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余世昌 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣為一小型開放的經濟體系,國外經濟活動與金融商品的操作,使得央行對其最終目標的達成更加難以掌控,因此,選擇足以真實反映台灣經濟情況與貨幣市場之貨幣政策指標,將非常重要。 根據中央銀行自一九九○年以來即以M2做為觀察制定貨幣政策的重心,以及中央銀行貨幣供給政策管量不管價之原則,本研究以貨幣供給M2作為貨幣政策指標,並擇定利率、所得、物價,及匯率做為影響貨幣政策指標之變數,建構貨幣供給迴歸方程式,透過迴歸模型,利用普通最小平方法(OLS)將各變數與M2間之互動性進行初步之分析,並對變異數不齊一、一階自我相關,及結構性變動等問題進行修正。 綜合本文之實證結果發現,中央銀行以M2作為貨幣政策指標,其貨幣政策之取向,明顯受所得、物價,以及匯率等三項變數之影響,亦即貨幣政策的制定主要依附於經濟成長、物價穩定,及國際收支等三項總體目標變數之變化。因此,本文以M2作為貨幣政策指標將可適切反映出經濟活動對貨幣政策之影響,並藉由M2之貨幣政策指標完成貨幣政策目標。至於利率對貨幣供給量之影響,雖然在初步迴歸檢定時較不顯著,但在考慮結構性變動後,亦獲得利率變數對貨幣供給有顯著性影響之實證結果。惟本文實證研究所涵蓋之時程相當長,在這段時間裡,不但台灣經濟結構發生變化,並且在利率自由化與金融國際化方面有相當之變革,使得中央銀行已難以完全控制貨幣供給的數量,這些都會影貨幣政策反映函數與相關變數間的關係,而這些因素將在後續研究中做深入之處理。

在跳躍擴散過程下評價利率期貨選擇權 / Pricing Interest Rate Futures Options under Jump-Diffusion Process

廖志展, Liao, Chih-Chan Unknown Date (has links)
The jump phenomenons of many financial assets prices have been observed in many empirical papers. In this paper we extend the Heath-Jarrow-Morton model to include the jump component to derive the European-style pricing formula of the interest rate futures options. We use numerical method to simulate the options prices and analyze how each component of HJM model under jump-diffusion processes affects the interest rate futures options. Finally, we utilize LSM method which are presented by Longstaff and Schwartz to derive American options prices and compare it with European options.


黃珮菁 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的是提供路徑相依利率結構型債券一個簡便而實用的評價模型,透過機率測度的轉換,推導出遠期LIBOR利率的動態過程,藉以進行蒙地卡羅的模擬,使用BGM蒙地卡羅法的好處在於只要模擬出未來時點的利率期間結構,無論產品條件如何改變,都可經由調整最後的收益型態,就可快速評價出產品價格。 在實證上,本文評價的商品,為市場上實際發行與銷售的路徑相依利率連動債券,其特色為履約價格的重設為一個路徑函數的型態,藉由推導出的模型方法,對產品訂出理論價格,並建構發行商的避險策略,與避險參數的分析,探討實務上產品發行與風險管理的執行方法。


林金樹 Unknown Date (has links)
由於市場利率持續低迷,壽險業利差損問題成為關切焦點,而國內金融市場投資工具仍然有限,壽險業2004年底5兆1,126億元的可運用資金總額中,有6,115億元(占可運用資金12.3%)投資於銀行存款及商業本票等短期投資部位。無論監理機關或壽險業均將解決之道,寄望於提高國外投資上限。本次保險法修正草案中,亦建議提高國外投資上限至資金之50%。 本研究嘗試透過計算壽險業有效契約平均預定利率、分析台灣現行金融環境下壽險業資產配置之困境,據以探討提高國外投資上限至50%,能否解決壽險業所面臨之經營困境,並提出建議做法,期能有助提供相關單位之參考。 本研究發現,壽險業有效契約平均預定利率,雖然隨著新契約預定利率逐漸調降而降低,但各項法定資金運用管道,在現行台灣整體金融環境下,很難達到損益兩平。 由風險性資產效率前緣分析也發現,國外投資上限之提高在避險成本較低時,不失為在台灣金融工具之質與量無法短期提升下,業者可以提高資金運用收益之解決方案。但如果避險成本增加,隨著國外投資上限提高而將資金移往國外,投資效率並不見得會提升,但卻也不會比提高前來得差,此時投資效率,將端視個別公司風險控管及國外金融工具選擇能力而定。 所以提高國外投資上限,僅能視個別公司逐案嚴加審核,甚至超出現行35%上限部分,應比現行審核標準更嚴格,無法通案為之。重要的是,政府要提出改善金融環境及健全保險業發展之整體策略,而不是僅僅著眼於提高國外投資上限。 關鍵字:國外投資、有效契約平均預定利率、效率前緣 / Because the environment of low interest rate, Life Insurance company’s loss expanded and raised the concerns of investors. More badly, the domestic high-yield-rate investment tools are less. For example, the total disposable capitals reached NT$ 5,112 billions in the end of 2004. There are 12.3% of these huge bucks, i.e. NT$ 611 billions that put in short term investment including commercial papers and cash. Now, not only the authorities also the life insurers are expecting the augment of foreign investment percentage. Recent amendments on the Law of Insurance suggest raise the ceiling of foreign investment from 35% to 50%. In order to propose total solutions for life insurers and MOF, this paper goes through broad discussions on 「Could the augment of investment ceiling solve the issues of interest loss?」 Hopefully, the life insurers would benefit from them. And these topics are 「the calculation of assumed interest rate of in-force life insurance policies」、「the analysis of Taiwan life insurers’ dilemma for assets management in current financial environment」. This paper advises that break-even normally is very difficult in Taiwan financial environment currently. Although the industrial average assumed interest rate of in-force policies is decreasing due to the lower assumed interest rate of new contracts. The legal investment tools are still far too less. Low yield rate and duration mismatch are the aches deep in the heart of life insurers. Due to the shortage of investment tools, the efficiency frontier analysis suggests that life insurers shall enhance oversea investment as a total solution. And it will create expected returns under the low cost of hedge. Nevertheless, if the hedging cost is uprising, the results of expanding oversea investment won’t create values any more. By the way, it won’t perform worse either if life insurers uphold original investment decision. Actually, the results of investment depend on risk management and the ability to choose better oversea investment tools. To conclude that the augment of oversea investment ceiling could be approved case-by-case not to enact the law. Especially the part exceeding 35% should be audited more toughly. The augment of oversea investment ceiling is not the key issue. More important is that the government shall propose national strategy to improve financial environment and build up sound development settings for insurance industry. Key Words:Oversea Investment、Assumed Interest Rate of In-force Policies、Efficiency Frontier

The Impact of SFAS No.35 Application on th Listed Firms' Stock Performance in Taiwan

戴思嫻, Tai,Shih-Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探討兩個問題:一、上市公司因應財務會計準則公報第三十五號公報的採用而宣告資產減損,市場的反應是正面的(positive)還是負面的(negative)?亦即,資產減損宣告對公司價值的影響為何?二、投資人對於資產減損宣告會過度反應(over-reaction)還是反應不足(under-reaction)?由於財務會計準則公報第三十五號公報的實施截至目前為止尚不足兩年,本研究對於本課題的研究著重在資產減損宣告和股價的關係突顯了這個課題的獨特性和重要性。本研究係採事件研究法以檢驗台灣上市公司採用財務會計準則公報第三十五號公報對於其股價的表現是否會造成影響。除了全數樣本的分析之外,亦將全數樣本依照減損公司的特性和減損資產的特性分成子樣本;或在事件研究法中傳統的市場模型當中加入利率因素或產業因素兩個控制變數並區分成對金融業和非金融業加以分析——目的在於探討這些分類或因素是不是造成資產減損宣告對股價反應的原因。實證結果發現:一、不論是採用哪一種子樣本的分類方式,市場對資產減損宣告的反應都是負向的;二、和利率因素相比,產業因素比較能解釋資產減損宣告前後的股價反應,且對於金融業或非金融業結論皆然;三、30天期的股價反應顯示,投資人對於資產減損宣告有過度反應的現象,因為在產業分類之下股價在12天至18天左右有迴轉(reversal)的現象。 / The purpose of this paper is to answer two questions: 1. Does the market react positively or negatively to asset write-down announcements? Or, what is the impact of asset impairment on the firm value? 2. Do investors over-react or under-react to asset write-down announcements? Given the recent enforcement of SFAS No.35 about asset write-down, this study supplements the importance of that pronouncement by demonstrating the relation between write-downs and security prices. This study employs the event study methodology to examine the impact of SFAS No.35 on the stock performance of those listed firms (i.e., whose stocks are listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange) that apply the regulation. Partitions methods based on write-down asset and write-down firm characteristics are adopted. Moreover, two other control variables—industry factor or interest rate factor—are added to the traditional market model for the financial industry and non-financial industries to see if these factors can also explain the market reaction around write-down announcements. The result shows that the market reacts negatively to asset written-down announcement whatever the partition method is adopted. And the industry return is proved to be the better factor that can explain the market reaction than the interest rate factor. The near-term stock performance in the (-30, 30) period shows that investors tend to over-react to write-down announcements, for the stock price signals a reversal after the announcement date.


吳香瑩, Hsiang-Yin Wu Unknown Date (has links)
2003年7月,證期會核准14家國內券商可發行新台幣結構性債券(Structure Notes),預估每年千億元以上的投資額,使得結構性債券成為各券商紛紛搶攻的商機;結構性債券利用財務工程及金融創新,將保本和高獲利相結合,依景氣及投資人的需要設計,不但可擴大券商的業務範圍及增添獲利空間,又可使投資人或企業得到多樣化的投資及避險管道;在聯結標的方面,利率連結的結構性債券將成為主流;逆浮動利率債券所付的債息,顧名思義,當市場利率愈低,逆浮動利率債券的息票利率會愈高,其付息方式是發行者支付固定利率與貨幣市場指標利率的差額,譬如每年投資人可收到以8%的「固定利率扣掉指標利率」的利息,指標利率常見的有一年期的定存利率、LIBOR、或是商業本票利率等等。由於指標利率會受經濟環境因素而變動,當指標利率愈低時,投資者所能獲得的利息也就愈高,反之則愈低,因此單就其付息條件來說,不難看出為何在低利率的大環境下,逆浮動利率債券會如此受到投資者的青睞。 本文運用了以Libor利率修正後的Hull & White利率模型,評價逆浮動的結構性債券,對其封閉解及解析解評價出合理價格;並以兩個市場上已發行的兩個實例做應用,針對各條款計算出價格,最後提出避險工具及探討,以理論及實務的角色建議主管機關未來開放的方向。

隨機利率下的保單成本比較 / Insurance Policy Cost Comparison Under The Stochastic Interest Rates

李享宗, Lee,Hsiang Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以隨機利率模型應用至淨現值法、邊際年利率法、比較利率法及內部報酬率法等保單成本評價方法中,藉此觀察多期保單年度的價值變化,進而找出保單的報酬率、成本值或指數所呈現的趨勢,並考量在相同的情況下,比較各險種的成本或報酬優劣,最後希望消費者能在合理的隨機利率下更清楚了解保單成本的概念,並基於消費者對於合理的保單成本分析需求,能提供主管機關對於揭露保單成本的規範有更多的參考。 / 本研究發現各種保單在隨機利率變化的情況下,分紅終身壽險於各種成本分析方法中皆有良好的表現,不論是在考量淨成本結構的淨現值法,或是考量儲蓄性質、投資報酬為主的比較利率法以及各年度的邊際報酬利率等方法,整體而言分紅終身壽險對於消費者及保險公司應該是最優質的選擇。 / 再者以內部報酬率法應用隨機利率模型分析年金保險,可得知傳統遞延年金的報酬優於利率變動型年金。另外由於各種成本評價方法所著重的要素不同,想要了解保單完整全面性的評價,透過數個不同性質的保單成本分析方法計算較能呈現客觀且適切評價結果。 / This research is applied in the Stochastic Interest Model to the appraised method of insurance policy cost, such as Net Present Value Method, Marginal Yield Method, Comparative Interest Rate Method and Internal Rate of Return…etc., so as to observe the annual variation of value for different term of insurance policies, and then find out the rate of returns, cost value or trend appeared of index of the insurance policy, and consider it in the same cases to compare the good and bad from the cost or remuneration of every insurance. Hope consumers can finally clearer understand the concept of the insurance policy cost under the rational Stochastic Interest Rate, and on the basis of consumers’ demand for the rational insurance policy cost analysis can offer the competent authority more reference in revealing norms of the insurance policy cost. / In this research discovered that various insurance policies in changing of Stochastic Interest Rate, its Participating Whole-Life Insurance in varied cost analytical methods has good representation, no matter in considering the Net Present Value Method of the net cost structure, or considering Comparative Interest Rate Method of the main nature of deposits or main invest remuneration, and the annual marginal return interest rate…etc., the Participating Whole-Life Insurance should be generally the most high-quality choice to consumer and insurance company. / Moreover, according to the Internal Rate of Return, using the Stochastic Interest Model to analyze the annuity insurance can learn the remuneration of the Traditional Deferred Annuity is superior to the Interest Sensitive Annuity. In addition, as various cost appraised methods focused on different elements, if want to comprehension overall appraisal of insurance policy, then it can represent more objective and appropriate calculation through the analytical method of several different nature insurance policy cost.


游璧毓 Unknown Date (has links)
為配合投資者的需求結構型商品日新月異其條款越來越複雜,結構型商品大致可分三類:股權、利率、信用。本文針對利率連動式債券做說明,先以最簡單的商品入門,再引導讀者進入較複雜的條款—提前贖回條款,以瞭解評價過程。 本文採用Lognormal Forward-LIBOR model(LFM)利率模型,進行利率連動式債券進行相關的評價,由於可贖回的商品沒有封閉解,故利用數值方法來求得近似解,為了使誤差極小化,採用Lonstaff and Schwartz(2001)提出了最小平方蒙地卡羅法(Least-Square Monte Carlo),來處理具有可贖回特性的商品評價。 此外,避險參數的部分,為了讓讀者對避險參數可迅速反應,本文均假設利率、波動度整條曲線上下同幅平移。 關鍵字:利率連動債券、最小平方蒙地卡羅、可贖回

台灣中游石化業廠商獲利率之研究 / Determinants of firms' profitabilities in Taiwan's midstream petrochemical industries

薛雅玲 Unknown Date (has links)

從美國遞延個人年金商品探討年金準備金提存之相關研究 / Discussing the liability reserve of annuity from American Single Premium Deferred Annuity (SPDA)

張志宏, Chung,Chih Hung Unknown Date (has links)
躉繳遞延年金在美國已成最受歡迎的壽險商品,究其原因,實是該商品具 備庇護的茲息收益、特惠的稅賦措施、投資的安全性及多樣化的提款選擇 權等特色。在美國常見的年金商品選擇權,如:豁免條款、免費部份提款 、無部份提款之加給、市場價值調整、兩層利率年金、提前年金化、年金 化前之死亡給付等等,其用意是在保單累積期中給予保戶較自由資金運用 的權利,藉此吸引顧客並與銀行之儲蓄商品來競爭。在準備金提存方面, 其現金價值累積是與市場利率有密切關係,性質迴異於以往的壽險型年金 商品,一般壽險準備金方法無法運用於該類商品,故美國NAIC於19 76年提出監理官制年金準備金評價方法(CARVM),以作為該類商 品責任準備金之最低提存標準。未來國內年金發展方向應會朝向美國模式 ,以及早規劃適當的年金準備金方法。 Discussing the liability reserveof annuity from American Single Premium deferred Annuity(SPDA)

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