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數位內容著作權管理之研究-以線上學習(e-learning)為例林煜程 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的出現對我們的生活造成了重大的改變,我們面臨的是一個全新的世界。不論是工作模式、娛樂型態皆產生極大的變化,那網際網路下一步是什麼?思科系統執行長 錢伯斯(John Chambers)告訴了我們一個答案:「網際網路中成長最巨,而日後也會證實是促進變革的最大動力,就是e-learning。」數位科技使得內容變成了「數位內容」,帶來了相當多的便利,但同時也帶來了許多的改變,不論是產業面、科技面、法律面或是管理面,皆須面臨新的挑戰與新的議題。
在數位課程運用階段,數位課程運用策略有內訓策略、教學策略、委用策略、 賣斷策略。著作權管理議題則有與數位課程使用者進行契約的簽訂、數位課程其著作類型是多媒體著作、數位課程著作權保護方式的進行。
而在其他發現,在外部經營問題主要為市場需求不足,而內部經營問題則為教師合作意願不高、缺乏跨領域專業課程企畫人才、缺乏整合性業務人員。 / The rise of internet has changed people’s life style dramatically. Nowadays, we are facing a whole new world. E-learning is considered as the star of the next century. Even John Chambers once mentioned that “the next big killer application for the Internet is going to be education.” Digital technique has digitalized the existing contents. Internet does not only deliver much convenience, however, internet related topics are also conducted and challenged from the perspectives of industry, law, and management.
The objective of this thesis is to examine
1) The general framework for e-learning management model,
2) The relationship between the primarily resources and the management on e-learning,
3) The instructional development process for e-learning and its related copyright issues, and
4) Management model for copyrights on digital contents.
The method of this research is primarily based on case study, six e-learning related companies. The interviews with the e-learning companies have contributed the great insights about the information of company resources, development process of digital content, and the modes of content management. Furthermore, collected information from the interviews has been analyzed about how original resources affect the digital content management strategy and the copyright issues in the development process of digital content.
This study has found that there are four stages: Instructional material acquisition, digitalized course acquisition, digital course application stage, and business Strategy.
In the Instructional material acquisition stage, the strategies of acquiring the instructional materials for e-learning is in-house finding, outsourcing or both. Licensing contracts and guarantees on course materials become an important issue when dealing with the material providers.
In the digitalized course acquisition step, the strategies are self-manufacture, out-source manufacture, copyright acquisition, and buying copyright. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital engineers, and in general, the company is responsible for the digital engineers.
In the digital course application stage, the strategies are training, teaching, licensing, and selling. The copyright issues are discussed and contracted between company and digital content users. One should notice that the digital contents belong to multi-media.
Moreover, in the final stage, core business, collaboration, ODM, channeling are the business strategies that the companies use for e-learning applications.
In additional findings, this study found that market demand is the primary problem of e-learning environment, and there are three major problems within the e-learning companies: the motivations of the teachers, the lack of cross boundary-expertise and integrated business manager.
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電視新聞採用非自採影片之研究 / A study on the use of TPV (Third Party Video) materials by TV news林佳慧, Lin, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
數位時代社群媒體的應用,大大改寫媒體生態,21世紀初接連發生在北非、中東的抗議活動,Facebook、Twitter等社群媒體更發揮重要傳播作用,甚至成為政治運動的催化劑,國內外各大新聞組織也開始將這些被社交媒體平台大量分享、轉發的用戶生成內容 (UGC, User-generated content)重製後進行傳播,尤其是發生抗爭等社會運動、人為或意外現場等事件,因為時效性的關係,記者不能第一時間趕到,目擊者手機拍攝的影片或現場監視錄影器的畫面,往往成為重要新聞素材。
本研究試圖剖析電視新聞使用來自目擊者或網友的第三方影音素材(TPV, third party video)的頻率與原因,研究分成兩步驟,首先選舉一家地面電視台一個月的prime time新聞,作為研究樣本,進行內容分析,以量化研究分析電視新聞如何應用TPV素材,研究樣本數共1825則;同時以質化研究中的深度訪談,訪問該電視台的文字、攝影記者,以及新聞室負責調度的大編輯台主管與編輯共九人,透過量化與質化的研究方法,來探究電視台採用TPV素材的動機、意願、標準與目的。 / The media ecology has been rewritten to a great extent by the application of social media in the digital age. In the 21st century, social media has even become a catalyst of social movements as Facebook and Twitter play an important role in disseminating the news on protests which commonly take place in North Africa and the Middle East. In fact, large news organizations at home and abroad have begun to reproduce and broadcast User-generated contents (UGC) that are greatly shared and forwarded on the social media. This applies especially to incidents such as social movements, including protests, and accidents. The video taken by an eye-witness’ mobile phone or the recording of an on-site surveillance camera has often become important news material due to timeliness of the news and the fact that reporters cannot arrive at the scene on time.
According to foreign and domestic news agencies, especially TV stations, video is both appealing and persuasive as news materials. The growing popularity of UGC and the approach to make use of such resources have led the emergence of positive and negative viewpoints. It would be delightful to see the voicing-out of social problems through UGC since it could increase citizen participation. UGC could even lead to a breakthrough from pressroom authority, thus creating a more democratic media. However, UGC could also lower the news standard especially when there’s a deadline to meet. Furthermore, it could pile pressure on news reporters as they try to determine the authenticity of the video. The excessive use of UGC could lead to the media’s over-reliance on social media resources. The fragmentary nature of UGC could also be harmful to the development of news media at the public domain.
The study attempted to analyze the purpose behind a TV station’s adoption of eyewitness/netizen-provided third-party video (TPV), as well as its frequency of use. The study was divided into two steps. First, research samples for content analysis were collected through a selection of one month’s worth of news reports that were broadcasted by a terrestrial station at prime time. A total of 1825 samples were studied through quantitative research and analysis with regard to the application of TPV by TV news. At the same time, in order to explore a TV station’s motivation, willingness, standard and the purpose in applying TPV, qualitative research was conducted through an in-depth interview with nine representatives from the TV station. This group included journalists, cameramen, editors and seniors who were responsible for ordering daily news in the Newsrooms.
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中共報紙廣告內容及趨勢之分析齊 怡, GI-YI Unknown Date (has links)
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新青年雜誌內容之研究郭武平, Guo, Wu-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
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核能四廠興建計畫決策模式之探討(民國69-90年):政策網絡途徑方英祖 Unknown Date (has links)
在研究之後,就政策網絡的類型來看,在平靜期,參與者十分有限,社會大眾對於國家機關的價值是認同與共享的,此時期由國家主導的決策模式較傾向於Van Waarden的「國家主義」類型與Rhodes的「政策社群」類型;然於進入爭議期,國家力量無法完全掌握時,乃進入一個較為多元的型態,各種團體、政黨的立場衝突,較符合於Rhodes的「專業網路」、「府際網絡」紛雜的情形;而在最後的階段中,不穩定的情形與眾多的團體、個人,權力和資源也不平等的情形下,各行動者的關係呈現一種「議題網絡」的網絡型態。
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兩岸品牌個性之跨文化比較-以報紙廣告為例吳祉芸, Wu, Chih-yun Unknown Date (has links)
5.品牌個性與自我概念的關係很密切,本文初探兩者相關性,發現確有關聯存在:「平和」、「純真」與「真實我」呈顯著正相關;「刺激」、「稱職」、「教養」則與「理想我」呈顯著正相關,反映出兩個自我實為相對的概念;然其確切影響方向,甚至是其他變數的調節作用,則值得作進一步探討。 / Since the 1970s, “brand personality” has become a popular issue, which was discussed by many scholars and widely used in business practice.
Most scholars studied this topic from the consumer’s point of view, and the framework of brand personality dimensions has been most completely worked out. However, culture differences had great influence on brand personality, but there were limited studies that focused on this issue. Since advertisements contained sufficient information of culture and brand personality, this study intended to make a cross-cultural comparison of brand personality by referring to the brand personality dimensions found by previous researchers and performing advertisement research.
The purposes of this study are to compare the differences of brand personality between Taiwan and Mainland China, to investigate the influence of product category on brand personality, and to combine “self concept” with brand personality. Compiling the dimensions studied by previous scholars for coding indicators, this study uses content analysis to make this study. Not only does this study fulfill the scope of brand personality analysis, it also provides insights for building brand strategies and entering the market in China.
The samples are newspaper advertisements from 1996 to 2001. China Times in Taiwan and Shang-Hai Wen-Hui Bao in Mainland China are chosen. There is a total of 864 advertisements. After statistics analysis, the results are listed as the following:
1.To the appearance of brand personality, ads in Taiwan show more humanity, while those in Mainland China emphasize on product functions.
2.There are different proportions between the representations of dimensions. Those dimensions with higher frequencies may be easily perceived by consumers or may more appealing to them.
3.Relationships exist between brand personality and culture. Positive relationship means certain dimension should be emphasized when the relative culture tendency is higher.
4.There exists a great difference in brand personality between product categories: the “utilitarian-expressive” products emphasize on “competence” dimension, while the “value-expressive” products show more humanity.
5.Brand personality is closely related with “self-concept”: “peacefulness” and “sincerity” are positively related to “actual self,” while the other three dimensions are positive related to “ideal self.” This study discusses this issue for the first time; however, further studies are needed to investigate the moderating effects.
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台灣地區報紙對墮胎新聞報導的內容分析:以《中國時報》、《聯合報》為例陳靜玟 Unknown Date (has links)
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環境資訊揭露內容之評估-以違反環保法規之公開發行公司為例李國鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
形象,勢必避談此負面資訊,愈是強調正面環境揭露資訊。 / There are many ways in which a company can communicate to stakeholders its responses to environmental concerns. One of the mode of communication could be in the form of annual reports. This study investigates the content of environmental disclosures in annual reports for 36 companies in Taiwan for the years 2000 through 2002.
The objectives of my study are:(1)to determine whether the level of corporate environmental disclosures is associated with the level of environmental pollution.(2)to investigate if there are significant positive differences in disclosure between years.(3)to explore whether the companies tend to present information which is favorable to their corporate image.
Results indicate that:(1)there is a positive correlation between the level of environmental pollution and the quantity of environmental disclosures.(2)the 2000-2002 time period didn’t produce a significant increase in environmental disclosures.(3)most of the companies elect to present only that information which is favorable to themselves.
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從品牌觀點探討台灣企業部落格之發展 / he Development of Corporate Blog in Taiwan from Brand Perspective任秀芸 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用內容分析法進行研究,研究對象除了由於由BSP( blog service provider)業者提供空間和技術架設的部落格,也包括擁有獨立網址,利用架設部落格軟體自行架設之企業及個人部落格。以便利抽樣的方式抽取100筆企業部落格資料,60筆個人部落格資料進行研究。研究發現目前的台灣企業部落格大多沒有品牌知名度。研究也發現,現階段廠商尚未以企業部落格作為品牌溝通的途徑,部落格主要的應用方式是作為線上產品展示,而沒有太多品牌及行銷方面的溝通與應用,台灣企業部落格在創造品牌知名度和聯想度上的成效仍有改善的空間
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專業、民意與環境影響評估:環保署中央開發案例內容分析(1996-2005)邱玲裕 Unknown Date (has links)
四、以440件案例中有舉辦民調之213件案例,探討民眾意見與專家結論關係,研究結果發現,審查結果通過之案例其整體贊成開發民眾之比例,明顯大於審查結果為不通過之民眾比例。 / The law of environmental impact assessment (EIA) has been implemented for 12 years. EIA, in order to reduce the conflict by facilitating civil participation in the policy making process, is the first institution for civil participation in our country. However, people’s dissatisfaction with the results of the environmental impact assessment never ebbs. Accordingly, this study attempts to find out the relationship among the development cases, methods of civil participation and the deliberative results, in order to facilitate the understanding of the EIA in. Taiwan.
The main purpose lies in understanding the trend of the deliberative result of the development cases in the environmental protection administration of the central government in Taiwan by means of assessing these cases, expecting to make the mechanism and its procedure trustworthy for society and reduce the emergence of the conflicts. The target of the study is 440 EIA cases from the electronic research system in the EIA database, from 1996 to 2005. To build evaluative items and check participatory pattern differences, the study is proposes three frames, including the participatory subjects, information disclosure and five major criterion of public opinion polls, followed by content analysis and data coding. After carrying out statistical analysis and comparison through the above framework, the officers were interviewed to verify and supply the previous results.
After integrating quantitative and qualitative results, the results of this research are as follow:
First, looking at the time period as a whole, nearly one half of the cases were held during a four year period (from 2001 to 2004); for organization of exploitation, the number of cases possessed by the government was as much as folk enterprise; for the classification of exploitation, the data showed that our country still stresses the development of hardware construction of the traffic; for the administrative areas of the exploitation base, obviously the cases polarize on the north and the south of the island; and the final conclusion of the examination show that 80% of the developing cases are being passed at the first stage of EIA.
Second, the actual situation of legal ways of participating is that public explanation meetings were held more frequently than other ways; the rate of attendance of environmental protection group and scene inspection was low; people participated enthusiastically in public explanation meetings; and there was difference of participation (participating) behaviors between the committee members and governmental officials.
Third, the situation of conducting polls is, exploitation organization prefer conducting poll far more than other methods; the situations of inductive questionnaire had been improved gradually already, still, researchers must pay attention to validly of questionnaire.
Finally, there are 213 cases of conducting polls out of 440 cases, which obviously shows that in most cases a favorable result (“pass”) is given by the people rather than an unfavorable result (“fail”).
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