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傳播內容編排與受播者創造力對傳播效果影響之研究陳甫彥, Chen, Fu-Yan Unknown Date (has links)
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虛擬通路商之商業模式在數位內容產業應用之研究—以點對點數為基礎架構吳政達, ChengTaWu Unknown Date (has links)
由於網際網路的盛行,許多產品或服務可以開始考慮由網路進行派送。特別是一些可以用0與1位元方式進行編碼的資訊或資料尤為適合。 基於在這樣的大環境之下, 本論文將著重於兩個部份的研究: 第一部份將設計一個新的商業模式,可以當作數位內容的發行商或通路商;第二部份將進一步闡述該商業模式在數位內容產業的應用模式。
本論文研究產生了幾個重要與有趣的研究發現。首先,虛擬通路商將會在未來數位內容的流通與發行上,扮演一個重要的角色。其次,虛擬通路商必須在”四流”(金流、物流、資訊流與商流)上扮演積極的角色,將有更大的機會可以勝出。再者,類似像點對點這樣的資訊科技將會非常適合用來應用在數位流通的議題之上,這些資訊科技也有助於提供虛擬通路商和其他競爭者間的差異化。最後,版權管理機制、智慧財產權管理、代收代付服務、會員募集與清算中心等服務,都是一個虛擬通路商可能應該關注的課題與建構成為核心能力的主要服務。 / Due to the high penetration rate of Internet, a lot of products and services could try to deliver on net; especially for those data or information could be transferred into the bits 0 and 1. Under this kind of circumstance, this research will focus on two parts: the first part is proposing a new business model of digital content distributor based on Gary Hamel’s theory; the second part is further elaborating the application of the business model in digital content industry based on the field studies.
The research results in several important implications and discoveries on this topic. First of all, the virtual distributors will play an important role in the publishing of digital content; Secondly, the virtual distributors have to take care of “Four Key Flows”, including money flow、information flow、goods flow and Internet traffic, to enhance her services. Thirdly, some new IT technologies, like P2P technology, is very appropriate to apply into the business model of virtual distributors and it will be helpful to differentiate her services to those potential competitors. Finally, DRM service、Intellectual property management、Payment service、Member collection and Clearing house service are the major tasks that a virtual distributor should focus, but member collection and clearing service for consumers and digital content developers will be the first priority.
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幽默廣告機制與形式分類之初探---以1997~2001年時報廣告獎平面類作品為例 / The Typology of Mechanisms and Structures in Humor Advertising:An Exploration of Times Advertising Award李培蘭, Lee,Pei-lan Unknown Date (has links)
幽默通常被運用在印刷和電視媒體中以幫助銷售產品,然而在消費者面的效果研究則存在許多爭論。一方面,幽默能夠引起觀眾對廣告的注意力,有助於閱聽人對廣告的理解,且能強化正面的廣告態度與促進商品的購買意願;另一方面,幽默的使用並不適合某些類別的商品或服務,或被認為容易使觀眾產生厭倦感(wear out),也可能冒犯到某些族群的觀眾而導致反效果(vampire effect),或使得受眾因為只注意到幽默內容本身而忽略了產品或廣告訊息(Nevo, Nevo, Yin,2001)。Speck(1987)認為過去研究對於幽默廣告效果有許多爭議,乃是因為缺乏對幽默廣告進行有效的分類方式所致。
融合上述Unger和Speck的說法,在研究幽默廣告效果之前,需先對幽默本質進行理解,除了要先建立幽默的分類標準,也必須考量文化的差異性。雖然西方關於幽默的理論和分類相當多(Sutherland & Middleton ,
1983;Wu,Crocker & Rogers,1989;Madden,1982;Duncan & Nelson,
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寬頻影音網站不當內容管制之探討林合清, Lin , H. C. Unknown Date (has links)
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資訊服務業廠商未來發展策略之個案研究游傳勝, YU, CHUAN-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要架構係根據David A. Aaker的理論架構基礎來進行內在與外在分析,同時探討研擬策略規劃方向。整個研究架構分為四個階段:一、探討相關的文獻,以作為研究的原則基礎。二、進行內、外在分析,以界定外在環境中可能發生的機會與威脅,並界定該產業的關鍵成功因素,接著分析個案公司所擁有的優劣勢。三、綜合根據前述之分析,歸納出個案公司所面臨的問題。四、提出可行的策略方向與目標,並擬定個案公司之競爭策略與營運策略。
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Investigating the Content Validity of the Basic Competence Test of English / 國中基本學力測驗英語科內容效度之研究林慧雰, Lin, Hui Fen Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果顯示:國中基本學力測驗英語科具有內容效度。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the content validity of Basic Competence Test (BCT) in English, hoping to verify whether or not the test reaches what the tester claims to test, and further promote a better understanding of BCT toward teachers, students, educators and the public.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative analyses. Fifty-one qualified junior high school teachers examine the relationship between BCT’s items and curricular instruction from textbook coverage, instruction, evaluation, and item difficulty. They also offer their perceptions toward BCT from the content domain the tester claims to test, i.e. the general and specific objectives of Curriculum Standards, test principles from the BCT Center, and Core Competence Indicators. Aiken’s Validity Index checks if items are significantly content valid. Computing the correlation coefficient between 1204 students’ academic scores of monthly tests for three years at four schools and BCT’s raw scores does the quantitative analysis.
The result of this study indicates that first BCT items have high accordance with curricular instruction. Second, students’ performance at school correlates highly to that on BCT. Third, what the BCT Center claims to test is highly acclaimed by the junior high school teachers. In other words, BCT’s content validity is established.
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使用者社群創新協作平台建構之研究-以數位內容產業為例王亨佳 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 內容廠商經營使用者協作平台目的與經營模式管理
1. 內容廠商經營目的不同,將會影響使用者協作平台的設計。使用者平台的種類將分成:
□ 垂直設計的使用者協作平台
□ 水平設計的使用者協作平台
□ 垂直與水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台
二、 內容知識特質與使用者協作平台經營
2. 內容的知識複雜程度的不同,將會影響到使用者協作平台的設計。但相同的知識複雜程度在不同的經營目的下,也會影響到協作平台的設計
3. 內容知識的複雜度越高,水平平台的經營者必須設計較具標準化的模組提供給網友使用及創作
4. 內容知識的複雜度越高,若單純只提供一個上傳的空間給網友使用,則吸引的社群將越專業化。
5. 網友所創造的內容,其知識特質複雜程度高低,將會影響公司後續商品化動作的難易度,因此建立垂直化社群協作平台的公司必需要有很強的後製網絡能力。
6. 內容知識的內隱程度越高,多以面對面的溝通方式和網友進行智慧財產權的規範與設計。
三、 社群的分類與使用者協作平台經營
7. 內容廠商經營目的不同,影響使用者協作平台的設計,也會吸引不同類別的社群進入。水平設計的使用者協作平台社群忠誠度較高。
8. 垂直設計平台的社群忠誠度較低,必須不斷的提供具體商業化的誘因來吸引作品上傳。
9. 內容知識特質的內隱程度越高,讓具有垂直水平綜合設計的使用者協作平台中,容易產生族群的分裂與衝突,因盡量避免積極的推廣具有爭議性的排行榜於社群互動中。
四、 使用者協作平台經營與協作回饋
10. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所帶來價值將會經由社群間的互動所創造出來的,而垂直設計的使用者平台所產生的價值乃是將更多好作品成功的商品化。
11. 水平設計的使用者協作平台所需耗費的成本和人力相對低於垂直設計的使用者協作平台,所產生的利潤風險也比垂直設計的平台低。 / We believe that the digital content industry is driven by original, personalized, and culture-connected contents. In such a trend, customers will be the content providers in the digital content industry, so the platform that makes the company in collaboration with the customers on the product innovation and development will be very important.Therefore, the purpose of this study is that to generalize different operations come form digital contents of various knowledge properties and to research different kinds of platform designs will contribute to a variety of management approach.The study concluded that:
I. The purpose of the user collaboration innovation community platform established and management by digital content companies.
1. The different purposes of the user collaboration innovation community platform established will influence the platform desiged.The categries of the platform are:
□ Vertical-designed platform
□ Horizontal-designed platform
□ Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform
II. The Properties of Digital Content Knowledge & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform
2. The differents properties of Digital Content Knowledge will influence the design of the platform.But the same properties of Digital Content Knowledge that in differents purposes of business plan will also influence the design of the plarform.
3. Horizontal-designed platform must design some Multi-functional tools to customer used easily in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.
4. If companies only provide a simple space for users to uplink their ideas in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.The platform will attract lots of professional community.
5. The companies which have horizontal-designed platform must need powerful production network.
6. Companies and user mostly discuss face-to-face about the intellectual property of design in the high-complicated properties of digital content knowledge.
III. The Categories of the Community & The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform
7. Different business properties will affect the design of platform.Different design of platform will attract various community.The community in Horizontal-designed platform will have strong loyalty.
8. Vertical-designed platform must provide some commercial motivation to attract user that uplink their ideas.
9. The virtual community usually comes into collision in the Vertical and Horizontal incorporation-designed plarform. Therefore, companies need to decrease league table from the interaction whthin the community.
IV. The Management of the User Collaboration Innovation Community Platform & Feedback of the Collaboration
10. The value of horizontal-designed platform will be created from the interaction whthin the community; the value of vertical-designed platform will be created from the commercialization of good ideas.
11. Horizontal-designed platform costs relatively less than vertical-designed platform, and its revenue risk is lower too.
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初探台灣新聞報導中的公關與公共關係面貌:以1991至2003年新聞報導之內容分析為例 / Exploring the Indigenous Meanings of "PR" and "Public Relations" from the Newsreports in Taiwan: A Content Analysis of Newsreports from 1991 to 2003.甘惟中, Kan,Wei-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
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主題式數位典藏建置平台之研究曾慕曦 Unknown Date (has links)
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國民小學教師班級經營知識與班級經營效能之相關研究----以北部五縣市為例呂孟真, Lu, Meng-Chen Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:班級經營知識、班級經營效能、內容知識、程序知識、策略知識、省思知識 / The purposes of this study were to explore relationships between teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy in elementary school. The fist were to explore the reality for teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Secondary, the researcher also investigated the differences of teachers' demographic variables and schools' background variables among teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Thirdly, to analyze the relationships among teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy. Finally, to explore predictive power of teachers' knowledge of classroom management on their classroom management efficacy.
This study employed the survey method. The subject were 614 teachers randomly sample from 100 elementary schools in Taipei county, Taipei city, Kee-Lung city, Tao-Yuang county and Yi-Lang county. Data were analyzed using the method of descriptive and inferential statistics, included Frequencies, t-test, ANOVA, Correlation analysis, and Multiple stepwise regression analysis. The major findings were:
1.There is high perception for teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy among the elementary school teachers.
2.Significant difference existed among the age, academics degree, seniority and position for teachers' knowledge of classroom management.
3. Significant difference existed among the age, academics degree, seniority and position for teachers' classroom management efficacy.
4. Significant difference existed among high, middle, and low teachers' perception of teachers' knowledge of classroom management for their classroom management efficacy.
5. Significant positive correlation between teachers' knowledge of classroom management and their classroom management efficacy.
6.In regression forecast of teachers' knowledge of classroom management to their classroom management efficacy, especially the variable of strategy knowledge has the biggest predictability.
Based on the results of this study, to make some suggestions for educational administration, teacher education program, the elementary school administration, the elementary school teachers and future study.
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