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我國高中「公民與社會科」教科書民主意涵之分析蔡昀珍 Unknown Date (has links)
二十世紀末期全世界最大的討論話題,也是人類政治史上最受人矚目的現象就是「第三波(The Third Wave)」之民主化浪潮。台灣的民主社會現階段所面臨的必要課題並不是民主化,而是如何讓台灣的民主可以達到鞏固,如何使民主政治文化深入民心?一個國家培養民主政治文化需要的是國家的教育,首當其衝的就是公民教育(civic education),因為公民是一個國家民主政治運作的核心且使民主有意義的起點所在。台灣的民主需由全民共同維繫,對一些共同的民主價值與規範倫理需有共同的信守,因此,我們需要一套公民教育(政治理念)來教育下一代。尤其「高中」一直被認為是中等教育的最高階段,學生具有一定之批判思考能力,也可以算是「準公民」,即將到達我國公民的最低年齡標準,隨即便有權利參與政治事務。但在正式參與政治,實踐參政權時,又有幾成的「新鮮公民」能確實掌握並執行公民權呢?在台灣享受民主果實的我們實在應正視「公民教育」的延續問題,若每個高中生都能接受進一步的民主政治文化洗禮,相信臺灣進入民主鞏固國家階段將指日可待。
一、 認知層面的分析:民主意涵認知層面的四個主題類目中,以「我國政治體制及其運作程序和發展」排序第一;其次依序為「民主政治的真義及基本原理」和「公民與政治生活」,四個主體類目中所佔比例最低者為「國際政治與全球發展」。三個版本的教科書在排行榜中共同出現的重點有:「民主的特質」、「人民主權」、「法律主治」、「國家與政府型態」、「政府與政治制度」、「政治運作」、「兩岸關係」、「政治參與」、「國際組織與國際合作」9個主題,檢視這些主題均為政治教育課程的核心知識。整體說來,三個版本教科書在民主意涵認知層面的主題分配均符合95暫綱的訂定,能掌握重要政治知識主題且正確傳達政治相關概念及理論背景基礎智能,這是值得嘉許的。另外,三個版本的重點較偏向「政治實用性知識」,如:「國家與政治型態」、「政府與政治制度」、「政治運作」,尤其在相關制度及運用上談論甚多,或許這是教科書編輯者認為需傳授這些相關的實用政治知識,使得我們的高中生在畢業之後即可運用在社會上。
二、 在技能層面方面,三個版本共同提到的重點類目是:「可以發揮批判思考的能力」、「具有資訊蒐集與運用之能力」,這和95暫綱想帶給學生思辨能力基本上是符合的,希望學生在吸收學校知識之餘可以多增廣見聞,吸取一些資訊,在整理蒐集之後,必須發揮批判思考的能力去評估這些資訊的正確與否,更重要的是必須有是非辨別能力,進一步去澄清每一項議題,才能使自己的公民意識更加提升。也可以看出:教科書在設計活動方面是較趨向於多元化的,並非只是傳統的做做練習題、填充題、問答題…等「填鴨式」教育,這在教材教法上是一個很大的進步。
三、 在價值(態度)層面方面,三個版本共同出現的重點類目是:「關心並願意參與公共事務」、「遵守法律及規則」、「公民德行」及「對民主制度及運作程序的認同」等四個。這個結果是符合我們對公民教育的期待,因為一個國家要邁入民主鞏固階段時其實最重要的就是民主能深化到人心,也需要公民的積極且理性之參與。
四、 透過訪談內容,並配合九五暫綱和本文分析類目的對照,可以看出九五暫綱民主意涵的特色如下:(一)凸顯「公民」在社會上所扮演的角色;(二)強調「制度面」的原則及理論;(三)強調「環境面」;(四)強調政治運作的「效能面」而非「操作面」;(五)著重民主政治的「生活面」及「實際面」;(六)結合「永續發展」的概念;(七)在民主意涵的技能層面,加強智力技能及溝通技能。
一、 充實高中公民與社會科民主意涵的建議:(一)提高「公民責任」的內容比例;(二)加強「憲法人權教育」,從學生觀點強調「社會正義」議題;(三)強調世界公民的觀念與素養;(四)正視臺灣多元族群問題,強調包容與尊重;(五)體認並重視「第四權」﹍新聞媒體的社會責任感;(六)加強學生民主生活實踐的能力;(七)認識臺灣的特色及進步,加強學生的鄉土意識及國家認同。
二、 對教學者的建議:(一)教學方法應講求多元化、創新化及生活化;(二)充實公民教育之專業技能,具有編輯及選取民主政治相關教材的能力。
三、 對高中「公民與社會科」課程的建議:(一)政府需研擬加強公民教育的策略:1、建立有一定共識的課程綱要;2、設置課程研發與評鑑專責單位;3、教師培訓;4、課本編審及評核(二)重視公民教材和教法的改革議題:1、獎勵國內學者鑽研高中職課程;2、強化教師發展課程或研發教材能力;3、摒棄意識型態灌輸式教育,採激發思考的教育模式;4、採議題中心教學法,訓練學生價值澄清的思辨能力。
四、 對後續研究的建議:(一)研究對象方面;(二)研究方法方面;(三)研究工具方面。
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協同式數位內容設計服務市場 – 以語意為基礎之遺傳法優化模糊機構設計 / Semantic- Based Digital Content Design in Collaborative Service Marketplace吳彥成, Wu,Yen Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
科技進步使人類生活不斷改善,產業的發展逐漸轉變,服務業的崛起已成為世界趨勢。在資訊科技的推動下,服務業除了關注人與人的互動與商業的交換之外,科技漸漸成為另一個重要因素,服務產業的核心轉為由科技、人、及商業流程所組成,新的科學理論─「服務科學」應運而生。服務科學的目的在整合各領域之知識以促進服務創新。另一方面,服務產業的重要成員─數位內容產業正迅速發展,在數位內容創作領域中,消費者與生產者角色逐漸模糊,成為協同互利的夥伴,這樣的轉變衍生許多新的問題有待解決,包括夥伴關係如何建立與平台機制的發展等。因此,透過服務科學解決數位內容產業的問題,當是一項值得採用之方法。本研究透過服務科學的三個面向─服務組成、服務流程、以及服務價值作為研究的背景架構,並採用結合語意網路、模糊規則、基因演算法所組成之語意式模糊基因演算法作為數位內容問題的解決方案,在電子市集的環境推動下,以協同式夥伴配對的方式,達到使用者的創作利益。系統共分三大服務組成:本體發展模組、語意式模糊基因演算夥伴配對模組、以及協同價值評價模組,以語意定義創作問題與產品的概念,並透過基因演算法改善模糊規則,釐清概念間的關係,最後透過市場機制完成配對達成雙方利益。本系統之預期貢獻分為:(1)利用服務科學改善數位內容問題。(2)為服務科學方法之應用提供發展方向。 / The economies of the world have been shifting labor from agriculture and manufacturing into services. In the emergent concept of service science, competition will center on value co-creation experiences with information technology and service innovation refers to invented service system designs yielding values to real service problems. This paper presents a novel service system design for the digital content industry. This service design is unfolded with a marketplace featuring producers/consumers collaboratively co-creating digital contents and a self-regulating mechanism enabled by a semantic-based fuzzy genetic approach. In the marketplace, the roles of consumers and producers blur, and they are partners who collaborate to attain mutual benefits. The service system encompasses three service components (ontology developer, S-FGA partnership matcher and co-created value appraiser) that altogether work to empower producers/consumers who can effectively co-create their digital contents in a novel collaborative way. In addition to presenting a solution to digital content creation, this paper also showcases a new methodology for service innovation referred in service science.
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《你淪陷了嗎?網路色情面面觀:談網路色情內容對青少年的涵化效果》 / Internet pornography's impact on sdolescents: an analysis of cultivation林奐名, Lin, Huan Ming Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究也採用問卷調查探討網路色情對青少年的涵化效果。抽樣方法採多階集群抽樣(multi-stage cluster sampling),從台北市所有的高中/職,隨機抽出15所,然後從被抽中學校的三個年級中,再各隨機抽出一個班級。本研究總計發出1,714份問卷,回收1,688份,訪問達成率為96.48%。
本研究最重要的貢獻,是發現收視網路色情內容頻率愈高的青少年,愈認為「網路色情內容頻率出現較多的性活動」在現實世界的性活動中出現的頻率較高;另外,網路色情的重度收視者也會比輕度收視者更傾向認為「網路色情內容頻率出現較多的性活動」在現實世界的性活動中出現的頻率較高;最後,網路色情的重度收視者會比輕度收視者愈認為強暴受害人受到的傷害不大。因此,網路色情可能具有涵化效果。 / With the rapid rise of the Internet, pornographic materials on the Internet have shown tremendous growth. Through Internet, pornographic materials have been posted, distributed and presented in unprecedented and interactive dimensions. The influence of Internet pornography on adolescents has been a social concern and a focus of media effects research over the past years.
This study examines the impact of exposure to Internet pornography on adolescents from a cultivation effect theoretical approach. It began with a content analysis of pornographic pictures and films on the Internet. Results of the content analysis showed that the principal themes of Internet pornography are “close-up of sexual organs,” “feticism,” “cunnilingus,” “role playing,” “use of sex products,” “sexual abuse and violence,” and “rape.”
Furthermore, a large-scale survey was conducted to explore the relative influence of the Internet pornography on perceptions about the incidence of various sexual activities in the real world. Guided by a multi-stage cluster sampling plan, respondents were drawn from 15 randomly selected high schools from all high schools in Taipei. Of the total 1,714 students, 1,668 completed questionnaires for analysis. The completion rate is 96.48%.
Results showed that about 23% of the respondents reported seeing Internet pornography frequently, with boys reporting significantly higher exposure frequencies than girls. When respondents were divided into “heavy viewers” and “light viewers,” heavy viewers who consumed greater quantities of sexually explicit materials on the Internet tended to estimate larger incidences of sexually explicit activities in the real world than did light viewers who consumed much less these materials. Consequently, heavy viewers were more likely to think victims of rape do not seriously hurt. Taken together, this study concluded that Internet enhances the impact of pornography and the results of the study lend support to the cultivation hypothesis.
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我國公務人員報紙形象之分析:以聯合知識庫為例,1996-2004 / The Newspaper Images of Bureaucrats in Taiwan: An Analysis of the United Daily News陳明育, Chen, Ming Yu Unknown Date (has links)
我國2000年總統大選結果為台灣帶來首次的政黨輪替,使我國在民主化的路程上更進一步地朝向民主鞏固(Democracy Consolidation)的階段,在這樣的時代中,公務人員必須更加重視民意,並在人民心中建立值得信賴的形象。而在人民的「腦海圖像」大多是由傳播媒體傳遞的訊息所建構而成的,故公共管理者須了解人民從傳播媒體獲得什麼樣的訊息,以及公務人員在傳播媒體上的形象究竟為何,才能對症下藥地進行公務人員的形象改造。
結果發現,報紙給予公務人員的框架有三:「大人」、「公僕」及「員工」,其中以「公僕」為在新聞之中最常見的公務人員形象框架;再者,報紙多以中立立場、極短篇幅,以及純新聞的報導方式來報導公務人員。最後,如果比較政黨輪替前後的公務人員新聞之後,發現兩時期的公務人員皆被報紙視為「公僕」,而且多被給予負面的報導;但亦有所不同之處:政黨輪替之後,公務人員新聞的報導篇幅變小,對公務人員的評價負面新聞比例不變,但正面新聞比例有上升的趨勢。 / In democratic polity, the important aspect of governance is public opinion. After the year of the first party turn-over, bureaucrats need to build reliable images in people’s head and try to earn their support for the policies. But, what is the images of bureaucrats in people’s head is an interesting but unsolved question for the field of public administration. To answer the question, the researcher tries to analyze the stories about bureaucrats in the media---the strong fourth branch of a democratic government.
By using content analysis and frame analysis, this research uses the data collected from the news in the United Daily News to answer the above questions. Between the years of 1996 to 2004, 998 sample news are selected from the database of UDNDATA.
The findings are as follows: First of all, as a whole, there are three types of newsframes of bureaucrats utilized: “authoritarians”, “public servants”, and “employees”, and the newsframe of public servant appears to be the most popular one. Secondly, bureaucrats’ news is covered in less than 500 words and in the tone of neutrality and negativity. Thirdly, there is no difference in newsframe between the news before and after the first party turn-over. However, the news space is getting
shorter and the amounts of positive coverage are increased after the year of 2000.
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我國數位內容軟體產業的外包管理之研究—以某一軟體內容公司為例熊肇峰 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代迅速的改變,商業活動的型態也日新月異。人與人之間的距離藉著高科技的發展變得更加接近;許多產品不再需要限於固定地點來從事生產。當「外包」的管理策略自西方興起之後,國內的各企業體也紛紛起而效尤。這種「資源分享、利益共生」的管理概念席捲了當代的學界及產業界。各種有關外包的定義、優缺點、決策、廠商的選擇、外包的管理等等,頓時成為各界研究討論的主題。而產業界在面臨強敵環伺、競爭激烈的全球化競爭之下,發現到如果把企業本身不具競爭力的事務或產品透過有效管理,交給第三者去執行,而企業本身只需要專注於自身最具競爭力的活動,就能把企業體之經濟效益發揮到最大。同時,彼此相關的企業也能透過「專業分工」的方式,各自充分運用內部資源,掌握並發揮核心能力,形成策略聯盟的產業網絡,製造雙贏的局面。在國內探討過的公私營企業外包研究中,對於數位內容產業的討論並不多見。因此本研究採個案研究的方式,深入探討國內一家數位內容軟體廠商之外包現況。結果顯示,內容軟體公司的外包動機主要會考量到「節省成本」與「加快(開發)時程」,而外包項目主要是「非核心技術」的內容。內容軟體公司的外包決策會因應市場及本身成場需求順勢發展,由於沒有實務經驗,因此必須從經驗中學習,包括管理與承包商的遴選。在外包的初期階段,內容軟體公司與承包商之間的關係可以發展出建教合作與單純交易等較為簡易之商業模式。最後對於數位軟體產業在實務上以及後續研究方面提出五點建議。 / With the rapid change of the world, the patterns of business activities have changed dramatically everyday. Arising from the West, many enterprises in Taiwan are inclined to adopt the idea of outsourcing. The main concept of outsourcing is “resource-and-benefit sharing,” which has struck both academic and industrial fields. Various research and numerous speech and lessons have been conducted. Many companies have found that if they outsourced their non-core products or affairs to outside companies through effective management, they would be able to maximize their own economic efficacy. The correlated entities can therefore use their own internal sources to develop their core competence, build business networks, and produce a win-win situation for both parties. There is not much research concerning the outsourcing situation of digital content industry in Taiwan. Therefore, this study tended to, using a case study design, explore the present outsourcing situation of a domestic digital content company. From the results, the main reasons to outsourcing of the digital content company were to reduce cost and shorten the developmental time-span. The outsourced work was non-core skill. In response to the market situation and self-growth of the company, the outsourcing strategy was derived accordingly. Due to the lack of practical experience, the company needed to learn from doing, including outsourcing management and choosing outsourcing partners. In the beginning of outsourcing, the outsourced company and the partners could develop a co-operation relationship between enterprises and universities, and simple buy-and-sell relationship. Suggestions were made for digital content industry about the outsourcing matters and for further research.
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基因科技的媒體再現:以基因改造食品新聞為例 / Representations of Genetically Modified Food in Taiwanese Newspapers (1994-2006)謝君蔚, Hsieh, Jiun Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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九五「普通高級中學課程暫行綱要」分析--以台灣史與中國史的歷史教科書為例李皖玲 Unknown Date (has links)
(6)擴大訪談教師意見,並擴及學生意見,使教學現場完整呈現。 / This study aims at examining the controversy of 2006 curriculum guidelines and history textbooks of senior high school. In 2003, with the revolution of education, the ministry of education announced temporary curriculum guidelines would be put into practice in 2006, and such immediately brought about many fierce debates on ideology. Therefore, in 2008, the curriculum guidelines were revised, but problems of ideology were still being concerned.
After the liberating of the textbooks editing system, private publishers have been allowed to compile and publish various versions of textbooks. That means despite the set guidelines, diversity of contents existed. The diversity involved ideology, which mass media paid much attention to, especially concerning Taiwan and China history.
Textbooks shouldn’t be used as a tool to convey political ideas. In order to let the education system be free from political influence, 8 main ideas were chosen as the topics to be compared by analyzing the contents of Taiwan and China history textbooks which involved the conflict of Taiwan as well as Chinese consciousness.
To achieve the research goals, methods applied in the study include:
(1)Document analysis--being conducted to collect related issues.
(2)Qualitative approaches to content analysis—being adopted to compare the
disparities in texts and historical evaluation by analyzing the contents.
(3)Depth Interview--being utilized to analyze teachers’ perspectives and assessment
of new history curriculum design.
The research finds that
(1)There were differences between the ideal and actual reality of core competencies of 2006 curriculum guidelines.
(2)Current curriculum guidelines failed to coordinate different ideas.
(3)It was still a lot of room for the editors to improve the quality of textbooks.
(4)Different versions of textbooks have a great diversity in editing and selecting contents of historical materials.
(5)With the growing of Taiwan consciousness, Chinese consciousness was inevitably weakened.
(6)The proportion of Taiwan history increased while that of China history decreased. The adjustment has plagued teachers and students.
(7)According to the interview, most teachers emphasized the importance of teaching instead of ideology.
(8)Mass media overemphasized on ideology disputes.
Suggestions for future study and research are as follows:
(1)The ministry of education should establish an administration to reform history
(2)The edition work and examining mechanism of history textbooks should be free
from interference of strong personal opinions.
(3)With the changes of education, teachers should adapt to the innovation to keep up with times.
(4)The tolerance and respect of dissent was the key to promoting fusibility of ethnic groups.
(5)Researchers should continue to study the development of history education.
(6)Future research should offer teachers and students a way to express their opinions.
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高社交焦慮者對於情緒性刺激的注意力偏誤--驗證「認知內容特定性假設」陳姱蓁 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要的目的在於採用線索典範作業探討高社交焦慮者是否對於特定的情緒刺激有注意力偏誤的現象。高社交焦慮組有25 人與低社交焦慮組有29 人參與正式實驗,受試者分別被分派至社交焦慮情境中或無社交焦慮情境中,並且在電腦螢幕中的兩個長方形中出現中性、一般正向、一般威脅、社交正向、社交威脅、身體正向及身體威脅詞彙作為線索,當線索消失之後,受試者被要求對於目標物「E」或「F」進行判斷。在這些線索中,有些是有效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在同一個位置上),有些是無效線索(例如:目標物與線索出現在不同的位置上)。
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企業領導人特質、企業文化與品牌個性間之相關性--長期歷史觀點研究 / The relationship between the leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality: A historical viewpoint劉吉傑 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 四位企業領導人之個性,均以「嚴謹性」為最突出,其他特質彼此有差異。
2. 四家企業文化所重視的價值觀差異:
(1) 企業文化的「社會責任」及「表現績效」與公司的國際化程度有關
(2) 企業文化的「卓越創新」及「甘苦與共」與公司的創立年代有關
3. 四家企業的品牌個性,多集中於「有能力」、「真誠」與「興奮」,少出現在「雅緻」、「粗獷」與「平和」三個構面。
4. 領導人個性、企業文化與品牌個性,部分具有關聯性:
(1) 領導人個性的「正直誠信」、企業文化的「正直誠信」與品牌個性的「真誠」有正向關係。
(2) 領導人個性的「開放性學習」、企業文化的「卓越創新」與品牌個性的「興奮」有正向關係。
(3) 領導人個性的「可信度」、企業文化的「科學求真」,與品牌個性的「有能力」有正向關係。
(4) 領導人個性的「權力需求」與企業文化的「團隊精神」有負向關係。 / Although a considerable amount of research discussed the factors affecting brand personality, there was limited research that focused on how a corporate leader’s personality and corporate culture affects brand personality. Corporate culture significantly influences employee values and decision-making. Likewise, brand personality may also be strongly influenced by corporate culture. In the past, most studies utilized consumer questionnaires to measure brand personality, but such a method only retrieves data at the present moment. Nevertheless, brand personality data may be acquired through analyzing the historical development of advertisements, which is a key media communication tool. Hence, this study investigates advertisements to measure brand personality and discusses the relationship between a corporate leader's personality, corporate culture, and brand personality.
The chosen method of study is content analysis and the data sources are composed of 212 newspaper and magazine articles from the year 1967 to 2008 about corporate leadership personality and corporate culture. Four companies including I-MEI Food Co., King Car Food Industrial Co., Tatung Co., and Giant Bicycle Inc. were selected for study. In addition, the study also collected 509 related advertisements of these four companies ranging from 1981 to 2009. Through observing variable trends and referencing previous supporting research, this study attempts to find the relationship between these variables. The research results are listed below:
1. The most outstanding personality among the four chosen corporate leaders is “conscientiousness”, however, other attributes differ amongst them.
2. There is difference of corporate culture among these four companies:
(1) There is a strong relationship between a corporate culture’s “social responsibility” dimension, “performance-orientation” dimension, and the company’s degree of internationalization.
(2) There is a relationship between the corporate culture’s “excellence & innovation” dimension, “cohesiveness” dimension, and the year in which the company was founded.
3. The four companies’ brand personalities tend to focus more on “competence”, “sincerity”, and “excitement” dimensions and less on “sophistication”, “ruggedness”, and “peacefulness” dimensions.
4. There is relationship between the corporate leader’s personality, corporate culture, and brand personality.
(1) There is a positive relationship between the “personal integrity” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “integrity” dimension of corporate culture, and “sincerity” dimension of brand personality.
(2) There is a positive relationship between the “openness to experience” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “excellence & innovation” dimension of corporate culture, and “excitement” dimension of brand personality.
(3) There is a positive relationship between the “dependability” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality, “scientific proof” dimension of corporate culture, and “competence” dimension of brand personality.
(4) There is a negative relationship between the “need for power” dimension of a corporate leader’s personality and “teamwork spirit” dimension of corporate culture.
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催 熟:數位學習產業創新過程—階梯ladder100.com個案 / Hastened the ripening: innovative process of digital learning industry-case study: ladder 100.com陳榮裕 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:數位內容 線上課程 創新產業 催熟 / This article is a story of ripened industry, keeping track of innovative process of the digital content industry originated from Taiwan.
During 2002 to 2006, the ladder digital company were rapidly ripening e-learning products as well as e-learning market. This individual case revealed: under a circumstance of new industry (digital content) and new market (the global network and the rise of Pan-China market), together with the flexible and agile characteristics, Taiwan small and medium enterprises were braved in adventure and dared to have a stunning dream of creating the Chinese’s global brand; with such a ventured spirit, it hastened an innovative model of ladder’s business, so emerged the ripening of the newly and particularly dynamic process.
In the ripening process, it emerged from the creative spirit, opportunity identification, orientation, resource application, and strategy option to the new valued innovation contexts, from which the innovative foundation that came down in one continuous line, but also in a different way, can be found from the creative course about thirty years prior to the ladder digital company. Within a very short time, ladder’s individual case had created a high peak of digital content business. The ladder 100.com e-learning course created a massive yield, and substantially shortens the process from opportunity identification to value creation, during which the ripening key point consists in nimble used of internal and external resources. Because of the issue of resource management, therefore, it resulted in the ripening out of control, so as to pay out an expensive cost. In the process of creative emergence of the ladder100.com, it became a precious lessen for the development of digital industry.
The ladder digital company created the “hastened the ripening” in the e-learning industry and development, and ripens the 4th year creation crisis. In the whole process, what we may see is not only Taiwan’s e-learning industry and digital-content industry, but also the opportunity and challenge of Taiwan’s knowledge-based industry.
Key Words: Digital Content; E-learning Course; Innovation Industry; Ripening
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