償,但考慮年限為50年時,國內市場無法找到存續期間可以配合的投資工具,無法規避利率風險。年金選擇率為50%時,由於未來各年之勞保的給付獲得舒緩,使得資產配置所需的存續期間也降低,故當勞保費率提高 至8%即可確保勞保基金未來50年可以規避利率風險的危機,且在國內市場上可以找到投資工具配合。 2. 要使勞保基金免於利率風險的考慮年限越長,其投資組合的重心應該從現行的銀行存款移轉到債券及股票與受益憑證。 3. 進行資產負債管理是需要成本的,若以資產負債管理前後效率前緣下的投資報酬率的差異為資產負債管理成本,在年金選擇率100%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.3695%;選擇率80%時平均成本為0.434%;年金選擇率為50%時資產負債管理平均成本為0.384%,研究結果顯示資產負債管理平均成本都低於0.5%以下,故建議勞保基金應盡早進行資產負債管理以因應老年給付年金化後利率風險對於勞保基金財務上的衝擊。 / This paper investigates the Asset-Liability Management for Labor Insurance Fund. We utilize Immunization Theory and Portfolio Theory selection model to immunize the surplus of Labor Insurance Funds against interest-rate fluctuations and to maximize expected return of Labor Insurance Funds simultaneously. In addition, we use the data from Labor Insurance Funds from 1992 to 2002 to demonstrate the implementation of our model. We calculate the optimal asset allocation and the ALM cost under different lump-sum/annuity selection ratio、time horizon and contribution rates. The empirical results from this study show that: 1. Assuming 100% and 80% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 30 and 40 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8.3%. Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, to prevent the insolvency of Labor Insurance Fund from interest-rate fluctuations in 50 years, the Labor Insurance premium must increase to 8%. 2. To prolong the period over which the Labor Insurance Funds can immunize its surplus against interest-rate fluctuations, a large proportion of the investment asset should be allocate from bank deposit to bond and stock. 3. ALM needs cost. Assuming 100% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.3695%.Assuming 80% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.434%.Assuming 50% participants choice annuity, the average ALM cost is 0.384%. We find the average ALM cost is very small under any lump-sum/annuity selection ratio. Therefore, we suggest Bureau of Labor Insurance should start to implement ALM as soon as possible to avoid the affect of interest-rate fluctuations.


羅小蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
i. 本論文在第一章緒論將介紹研究動機、研究目的、研究範疇及 研究對象。 ii. 第二章將介紹本論文之行銷分析理論。 iii. 第三章將自總體環境、國內證券投資信託產業現況及採用「STP」理 論進行國內證券投資信託業之市場分析。 iv. 第四章將採用「行銷4P」理論說明國內證券投資信託基金及基金市 場現況。 v. 第五章~第八章將分別透過「交易成本4C」理論,逐項檢驗本土與外 資證券投資信託業者在國內基金市場之競爭優劣勢。 第九章將歸納整理第四章~第八章本土與外資證券投資信託業者在國內基金市場之4P與4C競爭分析及建議。


張欽堯 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統上描述利率期間結構,不外乎藉由瞬間短期利率的隨機過程(如:Hull and White模型),或瞬間遠期利率的隨機過程(如:HJM模型)。應用這些方式理論上雖然可行,但是市場上並無法觀察得知這些瞬間利率。 Brace-Gatarek-Musiela利率模型(簡稱BGM模型)是將HJM模型間斷化,直接推導市場上可觀察得到之LIBOR利率的隨機過程,用它來描述市場利率期間結構,並利用數學的技巧,推導出符合對數常態的型式,方便使用Black公式來求解,且同時考慮LIBOR利率之波動程度,透過與市場資料的校準,符合市場上的利率期間結構及利率波動結構,有助於利率衍生性商品的訂價與避險。 由於市場上有愈來愈多的利率衍生性商品,不是由單純的cap、swaption來組成,例如:路徑相依選擇權、美式選擇權、回顧型選擇權…等,這些新奇選擇權要求出評價公式很難,所以通常使用數值方法來評價。常用的數值方法有蒙地卡羅模擬法及樹狀圖評價法,由於使用蒙地卡羅模擬法處理起來較耗時,而且評價美式選擇權比較麻煩,而樹狀圖評價法較省時,且應用較廣。因此,本文除了詳細推導BGM利率模型,並建構出BGM利率模型下的利率樹,來對這些新奇選擇權做評價。 最後做一實證分析,以市場上的所發行的利率連動債券為例,對於匯豐銀行美元護本109利率連動債券的設計、評價、損益分析及其相關議題做詳盡的探討。


謝嫚綺, Hsieh, Man-Chi Unknown Date (has links)

以債權人觀點論研發支出未來效益與風險之抵換關係 / On the Trade-off between the Future Benefits and Riskiness of R&D:A Bondholders’ Perspective

蘇怡瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
研發支出之會計處理,一直以來,因著研究發展之特性,始終有著相當分歧的看法。由於研究發展支出具有長期性及未來的經濟效益,有人主張將其以「資本化」方式處理;亦由於研究發展支出具有高度的風險與不確定性,有人主張將其以「費用化」方式處理。 Shi(2003)認為研究發展支出資本化與費用化之爭論,正反映了研發支出未來效益及其風險間之抵換關係(trade-off),亦即,若研發支出之未來效益大於其風險,則較傾向將其資本化,其會計處理同於一般的無形資產;相反地,若研發之風險大於其未來效益,則較傾向將其以費用化方式處理,於發生當期即以費用入帳。 本研究以台灣債券市場為研究對象,探討研發支出未來效益與風險間之抵換關係,文中檢視「債券風險衡量因子」(bond risk measures)與「研究發展支出」之相關性,並以「債信評等等級」與「債券風險溢酬」為債券風險衡量因子,決定平均數效果(預期未來效益)與變異數效果(風險)於債券的評價上何者較為顯著。 一般而言,以債券投資者的角度觀之,若「債券風險衡量因子」與「研究發展支出」兩者呈現負相關,亦即平均數效果較強,則代表研究發展之未來預期效益大於研究發展之風險;若此兩者呈現正相關,亦即變異數效果較強,則代表研究發展之風險大於研究發展之未來預期效益。本研究之實證結果與發現如下: 1.對全體樣本而言,研發支出與債信評等等級呈顯著之正相關(本研究採用TCRI為債信評等衡量變數,等級愈高,風險愈大),代表研發支出之風險大於其未來效益。然研發支出與債券風險溢酬之關係未達統計顯著水準,無法再次驗證上述結果。 2.對電子業樣本而言,與上述對全體樣本之結論相同。 3.對非電子業樣本而言,研發支出與債券風險溢酬為顯著之負相關,代表研發支出之未來效益大於其風險。然研發支出與債信評等等級之關係未達統計顯著水準,無法再次驗證上述結果。 4.在全體樣本、電子業樣本、及非電子業樣本中,將研發支出以費用化或資本化方式予以衡量,兩者之實證結果並無不同,顯示兩者對研發支出未來效益與風險間之抵換關係並無顯著差異存在。 5.電子業與非電子業所獲之結論不同,再次驗證產業別對於研發支出之效果確實有其差異性。 6.針對電子業而言,本研究之實證結果較傾向以費用化之方式處理其研發支出;然針對非電子業而言,較傾向以資本化之方式處理之。 / The debate about the alternative accounting treatments of R&D expenditures reflects trade-offs between the future benefits of R&D and its risk. In general, if the uncertainty regarding future benefits is not so high that it disqualifies the measurability criterion of asset recognition, then one may argue in favor of capitalizing R&D expenditures (as is typical for intangible investment). Conversely, if future outcomes are risky and unpredictable, the expensing treatment may be warranted. This is study examines the associations among bond risk measures (bond rating and risk premium) and R&D expenditures to determine whether their mean effect (expected future benefits) or their variance effect (risk) is more significant in pricing bonds. In general, from the perspective of bondholders, a negative correlation between bond risk parameter and R&D expenditures would indicate a stronger mean effect; that is, the expected future benefits of R&D expenditures are more than enough to compensate for the added risk of R&D. Conversely, a positive correlation would imply a stronger variance effect that swamps the mean effect of future benefits from R&D expenditures. The empirical results indicate follows: (1) For all samples, R&D expenditures are significantly positively associated with bond rating. The evidence suggests that, from the perspective of bondholders, the risk and uncertainties of R&D appear to dominate its expected future benefits. However, R&D expenditures have no significant effect on risk premium. (2) For electronic industry samples, the empirical results are the same with all samples. (3) For nonelectronic industry samples, R&D expenditures are significantly negatively associated with risk premium. The evidence suggests that, from the perspective of bondholders, the expected future benefits of R&D appear to dominate its risk. However R&D expenditures have no significant effect on bond rating. (4) The interpretation of this issue are not significant different through the expensing and capitalizing of R&D expenditures. (5) The industry effect is supported by the empirical results that show different effects of R&D on the bond risk measures between electronic industry and the nonelectronic industry. (6) The results indicate that it may be in favor of expensing R&D expenditures for electronic industry and capitalizing R&D expenditures for nonelectronic industry.


林郁函 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以所有上市公司為研究對象,其中扣除產業特性較不相同之金融產業,探討在不同程度之資本市場發展的限制下,企業資本結構與總體經濟因素之間的關係是否有所改變,此外以變異數拆解(Variance Decomposition)拆解出在不同時期企業資本結構主要受公司內部因素影響較大,或者主要由外在環境因素主導。最後探討因公司本身因素而導致融資受限之企業,其融資決策與負債比率之關係。 本研究結果顯示: 1. 台灣資本市場發展歷經轉折,經Cusum Test測試出轉折點為 1992年,在轉折點之後,台灣資本市場展趨於健全,企業融資較不受到限制。 2. 轉折點之前,企業融資受限,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現正相關,亦即呈順循環。 3. 轉折點之後,企業融資較不受限制,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現負相關,亦即呈現逆循環。 4. 經由變異數拆解發現,轉折點之後,總體經濟因子對企業資本結構之影響性增加,表示企業在不受限制的環境下,比較能順應外部環境的轉變而改變其資本結構。 5. 因公司本身因素而融資受限的公司,其負債比率與總體經濟因子間呈現正相關,亦即呈順循環。而融資較不受限之公司,其負債比率與總體經濟因子呈現負相關,亦即呈現逆循環。

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